
Corruption of the judiciary: Where do we go for help?


Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

I have been asked once again to repost this article I originally wrote in 2011. Here we are ten years later and nothing has changed except for the fact that the corruption is so rampant, so obvious that as a country we are foundering on the edge of collapse due in large part to nothing more than the judicial system itself is a publicly recognized criminal racket.


The routine exclusion of evidence, the statements by more than one judge to the effect that the law is what they say it is, and, that in their court they don’t want to hear about your rights, should have us all demanding an investigation.


Since posting my article on the current condition of our judicial system, I have received numerous emails and phone calls from individuals across the country.  Based on these continuing communications I have concluded that the average citizen is in far more danger stepping into a court room of any kind, than from any commonly recognized criminal activity on the street.  At least with a street criminal you stand a chance of defending yourself.

Many of the people who contacted me spoke of going so far as to meet with the FBI in the hopes of getting an investigation launched into the criminal conduct of not only judges, but also of state agency actors who, acting under the auspices of their offices repeatedly violated not only the law but the civil and lawful rights of individuals.  Many of these actors believe they are immune from prosecution due to the office they hold.  While the office itself may be immune, the individual occupying it can be held personally liable under a constitutional tort. This can be intentional or negligent.  These tort claims hold the official directly and personally responsible for their actions; which is exactly why “tort reform” is high on the agenda of things to get done, in the District of Criminals.  http://www.law.harvard.edu/students/orgs/crcl/vol38_2/park.pdf

In absolutely every case, without exception, of those who approached the FBI in their respective states, a stock answer was delivered to those hopeful for some kind of help from this agency.  That answer is:  More

TS Radio: Out of the Closet: Sharmian Worely & The Guardianship of her Mother

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    Author,  Chuck Frank

The idea of freedom has been one big part of the American Dream for as long as I can remember.  It is a word that has been embedded in our culture for over two centuries and it was the reason why so many immigrants have fled their own countries to the land of the free and the home of the brave.

 For the cause of freedom, American soldiers have fought abroad in many wars but also for the purpose of preserving unity, liberty, and individual rights for all.  Notice, I did not include justice because that word  is far too ambiguous.  What may be just to one person may not be just for another. 

The times they are a changing.

Now taking the freedom factor a bit further, the framers of the U.S. Constitution insured the people’s freedoms by drafting the Bill of Rights which were the first 10 amendments to the Constitution and these tenets were generally meant to protect the common people, but not from those enemies abroad as much as it was to protect the people from their own government.  China and numerous countries do not have this protection.  Yet, this truth will not be found in ones elementary school textbook nor will it be found in any books that are
assigned by a professor in a university. 

In case you didn’t understand the first time: Social Security is not an “entitlement” program


strip bannernew-logo25Marti Oakley

Reposted from 2011….and here we are again with another administration that will refuse to deal with the real issues with medicare and social security….the absolute fraud that is perpetrated by the medical, pharmaceuticals and elder services industries costing medicare 20-60 billion annually.
“One way or the other, the elderly in this country will be cleansed from society. In the meantime, every dime that can be squeezed and wrenched out of our existence for any reason whatsoever will continue. And MSM along with government hacks will continue to portray the elderly as receiving “entitlements”, “free rides at the expense of the country”.

Never once will they admit the problem isn’t with the elderly, it is with those who exploit the elderly.”


It is alarming to hear not only younger members of the country, but also some middle aged members, medical professionals and others, referring to Medicare as some kind of free, gravy train medical insurance that seniors don’t have to pay for. Are people really that ignorant of how this system works?

After paying into Social Security and Medicare for decades, those who receive medicare must also now pay a premium every month for this insurance. These premiums can range from a few hundred dollars a month, to several hundred. Married couples pay individual premiums which can amount to $700.00 per month or more, combined on average. These premiums are deducted from their Social Security checks; neither the government, nor taxpayers, pay this premium.

Then there is that handy-dandy “donut hole” where Medicare pays nothing. This was a huge gift to the insurance companies who whined about not getting a piece of the Medicare pie. From approximately the $2500.00 to $5000.00 costs of care, Medicare pays for nothing. Ta DA! We got your GAP insurance plan which will cost you another $200.00 per month at least. This will cover the costs incurred in the hole. Of course the insurance companies have no plans to make good on these GAP policies, so getting them to pay any percentage of anything is a monumental task.

Then there is the co-pay at your doctors office. Then the co-pay on medications. Then there are the costs of medications your insurance and Medicare don’t/won’t pay for. That comes right out of your pocket!

Now, to add insult to injury, an estimated 20 million illegal aliens will be given “free” healthcare and I have yet to hear the word “entitlement” attached to those benefits.


Dependence on foreign oil and other oil industry hoaxes and scams


Marti Oakley (c) copyright 2012


While we struggle as a nation to stay on our feet despite the mismanagement of our national debt and the number of people sliding into poverty as a result of fascism, one of the greatest scams of all times has unfolded right before our very eyes.  This scam only slightly more disgusting than the global warming/climate change/man-made climate change, or whatever the current and ever changing buzzword is this week to describe “weather” patterns.  Now we have “dependence on foreign oil”….Yep! That’s the one!

One of the greatest all-time scams perpetrated by the oil cartels and our government is the idea that we do not produce enough gas and oil products to make us energy independent.  The fact is, we do and we always have.

According to various reports, the export of fuel in 2011 from U.S. refiners topped the markets at 117 million gallons per day of gasoline, diesel, jet fuel and other petroleum products, up from 40 million gallons per day a decade earlier.  For the first time in our history gas and oil EXPORTS were the top of the export list although they have been in the top ten exports for years!

Wait a minute!  I thought we needed to drill more!  I thought we didn’t have enough gas and oil produced domestically for us to be independent from foreign oil imports!  But we got 117 million gallons of refined fuels to ship out to other countries every single day of the week?  365 days a year?  More

The Great Global Money Siphoning Machine


By W. R. McAfee, Sr.

Copyright © by W.R. McAfee.  All rights reserved.



People who’ve paid attention to financial events of late are seeing the financial curtain rising on the final act of the greatest theft the world has ever known. It began when:

  • (1)America’s treasury vaults were emptied by Wall Street’s thieves and their politically-appointed government confederates, and
  • (2) the subsequent start-up of the fed’s money presses to the tune of—What? $20, $25 trillion now that has gone onto the American taxpayer’s tab?

All this to pay for the deliberate financial devastation the bankers caused worldwide by insuring and selling worthless Wall-Street-stamped, genuine Triple AAA-rated derivatives/CDSs/mortgage bundles to the rest of the world; knowing the banks and funds that bought them would be stuck with these ‘moral hazard’ assets; thus placing themselves in vulnerable financial positions; ripe pickings for later takeovers, consolidation, closures.

Did I mention the companies that insured the bundles would also take a bath?

All of this might have been avoided if our elected puppets had not given up America’s Constitutional right to print our own money to English-backed bankers in 1913.  Our founders, knowing about the Rothschild banking operations in London—it’s estimated they now control an estimated two-thirds of the world’s money—had deliberately written into our Constitution that congress was the only body authorized to coin [read: print] and issue America’s money. More

The battle against Smart Meters continues…but don’t count on your public officials to help you


Marti Oakley  © 2012 All Rights Reserved


News is coming in across the country regarding the fight against smart meters. If ever there was an indicator that not only does our government not work for the people, but that they have absolutely no interest in what the general population thinks or wants the smart meter issue has got to top the list. 

After being exposed personally to the smart meter scam, I began calling senators and representatives not only here in my state, Minnesota, but in other states as well just to get their response. 

Without exception this is what I was told in every instance of contact in exactly this order:

  • I never heard of smart meters….what are they?
  • We haven’t had any other complaints about smart meters.
  • Smart meters are no worse than your cell phone. (false)
  • There is no credible evidence that says these meters are dangerous. (false)
  • This is a legal issue…hire an attorney.
  • We only make the laws so we don’t get into legal issues.
  • There is nothing we can do for you. Go back to your city council.

What are the chances? More

The USDA Agricultural survey: Voluntary not mandatory



Marti Oakley (c) copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved


The USDA is busy sending out its Agricultural Survey attempting to elicit from unwary property owners, information regarding any agricultural production or livestock or poultry (this can be virtually ANY crop, animal or bird) that you may own and goes on to ask how much monetary value is placed on produce or the sale of animal/poultry products.  The [survey] also mentions that any one who produces and sells more than $1,000 per year is asked to voluntarily supply this information to the government.  $1,000 a year is such a paltry amount and is significant in the fact that this amount is so low as to encompass virtually anything you might wish to grow and produce even for your own use.  It would be virtually impossible for the federal government to confiscate food sources in the event they decide they must, unless they know first hand where that source is located and how much of it is there. 

This is a voluntary survey and is not a [census].  Survey’s are voluntary, the census taken every ten years to do a head count of our population is not. 

In a cleverly worded promotion on the USDA website: More

TS Radio…Planning for the New Year

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Government to government plan to seize control of all foods


Marti Oakley  © 2011 All Rights Reserved


Shortly after “Dirty Harry” Reid passed the fake food safety bill in here in the US, with his one unanimous vote, C-36 passed two weeks later in Canada.  Both bills were an outright attack on individual rights and property rights as both governments claim they now have the authority to unilaterally decide who can grow, process and sell foods and under what conditions.  And, just as here in the US, those lawmakers responsible for this attack on liberty claimed they did so because that was what the public demanded and was begging for.  

Actually, in both countries just the opposite was true; the public was demanding that these bills not be passed. Dirty Harry claimed that more than 10,000 people had begged him to pass the bill while never mentioning that more than a million had objected. But in neither case was food safety and security the real intent of the legislation.  Both the US and Canada were handing agricultural production in all its forms, over to international organizations and multi-national corporations.

A sample of the unconstitutional restrictions included in bill C-36 include:

– abolishing protection from trespass, a court-ordered warrant, and the need for court-supervised search and seizure;

– on ONLY suspicion, health inspectors with the aid of police can invade any location in the country, seize and confiscate goods deemed unsafe (i.e. health supplements) and violate all constitutional rights of all parties involved

– it bypasses existing laws on privacy and confidentiality and explicitly exempts the Minister of  Health and government inspectors from any kind of third-party oversight and accountability;

**Note: In the US the Secretary of Health & Human Services and any of her delegates were given the same immunity, and US citizens were denied their right to access the courts for redress.

– the need to publish regulations governing the activities of the inspectors is abolished, too; More

New Zealand law mirrors US and Canada, fake food safety bills


Marti Oakley © copyright  2011 All Rights Reserved


It comes as no surprise that the fake food safety bill passed here in the US in what was clearly a staged event that required the complicity of the other 99 Senators who voluntarily vacated the US Senate chamber to allow  “Dirty Harry” to cast the only vote as “unanimous” is being mirrored, replicated and implemented in many other countries. Canada passed its C-36 bill shortly after “Dirty Harry” completed his task here in the US, and now it appears New Zealand food rights are on the chopping block too.

What are the chances that New Zealand Retailers Association would come up with what appears to be a line of propaganda nearly identical to the crap foisted on the American public as their rights to produce and consume foods of their choice were attacked relentlessly by Big AG and the bio-pirates along with other corporate interests who stand to profit immensely at the expense of the public? These are the same interested party’s and stakeholders who rammed C-36 through Canada’s parliament.

And here we see the same limp arguments coming out of New Zealand, promoted by yet another retailers association intent on convincing New Zealanders that their food supply and production, needs “modernization”. Modernization with regards to food can be easily defined as centralization of food production and supply to provide market monopolies to multi-national corporations.  The greatest threat to food supply chains around the world is industrialized food which provides neither safe food, nor nutritious food.   Progress on the food bill: More

“Newty and The Donald”



John Boering (c)copyright 2011


So….I’m drinking my morning coffee and waiting for the cribbage games to start at my usual morning hangout and I’m watching some news channel that is trying to convince viewers that Gingrich is leading the GOP charge for the White house and I’m thinking to myself….. this is a set up. 

With most of the Republican party appalled at the thought of Gingrich as a candidate, and now with the addition of Donald Trump as his side kick, no one can take this seriously.  I’m also thinking we could turn this into a reality show series.  Forget Jersey Shore…..we got “Newty and The Donald” buffoon show.  More

The fix is in: Republicans make sure Obama serves second term


John Boering /PPJ contributor  November 19, 2011


I have concluded that we may as well dispense with the coming media circus surrounding the 2012 presidential election.  Think of it: no phony “debates”, no stage shows, no mud slinging ads, no having to hear the same lame lies and statements as one candidate after another tries to convince us that he/she will reverse the terrible destructive course the US  is on.  We don’t need to subject ourselves to any of it; the fix is in and Obama wins hands down, no competition……or at least none that the Republican party will acknowledge.  Why upset the status quo?

How do I know this?

The Republican party could easily sweep the elections and retake the White House simply by running Ron Paul (R) TX.  Poll after poll shows Paul garnering  25% with GOP voters and as much as 70% or more with the public  from BOTH sides of the political spectrum. 

During the GOP debate, CBS twice removed a candidate poll because the support for Ron Paul showed that he was far and away the leading choice for Republican voters and that was not supposed to happen!

So why wouldn’t the Republican party run what is clearly a winning candidate?  Hmmmmm.  Because Ron Paul would put an end to much of the power Republicans and Democrats enjoy as a result of their own self-pandering, power grabbing and unconstitutional activity. 

 Instead they are offering the sorriest collection of non-starters most likely ever assembled for a presidential race and are actively blacking out and refusing to acknowledge the popularity of Paul with the voters and what would be a sure-fire land-slide election. More

Total surveillance: SMART grid, SMART homes, SMART healthcare and a camera on every corner


Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

While many of us wondered why the Federal government and numerous federal corporations operating in fraud, portraying themselves as “public service”, were so insistent on dispensing with anything other than all digital, all the time, we have enough experience to know that the Federal government while possessing the capability to actually do something to benefit the public at large, rarely ever does.  Good ideas quickly go bad as the policies, laws and regulations quickly convert to privileged deals, fictionally created science to facilitate global warming scams, economy killing agreements and special considerations for those extra-special campaign donors called, corporations, which the Supreme Court appears to be courting also. 

Because of long term planning and the stealth implementation of various aspects of most everything the Federal government engages in when attempting to invade privacy, violate civil rights or just plain trash the Constitution, the all digital system was sold to the American public as the best, most wonderful service possible for communications.  Of course it required that analog services be rendered virtually inoperable and it made each of us vulnerable to ongoing and incessant surveillance of various kinds. 

SMART Grid and SMART Healthcare (grid) More

Trade Agreements: CRAPitalism at its best!


 Marti Oakley (c) copyright 2011 All Rights reserved


In my humble opinion:

The ramming through Congress of three more economy busting trade agreements on Wednesday October 12th, 2011 should have the citizens of every state demanding their respective Senators and Representatives who voted to push these corporate agreements through, return home to face ejection from office and possible prosecution.  These agreements will cost the US hundreds of thousands more much needed jobs and further reduce our wage base and standard of living.  I have concluded that Congress knew exactly what they were doing, what the long term repercussions would be, then voted against our best interests.  At the very least this is malfeasance of office.  

Let’s Defund Congress More

How to Make Your City Council Accountable for Adding Fluoride to Water



 Frank Veracity/PPJ Contributor
October 2, 2011

This excellent video explains how you can put your City council on the hook for liability for allowing fluoride into the water supply.  You may demand that they put a warning on customer water bills.

 The experts in this video suggest the following strategy:

Instead of collecting a large amounts of signatures on a petition, they advocate educating City Council members directly on the dangers of fluoride.  Mosaic, a fluoride manufacturer, recently printed a warning on their Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) that provides evidence that fluoride is harmful.  Mosaic’s Material Safety Data Sheet may be used as evidence to give to any City Council across the country.  Here is Mosaic’s warning (on page 2):

Prolonged or repeated overexposure to fluoride compounds may cause fluorosis.  Fluorosis is characterized by skeletal changes, consisting of osteosclerosis (hardening or abnormal density of bone) and osteomalacia (softening of bones) and by mottled discoloration of the enamel of teeth (if exposure occurs during enamel formation). Symptoms may include bone and joint pain and limited range of motion. Conditions aggravated by exposure may include skin and respiratory (asthma-like) disorders.”  More

An Oathkeeper’s question: Are you with me?


by John Wallace
America was founded by people who came to this land in search of Liberty and opportunity. When an oppressive government began to restrict their Liberty in the 1770s, they hardened their resolve, took an oath to stand together and risked everything for the cause of Liberty. They ultimately won their independence and succeeded in breaking the chains and shackles of servitude to the King of England. 
Those brave men and women understood that our rights come from our Creator, not from any government, and that our rights are UNALIENABLE – and cannot be taken away or diminished in any way by any government.
That’s why the constitution was written very carefully by the Founders who established a Republic to protect our UNALIENABLE RIGHTS. 
The United States Constitution doesn’t contain thousands of pages of meaningless legal jargon, like most of the federal legislation written today, but rather it was written so that every American could easily understand it.  It clearly limits the power of the federal government by only giving it very specific, enumerated powers.  All other powers are reserved to the States and to the People. 
Over the last 100 years or so, under both Republican and Democratic administrations, our federal government has gradually increased its powers beyond its Constitutional limitations, while our individual freedoms are gradually being lost to this ever growing and more intrusive government. More

Forced Vaccinations and Would-Be Presidents

1 Comment


Copyright © 2011 by W.R. McAfee, Sr.  All rights reserved.


Much ado about the “legalization” of forced vaccinations these days. 

Advice to Washington—don’t try them yet, regardless of how many “laws”Washington passes. 

Citizens don’t want them. 

A dashing and groomed and Bilderberg-vetted 2012 presidential candidate attempted to force gardasil on Texas ‘tween school girls after the other states told Merck to not even think about it.  He opined he was just trying to “. . .save them from a horrible cervical cancer. . .” (or words to that effect) when outed for the nation in the Republican presidential debates. Yes.  Of course. That’s why he decreed it for an Austin lobbyist cum Merck employee; a microcosm of Washington’s current, illegal attempts to force vaccinations onto the public; this after having their way with captive government employees.

They keep probing, though. Best place to keep up with the vaccination charades is the National Vaccine Information Center Did you know congress shielded the vaccine manufacturers (read: and the elite who own them and the World Health Organization, WHO) from lawsuits?  Why?  Because Big Pharma knew if they had to pay settlements for the injuries and permanent damages their vaccines inflict on people, either they or their insurance companies—or both—would go bankrupt. More

The Ruthie Report/ Illegal immigration news and information

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Join Ruthie Thursday evenings at 8:00 CST! More

Michigan continues to fight against SMART METERS



The fight against SMART METERS continues in Michigan. 


  • The Benevento and CATANIA RESOLUTION 
  • The Freiburger Appeal
    See also:
  • The World Health Organization – considers cell phones RF (almost the same as Smart Meters) as a class 2B carcenogenic!
  • The Letter of NO consent
  • The Governor, Rick Snyder, response to Smart Meters.
    The whole premise of this fight is the corporate agenda, to profit at your expense, against your own consent and and without any regard to your safety, health or well being.
    This is a direct assault on our home and invasion of our Fourth Amendment rights.
    To simply say that Smart Meters are completely safe is an outrageous lie!
    For further information visit  http://www.w4ar.com/Smart-Meters.html
    Seek the facts!
    Seek the Truth!
    Hold Them ALL accountable!
    Your freedom and your lives depend on this!
    John Holeton  W4AR


Freiburger Appeal.pdf

Smart Meter refusal Letter.pdf 

Governor’s response to Smart Meters.pdf
WHO admits cancer link iarc.pdf
249K   View   Download



FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                            

Contact: Joshua Hart, StopSmartMeters.Org


Thursday, Sept. 15th 2011                                                          info@stopsmartmeters.org

Santa Cruz Resident Assaulted by “Smart” Meter Installers Wednesday Morning 

San Francisco- Yesterday, as part of an “opt out” judicial proceeding at the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) the public had a chance to pose tough questions to a panel of utility and “smart” meter supplier executives, who responded at times by giving false information, vague, tight lipped reassurances, often refusing to answer relevant questions about the power of wireless radiation being emitted by the meters. The judge refused to allow expert medical testimony or public comment on the record or any questions regarding widespread health effects of the pulsing meters. 

This morning, Stop Smart Meters! received disturbing reports of an alleged assault by a Wellington Energy Installer on an electrosensitive resident who had demanded the installer halt work installing smart meters on the side of his apartment.   The full account can be read here: http://stopsmartmeters.org/2011/09/15/santa-cruz-man-assaulted-by-wellington-worker-camera-broken/

Outside at lunch, a boisterous crowd chanted “Pull the Plug,” demanding that the entire wireless “smart” meter mesh network be scrapped, and insisting that any charges to “opt out” of the health damaging “smart” meter program would be akin to charging disabled people to access a wheelchair ramp. More

Smart Grid: What’s the big deal?


 John Boering    Copyright 2011  All Rights Reserved.


A upi.com article  stated that Security experts cited by http://www.itbusinessedge.com in a 2009 report cautioned that Smart Grid systems “automated meters could be hacked by someone with $500 worth of equipment and training in electronics and software engineering.  The attacker could potentially take control of millions of meters and shut them off simultaneously or disrupt the load balance and cause a blackout.”

The article “Smart Grid: How Safe Are You?” reported that “In an April 26, 2011 Center for a New American Security (CNAS) www.cnas.org blog posting, Christine Parthemore, a Fellow at CNAS, wrote“For years, DOD-focused discussion could be characterized as many heads of hair on fire. We saw tons of arm-waving, sky-is-falling near-hysteria within different parts of the Department of Defense on the cyber vulnerabilities of smart grid technology…”

“Many burning questions remain, and seem to be even more urgent after our off-the-record, this-meeting-never-happened meeting on smart grid cyber security…

there is so little clarity to the nature and scale of the problem that solutions are bound to be incredibly ineffective while wasting massive stacks of cash.”

So why would Private Military Contractors promote Smart Grid?

SAIC (Science Applications International Corporation) More

Long-Term Lessons for the Tea Party


W.R. McAfee Sr.  (c)copyright 2011


Look no further than Ross Perot’s Independent Run for the Presidency

Ross Perot’s 1992 independent run for the presidency holds major lessons for the Tea Party in the 2012 elections. 

Perot, a billionaire, had the means to fund his first race for president and did, spending some $66 million. He chose Dallas as his independent party’s headquarters, and called for volunteers. Democrats, republicans, libertarians, independent-voters of all stripes-answered the call to help him organize and provide the labor needed to set his campaign in motion against Bill Clinton and George H.W.Bush, Sr. 

Perot, it would appear,  was initially asked by the elite to get in the race to bleed conservative votes away from Bush. They had vetted Bill Clinton to be the next president, but felt he might not have enough voter strength to beat Bush outright and knew he needed help; voters, generally, then still being the one uncontrollable on Election Day. 

On February 20, 1992, Perot appeared on CNN’s Larry King Live show and announced his intention to run as an independent if his supporters could get his name on the ballot in all fifty states. Which they did; helping him establish his campaign organization and slogan, “United We Stand America.” 

As the campaign got underway, Perot got out of the gate fast with good, on-air infomercials (some as long as 30 minutes) about what was wrong with Washington, what needed to be fixed, why it needed to be fixed, and how he would fix it. 

Suddenly, he led the voter polls with 39% versus 31% for Bush and 25% for Clinton.  More

Dam Liars, Crooks and Killers



By Cassandra Anderson
September 9, 2011

Agenda 21 is the action plan to implement the UN Sustainable Development for total control and depopulation.  The Wildlands Project is the blueprint to scrape humans off of 50% of America’s landscape through “rewilding”.  Beneficial dams are being destroyed in the name or rewilding or restoration, using phony environmentalism to achieve these UN goals:

  • Human geography: herding humans into areas of water availability, as it   is essential for life
  • Depopulation: when water is cut off from farmers, this affects the food   supply
  • Water rights: massive water rights re-allocation hangs in the balance (the Colorado River may be up for grabs)
  • Hydro power dam destruction: collapse of energy infrastructure to return to a primitive existence
  • Private property: land use & value are drastically changed when property is turned into a swamp or desert
  • Federal control: centralized control over resources follows UN policy
  • Smart Grid: overwhelming and centralized control that is inefficient and open to sabotage

For details on the direct links between Agenda 21 and dam demolition, watch Dr. Michael Coffman’s excellent video here. More

Confronting 9/11’s Inconvenient Truths


Copyright © by W. R. McAfee, Sr. All rights reserved.


Dr. David Ray Griffin, a world-recognized expert and investigative writer on 9/11, and author of some 10 books on the subject, has been a professor of philosophy of religion and theology at the Claremont School of Theology in California for over 30 years. He is co-director of the Center for Process Studies there, and has authored or edited more than 20 books.

To have any understanding, or to take part in any meaningful discussion about 9/11, knowledge of Dr. Griffin’s foot-noted findings surrounding the event is a prerequisite. The elite have tried and failed twice to debunk his findings. Griffin answered with an in-depth, foot-noted book—Debunking 9/11 Debunking .

This week,  the world’s MSM propaganda outlets drone on with the “official” 9/11 anniversary mantra that will culminate with PBS and network “specials,” and general “where were you . . .” features from the nation’s print and other communications outlets.

None are worthy of the time it takes to read or watch them.

Ironically, the perpetrators of this event are following one of China’s ancient 36 Stratagems of War—the plain lie. This stratagem involves making somebody believe there’s something when, in fact, there is nothing. One method of using this stratagem is to create an illusion of something’s existence, while it does not exist.  Another method is to create an illusion that something does not exist, while it does. Goebbels and Hitler successfully used this stratagem on their public during WWII.

The Internet successfully countered this stratagem during the 21st Century.  Millions with access know about the lie surrounding the event.

For those who have had neither the opportunity nor time to read Dr. Griffin’s account of 9/11,  here’s a concise, accurate, online overview (and fairly quick read)  of Dr. Griffin’s findings surrounding one aspect of the event: The Destruction of the World Trade Center:  Why the Official Account Cannot Be True  This piece by Dr  Griffin documents the findings and statements of architects, engineers, demolition experts, firefighters (whose oral statements about the event were suppressed for three years until Freedom of Information Act requests forced their release), and other survivors. 

Dr. Griffin’s evidence is irrefutable.  His writing is footnoted for readers to cross-check the facts for themselves.

If you have time for a couple of his books, I recommend 9/11 Contradictions:  An Open Letter to Congress and the Press  , The New Pearl Harbor  and its recently updated companion book,  The New Pearl Harbor Revisited   All are excellent summations.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts recently wrote a brief and excellent summary about 9/11 for Global Research entitled “9/11 After a Decade: Have We Learned Anything?”

 It’s also worth the read.

All things destructive pertaining to America’s Constitution, rights, and laws—including attempts to do away with habeas corpus and posse comitatus—flow today from the heinous, despicable, murderous event and cover-up known as 9/11.

It is a cancer that must be ripped from America’s body politic and its perpetrators punished if this nation is ever to be the same.

The Hospital Gestapo: You May Never See Home Again



Angela V. Woodhull, Ph.D./licensed private investigator



$ Predatory Guardians $

American hospitals have devised a scheme to guarantee they never get stuck with an unpaid bill.  It’s called guardianship. 

     Thinking of checking into a hospital?  Think again.  You may never see home again.

  • Michael Kidd, 72, of Richardson, Texas, fell in his yard and broke a hip.  Now, he is living in Countryside Nursing Home with his wife.  Both were removed from their home when the state of Texas petitioned the courts claiming that the Kidds were mentally incompetent.  Their house sits vacant and neglected, with rotting food still remaining in the refrigerator.  The Kidds have been confined to a single room in the nursing home, while the state appointed guardian burns through their money an gives them a mere $60 a month spending allowance which they have been using to buy “real” food.

  • Robert Milton (not his real name) was taken to the hospital because he fell “one time too many” at his home, and although his stepson had been given power of attorney to make all of his health care decisions, a court-appointed corporate guardian placed Milton against his will in a nursing home where he is now isolated from his family and friends.  Meanwhile, his money is being spent as quickly as possible by the Orlando-based guardian and her attorneys. 

How It Commences

Joseph Niedesky (not his real name) was air lifted to a hospital in Orlando from Ocalaby helicopter after he was the victim of a motorcycle crash.  But something went terribly wrong during Niedesky’s surgery and he aspirated on his own vomit, causing some brain injury.  That’s when a corporate guardian was contacted by the hospital and appointed by the court as Niedesky’s full plenary, permanent guardian.

What Happens Next More

BLM Again Targeting Herd Filmed by Ginger Kathrens of The Cloud Foundation


Debbie Coffey   Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved.


Mr. James M. Sparks, Field Manager

BLM Billings Field Office

5501 Southgate Drive

Billings, MT  59101 

Dear Mr. Sparks:

            My comments regarding your scoping notice for capturing and removal of wild horses in the Pryor Mountains are: 

1)       In your “DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT” you base your reasoning for the need to remove the wild horses on “preventing deterioration of the range” while “maintaining a  thriving ecological balance.”  I will now notify you of reasons why I believe this “justification” is perpetrating fraud on the American public. 

In reviewing the 40 pages of APDs (Applications for Permits to Drill) for oil and gas since 2003, I see that many of them were approved.  Although this document is from the Miles Field Office in Montana, it included APDs within boundaries of the Billings, MT, BLM Field Office.

These permits were probably given a Finding Of No Significant Impact by BLM Field Office Managers, even though each well probably uses a couple of thousand gallons of water per day for exploratory drilling (much more than the horses drink, and much more terrain is disturbed by construction of the oil well pads and additional roads, etc., than could ever be attributed to some horse hooves).

It seems that when these APDs are granted, the BLM’s scope is myopic in that the BLM doesn’t seem to foresee, or care to mention, that if these any of these wells start to really produce, there will be a huge INCREASE in public land disturbance and INCREASED USE of water.

There are also many more APDs pending. Will I be reading any BLM Environmental Assessments about preventing or removing oil and gas production with reasoning that there’s a need for “preventing deterioration of the range” or “maintaining a thriving ecological balance” or any concern about the “watershed condition?” In looking at the oil and gas lease sales for Billings, MT Field Office, I see that thousands of acres of public lands are going to oil and gas lease sales each quarter.  I’m not going to take the time to add up the total amount of acreage now, but I will when I make a public comment on any upcoming EA by your field office.  If anything, this is OUT OF ECOLOGICAL BALANCE, and giving an unfair amount of “multiple use” to one use (oil and gas) over another use (wild horses)

2)       In your “RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING PLANS and DOCUMENTS” you mention that your objective is “to manage for a balance,” and you also mention the “watershed condition.”  

Since you brought up water, in looking at some other projects in your district, I see that you gave a Finding of No Significant Impact” to the Bull Mountains Mine #1, a coal lease, saying this “will not significantly affect the quality of the human environment, individually or cumulatively with other actions in the general area. No environmental effects meet the definition of significance in context or intensity as defined in 40 CFR 1508.27…”   

Really?  How did you come to this conclusion after it was noted that Madison Formation wells provide water used for the underground mine equipment and the coal

preparation plant and use is approximately 500 gallons per minute?  That’s about 720,000 gallons of water PER DAY.   This is a LOT of water taken from the aquifer.

Have you added all of the additional water used by all the oil and gas leases?  If a reasonable person compared the above usage to the 15-20 gallons of water a day a wild horse drinks, they would come to the conclusion that I have:  If there is not enough water (or forage because of the lack of water) for our wild horses, it is ONLY because the BLM has mismanaged land and water use.   

Aquifers are not confined by Field Office or county boundaries.  The USGA has said of aquifers in your region “Most of the aquifers in Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming are parts of five large regional aquifer systems. An aquifer system consists of two or more aquifers that function similarly. The aquifers can be hydraulically connected so that a change in hydrologic conditions in one of the aquifers will affect the other aquifers or separated but with common geologic and hydrologic characteristics. Much of the freshwater that is withdrawn in Segment 8 is obtained from the regional aquifer systems, some of which extend far beyond the boundaries of the segment.”  The BLM might as well just be honest and say “We’re getting rid of the wild horses come hell or high water to replace them with other ‘multiple uses’ that make more money.”  It’s obvious to the public that this is what the BLM is doing.


About those wild horses: Another “Bored” Meeting?


Debbie Coffey    Copyright 2011   All Rights Reserved.



After reading the Federal Register notice (Sept. 6, 2011) announcing the next Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board Meeting in Arlington, VA, Oct. 13-14, 2011, it seems that the “Public Comment Procedures” as written here may be in violation of your First Amendment right to free speech.

The notice states that “Speakers must submit a written copy of their statement to the address listed in the ADDRESSES section above, or bring a written copy to the meeting.” 

Why “must” you do this?  It’s a public meeting and you don’t have to submit anything to have the right to speak at a public meeting.  You can just tell them your name and tell them you want to speak.  Period.  The meeting will probably be recorded and the BLM could use the recording for transcription purposes, and any requested written comments should be voluntary.  That is not what is stated in the Federal Register.  Also, requiring that speakers submit a written copy of their statements could discourage some people (who don’t like to write) from speaking.  

You also don’t have to “address the specific wild horse and burro related topics on the agenda.”  This is a violation of your First Amendment right to free speech.  You can talk about anything you want to talk about.  If you want to get up and read “Little Bo Peep” for 3 minutes (or whatever time limit they set), you have the First Amendment right to do that.  If the BLM only wants you to talk about topics on the agenda, and then controls the agenda, they could then possibly control the content of public comments, which might then be against your right to free speech.

The notice also states “The BLM considers comments that are either supported by quantitative information or studies or those that include citations to and analysis of applicable laws and regulations to be most useful and likely to influence BLM’s decisions on the management and protection of wild horses and burros.” 

Why do we have to include “quantitative information or studies” with a comment or opinion for it to be most likely to influence” the BLM? More

The Ruthie Report with Everet Evertsen of Midwest Minutemen

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Join Ruthie at 8:00 CST Thursday evenings! More

SMART GRID: How Secure Will You Be?



John Boering    All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2011


Congress funded and implemented Smart Grid, knowing that it had major security issues.  And it still does.  Was our old system more secure?  If the Smart Grid is supposed to make us more secure, then why are we sharing our technology with everybody and their brother around the world?

In an April 26, 2011 Center for a New American Security (CNAS) www.cnas.org blog posting, Christine Parthemore, a Fellow at CNAS, wrote:

“For years, DOD-focused discussion could be characterized as many heads of hair on fire. We saw tons of arm-waving, sky-is-falling near-hysteria within different parts of the Department of Defense on the cyber vulnerabilities of smart grid technology…”

“Many burning questions remain, and seem to be even more urgent after our off-the-record, this-meeting-never-happened meeting on smart grid cyber security…

there is so little clarity to the nature and scale of the problem that solutions are bound to be incredibly ineffective while wasting massive stacks of cash.”

Sept. 2007 GAO Report Warned Congress

GAO Report GAO-07-1036 pdf. to Congress warned that:

“The smart grid vision and its increased reliance on IT systems and networks expose the electric grid to potential and known cybersecurity vulnerabilities… As we and others have previously reported, these potential vulnerabilities include: More

Social Security: The efforts to demonize this invested insurance


Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved


It appears that some of our so-called grassroots advocates have jumped ship and now routinely parrot government talking points, helping to drive public opinion away from actual facts and towards what the government is desperate to have the public believe. This is quite evident in the recent article put out J.D. Heyes of Natural News regarding the condition of Social Security and Social Security Disability. Big government gone wild: Social Security on the verge of insolvency

Its hard to know where to start in highlighting the evident misrepresentation of the condition of Social Security (& disability) that occurs in this article. More

You Can Now See Our Wild Horses In Long Term Holding!


Debbie Coffey  Copyright 2011  All Rights Reserved.


Photo by Kurt Golgart

Ree Drummond, who writes the popular “The Pioneer Woman” blog, is married to Ladd Drummond (whom she calls “Marlboro Man”), one of the partners of Drummond Land and Cattle, which has a BLM contract for Long Term Holding pastures for our wild horses.

While watching the Food Network the other night, I saw an ad for a new show called “The Pioneer Woman,” starring Ree Drummond (premiering Aug. 27th).  Ree is a blogger/photographer/cookbook author who blogs about her life on the ranch inOklahoma.

Last year (Nov. 9, 2010) the BLM had a tour of the Drummond long term holding pasture, but only allowed credentialed media.

About those roundups

Terry Fitch, a photographer for Horseback Magazine who has been to the BLM roundups of our wild horses, went on this BLM tour and wrote:

“The Drummond family (according to The Land Report) owns approximately 120,000 acres which, according to Debbie Collins of the BLM, 24,292 of those acres are dedicated to the approximately 3400 wild horses living out their lives on this land.

If I didn’t know the first thing about wild horses, I would say that this is a paradise for the horses; however, I do know a little something about wild horses.  

All in all, it’s the perfect place for domestic horses, not wild horses that are ripped from their family bands, separated by gender, and living their days out.”  More

TS Radio: Guardianship Abuse with guests Ken & Bev Cooper


Join us Sunday evening at 5:00 CST! More

10 Reasons Why Rick Perry and Michelle Bachmann Suck


Frank Veracity/PPJ Contributor

                                Who do these people work for??

(Author’s note: I am aware that this is an incomplete list, but I had to narrow it down to 10 points-please add to the list in the comments section)

Rick Perry:

• Perry mandated compulsory Gardasil vaccines for 6th grade girls, which was overturned by the state legislature (2007).

• As the Agriculture Commissioner of Texas, Perry ushered genetically engineered (GE) crops into the state. He used dirty tricks to defeat the former Commissioner, Jim Hightower, who instituted the organic farmers certification program and would have required GE food labeling.

• He is a supporter of the Texas Trans Corridor, the Agenda 21 NAFTA superhighway from Mexico to Canada designed to erase borders and sovereignty.

• Public buildings, schools, nursing homes, ports, mass transit, etc can be auctioned off for sweetheart private corporate leases under Perry’s regime. Reminds me of the successful austerity program in Greece.

• Perry supports illegal immigration and entitlements for illegal aliens.


Michelle Bachmann: More

SMART METERS: No Federal Mandate


Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2011-18 All Rights Reserved


This Standard would also allow utilities to recover from ratepayers any capital, operating expenditures, or other costs of the smart grid investment, including a reasonable rate-of-return. “


THERE IS NO FEDERAL SECURITY MANDATE FOR SMART METERS, according to George W. Arnold the national coordinator for smart-grid interoperability at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. This agency of the U.S.  Department of Commerce is said not to be involved in regulations but is only tasked with promoting standards among industries.

While both the 2005 and 2007 faux energy bills were codified into public laws, NO part of them creates a federal law pertaining to individual consumers or dictating that the public must be forced to comply with provisions of SMART Grid.

Contrary to the bleating of manufacturers and utility talking heads,  who claim there is no “opt out”, the fact is you, the consumer must be offered the meter, or request a meter and “OPT IN”.  No one can be forced to comply with an unrevealed contract between private corporations, and to which you were never a party and had no knowledge of.

Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 :

An Energy Tax Package was under development in Congress for several years prior to 2008. In September 2008, the package was finally enacted into law via its inclusion in the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. This tax package shifted tax liabilities from corporations who were already posting massive record profits, onto the public.

Section 1307 State Consideration of Smart Grid 

Energy 2007, Page 6 :  This Section amends PURPA to create two additional PURPA Standards. (Note: Two new PURPA Standards are also created in Section 532.)

These standards are in the form of requirements on parties such as utilities to undertake certain actions. The standards are not directly prescriptive on these parties, however; it is up to state utility regulatory commissions, or the bodies that govern other types of utilities, to decide that the standards should be actually adopted by utilities subject to their jurisdiction.

The only direct mandate with PURPA standards is for the state or other jurisdictional body TO CONSIDER whether the new Standard should be implemented and to demonstrate that it has undertaken such consideration.  More

Breaking The Silver Manipulation Barrier

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Brandon Smith

In 2011, so far gold has been the champion investment above and beyond any contender, including stocks and equities. At the announcement of the S&P downgrade of America’s credit rating, only gold showcased immunity. In fact, gold has thrived (as we predicted) in the face of any potential economic threat, from deflation in stocks, to inflation of fiat currencies. Some may wonder, though, where silver has been while its big brother is flexing its investment muscle? While traditionally, silver tends to follow market surges in gold, the past eight months have been rather confusing for the cheaper metal. Admittedly, silver has performed far beyond the predictions of slow witted mainstream skeptics, but it still has not come anywhere near its true potential, especially in light of gold’s incredible strides. Many may be wondering how it was possible for gold to stampede into the $1800 an ounce range after the downgrade while silver stayed completely static at around $40 an ounce. The behavior of commodities markets has been, indeed, very strange… More



 “Olde Reb”/ PPJ contributor


Last year $8.4 trillion was handled by the FRBNY from the auctions.. There is NO information available as to how it was dispersed.”


The headlines screamed that we needed to increase the National Debt to prevent an economic collapse.  Wait a minute. Is that the whole story?

Much is said of how the increase of the National Debt ceiling is inflationary, and it surely is. But the gain by the United States government is only temporary.  The real profit goes to the Federal Reserve and Wall Street but that profit is hidden from Congress and the public.

There are two conceivable ways the National Debt can be financed.  The manner projected in the mass media and by government is that the government borrows from the public. If this was the entirety of borrowing, there would be no inflation. The Fed could handle the transactions as a broker and receive commissions.  The money transfer is the same as the payment of taxes but the government would promise to pay interest on the funds. Inflation by this method of financing is not possible. More

Obama Readies Citizen Spies For Action

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Brandon Smith

I think at this point it is fair to say that the name “Barack Obama” has become irrevocably synonymous with the phrase “Brownshirts”, and with very good reason. Riding the euphoric wave of a Prozac addled collectivist saturated puppy-love election season, the teleprompter dependent basketball playing android immediately launched several programs designed to centralize community organization using federal oversight. One of these initiatives, ‘The Universal Voluntary Public Service Program’, stood out as one of the most unabashedly fascist concepts to come out of any presidential administration since Franklin D. Roosevelt’s forced internment of innocent Japanese American’s. The idea of requiring citizens to “volunteer” for quasi-military or federal service and subsequent statist indoctrination didn’t play too well with the majority of the public, and has, for now, been abandoned. More

Cigar-Loving Arnold’s Environmental Legacy: A ‘Smoking’ Ruin!

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Dan Bacher/PPJ Contributor


While his record regarding fishery and water issues is arguably the worst of any Governor in California history, Schwarzenegger’s portrayal by the mainstream media and corporate environmental NGOs as a relentless advocate for “clean energy” is also very deceptive.”


An Associated Press report on Tuesday, August 9 revealed that Arnold Schwarzenegger, California Governor from November 2003 through 2010, could face legal action for recently smoking a cigar at Salzburg Airport in Austria.

“Was it lit or was it cold?” the article asked. “The status of a cigar in Arnold Schwarzenegger’s mouth at an Austrian airport could decide whether or not he faces legal action.”

“Smoking at airports is banned in Austria and an anti-smoking lobby said Tuesday it plans to launch a suit against the former California governor for puffing on a stogie after arriving in June at Salzburg Airport,” AP continued (http://www.sacbee.com/2011/08/09/3826143/was-it-lit-arnie-could-be-charged.html).

It is doubtful whether anything will come of this latest episode of the long, sordid saga of the “Governator,” arguably the worst Governor in California history for fish, fishing communities and the environment.

“Salzburg municipal legal expert Josef Goldberger told state broadcaster ORF that Arnie can ignore any requests from authorities in his homeland to respond since the charge is not covered by treaties,” AP noted.

Mainstream media refused to cover Schwarzenegger regime’s biggest scandal

While the mainstream media makes a big deal out of this latest “scandal” about Schwarzenegger and the covert relationship with his maid that resulted in the birth of a son, AP and others persistently neglected to cover the much more newsworthy and scandalous war that Schwarzenegger waged against Central Valley salmon and Delta fish populations, fishing communities and Indian Tribes during his regime.

Instead, the mainstream media and corporate environmental NGOs falsely portrayed Schwarzenegger as the “Green Governor,” greenwashing his abysmal environmental policies that violated numerous state, federal and international laws. More

Feds cooperate & allowed Sinaloa cartel to traffic cocaine into U.S.


Michael Webster/PPJ contributor
Syndicated Investigative Reporter 
The U.S. Government through our federal agents have encouraged the largest and most feared Mexican drug cartel ( Sinaloa) to traffic several tons of cocaine into the United States in exchange for information about Los Zetas and other rival cartels, according to U.S. federal court documents obtained by U.S. Border Fire Report.
The information is part of the defense of Vicente Zambada-Niebla, who was extradited to the United States to face drug-trafficking charges in Chicago. He is also a top lieutenant of drug kingpin Joaquin “Chapo” Guzman and the son of Ismael “Mayo” Zambada-Garcia, believed to be the brains behind the Sinaloa cartel.
According to the U.S. Attorney General, the Sinaloa Cartel is responsible for importing into the United States and distributing nearly 200 tons of cocaine and large amounts of heroin between 1990 and 2008. More

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