
“Hanoi Jane” Fonda to be honored??



As a young bride in 1970, I walked through the Denver airport with my injured husband, a veteran of the Vietnamese War as we headed for home after his release from the Marine Corps.   Dressed in his uniform, his head bandaged from a severe shrapnel wound, limping from numerous injuries to other parts of his body, various people spat on him, called him names and booed him as we passed through the terminal. 

My husband fought in that war, one started under the pretense of an attack that never happened against the US, by Lyndon Johnson.  Like our soldiers of today he believed he was fighting for his country, for freedom and was prepared to give his life in that war and very nearly did so.  And like our soldiers of today, had to come to the realization that he was simply a pawn for government and corporate interests. 

While I vehemently oppose the current wars, I would never under any circumstances oppose, denigrate or diminish those who have and who do serve.  I would have enough sense to remember they fought for us. 

I also remember Hanoi Jane.  I remember the rage at this woman’s betrayal of our soldiers who suffered at the hands of the North Vietnamese because of her betrayal.  And Obama wants to honor her?  For what?  Marti


Barbara Walters & Comments on Jane Fonda

She can lead her present life the way she wants and perhaps SHE can
forget the past, but we DO NOT have to stand by without comment to see
that she is “honored” as a “Woman of the Century”.

Never Forgive A Traitor

Jane Fonda is being honored as one of the ‘100 Women of the Century’.




FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                            

Contact: Joshua Hart, StopSmartMeters.Org


Thursday, Sept. 15th 2011                                                          info@stopsmartmeters.org

Santa Cruz Resident Assaulted by “Smart” Meter Installers Wednesday Morning 

San Francisco- Yesterday, as part of an “opt out” judicial proceeding at the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) the public had a chance to pose tough questions to a panel of utility and “smart” meter supplier executives, who responded at times by giving false information, vague, tight lipped reassurances, often refusing to answer relevant questions about the power of wireless radiation being emitted by the meters. The judge refused to allow expert medical testimony or public comment on the record or any questions regarding widespread health effects of the pulsing meters. 

This morning, Stop Smart Meters! received disturbing reports of an alleged assault by a Wellington Energy Installer on an electrosensitive resident who had demanded the installer halt work installing smart meters on the side of his apartment.   The full account can be read here: http://stopsmartmeters.org/2011/09/15/santa-cruz-man-assaulted-by-wellington-worker-camera-broken/

Outside at lunch, a boisterous crowd chanted “Pull the Plug,” demanding that the entire wireless “smart” meter mesh network be scrapped, and insisting that any charges to “opt out” of the health damaging “smart” meter program would be akin to charging disabled people to access a wheelchair ramp. More

Smart Grid: What’s the big deal?


 John Boering    Copyright 2011  All Rights Reserved.


A upi.com article  stated that Security experts cited by http://www.itbusinessedge.com in a 2009 report cautioned that Smart Grid systems “automated meters could be hacked by someone with $500 worth of equipment and training in electronics and software engineering.  The attacker could potentially take control of millions of meters and shut them off simultaneously or disrupt the load balance and cause a blackout.”

The article “Smart Grid: How Safe Are You?” reported that “In an April 26, 2011 Center for a New American Security (CNAS) www.cnas.org blog posting, Christine Parthemore, a Fellow at CNAS, wrote“For years, DOD-focused discussion could be characterized as many heads of hair on fire. We saw tons of arm-waving, sky-is-falling near-hysteria within different parts of the Department of Defense on the cyber vulnerabilities of smart grid technology…”

“Many burning questions remain, and seem to be even more urgent after our off-the-record, this-meeting-never-happened meeting on smart grid cyber security…

there is so little clarity to the nature and scale of the problem that solutions are bound to be incredibly ineffective while wasting massive stacks of cash.”

So why would Private Military Contractors promote Smart Grid?

SAIC (Science Applications International Corporation) More

Long-Term Lessons for the Tea Party


W.R. McAfee Sr.  (c)copyright 2011


Look no further than Ross Perot’s Independent Run for the Presidency

Ross Perot’s 1992 independent run for the presidency holds major lessons for the Tea Party in the 2012 elections. 

Perot, a billionaire, had the means to fund his first race for president and did, spending some $66 million. He chose Dallas as his independent party’s headquarters, and called for volunteers. Democrats, republicans, libertarians, independent-voters of all stripes-answered the call to help him organize and provide the labor needed to set his campaign in motion against Bill Clinton and George H.W.Bush, Sr. 

Perot, it would appear,  was initially asked by the elite to get in the race to bleed conservative votes away from Bush. They had vetted Bill Clinton to be the next president, but felt he might not have enough voter strength to beat Bush outright and knew he needed help; voters, generally, then still being the one uncontrollable on Election Day. 

On February 20, 1992, Perot appeared on CNN’s Larry King Live show and announced his intention to run as an independent if his supporters could get his name on the ballot in all fifty states. Which they did; helping him establish his campaign organization and slogan, “United We Stand America.” 

As the campaign got underway, Perot got out of the gate fast with good, on-air infomercials (some as long as 30 minutes) about what was wrong with Washington, what needed to be fixed, why it needed to be fixed, and how he would fix it. 

Suddenly, he led the voter polls with 39% versus 31% for Bush and 25% for Clinton.  More