
Job Growth, Educational Opportunities, Stimulate The Economy – In Egypt?


$16 Muffin and $8.25 Coffee

Lynn Swearingen (c) copyright 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

I truly tried to come up with a better commentary once I read this tidbit from the U.S. Trade and Aid Monitor report, but alas even my satire does not top this blurb:

The expansion of community-college systems nationwide could improve students’ career options while supporting economic growth, according to the Obama Administration. Consequently, the federal government is exploring the possibility of financing such a modernization project—not in the United States, but in Egypt. More

First they came for the (insert X)… (UPDATE)



It appears that Senator Winters has decided to assist in arbitration between Kentucky and this Amish Group.

Sen. Winters trying to help find safety compromise

First District Sen. Ken Winters is hoping to help in a Graves County dispute over requiring Amish residents to display a florescent triangle on buggies contrary to their religious beliefs.

He said Amish residents have provided a photo sample to him of reflective tape that could be placed on buggies that would alert drivers to a slow-moving vehicle ahead that would not be objectionable.

“They show the kind of reflective tape they are using all around the exterior of the vehicle,” Winters said. “After dark, and I would be reluctant to be out after dark but, the reflective tape probably would be a better alternative. It is going to reflect headlights. We’re going to be taking a look at it to see if there is anything we could do.” More