
Mercury Dental Fillings: What the FDA and the ADA are not Telling You

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NaturalNews – Many in the natural health and wellness community were elated when, in 2008, the FDA reluctantly declared mercury-based fillings (usually called “amalgams” or “silver”) to have neurotoxic effects on children.1Then the Food and Drug Administration reversed itself a year later, when it declared that mercury fillings were A-OK.2 The FDA`s opinion doesn’t change the science behind mercury fillings and their link to debilitating diseases like autism and Alzheimer`s.

In 2009, several petitioners asked the FDA to reconsider their stance on mercury fillings, reversing their stance back to their original assessment of toxicity.3 Signing petitioners included Moms Against Mercury and several individuals holding various positions in the medical and health care industry as well as private citizens, all through the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT). More

Interrogatories about the Constitution and American Law

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By R.E. Sutherland, M.Ed./sciences  contact: becworks@gmail.com


“28.  Who actually wrote the Constitution?

ANSWER:  The Vatican along with The Crown drafted the constitution, and the King’s agents delivered it to the aristocrats in America for witnessing.  [SOURCE:  The Myth and The Reality, by The Informer, Pages 22-27.]”


Part Three

OBJECTIVE:  If you do not know where you came from, then you certainly cannot know where you are going.  It is time to review history and pull together some of the lesser known facts for edification and purification of what America was, is and chooses to become.  This is important.

22.  What other names were given to the British International Bankers in history? More

Obama Wants to Jail Americans with New Law


By Europe Union Times
June 15, 2010

Foreign Ministry reports circulating in the Kremlin today are warning that an already explosive situation in the United States is about to get a whole lot worse as a new law put forth by President Obama is said capable of seeing up to 500,000 American citizens jailed for the crime of opposing their government.

Sparking the concern of Russian diplomats over the growing totalitarian bent of the Obama government is the planned reintroduction of what these reports call one of the most draconian laws ever introduced in a free society that is titled “The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act”.

First introduced in the US Congress in 2007 by Democratic Representative Jane Harmon, this new law passed the US House of Representatives by a secretive voice vote, but failed to pass the US Senate, after which it was believed dead until this past week when it was embraced by Obama who became the first American President to name his own citizens as a threat to his Nations security. More

The USS “Horse-Eater” is Sinking and the Rats are getting Restless

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Live link: Straight from the Horses Heart

In My Humble Opinion) by R.T. Fitch ~ Author of “Straight from the Horse’s Heart


This has been a banner week for the horses and that’s something that we cannot lay claim to near often enough.

1.)  The new EU rules are about to kick in which will, in effect, make almost every single horse in the US ineligible for human consumption in Europe.

2.)  The Canadian Government is contemplating a bill that will shutter all of the Equine Slaughterhouses that market horse meat for human consumption.

3.)  The EU is investigating the cruelty that is inflicted upon horses in Mexican slaughterhouses, go figure. More

Many U.S. Parks, Monuments, Wildlife Refuges & Public Lands are too dangerous forU.S. public to use

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By Michael Webster: Syndicated Investigative Reporter. June 19, 2010 at 5:30 PM PDT______________________________________________________

“In effect our Government has ceded millions of acres of our federal lands to the Mexican Drug Cartels who have also taken control of many counties in Texas, New Mexico and at least three Arizona counties, endangering American lives and is encroaching on our national sovereignty.”

See Border Wilderness is just too dangerous for the public use.  Click on or Google: 

The United States no longer controls many of our Wilderness Areas, National Parks, Monuments, Wildlife Refuges, Gunnery Ranges, Military Reservations, State Lands and provides little or no security to private land owners along our southern border. Because according to U.S. law enforcement drug cartels now control these areas. More

BP Executives And US Regulators Bushwhacked All Forms Of Life


By J Speer Williams (c)Copyright  2010 All Rights Reserved
“This wickedly contrived Corexit/Louisiana crude oil concoction will move into our atmosphere and travel across North America, eventually falling as precipitations of death in rain and snow, perhaps killing everything it touches for years to come.
By injecting over a million gallons of their deadly, neuro-toxic Corexit into our Gulf waters, British Petroleum (BP) executives and US government regulators bushwhacked marine, plant, animal, and human life. (Ref: The official website of the Deepwater Horizon Unified Command)
Instead of vacuuming up the floating Gulf oil with the super tankers at BP’s disposal, then using safe oil dispersants, with bacteria to bio-degrade the remaining oil, BP executives, with US government approval, dumped over a million gallons of the neuro-toxic pesticide Corexit at the damaged well head (256,000 gallons) and on the surface waters above (765,000 gallons).
Immediately, this release of so much Corexit resulted in two irreversible catastrophes: It caused all floating oil to submerge and disperse into gigantic plumes, each about ten times more poisonous than crude oil without the Corexit neuro-toxin.
According to Pulitzer-prize winning science writer Professor Deborah Blum, Corexit, itself is about four times more toxic than crude oil, but when Corexit is mixed with crude oil the mixture’s toxicity grows exponentially to about ten times the toxicity of crude oil alone.
As these monstrously large and lethal plumes can now never be cleaned up, we are left to contend with the Corexit/crude oil mixture as it comes ashore and its poisons carry across our lands.
Having already added huge dead zones to the Gulf of Mexico, these ghastly Corexit and oil plumes will continue making their way into the Atlantic Ocean for even more killing. This Corexit and Louisiana crude oil monstrosity, however, will not contain its ecocide to oceans, its murder of our environments will surely continue many miles inland.
This wickedly contrived Corexit/Louisiana crude oil concoction will move into our atmosphere and travel across North America, eventually falling as precipitations of death in rain and snow, perhaps killing everything it touches for years to come.
And while BP executives and US regulators can plead “unintended consequences” for their Gulf well explosion, and maybe for a tsunami from a volcanic eruption, they are all manifestly guilty of poisoning the Gulf and Atlantic Oceans and killing untold amounts of life.
Those who are addicted to the propaganda of the major corporate media, might think Corexit was used merely to hide the extent of the escaping oil, in order to reduce BP’s ultimate financial liability.
But if that were true BP could have used anyone one of a dozen dispersants that would have better hidden the oil. Instead, BP chose the most lethal dispersants in existence, Corexit 9500 and 9527.
Where are the indictments for international crimes against humanity and our environment?
But then again, criminals in governments do not indict corporate criminals, outside of carefully planned set-ups and double crosses; public and private criminals are known to consort with each other, at the expense of the rest of us.
But in the bigger picture there is a war being waged – by the owners of governments and mega-corporations – for far more than money, natural resources, drugs, power, or sex; it’s a war for our eternal souls, which has long been conducted by systematically killing Mother Earth and the life she sustains.
Earthlings are in the thrall of dark diabolic forces, who have direct control of all central banks, multi- national corporations, and national governments.
But by invoking divine grace, we the people can counter the dark with love, light, and prayer; thus returning to our world more balance. The darkly inclined are powerless against the love and light of universal prayer.
Louisiana state senators have designed a day of prayer to deal with the Gulf catastrophes and have urged other state leaders to do the same.
“Thus far efforts made by morals to try to solve the crises has been to no avail,” state Sen. Robert Adley said in a statement released after the chamber’s unanimous vote for the day of prayer. “It’s clearly time for a miracle for us.”
J. Speer-Williams

The BLM’s Snow Job About Water on the Twin Peaks Herd Management Area



      Debbie Coffey (c)Copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved

the Jaksick family is attempting to control the water in the Smoke Creek Desert north of Reno, and use pipelines to bring that water south to the Winnemucca Ranch development…The plan is to share some of the 14,000 square feet of water rights with Washow County, and the county then piping their share into the Truckee Meadows for distribution through the quasi governmental agency, Truckee Meadows Water Authority (TMWA_____________________________________________________ 

95% of circulation water is underground. You can’t see it, but it’s there.” – geologist Graham Fogg

When we were on the June 14, 2010 public tour of the Twin Peaks Herd Management Area (HMA), the BLM said the BIG REASON they had to round-up our wild horses was because there WASN’T ENOUGH WATER. They took us by a spring east of Observation Peak, which was fenced off because it was on PRIVATE PROPERTY. The BLM said this spring fed Smoke Creek, which went south of the area. Aside from the actual spring itself, most of the creek/water runs south on public lands through the Twin Peaks Wilderness Study Area to the Smoke Creek Resevoir. The BLM took us to a cow-poop laden riparian area, showed us what looked like a puddle of water and talked more about how there was hardly any water and how all the creeks dry up in the summer.

When we asked who owned the spring/water at Smoke Creek, the BLM officials coughed up the last name of Jaksick, but none of them seemed to know Jaksick’s first name. That’s funny, because in 2008, the Eagle Lake Field Office was involved in a $6 million deal/partnership with Sam Jaksick. More

Hidden CAFR accounts..every state has them and they hold millions upon million in unreported funds


NOTICE:  Oregon finally blew the lid of “silence” concerning the hidden assets, which are hidden in the accounts of every state under the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports.  I accessed the CAFR for my state, county, and school district in 1998.  The school system alone had stashed away $27,000,000.  All of these accounts are in the Bank of New York, according to a faxed response in my files from my State Treasurer.  The accounts are all maintained by your State Treasurer, and you can access the accounts online.

This video is the first time a state legislator has admitted they exist . . . The SC Investment Pool declared in the State Investment Pool booklet the following statement:  “Pursuant to Section 6-6-10 of the State of South Carolina Code of Laws, the State Treasurer established in May 1983, the South Carolina Local Government Investment Pool (the “Pool”), an investment trust fund, in which public monies in excess of current needs which are under the custody of any county treasurer or the government body of any municipality, count, school district, regional council of government or any other political subdivision of the State may be deposited.”

Bottom line:  The legislators OVER TAXED us on purpose and took the money, accrued unreported interest, and are not disclosing the activity.  They lied . . . every time they are asked about the accounts, they declared “that is a rainy day account.”  Oh yeah?  It is undisclosed.  It is used without reporting.  The interest disappears into thin air.

Finally, the legislators are desperate enough to admit the funds exist.  Watch the 3 minute LINK .  It is time to learn how the originally Whistleblower on this activity, Walter Burien, suggests that the money be used . .. to end all taxes … forever.

R.E. Sutherland, M.Ed./sciences
Freelance Investigative Reporter