Lynn Swearingen (c) copyright 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Considering Candidate Herman Cain just unleashed a 9-9-9 can of whoop-ass on Romney and Perry by winning the Florida Straw poll, I began to think “Alright. What exactly is the plan?”. I’ve joked with other political unsavory folks recently over the morning cuppa’ Joe at a local diner – the only thing I can think of is that 9+9+9 = 27 and when you add 2+7, well you get 9. Most just give me the “look” and move on to cattle futures, but I get a few questions as well.

“What exactly are you making fun of?”, “Why spout your mouth off when ya’ can’t even describe what he’s trying to say?” or “Yep”. I get the latter a lot because most of my buddies realize that it doesn’t mean much out here in the middle of nowhere. But what if it did? So working up my nerve I headed on over to find out what exactly Mr. Cain has been trying to relate to the voting public.

A 9% business flat tax. Gross income less all investments, all purchases from other businesses, and all dividends paid to shareholders. More