
The “One Size Fits All” Global Vaccine Agenda

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October 20, 2019 By Vaccine Choice Canada
By Edda West


“Rather than invest in basic health measures that work, vaccination has instead, been adopted as the silver bullet that will fix all the world’s ills while at the same time increasing profits for the vaccine industry.

As vaccine hysteria ramps up, ignored is the decades old data that exposes the dark underbelly of the vaccine agenda as a tool of colonialism that results in health injuries, susceptibility to other diseases and increased risk of death.”


Now that the pervasive “one size fits all” vaccine agenda has captured all governments and regulatory agencies to do its bidding, the push to vaccinate every human being on the planet is reaching a fever pitch. What many people may not realize is that the current drive for vaccine mandates and removal of exemption rights is a global agenda. Coordinated by numerous international health agencies, it’s happening all over the world.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recently declared ‘vaccine hesitancy’ as a top global health threat not because vaccine hesitancy is driving infectious disease outbreaks, but to motivate health officials to ramp up vaccine mandates.

Taking their cues from ‘on high’, governments are all too willing to trample our basic human right to bodily autonomy and our informed consent right to refuse unwanted medical procedures.  A carefully orchestrated global dragnet is steadily steering us toward vaccine mandates, hatched by a cadre of global health entities and fueled by the pharmaceutical industry’s strong arm lobby efforts to convince governments to adopt vaccine mandates.

Under the influence and directive of groups like the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) launched in 2014, governments are emboldened to quash basic human rights to avert fictional, non-existent global health threats. Children’s Health Defense recently reported that the GHSA has 67 member countries and Canada is one of 10 countries on its “Steering Group”. Its purpose is to “elevate global health security” as a top priority and to make the world “safe and secure from global health threats posed by infectious diseases.” More

Another Ecologic Open Pit Mine Catastrophe Happened Yesterday in Brazil (January 25, 2019): Lessons for Starry-eyed Minnesotan Politicians and Investors who Have Been Bamboozled by PolyMet and Glencore and Other Foreign Mining Corporations

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Duty to Warn

 By Gary G. Kohls, MD – January 26, 2019


A solemn message to the residents of Hoyt Lakes, Aurora, Meadowlands, Floodwood, Brookston, Cloquet, Scanlon, Carlton, Thomson, Wrenshall, Duluth, Superior WI, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Canada and most of all, Lake Superior, please seriously heed the warnings in the message below. 

Even state-of-the-art mine tailings ponds that use earthen dam walls (especially if they are intended to grow to become 250 feet tall like PolyMet’s!!) are subject to sudden, unexpected – and very catastrophic – breaches that could easily destroy for a generation every living thing in the watershed downstream. Even tributaries can be contaminated and even destroyed in the sudden deluge that can reverse the flow of the creeks temporarily. 

And be warned that foreign multinational mining corporations – just like every other profit-minded, multinational corporation that anybody can think of – has their profits as their number one goal; the long-term adverse environmental effects from their mining operations be damned!

Foreign multinational mining corporations have poisoned the environment – sometimes gradually, sometimes catastrophically – wherever on the planet they have extracted their minerals – NO EXCEPTIONS.

The giant multinational mining corporations Vale, BHP Billiton and Samarco (that have extensive operations in Brazil) have again demonstrated to the world why they can’t be trusted, for just yesterday (January 25, 2019) they have perpetrated another environmental catastrophe.

Read on and understand that similar disasters could (and probably will) happen downstream from the PolyMet/NorthMet/Glencore sulfuric acid-producing copper mine whose tailings pond dam is scheduled to rise to an eventually unstable height of 250 feet !!

Far more communities than the dozen towns named above could be devastated irreparably, despite what the starry-eyed and bamboozled (and/or paid off by political contributions) politicians like Senator Klobuchar, Senator Smith, US House member Stauber, ex-US House member Nolan, and practically every politician from either major political party that one can think of. The high potential for sudden environmental disasters similar to Samarco, Mount Polley (British Columbia) and now Brumadinho, Brazil (plus a hundred others since global mineral extractions by huge corporations began). 

“ALL tailings “ponds” are a problem. If they don’t breach and spill massive amounts of toxic sludge into the environment like at Mount Polley, they leach that contamination slowly, poisoning the waters and lands (and aquifers) around them for centuries.” — From: http://canadians.org/blog/update-mount-polley-mine-disaster-imperial-metals-and-government-focus-covering-instead.

Before reading further, click on https://www.minnpost.com/sites/default/files/attachments/St%20Louis%20River%20watershed%20map.pdf to examine what comprises the St Louis River watershed, considered sacred by our native American forerunners.


Sick Kids Hospital Toronto will euthanize children with or without parental consent.


Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director – Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

A recent report from the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto states that they are not only ready to do euthanasia on children but their policy states that a child should be able to die by euthanasia without the consent or knowledge of the parents.

According to an article by Sharon Kirkey for Sun Media, the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto published their policy on euthanasia and assisted suicide as a report in the recent Journal of Medical Ethics. According to Kirkey:

The Sick Kids’ working group says the hospital has willing doctors who could “safely and effectively” perform euthanasia for terminally ill youth 18 and older who meet the criteria as set out in federal law, and that it would be “antithetical” to its philosophy of care to have to transfer these patients to a strange and unfamiliar adult hospital. But it is a suggestion that euthanasia might one day take place without the involvement of parents that has provoked fresh controversy in the assisted-death debate.

Who does the Hospital for Sick Children believe that euthanasia can be safe and effective for?

Kirkey explains that the ethicists at the Children’s Hospital believe that there is no difference between killing someone and letting them die. Clearly there is a difference between allowing a natural death and actually causing the death of a person. By blurring clear distinctions ethicists minimize the ethical problems associated with doctors killing their patients. Kirkey reports:

The working group said it wasn’t convinced that there is a meaningful difference for the patient “between being consensually assisted in dying (in the case of MAID) and being consensually allowed to die (in the case of refusing life-sustaining interventions).”

Kirkey explains that most Canadian provinces allow mature minors to make decisions about their own care, including withdrawing or withholding life support. She explains that in Ontario a minor can provide consent for treatment or withdrawal of treatment if they understand the “reasonably foreseeable consequences” of their decision. The Sick Kids’ hospital stated that they encourage minors to involve their families in medical decisions.

Kirkey explains that the Hospitals for Sick Children is suggesting that children could decide to die by euthanasia without the consent of the parents:

The draft policy argues the same rules should apply to MAID since there is no meaningful ethical or practical distinction from the patient’s perspective between assisted dying and other procedures that result in the end of a life, such as palliative sedation (where people sleep until they die) or withdrawing or withholding life-sustaining treatments.

Kirkey explains that the Sick Kids Hospital paper came out just ahead of the report by The Canadian Council of Academies that will make recommendations in December concerning the extension of euthanasia to mature minors. The same group is examining the extension of euthanasia to cases of mental illness alone, as well as incompetent people who requested euthanasia within an “advance directive”.

Alberta’s Free Roaming Horses Society takes legal action to save Canada’s wild horses (wildies)

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Source:  Alberta’s Free Roaming Horses Society

Alberta’s Free Roaming Horses Society and have just begun legal action against the Alberta Provincial Government for, what appears to be, a violation of their Statutes and Regulations with regards to capturing and removing the wild horses from Public Lands.  They have been gathering documentation from Freedom of Information Requests for 4 years.  The Action was filed on August 31st, and they are waiting for a response.

The Originating Application and the Affidavit and Exhibits are HERE.   

Originating Application – Filed August 31, 2018

Affidavit of Alberta’s Free Roaming Horses Society – Filed August 31, 2018

The story below briefly summarizes what occurred over those 4 years:

Our Battle with he Alberta Provincial Government – Part 11

“The Past Was Erased, The Erasure Was Forgotten, The Lie Became the Truth.”  (George Orwell – 1984)

by Alberta’s Free Roaming Horses Society More

Former Central Banker: Oil Pipeline Protesters Will Be Killed. So Be It.

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(CD) — As Canada’s controversial Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project faces ongoing opposition, the former governor of the Bank of Canada said that protesters may die but that the government should push the project through anyway.

Speaking at an event Wednesday, David Dodge said, “We’re going to have some very unpleasant circumstances,” the Edmonton Journal reported. “There are some people that are going to die in protesting construction of this pipeline. We have to understand that.”

“Nevertheless, we have to be willing to enforce the law once it’s there,” Dodge said. “It’s going to take some fortitude to stand up.”

In an interview with the Journal, he elaborated by saying, “We have seen it other places, that equivalent of religious zeal leading to flouting of the law in a way that could lead to death.”

Dodge’s comments prompted outrage from climate activists.

Author and 350-org co-founder Bill McKibben warned, “North American governments have shown the ‘fortitude’ necessary to kill indigenous people often enough that this is no idle threat,” while Canandian author Naomi Klein called the threat a “disgrace.” She added, “If the worst happens, we now know they went into this with their eyes wide open.”

Greenpeace climate and energy campaigner Mike Hudema, meanwhile, wondered if Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau would weigh in on Dodge’s remarks.


Christmas Stories About Two North American Genocides: Minnesota’s Mass Executions of Lakota Defenders of Their Sacred Homeland


strip bannernew-logo25Gary G. Kohls, MD,  and Rev Kevin Annett’s “Nativity”


“I have the honor to inform you that the thirty-eight Indians and half-breeds ordered by you for execution were hung yesterday at Mankato at 10 a.m. Everything went off quietly and the other prisoners are well secured.” Respectfully, H. H. SIBLEY, Brigadier-General.”


On the first day of Christmas, 1862, 38 Lakota warriors that had participated in the so-called “Sioux Uprising” were hanged at Mankato, Minnesota, without benefit of a jury trial. The hangings were considered to end of the brief US-Dakota War of 1862.  The mass executions had been approved long distance by President Abraham Lincoln. To his credit, Lincoln, who had very little idea of what had happened in the Minnesota territory, had commuted the death sentences of several hundred other native men who had been captured after the final battle.

The hundreds of imprisoned native survivors, along with the thousands of other tribal members who had not been hanged that day had also – unbeknownst to them at the time – been condemned to exile from their homeland, a slower kind of death, for they were denied their liberty and they were imprisoned, starved to death and ultimately banished from their ancestral home to concentration camps on desolate land that the US government had no use for. The tradition of hunting and gathering that had sustained the First Nations for thousands of years was denied them and then, to make matters even worse, the later discovery of gold on some of that reservation land would result in yet another round of treaty-breaking and ethnic cleansing.so that white European immigrants could occupy and exploit their land. Much of that exploitation was for the economic benefit of land speculators like the future Governor of Minnesota, Alexander Ramsey. More

The battle against Smart Meters continues…but don’t count on your public officials to help you


Marti Oakley  © 2012 All Rights Reserved


News is coming in across the country regarding the fight against smart meters. If ever there was an indicator that not only does our government not work for the people, but that they have absolutely no interest in what the general population thinks or wants the smart meter issue has got to top the list. 

After being exposed personally to the smart meter scam, I began calling senators and representatives not only here in my state, Minnesota, but in other states as well just to get their response. 

Without exception this is what I was told in every instance of contact in exactly this order:

  • I never heard of smart meters….what are they?
  • We haven’t had any other complaints about smart meters.
  • Smart meters are no worse than your cell phone. (false)
  • There is no credible evidence that says these meters are dangerous. (false)
  • This is a legal issue…hire an attorney.
  • We only make the laws so we don’t get into legal issues.
  • There is nothing we can do for you. Go back to your city council.

What are the chances? More

Government to government plan to seize control of all foods


Marti Oakley  © 2011 All Rights Reserved


Shortly after “Dirty Harry” Reid passed the fake food safety bill in here in the US, with his one unanimous vote, C-36 passed two weeks later in Canada.  Both bills were an outright attack on individual rights and property rights as both governments claim they now have the authority to unilaterally decide who can grow, process and sell foods and under what conditions.  And, just as here in the US, those lawmakers responsible for this attack on liberty claimed they did so because that was what the public demanded and was begging for.  

Actually, in both countries just the opposite was true; the public was demanding that these bills not be passed. Dirty Harry claimed that more than 10,000 people had begged him to pass the bill while never mentioning that more than a million had objected. But in neither case was food safety and security the real intent of the legislation.  Both the US and Canada were handing agricultural production in all its forms, over to international organizations and multi-national corporations.

A sample of the unconstitutional restrictions included in bill C-36 include:

– abolishing protection from trespass, a court-ordered warrant, and the need for court-supervised search and seizure;

– on ONLY suspicion, health inspectors with the aid of police can invade any location in the country, seize and confiscate goods deemed unsafe (i.e. health supplements) and violate all constitutional rights of all parties involved

– it bypasses existing laws on privacy and confidentiality and explicitly exempts the Minister of  Health and government inspectors from any kind of third-party oversight and accountability;

**Note: In the US the Secretary of Health & Human Services and any of her delegates were given the same immunity, and US citizens were denied their right to access the courts for redress.

– the need to publish regulations governing the activities of the inspectors is abolished, too; More

Advancement of the North American Union



Marti Oakley © copyright 2011


With our southern border with Mexico, now a virtual war zone and as the beheadings, murders, drug trafficking, human trafficking and overall violence escalates each day, the federal government has come up with a sure-fire plan on how to gain control of the situation.  They have moved ahead with the plans to integrate Canadian and US police to be used for border security, intelligence sharing, and of course your basic over the top government spying on absolutely everyone at, on or around the US- Canadian border.  Referred to as the expanded Homeland Security Perimeter, the North American Union is being putting in to place.

Yes, that’s right.  With our southern border exploding with violence, drug wars, illegal immigration and human trafficking, every effort is being made to secure the border with Canada. We got your troops, both Canadian and US on both sides of the border, your drones for aerial spying, your checkpoints, your RFID infrastructure, your real time physical surveillance, biometric scanners, and access to a massive data base of individuals compiled for no other reason than ……they can. 

And now we can indiscriminately decide someone, anyone, everyone is a criminal, needs investigating, hunting down or is a terrorist and proceed to terrorize them, hold them indefinitely, torture them if we choose to, and generally destroy their lives because after all……it’s the only way the two governments can keep us [safe]. 

Has anyone asked how we are to keep ourselves safe from our own governments? More


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 (THIS FRIDAY) Oct 22th at 5:00PM  EST



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  Canada is now under threat of the government, using international treaty and agreement, ending the right of the people to use, own, save or otherwise select, reuse or exchange or sell seeds without government control.  At stake  also is the “with only a reasonable belief” reflected in S.510 here in the US…..allowing seizure of crops, farms, equipment or other assets at government will.  

Please note, this petition is posted on the NFU website in pdf format, at the following link: http://www.nfu.ca/petitions/CETA.pdf More

Fox News North: Canada fights back against crony-media…and WINS!

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We did it! “Fox News North” has dropped their bid for forced access to our cable fees!

83,000 of us signed the petition, 25,000 sent letters to the CRTC and 4,000 donated over $115,000 – and last week SunTV, seeing they could not win, dropped their request to the government to force cable companies to carry them. A huge congrats to everyone on this amazing victory for Canada!

It wasn’t easy — the Sun media empire threw everything they had at us – smear pieces, legal threats, even insider knowledge of sabotage of our campaigns — but our united voices proved more powerful than even a Harper-allied corporate giant.

Let’s take a moment to celebrate this, and share thoughts for what we do next. Click below to join a nation-wide live-chat:


Just 3 weeks ago, our campaign caused the resignation in disgrace of SunTV chief and former Harper spin doctor Kory Teneycke (after we pressed for an RCMP investigation into the sabotage of our petition by people linked to Teneycke). While significant, Teneycke was just replaced by another scandal-ridden spin doctor for another conservative Prime Minister.

But the decision to abandon the forced access to our fees is a huge deal. “Fox News North” (SunTV) has admitted that, if given a free choice, Canadians won’t watch it enough to make it profitable – that’s why they sought a special licence from the CRTC that would force cable companies to carry them, and why the press warned that the CRTC was under pressure from the Harper government to grant this licence. So, the success of our people-powered campaign could mean the end of this attempt to bring a poisonous brand of crony-media to Canada. Hooray!

Harper’s radical-right clique has launched a full scale assault on our democracy – forcing out top civil servants for refusing to be politicized, controlling press access to government like never before, even shutting down our Parliament when it suited them. A 24 hour propaganda news channel that backed their every move, no matter how outrageous, could have been a headshot to our country’s democratic character. This victory is Canadian democracy’s resilient response, and it’s beautiful. Thank you!!

With gratitude and excitement for all we can achieve together in the future,
Ricken, Emma, Laryn and the whole Avaaz team

·  Sun TV gears down licence application, The Globe and Mail:

·  Fox News North – Not: Savour the victory, The Vancouver Sun:

Support the Avaaz community! We’re entirely funded by donations and receive no money from governments or corporations. Our dedicated team ensures even the smallest contributions go a long way — donate here.

Avaaz.org is a 5.5-million-person global campaign network
that works to ensure that the views and values of the world’s people shape global decision-making. (“Avaaz” means “voice” or “song” in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 13 countries on 4 continents and operates in 14 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz’s biggest campaigns here, or follow us on

Canada to add bisphenol A to toxic register in face of industry protests

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Live link: The Dairy Reporter

By Rory Harrington, 25-Aug-2010

“Canada has confirmed bisphenol A (BPA) is to be added to its national register of toxic substances after dismissing industry calls to review its stance on the chemical.”

Environment Canada (EC) remained unmoved by charges from the American Chemistry Council (ACC) that a failure to hold a review would leave it open to charges of pandering to emotional zealots and damage its reputation. The government body told FoodProductionDaily.com it would complete the process started in 2008 to add BPA to its official List of Toxic Substances within weeks.

“We expect to conclude the process of having bisphenol A added to the List of Toxic Substances in Schedule I of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act,1999 (CEPA, 1999) in 8-10 weeks,” said EC spokesman Henry Lau.

Emotional zealots More

Ending Fluoridation “One Town at a Time”

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Fluoride Action Network

FAN Bulletin 2028: Ending Fluoridation “One Town at a Time”

August 8, 2010
We are getting close to making a decision on an appointment of a Campaign Director for FAN. We have been a little delayed interviewing candidates because of the intensive activities we have had on two other fronts – last minute edits on the new book and the July 23-27 FAN Conference.

As always these conferences have a way of paying us back over and over again in the renewed energy and enthusiasm they generate. This conference was no exception. As one participant wrote to us: More


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                   ” Experience with canola and flax in Canada and rice and other crops in the US shows that GM alfalfa, if approved, will contaminate our fields and seed stocks.”                                      

JUNE 22, 2010

SASKATOON, Sask.—Yesterday, the US Supreme Court ruled that genetically-modified (GM) alfalfa cannot be planted or sold in that country.  This ruling has very significant implications for Canadian farmers and all other citizens.  Canada’s National Farmers Union (NFU) participated in an “amicus brief” to the US Supreme Court as part of this case.

The case, Monsanto v. Geerston Farms, marks the first time a GM crop case has been brought before the US Supreme Court.  Ruling on a lower court decision, the Supreme Court upheld a ban on the sale and planting of Monsanto’s Roundup Ready alfalfa.  The ban will remain in place until the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) prepares a proper Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and until the USDA succeeds in officially “deregulating” the crop—a move that will be scrutinized and opposed (possibly in court) by many groups.  Work on an EIS and possible deregulation will take at least a year, possibly much longer, giving farmers and others opposed to GM alfalfa time to gain a permanent ban.  The US ruling also makes Canadian GM alfalfa commercialization less likely. More




FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                     JUNE 7, 2010




“In addition to the transfer of land from farm families to corporations and investors, the NFU report looks at two additional ways in which farmers’ autonomy, security, and control are being undermined: massive and rising farm debt and corporate financing of farm input sales.

“Moreover, these same governments are acting to facilitate and promote purchases of farmland by non-farmers.  ” ——–

SASKATOON, Sask.In countries around the world, including Canada, corporations, investors, and foreign interests are buying up farmland.  The National Farmers Union (NFU) today released the first report of its kind documenting Canadian developments in a global land grab. More

Canadian faces two years prison for lawful attempt to arrest U.S. war criminal G.W. Bush


News from Canada:

Live Link:    Radical Press.com 

RP’s Editor’s Note: This particular trial, absurd as it is considering that it should never have occurred, is likely to set the tone for Canada’s dissidents and their future responses to acts by the Canadian government that fly in the face of issues of justice and peace. 

Had our federal government followed its own rulings John Boncore, better known to the Internet world as Splitting the Sky, would not be facing the prospect of possible incarceration for having attempted to make a citizen’s arrest of the psychopathic war criminal George W. Bush back in the fall of 2009 in Calgary, Alberta.

In doing so Splitting the Sky not only risked being shot on the street or murdered while in custody but he also created a judicial conundrum for Canada’s justice system. Following the guidelines laid out in federal legislation for the apprehension of lying, murdering, mentally ill megalomaniacs like George W. Bush, Splitting the Sky set the only real example for a patriotic citizen when he chose to do what the Canadian authorities didn’t have the courage, integrity or moral fortitude to do themselves.

John Boncore needs all the support that can be mustered in order that his trial is known far and wide. You can help by forwarding this article to everyone you can think of. It’s the least that each of us can offer on behalf of all that John has risked.

Arthur Topham



Former US Attorney-General Ramsey Clark to Speak at the University of Calgary’s Peace Consortium in Defence of Splitting the Sky, The Man Who Attempted a Citizens’ Arrest on George ,W. Bush

Joshua Blakeney
Media Coordinator of Globalization Studies
University of Lethbridge

“George Bush hasn’t suffered at all over the monumental suffering, death, and horror he has caused…no matter how many American soldiers have died on a given day in Iraq (averaging well over two every day), he is always seen with a big smile on his face that same or next day” More

“The shaming of one Canadian has shamed all Canadians.”


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

By Paul Koring
Guantanamo Bay U.S. Naval Station, Cuba


 ~ Liberal MP Paul Szabo, apologizing in the House of Commons for the RCMP’s treatment of lobbyist and arms dealer Karlheinz Schreiber. (Schreiber’s pants had fallen down while RCMP officers led him, in handcuffs, to a waiting cruiser after his testimony before the Commons Ethics Committee.)

“Deciding whether or not to murder Quadr.

“We could do basically anything to scare the prisoners,” Mr. Corsetti said, adding that detainees were often chained in stress positions in cages and that constant screaming and yelling filled the Bagram prison. He also said beating prisoners was banned but they could be threatened with nightmarish scenarios like clandestine transfer to Israel or Egypt where they would disappear.”


You’re 15 years old, in the company of hardened militants who are associates of your father. A foreign army has invaded the country and unleashed a massive bombing campaign. Soldiers come knocking one morning and demand entry. The men around you refuse and a firefight ensues, culminating in the occupying air force bombarding the compound you’re in, killing everyone but you and one other person. What happens next is disputed. As the soldiers enter the bombed-out compound a grenade is thrown and explodes near one of them. He later dies of his wounds. Based on witness reports, the thrower could have been one of three people: you, the man lying beside you, or a U.S. soldier outside the compound wall. More

The Other Oil Disaster: Cancer and Canada’s Tar Sands

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  • Overall, the report found a 30% increase in cancers in Ft. Chip compared with expected over the last 12 years;
  • Leukemias and lymphomas were increased by 3-fold;
  • Bile duct cancers were increased by 7-fold;
  • Other cancers, such as soft tissue sarcomas, and lung cancers in women, were also elevated.
  • I’m not sure who wrote the press release for the government, but it sure weren’t the scientists who actually did the investigation.” More

Sask. Party wants to ‘dissolve’ rights tribunal, NDP says

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By: Sandra Finely/Canadian correspondent

April 23, 2010

SUBJECT:  Support for Human Rights cases (appeals) to be handled in the Courts.  Personal experience.  

TO:  Don Morgan, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Saskatchewan

CC:   Frank Quennell (NDP Justice critic), Dr. Stuart Houston

Dear Don Morgan,

RE:  Protection of Human Rights in Saskatchewan

My personal experience supports your statement “the Tribunal is “too close” to the Commission”, as reported in the appended CBC news report.  There is a problem with the current arrangement that needs to be addressed.  Your efforts will hopefully bring my despair with the system to an end!

The idea that human rights complaints should be handled outside the Court system sounds good.  By removing the costs of the court system, justice becomes accessible – so the argument goes.

However, my experience with the Human Rights Commission and Tribunal led me to conclude that in Saskatchewan we have only the illusion of a system for the protection of human rights.   My real-life experience completely undermined my faith in our institutions.  I said to friends, “We are supporting a system that is a sham.”

Not only are the Human Rights Commission and Tribunal “too close”, they also operate in a closed environment.  At no time was I able to make a presentation in person.  I was not able to ask questions of the Tribunal.   They simply decree that it shall be thus.  The Justice system is far from perfect, but it is at least transparent. More

Canada battles biotech takeover of seeds: Another “free trade’ agreement

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URGENT:  Trade Negotiations Events:  April 19 – Ottawa, 20 – Montreal, 21 – Toronto

QUOTE:  “. . . it would virtually eliminate the rights of farmers to save, reuse and sell seed, providing biotech, pharmaceutical, pesticide, seed and grain companies powerful new tools to essentially decide who should farm and how.” More

Alberta First Nations Take Legal Stand on Oil Sands

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April 9, 2010

Peace River Alberta

Two more Alberta First Nations are seeking the assistance of the Supreme Court of Canada in defending their Aboriginal and Treaty rights in the face of mounting oil sands development in Alberta. The Supreme Court of Canada has granted intervenor status to Duncan’s First Nation (DFN) and Horse Lake First Nation (HLFN), in a case that may have major legal implications for the development of oil sands, pipelines, oil sands infrastructure projects and other major projects.  More

Law would protect farmers by ensuring export markets are considered before GMO approval

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From: Sandra Finely/Canadian Correspondent

Canadians, who seem to do more than complain, just won the first round of the battle to stop the spread of GMO crops!  Go Canada!

Alex Atamanenko, MP
BC Southern Interior-NDP Agriculture critic     APRIL 15, 2010


OTTAWA – A private members bill to protect farmers by calling for an analysis of potential harm to export markets prior to approving new genetically engineered seeds has passed second reading in the House of Commons.  Bill C-474, proposed by New Democrat Agriculture Critic Alex Atamanenko (BC-Southern Interior), will move to committee for further study.

“Despite intense lobbying efforts by the biotech industry and the Conservative government to nip this bill in the bud, the opposition parties voted instead to protect the economic interests of farmers,” said Atamanenko. “I couldn’t be happier that Parliament has made this historic decision.”

This is the first time a bill to change the rules on GMOs has passed second reading in the House.

Atamanenko believes that the government‘s science-only approach to how GMO’s are regulated is irresponsible because it completely ignores market considerations.

“It was the government’s lax regulatory process that allowed GE Triffid flax to shut out Canadian flax exports from its key markets and hurt farmers,” explained Atamanenko. “For the first time, Parliament has a chance to seriously consider a regulatory mechanism that will ensure farmers are never again faced with rejection in our export markets because we allow the introduction of GE technologies that they have not approved.”


CANADA! stop the biotech industry from defeating this Bill!

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submitted by: Sandra Finely/Canadian correpondent


Bill C-474 will require:  “an analysis of potential harm to export markets be conducted before the sale of any new genetically engineered seed is permitted.” 

The industry is putting an all-out effort into defeating the Bill.

PLEASE:  Lucy is asking for another round of fire.  We can deliver it.  It only takes a minute of our time individually.  Scroll down.


This is pretty simple and pretty much common sense.  Europeans will not accept shipments of wheat or flax (for example) if it is contaminated with GE (genetically – engineered) seeds. 

Buyers of Canadian grain get angry when they buy contaminated product, witness the recent case of “Triffid” GE flax. Farmers lose big markets.  The GE contamination is now a huge on-going cost to everyone.  

It isn’t a widely-known issue in Canada because we lost the battle to require labeling of GE food products.  The money of the chem. – biotech industry bought, among others, the Consumers Association in that battle. 

The Europeans won the labeling battle.   But the chem-biotech corporations do not respect the wishes or the interests of the population.  Instead, they have been trying for years now to force GE crops into Europe.

Nor does the Govt of Canada respect the wishes of the Europeans (or of Canadians).  The Govt of Canada launches legal actions through the WTO (World Trade Organization) against the Europeans, on behalf of the industry, claiming unfair trade practices.  More

From Monsanto, Glyphosate-Resistant Giant Ragweed Confirmed in Ontario, Plus

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by: Sandra Finely/Canada



Soil sterility from accumulated “residual” chemicals.  The desperation in Monsanto’s message. 



= = = = = = = = = = = =  ==  = = = = = = ==


Soil sterility from accumulated “residual” chemicals.  The desperation in Monsanto’s message.  More

Canadians fighting back against GE Wheat & Alfalfa

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From our Canadian correspondent: Sandra Finely


(GE = genetically engineered.

GMO = genetically modified organism. Same thing.)

Canadian Biotechnology Action Network

Support Bill C-474 – before April 1, 2010.

Together we can stop GE Alfalfa and GE Wheat.

Flax farmers in Canada are now paying a heavy price because of this exact problem.  Late last year, Canadian flax exports were discovered contaminated with GE “Triffid” flax.  Flax farmers actually foresaw that GE contamination or even the threat of contamination would close their export markets.  They took steps in 2001 to remove GE flax from the market. Despite this measure, flax farmers were not protected. The GE flax contamination closed our export markets in 2009. It has created market uncertainty and depressed prices. Farmers are also paying for testing and cleanup and may be required to abandon their own farm-saved flax seed and buy certified seed instead. These costs are an unnecessary and preventable burden.

We cannot allow GE seeds to harm our export markets. More

Armoured vehicles adopted by B.C. RCMP

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Sandra Finley reports from Canada on the growing use of armoured vehicles and tanks in Canadian Cities.  The same thing is occuring here in the states as major cities “federalize” their law enforcement and convert them to military operations.  Marti


“ The RCMP said the so-called “Cougars for cops” is a national program, and residents of other cities can expect to see the vehicles on their streets too. “ More

Critics call Census pages’ involuntary colonoscopy

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Sandra Finley of Saskatoon, Canada has been fighting the data-mining being done in Canada by Lockeheed-Martin and IBM under the Canadian Census.  This article is part of the history of that battle.


Dear Mr. Unruh,

Thank-you for your article “Critics call Census pages ‘involuntary colonoscopy’ 

Jim Kirwan wrote a related article,  “Privatizing The Census While Perverting Its Purposes”. 

I am currently on trial in Canada because I would not fill in my 2006 census form.   I was one of thousands who did not fill in the form, but one of few being prosecuted.

Initially, I objected because part of the work was outsourced to Lockheed Martin Corporation, the main contractor; I equate them with the U.S. Pentagon.  IBM is a sub-contractor to Lockheed.

There is a horrific history behind state use of personal data (census information) on its citizens.  It is well documented in Edwin Black’s “IBM and the Holocaust”, one example.  More

Death of Free Internet is Imminent: Canada Will Be Test Case

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Live Link: The National Expositor

Kevin Parkinson on 22 July, 2008 11:10:21


Reality Check – In the last 15 years or so, as a society we have had access to more information than ever before in modern history because of the Internet. There are approximately 1 billion Internet users in the world and any one of these users can theoretically communicate in real time with any other on the planet.

The Internet has been the greatest technological achievement of the 20th century by far, and has been recognized as such by the global community. The free transfer of information, uncensored, unlimited and untainted, still seems to be a dream when you think about it. Whatever field that is mentioned- education, commerce, government, news, entertainment, politics and countless other areas- have been radically affected by the introduction of the Internet.

And mostly, it’s good news, except when poor judgements are made and people are taken advantage of. Scrutiny and oversight are needed, especially where children are involved. However, when there are potential profits open to a corporation, the needs of society don’t count. More

Brutality of Horse Slaughter Exposed

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The Humane Society of the United States

Shocking images of extreme suffering released by USDA

The Humane Society of the United States

Horse with bloody eye


Documents recently released by the United States Department Agriculture (USDA) contain shocking images of the extreme suffering of horses transported to U.S.-based slaughter plants.

Animals’ Angels, a Maryland-based animal protection organization, obtained the photos as the result of a Freedom of Information Act request related to 2005 violations of the Commercial Transport of Equines to Slaughter Act at the former Bel-Tex horse slaughter plant in Kaufman, TX.

Graphic Injuries and Mistreatment

The photos were taken by USDA officials charged with monitoring the horses upon arrival at the slaughter plant. While some of the photos depict graphic injuries obviously suffered in transport to slaughter (eyeballs hanging off, bruised and bloodied faces, severely injured and missing legs), others show horses who were clearly mistreated by their owners prior to being purchased for and transported to slaughter.

“For far too long, the availability of horse slaughter has allowed unscrupulous horse owners and breeders to use slaughter auctions as a dumping ground for their “excess” horses. It is time for the horse industry to take responsibility for its horses—for their entire lives—instead of hiding behind a foreign owned industry that preys on our companion animals,” said Keith Dane, director of equine protection for The Humane Society of the United States.

In its 1996 Farm Bill, Congress gave the USDA authority to regulate the transport of horses to U.S. based, foreign-owned slaughter plants. The final rule, which was not published until 2001, included a phase out of the use of double-decker trailers to transport horses directly to slaughter.

However, a loophole in the law allows horses to be transported to any other destination, such as auctions, feed lots or intermediary points, on these cramped, dangerous trailers, meant for shorter neck species like cattle and pigs. When forced to travel on these trailers, horses cannot balance properly, causing them to suffer serious injuries, and sometimes death, before arriving at the slaughter plant. Many of the USDA photos depict injuries typical of horses forced to travel on double-decker trailers—severe head injuries, gaping hindquarter wounds, and leg injuries.

Transportation Horrors  More

A Grisly End for America’s Horses

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The brutal truth behind horse auctions and the journey to slaughter

The Humane Society of the United States


For many horses, the journey to slaughter begins at a local livestock auction. Show horses, camp and lesson horses, race horses, backyard companions, carriage horses, pregnant horses, even wild horses can be standing in a barn or pasture one day, and the next day find themselves loaded onto a trailer, headed for the weekly livestock auction.

Many horse owners bring their horses to these auctions with the expectation that the horse will find a good home. However, the pace of the auction and the often chaotic environment gives sellers little opportunity to show off their horse’s strong points, and it gives buyers little chance to assess whether a particular horse is a good fit for them. Sellers often do not realize that middlemen for foreign-owned slaughter plants—called killer buyers—frequent these auctions, looking for young, healthy horses who will bring a good price at the slaughter plant.

Purchased by Killer Buyers

When a horse is ridden or run loose into the auction ring, the auctioneer will quickly try to run up the bidding price. Often, killer buyers can be seen standing inside the auction ring, communicating directly with the auctioneer. At many auctions, would-be buyers include not only families looking for riding horses, but also horse rescue organizations trying to outbid killer buyers for horses that they know they can rehabilitate and adopt into loving homes.

While the auction environment is stressful, confusing and dangerous for horses, once they are purchased by killer buyers, their suffering intensifies. Driven by profit, the killer buyer will cram as many horses as possible onto a livestock trailer for the long journey to a feedlot or foreign owned slaughter plant. As in the auction pens, no regard is given for the age, sex, breed or temperament of the horses. In the crowded, cramped confines of the trailer, fighting, serious injury and even death are frequent occurrences. Once the horses are loaded onto trucks, they may remain there for days at a time, with no food, rest or water.

Transport to Slaughter

While some state laws prohibit the transport of horses on double decker trailers (designed for shorter-necked species such as cattle and pigs), current federal regulations allow horses to be transported on these trucks to any destination except directly to a slaughter plant. On these trailers, horses are forced into a stooped, unnatural position, unable to maintain their balance.

Startling USDA documents obtained by the nonprofit investigative organization Animals’ Angels reveal horses arriving at U.S.-based slaughter plants with horrific injuries suffered in transport. Graphic photos depict horses with missing and dangling eyes and legs, severe head and back injuries—even horses dead on arrival. In recent years, there have been several horrific accidents involving horses being transported to slaughter on double-decker trailers.

Even in regular trailers, long distance travel without food, water, or rest is a recipe for disaster. Horses who fall down or are injured en route are considered “the cost of doing business.” Even under the transport regulations, horses who are heavily pregnant, missing an eye or otherwise injured can be legally hauled for more than 24 hours at a time.

Arrival at the Slaughter Plant


Ont. farmer toasts victory in raw milk trial with glass of the contentious drink

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Canada/Yahoo News       Thu Jan 21, 6:55 PM

By Ciara Byrne, The Canadian Press

NEWMARKET, Ont. – Clutching a glass of raw milk, an emotional Michael Schmidt toasted what he called a victory for the local food movement Thursday after the Ontario dairy farmer was found not guilty of 19 charges related to selling unpasteurized milk.

“People need to learn how to stand up even when it seems it’s impossible to achieve change in our interpretation of the law,” said Schmidt, who was often depicted by supporters as the small farmer fighting for consumer food rights against an established milk industry.

In a legal battle that played out over three years, Schmidt fought to continue the operation of his 150-member raw milk co-operative in Durham, Ont., and defended himself against the charges for dispensing milk straight from the cow.

Schmidt was charged under the Health Protection and Promotion Act and the Milk Act after an armed raid by about two dozen officers and government officials at his farm in 2006. More

Canadians: organizing to fight back

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News from Canada

If you love democracy, if you think that all those soldiers in World War Two died for something valuable, PLEASE help to organize some little thing in your community, or join a rally.   Or just pass this email along.

There are protests right across Canada on Saturday, January 23rd, many start at 1:00 pm.   The Saskatoon one is in front of City Hall. 

There are 192,000 Canadians signed up on the facebook group, “Canadians Against Proroguing Parliament” (noon, Friday Jan 25th, Saskatchewan time).  The numbers continue to climb.  Before I started writing this there was 191,900.   I just checked and it’s  192,066   (12:06 pm).  Think of all the people who are not on facebook! 

Facebook website

Council of Canadians website

Parliament was scheduled to start on January 25th.  It was prorogued. 

Thank all that is good!   Canadians are saying “no way”.  You are not going to shut down Parliament.   /Sandra

“When a government starts trying to cancel dissent or avoid dissent is frankly when it’s rapidly losing its moral authority to govern.” (Stephen Harper, Canadian Press, April 18, 2005)

On December 30th Stephen Harper announced – without consulting anyone – that he will be Proroguing Parliament and suspending democracy until March 3. This is the second time he has done this in under two years.
Proroguing means: More

RAW MILK ALERTS: U.S. and Canadian Alliances for Raw Milk (ARMs) Formed for Farm Food Freedom–Michael Schmidt Speaks Out


Journal of Natural Food and Healing

by Michael Schmidt

It is now obvious that various groups are now unifying in the raw milk revolution. It is a battle of food and farming freedom centered around natural, raw milk; and one of individual liberty. Now is the time for all to stand up to be counted in this fast-growing movement.

U.S. and Canadian Raw Milk ALERT: Alliances for Raw Milk (ARMs) and Statement by Michael Schmidt

Schmidt: Form Alliances Now. Food Freedom crises is global in nature and beyond our imagination. This is our chance now for the future of our children.

Pirtle: the new unified Alliances that are beginning to form around the world are voicing a universal outcry of citizens.

Staven: There appears to be a political backlash . . . We can no longer sit idle and watch our inherent rights be cast aside in favor of corporate profits.

TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA (January 10, 2010)–  U.S. and Canadian Alliances for Raw Milk (ARMs) have announced their formation. These Alliances for Raw Milk (US ARM and Canadian ARM) and Family Farm and Food Freedom are to promote connections between natural farmers and dairies and families who want fresh, wholesome and healthy natural food choices based on their nutritional education. READ MORE

Canadians fighting corporate takeover just as the US is

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News from Canada

Each bill presented in our House and Senate is reflected in the Canadian Parliament at exactly the same time. Canadians are fighting the same battles for sovereignty and preservation of individual rights, just as we are.  It appears government corruption knows no boundaries. 


 Dear Bill Moyers, Simon Johnson and Marcy Kaptur

 I’ve forwarded the link to your PBS interview from October 9th into some email networks in Canada.  The information is sent and re-sent. 

You discussed the takeover by Wall Street.  In general it is a takeover of Canada as well as the U.S. and other parts of the world.  There are many quislings in Canada.

I increasingly use the word “corporatocracy” to explain our system of governance.  And the need for citizens to become involved, to drive the change from corporatocracy to a form of governance that reflects our values.

I am concerned about the potential for Canadians to increasingly blame “the Americans” for worsening conditions.  It is easier than getting up off our butts to set things right.  But it is the road to hatred between nations, not a smart path to trod!  More

Canada to Vaccinate Entire Population



Canada to Vaccinate Entire Population

Global Research, June 26, 2009

Calgary Herald

Vaccinate Canadians under 40 and natives first: experts

By Sharon Kirkey, Canwest News Service

June 21, 2009

Five-to-40-year-olds and Canada’s aboriginal communities should be the first to get vaccinated against human swine flu, experts say as Canadian officials decide who gets priority for the flu shots.

Under Canada’s official pandemic plan, the entire population would ultimately be immunized against the H1N1 swine flu.

But the vaccine will become available in batches, meaning the entire population can’t be vaccinated at once. It might take four or five months to get all the vaccine we’re going to get, during which time a second wave of swine flu may well be underway. More

Monkey see, Monkey do……BRASSCHECK TV/video

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Who’s in charge?

I was under the impression that Canada and Australia were sovereign countries.

I guess not.

This video shows the heads of both these states reading the same exact statement – word for word – supporting the invasion of Iraq.

Who wrote this thing?

Who distributed it?

Who compelled these obvious puppets to read it?

The Queen? The CIA? Who runs these people.

Note: Canada’s Harper was not yet Prime Minister when he made this speech selling out his country for god knows who – but he is now.



Economists’ Open Letter Calls For Active Response to Economic Crisis

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October 8, 2008


Ottawa: Today, 85 economists released an Open Letter criticizing the federal government for its inaction in light of the deepening global financial crisis, the growing probability of a worldwide recession, and structural weaknesses in the Canadian economy. The letter challenges government claims that Canada¹s ³fundamentals² are strong, and highlights the significant deterioration in Canada¹s economic performance over the last two years. Despite recent government statements, there remains a wide disconnect between the appropriate policy response to the looming downturn, and the ³stay-the-course² approach still being enunciated by the Prime Minister.



For further information or comment, please contact:




www.canadianactionparty.ca Telephone Connie Fogal at: 604 872 2128

SPP Busted….Now Called NASRA by Tom Deweese/Canada Free Press

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SPP Busted….Now Called NASRA

Time to call a halt to the SPP

Regulatory Area, NASRA. by Tom Deweese of Canada Free Press

The Three Amigos are attempting an old-fashioned switcheroo, much like the 1930’s grifters portrayed by Newman and Redford in The Sting.

Frustrated that alert and clear-thinking Americans and Canadians see the nefarious purposes behind the “Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP), President Bush has apparently concluded that dog won’t hunt – at least not under the moniker of SPP.  In a surprisingly simple-minded approach, the President has apparently decided changing a skunks’ name changes the fact that it still stinks. Shame on President Bush! If he weren’t up to his neck in treachery, he would not need to hide his activities from the nation.

Last year’s secret SPP summit meeting in Montebello focused on finding ways to get the people to swallow the idea of the collaboration leading to the North American Union, and to quiet its critics. Presumably, these were the topics of discussion when members of the North American Competitiveness Council (NACC) met with the leaders behind closed doors. The NACC is a largely secretive advisory council to the SPP consisting of representatives of such companies as Wal Mart, Chevron Oil, and Lockheed-Martin.

An internal memo from Canada’s Foreign Affairs and Internal Trade ministry documents that the NACC was urged to launch a public relations campaign to counter growing criticism of the trilateral cooperative that is a cornerstone of the building North American Union. According to the memo, Leaders discussed some of the difficulties of the SPP, including the lack of popular support and the failure of the public to understand the competitive challenges confronting North America. The memo emphasized the NACC members should (play) a role in communicating the merits of North American collaboration.  Am I the only one who remembers the definition of collaboration, at least as it applies to nations and their citizens?

Further, in point of fact, these competitive challenges do not face North America…they face global corporations doing business in North America. The SPP has nothing to do with ensuring the security and prosperity of the United States citizens, or U.S. corporations would first and foremost conduct business as Americans. The Partnership is between government and business; it values the nation’ citizens only as human resources.

Many corporate CEOS now seem to favor former CEO of GE Jack Welsh’ advice (as far as they practically can) that, the ideal factory would be built on a barge” so it could be hauled around the world to low-wage areas, where it could operate without labor rules, environmental protections or other standards.

Following the advice in March of the Frazier Institute, a Canadian think tank, the SPP will forthwith and hereafter (until another name is required) be known as the North American Standards and Regulatory Area. I say, until another name is required in full faith that as growing numbers of Americans learn of this treachery at the highest levels of our government, they will resoundingly oppose it.

Of greater significance than the name change is the Institutes call to expand and speed up the process of integration. One Canadian reporter said of last years SPP Summit that the SPP was dead and defunct. Another recently stated the SPP has collapsed under a heap of conspiratorial rubbish. This is pure garbage.

The conspiratorial label is pretty amusing, though, considering the Frazier Institute report suggested the name North American Union, or NAU, be dropped in favor of the new name. Unfortunately, the SPP is far from dead. But the growing public attention, and profound disapproval, obviously worries those sneaking around to secret meetings in dimly lit corners with secret files.

Results of a brand new American Policy Center survey on the SPP clearly show when Americans understand the truth, they say No! in phenomenal numbers. People are overwhelmingly opposed to the harmonization and integration, both economically and politically, of Canada, Mexico, and the U.S.

Even the name of the Fourth SPP Annual Summit was changed to the North American Leaders Summit. There’ an oxymoron for you; Leaders indeed!

Enough, already! President Bush, its time to tell the American people:

Whats on the table; whats the big picture?

What have the 20 SPP Working Groups been working on these past three years, specifically?

What promises have been made to the leaders of Canada and Mexico; to members of the NACC?

Will the 51 NACC proposals made to SPP negotiators last year, these regulatory changes that dont require legislative approval, favor narrow corporate interests over Americans welfare, freedom, and liberty?

What regulatory changes have already been made?

Why, President Bush, are you involved in secret meetings and negotiations involving the very sovereignty of the United States without the advice and consent of Congress, the American people, or even under scrutiny of the Fourth Estate, even as largely worthless as it is?

Canadian Parliament talks about 9/11 truth.

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Tired of the endless censorship of

the real 9/11 story?


It doesn’t seem to matter.


In spite of a near total media black out the message spreads…this time to Canada’s parliament:




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