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Smart Meter News

Current And Up to Date Global Smart Meter News

April 11 of this year was the turning point. That’s when I got clear: there needed to be a worldwide convergence event that exposes 5G and really opens up the discussion… as soon as possible.

I realized that the way the telecoms are going crazy — deploying their agenda even though it’s unsafe, converting utility poles to cell towers in our front yards,using their media influence to spread disinformation, etc — too much is at stake to play small.

So I first pitched my good friend Sayer Ji, who saw the huge need and became my partner. Then, five days later, we brought in the HealthTalks Online team, the world leader in summits with a large distribution network.

From early May to early June, in just about a month, I went on a tear and recorded more than 40 interviews with the world’s leading experts on 5G, wireless radiation risks, surveillance and tech addiction.

Amazingly, I was able to interview virtually everyone at the very top of my list.

The result is the upcoming “The 5G Crisis: Awareness & Accountability Summit,” which is free & online August 26 – September 1.

I knew it was going to be big, but the response during the first few days of promotion has been epic. This is information that everyone needs to know.

Go here to sign up free for The 5G Crisis Summit

Josh del Sol

Arizona Supreme Court Denies Review of ACC “Smart” Meter Decision Information & Perspective

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by Warren Woodward
Sedona, Arizona ~ April 27, 2019
          Yesterday I received notice that the Arizona Supreme Court denied my Petition for Review of the Arizona Corporation Commission’s (ACC) “smart” meter decision made in the last APS rate case. Among other things, that “smart” meter decision allows APS to charge customers who refuse “smart” meters an extortion fee, and it completely disallows solar and commercial customers to refuse a “smart” meter when in the past they always could.

         My Petition for Review also challenged the inherent discrimination of two other aspects of the APS rate case. One was the so-called “90-day trial period” whereby new APS customers cannot take the regular R-Basic rate for 90 days but instead have to be on a Demand or Time Of Use rate. Another was the so-called “grandfathering” of APS’s R-Basic Large rate, which is no longer available to customers even though some customers are still on it.

         Regarding the 90-day trial period, the Court of Appeals (from which I was appealing to the AZ Supremes) was so dumb that the Court of Appeals actually ruled the 90-day trial was not discriminatory because new customers could choose from among all the available plans. Except they can’t! If new customers could chose from all the rate plans then there wouldn’t be a 90-day trial period. That’s the kind of sheer idiocy the Arizona Supreme Court has endorsed by letting the Court of Appeals’ decision stand.

         Numerous lawyers who specialize in utility law had told me the 90-day period was blatant discrimination, so my argument was not that of some ignorant layman. But I was not surprised the AZ Supremes blew me off. They are an extremely lazy lot who only hear 3.5% of the civil cases brought before them. Long time readers may recall when they blew off my case against ACC commissioner Bob Burns. While a commissioner, Burns was a registered lobbyist for companies regulated by ACC. That’s completely illegal (and I had caught Burns and his pals telling about 5 different stories in their lame attempt to create an excuse). But the AZ Supremes didn’t care that Burns broke the law. They refused to hear my case then too.



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TWACS smart meters problematic to public health and safety

Germany warns citizens to avoid using Wi-Fi


Wheeler calls for study on the long-term health impacts of 5G frequency in phones




New: Electromagnetic Sensitivity page with chapter on Symptoms

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Smart Meter Harm

Recent additions to this website are a page on Electromagnetic Sensitivity (EMS) and a chapter on Symptoms.

Electromagneticsensitivity is when a person experiences adverse health effects when using, or in proximity to, RF-EMF emitting devices and equipment – Smart Meters, cell phones, Wi-Fi, cell towers – and/or EMF fields. This is an environmentally-induced condition, and it can be life-threatening. Avoidance and reduced exposure are key. EMS is recognized by the U.S. government. This condition is also known as electrohypersensitivity(EHS) in Europe, Canada, and other countries.

EMS/EHS can be disabling, and in the United States, those who are disabled are entitled to equal access and protected from discrimination by the law.

The new page has information and resources on the Americans with Disabilities Act, including the U.S. definition of “disability”.

Wireless radiation poses an access barrier to those who are EMS-disabled.

View original post 853 more words


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Smart meters: a danger or a modern convenience?

Technology carries silent dangers

How Can You Protect Yourself from Electromagnetic Radiation?

4 How Big Wireless Convinced Us Cell Phones and Wi-Fi are Safe



Killing the Population with Wireless Technology

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By Dr. John Reizer

Founder of NoFakeNews

What most people are unaware of is that frequency signatures and electromagnetic radiation can drastically alter human physiology. This would include smartphones, Wi-Fi networks and smart meters that are being used more frequently than ever before by utility and communications companies.

These technologies are undoubtedly causing cancers, diabetes, neurological disorders and a plethora of other health disorders in people all over the world.

Even in the rare scenario where a person doesn’t own a smartphone, they’re still regularly bombarded by electromagnetic radiation coming from Wi-Fi networks and other forms of frequencies that are found in most neighborhoods and public locations.

Watch the video below:

The Innocent Victims of Brain Research


Editors note:  Everyone needs to read this article by Human Rights Watch…it reveals the long term plans to control the human mind, the populations of the globe using emf microwave, experimentation’s on human subjects, psychotronic torture, medical experimentation, and all of it done by military and governments globally.  You think 5G is so you can download YouTube faster?  Think again!  You think SMART meters are to conserve energy?  Better think that one over too. 



Along with the globalist’s supposed quest to control the whole world, sea to shining sea, comes the inevitable desire to control the human being … it’s a given … Perhaps some of the intentions are good, but the innocent lab rats who have had their lives stolen for this quest aren’t very impressed. Their lives have been stolen … period.  This is human trafficking.

This is painful, never-ending research aimed at behavior modification ( through psychotronic torture ) and medical experimentation, … basically, all remote forms of manipulation of mind and body are being studied. … remote and invisible … can you imagine the threat to mankind?

The victims are framed for crimes which they didn’t commit to justify their inclusion in this project, and promptly separated from their families, friends, incomes, computers, automobiles, and anything else which might make never-ending experimentation difficult. If they complain they are called delusional and put in a psychiatric institution. Once again, this is human trafficking folks !!!

Here are a few truth weapons to help these people … but let’s not just blame the USA for following orders, … this is a global program ….

The American Air Force 1982 “Final Report On Biotechnology Research Requirements For Aeronautical Systems Through the Year 2000” states:

“While initial attention should be toward degradation of human performance through thermal loading and electromagnetic field effects, subsequent work should address the possibilities of directing and interrogating mental functioning, using externally applied fields” More

SMART Meters Being Used To Implode Buildings in California During Firestorms

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“The Most Selective Wildfires in Recorded History”


How do out-of-control wildfires only burn down houses to the ground while leaving nearby trees completely unaffected?! (Posted at OPERATION TORCH CALIFORNIA: A Special Report on the Firestorm Terror Operation)

State of the Nation

The pieces of the California firestorm puzzle are slowly being put into their proper place.

The photo above is a crucial piece of that puzzle.

Notice the houses — ONLY — are destroyed; not burned to the ground, mind you, rather they are imploded which causes them to collapse in on themselves with great force and destruction.

Also, notice how the trees and grass and streets and sidewalks show no evidence whatsoever of fire damage.

That’s because there was no fire … and certainly not a wildfire anywhere near that residential subdivision.

So what’s really going on here?

KEY POINT: There is a back story here that cannot be denied given the
curious timing of this highly calculated and ongoing environmental terrorism strategically carried out in the fertile valleys of California.

SMART meters

Now we understand the extraordinary and relentless push to get SMART meters in every home and business in America.

Even when the electrical grid goes down Smart meters are equipped with technology that provides a digital signature that can be identified by drones, airplanes and satellites from above.  It also appears that these devices can be triggered to start a small isolated fire.  Whether they can be used to start a whole house electrical fire is also a distinct possibility.



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The NTP studies clearly show that non-ionizing radiation can cause cancers and other adverse health effects

Some WNC residents have concerns about installation, safety of Duke’s smart meters

Free EMF Q&A Replay with Nick Pineault – The Truth About EMF Radiation

Wind turbines make waves: Why some residents near wind turbines become illnon-ionizing radiation, 

Cell Phone Radiation Leads to Cancer, Says U.S. NTP in Final Report Cancer Link Was Once Thought Impossible

The NTP studies clearly show that non-ionizing radiation can cause cancers and other adverse health effects

Petition: Stop Mobile Towers Staining our World Heritage Landscapes:





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TruthStream Media has created an excellent mini-documentary here about the US Government’s decades-long suppression of the harm posed by prolonged exposure to the microwave radiation, such as that from cellphones.

N.C.-Want To Opt-Out From Duke Energy Smart Meter…Here’s How!

The meter was installed by Duke Energy and is part of their new “smart meters” being installed across the state.

EHT: What You Need To Know About 5G Wireless and “Small” Cells

20 Facts About 5G

Download a PDF of this information on a two page  EHT Factsheet on 5G and Health. The factsheet is hyperlinked (blue text) to research and sources. It is a great resource for policymakers.

Parents Withdraw Kids From School Due To WIFI Dangers – This Is What Needs To Be Done!


Massachusetts: Epidemiology needed on SMART meters

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Many Massachusetts residents have a wireless electric meter already installed on their home, and are unaware that the meters transmit 24.7.365.

This is a 3 1/2 minute video of the microwave radio frequency pulses from a wireless utility meter in Eversource territory (formerly NStar).

If you ask the company, they will tell you that you do not have a ‘smart’ meter.

It would be possible to do epidemiological research to determine if adverse health effects including heart attacks, SIDS, neurological conditions, fertility challenges, autoimmune illness, sleep disorders, and other conditions coincided with the installation and activation of these meters on homes. Cancer is not the only concern associated with radio frequency exposure.
Epidemiology is needed due to lack of informed consent, lack of premarket safety testing, and lack of investigation of health complaints.
There are no research studies indicating that the meters are safe.
The company does not offer an opt out for medically vulnerable residents.
The MA Department of Public Utilities will open a proceeding soon in MA regarding smart meters.
Please see the update below about a new Massachusetts bill regarding EMF.
Even if you are not an MA resident, you can play a part.



Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Statement in Support of:

S. 2431 Resolve relative to disclosure of radio frequency notifications

S.107 An Act relative to disclosure of radiofrequency notifications 

S.108 An Act relative to the safe use of handheld devices by children

Submitted By: (Name), (City, State, Country if other than U.S.) on (Date)

Submitted To: Joint Committee on Ways and Means

Continue here….

New Mexico stops smart Meters!


Arthur Firstenberg of the Cellular Phone Task Force in New Mexico:

Today we won a victory in the fight against radiation in New Mexico. The Public Regulation Commission has denied PNM’s application for Smart Meters. “The plan presented in the Application does not provide a net public benefit and it does not promote the public interest,” wrote the Commission.
The Commission accepted the Hearing Examiner’s recommended decision without alteration. It ruled that:
• PNM did not demonstrate that smart meters will save money.
• PNM did not demonstrate that smart meters will produce energy efficiency.
• PNM did not show that customers want smart meters.
• PNM did not evaluate alternatives.
• PNM did not say how it would protect customer data privacy.
• Cybersecurity issues need to be addressed.
• 125 good, high-paying jobs would be lost.
• Proposed opt-out fees were unreasonable.
• There was insufficient public input.
• There was insufficient response by PNM to public objections.
EVIDENCE ABOUT HEALTH EFFECTS was discussed at length. “Customers who have strong feelings about the
health effects of the meters should be allowed to protect their stated health concerns without a
prohibitively high cost.”



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here is still no federal mandate for Smart meters….it is NOT an opt out program….it is an OPT IN….you must be offered and accept the offer of the meter or request one. Not one politician nor city or county official that I know of has ever read the PERPA regulations on Smart Meters. OR maybe they did read them and decided the $$ was just too good and ignored them.

Smart Meter News



By Jody McCutcheon

Technology’s purpose is to increase our standard of living. Yet sometimes we’re so enamoured by the convenience or pleasure a new product offers that we overlook its risks. Or perhaps the risk may not be immediately apparent, or worse yet – authorities tell us there’s no danger until it’s too late: think tanning beds, asbestos, tobacco, thalidomide. Everything was great with those products…until it wasn’t. Which brings us to wireless smart meters (for simplicity’s sake, let’s just call them smart meters).

Essentially, these gadgets have replaced the meter-reader who used to come to our houses and read the utility meter. Smart meters provide technology that measures a house’s exact consumption of gas, electricity, even water, and sends that information back to the supplier by communicating with a central control system. It does this wirelessly, via radiofrequency (RF)…

View original post 1,301 more words

SMART METERS: No Federal Mandate (replay)


Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2011-18 All Rights Reserved


This Standard would also allow utilities to recover from ratepayers any capital, operating expenditures, or other costs of the smart grid investment, including a reasonable rate-of-return. “


THERE IS NO FEDERAL SECURITY MANDATE FOR SMART METERS, according to George W. Arnold the national coordinator for smart-grid interoperability at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. This agency of the U.S.  Department of Commerce is said not to be involved in regulations but is only tasked with promoting standards among industries.

While both the 2005 and 2007 faux energy bills were codified into public laws, NO part of them creates a federal law pertaining to individual consumers or dictating that the public must be forced to comply with provisions of SMART Grid.

Contrary to the bleating of manufacturers and utility talking heads,  who claim there is no “opt out”, the fact is you, the consumer must be offered the meter, or request a meter and “OPT IN”.  No one can be forced to comply with an unrevealed contract between private corporations, and to which you were never a party and had no knowledge of.

Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 :

An Energy Tax Package was under development in Congress for several years prior to 2008. In September 2008, the package was finally enacted into law via its inclusion in the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. This tax package shifted tax liabilities from corporations who were already posting massive record profits, onto the public.

Section 1307 State Consideration of Smart Grid

Energy 2007, Page 6 :  This Section amends PURPA to create two additional PURPA Standards. (Note: Two new PURPA Standards are also created in Section 532.)

These standards are in the form of requirements on parties such as utilities to undertake certain actions. The standards are not directly prescriptive on these parties, however; it is up to state utility regulatory commissions, or the bodies that govern other types of utilities, to decide that the standards should be actually adopted by utilities subject to their jurisdiction.

The only direct mandate with PURPA standards is for the state or other jurisdictional body TO CONSIDER whether the new Standard should be implemented and to demonstrate that it has undertaken such consideration.  More

South Carolina Woman Arrested for Refusing Smart Meter


Letter Urging State Attorney General to Intervene

Press Release
For Immediate Release
Contact: E. Michelle Mancini • blufftonsc@icloud.com
Please email for phone number
Armed Officers Arrest and Jail Woman to Enforce “Smart” Meters
Bluffton, South Carolina, February 19, 2018 A Sheriff arrested and jailed a woman after she had a smart meter on her home changed to an analog meter due to health issues from the radiation. The arrest warrant for Elizabeth Michelle Mancini states that Palmetto Electric Cooperative, Inc., did not approve the meter, and could not read it.


The Really Weird World Of Smart Meters

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Source:  Activist Post

By Catherine J. Frompovich

Probably when those who either question and/or oppose AMI Smart Meters thought the situation couldn’t get any more weird than it is regarding misinformation and lack of transparency about the so-called “consensus science” that dominates technology, medicine, pharmacology and vaccines, the makers of one high-profile Smart Meter, Landis+Gyr seemingly has outdone itself.

The website Blacklisted News featured an article titled “Smart Meter Company Landis+Gyr Now Using Copyright To Try To Hide Public Records.”  What happened to transparency, especially in high tech science?  Is there information they don’t want the public to know?

As some background information, back in 2016 L+G took some legal action, which was chronicled in the Tech Dirt article “’Smart Grid’ Company Demands MuckRock Turn Over Info On Anyone Who Might Have Seen Public Records Docs Involving It.”


It would seem that L+G executives and legal department don’t understand the meaning of “public records” or they may be desperate to use legal harassment tactics to prevent information getting out that consumers and others have every legal right to know about products L+G manufactures and sells.

Enforcement tactics regrettably include consumers being forced—against their wills and by duress techniques, e.g., no AMI SM, no utility service to your home—by state laws, public utility commissions and utility companies to be placed on to homes, businesses and everywhere in between.  What is it that I’m not getting when AMI SMs are not mandated in the 2005 Energy Act [Public Law 109-58, The Energy Policy Act of 2005 §1252 Smart Metering], as that would be unconstitutional?

Furthermore, it’s a known principle in U.S. law that if a state law allows something, but federal law does not allow/permit it, then it’s illegal!  What happened at state levels mandating AMI SMs?  Clue: Check out the UN’s Agenda 21 and 2030 and why AMI SMs are an integral part of the global surveillance state!


Don’t forget what’s happening behind the scenes with the U.N.’s Agenda 2030


Source: activistpost.com

Although this article is older, it’s important to keep this in mind: since the United States is a member of the U.N., it must adhere to the U.N.’s rules or face stiff trade sanctions.  And we all know it’s all about the money…

Excerpts are below (read the entire article HERE):

Agenda 2030 Translator: How to Read the UN’s New Sustainable Development Goals

by Aaron and Melissa Dykes

  • Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere
  • Translation: Centralized banks, IMF, World Bank, Fed to control all finances
  • Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
  • Translation: GMO
  • Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
  • Translation: Mass vaccination, Codex Alimentarius
  • Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
  • Translation: UN propaganda, brainwashing through compulsory education from cradle to grave
  • Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
  • Translation: Population control through forced “Family Planning”
  • Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
  • Translation: Privatize all water sources, don’t forget to add fluoride
  • Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
  • Translation: Smart grid with smart meters on everything, peak pricing
  • Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
  • Translation: TPP, free trade zones that favor megacorporate interests
  • Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
  • Translation: Toll roads, push public transit, remove free travel, environmental restrictions

Read the entire article HERE.

Arizona: ACC Gives APS a Rate Increase on smart Meters


Information & Perspective by Warren Woodward
Sedona, Arizona ~ August 17, 2017

          At their Open Meeting last Tuesday, the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) commissioners voted 4 to 1 to give APS a rate increase of about 4.5% on residential customers’ rates. Since all the commissioners were elected with major APS money spent on their campaigns, their votes were to be expected.

         The lone No vote was from commissioner Robert Burns. Burns has been in dispute, and Superior Court, with the other commissioners and APS over alleged money spent by APS two elections ago to get commissioners Little & Forese elected. As a commissioner, Burns has the legal right to examine APS’s books but he has been stonewalled for about 2 years.

         Burns contends that because of APS’s influence, those two commissioners should have recused themselves. He wants the rate case done over. The issue hangs with the Superior Court judge hearing the case. You can read more about that here: http://azcapitoltimes.com/news/2017/08/15/arizona-corporation-commission-approves-aps-rate-hike/


What Do Smart Meters And Vaccinations Have In Common?

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By Catherine J. Frompovich

Jerry Day of FreedomTaker.com has produced an exceptional new video wherein he explains in detail what Smart Meters and Vaccinations have in common.  It’s called “Conditional Acceptance,” a term and a legal tactic whereby you can refuse anyone who pressures you to sign either an “opt-out” agreement for a Smart Meter or demands you to accept a vaccination.

Opt-out contracts are ones big corporations give you when you refuse corporate offers.  Jerry explains what he calls “highway robbery” in this video:


Listen carefully to what Jerry explains, plus take notes, because his logic may be one that you can utilize under “Right of Contract.”  Jerry says,………………




new logoChuck Frank


In the last five years, California, in conjunction with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, has flushed nearly a trillion gallons of State Water Project water into the ocean in support of a bait fish
called the Delta Smelt. So there’s not enough water for domestic use?

Since when and how did the mainstream media miss this one? They didn’t. They just refused to report it.

Just a little bit of censorship here and a little there, but none dare call it Newspeak which is the term taken from George Orwell’s 1984 which explains how the media and school textbooks secretly uses bias for the sake of those elite players at the national level, while clouding the political landscape, and promoting the use of politically correct
terms such as “Climate Change.” Compromised freedom of speech and the prevention of the flow of ideas is the endgame which is controlled by the Newspeak machine and the careful manipulation of the English language.

So in this process, a $45 billion agricultural industry in the Central Valley ends up being decimated, all the while the smelt take precedent over the people and our food production. So Californians must now ask themselves why is Governor Brown, the courts, the environmentalists, and the legislature on a mission to prevent all people and the farmers from having natural rights to their own water?

The statewide water system was designed with the peoples tax dollars to benefit domestic needs first while fish survival would still be provided for through a secondary measure with a system of dams to
where water would be released in measurable amounts for spawning. And in spite of what the news media reports, there is still enough water to go around unless a person wants to believe that it is still
important to allow nearly a trillion gallons of water to go to the ocean while food prices are soaring and foreclosures in the Central Valley are ongoing.

What else could one expect from a government which is run by a bunch judges and legislators who care more for the livelihood of fish and critters than the people.

Let’s not forget that the Central Valley water system was designed decades ago to withstand a 10 year drought. Then why was an estimated 400,000 farm acres taken out of production last year and how
many more acres will be taken out this year?

So where’s the bulk of the water ending up? It’s on its way either to Southern California for domestic use and swimming pools or ending up in the ocean while America’s richest farmland lies fallow boosting the prices of food nationwide. And this is a government for and by the people? I am afraid not. It is a government that does exactly what it wants to no matter how the people vote or what they think. Will saving rainwater falling into our rain gutters become the next illegal act signed by the governor?

The P.G.& E. is already requiring smart meters on all of the new wells that are going in. If persons are drawing too much water from their well will they be fined or will their well pumps just be turned off automatically via satellite? Control the water and the food of the world and you will control the people.

e-Meters or e-Hackers?

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strip bannernew-logo25Emma Bailey


In the 2001 remake of Ocean’s 11, a troupe of con artists use an over-sized green tube, “the pinch,” to black out all of Las Vegas using an electromagnetic pulse (EMP). Unfortunate as it may be for the film industry, the only such EMP catalyst that exists is a nuclear explosion.

Nevertheless, U.S. citizens worry that criminals no longer have to resort toninini nuclear weapons or other science-fiction worthy tactics to overtake the grid. In every home there will be a soft underbelly, allowing hackers to steal private data, remotely disconnect appliances, and even black out the neighborhood. The chink in the armor: the smart meter, head honcho of The Internet of Things.

A smart meter is an online utility meter that measures the consumption of water, natural gas and electricity in a home. Through wireless transmission via radio frequency (RF) wave signals, the usage data is provided to the utility company, which supposedly uses the data to “optimize” electricity rates and schedule power generation. More

California: Stop Smart Meters!

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Stop Smart Meters! Bulletinninini
Vol. 24- November 2014
Contact: info@stopsmartmeters.org
PO Box 682 Portola, CA 96122 United States

The Dalai Lama, when asked what surprised him most about humanity, answered “Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”


TS Radio: The battle continues in Seattle against SMART meters


painy                                                        Join us today at 2:00 pm.CST!

If you are in Washington State, especially in the Seattle area, this is a must listen broadcast!  Always available in archives.


LED Lights: We can spy on you everywhere!

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new-logo25Marti Oakley

(c) copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved


This is Big Brother.  He is here. He is from the government and he is here to help you……….


SMART Meters and the Gobal currency reset


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new-logo25  STOPTHECRIME.net


Lindsey Williams has had an insider connection for several decades . . . . REMOVE YOUR SMART METER FROM YOUR HOME. .

You have been prepared for about the last two to three years to NOT REVOLT or RIOT as financial markets incrementally collapse and conditions deteriorate . . Treason of the highest form is occurring and the dollar is going to be scuttled . . There will be a GLOBAL currency reset and the dollar will no longer be the reserve currency . . .

The smart meters that have been “deployed” on our houses – the electric smart meters have not been what we have been told . . Most people did not think anything about the meters and are not being told the facts by the utilities or the government.  All we were basically told is that the meter reader would not need to come and read the meters anymore and we would save money.

The federal government subsidized the utilities to the tune of billions of dollars to put in all the equipment necessary so that the smart electric meters could read your electric usage. This began two to three years ago and deployment is just about complete in the United States.

The electric meters were not installed for the purpose to read you electric usage. The meters were put on our homes for the purpose of dumbing us down.

The electric smart meters communicate with each other and every night between 3 and 4 AM in the morning they cause sleep disturbances, and create sounds in your ears also between 3 and 4 AM – do you hear pulsing?

Yes – WHY? More

TS Radio: Remote Neural Monitoring and Surveillance



Join us this evening at 10:00 pm CST! More

ACTION ALERT: Hold public hearing on AB 345 SMART METER opt-out



ACTION ALERT: Tell Committe on Energy and Utilities committee: Hold public hearing on AB 345 September 5, 2013

Rep. Thiesfeldt’s smart meter opt out bill, AB 345, has been assigned to the Committee on Energy and Utilities. Please call the members, especially vice-president of the committee Thomas Larson, to ask them to hold a public hearing on the bill. (The committee chair just left, and no replacement has been named yet.)

Rep. Thomas Larson

(608) 266-1194

(888) 534-0067


Reasons to hold the hearing would be:

*Wisconsin citizens deserve the chance to be heard on legislation about the issue of transmitting utility meters, which directly affects their daily lives and homes.

*This Republican-studded committee ought to heed the resolution passed early this year by the party: “…and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Public Service Commission (PSC) of Wisconsin must make the usage of smart meters, electrical, gas, and water optional, and provide for an opt out of the smart meter program at no additional cost.”

*Lawmakers dealing with our utility monopolies could show that they truly care about utility customer service and statewide fairness. Opt outs now are offered entirely at the whim of each utility, resulting in uneven treatment of property owners and renters throughout the state.

*WI utilities and regulators had never disclosed to customers the privacy, security or health risks of transmitting utility meters prior to installations, some of which utilities and regulators spoke about amongst themselves. Ramthun_Smart_Meter_JointMtg_Tbilisi_2011_eng_FINAL A public hearing would bring to light what should have been aired before roll-outs of “smart” meters in the state. Freedom of information and full disclosure is what a democracy is about. Shine the light on these meters and the smart grid system. The public deserves to be informed and to weigh in on it.

*Elections matter. This issue is not going away. It will only grow with public awareness of the privacy, security and health risks involved, which the industry had never disclosed to customers before installations. Lawmakers will be held responsible at the polls. Industry money will only go so far once public will is roused.

Wisconsin: Support Smart Meter Opt-out Bill


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Note:  There is NO federal mandate for Smart Meters.  The system is set up through PURPA, and is an OPT-IN system.  You must be offered and ACCEPT the meters, or request them.  There is no requirement for you to OPT-OUT.   Forced installation under threat of harsh punishment or extortion is malfeasance of office.  This means that your county commissioners, city councils, and public utility representatives have misused their office to cause you intentional harm under threat and coercion. 


Stop Smart Meters Wisconsin

Open letter to WI lawmakers from businessman:

Support Smart Meter OPT OUT bill August 16, 2013

August 6, 2013

Shaun A Kranish Owner, ElectraHealth.com (Stetzerizer-US.com)

1817 18th Avenue Rockford, IL  61104

Mr. Jeremy Thiesfeldt Room 16 West State Capitol

P.O. Box 8953 Madison, WI 53708


Dear Mr. Thiesfeldt:

I became aware of your bill – LRB-0644/2 to ensure that Wisconsin residents can opt-out of having a “smart meter” on their property.  I would very much like to see everyone in the state have the ability to opt out without risking the power/water/gas company shutting their service down, as it is right now.

I have many friends and contacts in Wisconsin, and we’re wondering what we can do to help.  I was also wondering where to see a status of the bill so we can monitor its progress.  I’m a little unfamiliar with how that works in Wisconsin.

In my business, the number one complain I hear from my customers is smart meters.  Not just from Wisconsin, but from all over North America.  Headaches, dizziness, “brain fog,” sleeping problems, trouble concentrating, chronic pain, heart palpitations, and ringing in the ears are some of the most common complaints I hear.  Many people had no idea a “smart meter” was placed on their house, and then only after suffering months and months or in some cases years, they found out they had a smart meter and that it was placed on their house the same time the symptoms started.

I’ve had customers who lost family members, and I’ve had customers who didn’t even complain about a digital meter, but while talking to them I could tell they seemed distracted/bothered – not fully attentive/present.  They couldn’t focus.  This has happened quite a few times.

This is my 6th year in business, and the smart meter complains have been steadily increasing every single year.  It greatly saddens me when I hear these stories, and my heart goes out to those suffering.  Sometimes they are so ill/debilitated that they feel helpless/powerless and don’t know what to do.  As for me, I’d rip that thing off my house immediately.  But some people are scared of the utilities or scared of the “authorities” in their area.  More

Class Action Lawsuit against SMART METERS


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The massive rise in SMART METER connected illnesses is spreading across the country.  The danger from these meters is so pervasive, so wide-spread that it has become increasingly difficult for manufacturers and utility providers to deny how lethal these meters and the subsequent grid really is.

Don’t waste your time calling your state or federal Senators and Representatives.  You won’t get past their staffers who will deny knowing anything about the SMART METERS until pressed and who will then begin reading from a prepared list of talking points stating that SMART METERS are no worse than your cell phone, microwave etc…….

While the lawsuit discussed in this video is centered on California, Liz Barris wants to hear from people in other states where lawsuits may also be filed.

CAll:  310-281-9639


Published on Apr 11, 2013 

Jerry Day

This is an announcement of legal actions against harm from wireless radiation from household and commercial digital electric meters. More



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new-logo25The SMART Meter attacks continue as a new bill is introduced HR 2685, that would mandate SMART meters and delete the requirements that customers must request or voluntarily accept the meters.  Malfeasance of office and extortion does not equate to “voluntary”.
Currently, there is no federal mandate for SMART Meters, but this has been bypassed by the threats to extort consumers with threats of excessive and unnecessary fees for refusing to have one installed by utility companies or having their service shut off accompanied by massive fines and penalties.  We can only imagine the amount of bribes that were paid to public utility commissions across the country in order to use their authority to attack the public with these dangerous and deadly meters.
“That could be devastating  to the public’s ability to stop this horrific program.  The bill would  in effect, become the “Telecom Act” for smart grid.  For those who do  not know, the Telecom Act prohibits environmental effects from being  used by citizens in a court of law to protect their own health in  regards to cell towers and antenna radiation exposure.”

Nationwide Conference Call to BLOCK New Bill that MANDATES SMART GRID in the US…

A new and VERY DANGEROUS bill has just been introduced conspicuously by a representative from PG@E territory.  It is called “Smart Grid  Advancement Act of 2013”, HR 2685.
Jul 11, 2013 (113th Congress, 2013–2015)
Rep. Jerry McNerney [D-CA9]
Referred to Committee
Your participation is requested on a nationwide conference call this Fri., July 19th, 12 noon Pacific time (3:00 Eastern time) to help stop this disastrous bill from becoming reality.  Please email         contact@thepeoplesinitiative.org         to receive the call in number. 
Full text of the bill can be read here
This bill MANDATES that ALL UTILITIES within the US comply with it.  Meaning even utilities that currently do not have smart grid will have to  convert to smart grid if this bill passes.
We believe the timely introduction of this bill may be in direct response to the current lawsuits being brought against the utilities as it has been introduced in PG@E  territory, almost one month after PG@E was served with 6 cases of  physical harm, directly related to smart grid and smart meters.
Passage of this bill could potentially interfere with ours and others  ability to sue the utilities on this issue.  That could be devastating  to the public’s ability to stop this horrific program.  The bill would  in effect, become the “Telecom Act” for smart grid.  For those who do  not know, the Telecom Act prohibits environmental effects from being  used by citizens in a court of law to protect their own health in  regards to cell towers and antenna radiation exposure.  That means that  people who become sick or die from their exposure to cell towers and  antennas cannot take action in court.  In other words the cell tower has more of a right to life than the human being.  This bill could  potentially mimic the Telecom Act but for smart grid and smart meters  since the meters could be considered to be a part of the grid.
Here are some excerpts from the bill, compliments http://www.stopocsmartmeters.org/.  Red is bill language, blue is commentary by Maureen Homec.
1.  Section 2 (4) defines Load-serving entity as an  entity that “provides electricity directly to retail consumers with the  responsibility to assure power quality and reliability, including such  entities that are investor-owned, publicly owned, owned by rural electric cooperatives, or other entities.”  In other words:  ALL ELECTRICITY PROVIDERS.
2.  Section 5 (a) says “each load-serving entity, or, at the option of the State, each State with respect to load-serving entities that the State  regulates, shall determine and publish peak demand reduction goals for  any load-serving entities that have an applicable baseline in excess of  250 megawatts.”  In other words every provider has to reduce the amount of electricity provided.
3.  Section 5 (c)(4) says that “…peak demand reduction goals shall provide that…” “…are realistically achievable with an aggressive effort to deploy Smart Grid”
4.  Section 5 (d) says Each load-serving entity shall prepare a peak  demand reduction plan through either/and “direct reduction in megawatts  of peak demand through “energy efficiency measures  or use of a Smart Grid.  HOW ELSE CAN A UTILITY MEET THESE REDUCTION GOALS UNLESS THEY CAN FORCE IT  THROUGH RATIONING AND PRICE INCREASES WITH THE SMART GRID?
5.  Section 6 changes key wording in the Energy Policy Act of 2005.  Wording changes:
“striking  ‘reduce energy consumption during the 4-year period beginning on the  date of enactment of this Act’ and inserting ‘increase energy efficiency and to adopt Smart Grid technology and practices’.”
“inserting after subparagraph (C) the following: ‘(D) purchasing and utilizing equipment that includes Smart Grid features and capability’ “

“by inserting ‘and smart’ after ‘efficient’ and by inserting after ‘products’ the first place it appears ‘, including products designated as being smart appliances’.”

(6) PEAK DEMAND REDUCTION- The term ‘peak demand reduction’ means the  reduction in annual peak demand as compared to a previous baseline year  or period, expressed in megawatts (MW), whether accomplished by–
(A) diminishing the end-use requirements for electricity; RATIONING AND PRICE INCREASES
(B) use of locally stored energy or generated electricity to meet those  requirements from distributed resources on the load-serving entity’s  customers’ premises and without use of high-voltage transmission; or
(C) energy savings from efficient operation of the distribution grid resulting from the use of a Smart Grid.

Baraboo cuts off 81-year-old great-grandma’s water for resisting smart meter

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 Stop Smart Meters Wisconsin

July 10, 2013

NEWS FLASH: As I was writing this, Rep. Jeremy Thiesfeldt announced a smart meter opt out bill for Wisconsin, LRB 0644/2— Relating to:  installation of smart meters at premises of public utility customers and allowing an opt-out. He will talk today on Vicki McKenna’s radio show at 5:06 p.m. about the proposed bill. Please TELL state lawmakers to support this law, which protects individual property and health choices.

Yesterday Audrey Parker’s city shut off her water because she refused to get their new smart water meter due to health and privacy concerns. The City of Baraboo heard her request last fall to opt out of the radiofrequency emitting meter, and has threatened her with various shut off dates since then.

A growing number of people nationwide (and worldwide) are rejecting smart meters. Besides the point nininithat no one should be forced to have a radiation-producing meter against their will in order to get utility service, WI Public Service Commission code actually prohibits shut-offs for sensitive populations. So, likely this “smart” city has made a rather dumb decision legally, not to mention a heartless one.

PSC 113.0304(4) (4) Conditions for disconnection. A utility may disconnect only those households whose gross quarterly incomes are above 250% of the federal income poverty guidelines and where health and safety would not be endangered because of the infirmities of age, developmental or mental disabilities or like infirmities incurred at any age or the frailties associated with being very young, if service were terminated or not restored.

Baraboo should follow the example of Madison Water Utility and the Town of Sheboygan in allowing smart meter opt outs for individuals. The 2005 federal Energy law stated that smart meters should be “offered” not forced upon residents. Just because utilities “can” choose their own equipment does not mean they should trash customer service in the process. The Public Service Commission should make a ruling to allow it in the name of fairness and good customer relations. Last fall, the PSC denied a Madison petition for statewide utility customer “bill of rights” for opt outs.

Non-transmitting analog meters should be a choice for every resident in the state. To deny customers this choice is an abuse of power by these utility monopolies. It is about time Wisconsin had a law to protect utility customers from this bull-headed, heartless abuse.

Smart Meters – Propaganda Used in Manipulating the People to Accept the Global Smart Grid


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PPJ Note: Below is a power point presentation on how to con people into accepting the SMART Grid and SMART meters. There is no mention of the dangers of these meters or the fact that they can alter and damage DNA, cause cancer and numerous other ill health affects.
From Stop The Crime:
Once you realize the massive programs set in motion to create public consent you will newnnnnnrealize the dangers behind the manipulations.
Why would any of us willingly accept microwave radiating frequencies that military documents say are used as weapons to target and kill?
Why would any of us accept a smart meter when we know the Department of Defense is “deploying” these bio-hazards on our homes?
And why have most people been so ignorant in “allowing” this kind of obvious mistreatment?
We have all been carefully, over many years, programmed to OBEY . . . a form of mind control. .
Edward Bernese wrote:
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society.  Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government, which is the true ruling power of our country.  We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men that we have never heard of . . . we are dominated by a relatively small number of persons . . . who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses.  It is they who pull the wires, which control the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world.”
So what do we do you ask?
The invisible “controllers” have a policy which states exactly what their plans are.  So why not read this 44 page document called “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars” on www.StopTheCrime.net Source Doc Tab and learn how the manipulation has been implemented.  Only after learning what the plan is will you effectively wage resistance against this diabolical agenda to “control” everything on this planet.  What the definition of control is = absolute control, absolutely = mind control (the remote control of your thoughts, reactions and actions) and their decision whether you live or die.

Here is what you can do in the meantime.  Our actions affect our outcomes and “they” need us to comply.  Do not comply!  Keep in mind we have been cut off from any form of representative leadership or legal systems that were thought to protect us.  The shadow government is presenting themselves visibly as bankers and mega corporations and they are posing as a legitimate government in the United States, and they are not.  We are now USA, Inc.  Our current reality will become clear when you read the recommended source documents on StopTheCrime.net which are written by the very elite groups implementing these horrific agendas.

Refuse the smart meter, take it off!  Risk whatever it takes we are at war under the declaration proclaimed in the “Silent Weapons for Quite Wars” the policy adopted by in invisible shadow ruling elite many years ago. .

UK Stops all SMART Meter Installations


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This video series shows the Commons Select Committee enquiry into the UK Smart Meter roll-out held on Tuesday 23rd April 2013.  Witnesses appearing to give evidence to the Committee in the first session include Dr Elizabeth Evans and Mike Mitcham from Stop Smart Meters! (UK), alongside Dr Jill Meara, representing Public Health England, and Dr John Swanson, from the Biological Effects Policy Advisory Group for the Institute of Engineering and Technology.

  • The representatives from Stop Smart Meters! (UK) share their concerns about adverse health effects from wireless smart meters due to the pulsed microwave radiation that is emitted 24/7 by these meters, up to 190,000 pulses a day –
  • acute effects: insomnia, headaches, nausea, anxiety and depression, fatigue and memory/concentration problems and
  • chronic effects including increased risk of cancer, infertility, dementia, immune system dysfunction, damage to fetuses;
  • environmental damage from wireless smart meters – RF radiation affecting bees, plants, trees, birds etc and the inherent energy-inefficiency of wireless technology:
  • cybersecurity problems – leaving homes and communities vulnerable to hacking of their smart meters;
  • privacy issues – concerning the masses of real-time data on energy usage collected by the utility company which gives a detailed picture of family life inside a home with a smart meter, who will have access to that data, and how that data will be used; and
  • the specter of higher bills resulting from smart meters – as has been the experience in Canada where 80% of Smart Meter users complain of higher bills within a year of installation, often more that 50% higher.
    Stop Smart Meters! (UK) http://stopsmartmeters.org.uk/



Electro-sensitivity: The cause in the rise of ADD, ADHD?


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Have any of the parents of these children diagnosed with ADD or ADHD or school officials or, these psychiatric quacks considered the possibility that these children who are obviously in an agitated state are responding to radio frequencies that permeate the schools, neighborhoods and homes: anywhere and every where?

As the number of SMART meters, cell towers and hidden antennas, rise, so does the number of childrenninini diagnosed with so-called attention deficit disorders.  These same children appear to be responding to some invisible force that makes it impossible for them to think clearly and stay focused, or to remain still in their seats at school. At home they appear hyper-active and uncontrollable.  Many are unable to achieve adequate sleep which adds to the overall distress the child appears to be suffering from.

You can go to www.antennasearch.com and find out just how many cell towers and antennas have been installed and/or hidden in a four mile radius around your home.  This information may give you a clue about what might actually be wrong with your child.  It may also explain tinnitus, headaches, blurred vision, anxiety attacks, muscle cramping, and a general feeling of dis-ease…experienced by you!


According to Northwestern University:

ADHD is now a common diagnosis among children and teens,” said Craig Garfield, M.D., first author of the study. “The magnitude and speed of this shift in one decade is likely due to an increased awareness of ADHD, which may have caused more physicians to recognize symptoms and diagnose the disorder.”

And it is just as likely, if not more so, that what is being diagnosed as ADD or ADHD is actually a physical response to wi-fi, pulsing microwaves from SMART meters and the massive ongoing installation of cell towers and antennas; all of it engulfing every area of our communities.  Maybe what these children are really responding to is the continual exposure to microwave radiation.   More

TS Radio: Smart Meters with John & Pauline Holeton



Join us Friday afternoon, February 8th, 2013 at 3:00 CST! More

The Land of the Fleeced and the Home of our Early Grave


  new-logo25By Miss American


“For the aware among us, it has mostly been a long, lonely, depressing, winding road.  Very soon, one by one, the suckers will awaken from their slumber to the new America:  The Land of the Fleeced and the Home of our Early Grave.”

Why has the nation that was the envy of all peoples and a beacon of hope for the world, become one of the catwtf1most hated, resented and feared entities on earth?  What happened?  Who is behind it?  Was it really this way all along?  If so, the world has been deluded for decades by satanic self-appointed  masters of the universe who took great delight in engineering a false world for the masses to wallow in.

Just when everyone felt safe and secure in their home, and in their children’s future (ie. firmly under Satan’ s matrix and boot), Satan and his helpers decided it was the perfect time to start amusing themselves by administering the shock treatments Americans ‘deserved’.  With no shame, and little cover, they started to show their hideous face.  It started with a ‘war on terror’, imaginary boogymen, protecting the ‘homeland’, the need to kill millions, and destroy entire countries.

While stuffing their pockets with billions, they told us it was to keep precious Americans ‘safe’.   More

TS Radio with guest Deborah Tavares: NASA The Future of War



Join us January 11th, 2013 mid-day at 12:00 CST!  More

TS Radio: Smart meters report with John & Pauline Holeton

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Join us this evenng at 6:00 CST! More

UN Agenda 21, and who appointed YOU the NEW GODS??


  Miss American/PPJ Contributor



The very ‘humans’ who have gained their immense wealth and power through the centuries from the sweat and toil of others, and who have arranged the world to steal anything they want without lifting a finger, are the same ones who have appointed themselves as the new God’s of the universe.  These carnival barkers actually believe they have the final word on who, and how many humans belong on this planet!!  Of course, we have yet to see any of them step up and volunteer to be an example to the rest of us in their zealotry to demonize “the earth’s human plague”, and actually help reduce the world’s population!!

Any critically thinking person would be looking over their shoulder for the white coats to take us away in straightjackets if WE went around spouting the very same ludicrous nonsense they have come up with.  Global warming has turned into climate change??  Now there’s something you can’t argue with!!  It’s why weather reports were invented!  I suppose that the sky being blue will be the next ‘proof’ that ‘we’ are causing the moon to exit the universe.

The hysterical and rabid environmental ‘Gods’ seem to have been blessed with crystal balls and know exactly how the earth is going to behave, and what the weather will be 75 years from now.   What they’ve done is create a casino where they can take bets on what the temperature will be tomorrow, or on any given day in the year 2062, while they control the temperatures with their chemicals dispersed in the sky and electronic toys (HAARP).

One doesn’t even need to look beneath the surface or read between the lines, to see the gigantic lies, blatant deceptions, and the insanity of it all.  You have to think that trying to pull off this grand scheme, and how voraciously absurd it is, is part of the rush they are thoroughly enjoying, while they madly jerk on their multitude of puppet strings.  The mind drifts easily to the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain, after they’ve led the gullible masses down the green brick road. More

Alert! May 1st deadline for opting out of dangerous SMART meters!


Attention: if you are a PGE customer and still have a SMART meter you have until May 1st to Opt-Out!!! Do not wait…. Call now.

If you are a SoCal Edison customer you can opt out too!!! SoCal Edison just agreed last Thursday to an opt out plan! Please call  and get your meter off. Even if you are not worried about the potential health risks these meters will be used to charge you for resource usage through the AB32 carbon cap n’ trade plan!!!

Call PG&E and OPT OUT Before May 1st . .

.Time is running out . .PG&E (800) 743-5000

You Must call whether you have an existing safe electric analog meter or a smart meter . . . Call NOW, If you want to HAVE a Safe Electric Meter . . Don’t “radiate” your neighbors . . .


You are being lied to, spied on and assaulted with cancer-causing radiation.

The new digital meters they are attempting to force on you are SURVEILLANCE DEVICES. That’s what “monitoring” means! They also emit intended and unintended microwave (electromagnetic radiation) pollution IN YOUR HOME all day long!

Most importantly, DO NOT let your children sleep, play or linger anywhere near these meters!

SAY NO to rationing of power, remote intermittent shut-offs of your power and penalties on your monthly bill for “bad energy-use behavior”!

SAY NO to the taking, stealing and hacking of data of YOUR LIVING HABITS AND PATTERNS.

This is why many are opting out and paying the extortion fees.

The smart meters bill on a tiered pricing scheme at time of use.  They decide how much you will PAY during what times.  And energy costs will soar.   Also, you will not be radiated by the pulsed microwaves from the smart meter technology that will slice your DNA into some illness or worse.

You will keep your safe electric meter which you will not be forced to add the NEW RFID chipped appliances, too.  The ultimate success of “The Grid” is to get ALL energy consumers to replace their old appliances (Large and small) and purchase all new appliances with RFID (spy) chips.   Plus, being a good neighbor does mean you would not want to radiate them, 24/7/365 with the radiation from your meter.  At some point they could file a law suit against you. . .

You will be charged an extortion fee by PG&E whether you have a smart meter right now or you still have your safe electric analog meter.  Everyone will pay a $75.00 initial fee plus $10.00 per month.  That’s a deal when you compare the tiered pricing and new appliance with the chips that the smart meters will demand.  If you are on the PG&E CARE Program you only pay $10.00 initial fee and $5.00 per month.   Just write a separate check for the fees and note on the memo “paid under protest” and “I do not agree with your contract.”

Call and say NO to Smart Meters.  PG&E OPT OUT (800) 743-5000

This is why many are opting out and paying the extortion fees.

The smart meters bill on a tiered pricing scheme at time of use.  They decide how much you will PAY during what times.  And energy costs will soar.   Also, you will not be radiated by the pulsed microwaves from the smart meter technology that will slice your DNA into some illness or worse.

You will keep your safe electric meter and you will not be forced to add the NEW RFID chipped appliances, too.  The ultimate success of “The Grid” is to get ALL energy consumers to replace their old appliances (Large and small) and purchase all new appliances with RFID (spy) chips.   Plus, being a good neighbor does mean you would not want to radiate them, 24/7/365 with the radiation from your meter.  At some point they could file a law suit against you. . .

You will be charged an extortion fee by PG&E whether you have a smart meter right now or you still have your safe electric analog meter.  Everyone will pay a $75.00 initial fee plus $10.00 per month.  That’s a deal when you compare the tiered pricing and new appliance with the chips that the smart meters will demand.  If you are on the PG&E CARE Program you only pay $10.00 initial fee and $5.00 per month.   Just write a separate check for the fees and note on the memo “paid under protest” and “I do not agree with your contract.”

Call and say NO to Smart Meters.  PG&E OPT OUT…..

(800) 743-5000


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