
Truth Squad Radio: Smart Meters

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The 50 MPH Taser Equipped Elephant of Montgomery County, Texas


Available in Taser, Video, 37mm or 40mm grenade launchers, or a meaty single shot or multiple shot 12 gauge shotgun. The final variety is for military use only and they don’t tell us what sorts of ballistics toys they get to pick from.

(The above information is directly taken from the article “Tased From Above

Lynn Swearingen (c) copyright 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

When I was a potty mouthed little rug-rat in Primary School, we had this raunchy poem we would recite:

“Birdy, Birdy in the sky,

Let a poopy in my eye.

Birdy, Birdy I won’t cry,

I’m just glad that Elephants don’t fly!”

All a twitter (which meant something completely different back in my youth), we’d run off laughing at ourselves.

Years pass. We might marry, see our wee ones grow into something amazing and wonder what the next generation will achieve. Lately I’ve been more concerned with what burdens and lack of Freedom they will inherit. It is obvious that something is standing in our collective “room with a view” which is being completely ignored. Something dark, large and ominous. Whether it be the rioting Citizens of many Nations fed up with the obvious overreaching governmental control or the slow slide into complete societal control by “unknown” forces, there is an unseen “Elephant of Doom” hovering about.

As discussed before, drones are the ultimate “no-knock warrant”. This was my opinion six months ago. Eight months ago, I discussed the possibility that drones would begin their active usage in CONUS  – again – I was quite soundly chastised for my concern.

We are now in these few short months facing (or ignoring depending upon mindset) the fact that in Texas – home of the supposed Republican Party front-runner Perry (Tea Party front-runner?!)- drones are being deployed that will be equipped with a Taser XREP, Video and possibly more extreme weaponry for use against – American Citizens who reside in Montgomery County, Texas.  According to this article:

The ShadowHawk comes in four different flavors with different options for outfitting. Both turbine or piston engines are available and guidance systems include laser pointers, range finders, illuminators, CCD TV optics and a FLIR infrared camera. Take off, flying and landing can be fully automated or pilot assist, semi-autonomous. The military and law enforcement can opt to add an XREP taser, 37mm or 40mm grenade launchers or a meaty single shot or multiple shot 12 gauge shotgun. The final variety is for military use only and they don’t tell us what sorts of ballistics toys they get to pick from.

Wow! This situation kind of reminds of a passage I was required to read in order to have the appropriate “education”:

Outside, even through the shut window-pane, the world looked cold. Down in the street little eddies of wind were whirling dust and torn paper into spirals, and though the sun was shining and the sky a harsh blue, there seemed to be no colour in anything, except the posters that were plastered everywhere. The blackmoustachio’d face gazed down from every commanding corner. There was one on the house-front immediately opposite. BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU, the caption said, while the dark eyes looked deep into Winston’s own. Down at streetlevel another poster, torn at one corner, flapped fitfully in the wind, alternately covering and uncovering the single word INGSOC. In the far distance a helicopter skimmed down between the roofs, hovered for an instant like a bluebottle, and darted away again with a curving flight. It was the police patrol, snooping into people’s windows. The patrols did not matter, however. Only the Thought Police mattered.

Of course I am most probably mistaken. In our current society there is no Propaganda plastered on the Main Stream Media, revisionist economic news is never “revised” and transparency is always in force!

However if the Vanguard visits your County – well – one might want to duck.

Federal Eradication Management Agency : Screw You Tornado Victims


Lynn Swearingen (c) copyright 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

In yet another show of dirty handed politicking – the Federal Eradication Management Agency (FEMA) who is supposed to assist United States Citizens after an Emergency just presented their nether parts for Tornado Victims to lick. The politically correct title set forward is”

FEMA, to pay for Irene damage, delays funds for rebuilding in tornado-ravaged areas

The Federal Emergency Management Agency is temporarily suspending some payments to rebuild roads, schools and other structures destroyed during spring tornadoes in Joplin, Mo., and Southern states and other recent natural disasters to pay for damage caused by Hurricane Irene.

With initial damage assessments from the storm potentially in the tens of billions of dollars, the Obama administration will need to request supplemental funding from Congress, possibly provoking another fight over federal spending as a new congressional “supercommittee” prepares to identify trillions of dollars in government spending cuts.

In reality that headline should say “Oh by the way Alabama and Missouri – f*ck you. You just don’t have enough votes to be important enough for our Agency to help you.” As Presidential Candidate Ron Paul pointed out (although he used much nicer terms), FEMA is full of cronies that want nothing more than to rip your head off and shit down your neck. Only thing left of your home a pile of rubble with a few cinder blocks where your basement used to be? DENIED.

Citizens have been the driving force of clean up in Joplin – not FEMA. Because they realize FEMA is pretty for a few days then retreats on high to tell “us” to make sure we “Get A Kit” (but not too many matches or flashlights ’cause you’d have to be reported as a possible terrorist). There is no money left people – none. If Helicopter Ben decides to ease into us a bit more through QE3 (thereby driving us from inflation to hyper-inflation) we’re even more screwed. However I betcha’ that’ll be the excuse from the screaming masses on the East Coast in this instance. “We nneeeeddd mmooonnneeeyy”.


Votes ya’ fools. Alabama and Missouri have a combined population of about 12 million Souls. That’s nothing compared to the votes that will roll in from the much over hyped Irene on the East Coast. New York alone has 19 Million legal votes and they ain’t likely to be looking to any RINO in 2012.   .Gov cannot have Wall Street, Casinos or Unions out of action because who else will buy into the “Hope it Changes” rhetoric?

As MSNBC says “Lean Forward” – it might hurt a bit less if you relax too.

TS Radio w/ Clear the bench Colorado/Matt Arnold

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SMART GRID: How Secure Will You Be?



John Boering    All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2011


Congress funded and implemented Smart Grid, knowing that it had major security issues.  And it still does.  Was our old system more secure?  If the Smart Grid is supposed to make us more secure, then why are we sharing our technology with everybody and their brother around the world?

In an April 26, 2011 Center for a New American Security (CNAS) www.cnas.org blog posting, Christine Parthemore, a Fellow at CNAS, wrote:

“For years, DOD-focused discussion could be characterized as many heads of hair on fire. We saw tons of arm-waving, sky-is-falling near-hysteria within different parts of the Department of Defense on the cyber vulnerabilities of smart grid technology…”

“Many burning questions remain, and seem to be even more urgent after our off-the-record, this-meeting-never-happened meeting on smart grid cyber security…

there is so little clarity to the nature and scale of the problem that solutions are bound to be incredibly ineffective while wasting massive stacks of cash.”

Sept. 2007 GAO Report Warned Congress

GAO Report GAO-07-1036 pdf. to Congress warned that:

“The smart grid vision and its increased reliance on IT systems and networks expose the electric grid to potential and known cybersecurity vulnerabilities… As we and others have previously reported, these potential vulnerabilities include: More

The Ruthie Report… Southern Exposure w/ Stan Wald and Jerry Misner

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Cutting Edge – Licensing of Knife Sellers in Boston?


Lynn Swearingen (c) copyright 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVE

Finally, finally, common sense is prevailing in Boston. Home of the elite who never ever are involved in


Federal prosecutors are asking a judge to sentence former Massachusetts House Speaker Salvatore DiMasi to 12 1/2 years in prison on corruption charges.

DiMasi was convicted in June on charges he used his clout as speaker to steer two lucrative state contracts to a software firm in exchange for payments.

In a sentencing memo filed with U.S. District Court Judge Mark Wolf on Wednesday, prosecutors say DiMasi deserves the sentence because he was an elected public official with significant authority whose offenses involved multiple bribe payments.

Narcotic stings:

John M. Forbes, 31, of East Boston appeared in US District Court in Boston yesterday on a two-count indictment charging him with possession with intent to distribute OxyContin and possession with intent to distribute marijuana. He was ordered held until a detention hearing Monday.

Nepotism for “Change”: More

John Wallace: American Politics radio show

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NEXT SHOW: WEDNESDAY– AUGUST 31 st at 8:00pm More

Morgellan’s disease..its not a conspiracy “theory” anymore!


Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2011 All rights Reserved


A conspiracy is a theory only if you have no evidence of what the conspiracy consists of. 

A 2008 article by Barbara Peterson of www.farmwars.info, brought to light a growing mysterious disease that the CDC, WHO, and several other government operatives referred to as “more conspiracy theory”.  Several major internet sources jumped on board and claimed there was nothing to the report and the mysterious fibers and  lesions were figments of people’s imaginations. 

The disease, now linked to the deadly chemtrails appearing in skies over the country, has gone mainstream.  Reports of feelings of bugs crawling under the skin, lesions with fibers and lesions with something looking like a fiber that moves are coming in at a rapid pace as chemtrails have escalated.

It is no secret that our government routinely and without moral conscience tests bioweapons on the general population.  We are inside a massive experiment and no one knows what the end result should be or could be. 

The theory is fact.  This is a conspiracy against the American people.

Social Security: The efforts to demonize this invested insurance


Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved


It appears that some of our so-called grassroots advocates have jumped ship and now routinely parrot government talking points, helping to drive public opinion away from actual facts and towards what the government is desperate to have the public believe. This is quite evident in the recent article put out J.D. Heyes of Natural News regarding the condition of Social Security and Social Security Disability. Big government gone wild: Social Security on the verge of insolvency

Its hard to know where to start in highlighting the evident misrepresentation of the condition of Social Security (& disability) that occurs in this article. More

War Profiteering = Big Business


Lynn Swearingen (c) copyright 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVE

On a Board I frequent, someone brought up the subject of War Profiteers. Curious as to the situation now, I wondered how these folks are fairing in these difficult global economic times. Seems like they might be doing alright and maybe I should just keep “quiet”. Not questioning Profiteering Policy tends to get one promoted these days or at least the option to live a bit longer (See related Gunwalker Reporter death in Mexico).

Today the Washington Post tells us about the gracious monetary sharing of NATO to our little subjugated relative in the east – Afghanistan.

Apparently NATO has such an extended amount of resources, it was decided to send an “Iron Mountain” of supplies to Afghanistan. More

Obamacare’s Waterloo


By Glenn Troy Morton


Even for those who wanted single payer, I’m sure they didn’t want it brought to them by Blue Cross or United Healthcare! Out of all options talked about during the drafting of Obamacare, this is the worst possible outcome, and now the most likely.”


I’m an emotional person. I have a tendency to believe I can do anything, despite how hard it might be, or how many times I see it clearly cannot be done. America is mine to live in, fully and enthusiastically, and I want it to do right by me, and I’ll return the favor.


My work as a citizen of this great country is geared towards one goal and, with help, I’ll run it down like a bull: relentlessly, powerfully, and surely. The Bull isn’t afraid; the Bull won’t stand obstacles…unlike the one on Wall Street (Honestly, don’t you wish the people who have money had more balls? Their behavior is like splashing when you pee, then screaming a la Linda Blair in a 70’s horror film). The Bull is playing to win.

The bull’s fury is unmatched, and its chances of winning are much greater than yours if you happen to be in its way. It’s coming for you hard, whether you like it or not…

Replacing Obamacare is what I’m charging towards; I am clear on the damage it will do to our nation, and clear that I have developed a vastly better alternative. Obamacare seeks to permanently harm our financial capabilities and individual rights, and I am certain it will suffer a crushing defeat at our hands. We never voted for it, asked for it, or needed it. We needed the price of health insurance to drop…that’s all. We needed to be able to afford to care for our bodies, and the bodies of the ones we love. We wanted to die only when all attempts had been exhausted; when there was no alternative.

Since health insurers now make more money than at any time in the history of history, this should not have been a tall order… More

TS Radio: Glenn Morton on Obamacare

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Join us Tuesday evening at 8 CST! More

You Can Now See Our Wild Horses In Long Term Holding!


Debbie Coffey  Copyright 2011  All Rights Reserved.


Photo by Kurt Golgart

Ree Drummond, who writes the popular “The Pioneer Woman” blog, is married to Ladd Drummond (whom she calls “Marlboro Man”), one of the partners of Drummond Land and Cattle, which has a BLM contract for Long Term Holding pastures for our wild horses.

While watching the Food Network the other night, I saw an ad for a new show called “The Pioneer Woman,” starring Ree Drummond (premiering Aug. 27th).  Ree is a blogger/photographer/cookbook author who blogs about her life on the ranch inOklahoma.

Last year (Nov. 9, 2010) the BLM had a tour of the Drummond long term holding pasture, but only allowed credentialed media.

About those roundups

Terry Fitch, a photographer for Horseback Magazine who has been to the BLM roundups of our wild horses, went on this BLM tour and wrote:

“The Drummond family (according to The Land Report) owns approximately 120,000 acres which, according to Debbie Collins of the BLM, 24,292 of those acres are dedicated to the approximately 3400 wild horses living out their lives on this land.

If I didn’t know the first thing about wild horses, I would say that this is a paradise for the horses; however, I do know a little something about wild horses.  

All in all, it’s the perfect place for domestic horses, not wild horses that are ripped from their family bands, separated by gender, and living their days out.”  More

TS Radio: Guardianship Abuse with guests Ken & Bev Cooper


Join us Sunday evening at 5:00 CST! More

The Ruthie Report …Illegal Immigration News and Information


Join Ruthie Thursday nights at 8:00 CST! More

10 Reasons Why Rick Perry and Michelle Bachmann Suck


Frank Veracity/PPJ Contributor

                                Who do these people work for??

(Author’s note: I am aware that this is an incomplete list, but I had to narrow it down to 10 points-please add to the list in the comments section)

Rick Perry:

• Perry mandated compulsory Gardasil vaccines for 6th grade girls, which was overturned by the state legislature (2007).

• As the Agriculture Commissioner of Texas, Perry ushered genetically engineered (GE) crops into the state. He used dirty tricks to defeat the former Commissioner, Jim Hightower, who instituted the organic farmers certification program and would have required GE food labeling.

• He is a supporter of the Texas Trans Corridor, the Agenda 21 NAFTA superhighway from Mexico to Canada designed to erase borders and sovereignty.

• Public buildings, schools, nursing homes, ports, mass transit, etc can be auctioned off for sweetheart private corporate leases under Perry’s regime. Reminds me of the successful austerity program in Greece.

• Perry supports illegal immigration and entitlements for illegal aliens.


Michelle Bachmann: More

The Accidental Terrorist (Update)


Washington State Department of Agriculture is interested in your purchases as well.

Along with the “Watchlist Service” which apparently will become the “List of Lists” – one wonders who is watching the watchers?

Homeland Security plans to operate a massive new database of names, photos, birthdays and biometrics called Watchlist Service, duplicated from the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Database which has proven not to be accurate many times in the past. DHS wants to exempt the Watchlist Service from Privacy Act provisions, meaning you will never know if you are wrongfully listed. Privacy groups worried about inaccurate info and mission creep have filed a protest, arguing the Privacy Act says DHS must notify subject of government surveillance. More

TS Radio…Laura Leigh update on wild horse obliteration

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Join us Tuesday evening at 8 CST! More

The Health Ranger Misfires the Population Bomb


 Frank Veracity/PPJ Contributor


Climate constantly changes, it’s called WEATHER.  Weather always affects crops, however…”


          Bloomberg came out with a story last week revealing that George Soros is selling gold and buying farmland.  Some large farming investments reap over 16% profits yearly.  Soros makes his money by renting land to farmers and land appreciation (notice that he owns the land).

Mike Adams discusses food shortages in his article ‘Why is George Soros selling gold and buying farmland?’ http://www.naturalnews.com/033319_food_prices_farmland.html 

Adams identifies the following causes of food shortages:

1.  Increased food demand- this is a veiled reference to overpopulation.  The Malthusian overpopulation theory is incorrect and is used to justify depopulation.  By the way, the UN projects that by 2050 the world’s population will be around 9 billion people and will plateau there- the population projection for 2300 is still 9 billion people.


Here are some of Mike Adams’ thoughts on overpopulation from another article:

“When the population continues to expand and most of the world’s resources are wiped out, the human population will plunge into a time of great darkness. The loss of life will be immense — perhaps as much as a 90% reduction in the planetary population. Ecosystems will fail, crops will fail and civilization itself will be brought to its knees.” http://www.naturalnews.com/029056_environmental_protection_population_control.html#ixzz1V6uP6AP8


SMART METERS: No Federal Mandate


Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2011-18 All Rights Reserved


This Standard would also allow utilities to recover from ratepayers any capital, operating expenditures, or other costs of the smart grid investment, including a reasonable rate-of-return. “


THERE IS NO FEDERAL SECURITY MANDATE FOR SMART METERS, according to George W. Arnold the national coordinator for smart-grid interoperability at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. This agency of the U.S.  Department of Commerce is said not to be involved in regulations but is only tasked with promoting standards among industries.

While both the 2005 and 2007 faux energy bills were codified into public laws, NO part of them creates a federal law pertaining to individual consumers or dictating that the public must be forced to comply with provisions of SMART Grid.

Contrary to the bleating of manufacturers and utility talking heads,  who claim there is no “opt out”, the fact is you, the consumer must be offered the meter, or request a meter and “OPT IN”.  No one can be forced to comply with an unrevealed contract between private corporations, and to which you were never a party and had no knowledge of.

Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 :

An Energy Tax Package was under development in Congress for several years prior to 2008. In September 2008, the package was finally enacted into law via its inclusion in the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. This tax package shifted tax liabilities from corporations who were already posting massive record profits, onto the public.

Section 1307 State Consideration of Smart Grid 

Energy 2007, Page 6 :  This Section amends PURPA to create two additional PURPA Standards. (Note: Two new PURPA Standards are also created in Section 532.)

These standards are in the form of requirements on parties such as utilities to undertake certain actions. The standards are not directly prescriptive on these parties, however; it is up to state utility regulatory commissions, or the bodies that govern other types of utilities, to decide that the standards should be actually adopted by utilities subject to their jurisdiction.

The only direct mandate with PURPA standards is for the state or other jurisdictional body TO CONSIDER whether the new Standard should be implemented and to demonstrate that it has undertaken such consideration.  More

Breaking The Silver Manipulation Barrier

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Brandon Smith

In 2011, so far gold has been the champion investment above and beyond any contender, including stocks and equities. At the announcement of the S&P downgrade of America’s credit rating, only gold showcased immunity. In fact, gold has thrived (as we predicted) in the face of any potential economic threat, from deflation in stocks, to inflation of fiat currencies. Some may wonder, though, where silver has been while its big brother is flexing its investment muscle? While traditionally, silver tends to follow market surges in gold, the past eight months have been rather confusing for the cheaper metal. Admittedly, silver has performed far beyond the predictions of slow witted mainstream skeptics, but it still has not come anywhere near its true potential, especially in light of gold’s incredible strides. Many may be wondering how it was possible for gold to stampede into the $1800 an ounce range after the downgrade while silver stayed completely static at around $40 an ounce. The behavior of commodities markets has been, indeed, very strange… More

Sun J strikes again!


posted by Debbie Coffey for Laura Leigh


At about 30 seconds into this video of the BLM roundups, you’ll see the helicopter (N34CM), believed to be flown by Josh Hellyer of Sky Aviation, strike an exhausted horse with the skids of his helicopter.    

Sky Aviation is a subcontractor hired by BLM contractor Sun J of Vernal, Utah.  Sun J has been using hot-shot electric prods on our wild horses during loading, and not giving our wild horses enough water in the heat. 

An article was written about this same contractor months ago.

Please send this video to Congressional representatives and demand an IMMEDIATE CONGRESSIONAL INVESTIGATION into the Bureau of Land Management Wild Horse and Burro Program. 




 “Olde Reb”/ PPJ contributor


Last year $8.4 trillion was handled by the FRBNY from the auctions.. There is NO information available as to how it was dispersed.”


The headlines screamed that we needed to increase the National Debt to prevent an economic collapse.  Wait a minute. Is that the whole story?

Much is said of how the increase of the National Debt ceiling is inflationary, and it surely is. But the gain by the United States government is only temporary.  The real profit goes to the Federal Reserve and Wall Street but that profit is hidden from Congress and the public.

There are two conceivable ways the National Debt can be financed.  The manner projected in the mass media and by government is that the government borrows from the public. If this was the entirety of borrowing, there would be no inflation. The Fed could handle the transactions as a broker and receive commissions.  The money transfer is the same as the payment of taxes but the government would promise to pay interest on the funds. Inflation by this method of financing is not possible. More

Rense Radio with Marti Oakley: Attack of the SMART METERS

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LISTEN LIVE HERE:   9:oo PST, 11:oo CST, 12:00 EST                                              

Marti Oakley joins Jeff Rense to talk about the dangers of SMART METERS.  More

Why The United States Is Playing “Riot Gap”

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Image From : The Burning Platform

Lynn Swearingen (c) copyright 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

The United States long ago became a “catch up” Nation and in the instance of Rioting, well thankfully we still are. One has to wonder how long that will continue. As evidenced in multiple sources, the United Kingdom has been having a rough go of it this week. Rioting, which may or may not be attributed to the death of one man, has advanced to the point of individuals of all ages, ethnic groups and occupations joining in. More

The Ruthie Report…Illegal immigration news & Information

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Join Ruthie Thursday Evenings at 8:00 CST! More

Obama Readies Citizen Spies For Action

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Brandon Smith

I think at this point it is fair to say that the name “Barack Obama” has become irrevocably synonymous with the phrase “Brownshirts”, and with very good reason. Riding the euphoric wave of a Prozac addled collectivist saturated puppy-love election season, the teleprompter dependent basketball playing android immediately launched several programs designed to centralize community organization using federal oversight. One of these initiatives, ‘The Universal Voluntary Public Service Program’, stood out as one of the most unabashedly fascist concepts to come out of any presidential administration since Franklin D. Roosevelt’s forced internment of innocent Japanese American’s. The idea of requiring citizens to “volunteer” for quasi-military or federal service and subsequent statist indoctrination didn’t play too well with the majority of the public, and has, for now, been abandoned. More

SMART METERS: Another attack on the 4th Amendment


Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved


“So, while never mentioning that the safety compliance tests were done in isolation, and, that these tests sited were not ever at any time actually conducted on smart meters the FCC, EPA, FDA, USDA and a host of other dysfunctional federal corporations are giving their blessings.”


The total surveillance system known as SMART GRID” is meeting steady resistance as the public, wary of yet another assault on their privacy and freedom under the guise of some euphemistically named police state program, fight back against the installations of SMART METERS.  The public isn’t buying the “energy efficiency, green solution, this will save you money” propaganda put out by the manufacturers of the meters and the government. Especially when the reports of electric bills tripling and quadrupling after installation of the meters, has become so prevalent.    

On the face of many of these meters is the word “Echelon”.  The same name used to identify one of the most unconstitutional spying and wiretapping programs ever devised and used in the war on the American public.

From OPM Security:

ECHELON is a name used in global media and in popular culture to describe a signals intelligence (SIGINT) collection and analysis network operated on behalf of the five signatory states to the UK-USA Security Agreement (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States, known as AUSCANZUKUS). It has also been described as the only software system which controls the download and dissemination of the intercept of commercial satellite trunk communications.”

Note: Whether this similarity in names is coincidental or intentional, the name Echelon evokes a queazy, sick feeling in the gut as this notriously unconstitutional program is an outward manifestation of the war against the people of the US by their own government.

ITRON, one of the major players in the SMART METER/SMART GRID scam, claims along with the infamous PG&E that is currently assaulting the citizens in various states, that there are no hazardous health affects from the meters.  They claim there exists, no evidence of such a hazard.  What they are actually telling you is:

  • Either they didn’t study the health affects,
  • They did, but aren’t releasing that information as it would damage their market.
  • They refused to look at any studies done regarding the health hazards. Or,
  • They are fully aware of the hazards and could care less.  The most likely option in my estimation. More

Cigar-Loving Arnold’s Environmental Legacy: A ‘Smoking’ Ruin!

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Dan Bacher/PPJ Contributor


While his record regarding fishery and water issues is arguably the worst of any Governor in California history, Schwarzenegger’s portrayal by the mainstream media and corporate environmental NGOs as a relentless advocate for “clean energy” is also very deceptive.”


An Associated Press report on Tuesday, August 9 revealed that Arnold Schwarzenegger, California Governor from November 2003 through 2010, could face legal action for recently smoking a cigar at Salzburg Airport in Austria.

“Was it lit or was it cold?” the article asked. “The status of a cigar in Arnold Schwarzenegger’s mouth at an Austrian airport could decide whether or not he faces legal action.”

“Smoking at airports is banned in Austria and an anti-smoking lobby said Tuesday it plans to launch a suit against the former California governor for puffing on a stogie after arriving in June at Salzburg Airport,” AP continued (http://www.sacbee.com/2011/08/09/3826143/was-it-lit-arnie-could-be-charged.html).

It is doubtful whether anything will come of this latest episode of the long, sordid saga of the “Governator,” arguably the worst Governor in California history for fish, fishing communities and the environment.

“Salzburg municipal legal expert Josef Goldberger told state broadcaster ORF that Arnie can ignore any requests from authorities in his homeland to respond since the charge is not covered by treaties,” AP noted.

Mainstream media refused to cover Schwarzenegger regime’s biggest scandal

While the mainstream media makes a big deal out of this latest “scandal” about Schwarzenegger and the covert relationship with his maid that resulted in the birth of a son, AP and others persistently neglected to cover the much more newsworthy and scandalous war that Schwarzenegger waged against Central Valley salmon and Delta fish populations, fishing communities and Indian Tribes during his regime.

Instead, the mainstream media and corporate environmental NGOs falsely portrayed Schwarzenegger as the “Green Governor,” greenwashing his abysmal environmental policies that violated numerous state, federal and international laws. More

Feds cooperate & allowed Sinaloa cartel to traffic cocaine into U.S.


Michael Webster/PPJ contributor
Syndicated Investigative Reporter 
The U.S. Government through our federal agents have encouraged the largest and most feared Mexican drug cartel ( Sinaloa) to traffic several tons of cocaine into the United States in exchange for information about Los Zetas and other rival cartels, according to U.S. federal court documents obtained by U.S. Border Fire Report.
The information is part of the defense of Vicente Zambada-Niebla, who was extradited to the United States to face drug-trafficking charges in Chicago. He is also a top lieutenant of drug kingpin Joaquin “Chapo” Guzman and the son of Ismael “Mayo” Zambada-Garcia, believed to be the brains behind the Sinaloa cartel.
According to the U.S. Attorney General, the Sinaloa Cartel is responsible for importing into the United States and distributing nearly 200 tons of cocaine and large amounts of heroin between 1990 and 2008. More

Truth Squad Radio: Smart Meters/ Electronic Incarceration

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Join us Tuesday evening at 8 CST! More

Unprecedented Water Exports Yield Unprecedented Delta Fish Kill

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 Dan Bacher/PPJ contributor

For more information and action alerts, go to the California Sportfishing Protection Alliance website: http://www.calsport.org.


“Fish losses at export facilities represent a staggering embezzlement of public trust resources belonging to all Californians,” Jennings concluded.


The staggering losses of Sacramento splittail and other fish species in the death pumps of the state and federal water projects on the California Delta continue as the Brown and Obama administrations export record volumes of water to corporate agribusiness and southern California water agencies.

An astounding 8,966,976 splittail, 35,556 chinook salmon, 430,289 striped bass, 54,412 largemouth bass, 69,383 bluegill, 76,570 white catfish, 28,301 channel catfish, 233,174 threadfin shad, 264,171 American shad, 1,642 steelhead and 51 Delta smelt were “salvaged” in the state and federal water export facilities from January 1 to August 2, 2011, according to Department of Fish and Game (DFG) data.

All indications point to the documented carnage in the Delta pumps this year being the largest fish kill of its kind in California history. However, the overall loss of fish in and around the State Water Project and Central Valley Project facilities is believed to dwarf the actual salvage counts, according to “A Review of Delta Fish Population Losses from Pumping Operations in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta,” prepared by Larry Walker Associates in January 2010 for the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District. (http://www.srcsd.com/pdf/dd/fishlosses.pdf). More

The Lights Are Still On Washington! You Lie

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Lynn Swearingen (c) copyright 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

So about now many of us realize that S&P has officially recognized that the American Government is stuuupppiiidd.

Downgrading our “Credit Limit” has happened regardless of the “emergency” reaction by those crazy Legislators who tried so very hard to scare the piss out of us. Now Boner is “pulling out” of the responsibility on his part, Tea-Party-wanna-be-Bachmann (who cannot even attend her own Iowa bus tour) trumpets the panic, and the Demon-crat Reid says that more taxes revenue would have prevented/cured the whole thing – I call Bull Shite.

Readers – take a look around you. If you are like me, the electricity is still on, a nice bottle of Vino resides next to the Roma’s in the ‘fridge, and not much has changed. True – I might raise my hand a few more times at Auction tomorrow to purchase some junk silver, but hey – I’d most likely do that anyway.  The truth is, Washington – You Lie!

The sun will still rise tomorrow, the almost defunct Postal Service will still deposit my mail in the Rural Post Office down the road a piece, and I’ll most likely still be considered a “terrorist” by the SPLC. Syria still is being largely ignored as it systematically butchers its own citizens (nothing “we” want),  Fannie Mae and Freddie are still lining up for their “fix” at the tune of ungodly amounts of useless printed dollars, and some dumb schmoe in Minnesota had the balls to feed hungry birds (according to stated regulations) which could lead to jail time.

The reality is this folks. Washington and the Legislative body are flailing around like a recently butchered meat bird headed for the pot. In some cases ya’ll hold on because you don’t want the breast bruised before you prepare it for dinner. In other cases you just watch the circling poultry finishing your cigarette because to retrieve it is too much effort. The American public does not care in large part because in the end, a meal is on  the table one way or another.

We’re fine because we don’t care what them yahoo’s do up in Washington. We’ll be fine and just keep on doing what works.

Let the Tigers eat each other. Smoke’ll clear, a few less predators about, and the whole damn red button will reset us on our travels through Fresno. I’m gonna’ grab a glass of Vino while ya’ll figure that one out.

Smart Meter Slavery

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By Cassandra Anderson
August 5, 2011

Smart meters are radio frequency microwave meters that communicate with the Smart Grid.  The Smart Grid is a transmission system that delivers electricity to from power plants to distribution substations and then from the substations it is delivered to homes and businesses.

The federal Department of Energy (DOE) stated purpose of the Smart Grid is to reduce carbon emissions.  Note to DOE: man-made global warming is a lie- go ask NASA, CERN and 30,000 independent scientists.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is beneficial to plants- why do you think greenhouses pipe in carbon?  Because it makes plants and crops more robust.  According to Dr, Michael Coffman, a 500% increase in CO2 would only benefit plants and animals.  It is absurd to consider CO2 a pollutant!

The Smart Grid is being used to promote green energy/clean energy/renewable energy.  Because global warming (climate change) has been so thoroughly discredited, global warming policies and regulations are now being forced on us under the banner of green, clean and renewable energy. Global warming is a tool of Agenda 21 Sustainable Development, the overarching blueprint for depopulation and total control. More

Truth Squad Radio Moves to Tuesdays!

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Same time, new day

Join us TUESDAY evenings at 8 CST! More

The Ruthie Report with Guest Rusty Fleming

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Join Ruthie Thursday evening at 8:00 CST! More

The Debt Deal Con: Is It Fooling Anyone?

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Brandon Smith

Alternative economic analysis brings with it a certain number of advantages and insights, but also many uncomfortable burdens. Honest financial research is a discipline. It requires us to not only understand the fundamentals, but to question the fundamentals. It requires us to look beyond what we would LIKE to see in the economy, and accept the reality of what is actually there. With this methodology comes the difficulty of knowing the dangers ahead while the mainstream stumbles about well behind the curve. It means constantly having to qualify one’s conclusions, no matter how factual, because the skeptics and opposition base their views on an entirely different set of rules; farcical rules that no longer (or never did) apply to the true state of our country’s fiscal health.

After a while, you begin to expect that a majority of the public will buy into any number of government or Federal Reserve con games and swindles as the process of full spectrum collapse rolls onward. However, this expectation is not always accurate…

A majority of Americans were against the bailouts, TARP, quantitative easing, the “too big to fail” concept, etc. Sometimes a government action is so fraudulent that even those who aren’t educated on the specifics can smell the grift in play. The recent debt ceiling debate and resulting debt deal are fuming with the hot stench of predigested disinformation, so much so that no one seems to be happy with it, even people who a month ago were begging for it. When you have to parade around a hobbled shooting victim in order to get any applause for your legislation, then you may be in trouble…

Though their reasons and motivations vary, everyone, whether on the so called “Left”, or the so called “Right”, is asking “Was anything really accomplished here?” The question is a valid one. To discern the exact nature of the debt deal, we must first cut through the web of misconceptions that surround it. While no American is satisfied with the final plan, many are disenchanted for the wrong reasons. Let’s clear the fog (or light a match), as it were…

Where Are The Spending Cuts?  READ MORE


TS Radio with guest Cassandra Anderson of MorphCity

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   Join Us Wednesday evening at 8:00CST! More

Why the District of Criminals is desperate to kill Social Security



Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved


This is what the District of Criminals is trying to eliminate, the calling in of all the monies stolen from Social Security, due and payable to the investors in Social Security; the working class.  Should the fund actually ever incur a shortage, the Social Security Administration could lawfully force the federal government to borrow money to cover the theft and to restore the 2.7 trillion stolen so far from the fund. 


According to Obama, he could not guarantee that Social Security checks would go out on time if an agreement was not reached on raising the debt ceiling.  Really? And just what does Social Security have to do with the unfettered and mindless spending that goes on in the District of Criminals, sanctioned by one president after another? From the CBO graph above, you can see that 40% of all receipts in the federal government come from our FICA investments.  They have re-designated our investments as “receipts”, as revenue for their use.

What will never be admitted by the District of Criminals is that if the federal government stopped seizing the surplus today, the fund would remain solvent.  The projections thrown out continually of just when the fund will run short are all premised on the continued theft of the surplus from invested workers.

The fact is that Social Security has nothing whatsoever to do with raising the debt ceiling unless of course you take into account the fact that 19.5% of the money owed by the federal government, is owed to Social Security as a result of decades of theft from that fund.  This is an intra-governmental debt; a nice way of saying we continue to steal money from the investments in Social Security to pay for lots of other crap that benefit, us and our friends. The intra-governmental debt is accrued when money is stolen from one designated fund and used for anything and everything else.  It is not money borrowed externally from countries like China and it is not money borrowed from the Federal Reserve.  It is money collected as an investment for retirement that was seized and redistributed by the government to other government entities, agencies and programs to cover the loss of revenues generated and accrued after successive tax cuts for the upper 3% and corporations. 

Retiree’s were held for ransom and dangled in front of the public as bait, but not one of those haggling over this confessed to the fact that Social Security continues to produce an annual surplus which is immediately seized by the federal treasury (IMF) and used for other purposes. 

As noted here:  Since the Greenspan Commission in the early 1980s, Social Security has cumulatively collected far more in payroll taxes dedicated to the program than it has paid out to recipients—nearly $2.4 trillion by 2008. This annual surplus is credited to Social Security trust funds that hold special non-marketable Treasury securities, and this surplus amount is commonly referred to as the “Social Security Trust Fund“. The proceeds are paid into the U.S. Treasury where they may be used for other government purposes.” More

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