
Tennessee: Have you people lost your minds?


Marti Oakley

We reported last week on the sudden installation of TSA checkpoints on the highways in Tennessee.  Apparently, the terrorist situation has increased exponentially in that fair state and Homeland Security is now sending more TSA agents in to aid state troopers in an effort to protect trick-or- treaters from impaired drivers.  This has got to be one of the lamest excuses yet to come from HSD to try and justify their unlawful entry into a sovereign state, for the violation of rights and in violation of Constitutional rights. 

“State Troopers will be conducting safety checkpoints, sobriety roadblocks, saturation patrols and other enforcement techniques to look for aggressive or impaired drivers,” over the next few days, in order to “keep roadways safe for trick-or-treaters,” according to Department of Safety and Homeland Security Commissioner Bill Gibbons, whose office’s role includes “terrorism prevention”.’

See! Its for the KIDS!  And you do love the kids, don’t you?  Well….DON”T YOU?  More

In England and Australia: banning guns


  John Boering

As one man in this video says: “once they start gun registration, they now know where your guns are and what you have.”  Once they ban one kind of gun, they will follow with more bans and eventually show up at your door to take all of your guns. Brittain and Australia began banning guns with the promise of a safer public.  As was predictable, a black market boomed and criminals of all stripes armed themselves. 

For decades, our own government has sought ways and reasons to ban guns.  Only a government fearful of its own people tries to disarm them. 

This video should be a wakeup call to America. 

Americans better pay attention and listen good!

Click here to view: 


Department of Interior Kingpin Pulling “Fast-One” with Merger of BLM and OSM?

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 R.T. Fitch


“U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, released the following statement regarding Interior Secretary Ken Salazar’s order to combine the Office of Surface Mining (OSM) into the Bureau of Land Management WITHOUT Congressional Approval”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, released the following statement regarding Interior Secretary Ken Salazar’s order to combine the Office of Surface Mining (OSM) into the Bureau of Land Management (BLM):

“I’m deeply concerned about this proposed unilateral action. If it were simply a consolidation of administrative functions, that is something I could support. According to Interior’s release, however, it appears that the proposed merger would be much more extensive and, I believe, would require amending the separate organic acts that established BLM and OSM.   READ MORE

November 9th communications shutdown: A system reboot needed to activate new code?


John Boering

My take on the communications shutdown:

In what is obviously a muscle flexing exercise meant to show the public just how much power and control the federal government really has, all communications will be cut off for an estimated three minutes on November 9th, 2011. 

Claiming this is a test of the emergency response system, the terror alert system, and any other excuse they can come up with, Fema (that would be the same FEMA in charge of those camps they deny exist) will conduct a complete communications shutdown: all TV, radio, internet, and phone systems will be disabled simultaneously. This will be at 1:00 CST. 

I am trying to figure out what kind of national emergency would require cutting all communications, broadcasts and internet use?  More

The Ruthie Report/ Illegal immigration news and information

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Oakland Policeman Throws Flash Grenade Into Crowd Trying To Help Injured Protester


Vaccine Liberation Army 

Armed with Knowledge

Occupy Oakland: Police Brutality,

Tear Gas, Veteran in Coma

The protestor, Veteran of the Iraq war and Marine Scott Olsen, was standing still when shot, unprovoked, in the head with_ a teargas canister. He is currently in the hospital in a coma, and has a very real chance of dying from his injuries. This video needs to go viral, Officers of the law these men are not. They don’t only deserve a loss of their job, but they deserve military time.

TS Radio…Vaccine Liberation Army

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SMART meters: CPUC put on notice for liability


PPJ Resources and Information


I am here today to read this into the record……

CPUC officials have violated their Oath of Office, endangered public health and violated federal wiretapping laws by failing to protect the public from Smart Meters.  Therefore, the CPUC is vulnerable to a lawsuit.  The individual Commissioners of the CPUC and Judge Wong may be held personally accountable in a lawsuit for damages caused by Smart Meters. More

Demand Public Officials End Smart Meters



NOTE**  This is an example of how YOU can  put  YOUR public servants on official notice of liability.  This includes City Council members, County Officials and State regulatory agencies.


SMART Meters: CPUC Is Put on Notice for Liability More

This wasn’t really about jobs…we wuz just kiddin’! Border Perimeter and Security Act between US and Canada


Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

Hidden in that worthless jobs bill was the Border Perimeter and Security Act between the US and Canada.  As I understand it, US and Canadian troops will be (are being) stationed along both sides of the border with Canada to make sure no terrorists (you) or criminals (you) slip across that border in either direction without the government knowing it and identifying you biometrically . This Act was actually the crux of the “jobs” bill; a bill constructed and used as a front to cover up and to pass quietly what is another assault on the public by government and to further the global intent to identify absolutely every citizen on the planet and to hold that identity information in a global data bank accessible by virtually any agency of any government in the world in real time. More

Tennessee Highways–TSA performing unwarranted random searches


Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved


As Smedley Butler said: “It is always easy to convince half of the people to kill the other half.”  

Say hello to the invasion of  TSA agents inside the states, on our roads, unlawfully and illegally interfering with the right to travel freely….unacosted by government agents.  More

Anthrax Vaccine: CHILDREN targeted for TESTING!

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 YouTube Channel

Check JRAE50021 for 164 more informative video’s. 

G. Edward Griffin: Individualism & Capitalism vs. Collectivism & Monopolies



G.Edward Griffen discusses property ownership and the legally protected fraud of the banks. Griffen says we have a choice of two things: Individualism v collectivism.  An excellant interview wherein Griffen says the banks are using the state to plunder the people. 

Trade Agreements: CRAPitalism at its best!


 Marti Oakley (c) copyright 2011 All Rights reserved


In my humble opinion:

The ramming through Congress of three more economy busting trade agreements on Wednesday October 12th, 2011 should have the citizens of every state demanding their respective Senators and Representatives who voted to push these corporate agreements through, return home to face ejection from office and possible prosecution.  These agreements will cost the US hundreds of thousands more much needed jobs and further reduce our wage base and standard of living.  I have concluded that Congress knew exactly what they were doing, what the long term repercussions would be, then voted against our best interests.  At the very least this is malfeasance of office.  

Let’s Defund Congress More

14 Year old California Girl Dies 14 Days Post-Gardasil Vaccination Family Finds Adolescent Dead in Bed


October 20, 2011

Governor Brown Signs Parent’s Worst Nightmare into Law Gives Custody of 12 Year Olds to the State

By Leslie Carol Botha, Vice President Public Relations

The fatality of a 14 year old California girl was entered into the VAERS database on August 23, 2011 – 134 days after her death in April. The latest Gardasil victim died of cardiac arrest 14 days after vaccination.  According to VAERS report # 430780 , the adolescent was vaccinated on March 28, had no other life-threatening illnesses, and received no other vaccinations.

The VAERS write up includes this statement: “Found dead in bed in a.m. by family. Pathologist stated cause of death as consistent with cardiac insufficiency, due to cardiac arrhythmia, due to probable early cardiomyopathy. Child Death Review Team felt this death was consistent with a diagnosis of sudden cardiac death.”

The untimely and sad passing of this innocent previously healthy young girl now marks the 4th death post-HPV vaccination in the state of California. Janny Stokvis, VAERS Analyst for SANE Vax Inc. who found the latest VAERS fatality also reports that there have been 1548 adverse injuries* from Gardasil and Cervarix reported in the state. More

The Ruthie Report/ Illegal immigration news and information

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Without due process: Florida health care abuses were factors in elderly woman’s death, son says

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Big 3 News

By: Rusty Ray

(Editor’s note: Since we first aired this story on a live broadcast in January 2011, we learned that Mrs. Arlene English passed away on April 8 at the age of 89. New details about English’s quality of health care, provided by her son, Neil Roe, have been included in this article.) More

A Heartbreaking Story of Elder Abuse and Legal “Thievery”: PART 2


Jim Fargiano


My last posted article took me far away from my comfort zone.  In “A Heartbreaking Story of Elder Abuse” I outlined the plight of my friend’s fight for her mother’s rights to be restored.  Whether you believe in the ability of mediums and psychics or not, that is generally what my efforts are put into.  It was not something I sought, but rather given by a Power unexplained to me.  Over the years it has allowed me to have helped thousands of people get focused on their life path, as well as to bring about a healing to most of them on numerous levels.  The reason I am sharing this is that I have always tried to adjust to what is requested of me by the “inner drive” that often seems to differ from my personal concepts, wants and desires.  That probably makes more sense to those of you who are on a good spiritual or religious path. More

Comments to BLM on SNWA’s Nevada Water Grab


Debbie Coffey (c)copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

“8)  Glaringly omitted in this DEIS was the “NEED” for this GDP.  The “necessity” was not discribed.  Perhaps this water, which will be taken from farmers and ranchers, is to be used for Las Vegas’ many golf courses, fountains and new development projects, and Henderson’s need for watering grass in city parks, etc. “____________________________

The Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) wants the rights to pump billions of gallons of water annually from rural central Nevada and Utah toLas Vegas.  This will be catastrophic for farmers and ranchers in central Nevada and Utah.  SNWA would drain the groundwater below the existing vegetation of about 19,000 square miles (about the size of Vermont). More

A Heartbreaking Story of Elder Abuse and Legal “Thievery”: PART 1

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Jim Fargiano 


Until relatively recently, I was unaware of how rampant elder abuse is within the legal court system.  For almost the last two decades, my life has been consumed by helping as many people as I could in a different way than most give help.  I have informally counseled and helped thousands of people through the publishing of my book, as well as in private sessions as a medium/psychic.  It was not until my good friend started to share her story with me that my eyes were opened to something far more prevalent than I was cognizant of; at least on a conscious level.

I have been privileged to know Diane for over five years.  During that span, she has never been anything but helpful, loving and compassionate to everyone.  More

Mercenarius de facto; the hounds leashed by the machine


What is missing is that puff of fresh, oxygenated air to permeate the mass

Lynn Swearingen (c) copyright 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

***This information was not penned by myself. I received a request from a reader to consider placing this viewpoint as another approach in analyzing the OWS Movement. As one can see, this is more than a comment and poses serious analytical consideration.***

I’ve noticed a very worrisome trend in the ongoing “Occupy <X>” movement taking place in the major metropolitan centers. I’m not the first to point out the participation of military veterans such as Veterans for Peace, Oath Keepers, and Iraq Veterans Against the War in the various protests. For the right side of the political spectrum, it is easy to dismiss them as seditious turncoats. Given what passes for the current state of lawful authority, such an opinion may not be unreasonable in the eyes of the right wingers. Meanwhile the left side of the political spectrum continues to eye such participation warily since the veterans represent mercenarius de facto; the hounds leashed by the machine. Again, such an observation may not be without merit. It is not for these reasons, however valid they may be, that I believe such participation by veterans are harbingers of a political paradigm shift. More

Pick your “ism”: Capitalism vs. CRAPitalism


Marti Oakley


From 1948….a 10 minute cartoon about signing your freedom away in exchange for an “ism”.  This could have been produced today especially in light of the passage of three more unconstitutional trade agreements rammed through congress against the best interests of the people. 

Free trade and Capitalism is not the same as privileged trade and CRAPitalism.

Be careful what you wish for……you may get it.

Seasonal Flu Vaccines, Are They Safe or Necessary?


Mary Tocco (c)copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved


Independent Vaccine Researcher                                              www.childhoodshots.com

Healing Our World Radio Saturdays 4:00-5:00 (EST)
Bringing Healthy Solutions to our World


Influenza or the flu is a respiratory infection caused by a virus that can be contagious.  Symptoms include chills, fever, nausea, runny nose, sore throat, head and body aches, fatigue and loss of appetite.  Symptoms can last from 12 hours to two to three days. It is only dangerous for people who are immune compromised which is often the elderly.  When people die from the flu it is usually because of other illnesses or complications.  Many people in the holistic community believe that the flu “symptoms” are a sign of internal toxification and a body that is out of balance.  

Every year, thousands of people show symptoms of the flu.  It seems to run in a cycle starting in the fall and continuing thru ought the winter until spring.  There are many different strains of flu virus and therefore, as people travel the globe we are always getting exposed to new viruses.  Children will usually complain of body aches and stop eating like they normally do.  They will often run a fever of 102 degrees and sleep often through the day. The fever will spike during the night and ease up during the day.

There have been studies showing that there is a correlation between lack of sunshine, Vitamin D3 deficiency and the incidence of flu.  Many people prepare themselves as they go into the winter months by taking vitamin and mineral supplements, herbs and by getting plenty of rest and eating a good healthy diet rich in vegetables.

There is no treatment once you have the flu other than keeping hydrated, bed rest and perhaps pain medication for the aches and pains.  There are many herbs that may help you as well as essential oils and detoxing baths.  The fever is part of the immune system process to “burn” any bacteria and viruses that cannot live in high temperatures.

Influenza Vaccines

The seasonal flu vaccine used to be recommended for the elderly.  In 2003 the American Academyof Pediatrics and the Center for Disease Control began to recommend it for children under the age of five as well.  It is now recommended every year for every man, woman and child from the age of two throughout the rest of life as the result of the exaggerated H1N1 Flu pandemic of 2009. That pandemic was predicted to kill millions of people and ended up being a very mild flu season for most countries. This is a political vaccine with no scientific basis that will make millions for the flu manufactures and cause health problems for thousands.   How does a person sift through the conflicting information provided?  As a 30+ year independent vaccine researcher, I hope these facts will help you decide if you or your children will receive the seasonal flu vaccine. 

Dangerous Effects More

What you may not know about Obamacare


Marti Oakley (C) copyright 2011


Below is a video documenting page after page, section after section including line numbers, the intent of Obamacare.  It comes as no surprise that not only will we be paying for the health insurance for illegal immigrants, these people are exempt from individual taxes once Obamacare comes into full force.

Those of us approaching our senior years will be forced to make end of life plans that we may not want or agree with,  and will see our healthcare rationed and treatments decided by non-medical personnel who will decide what treatments will be available to us. 

Health care for everyone will be maximum 5,000 per individual and 10,000 per family per year.

Your financial and personal information will be available in real time to various agencies and individuals.  The government will now have direct access to your bank account and may electively remove funds from your account with no notice to you.  No explanation will be provided.  This is why direct deposit was mandated recently on all government checks.  Direct deposit is actually a record of where you bank and your account numbers. More

TS Radio with guest: Bryce Shonka of 10th Amendment Center

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Financial catastrophe imminent?


Copyright © by W. R. McAfee, Sr. All rights reserved.


Sir Mervyn King Thinks He

Sees a Financial Crisis

Bank of England Chief Has an Epiphany

Financial catastrophe imminent?

Uncle Merv ought to know.  He and his ilk at the Bank of International Settlements (BIS—that owns and funds the world’s central banks; the only banks that can print money for a country) in Basel, Switzerland, and the ten square mile area known as The Mall in Washington, D.C., worked to set it up.

A three-minute backgrounder. (again).

Wall Street and England’s parliament, and their confederates, are the designated lightening rods to draw the rocks during this economic “collapse.” More

Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus (DTaP, TdP)



Mary Tocco  (c)copyright 2011


Independent Vaccine Investigation for 30 Years
Healing Our World Radio Saturdays 4:00-5:00 (EST)
Bringing Healthy Solutions to our World


Diphtheria is an upper respiratory illness caused by bacteria.  It may be accompanied by symptoms such as: sore throat, coughing, headache fever and swollen glands in the neck.   Its signature is a thick coating that will form on the tonsils and the throat and that may extend into the lungs.  The swelling and coating can interfere with breathing and swallowing.   In severe cases, the heart may become inflamed and result in heart failure.  The bacteria live in an infected person’s nose, throat, skin, or eye discharges, and are passed to others in close contact through coughing or sneezing.  Skin diphtheria causes a rash that is hard to distinguish from impetigo. The illness can last for 7-14 days. Once a person has the illness, he or she will have life-long immunity and a stronger developed immune system.

Diphtheria was prevalent before modern sanitation and was most common in crowded conditions with inadequate hygiene.  Currently, there is approximately one (1) case reported per year in the United States.  Like most infectious illnesses, death from diphtheria was greatly diminished decades before we introduced a vaccine for it.  The first diphtheria vaccine was released in 1924 and was given to soldiers in World War II.  There is not much on record about this individual vaccine. More

Occupy Wall Street – Why I Must Be Stupid.


Lynn Swearingen (c) copyright 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Apparently there are so many smart people out there that I’m blessed by my ignorance. The whole “non-demand demands” of Occupy Wall Street (OWS) just confuses the heck out of me. I’m thinking “What do OWS folks stand for?”, but the best I can come up with before the Union Co-Op and Prezzie support group started was here.   Let’s just take a look one-by-one:

Demand one: Restoration of the living wage. This demand can only be met by ending “Free trade” by re-imposing trade tariffs on all imported goods entering the American market to level the playing field for domestic family farming and domestic manufacturing as most nations that are dumping cheap products onto the American market have radical wage and environmental regulation advantages. Another policy that must be instituted is raise the minimum wage to twenty dollars an hr.

Awesome! Everyone will have more fiat money to purchase fiat imported goods which will in turn support Amerika! Oh. Not so much. Let’s move on to the next.

Demand two: Institute a universal single payer healthcare system. To do this all private insurers must be banned from the healthcare market as their only effect on the health of patients is to take money away from doctors, nurses and hospitals preventing them from doing their jobs and hand that money to wall st. investors. More

Measuring nonionizing pulsed radiation from SMART Meters


Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2011


The various untility companies and manufacturers of SMART Meters claim they have no evidence that the meters represent any health hazzard.  The actual truth is no industry testing was done on the meters (none they will make public) and what testing has been done was done using testing methods and requirements that became obsolete 20 years ago. 

Watch this video of one man measuring the radiation output on a home and that of a neighbors home which also has a SMART Meter.  With a readily available hand held set, the radiation is easily tracked and detectable.  And the manufacturers and utility companies don’t have this same information?  Really?


Why criminal governments spy on citizens



by: Brandon Smith

At the very foundation of perhaps every modern day conflict between the expansive powers of unchecked bureaucracy and the dwindling freedoms of the ordinary citizen dwells the vital issue of privacy. Privacy and the right to hold personal and political views without being singled out and scrutinized by government is absolutely essential to any society which dares to deem itself “fair and just”. Ultimately, without the presence of these two liberties, and without people to defend them, a nation is ill equipped to circumvent the growth of tyranny, and anyone claiming to be “free” in the midst of such a culture is living a delusion of the highest order. More


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“Bail” paid for the release of Shane Bauer, Sarah Shourd and Josh Fattal from Iranian kidnappers has totaled, depending on which talking head you believe, somewhere in the neighborhood of $1.2 million, to $1.5 million, to 5 billion Iranian rials ($469,417.45).

Three definitions of “bail”, among others, are:

· the security or obligation given for the due appearance of a prisoner in order to obtain his release from imprisonment ;

· the temporary delivery or release of a prisoner upon security for his due appearance;

· one that agrees to assume legal liability for a money forfeit or damages if a prisoner released on bail fails to make his due appearance in court.

So, our three wayfarers will be returning to Iran for trial so their bail can be refunded to ? ? ?

Don’t hold your breath

Of course, the government must insist that we do not negotiate with terrorists, and ransom is never paid, or else every single one of us will be at risk of being kidnapped for ransom.

I don’t pretend to know the answer to this dilemma, but it seems to me that the truth would eventually lead to a better way.





CDC Vaccine Secrets Revealed



PPJ Information/Resources


Office of Medical and Scientific Justice

The CDC is playing a shell game with endorsing the safety of vaccines.  Even though the CDC pays for advertisements, they have a disclaimer that says that the contents of the advertising are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the CDC, or in other words, don’t believe what they are saying.
Additionally, if you go to the CDC Vaccine Safety page, you will see that ALL of the scientific papers listed at the bottom of the page will take you to a third party websites. 
The CDC has a disclaimer that nullifies third party website information.  The disclaimer says:
•  The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) cannot attest to the accuracy of a non-federal site.
•  Linking to a non-federal site does not constitute an endorsement by HHS or any of its employees of the sponsors or the information and products presented on the site.

So, if the CDC doubts the claims made by its sources, why shouldn’t you?

Click this link to see the extensive list of the CDC’s “partners” in the vaccine scheme.






Lethal Injection: The Story Of Vaccination


Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2011


This 2 hour +, documentary gives a detailed and documented look at the history of vaccines.  If you think vaccines actually work, or, that vaccines will prevent disease….think again.  That is not their purpose.  Under US code we are defined as animal “pests” and can be targeted for erradication at any time. 

  channel on YouTube:

Part 1 The definitive look into the history of vaccination. From cancer, to autism, to the purposeful sterilization of innocent people around the globe, find out why all of these things are perfectly legal according to U.S. CODE – why the government considers you no different than cattle in their own law.


TS Radio – Darol Dickinson on the Beef Industry

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Wyoming Equine Terrorist Pumps Public with Preposterous Propaganda


October 3, 2011

R.T. Fitch 

  OpEd by Vicki Tobin ~

  VP of Equine Welfare   Alliance


Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallis is a Stranger to the Truth

Sue Wallis recently released talking points for supporters to use with their legislators. Talking points should be concise but more importantly, accurate. Apparently, Sue Wallis did not get the memo on the latter. Not only are they inaccurate but she can’t keep her lies straight, particularly when it comes to numbers. It is not wise to disprove your own statements. She not only shoots herself in the foot but continues reloading and shooting over and over again.

Take special note that once again, the issue of food safety is completely ignored. Feel free to share this in your conversations with legislators! My apologies for a plain document in comparison to the slick PDF from Wallis. I thought content was more important than esthetics.

Today, more than 300,000 horses in America have no where to go, living out the last of their days to die painful death of starvation and thirst.

There are no statistics to substantiate this outrageous claim. And even if it were true, less than 115,000 horses are slaughtered each year so there would still be almost 200,000 horses that “have nowhere to go”. The foreign meat business only buys the number of horses needed to fill the demand, not the number of available horses. This point is worthless and a clear message that horse slaughter will not solve any problems that may exist. Slaughter is for food production and not the place to send horses “that have nowhere to go”.
Note to self Sue, don’t refute your own arguments in the same statement.

The Government Accounting Office (GAO) report of June 2011 indicates that any U.S. appropriation riders and bills that seek to eliminate humane horse processing in the U.S. offer ZERO solutions.

Horse slaughter hasn’t provided any solutions and is confirmed with your first talking point. So you now have two talking points that say nothing and offer nothing. The GAO report also recommended banning horse slaughter. More

CPUC and PG&E: Misinformation, misrepresentation and attempted extortion



Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved


The recent California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) public meeting in which one resident was told he could have his analog meter re-installed and the SMART Meter removed has resulted in CPUC saying that they would render a ruling on “allowing” citizens to opt out of the system of by 2012.  The idea that CPUC continues to misrepresent their authority and that of PG&E is astounding.  The thought that the California legislature and its governor sit idly by, silent, while this travesty takes place against the citizens of their state, is downright disgusting. 

Neither CPUC nor PG&E has the right or the authority to violate private property and the rights associated with that, not to mention the assault and violation of the individuals in their persons or bodies.  Neither do either of these corporations have the right to summarily and arbitrarily subject the citizenry to the provisions of a private contract they were not party to, and to force them to surrender or submit to what is in fact, a specifically designed military weapon( Bioeffects of selected non-lethal weapons pdf.) that can cause massive harm to the public.

Both CPUC and PG&E are operating under contract law.  There are several points that must be adhered to under this system.

  • All contracts must be in-kind.  Meaning corporation to corporation, or people to people, etc..
  • Must have “wet-ink” signatures.  This means assumed signatures or copies of signatures are not recognized as valid.
  • Equal consideration must be given to all parties.
  • There must be full disclosure.
  • Cannot be unconscionable or deceptive.  More

Guardianship Abuse: Testimony for the Senate Judiciary Committee



NOTEAcross the nation is a web of predatory professional guardians who operate under the protection of corrupt probate court judges.  This system of predatory human trafficking involves kidnapping elderly victims who made the mistake of aging with assets.  The attached letter of testimony is to be presented to yet another Senate Committee, this time the Judiciary Committee, in the hopes that someone in D.C. will  move to bring this corruption and court sanctioned abuse to a halt.  Marti Oakley


From: Linda Kincaid, MPH

20255 Glasgow Drive Saratoga, CA 95070
(408) 998-4642 nanosafety@gmail.com
September 28, 2011
Elizabeth Frosch
Legislative Correspondent
Office of Senator Amy Klobuchar

For submission to the Senate Judiciary Committee

Subcommittee on Administrative Oversight and the Courts

Hearing: “Protecting Seniors and Persons with Disabilities – An Examination of Court – Appointed Guardians”

Testimony on Elder Abuse of Carol Hahn in San Bernardino County, CA

My mother, Carol Hahn, is a victim of elder abuse. That abuse was initiated by Mindy Martin, who lied to investigating deputies and perjured herself in court documents to become my mother’s temporary conservator. More than a year later, Mindy Martin is still temporary conservator, and the abuse continues. My mother’s court appointed attorney, Mark Flory, has actively facilitated the abuse. Neither individual has been held accountable.

The existing “system” has utterly and completely failed to protect my mother or come to her aid. Rather, law enforcement concealed evidence and threatened family members. Adult Protective Services and the Long-Term Care Ombudsman will not return our phone calls. Programs and agencies are useless when there is no accountability. Laws are useless when they are not enforced. Additional laws and agencies will be equally useless unless a system of accountability is established. More

How to Make Your City Council Accountable for Adding Fluoride to Water



 Frank Veracity/PPJ Contributor
October 2, 2011

This excellent video explains how you can put your City council on the hook for liability for allowing fluoride into the water supply.  You may demand that they put a warning on customer water bills.

 The experts in this video suggest the following strategy:

Instead of collecting a large amounts of signatures on a petition, they advocate educating City Council members directly on the dangers of fluoride.  Mosaic, a fluoride manufacturer, recently printed a warning on their Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) that provides evidence that fluoride is harmful.  Mosaic’s Material Safety Data Sheet may be used as evidence to give to any City Council across the country.  Here is Mosaic’s warning (on page 2):

Prolonged or repeated overexposure to fluoride compounds may cause fluorosis.  Fluorosis is characterized by skeletal changes, consisting of osteosclerosis (hardening or abnormal density of bone) and osteomalacia (softening of bones) and by mottled discoloration of the enamel of teeth (if exposure occurs during enamel formation). Symptoms may include bone and joint pain and limited range of motion. Conditions aggravated by exposure may include skin and respiratory (asthma-like) disorders.”  More

Scientists Under Attack/ documentary

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When scientist Arpad Pusztai reported that genetically modified (GM) foods caused serious health problems in rats, he was a hero at his prestigious UK institute — for two days. But after two phone calls (apparently) from the Prime Minister’s office, he was fired, gagged, and mercilessly attacked. When UC Berkely professor Ignacio Chapela discovered GM corn contamination in Mexico, he too faced a firestorm of distortion and denial that left him struggling to salvage his career. Find out how the biotech industry “engineers” the truth and what they are trying to hide from you. By Bertram Verhaag, with bonus film: Monster Salmon.



An Oathkeeper’s question: Are you with me?


by John Wallace
America was founded by people who came to this land in search of Liberty and opportunity. When an oppressive government began to restrict their Liberty in the 1770s, they hardened their resolve, took an oath to stand together and risked everything for the cause of Liberty. They ultimately won their independence and succeeded in breaking the chains and shackles of servitude to the King of England. 
Those brave men and women understood that our rights come from our Creator, not from any government, and that our rights are UNALIENABLE – and cannot be taken away or diminished in any way by any government.
That’s why the constitution was written very carefully by the Founders who established a Republic to protect our UNALIENABLE RIGHTS. 
The United States Constitution doesn’t contain thousands of pages of meaningless legal jargon, like most of the federal legislation written today, but rather it was written so that every American could easily understand it.  It clearly limits the power of the federal government by only giving it very specific, enumerated powers.  All other powers are reserved to the States and to the People. 
Over the last 100 years or so, under both Republican and Democratic administrations, our federal government has gradually increased its powers beyond its Constitutional limitations, while our individual freedoms are gradually being lost to this ever growing and more intrusive government. More