
Corexit is killing the Gulf: This is no accident

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This two part documentary was written by J.Speer-Williams.  If you had any questions about the real cause and intentions of our government in collusion with BP OIL and the International Banking Cartel, you will find your answers here.  This was not an accident and it is intended to eradicate and kill as much marine and wildlife as possible.  And guess who else is involved here: Haliburton……if that didn’t make your blood run cold nothing will.  Marti


Part: 1

Part 2:

Criminal charges weighed against federal officials in deaths of 83 wild horses after roundup

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By MARTIN GRIFFITH , Associated Press

Last update: May 28, 2010 – 8:21 PM

RENO, Nev. – A Nevada district attorney is considering whether to file criminal charges against federal land managers who are accused by animal rights activists of mistreating wild horses in a roundup.

Churchill County Sheriff Richard Ingram said his department began an investigation May 20 after an activist filed a complaint alleging that mustangs were abused and neglected at a holding facility.

U.S. Bureau of Land Management officials confirmed that 83 of some 1,900 horses brought there in a government roundup have died. More

Freedom Flotilla: “Israel is Threatening to Attack Us”


Editor note:  this is an excellant article about the true conditions of the Palestinians and the attempted eradication of them, by Israel.  The Freedom Flotilla has been threatened with attacks by Israel as it attempts to bring food, necessities and construction materials to the communities devasted by the on-going Israeli attacks. This site also includes numerous videos and information you won’t find anywhere else….especially not on MSM(for morons).  Marti____

Live Link:    Mantiq al-Tayr

May 29, 2010 ·

1. The quote in the title headline is from the video below featuring Huwaida Arraf, an American-born Christian woman of Palestinian heritage married to a Jew, Adam Shapiro, the  head of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM). Rachel Corrie was with the ISM when she was murdered.  Ms. Arraf  is talking about the Freedom Flotilla, a group of ships heading to Gaza to break the illegal Israeli blockade of Gaza’s shore. In addition, the Flotilla is not just carrying “humanitarian aid” – you know, shitty food that Jews occupying Palestine wouldn’t eat themselves, they are carrying construction materials so that Gaza can rebuild itself after the terrorist murderous Israeli invasion of Gaza about a year and a half ago.  Said invasion being a series of war crimes against the Palestinian people that was bravely supported by both houses of the Congress of the United States of America, a fact which all decent Americans are utterly ashamed of.

Here is Ms. Arraf talking about the Flotilla. There is no question in my mind that the Israelis are far more afraid of people like Huwaida Arraf and the 750 or so good folks on board the Freedom Flotilla than they have ever been of suicide bombers. READ MORE

We Need a President Who Catnaps on a Cot 24/7

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J.Speer-Williams (c) copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved


Mr. Obama, are you going to become a real leader, or continue to be a mere passive observer of the greatest man-made catastrophe in human history?

You as our president should be operating 24/7 in a Louisiana command center, catching catnaps on a cot until our Gulf disaster and its attendant problems are solved.

Enough with your bored detachment, we need real leadership right now.

What has happened – and is still happening – in the Gulf is an outrage. Show some passion, sir. Show some positive emotional response to this unbelievable international crime that will fire you and others into effective action.

This is no time for passivity, gullibility, or to hear and see you stuttering through yet another of your tiring teleprompter readings of junk written by others. You have access to the best resources in the world to fight this growing disaster. Use them or lose our country. More

Congress just sold you out to Comcast, Verizon and AT&T.

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(List is attached of the politicians who sold out.)

74 House Democrats and 37 Senate Republicans have signed industry-written letters telling the FCC to abandon efforts to protect Internet users and stop big companies from blocking Internet traffic.

It’s yet another example of dirty politics destroying our democracy, and it has to stop.

Tell Washington: Congress Doesn’t Speak for Me

The nasty little secret that everybody knows? Almost every one of these representatives has accepted massive contributions from the phone and cable lobby. Now the industry is demanding a return on its investment.

Fortunately, your member of Congress isn’t among this group of sellouts. 

By signing the industry letter, these members of Congress have drastically undercut the FCC’s ability to get a fast, affordable and open Internet to everyone in America. They are actually taking a position against the interests of rural and low-income communities.

We aren’t going to let this outrageous and unethical behavior stand. Today, we’re asking hundreds of thousands of Americans to sign our own letter and telling Congress and the FCC that these members of Congress don’t speak for us, President Obama or the millions of other Americans who support a fast, open and affordable Internet.

Don’t Let Dirty Politics Kill Fast, Open and Affordable Internet

That so many members of Congress would intentionally sell out the public may be hard to imagine. Perhaps these representatives didn’t know what they were signing. Or perhaps this is just business as usual, another D.C. betrayal of the public trust. (Is it any wonder the latest Gallup public opinion poll counts a congressional disapproval rating of 73 percent?)

These members of Congress acted on blind faith that phone and cable companies have the best interests of Americans in mind. More

Discuss HAARP, Chemtrails, and Global Warming This Sunday!


Chemtrails are bad news. They contain barium and aluminum, which have the potential to destroy ecosystems around the world. But what if this destruction is merely an inevitable and acceptable consequence of a much larger program? A program intended to be part of an all-in-one solution to global control and manipulation?

Join us on the Dave Hodges show this Sunday at 9:00pm Central time to join in on the discussion.  Here is the information:

The Common Sense Show airing on The Republic Broadcasting Network
Sundays 9-11pm  CST
Phone     602-620-5582

Barbara H. Peterson – Farmwars.info


Dean Foods Accused as Dairy Farmers Say They Are Getting Milked

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By Alison Fitzgerald  2010-05-27 03:00:00.0 GMT

May 27 (Bloomberg) — At Harold Howrigans dairy farms in northern Vermont last year, the red ink was flowing almost as fast as the milk. The dairyman was losing nearly $100 per cow each month because the price for 100pounds of milk fell to $11, well under the $18cost of production.

It was bad. People had to borrow money just to make ends meet, says Howrigan. Prices have recovered some, though not enough to pay down the new debt, he says.

These are tough times for Americas 60,000-odd dairy farms, thanks to a decade-long deflationary trend in prices and a particularly severe downturn last year, Bloomberg Businessweek reports in its May 31 issue. Industry sales fell 30percent in 2009, to $24.1billion, from the year-earlier period, according to the Agriculture Department.

Congress, which spent $350million on emergency dairy price supports last year, has taken notice. So has the Justice Department, which is scrutinizing the market power of the biggest dairy cooperatives and food companies to assess the effect on prices.

Along with the USDA, Justice Department officials will hold a June 25 hearing in Madison, Wisconsin, on dairy market concentration. Meanwhile, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission is reviewing complaints of price manipulation in the spot cash market for cheddar cheese, which also affects the price of milk. More

Roundup super weeds: Monsanto now admits they are a problem…ya think?

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Editors’ note: Isn’t it strange, after creating this mess, Monsanto is going to suddenly “create” another toxic product, patent it, and create more problems.  All of this sudden concern over a problem they created and coincidentally, just as their patent on Roundup is expiring. Now they will magically produce another product even more toxic with a new patent. Marti******************************** 

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (Reuters) —

“Grant said Monsanto would create a new product offering that would combine Roundup with complementary chemicals for a new weed control regimen at a lower cost than farmers are paying today.”

Monsanto Co. said on Thursday it will restructure its herbicide products in an effort to help combat the spreading environmental woes of herbicide-resistant weeds, also known as “super weeds,” which many critics have blamed on the chemical giant.

“We need to get in front of this,” Monsanto chairman Hugh Grant said in a conference call with analysts.

Grant acknowledged that weed resistance was a problem for U.S. cotton farmers, and was emerging as a bigger problem for soybean farmers. But he said the issue was not yet a big problem for corn farmers.

Monsanto is the world’s leading seed company and purveyor of the popular Roundup herbicide.

The company’s development of glyphosate-tolerant biotech soybeans, corn and cotton and its push for farmers to use its glyphosate-based Roundup with those crops has accelerated herbicide usage and consequently weed resistance to an environmentally dangerous level, critics have charged. More

A duality of law: BP will walk away unscathed


Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved. 


It would appear that the most egregious crimes that threaten us all, are committed by those who have been insulted from criminal charges either by wealth, or a combination of wealth and power and their various and sundry connections to politicians and government as a whole.  USC Title 18, the Criminal Code, is a study of the exclusion in advance for the elite.  The lone gunman who kills goes to prison; why are the deaths of eleven oil rig workers any less of a crime?  Why will there not be one prosecution of BP executives for the deaths of these individuals?  More

Small businesses threatened: 1099 tax form tyranny provision in health care bill

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Live Link:   The National Expositor


Natural News – According to a recent report from CNNMoney.com, the massive U.S. health care system overhaul includes more than just a transition to government-run medicine. A small section hidden away in the 2,409-page bill requires all businesses to send 1099 tax forms to every company or individual from which they purchased more than $600 in services and goods throughout the tax year, beginning on January 1, 2012.

As you’ll see below, this new law threatens to cause a wave of paperwork chaos across the entire U.S. economy, stifling the operations of small businesses and driving more jobs overseas.

Here’s why…

1099s required for virtually any expenditure

For those of you who aren’t familiar with a 1099, this tax document is typically issued to independent contract workers who receive payments for work they’ve done. “Employees” of businesses are issued W-2 forms at the end of the tax year while independent contractors and other freelancers making money outside of the wage structure receive 1099 forms.

But the new change (conveniently slipped into the health care bill that nobody actually read prior to voting on it) drastically expands the scope of 1099s. Not only will contract workers be receiving them, but so will millions of individuals and companies that receive more than $600 in payments for services and products they provide throughout the tax year.

And if you’re a small business owner, you will be required to issue a 1099 to every business from which you purchased more than $600 worth of goods or services. READ MORE

John Wallace: AMERICAN POLITICS RADIO SHOW with Jerome Corsi

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                                                               4:oo PM CST

                                                                3:oo PM Mst
                                                                 2:oo PM Pst

A recent investigation has disclosed that Barack Obama is apparently using a fraudulent social security number issued in 1978 in Connecticut. My guest this week is Dr. Jerome Corsi PhD who will be discussing not only the social security number issue but also discuss the fact that we know nothing about Mr. Obama’s history or who he really is because of an extraordinary lack of public documentation about the president. Along with his original birth certificate, Obama also has not released educational records, scholarly articles, passport documents, medical records, papers from his service in the Illinois state Senate, Illinois State Bar Association records, any baptism records and adoption papers. Is Mr. Obama’s background the creation of the Establishment insiders or other international Globalists? Why do we not know anything about him? Why are there no records of him attending Columbia University and why doesn’t any of his fellow students or teachers remember him?  Why is his picture not in the yearbook? Why is the mainstream press not concerned about any of this? Tune in an find out.

You are encouraged to call in.
If you have specific questions, on this or any other subject, please call the show while it is on the air (646-200-0326) and or email your questions or opinions to me and I will read them on the air.

Click on the link below for more information about the show and or to listen to the show.


If you, or a member of your organization, would like to be on the show, or you would like us to dedicate a show to a specific topic of interest, please email me at: john@TeaPartyRep.com (note the new email address – the previous one was just too long).

John Wallace
American Politics with John Wallace

Chatham, New York 12037

The constitution, elections and politicians: Citizens of the American Constitution demanding change

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Live Link:    Citizens of the American Constitution

Most concerned Citizens can agree that the upcoming elections – federal, state and local – may just be the most important elections in this nation’s history, and we have an idea to make them true instruments for freedom and justice.  We have been active in Constitutional work for over fifty years and have a suggestion to offer you, the People of Maine, and America that could most likely change politics, as it now exists, and influence the upcoming elections for the benefit of America and her People.  Our Constitutional methods have won hundreds of court cases for Citizens, removed errant public officers from office, and stopped harmful actions by major corporations.  We would now like to apply these methods, which transcend party affiliations, ideologies, philosophies, agendas, and causes, to the upcoming elections. More

Do you want the federal government to run your local government?


D o w n s i z e r – D i s p a t c h

Should the federal government force your local government to unionize its police and firefighting employees? If you oppose this proposed new federal mandate please tell Congress that using our “cut regulations” campaign.

You can copy of borrow from my sample letter . . .

Please do not entangle us in more top-down federal regulation. Specifically, oppose the attempt to attach Amendment 4174 to the latest appropriations bill (H.R. 4899), or to any other bill for that matter.

This amendment would force local governments to unionize their police and firefighting employees. This is a decision that MUST be made by local ELECTED governments, and NOT by the increasingly dictatorial federal government.

I would add to this that the unionization of supposed public servants appears to be a real problem. Government employees seem to be looting the taxpayers they are supposed to serve. For instance, according to the New York Times:  More

The “Ruthie Report” with guest Dr. Stuart H. Hurlbert

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SPECIAL GUEST    Dr. Stuart H. Hurlbert, Co-Coordinator   Support Arizona/Boycott San Diego Coalition Bio and the Press Release below


“The Ruthie Report” live or archived at http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/TheRuthieReport via The Conservative Alliance Media Network 8 pm CST every Thursday     **************************************************

Stuart Hurlbert SABSD Boycott Co-Coordinator
Stuart is an emeritus professor of biology at San Diego State University but still actively doing research and writing in the areas of lake ecology and biostatistics. He has been interested in overpopulation and population-environment issues for half a century, became involved with the problem of excessive immigration about 20 years ago, and is a member of the board of Californians for Population Stabilization. In addition to our current coalition, Stuart has helped set up the AUHTM coaltion. He feels obliged to speak out on these issues in part because most other academics who are informed about them either are afraid to speak out or are simply reckless utopians who favor few or no controls on immigration.
    ************** More news……… More

Dan Mielke speaks out regarding HR 4173:Creation of the CFPA

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Dan Mielke speaks out regarding HR 4173 and recent comments from the feds regarding Arizona’s immigration law.

Creation of the CFPA & More

On Friday, the House of Representatives passed the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (aka HR Bill 4173). The vote was 223-202. If it were to pass the Senate, the bill would create the regulatory Consumer Financial Protection Agency (CFPA) in addition to other Wall Street and financial institution directed reform measures according the White House, as stated on financialstability.gov, the CFPA would:

Mielke’s response:

We don’t need any more regulatory agencies!

Washington is reacting to the present financial concerns without considering future consequences. All they are doing is placing a band-aid over the problem. To fix our present economic downturn we must look at permanent solutions instead. We need to change our entire way of thinking economically.  I am a strong supporter of economic sustainability.  That is, we must meet the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations.

We cannot accomplish this if we continue to allow Washington to proceed on its present course. Government is a parasitical system that lives off of its host.  Thus it thinks and reasons like the parasite it is.   Government regulations, controls, licensing, fees, fines, and taxes are the parasite’s method of feeding off the host.  The host in this case is the US citizens.  It has sucked this generation dry and has already begun to suck the life’s blood from future generations as well. 

History has proven this to be true.  Governments fail when they suck the life’s blood out of the people they were designed to serve.   We are witnessing one of those rare times in history where governments around the world are growing beyond their host’s ability to sustain them.  Because of this, the world as a whole is suffering from unsustainable growth of government.

To turn our economy around, we must check this parasitical nature and restrict government to a size that is sustainable.   The first nation which makes these adjustments will see a remarkable growth in their economic base. When businesses are allowed to prosper and grow, jobs will return in record numbers if we react first before other nations take advantage of this opportunity.

This solution is inexpensive, easy to initiate and carry out if we are willing to act now. 

Had we done this in 2008 Polaris would probably not be leave Osceola, Wisconsin.

Illegal immigration:

A statement that had the ring of mutiny sent waves of concern to the state of Arizona. John Morton, the assistant secretary of homeland security for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, reportedly stated that his agency would not necessarily process illegal immigrants referred to them by Arizona authorities.

Morton also told the Chicago Tribune that “I don’t think the Arizona law, or laws like it, are the solution.”

Dan Mielke’s response:

I consider it an outrage when the federal government threatens to not perform its constitutional requirement to protect the states from the destructive force of illegal immigration upon the citizens of the U.S.   In the military, this would be called dereliction of duty.  Mr. Morton owes the American people an apology for his statement or he should step down if he is not willing to do his job.  Had the federal government done its job of enforcing the present laws in the first place, there would be no need for states to do what Arizona has done.  Their neglect has cost states hundreds of billions of dollars.


2550 County Road II
Rudolph, WI 54475

The Societal Separation of America and Secession: Part 1


 By James P. Harvey wethepeople@anationbeguiled.com


“If you are reading this, I assume you are an educated person and are aware of the elimination of the middle class, and how that is going to affect your future. After all, you can’t buy everything from Wall-Mart and still build a strong economy, or support secession from a tyrannical central government.”*********

Part 1:

The structure, organization, and functioning of society in America is expected to be unrecognizable in the near future to people of my generation. If we have a future!

I entered the Navy one month after my seventeenth birthday without a diploma; four years later I was on the streets without a clue as to how I was going to support myself. Working as a machine repairman was the first of many jobs that included everything from selling vacuum cleaners to connecting steel beams high in the air on various construction projects. I was fortunate that America still had a diverse blue collar workforce where one could acquire experience in different fields and discover where their natural aptitude would assist their success.

Years later I owned a burglar alarm business but nothing ever satisfied me more than my last entrepreneurial adventure, a one man cabinet shop. More

The Societal Separation of America and Secession:Part 2


James P. Harvey wethepeople@anationbeguiled.com


“All of the great minds involved in writing about Americas decline and what needs to be done to restore, or create a controllable government, would be more productive if they could design a state economy that had jobs for the working class, because that is how to wake up the masses.”******

Part 2:

In part one I eluded to the fact that early America prospered because of the availability of lesser educated men willing to work with their hands at jobs requiring diverse mechanical aptitude. Many millions of them were from other nations, and contributed to our grocery basket of human culture, but one and all had the same dream. The opportunity to work at honest labor and earn their own way was intellectually intoxicating, and the thought of one day owning their own business was enough to drive them to near suicidal effort. Most were honest, hard working family men, and the ability to support, love, and protect their family was their greatest joy. Does that sound like a good base to build a stable society on? It does to me. I have worked with men like them most of my life, and remain unfit to clean their work boots. More

The Societal Separation of America and Secession: Part 3

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James P. Harvey wethepeople@anationbeguiled.com


“All across America we see people who grew up in front of television screens, and attended government controlled curriculums from kinder-garden to doctorate degrees. They have been exposed to corporate/government controlled information from cradle to grave, and are as self-centered as any society in history.”******************

Part 3 

I can still remember the fierce independence of the families I was boarded with as a child while my parents were on the road. They were country folks for the most part and could ill afford another mouth to feed, but few could resist the pleas of my mother and accepted the responsibility as just part of life’s requirement to help people that needed it.

Most of these folks left a permanent imprint on my world view, without my awareness of course, but there none the less, and what I remember most is the frugal life style and commitment to honesty and hard work. Their close family ties meant someone was always there in time of need, and their reliance on God was real and apparent in all their actions. The children were quite, well behaved, and the parents were loving and attentive. The evenings were spent with stories and reading from Scripture, and some even had a monopoly game. They made me feel at home.

Compare that lifestyle to today’s rat race of driving children to their government controlled schools, and racing off to work. There is little, if any time left in the average parent’s day for reflection on anything, and certainly not confronting anything serious like studying about how their country is going down the tubes. More

Saving Palestinians from Israeli genocide….now they are all Hamas terrorists instead of refugees fearing for their lives.

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It is my oinion that Hamas is no more terrorist than the Mossaud. We let them run in and out of here at will and send them billions of dollars per year to boot..  Calen


*20,000,000 to move members/supporters of Hamas, a terrorist organization, to the United States ; housing, food, the whole enchilada.


Whether you are an Obama fan, or not, EVERYONE IN THE U.S. needs to know….

Something happened… H.R. 1388 was passed, **behind our backs**. You may want to read about it… It wasn ‘ t mentioned on the news… just went by on the ticker tape at the bottom of the CNN screen. More

What the “cyber-emergency” bill is really about

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by W. R. McAfee, Sr.


Remember the Copenhagen “Climate Conference” when the global warming scam and propaganda machine was outed by a hacker and the Internet?

You know, the one where a new Guinness record was set for the number of Lear jets and limos parked in one spot?

In case you missed it, the global warming Climateers were all caught red-handed trying to shove fake climate data, disinformation, propaganda, and lies down humanity’s throat when the hacker posted their internal files, emails, correspondence and computer codes on the ‘Net for ‘outside’ climate experts to study and the world to read.

The real hoot, though, was America’s MSM at Copenhagen (outed along with their bosses behind the curtain) with their deafening silence about the global warming scam—the biggest hoax of this century so far.  They were caught flat-footed; got their so-called “journalistic” noses bloodied with their own lies. Found themselves facing a fearsome ‘Net competitor and outside climate experts who hit back with fast, quick, truthful information; all posted on the ‘Net for the world to read.

It set the criminals behind the curtain on their heels. More

U.S. Involved in Under-the-Radar Negotiations for Draconian Internet Law

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(Source unknown)

“More ominously, if a right holder, such as News Corp. or Halliburton believes that certain websites are likely to be used to publish copywritten materials, that website can be blocked from the internet. Whoa. Not an actual incident of copyright infringement, but the likeliness of it happening allows the holder of that copyright to request that website’s ISP block it.”

It didn’t make much news on this side of the pond, but one of the most significant pieces of legislation in the digital era was passed in the United Kingdom just prior to the recent national election. It is called the Digital Economy Act, pushed by a powerful coalition of media interests. It is a sweeping piece of legislation. Notably, its odious provisions are headed for America and the world.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation recently noted:

The Digital Economy Bill has been the subject of heavy entertainment industry lobbying and widespread concern amongst U.K. citizens and telecommunications companies because it included provisions that would allow the U.K. government to censor websites considered “likely to be used for or in connection with an activity that infringes copyright,” and disconnect the Internet connection of any household in the U.K. with an IP address alleged to have engaged in copyright infringement. More

Internet: hiding what global criminals are trying to do to humanity for their own gain.

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W.R. McAfee Sr. (c)copyright 2010 All rights Reserved


The elite’s meeting to discuss changes to the ‘Net has nothing to do with the Internet and everything to do with hiding what global criminals are trying to do to humanity for their own gain.

They had become so used to scurrying around like bilge rats out of sight in the ship-of-state’s hold that the Internet’s light shining on their crimes and intentions shocked them; rocking them back on their heels. Now, they have no alternative but to try and control the Internet (like they have MSM for the last 80 or so years) lest those whom they’ve wronged (an intend to wrong) breakout the pitch forks. 

That’s why they’re meeting in secret; drafting rules that won’t see the light of debate or discussion.

They know there’ll be an uproar when they try.  But they have no alternative, really.

“What the Cyber-Emergency Bill is Really About” gives an example of this — their illegal attempt to tax humanity for causing global warming because of humanity’s (1) numbers (which they’re attempting to sterilize [reduce] with genetically modified food, laboratory-generated “pandemics,”  and elite-manufactured vaccines ) and (2) our exhales of CO2, which they claimed was “. . .adding to the alarming rise in global warming.”

All lies.

Like Gore’s Academy Award-winning “inconvenient truth.” And his Nobel cap and con partners.  Their credibility is gone, thanks to the Internet.

The people who’ve perpetrated (and are trying to perpetrate) this on humanity are evil things; elitest pests and mega-corporations attempting to use humanity for their gain while controlling what we eat, say, do, think, teach our children, how we reproduce.  Not humans, these; notwithstanding the Supreme Court’s recent ruling saying they (corporations) have the same “rights” as humans.

CBS Cameras Turned Away by BP, Coast Guard: Heavy Sludge Oozes into Marshes of Louisiana

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Live Link:  CBS NEWS

CBS/AP)  It may be the most disturbing site yet: the first heavy sludge now oozing into the marshes of Louisiana as the slick continues to grow in size out in the gulf.

“When CBS News tried to reach the beach, covered in oil, a boat of BP contractors with two Coast Guard officers on board told us to turn around under threat of arrest. Coast Guard officials said they are looking into the incident.”

CBS News correspondent Kelly Cobiella reports it’s an ominous sight. The oil is thick and black and stretches about a quarter mile down a beach. It goes beyond the booms into the sensitive marsh lands which are home to migratory birds.

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal flew over it Tuesday.

“This wasn’t just sheen, we were seeing heavy oil out there,” Jindal said. “This wasn’t just tar balls. It shows you how quick the oil showed up.”

When CBS News tried to reach the beach, covered in oil, a boat of BP contractors with two Coast Guard officers on board told us to turn around under threat of arrest. Coast Guard officials said they are looking into the incident.

The impact on wildlife is unclear. Government officials say that 162 sea turtles have died, about half a dozen bottle nose dolphins have died. The sea turtles have not been thoroughly examined yet but federal officials say this seems related to the oil spill. And they admit they have no idea what’s happening in the deeper waters because they can’t watch it. More

Canadian faces two years prison for lawful attempt to arrest U.S. war criminal G.W. Bush


News from Canada:

Live Link:    Radical Press.com 

RP’s Editor’s Note: This particular trial, absurd as it is considering that it should never have occurred, is likely to set the tone for Canada’s dissidents and their future responses to acts by the Canadian government that fly in the face of issues of justice and peace. 

Had our federal government followed its own rulings John Boncore, better known to the Internet world as Splitting the Sky, would not be facing the prospect of possible incarceration for having attempted to make a citizen’s arrest of the psychopathic war criminal George W. Bush back in the fall of 2009 in Calgary, Alberta.

In doing so Splitting the Sky not only risked being shot on the street or murdered while in custody but he also created a judicial conundrum for Canada’s justice system. Following the guidelines laid out in federal legislation for the apprehension of lying, murdering, mentally ill megalomaniacs like George W. Bush, Splitting the Sky set the only real example for a patriotic citizen when he chose to do what the Canadian authorities didn’t have the courage, integrity or moral fortitude to do themselves.

John Boncore needs all the support that can be mustered in order that his trial is known far and wide. You can help by forwarding this article to everyone you can think of. It’s the least that each of us can offer on behalf of all that John has risked.

Arthur Topham



Former US Attorney-General Ramsey Clark to Speak at the University of Calgary’s Peace Consortium in Defence of Splitting the Sky, The Man Who Attempted a Citizens’ Arrest on George ,W. Bush

Joshua Blakeney
Media Coordinator of Globalization Studies
University of Lethbridge

“George Bush hasn’t suffered at all over the monumental suffering, death, and horror he has caused…no matter how many American soldiers have died on a given day in Iraq (averaging well over two every day), he is always seen with a big smile on his face that same or next day” More

Are you guilty until proved innocent?

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D o w n s i z e r – D i s p a t c h

Quote of the Day: “Under civil forfeiture, police and prosecutors can seize your car or other property, sell it and use the proceeds to fund agency budgets, all without so much as charging you with a crime. Unlike criminal forfeiture, where property is taken after its owner has been found guilty in a court of law, with civil forfeiture, owners need not be charged with or convicted of a crime to lose homes, cars, cash or other property. Americans are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, but civil forfeiture turns that principle on its head.” – The Institute For Justice, “Policing For Profits”

Civil asset forfeiture is the practice of seizing and keeping property that police claim was used in a crime.

* The government does not have to prove their claim in court under the standard of “beyond a reasonable doubt”
* Instead of “innocent until proven guilty” the property owner must prove innocence at his or her own expense
* Incredibly, the funds necessary to pay for that defense are often also confiscated

Police departments are growing more dependent on forfeitures to pay for their budgets. This means no one is safe . . .

* Instead of “protecting and serving” the people, police are pressured to investigate “crimes” which provide the best opportunity to seize property and cash,
* You can lose your car, your cash, or other property through a simple misunderstanding, or because you “look” suspicious
* And even where there are state laws protecting the innocent against abuses, the federal government rewards local police departments for evading state law!

Civil asset forfeiture is a moral and constitutional outrage. Yet the courts permit it. Only public pressure will bring this corrupt and barbaric practice to an end, so we’re asking you to tell Congress to End Asset Forfeiture.
You may borrow from or copy this letter . . . More

Neither BP nor the ‘government’ are going to fix this. Remember the Superfund sites?

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  • If you care about the environment
  • If you care about wild life
  • If you like to eat seafood
  • If you care about small businesses
  • If you like to visit the beach
  • If you care about your children/grandchildren’s future

Please review and share this information.

We all need to get involved. Neither BP nor the ‘government’ are going to fix this. Remember the Superfund sites?

There are folks already lining up to move in to help mitigate the damage (carnage) in the Gulf area.
Dr Castle’s amazing product AmeriHaz needs to play a significant role in the Gulf cleanup campaign.

Here’s a short video demonstration of the AmeriHaz (formerly Aerohaz) capabilities:

Please share this information with all you know. This oil spill is an absolutely terrifying catastrophe – especially if you understand plankton. We the People cannot count on our corrupt federal government and their corporate partners (especially the banksters) to ‘do the right thing’. We are going to have to do our best to fix this mess ourselves.

Government Evades Ruling on Illegality of Warehousing Wild Horses in the Midwest

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Press Release from In Defense of Animals:


Calico Wild Horse Lawsuit Dismissed on Technicality, not Merits;
Government Evades Ruling on Illegality of Warehousing Wild Horses in the Midwest

Plaintiffs Promise To Continue Fight to Halt BLM Illegal Practices

Washington, D.C. (May 24, 2010) — Today, the Honorable Judge Paul L. Friedman of the U.S. District Court in Washington DC, dismissed on standing and mootness the lawsuit brought against U.S. Department of Interior (DOI) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) by animal protection organization In Defense of Animals (IDA), wildlife ecologist Craig Downer and children’s author Terri Farley. The Calico wild horse lawsuit has drawn intense public scrutiny to the government’s wild horse program and its routine policy of removing wild horses from their native western range on public lands and stockpiling them in long-term holding facilities in the Midwest, costing taxpayers of tens of millions of dollars annually. 

The Calico lawsuit, filed pro bono by the law firm Buchanan, Ingersoll & Rooney (BIR), sought to stop the roundup of a proposed 2,500 wild horses from the half-million (500,000) acre herd management area complex, which is comprised primarily of publicly-owned lands. In a preliminary ruling, the Court agreed that the the government’s practice of sending wild horses to the Midwest and warehousing them in long-term holding facilities as likely illegal.  More

Taking Back the Money Power: How Hidden Pools of Government Money Could Help Save the Economy

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05 23 10

By Ellen Brown

Live Link:    Global Research  

May 22, 2010Web of Debt – 2010-05-21

For over a decade, accountant Walter Burien has been trying to rouse the public over what he contends is a massive conspiracy and cover-up, involving trillions of dollars squirreled away in funds maintained at every level of government. His numbers may be disputed, but these funds definitely exist, as evidenced by the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFRs) required of every government agency. If they don’t represent a concerted government conspiracy, what are they for? And how can they be harnessed more efficiently to help allay the financial crises of state and local governments?

The Elusive CAFR Money

Burien is a former commodity trading adviser who has spent many years peering into government books. He notes that the government is composed of 54,000 different state, county, and local government entities, including school districts, public authorities, and the like; and that these entities all keep their financial assets in liquid investment funds, bond financing accounts and corporate stock portfolios. The only income that must be reported in government budgets is that from taxes, fines and fees; but the investments of government entities can be found in official annual reports (CAFRs), which must be filed with the federal government by local, county and state governments. These annual reports show that virtually every U.S. city, county, and state has vast amounts of money stashed away in surplus funds. Burien maintains that these slush funds have been kept concealed from taxpayers, even as taxes are being raised and citizens are being told to expect fewer government services. More

NAIS has nothing to do with food safety for our benefit.

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R.W.McAfee (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved


Once this bureaucratic NAIS is in place in the U.S. it will enable BigAgra Corporations to control livestock production.  It was written and adopted several years ago by these corporations along with the one-worlders for their WTO organization which is designed to benefit them, not America’s independent livestock producers.

When the U.S. signed the WTO “treaty,” our laws and wishes as an agricultrual nation became subservient to the one-worlders whose hearty participants include BigAgra–those same wonderful folk who’re trying to shove dangerous genetically modified (GM) food down humanity’s throats–one-in-the-same as those who tried to scam humanity into believing they were responsible for global warming; now a thoroughly discredited hoax after their files were hacked and released online for the world to see.

Their end game with their global warming lie was to levy a global  “tax” on humanity for  “. . .polluting the planet with our billions of CO2 exhales that were causing global warming. To save us from ourselves. And use that tax to fund their one world government.

Global warming, like their NAIS pitch, was and is a lie.   

Our USDA was told by their “bosses” to have NAIS done and set in motion in the U.S.  by January 1st of this year.  But a fierce opposition to this heinous scheme by America’s independent livestock producers blind-sided them at their previous “listening” sessions around the nation.  In fact, it was so intense it set these bureaucratic mouthpieces back on their heels.

Their world “bosses” couldn’t have been very happy with them. So here they are again for another try at NAIS at the links below.

It appears the USDA representatives in D.C. who’re supposed to be looking out for America’s agriculture community have been purchased by BigAgra and the one worlders operating behind the curtain; and have now become little more than paid pimps and shills for those trying to force as many of America’s independent ranchers and farmers out of the livestock production business as they can.

NAIS has nothing to do with food safety for our benefit.


Wisconsin DATCP: the flies are circling


Marti Oakley (c)Copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved

____”Had this bill passed, DATCP swat and raid teams would have been all over your dairy farms like flies on a dead cow.”  ******************

I tried to warn you back in November of 2009 that hiring lobbyists and handing your hard earned dollars over to national groups claiming to be prepared to defend you should you come under fire, was an exercise in futility.  And, after receiving yet another alert of a pending protest or whatever they were calling it, I couldn’t help but note this new alert that had come out at that time, strictly forbid any calls from outside the state of Wisconsin or anyone showing up in person to support Wisconsin family and independent dairy farmers.  This kind of support could set things back!  After all…you had a paid lobbyist along with a couple of big name national groups who were going to handle everything. Any “outsiders” would just mess things up! 

In fact, the emails that were sent around behind the scenes specifically mentioned my own efforts to gather farmers and herders from several states to travel to Wisconsin to stand with farmers there in solidarity.  This planned protest was called off at 3. a.m. in the morning via email by the very group that had called for it.  No explanation was ever given as to why: just the ensuing organizational alert forbidding the interference from “outsiders”.  Now didn’t any of you think that was just a little on the odd side? 

Somewhere around this same time an obviously faked version of a milk bill was published as some kind of evidence that action was being taken.  When the fraud was exposed, a bill was quickly cobbled together which I can only assume was the pretext for the Milk Bill that just got vetoed by Gov. Doyle.  More

American working in Mexico:From the other side of the fence…


Received the following from Tom O’Malley, who was a Director with S.W. BELL in Mexico City:

“I spent five years working in Mexico. I worked under a tourist Visa for three months and could legally renew it for three more months. After that you were working illegally. I was technically illegal for three weeks waiting on the FM3 approval

“During that six months our Mexican and U.S. attorneys were working to secure a permanent work visa called a ‘FM3’. It was in addition to my U.S. passport that I had to show each time I entered and left the country. Barbara’s was the same, except hers did not permit her to work.

  • “To apply for the FM3, I needed to submit the following notarized originals (not copies):
  • 1. Birth certificate for Barbara and me.
  • 2. Marriage certificate.
  • 3. High school transcripts and proof of graduation.
  • 4. College transcripts for every college I attended and proof of graduation.
  • 5. Two letters of recommendation from supervisors I had worked for at least one year.
  • 6. A letter from the St. Louis Chief of Police indicating that I had no arrest record in the U.S. and no outstanding warrants and, was “a citizen in good standing”.
  • 7. “Finally, I had to write a letter about myself that clearly stated why there was no Mexican citizen with my skills and why my skills were important to Mexico. We called it our ‘I am the greatest person on Earth’ letter. It was fun to write.”

Humane Observers Need Daily Access to Monitor Horses’ Well-Being

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Press Release from the Cloud Foundation

The Cloud Foundation

Result of BLM’s lack of care – Photo by Laura Leigh 
Fallon, NV (May 21, 2010)—On Sunday, May 16th, visitors and humane observers to the government holding pens in Fallon, Nevada found injured wild horses and photographed a starving, emaciated colt among the 2,100 mustangs. The young colt had clearly been struggling for multiple days and was not placed in a hospital pen with his mother. Advocates alerted Bureau of Land Management (BLM) staff to the colt’s poor condition. After the facility closed the only veterinarian, responsible for the care of over 3,000 horses at two BLM facilities, was called in and euthanized the colt. The Washoe County Sheriff is currently investigating multiple incidences of animal abuse at the Fallon Facility. 


Tell the Senate to restrain executive power

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Bill of Rights Defense Committee

Tell the Senate to restrain executive power


Next month, the U.S. Senate will begin hearings to examine, and potentially confirm, the nomination of Solicitor General Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. The nomination has raised concerns among some observers about whether the nominee will enforce appropriate limits on executive power, given that she has served in the Executive Branch under two administrations. More

Justification for Study: Living the American dream on borrowed time

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 Live Link:   A Nation Beguiled

James P. Harvey  wethepeople@anationbeguiled.com


Before I was fully retired, like most people, my focus was on supporting my family. There was not much time in that endeavor to think about much else, and again I believe most working class people experience about the same thing. There are exceptions of course, but for the most part I found that people just did not realize they were living the American dream on borrowed time. In fact, many are still unaware of their loss of freedoms, and God given rights. Many more are somewhat aware, but unconcerned due to a false sense of security. After all, this is America, right?

Due to having a natural sense of individualism, I have always been a non-conformist, and once I had the time, I set out to discover why so many people just went along with whatever they were told. Many years later that objective had been subdivided into hundreds of subjects, and I found that I had a higher sense of how people the world over are manipulated from cradle to grave, and for the most part, with their consent.

To make a long story short, many Americans have been influenced from an early age to have a high degree of emotional patriotism that makes them unwilling to face the true history of American politics’. Let’s face it, who wants to know something bad about a loved one? Who wants to admit they have been beguiled from childhood? They have become unwilling to let go of a myth, because to do so, hurts so much. More

Flash Bulletin: Corexit is Killing the Gulf


J. Speer-Williams (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved

The private, foreign International Monetary/Banking Cartel controls its puppets in Washington as it controls its oil company executives. And everything the Cartel does is anti-life, there are absolutely no exceptions; and their pretended Gulf oil clean-up is a glaring case in point.

Instead of cleaning up the unprecedented catastrophe created by the Cartel’s mega-corporations (Halliburton, Transocean, and British Petroleum), these very same companies seem to be purposely killing our Gulf of Mexico, under the pretense of cleaning it up, with a chemical dispersant by the trade name of Corexit.

This news will, of course, be meet with incredulous disbelieve by those who have yet to catch on to the fact that the private interests that own the Federal Reserve System, and all other central banks in the world, also own all major multi-national corporations.

It is something you are not supposed to know, and is politically incorrect to talk about: the International Monetary/Banking Cartel owns, or controls, from its base in the financial District of London, and other undisclosed places, all large international corporations. Wall Street and the Federal Reserve banks of the US are merely the Cartel’s American subsidiaries. More

Lindsey Graham and Jack Kemp: Has the Tribe Protected Them?

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 Live Link:            MARK DANKOF”S AMERICA

Senator Lindsey Graham (R.-S. C.) is demonstrably a war monger when it comes to Zionist interests.  His sickening sycophancy in March at the American Israeli Political Action Committee dinner, chronicled by David Corn of Mother Jones, tells the tale of the all-too-familiar tape when it comes to what is routinely purchased from American politicians by the Israeli lobby.  It has something to do with the world’s oldest profession, if you know what I mean.  Want to know what Graham’s hourly fees are for such speeches?  Hugh Galford of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs can quote you the specific numbers.

Graham’s AIPAC schtick was as predictable as it was outlandish.  Stating that Israel is “our best friend in the world,” the South Carolina pol conveniently forgot to mention the Lavon Affair, the Kennedy assassination, the attack on the USS Liberty, the Pollard spy case, and the Israeli-Communist China pilfering of American nuclear secrets at Los Alamos in the PROMIS catastrophe, among many others.  In regard to this last episode, one can only guess at what the late John Tower (R.-TX) and John Heinz (R.-PA) may have known.  If only they hadn’t died in aviation accidents in separate parts of the country, only 24 hours apart. What a tragic coincidence.

What Graham did mention was his wholehearted support of the mass murder of Iranians by preemptive military strike.  Apparently for him, and sidekick John McCain, constant impingement on Iranian air space; black operations in Azerbaijan, Khuzestan, and Balochistan provinces; and covert American support for the Jundallah–MEK sponsored acts of terrorism and subversion within Iranian borders is not enough.  Now we need to be carrying out a massive, overt military strike on that country, despite what our own National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) says about the nuclear weapons program they don’t have.  And with an “ally” that is a non-signatory to the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty (NPT), and the leading nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons power in the entire region.  Got it?  Philip Giraldi can brief us.  A simple Google search on his name and Iran will tell you more than you may really want to know. More

The World Religion Is Already Here


Gary Rea (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved


The World Religion is already here. In fact, it’s been here for quite some time. The Bahá’í Faith, had its beginnings with the Báb’s May 23, 1844 declaration in Shiraz, Iran. The Báb was a Messianic figure whose coming, according to Bahá’ís, was announced in the scriptures of all of the world’s great religions, and whom Bahá’u’lláh, the founder of the Bahá’í Faith, claimed to be in 1863. Mírzá Husayn `Alí Núrí was one of the early followers of the Báb, who later took the title of Bahá’u’lláh. He was arrested and imprisoned for this involvement in 1852. While imprisoned in Iran, he received the first intimations that he was the one anticipated by the Báb.

Fast forward to 1937, when Shoghi Effendi launched a seven year plan for the Bahá’ís of North America, followed by another in 1946. In 1953, he launched the first international plan, the Ten Year World Crusade. This plan included extremely ambitious goals for the expansion of Bahá’í communities and institutions, the translation of Bahá’í texts into several new languages, and the sending of Bahá’í pioneers into previously unreached nations. The World Christian Encyclopedia, 2001, estimated 7.1 million Bahá’ís in the world in 2000, representing 218 countries.

The Bahá’í Faith is the most likely candidate for the World Religion, as it is an interfaith organization, that is to say, it is deliberately structured to include all the world’s religions and, thus, ultimately replace them all.

Mexican Drug Cartels putting Americans in danger on American soil

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By Michael Webster: Syndicated Investigative Reporter. May 17, 2010 at 4:30 PM PDT

“He claims that this is possible because some high U.S. Government people are paid by the Zetas to not be in the area at certain times during his operations.”

1st part in a multiple part series.

Americans on the American side of the U.S. Mexican border are in much danger today from newly trained Mexican drug traffickers, who according to the highest level of the Mexican military reveals that Mexican Drug Cartels (MDC’s) are currently training Mexican smugglers in the art of military tactic’s. These trainees often referred to by many as coyotes are very important to the drug trade. These coyotes are believed to be responsible for the tons of illegal drugs being clandestinely smuggled into the United States from Mexico on a daily bases. As a result of this new level of training it is putting many average Americans in grave danger and right here at home.

Video 2 http://www.wsbtv.com/video/23438712/index.html

A high ranking Mexican Army commander who insists on remaining anonymous has told the U.S. Border Fire Report that Mexican coyotes are now being trained by the Mexican Drug Cartel known as the Los Zetas and are operating in the deserts of Arizona. These highly trained former Mexican Army solders who themselves went through some of the best and latest U.S. Army training at the American tax payers expense now are passing this training onto the front line drug smugglers that guide these drug loads and human beings into the states mainly through our southern border with Mexico. They’re known as “Los Zetas

This new breed of coyote now operate as a fine tuned military unit. I was able to make contact and talk with one of these new Zetas coyote smugglers. The deal was, if I would agree to not take any photo’s or know his real name he would talk with me. More

GM in the public eye in Asia

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  Live Link:   GRAIN

Monsanto’s plans to push genetically modified (GM) food crops in Asia ran into a wall on February 9, 2010 when India’s Environment Minister put a moratorium on the introduction of a variety of GM brinjal (eggplant) containing Monsanto’s patented Bt gene. China too has been hesitant to approve GM food crops, notably GM rice. It appears that these Asian governments, both outspoken proponents of GM agriculture, are not only feeling the heat from their people’s strong resistance to GM food crops but are also being forced to think twice about turning their seed supplies over to Monsanto and the other foreign transnational corporations (TNCs) that control the global GM seed market. What they seem to be saying is, “Yes, we want GM seeds, but we want our public institutions to be involved in their development to safeguard the national interest.” It’s a pretty hollow argument, given how “public” research is in bed with corporate interests these days and how removed GM agriculture is from the needs of Asia’s farmers. For Asia’s small farmers is there really any difference between a national GM crop and a transnational one?

A fuzzy line between public and private in China

In his report imposing a moratorium on Bt brinjal, the Indian Environment Minister referred, amongst other things, specifically to India’s lack of a “large-scale publicly funded biotechnology effort in agriculture” that can serve as a countervailing power to Monsanto, and pointed to China’s publicly funded programme in GM, which he says is far ahead of India’s. 1 The moratorium is thus in part intended to give India time to catch up with the TNCs and its neighbour, and the long-term path still points to GMOs. This was not what the local protests against Bt brinjal across India were about. They were against GM crops per se, not simply Monsanto’s version. For the protesters, a strong national biotech programme is not going to shield Indian farmers from corporate profiteering and the other pitfalls of GMOs, as China’s example shows. More

State of Wisconsin vs. Pat and Melissa Monchilovich


Paul Griepentrog (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved

In the matter of the State of Wisconsin vs. Pat and Melissa Monchilovich a motion hearing was held on the 18th of May.  Motion was granted for a new trial and relief from judgment. 

Motion for new trial was based on new evidence, as the Wisconsin Secretary of Agriculture’s, acting as agent for the state, application for grant pursuant to the implementation of the NAIS program required the state to adhere to the rules set forth in the final issue of the Federal Register which states that the state Will comply with all applicable requirements of all other Federal laws, executive orders, regulations, and policies governing this program.” Further the Federal Register clearly defines that “It is important to note that participation in the NAIS is voluntary.”  (emphasis added)

And “This rule: Preempts all State and local laws and regulations that are in conflict with this rule”.  (emphasis added)

Furthermore the rules of statutory construction prohibit an administrative agency from going beyond the intent of the legislature.  See prior post for complete motion.

  The new trial will be on the 24th of August in Balsam Lake Wisconsin.

Notes from wisconsin: something funny happened after court the other day.

Look what 1.5 million can buy you in Wisconsin

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