
GM lobby helped draw up crucial report on Britain’s food supplies

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live link:  The Observer       Jamie Doward  

 Sunday 6 June 2010

A powerful lobbying organisation representing agribusiness interests helped draft a key government report that has been attacked by environmentalists for heavily favouring the arguments of the genetically modified food industry.

Alexandre MeneghiniThe revelation comes after the resignation of two government advisers who have criticised the close relationship between the Food Standards Agency (FSA), the body that oversees the UK’s food industry, and the GM lobby.

Emails between the FSA and the Agricultural Biotechnology Council (ABC) show the council inserted key sentences strengthening the case for GM food that ended up in the final report.

The report, “Food Standards Agency work on changes in the market and the GM regulatory system”, examines how GM products are entering the UK, where the growing of GM products is banned, through the animal feed system. It acknowledges food prices could go up if GM products continue to be excluded. More

CCHC: What makes you sputter with disbelief about ObamaCare?

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I’m off to Washington, D.C. on Monday discussing anti-ObamaCare strategies with Members of Congress. While I’m there for the week, let me ask you to have some fun and be engaged for freedom right where you are!

What makes you sputter with disbelief about ObamaCare?

You can Vote for the WORST one below…and support CCHC at the same time!

$13 = the 13 times ObamaCare forbids judicial review of federal (Dept. of HHS) regulations.
$21 = the 21 new ObamaCare taxes.
$30 = the 30 new rosters of political appointees authorized by ObamaCare.
$40 = the 40% tax on high-cost health plans.
$53 = the 53 new HHS regulations authorized by ObamaCare.
$60 = the 60 U.S. Senators who voted for ObamaCare.
$68 = the 68 times ObamaCare authorizes the expenditure of, “such sums as may be necessary.”
$123 = the average amount deducted from your paycheck for the CLASS Act unless you opt-out.
$219 = the 219 Democrat Representatives who voted for ObamaCare .
$560 = the 560 times “health plan” is written in by ObamaCare. True insurance not allowed.
$695 = the minimum fine an individual will pay if he or she doesn’t buy health insurance.
$906 = the 906 pages of the fine-print, reduced-size version of ObamaCare.
$1501 = Section 1501 which unconstitutionally requires citizens to purchase health insurance.
$2014 = the year ObamaCare will be implemented if not repealed.
$3267 = the 3,267 times “Secretary” is mentioned (empowered) in ObamaCare.
$____ = the number of lies you think you have heard about ObamaCare. 🙂

Pick one and then Donate that amount to CCHC to help us Defeat it!



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Live Link:  Liberty News Online

“They will tell you that you are ‘investing’ your money. … But they will use your money immediately to pay for their unprecedented trillion-dollar budget deficits, leaving nothing to back up their political promises, just as they have raided the Social Security trust funds.”_____________

06-02-2010 4:22 pm – Investors Business Daily Editorial
Government Retirement
: Democrats have obliquely admitted they covet Americans’ pensions. Last week, congressional Republicans told them to stay away. The shame is that they had to do anything at all.

The first rumblings were heard in the 1990s, when Democrats were said to be coming after our retirement accounts. Back then, the warnings were easy to pass off as hyperbole or a cranky conspiracy theory. Today, they pass as prescient. More