FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                            

Contact: Joshua Hart, StopSmartMeters.Org


Thursday, Sept. 15th 2011                                                

Santa Cruz Resident Assaulted by “Smart” Meter Installers Wednesday Morning 

San Francisco- Yesterday, as part of an “opt out” judicial proceeding at the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) the public had a chance to pose tough questions to a panel of utility and “smart” meter supplier executives, who responded at times by giving false information, vague, tight lipped reassurances, often refusing to answer relevant questions about the power of wireless radiation being emitted by the meters. The judge refused to allow expert medical testimony or public comment on the record or any questions regarding widespread health effects of the pulsing meters. 

This morning, Stop Smart Meters! received disturbing reports of an alleged assault by a Wellington Energy Installer on an electrosensitive resident who had demanded the installer halt work installing smart meters on the side of his apartment.   The full account can be read here:

Outside at lunch, a boisterous crowd chanted “Pull the Plug,” demanding that the entire wireless “smart” meter mesh network be scrapped, and insisting that any charges to “opt out” of the health damaging “smart” meter program would be akin to charging disabled people to access a wheelchair ramp. More