
Forced Vaccinations and Would-Be Presidents

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Copyright © 2011 by W.R. McAfee, Sr.  All rights reserved.


Much ado about the “legalization” of forced vaccinations these days. 

Advice to Washington—don’t try them yet, regardless of how many “laws”Washington passes. 

Citizens don’t want them. 

A dashing and groomed and Bilderberg-vetted 2012 presidential candidate attempted to force gardasil on Texas ‘tween school girls after the other states told Merck to not even think about it.  He opined he was just trying to “. . .save them from a horrible cervical cancer. . .” (or words to that effect) when outed for the nation in the Republican presidential debates. Yes.  Of course. That’s why he decreed it for an Austin lobbyist cum Merck employee; a microcosm of Washington’s current, illegal attempts to force vaccinations onto the public; this after having their way with captive government employees.

They keep probing, though. Best place to keep up with the vaccination charades is the National Vaccine Information Center Did you know congress shielded the vaccine manufacturers (read: and the elite who own them and the World Health Organization, WHO) from lawsuits?  Why?  Because Big Pharma knew if they had to pay settlements for the injuries and permanent damages their vaccines inflict on people, either they or their insurance companies—or both—would go bankrupt. More

The Ruthie Report/ Illegal immigration news and information

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Join Ruthie Thursday nights at 8:00 CST

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9:00 EST

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Please join Ruthie this week with Guest: Peter Gadiel
Co Founder of 9/11 Families for a Secure America
This should be a very interesting and educational airing of The Ruthie Report.

Peter’s Bio:
Co-founded 9/11 Families for a Secure America after the murder of 23 year old son, James, in the World Trade Center. 9/11FSA is the only national voice of victims of illegal alien criminals demanding enforcement of immigration law. www.911fsa.org
Gadiel has devoted the past nine years working for enforcement of immigration law and securing our borders. He has testified at numerous Congressional and state legislative hearings. His testimony is part of the permanent record of the 9/11 Independent Commission.
His work has resulted in published attacks on him by the Communist party and other far left groups, as well as well as many in the “mainstream” media.
He is the son and brother of legal immigrants. He holds a Juris Doctor degree from Case Western Reserve School of Law.
Minnesotans Seeking Immigration Reform                                                        
“Restore Order – Secure Our Border”                            
“The Ruthie Report”
8 pm CST every Thursday
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