
The Mexican Drug War is now a shooting war on both sides of the border and on streets of America

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By Michael Webster: Syndicated Investigative Reporter. July 29, 2010. At 12:01 PM PDT. Revised July 30.


The Mexican Drug War is an armed conflict taking place between rival drug cartels and government forces in Mexico. This war has now evolved into a shooting war along the U.S. Mexican border and beyond into most states across the country. This war is being waged between the Mexican Drug cartels, Mexico gangs, American gangs, U.S. Law enforcement and American Militia groups. Although Mexican drug cartels, or drug trafficking organizations, have existed for a few decades, they have become more powerful since the demise of Colombia’s Cali and Medellín cartels in the 1990s. Mexican drug cartels now dominate the complete wholesale illicit drug market in the United States


With more and more confrontations between the drug traffickers and the U.S. Militia groups where by at least one of those groups claim to have killed and wounded Mexican Drug Cartel smugglers trying to enter the United States. These fire fights are accuring on the border and up to 200 miles north of the border in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and California. Arrests of key cartel leaders recently in the Juarez, Tijuana, Gulf, Sinaloa and Zetas cartels have led to increasing violence between the cartels and the Mexican Military as well as with each other as they fight for control of the trafficking routes into and in the United States. More

GM Crop Contamination Insurance?

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By Barbara H. Peterson

Farm Wars

The issue of crops that have been genetically modified (GM) contaminating surrounding crops is one that is growing in severity, and triggering lawsuits by farmers whose crops have been contaminated.

Farmers who grow GM crops might find themselves as defendants in a lawsuit filed by neighbors who complain about crop contamination. For instance, plaintiffs might allege that pollen from the defendant’s GM crops drifted over a property line (via wind, insects, etc.) and contaminated their non-GM crops….  More

Constitutional Sheriff Tony DeMeo


July 30, 2010

by Cassandra Anderson


In this 3-part video interview with Tony DeMeo, Sheriff of Nye County, Nevada, he explains that he is a Constitutional Sheriff and that authority for public office holders is derived from the people. He tells the story about how he used the Constitution as his foundation in the saga of Nye County rancher Wayne Hage’s disputes over encroachments by the federal government. While Wayne Hage’s case centered around property rights in federally managed lands, Sheriff Tony DeMeo’s example is relevant for everyone to understand the power of local government, the importance of following the Constitution and upholding the Tenth Amendment (states’ rights and sovereignty).

Wayne Hage, the author of “Storm Over Rangelands, Private Rights in Federal Lands” owned the Pine Creek cattle ranch in Nye County. Wayne Hage wrote his book after suffering illegal cattle seizures by armed federal agents and chronicled the history of how the robber baron bankers and railroad magnates monopolized the western states over 100 years ago. Hage wrote that the northern core financiers were aware that there are two ways to monopolize any resource, “One, get all of it for yourself that you can; two, keep anybody else from getting what you can’t.” Public Lands and National Forests were created along with restrictive regulations, using environmental protection as the excuse.  More

Your Medical Records: Soon to be Held for Ransom by a Chip-Implant Maker

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Live Link:  www.bnet.com

By Jim Edwards | April 13, 2010


PositiveID (PSID), the microchip implant company formerly known as VeriChip, has added a new wrinkle to its business model that is bound to be controversial: Its Health Link electronic medical record service* is being sold “on a paid subscription basis” in a pilot scheme targeted at ship, dock and maritime workers.
Health Link provides access to a patient’s online medical records. It can be used with an implanted microchip and linked to Microsoft (MSFT)’s HealthVault and Google (GOOG) HealthREAD MORE

Nanotechnology in food: What’s the big idea?


Live Link:  The Dairy Reporter

By Caroline Scott-Thomas, 26-Jul-2010

 At IFT’s nanoscience conference last week, major industry players discussed how to avoid a rerun of the GMO debacle with consumers – with some saying that one solution could be to say nothing about introducing nanotechnology in foods and to do it anyway.”

Nanotechnology in food: What’s the big idea?


Let’s get talking about nanotech. The science of the very small has filled the food industry with big ideas – but industry is torn on how to present nanotechnology to consumers, stalling product development.

More effective methods of detecting foodborne pathogens, better delivery of micronutrients, longer shelf life – these are all great potential benefits – but research shows that consumers still need a lot of convincing that nanotechnology is safe for food use, and so does industry. On the consumer side, there is a certain faction that may never be persuaded. More

Global agribusiness: two decades of plunder


Live Link : GRAIN

We offer a brief overview of the expansion of agribusiness in the global food system in the past two decades, with some thoughts on what we can expect from these companies in the years ahead.______________________________

Back in the early 1990s, many of Seedling’s pages were devoted to discussions about international treaties and public research agendas. Corporations were part of the discussion, but mainly as a looming threat, one group of actors pushing forward the industrial model of agriculture that was destroying agricultural biodiversity. Fast-forward twenty years, and the landscape has changed. Corporate power in the food system has grown by leaps and bounds. Today corporations set the global rules, with governments and public research centres following their lead.

The fall-out of this transformation for the planet’s biodiversity, and the people who look after it, has been devastating. Corporations have used their power to expand monoculture crop production, undermine farmers’ seed systems and cut into local markets. They are making it much more difficult for small farmers to stay on the land and feed their families and communities. This is why social movements are increasingly pointing to food and agribusiness corporations as the problem in the global food system and the focus of their resistance.


Over the past two decades the seed industry has been dramatically transformed, from an industry of small seed companies and public programmes to an industry dominated by a handful of transnational corporations (TNCs). Today just ten corporations control half of the global market for commercial seeds (see illustration, “Top 10 corporations’ share of the global seed market”, page 16). Most are pesticide producers focusing on the development of genetically modified (GM) crops that support a chemically intensive agriculture. More

Nevada Judge Refuses to Hear Contempt Charges Against BLM

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Live Link:  The Cloud Foundation

For Immediate Release
Nevada Judge Refuses to Hear Contempt Charges Against BLM
Advocates want transparency, full public access and their First Amendment rights upheld 
Reno NV (July 29, 2010)—Tuesday Judge Hicks refused to hear Laura Leigh’s motion for contempt against the BLM who denied her access to view the Owyhee/Tuscarora roundup that ended July 20th.  Earlier, on July 16, 2010, the court ruled to honor Leigh’s First Amendment rights, emphasizing her right to view the roundup in Elko Country, northeastern Nevada. 
“If the court refuses to listen to new arguments, then Secretary Salazar’s rogue agency—the BLM—is literally accountable to no one,” states Leigh, Director of Herd Watch, a Cloud Foundation program. More


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If you have specific questions, on this or any other subject, please call the show while it is on the air (646-200-0326) and or email your questions or opinions to me and I will read them on the air.If you, or a member of your organization, would like to be on the show, or you would like us to dedicate a show to a specific topic of interest, please email me at: John@TeaPartyRep.com

For Liberty,
John Wallace
American Politics with John Wallace
Chatham, New York 12037

Click on the link below for more information about the show and or to listen to the show.


This week I will be talking about the U.S. Constitution, the 10th Amendment Movement and State Sovereignty issues. We will also take a look at the Federal Judge’s ruling that takes some of the teeth out of the Arizona Illegal Immigration law. We might also have a chance to talk about the upcoming New York State Sovereignty Rally that is being held at the State Capitol in Albany, New York on August 7th at HighNoon. As always, Listeners are encouraged to call in.



How the Grinch Stole Equus: Salazar; the new Grinch

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Live Link:  “Straight from the Horses Heart”

A short film by John Holland documenting the activities of the new Grinch on the DC block…Ken Salazar! 

Gulf Killers Still at Large

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J.Speer-Williams (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Rserved


“Corexit kills all life from algae and micro-organisms to human beings.  The Monetary Cartel’s injection of so much Corexit into the Gulf renders all governmental  pretensions of environmental and human/animal life concerns null and void.”


For Your EYES ONLY:  Gulf Killers Still at Large

If there’s ever to be an honest final analysis of what killed the Gulf of Mexico, it will not be Mother Earth’s crude oil and gases.

What did kill the Gulf? The man-made chemical dispersant, Corexit.

Well then, WHO killed the Gulf?  British Petroleum, of course; but, they were only the paid killers. The important parts of the article below tell us – WHO paid the killers to do the killing, and paid the cops to look the other way, and paid the courts to declare the murder to have been an unavoidable homicide.

 There’s a two tiered system of justice in the United States: one for us and another for the “legalized” killers. More

A Working Man’s Perspective on the BLM BS


Live Link:  “Straight from the horses heart”

(In My Humble Opinion) by R.T. Fitch ~ author of Straight from the Horse’s Heart

A Working Man’s Perspective on the BLM BS

You see it on their website, you hear it in the mainstream press, you get slammed with it on social networks; the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is launching a professionally orchestrated propaganda campaign that is aimed at subverting the First Amendment while pumping John Q. Public’s mind full of misinformation and twisted facts.  “Well, if it comes from the government and you see it in print it has to be right, right?” – WRONG!

Recently Debbie Collins, spokesperson for the BLM, issued an email that simply makes you think that Rod Serling is going to walk around the corner at any moment and say, “Welcome to the Twilight Zone”, it’s just that bizarre.  The truth is a very bitter pill for the BLM to swallow and one of the biggest sources of truth on the internet are independent blogs and comments on social networks.  Some of the biggest customers to most of the “Bad Blogs”, as dubbed by the BLM in a secret report several months ago, are actual employees of the BLM themselves.  Most of these wanna be cowboys, or girls, don’t have enough computer savvy to realize that a lot of us know how to ping IP addresses and can easily see that a large majority of the hits have a very familiar “blm.gov” component in them.

So in a nutshell; the free and knowledgeable voice of the American public is a very scary force to those who know that they are operating outside of the spirit of the law. More

Collecting rainwater now illegal in many states as Big Government claims ownership over our water


(NaturalNews) Many of the freedoms we enjoy here in the U.S. are quickly eroding as the nation transforms from the land of the free into the land of the enslaved, but what I’m about to share with you takes the assault on our freedoms to a whole new level. You may not be aware of this, but many Western states, including Utah, Washington and Colorado, have long outlawed individuals from collecting rainwater on their own properties because, according to officials, that rain belongs to someone else.

As bizarre as it sounds, laws restricting property owners from “diverting” water that falls on their own homes and land have been on the books for quite some time in many Western states. Only recently, as droughts and renewed interest in water conservation methods have become more common, have individuals and business owners started butting heads with law enforcement over the practice of collecting rainwater for personal use.

Check out this:

a news report out of Salt Lake City, Utah, about the issue. It’s illegal in Utah to divert rainwater without a valid water right, and Mark Miller of Mark Miller Toyota, found this out the hard way.

Mexican Drug Cartels operating in the U.S. through street gangs

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Michael Webster (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved

Many street gangs in the larger cities are now directly connected to the Mexican Drug Cartels (MDC’s). They smuggle drugs and humans into the U.S. via known and un-known smuggling corridors throughout the Southwestern United States. Law enforcement indicates that they work for and do the dirty work for the cartels in return for drugs. This dirty work includes murder, drug distribution, and collection of debts owed to the MDC’s by other gangs and drug traffickers nationwide.

Federal authorities point to the Mexican drug cartels that are ultimately responsible for border violence on both sides of the U.S. Mexican border and beyond, by having cemented ties to U.S. Street and prison gangs all across America. Many of these gangs operate in cities like El Paso, Tucson, San Diego and Los Angeles some like Barrio Azteca from El Paso who operate on both sides. More


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For Immediate Release
Chatham, New York
There has been a movement growing in America over the past two years as the people have come to realize that the ever growing Federal Government is becoming more and more intrusive into their daily private lives and that their personal Liberty and individual Freedoms are in danger of being severely limited or lost all together. Because of this, state legislatures in a growing number of states have recently passed State Sovereignty bills designed to reaffirm their constitutional guaranteed rights of sovereignty under the 10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. 
The 10th Amendment, which is part of the Bill of Rights, states: More

CFS claims victory while Roundup Ready alfalfa gets ready for 2010 planting


By Barbara H. Peterson

Farm Wars

While the Center for Food Safety (CFS) does its victory dance claiming that it won the Supreme Court genetically modified alfalfa (GM) case, and no GM alfalfa will be forthcoming any time soon, the Roundup Ready seed is already sitting in the wings ready to be planted. The House of Representatives just sent a letter asking Agriculture Secretary Vilsack to allow planting for the fall 2010 season. I guess they figure approval is a done deal, so why waste time, eh?  More

“Top Secret America”: The Rest Of The Story

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By Chuck Baldwin July 27, 2010

This column is archived here:

“Skousen continues: “What few do get a glimpse into government’s dark side are warned off with threats, some subtle and some lethal–threats which send a chilling message to others to not ‘ask too many questions.'” Skousen then quotes the Post report as saying that since 9/11, the NSA (National Security”


The Monday, July 19, 2010, edition of The Washington Post featured an investigative report entitled “Top Secret America,” with the subtitle, “A hidden world, growing beyond control.” The report begins, “The top-secret world the government created in response to the terrorist attacks of Sept.11, 2001, has become so large, so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs, how many people it employs, how many programs exist within it or exactly how many agencies do the same work.

“These are some of the findings of a two-year investigation by The Washington Post that discovered what amounts to an alternative geography of the United States, a Top Secret America hidden from public view and lacking in thorough oversight. After nine years of unprecedented spending and growth, the result is that the system put in place to keep the United States safe is so massive that its effectiveness is impossible to determine.

“The investigation’s other findings include: More

An Open Letter to Rep. John Shadegg

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Op-Ed/Open Letter  By James D. Best

James D. Best is the author of Tempest at Dawn, a novel about the 1787 Constitutional Convention.

Live Link:    Regular Folks United

As someone who respects and admires you, I’m hugely upset with your recent vote in the House Commerce Committee. In your letter to the Wall Street Journal on September 24th, you claimed that, “I registered the lone protest present vote” against the Henry Waxman’s Blowout Prevention Act of 2010. This bill is theft of state authority over drilling permits on land and sea. All of it! And this in the same week that the national government grabbed control of the finance industry. And you vote present? More




By Debbie Coffey       Copyright 2010   All Rights Reserved.

“Meanwhile, the Department of Interior’s Bureau of Land Management is rounding up our wild horses with a vengeance because there’s “not enough water for them to drink.”  (A horse only drinks about 10-15 gallons of water a day.)  It seems that DOI Secretary Ken Salazar has spent all of his time envisioning the “new direction” with his Wild Horse and Burro Initiative, which will take our wild horses off their federally protected lands and use taxpayer money to put them on preserves.”


Just one mine in Nevada (Barrick Gold’s Goldstrike Mine) has pumped over 383 BILLION gallons of water from an aquifer.  (and that was a 2005 statistic, so it’s much more than that by now)  According to a New York Times article by Kirk Johnson, nearly 10 million gallons of water a day is draining away from the driest state in the nation. More

U.S. Calls Illegal Mexican Pot Farmer “Displaced Traveler”

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Submitted by: Ruthie Hendrycks


 Wed, 07/21/2010 – 12:16pm

In an insane case of political correctness, a federal government agency has classified an illegal immigrant arrested for cultivating marijuana in a national forest as a “displaced traveler from Michoacán Mexico.”

The illegal alien (Gauldry Almonte-Hernandez) was recently busted during a U.S. Forest Service Law Enforcement Operation raid of illegally grown marijuana plants in northern California’s Shasta-Trinity National Forest. So far this month, the feds have eradicated more than 92,000 marijuana plants throughout the 2.1 million acre national forest that encompasses five wilderness areas and hundreds of mountain lakes.

In the first few days of July alone, about 50,000 plants were eradicated from six sites throughout the forest, which is California’s largest. More than two dozen suspects have been arrested for operating the illegal pot farms on federal land, most of them illegal immigrants from Mexico, according to a task force of local and federal authorities.

The U.S. Forest Service, an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, has classified the Mexican marijuana farmers as displaced travelers. The government agency actually put it in a press release, which was reprinted in a local newspaper after the Forest Service pulled it from its web site.

Addressing the case of Almonte-Hernandez, who tried to flee when officers entered his marijuana garden, a columnist for the Redding paper writes:

“Displaced foreign traveler? Makes it sound like he meant to go to
Disneyland, got lost, and ended up at a pot plantation in the woods south of Hayfork.”



Submitted by: James P. Harvey
By NWV News writer Jim Kouri
Posted 1:00 AM Eastern
February 10, 2010
An alleged intrusion into Google’s immense cyber system has provoked the Obama White House to accelerate in plans for government monitoring of the Internet, something that should be triggering alarms throughout the nation, according to security experts.
According to the Obama White House, Google will now work with the National Security Agency (NSA) to stem a “crisis.” However, more than a few Washington insiders are wary of such a partnership.
One political strategist points to a statement by President Barack Obama’s chief of staff Rahm Emanuel: “Never let a crisis go to waste.”
“Rahm Emanuel is a Chicago from-the-gut politician who is the last person you want having access to your personal information or monitoring your Internet activities,” said political strategist Mike Baker. “This is a crisis that will be used against Americans not the Chinese.” 
During a segment of Glenn Beck’s Fox News Channel show, the popular host declared that while the Chinese government and businesses pose a threat to U.S. economic stability, the Obama White House and government agencies are powerless to stop the enormous amount of espionage perpetrated by Chinese spies.  More

Comments? We don’t need no stinkin’ comments! “King” Salazar doesn’t really care what you think



Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved

A big Stinkfly award goes to Ken Salazar!

Ken Salazar, quite possibly one of the most insidious characters to occupy an appointed federal office since maybe, Donald Rumsfeld, has just topped his own high measure of malfeasance.  Heading up what has become notorious for being one of the most grossly mismanaged agencies of the federal government, the Department of the Interior (DoI), Salazar has set into motion some of the worst plans and policies ever implemented by the DoI.  Among these policies is the eradication and zeroing out of herds of wild horses and burros all supposedly protected under the 1976 Wild Horse & Burro act. 

Its unfortunate that the 1971 Act contained no provisions allowing for the protection of the herds from the BLM, itself.  The BLM represents the most formidable threat not only to the wild herds, but also to the environment and biodiversity as well.  More

They couldn’t pass the bogus Water Restoration Act or the Law of the Sea Treaty..so they stole the water with an Executive order

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For almost fifteen years, every effort has been made to bring the Law of the Sea Treay into the US.  This was followed by the several and various legislative attempts to seize all water from any source whatsoever and claim it as “federal” .   Obama, following in Bush’s footsteps, is doing  his part for the global water theft and seizes the oceans, coastlines and the Great Lakes. 

Using the BP oil disaster in the Gulf as an excuse, Obama lays claim to the prime coastal areas of the oceans and the great lakes.  Piece by piece, the last ten years have seen a land theft of approximately 17% of all available lands not already taken by federal claims.  This increases the federal governments land ownership across the states to approximately 81% of ALL land and coastal areas…..Marti


Executive Order 13547–Stewardship of the Ocean, Our Coasts, and the
Great Lakes

Memorandum of July 19, 2010–The Presidential POWER Initiative:
Protecting Our Workers and Ensuring Reemployment

                        Presidential Documents

Title 3–
The President

                Executive Order 13547 of July 19, 2010

                Stewardship of the Ocean, Our Coasts, and the Great Lakes

                By the authority vested in me as President by the
                Constitution and the laws of the United States of
                America, it is hereby ordered as follows: More

Slo County Sheriff’s deputies violate 4th amendment rights of Matt Hart KCCN.tv

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San Luis Obispo, California:

Even after illegally entering this man’s property without warrant or cause, then seizing guns the sheriff personally desired to keep, the courts did little to protect the rights of Mr. Hart.  Even after all charges were dismissed, and with Hart only pleading guilty to a misdeamnor..the sheriff still refuses to return the guns he stole from Hart.    

We can longer trust law enforcement to enforce the law. 

This sheriff’s department operates outside the law.  No warrants. No Cause.

for parts 2 & 3: More

Is BP preparing to use the nuclear option?

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Dr. Tom Termotto
National Coordinator

Gulf Oil Spill Remediation Conference (International Citizens’ Initiative)

There has been much speculation lately about a nuclear device being planned for closing in the BP Macondo Well in the Gulf of Mexico. The consequences of exercising this option go well beyond killing the Gulf of Mexico; there would be far-reaching and profound ramifications for the oceans of the world. There are many risks associated with this option that must be considered. Let’s review some of these before BP finishes the relief wells, which are allegedly being utilized for the strategic placement and detonation of a nuclear device. More

Voodoo Economics: The return of Republican fascism


Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved 


I remember back during the Reagan Administration when “trickle down” economics was first introduced.  The idea was marketed as “ we give huge tax cuts to the wealthy and they will in turn re-invest in America and create jobs”; this was a win/win for the country.  After all, if you tax the people creating jobs, supposedly they won’t be able to create jobs.

This plan, was marketed to the public as an economic theory and plan that just couldn’t lose.  If America’s workforce would just bear the brunt of heavy taxation with no special loopholes, hedges, deductions or other tax escape mechanisms provided to the wealthy,  the wealthy would create vast and wonderful high paying jobs.  The benefits of relieving the wealthy and corporations from paying taxes on 100% of their income or profits would magically “trickle down” to the working class.   

It worked!  They did create jobs; in India, Pakistan, China, Taiwan, Mexico and any other nation where returns on investments could be predicated upon slave labor wages and government protection. Oh…and they then got to ship their crappy products back into the US tax free and we got Austin (a.k.a. Abdul) answering the phones for many major corporations.  

The wealthy invested alright; in everything and every place but America.  The economic bleeding from the US to foreign markets accelerated to such a rate that businesses literally disappeared overnight and took with them the jobs needed to keep America working.  Off shore accounts were set up to provide fictional business addresses for the stashing of funds, assets and anything else of value in order to avoid US taxes.  

The only thing that trickled down to the working and middle class was diminishing wages, a lower standard of living and increased costs of living.  Oh, yeah….and taxes went up too….but not on the wealthy.  The Reagan years marked a major event in the redistribution of wealth as the middle and working classes were relieved of ever increasing amounts of annual income and the country’s wealth was redistributed to those in the upper 3% and to corporations. More

Renewed Motion Filed to Stop Rock Creek Wild Horse Roundup in NV


Media Contacts: 
Anne Novak
Tel: 415-531-8454                 
Makendra Silverman 
Tel: 719-351-8187
For Immediate Release
Renewed Motion Filed to Stop Rock Creek Wild Horse Roundup in NV
Herd Watch Director Continues Fight for First Amendment Rights
Reno NV (July 23, 2010)—Laura Leigh, Herd-Watch Director for the Cloud Foundation and journalist, filed a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) in Nevada Federal District Court today to halt the Rock Creek Roundup and prevent a repeat fatal summer roundup and the shutting out of the public and plaintiff from observing wild horse roundups.
“We’re talking about a matter of public interest,” explained Leigh’s attorney Gordon Cowan. “This is a hot button issue here in Nevada. To prevent the public and press from observing the government in action on public lands is shameful.”
Leigh is asking the court for the following:
1.) Immediate cessation of all horse gather activity in the Rock Creek and 
Little Humboldt Horse Management Areas in northwestern Elko County, to 
maintain the status quo until the matter may be heard by the court.  There 
is no purported emergency or pressing urgency to remove horses from 
purported drought conditions as was contended by Defendants, in 
2.) A Temporary Restraining Order enjoining the government Defendants 
from conducting helicopter wild horse gathers during summer months and 
so close to the foaling season.  There are many foals three months in age 
or less, running alongside the hips of their moms.  If removal of some of 
these horses is necessary, in that event the Defendants can reschedule 
and complete this process in the Fall season or at the end of Summer 
when temperatures are more mild and foals are more mature and better 
adept at withstand the gather.  To gather at this date is inhumane and 
directly contradictory to provisions of the Free Roaming Wild Horse and 
Burro Act of 1971; 
3.) A Temporary Restraining Order that at this point requires the Defendants in no uncertain terms to include and accommodate members of the public, the press and journalists including Ms. Leigh and others who are not hand-picked by the Defendants, to view every step of the process of 
gathering horses from public lands, such that the Defendants’ gather 
method and process becomes open and transparent from beginning to 
end, rather than secretive and hidden from the public as it is currently; and 
such that the method of protecting the health and safety of the public 
during these gathers is not used as the excuse to restrict, limit or 
otherwise offend First Amendment speech and press concerns but 
instead, ensures independence in observing and reporting the 
Defendants’ gather activities in a method encouraging liberal access and 
safe accommodation to the public including Ms. Leigh, to observe and 
record these gathers; 
4.) To require the Defendants to conduct such gathers on public lands should private land owners not be willing or able to accommodate members of the public, the press, journalists or other interested persons including Ms. Leigh, in their observation of these gathers. 
In his decision issued on July 16, Nevada District court Judge Larry Hicks recognized that the Owyhee complex roundups consist of three distinct and separate actions. Although BLM presented to the court claims that an unexpected and unprecedented emergency existed in the Owyhee herd management area, no emergency either claimed or proven exists in Rock Creek were BLM is currently rounding up horses. The public was permitted to observe the roundup for a short time only today. 
“We hope the TRO will be granted and the case can be heard before all the horses are gone from Rock Creek and Little Humboldt herd management areas,” stated Leigh.
According to the TRO the BLM used the “private property” tactic to strike fear among those seeking to observe the Defendants’ gather operation.  Members of the public were threatened with immediate, on-the-spot arrest should they “trespass,” intentionally or not, onto the very land the Defendants chose to set their horse traps to complete the Owyhee gather.
Nearly two-dozen wild horses, including many foals, have already died as a result of the BLM’s Tuscarora roundups from which the agency plans to remove 1,100 wild horses and leave only 440. 
Contrary to the BLM’s spin that the Owyhee horses were dying due to lack of water in their environment—a so called “emergency”, veterinarian Nina Windand goes on the record to explain the wild horses died due to the lack of proper care after being rounded up and stressed in desert heat.
“The lack of controlled reintroduction of water to these dehydrated, overheated recently stressed horses and the failure to use commonsense horsemanship by letting them drink ad lib under these conditioned caused unnecessary deaths by water intoxication,” states Nina Windand, DVM. “It is my opinion that this constitutes negligent management and that had expert or even common sense management prevailed a plan for gradual rehydration would have been instituted before the gather was in progress, not after the initial wave of deaths.  I further believe that leaving animals in this condition without overnight monitoring was a lapse of professional judgment.” 
Dr. Windand condemns the Owyhee roundup saying, “The uncontroverted fact remains that nearly all horses who reportedly perished, did so during the process of gather itself or immediately thereafter while the horses were in the custody of the BLM, but not before”.
BLM continues to ignore both the public’s first amendment rights and wild horse welfare.  Advocates are outraged that BLM continues forward, at rapid speed, with their multi-million dollar roundups as the agency strives to remove more than 6,000 wild horses and burros in the next three months.
Donations to Leigh’s legal fund may be made to www.GrassRootsHorse.com
Donations to Herd-Watch may be made to www.TheCloudFoundation.org
# # #

Links of interest:

Judge’s motion for response Monday: http://bit.ly/July23order

All court documents filed today: http://bit.ly/July23LLvSalazar

George Knapp/KLAS reports & helicopter ride w/ Leigh: http://bit.ly/iteamOwyhee

George Knapp’s column on BLM secrecy: http://bit.ly/GKnapp

CNN Tuscarora/Ruby Pipeline Coverage: http://bit.ly/CNNnvmustangs

BLM daily reports on Tuscarora roundups: http://bit.ly/Tuscarora

Court Order Granting Injunction 7/14 http://bit.ly/doc10LeighvSalazar

‘Herd-Watch: Public Eyes for Public Horses’ http://bit.ly/9Wvh58

Restraining order sought – AP article http://bit.ly/TROsought

Tuscarora Mustangs fenced out of water http://bit.ly/Livestockfences

Roundup Schedule- updated July 12, 2010 http://bit.ly/roundupschedule

Disappointment Valley… A Modern Day Western Trailer- excellent sample of interviews regarding the issues http://bit.ly/awFbwm

Fact Sheet on Wild Herds & The Salazar Plan http://bit.ly/bfdX1y

Wild Horse and Burro Act http://bit.ly/a7hOeS

Link to this press release online http://bit.ly/LLvSalazarJuly23PR
Past Cloud Foundation press releases http://bit.ly/TCFpress

Photos, video and interviews available from:

The Cloud Foundation ~ Makendra@TheCloudFoundation.org  

The Cloud Foundation is a non-profit dedicated to the preservation and protection of wild horses and burros on our Western public lands with a focus on protecting Cloud’s herd in the Pryor Mountains of Montana.

107 S. 7th St. – Colorado Springs, CO 80905 – 719-633-3842- www.thecloudfoundation.org

Dozens Busted For Child Porn At Pentagon

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Dozens of individuals with top security clearance status at the Pentagon are caught downloading, viewing and buying child pornography.  Some have been prosecuted others have not.  Strange how the law applies to some and not to others.

Open Mike Night with Marti and Barb This Sunday on The Truth Squad Radio Show!

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Join us Sunday evening at 8 CST for

Open Mike Night with Marti and Barb on The Truth Squad Radio Show.

Call in just to say hello, or ask a question.


The Truth Squad Radio Show with Marti Oakley and Barb Peterson

Date / Time: 7/25/2010 8:00 PM

Category: Politics

Call-in Number: (917) 388-4520

URL: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/marti-oakley

Is there news in your area no one is reporting? Want to be a guest?

Give us a call at 320-281-0585 or email us at truthsquadradio@gmail.com



Florida Dengue Fever Outbreak Leads Back to CIA and Army Experiments

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Live link:  truthout.org

Wednesday 21 July 2010

by: H.P. Albarelli Jr. and Zoe Martell



“With little fanfare on July 13, Florida officials released the findings of a Centers for Disease Control (CDC) study conducted recently in the Key West area revealing that about 10 percent, or 1,000 people, of the coastal town’s population are infected with the dengue fever virus.

While the July 13 release made little mention of it, the CDC study was provoked by an earlier 2009 report that a woman in New York State, who had returned from a Florida Keys’ visit, had contracted dengue fever. Within a few weeks of this initial report, two additional cases were discovered in people who had returned from Key West. Over the next three months of 2009, an additional 26 cases were identified, all tied to visits to the town.

Hidden History of Dengue More

How to Corral Sheep

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July 22, 2010

By Barbara H. Peterson

Farm Wars


American Politics with John Wallace: Guest is Anisha Dunne

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If you have specific questions, on this or any other subject, please call the show while it is on the air (646-200-0326) and or email your questions or opinions to me and I will read them on the air.If you, or a member of your organization, would like to be on the show, or you would like us to dedicate a show to a specific topic of interest, please email me at: John@TeaPartyRep.com

For Liberty,
John Wallace
American Politics with John Wallace
Chatham, New York 12037

Click on the link below for more information about the show and or to listen to the show.


My Guest this week is Anisha Dunne, the Minnesota State Coordinator for the Articles of Freedom. The Articles of Freedom are the works of a gathering of citizens who came together at a Continental Congress that was held in November of 2009 in Illinois with the help of the ‘We the People Foundation.’ The WTPF spent the last 14 years petitioning our government for redress of grievances of 14 different violations of the Constitution under the First Amendment Rights and were met continuously with contempt and injury by our federal government. The U.S. Supreme Court would not even allow the evidence to be brought forward for the record and WTPF were told they had ‘no standing’ in these cases. To find out more about the Articles of Freedom, the constitutional violations that are identified and the plan of action for the American people, tune in and as always, you are encouraged to call in and speak with our guest. 



Who Killed The Gulf?

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By J. Speer Williams  (c)copyright 2010  All Rights Reserved

If there’s ever to be an honest final analysis of what killed the Gulf of Mexico, it will not be Mother Earth’s crude oil and gases.

What did kill the Gulf? The man-made chemical dispersant, Corexit.

Well then, WHO killed the Gulf? British Petroleum, of course; but, they were only the paid killers. The important parts of the article below tell us – WHO paid the killers to do the killing, and paid the cops to look the other way, and paid the courts to declare the murder to have been an unavoidable homicide.

There’s a two tiered system of justice in the United States: one for us and another for the “legalized” killers.

If you, me, and our neighbors had been running the Deepwater Horizon oil rig when it blew up in the Gulf of Mexico, and we had committed the same string of incriminating overt acts as British Petroleum (BP) has, we’d be hit from all sides by the Obama administration and the talking heads of the propaganda press. And, we’d all be lucky to get off with life in prison, with torture being a major part of the punishment.

But evidently, the corporations of the International Monetary/Banking Cartel, like British Petroleum, can pay a relatively small reimbursement fee for their horrendous crimes against humanity and all other forms of life, with the prevailing governmental and media sentiment becoming, “Oh well, it could have happened to anyone. Do the best you can to clean up your mess.”

Could have happened to anyone? What about the trail of strange “coincidences” before the blowout, and the bizarre strategies and secrecies after it, with little probing from the mainstream media, and much less from the US federal government. 

Did you know that: More

The War That Never Ended

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by W. R. McAfee, Sr.

July 22, 2010

Copyright © by W. R. McAfee, Sr. All rights reserved.

Joan Veon recently pointed a light at where the globe’s money is concentrated today.

Controlling currency is key to the financial “elite’s” end game. They’ve done this through their central banks, fiat money, usury, etc. as a means to control nations through their currencies.

The British, seeing a U.S. colony plum, couldn’t defeat America militarily during the revolution, so they tried again in the War of 1812. They succeeded in burning the White House and Capitol before being defeated again a couple years later; agreeing to a treaty in 1814.

Everyone went home.

But the London bankers, undeterred it seems, set out on a course to do financially what they could not do militarily. Not content to think small, they began to plan and establish banks around the world; their intent being to control these countries’ through their currencies. More

Debtors Prison back in business


Live Link:  Moneyteachers.org

Email Comments to pdrockton@aol.com
“The Minnesota legal system has now turned into an official debt collection agency for the Banksters and Lawyers:”______
It is ironic that judges would throw debtors in prison, depriving them of their livelihood and ability to pay, while, at the same time, increasing the burden on the taxpayer to house and feed the prisoner. But, Satanic Psychopathic Bankers will be Satanic Psychopathic Bankers. Spreading as much stupidity and misery across the fruited plains as allowable. The debtor’s prison is making a comeback in these United States:

“As a sheriff’s deputy dumped the contents of Joy Uhlmeyer’s purse into a sealed bag, she begged to know why she had just been arrested while driving home to Richfield after an Easter visit with her elderly mother.

No one had an answer. Uhlmeyer spent a sleepless night in a frigid Anoka County holding cell, her hands tucked under her armpits for warmth. Then, handcuffed in a squad car, she was taken to downtown Minneapolis for booking. Finally, after 16 hours in limbo, jail officials fingerprinted Uhlmeyer and explained her offense — missing a court hearing over an unpaid debt. “They have no right to do this to me,” said the 57-year-old patient care advocate, her voice as soft as a whisper. “Not for a stupid credit card.” ‘(Source) More

Equity of Trade Versus Free Trade

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Live Link:  National Organization for Raw Materials

by Thayne Cozart
Director of Communications, National Organization for Raw Materials

The U.S. has a huge trade imbalance with most trading nations. The imbalance is not in agriculture, although many food products — both raw and processed — enter the U.S. at prices below those for comparable U.S.-grown foodstuffs.

To a large degree the imbalance is in manufactured goods. One reason is that many nations have lower costs of production — based upon a lower standard of living, cheap labor, inexpensive raw materials, protective government policy, etc. Multinationals who have moved their plants to foreign locations enjoy the best of both worlds — inexpensive manufacturing costs and unlimited access to the world’s biggest consumer market, the USA.

Our laissez-faire trade stance, when coupled with many nations’ protective trade stances and the inherent disparity of living standards around the world, is proving to be a recipe for ever-increasing trade deficits. Exacerbating the situation, GATT and NAFTA are proving difficult to implement when other nations improvise phony trade issues and drag their feet at every opportunity. Bottomline, the U.S. is having problems with free trade. More

BLM Above the Law? “Who will stop Salazar’s rogue bureau before they ruin the West?



The Cloud Foundation

Media Contacts:   

Anne Novak


Tel: 415-531-8454                 

Makendra Silverman 


Tel: 719-351-8187 

 For Immediate Release: 

 BLM Above the Law? 

Salazar’s Agency Ignores Federal Court Order Honoring First Amendment, Denies Observers Access to Wild Horse Roundup  

Reno, NV (July 19, 2010)—Laura Leigh, Herd Watch Project Coordinator for The Cloud Foundation, has been denied access to observe the Owyhee roundup, the first leg of the Tuscarora roundup near Elko, Nevada. On July 16th, Federal Judge Larry Hicks’ ruled Leigh’s First Amendment rights be upheld and therefore allow her and others to view the roundup. Leigh contends that the BLM has gone against the Judge’s orders for three days. Today Leigh filed a motion to uphold the court order for her First Amendment rights.

“We cannot know the truth because they are preventing us from bearing witness.” Says Leigh. 

BLM officials refused to tell her where the trap site was located. They had strategically placed it on private land within the public herd management area (HMA) even though the range contains more than 450,000 acres of public land. The private landowner would not grant Leigh and others access. BLM used this method before to hide the Calico roundup from the public and journalists except for rare staged “media days”. 

The helicopter stampede resumed as soon as the Judge lifted the injunction last Friday. Since then BLM has captured 620 mustangs and their young foals in the sweltering heat. More than 17 wild horses have been killed during the roundup. At least 2 foals were shot (euthanized) because of leg deformities resulting in lameness after being run over many miles of volcanic rock. More

Arizona Citizen Militia responds to Zetas commanders’ death threats


Michael Webster: Syndicated Investigative Reporter.
July 20, 2010 at 5:00 PM PDT.


“M1126 Stryker ICV
Many reports are coming in that U.S. Military units are being seen on and near the U.S. Mexican border close to Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge and the Tohono D’ O’dham Indian Reservation, and all along the southern side of I-8 between Casa Grande and Gila Bend;  they are equipped with Stryker armored fighting vehicles.”


Arizona Citizen Militia (ACM) spokesman only known as HammerDown said, “We are going to hunt the Zetas and destroy them like the vermin that they are. This won’t be just War, this will be extermination.”

Recently published in the U.S. Border Fire report, was a threat by a Mexican national who claimed to be an Los Zetas Mexican Drug cartel officer, who told this reporter the following “I now believe my men were shot by crazed American vigilante cowards, who ambushed my solders at night, shot them from a great distance using high powered American rifles. Than our load of drugs were stolen”. The Zetas say that attacks like this one is occurring frequently along the U.S. Mexican Border he said a Zetas patrol was ambushed by a large contingent of American vigilantes killing two of his solders and wounding three others.

The following communication from the Pima County Arizona Citizens Militia group took place around the same time frame and may bear out the Zetas commander’s claims:

0545 hours MST – 13 Jul 2010 – approx. 7 miles west of Ruby, AZ – six enemy, in uniform, carrying AK and SKS rifles – enemy were engaged by ACM forces as they tried to cross the international fence – two enemy KIA confirmed, unknown number of enemy WIA, no friendly casualties… More

The Ruthie Report: With BOB LESMEISTER

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Please join me this week for


(Click here)


8:00 pm CST  


BOB LESMEISTER of the Second Amendment Foundation and National Correspondent for The NEW Gun Week


Bob’s Bio Below 

We will be discussing his recent article

“Sanctuary city honchos target guns but ‘comfort’ illegal aliens” 

other issues and items pertaining to illegal immigration and the Second Amendment More

A Rally Supporting the U.S. Constitution and New York State Sovereignty

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A Rally Supporting the U.S. Constitution and New York State Sovereignty – Albany, NY – August 7th  

 All Freedom and Liberty-loving Americans are invited to a rally in support of the U.S. Constitution and New York State Sovereignty. Many grassroots candidates from the area, many Sheriff’s from New York State and other states, Tea Party groups, Oath Keeper groups, 912 groups, Campaign for Liberty groups, We the People and many other Liberty groups will be there in support of the 9th and 10th Amendment. We are inviting all other liberty groups from New York and nearby states that would like to join New York in solidarity, with all of us coming together under the 10th Amendment with one single message for our elected and appointed officials in both Washington and Albany: 

When: Saturday, August 7, 2010 12:00 PM 

State Capitol Building
Eagle Street & State St
Albany, NY 12207 


I am not afraid….to eat

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Note:  Remember to compose your own letter!  Petitions and repititious letters opposing an action contemplated by those royal jackass’s in our government, are counted as only “one”.. This is one of several methods the District of Criminals uses to reduce opposition numbers. Of course, the standard is to just ignore them altogether.  *************** Marti 

Last year, the House passed a fraudulent “food safety” bill. The Senate has dragged its feet on its version of the bill for over a year.
We’re thankful for that, because as the data in the following letter shows, the bill will hurt more people than it helps. But, the Senate is under mounting pressure to pass it. We must apply even greater pressure to defeat it! 

And so we’re asking you to please send a letter telling your Senators to oppose the food safety bill through our Preserve the Freedom to Farm campaign. More

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