
Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011′ HR. 347: “Our corruption has made us grossly paranoid”


Marti Oakley


I believe it is highly indicative of the level of corruption in our government when bills such as this piece of crap are passed with virtually every congressman/woman voting to pass it.  This is another of those bills for which their was no need.  Our government, now with the complicity and collusion of our local law enforcement domestic military units, routinely violates our rights and commit acts of aggression and violence against the public, without penalty or punishment.

In addition to making it illegal (not unlawful) to supposedly trespass the hallowed grounds of the White House lawn, it also means protesting such events such as the 2012 G8 and NATO summits could be a federal offense.

National Special Security Events

In what has clearly morphed into a full frontal assault on the First Amendment and the right to assemble, National Special Security Events (NSSA’s)created under Clinton,  are now the signature for squashing first amendment rights.  Anything can be deemed an NSSA.  Funerals, weddings, visits from the current dictators of foreign countries that we haven’t decided to blow off the global map yet.  This crap even applies to Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum because they have secret service protection (although I have no idea why we should be footing the bill for this).  I have no idea why they even need such protection when there are only a handful of people at their big fancy public meetings which is why the cameras are kept close in.  That way you won’t know there are only ten people there instead of the huge crowds you are led to believe are in attendance. More

Vaccines: Big Pharma’s ATM


Marti Oakley

Copyright 2012


The battle over vaccinations is heating up as more information, much of it previously hidden from the public, finds it way into the public eye.  Spurred by the massive rise in autism, neurological disorders, behavioral disorders and a host of physical symptoms and impairment’s in correlation with the administration of vaccines, parents have become increasingly wary of allowing vaccination of their infants and toddlers.

The elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about is the rise of infectious diseases in vaccinated populations.  The vaccines, we are told, are [thought] to prevent these diseases.  They [think] they will prevent disease.

  • Not one manufacturer has proven conclusively, or can produce any concrete evidence that they do.
  • How successful can a vaccine actually be if hundreds if not thousands die from the vaccine or are permanently injured from it?
  • If the vaccine causes at least as many deaths as the disease itself causes, what is the point of vaccinating?
  • If it also creates lifetime impairment’s  that are as bad and most times worse than those that would have occurred from the disease…….what have we actually accomplished?
  • And, if vaccines actually do provide immunity, why are booster’s needed even into adulthood in many cases?
  • If we interfere with the natural courses of disease, have we not prevented the very herd immunity big pharma claims is created with vaccines?

At what point did we decide that there was to be an accepted or anticipated level of death associated with vaccines or any medication for that matter?   And why would any one continue to insist on harmful vaccines when obviously the vaccinated individual can still contract the disease?

The difference between efficacy and efficiency More

WHO Calls for Weaponized H5N1 Strain to Go Public


Tim McCoy/PPJ Contributor

A new study was released that shows the United Nation’s prediction that the H5N1 bird flu kills nearly 60% of infected people may be overblown and this type of flu may only have a 1% death rate. The United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) counted 586 cases of H5N1 bird flu and 346 people died. But WHO may have failed to consider millions of people who contracted the H5N1 flu with only mild symptoms. The news comes just as debates continue over the controversial release of weaponized H5N1 bird flu blueprints that would potentially spawn a bioterrorism pandemic.

The study was released just as the United Nations WHO announced its support of publishing papers on controversial experiments of more contagious laboratory created forms of H5N1.

Laboratory Mutant H5N1 Controversy

Scientists created a mutant experimental H5N1 strain that underwent 5 genetic alterations and was created to be airborne and highly contagious in humans. Critics have said that it’s a bad idea for scientists to turn a lethal virus into a deadly and highly contagious virus, and then to publish how they did it so others can copy the process.

Obviously, the mutant H5N1 virus that was designed to attach to human respiratory tract cells is a potential serious threat to public health. More

Epic Zombie-Robot Battle Emerging

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Joseph A Olson, PE


Thick green goggles and decades of ‘outcome based education’ have had the desired outcome. We now have a large population of Earthlings who are blind enough and ignorant enough to fall for the “Super-sized Chicken Little & Falling Sky Trick”. A carefully groomed herd of Malthus-Nihilist Zealots, also known as the Mother Earth Zombies are being tortured on the internet thought plain by hoards of rational thinkers, whom they label the “Deniers”.

These, Zombie feared Deniers, are in fact an odd alliance of traditional method scientists. To rally the Zombie faithful against this rational, but anti-AGW heresy, the Deniers are presumed to have the magical forces of being “anonymous, well-funded and coordinated”. A great tag line for Zombie propaganda, but as noted by Aeschylus in 525 BC, “In war, the first casualty is Truth”, as we shall soon see.

Deniers cannot just anonymously quote scientific facts and have meaningful effect. The “open and repeatable” clause in the Scientific Method requires that we provide supporters and opponents with the sources of our objections and our qualification to make counter claims. We are well-funded only in knowledge and our motivation to support Truth. Deniers coordination is limited to bickering with each other over details of applied science by email and snippets posted as comments on each other’s blog sites.

Arrayed against the Deniers is a near all-powerful Zombie support network. This includes the Prestige (Dinosaur) Press, the Ivy League (Diploma Mill) Universities and the all-knowing, all-caring Omnipotent Federal (pending World) Government. All of these Zombie control forces are under command of the Feudal Banking Elite which we will discuss later. More

Junk Justice in the Golden State


Paul W. Clark, A.M., M.S.E.E., Ph.D., F.R.G.S.


A recent, shameful experience in the Superior Court of California for Kern County at Bakersfield left me feeling betrayed by the Bench at Bakersfield. What began in Bakersfield, though, opened onto a number of portentous discoveries about the very status of California as a constitutional Republic.

If the Superior Court’s practices in Kern County represent in any way the California justice system, everyone should be put on notice how lawless the legal system of California has become.

Presiding Judge Jerold L. Turner of Kern County Superior Court received a complaint from me in early September, 2007, about the judicial performance of one of his judges, including an outrageous decision that since people defending themselves (in propria persona) were not lawyers, they were not entitled to their expenses as a result of prevailing against a malicious lawsuit. Non-entities are also not entitled to claim sanctions against a counselor, even if he demonstrably committed fraud. He also declared in open Court that he refused to use my title of Doctor, an act of judicial misconduct that carries the fingerprint of one more familiar with the Spanish Grand Inquisitor Tomas de Torquemada ,who debased those whom appeared before him as the first order of business, than English Common Law and common courtesy. He was also involved in redacting the written transcript of the Hearing so that none of the actions mentioned above any longer appeared in the official record of the Hearing.

Presiding judge Turner replied that I had raised administrative (!) issues that had nothing to do with him. He passed it over to his Court’s “CEO”, Mr. Terry McNally for reply. As of this writing, in the closing days of July, 2011 I have yet to receive the courtesy of a reply from Mr. McNally. What I have documented to date reveals a fully formed exemplar of a ‘sham’ and a cover-up of felonies committed by two sitting judges.

A sham, according to the New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, is: “A trick, a hoax; something contrived to delude or disappoint expectation.” It also means “A thing that is intended to be mistaken for something else, or that is not what it is pretended or appears to be; … a counterfeit, a person who pretends or who is falsely represented to be what he or she is not.”

To be blunt, Judge Vegas’ unabashed declaration from the Bakersfield Bench that non-lawyers are not “entitled” to their expenses disabuses the grand rhetoric of our founding documents concerning equality before the law, equal justice for all, and equal protection of the law.

The assertion of differential justice based on membership in a state-sponsored closed union shop emits the stink of Sharia Law under which the kaffirs (we infidels) have no standing or rights in a court of law. It evinces the familiar stench of Hitler’s Peoples Courts and Mussolini’s Syndicalist Courts. And it becomes much worse. The entire judiciary is a chimera. More

“What Happened To The Mavericks?”


The Parallax Prophecies –

By Ron Ewart, President
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author on freedom and property rights issues.
We are helping to spread freedom and liberty around the globe.
© Copyright Sunday, February 26, 2012 – All Rights Reserved

“The kind of people I look for to fill top management spots are the eager beavers, the mavericks. These are the guys who try to do more than they’re expected to do – they always reach.” Lee Iacocca More

“Why in the World are They Spraying?” Official Trailer


Coming Fall 2012: “Why in the World are They Spraying? Produced by the Originator and Co-Producer of “What in the World are They Spraying?” Michael J. Murphy Co-Produced by Barry Kolsky is an investigative documentary into one of the many agendas associated with chemtrail/geoengineering programs, “weather control.”

Congress: We are insane to let these people even assemble


Marti Oakley

copyright 2012


The attempts to take over the net, regardless of what reasons they give are indicative of a government that has removed itself so far from the people it claims to represent that I believe we are insane to even let these people assemble. Its too much like watching an invading army that is fully determined to destroy us at any cost.

Just today, another of those staged “committee hearings” was taking place in the efforts to revive the federal governments intention to launch a full frontal attack on the first amendment and free speech.  Of course no one of any consequence appeared as a witness opposing this intent to take over the net, but we did have the usual line-up of the Permanent Political Class sitting front and center ready to deliver what could be nothing less than their own personal version of the dooms-day scenario they envision for us if we do not comply with their desire to throttle the net for political purposes.

Among these political hacks who are cheering on the assault on freedom of speech was Diane Feinstein, Jay Rockefeller, Susan Collins and of course our all-time despised political puppet, good ol’ Joe Lieberman.  These characters were accompanied by Tom Ridge, Janet Napolitano and whomever else Lieberman could drag in to this stage show, willing to do their part in attempting to terrify the nation into viewing an open and free internet as not only a threat to national security, but to economic security as well.  More

Amazing ! New ! Wrongco’s Proxy Crock ! ! !


Joe A. Olson, PE


If used properly the Proxy Crock will deliver years of cooked data with satisfaction conforming, with the motto for all of our company products:

                        YOU CAN’T GO WRONG….WITH WRONGCO ! ! !”


Perhaps you are a traditional scientists, stuck in the lab gathering data the old fashioned way, envious of those high flying Climatologists.  The one’s who seem to cook their numbers with such ease.  While they earn green beatification, you sit green with envy, wishing you had such success.  Well, wish NO MORE ! ! !

With the amazing, new WRONGCO PROXY CROCK can cook your numbers with ease.

You can now sit around buffing your nails and soaking your fine hand washables while your Proxy Crock does ALL the work. Wrongco can’t promise every scientist a Nobel Prize or an Academy Award winning documentary film, but we can eliminate those ancient and burdensome hypothesis-data-proof cycles of yore.

Yes, finally an end to those decades of drudgery that most scientists have to go through.

Using Wrongco’s secret, patented process you merely set the desired outcome, place the raw data in the magic chamber, replace the lid and you are FREE ! ! ! With your PhD and the Proxy Crocks amazing capacity, there is now no limit to your scientific ability.  Sounds easy, but HOW does it work ?

We need to “Hide the Decline”.  We’ve all heard that familiar request.  Well the Proxy Crock can easily hide declines, inclines, ice ages, warming events and extrapolate beyond reason. We can’t divulge the secret process, but we can provide examples and like every Wronco product, you have the Wrongco guarantee.

If you are not convinced that the Proxy Crock is the finest data manipulator on the market, you only have to pay shipping, handling, restocking and a slight wear-and-tear fee out of your money back refund.  Recycled units are limited to supply on hand.  Get your data sliced, diced, chopped and pureed and you are ready for the NEW Proxy Crock way ! ! ! More

Horse Meat “Snake Oil” Salesmen Fool Cattle Ranchers


Debbie Coffey               
Copyright 2012   All Rights Reserved


Cattlemen who fought against the USDA’s National Animal Identification System (NAIS) and thought they squelched it until the USDA revived it as Animal Disease Traceability (ADT) , are donating money to the United Horsemen and the International Equine Business Association (IEBA), which, ironically, seem to be bringing in NAIS/ADT through the back door.

These two new organizations, promoting the sale of horse meat, primarily to foreign countries, and the reinstatement of (probably foreign owned) horse slaughter plants in the United States, are muddying the waters by trying to tie this to property rights.

Let’s just grab this bull by the horns.

If you haven’t heard about NAIS, it required that ranchers sign a PREMISES ID contract.  In international law books, premises is NOT property, so ranchers were basically signing away their property rights . They became a “stakeholder” (a third party).  The USDA wanted to make this mandatory.

Supposedly, NAIS was about food safety and “traceability.”  However, most food safety issues are due to poor practices at deregulated, self-policing slaughterhouses (where RFID tags end up on the floor) and deregulated, self-policing meat packing plants.  Not ranches.  And since tags and microchips can easily be reprogrammed, they won’t prevent bioterrorism.

Bill Bullard, CEO of R-Calf, stated: “… USDA’s entire effort to implement a new form of animal identification system is driven not by a genuine desire to prevent and control livestock disease outbreaks, but rather, by a desire to conform to international trade standards.” More

The Pinata Planet Syndrome


Joseph A Olson, PE

The author is a retired engineer and lifelong student of science and history.  He is the researcher and author to over 100 web posted articles on these subjects and co-author of “Slaying the Sky Dragon”.  More of his work is posted at FauxScienceSlayer.com along with extended biography, television news coverage and talk radio interviews.


Thankfully, humanity is emerging from the second Medieval Period.  We are entering Le Renaissance Nouveau as the French would say.  This maturation process will free us from adolescent games, to pursue more thoughtful and productive pastimes.  When I was a child, I thought as a child.  It is time to put away those childish things.

No matter the complexity, there is always an analogy that can make the big into little, the complex into simple.  We are witnessing a tectonic shift in human conscience and organization.  We are now aware that there are those among us who have been playing games for their own evil ends.  The best way to expose the actions of the elite is to compare their games with the games of our youth.

              Playing Pinata Planet

In this game, the elite fashion the globe into a fragile, crepe-paper covered,  paper-mache container full of goodies and dangles it on a string above a blindfolded, dizzy child swinging a stick.  Simple analogies, though useful, need some clarifications.

The dizzy, blindfolded child in this case is a malicious, paternalistic human subset that has tormented the human family for centuries.  Always at war with their neighbors or themselves, this adolescent has been mired in their quest for a seventh century vision of perfection.  The Nouveau Renaissance will remove the blindfold and the dizzy, mad swinging of their religious stick.

Half of the population in this subset are women, subject to the most cruel and insufferable station of any group on this planet.  There is nothing divine about forced marriage, multiple wives or subjugation of the basic human rights to education, employment and property.  For generations these women have suffered from male ordered genital mutilation.  This barbarism against these women, their sisters and their mothers will no longer be passed on to their Renaissance daughters.  The victim of rape will no longer be stoned to death for having a force of attraction that can overcome the purity of their brother’s will power.

The piñata in this case is not the classic party model either.  This goodie stuffed gourd has a mighty stick of its own, but in this case the piñata is also blindfolded and spinning on its string.  The elite are heavily invested war profiteers and a meaningful counter strike would be a ‘game-ender’ and obstruction to the real game, world domination.

The piñata will end the media induced spinning and blindness.  The piñata will free itself from the elitist string and use its stick in a just and righteous way to provide opportunity for all humanity.  The piñata will then burst forth with goodies from this increased knowledge and productivity.      More

TS Radio with guest Liz Bowen/ Northern California Sheriff’s panel and rally and water issues

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Join us Wednesday morning at 10:00 CST! More

“Sticking It In The Face of the Bully!”


from – The Parallax Prophecies

By Ron Ewart, President

National Association of Rural Landowners

and nationally recognized author on freedom and property rights issues.
We are helping to spread freedom and liberty around the globe.
© Copyright Sunday, February 19, 2012 – All Rights Reserved

“A bully not confronted and taken down, is a bully empowered to continue on his path of devastation and destruction, of lives and livelihoods, especially those self righteous bullies who bully others under the false flag of compassion.”  

Ron Ewart

Don’t you just love it when the good guys stick it to the bullies?  The bullies have been running the playground for a hundreds years now, but finally, the other kids are drumming up the courage to push back against the bully and his minions and mindless, bought-off groupies.

Americans are showing up at town hall meetings like never before and they are angry and loaded for bear.  They’re packing city and county halls with people who have finally woken up to the sly, covert intrusion of social justice, communism, socialism, radical environmentalism and the one-world-government, into our local, state and federal institutions.  More frequently you will find these patriots at legislative hearings crying foul over special interest legislation and overt, blatant attacks on the constitution or the natural order.  You will find them at budget hearings where every line item in a government’s budget is scrutinized and then made public for all to see, including all of the crony handouts and give-aways to their favorite voters, or donors.

School board meetings are becoming a lot more lively these days over what our kids are being taught.  The parents of kids in a school southeast of Seattle, WA found out that the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, requested that a special class be taught to their kids on Muslim tolerance by representatives of an organization that has been linked to the Muslim Brotherhood.   The school board backed up when the parents descended on a town hall meeting and let ’em have it.  KOMO TV NEWS was there.  The question is, why did the school board think that it was a good idea in the first place, or why did they think they could get away with it?  Now that IS troubling!  The word “bully” comes to mind. More

Siskiyou County Sheriff Jon Lopey will host a Constitutional Sheriffs’ Panel


Feb. 15, 2012

Press Release

 Sheriff Lopey to lead sheriffs’ panel

YREKA – Five county sheriffs will participate in the first 2012 Support Rural America Sheriffs Event on Feb. 25, 2012. Siskiyou County Sheriff Jon Lopey will host a Constitutional Sheriffs’ Panel starting at 2 p.m.

The event will be held at the Siskiyou Golden Fairgrounds in Yreka, California at the top of the State. Take exit 773 off I-5 in Yreka. The fairgrounds are on the East side of the freeway. There is plenty of parking and motels nearby. Admission is free. 

Joining Sheriff Lopey on stage will be Modoc County Sheriff Mike Poindexter, Trinity County Sheriff Bruce Haney, Lassen County Sheriff Dean Growden and Oregon’s Josephine County Sheriff Gil Gilbertson. These sheriffs recently attended the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Assoc. Convention in Las Vegas with Sheriff Richard Mack and Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpiao.

Sheriffs will share information on the Constitution as it relates to their position as county sheriff and discuss issues in their areas. Time will be available for questions and answers.

The gate to the fairgrounds will open at noon. Groups with info tables will be setting up and available to the citizens. 

This is the first in a series of monthly events that will be hosted by sheriffs in various counties in the North State. For dates of events that have been set, go to Support Rural America.com on the web. Youtubes of Constitutional Sheriffs are also available at that website or on the “sheriffs” page of Pie N Politics.com 

This event is sponsored by Scott Valley Protect Our Water, Yreka Tea Party, Siskiyou Water Users Assoc. and Redding Tea Party.

For more information, contact Liz Bowen at 530-467-3515.


Congress set to hand our highways and freeways over to foreign corporations: New toll roads planned for all 50 states!


Submitted by Marti Oakley


The efforts to parcel off and sell out entire sectors of America’s infrastructure to foreign interest continues daily.  HR 7, the bill at issue here would put tolls on roads American taxpayers funded and paid for and which they continue to fund through gasoline taxes diverted to the Transportation and Highway Trust account at the IMF.  Of course, that trust fund, just like Social Security has been raided continually by the federal government since its inception leaving a negative balance for that particular identified revenue stream.  The money the federal government invested in the original construction of these highways and freeways was garnered from individual taxes and was not taken from some non-existent private account owned by the Fed.  The Fed has no money of its own.

HR 7 will effectively end our right to travel freely by making the cost of travel so expensive, that we won’t travel. 


From www.texasturf.org Texas Turf:

It’s been 7 years since Congress passed the last federal highway bill. Now its racing through Congress at the speed of light — why? Because they want to sell-off our public roads to private corporations, raise your taxes through tolls, and lift the ban on imposing tolls on existing highways. There are 500 toll projects being contemplated inTexas alone! More

The staging of yet another war: We are what we claimed we despised


 Marti Oakley

copyright 2012  All rights reserved

We are being preconditioned for another war of aggression, this time against Iran. We are being systematically deceived into thinking that Iran is now out to get us.  Maybe they are…now.  Let me see, we have cut off major food supplies, put a wrench in their banking system and messed up their economy, and have positioned several of our warships in the Straights of Hormuz showing them that we are a clear and present danger to their continued existence.  They might just be upset with us.  Ya think?

Announcements on cable news shows and subsequent statements by US officials claim that Israel is contemplating attacking Iran this spring some time.  These statements are issued with a casualness of announcing a garden party.  For some reason it is unacceptable for Iran to have nuclear weapons, but quite alright for Israel to have more than 200 bunker buster mini nukes at their disposal provided to them by our government.

Three days after the initial announcement of this preplanned war of aggression in MSM venues,  newspaper headlines across the country claimed “Iran planning attacks inside the US”.  Personally, I believe that this is just advanced warning that future false flag attacks, perpetrated by the CIA on behalf of global interests will occur in the US.  Of course, Iran will be blamed immediately, we’ll blow them off the map and ten years from now we’ll find out the whole thing was rigged and based on fictional events that never happened; at least not by the people we thought caused them.  Don’t worry though.  There will never be an honest investigation, no charges will ever be filed against those who really did attack us, and evidence will be destroyed faster than you can strike a match.

But we sold Israel those nukes and once the weapons were delivered, the stage was set.

From USA Today:

“With the sale of deep-penetrating bombs called GBU-28 Hard Target Penetrators, Obama is satisfying a weapons request Israel first made during the Bush administration.

Israel’s request for bunker-busters in 2005 was denied. At the time, the Defense Department had frozen most military sales to Israel because of concerns Israel was transferring advanced military technology to China. [end quote]

While the Israeli government and military may now be in possession of nuclear weapons, it is the people of Israel who will pay the price if any of those weapons are used. The Israeli people have found themselves in the same position as Americans in the US; pawns, cannon fodder and totally expendable as far as their government is concerned.  Like us, the Israeli people have no say, no control over their government or what it does.

I believe the only thing that will stop this is the unspoken threat that if Israel launches attacks on Iran, many other mid-eastern countries will join forces and move against Israel.  And who will pay for that?  The puppet masters behind the scenes that set all of this into motion?  Or will it be the people of Israel and the populations of other mid-eastern countries that will be sacrificed to the global war machine that systematically raids and plunders one country after another, selling off the assets of those countries to global corporations which have a vested interest in the outcome.

But there is more to this. More

Contra Costa Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) is announcing two openings on the commission: Public Member and Public Alternate.

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Contact:           Lou Ann Texeira, Executive Officer

Phone:             925-335-1094

The Contra Costa Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) is currently accepting applications for the Regular and Alternate Public Member seats.

LAFCO is an independent agency created by the State of California.  LAFCO is charged with encouraging orderly governmental boundaries and efficient services, discouraging urban sprawl, and preserving agricultural and open space resources.  The Commission meets these objectives by regulating the boundaries of cities and special districts and conducting municipal service reviews and other special studies.

Contra Costa LAFCO is composed of seven voting members and four alternates.  These include two members and an alternate from the County Board of Supervisors, two members and an alternate from city councils, two members and an alternate from independent special district boards, and one public member and one alternate public member.  Alternate members participate in meetings, but vote only when the regular member is absent or has a conflict of interest. More

The Ruthie Report with guest Cynthia Davis/ Illegal immigration news & information

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Join Ruthie Thursday Evenings at 8:00 p.m CST! More

Please! “Throw Them All Out!”

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 You’ve got to read this book!

I read several books each month.  Seldom have I read anything that infuriated me more; that made me want to jump up and bang my head in the wall out of frustration and anger than “Throw Them all Out!” by Peter Schweitzer.   

Buy the book here! 


While we have labored under the gross mismanagement of the federal government and the ensuing and massively un-repayable national debt that has been steadily building over the last 25 years in particular that resulted in the markets collapsing from unbridled banking and stock market corruption, those fine jackasses in the District of Criminals have made a killing using insider information to trade, sell and buy stocks that would be directly affected by legislation they were pushing.  

If ever there was an argument for term limits, for ending what Schweitzer calls the Permanent Political Class, this book is it. 

You cannot read this book and not be outraged over the insider trading, the self-enrichment and the selling out of the public as congress, both Republican and Democrat alike make money while the rest of the country slides into an economic abyss.



Adele Trashes Newt Gingrich at the Grammys! (parody)


Yes! This is obviously a voice-over production but done so skillfully it will make you wonder!  Whomever put this together, the soundtrack should be played everywhere the Newt shows up!

Adele couldn’t trash Gingrich anyway…..he’s already done that to himself.

“Centralized Government is a Freedom-Grabbing Black Hole!”



For Sunday, February 12, 2012

By Ron Ewart, President

National Association of Rural Landowners

and nationally recognized author on freedom and property rights issues.
We are helping to spread freedom and liberty around the globe.
© Copyright Sunday, February 12, 2012 – All Rights Reserved

“Those who have been once intoxicated with power, and have derived any kind of emolument from it, even though but for one year, never can willingly abandon it.  They may be distressed in the midst of all their power; but they will never look to anything but power for their relief.”   Edmund Burke

Like political power, a massive black hole is an insatiable beast.  It will literally absorb (eat) anything that gets too close.  It eats surrounding gases, whole stars, star systems and planets.  And as it eats, it grows and the more it eats the larger and more powerful it gets.  Its power reaches out deeper and deeper into the heavens and warps the very fabric of space and time.   A black hole is a whirlpool in the universe and its immense gravity powers entire galaxies while it clears the space around it like a giant vacuum cleaner, inside its event horizon.  At its center is a point of infinite density where the laws of physics no longer apply.  It is, in its growing sphere of influence, the epitome of absolute power.  Not even light can escape it.

Since the dawn of human civilization, the masses have been and still are, in a constant struggle against the ever- increasing power of centralized government.  Whether it be kings, despots, dictators, or even democracies, centralized power grows and grows, like a black hole, until it envelops and consumes all those who would attempt to break it up, or destroy it.  Even though the Founding Fathers went to great pains to inhibit the rise of the federal government by limiting its powers in the U. S. Constitution, every succeeding executive, legislative and judicial branch of government since George Washington, has wriggled and finagled around its constitutional restraints into ever-increasing political power.   The jaws of absolute power are open wide and lie there in our not too distant future, if the people don’t take it upon themselves to break up that centralized power and restore it to the states and to the people, as it was intended by those who gave birth to freedom over two centuries ago at great sacrifice.

Throughout history, when centralized power is broken up or destroyed, it usually comes from the people violently rising up, en masse and restoring political power in the people and dividing all such power into smaller jurisdictions, which was part of the core foundation of the U. S. Constitution.  It was the states that created the federal government,  not the other way around.   It is the states and the people that are supposed to have the supreme power under our Constitutional Republic, not the federal government.

Fractionalized power, split up between many small centers of political power, (i.e. states, counties and cities) is freedom’s only salvation.  Centralized, concentrated authority in a single center of power, in the end, will be freedom’s demise. More

Dependence on foreign oil and other oil industry hoaxes and scams


Marti Oakley (c) copyright 2012


While we struggle as a nation to stay on our feet despite the mismanagement of our national debt and the number of people sliding into poverty as a result of fascism, one of the greatest scams of all times has unfolded right before our very eyes.  This scam only slightly more disgusting than the global warming/climate change/man-made climate change, or whatever the current and ever changing buzzword is this week to describe “weather” patterns.  Now we have “dependence on foreign oil”….Yep! That’s the one!

One of the greatest all-time scams perpetrated by the oil cartels and our government is the idea that we do not produce enough gas and oil products to make us energy independent.  The fact is, we do and we always have.

According to various reports, the export of fuel in 2011 from U.S. refiners topped the markets at 117 million gallons per day of gasoline, diesel, jet fuel and other petroleum products, up from 40 million gallons per day a decade earlier.  For the first time in our history gas and oil EXPORTS were the top of the export list although they have been in the top ten exports for years!

Wait a minute!  I thought we needed to drill more!  I thought we didn’t have enough gas and oil produced domestically for us to be independent from foreign oil imports!  But we got 117 million gallons of refined fuels to ship out to other countries every single day of the week?  365 days a year?  More

THE INTERNET: Where Global Goblins, Great Deceptions, and Outright Lies Go To Die


By W. R. McAfee, Sr.

Copyright © 2012 by W. R. McAfee, Sr.  All rights reserved.


The First Gulf war, fought to check Saddam Hussein’s attempt to take over Kuwait and its oil reserves, set off a series of Middle East military conflicts that have lasted more than two decades. Tragically, many veterans of these conflicts have returned home with serious medical problems; both physical and mental.

The VA, charged with meeting the medical needs of these veterans’  has been found lacking; sheer numbers, lack of funding, and incompetence being the most often cited reasons.

Medical problems for a large portion of these veterans  may very well have originated from the handling of—and battlefield exposure to—contaminated areas where U.S. ordinance containing depleted uranium (DU, or U238); used in the First Gulf war and all subsequent Middle East conflicts.

Radiation sickness at first appeared an obvious option for the veterans’ illnesses, but this was quickly tossed into the  Gulf War Syndrome (GWS) kettle, and later repositioned in the public’s mind as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Depression, headaches, weakness, fatigue, and multiple physical complications that varied among individuals, often accompany this exposure.

Yet, federally funded researchers didn’t make the radiation connection  following the First Gulf war—over in a few days because the distribution of the world’s oil supply was threatened—because congress and their handlers knew from the get-go there was not, and would not be, enough money in their U.S. piggy bank to fund the medical needs of these returning veterans’ once lawyers sunk their teeth into the causes of their illnesses, in my opinion.

Investigative reporter Katherine Russ wrote an accurate summary about the results of this  delayed medical care for our veterans , and a May 2011 ruling by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals  directly addressed their mental health needs. More

TS Radio with special guest Mary Nash Stoddard on aspartame

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Join us today at 4:30 CST for this special broadcast!


2:30 PST  4:30 CST  5:30 EST

Call-in Number: 1-917-388-4520

via “TS Radio”

URL: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/marti-oakley

Mary Nash Stoddard, internationally recognized expert on aspartame joins us for this special broadcast to update us on the issue of aspartame.  Aspartame, one of the most well known and lethal artificial sweetners is still found in more than 6,000 products on store shelves.  The FDA refuses to recall the use of this deadly product.

Research, recommended reading and documentary’s on Aspartame. More

US Government & The politics of fear


New World Reporter

R.F. Goggin/PPJ Contributor

(NWR) – It’s one thing when a governmental law enforcement official in America attempts to convince a U.S. citizen of the host of supposed threats to their safety from alleged terrorist plotters abroad, but when they raise the specter of American citizens becoming a threat to State or local police (and thereby, to everybody else in the country) – as has been reported by the Associated Press via The Washington Post recently, then it’s high time for Americans to wise up to the state of paranoid power-grabbing which has taken root in the highest federal offices of the land. And also to a United States Government of which has forsaken the path of serving the public for something self-motivated or totalitarian in nature.

When a law enforcement officer puts on a badge in any state or city in our country, they run the risk of being physically harmed during any interaction or altercation at all having to do with a United States citizen, period. This, fact of American life – is something that has always been part and parcel of a police job description, or an officer’s duty. Why now, with the American economy in shambles and with growing anti-government sentiment on the rise (by virtue of things such as the ‘Occupy’ movement, and/or the like), should it suddenly become  important for the U.S. Government to emphasize an interest in protecting state or local police agencies? I think I can postulate such a brazenly self-centered and craven reasoning process, easily enough. And only the shortsighted, I would sadly reckon, might somehow underestimate to where such dangerously unprecedented notions are destined to lead. More

The Ruthie Report/Illegal Immigration news and information

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Join Ruthie Thursday evenings at 8:00 CST! More

TS Radio with guest Brent Johnson of Global Freedom Report

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The Wild, Wild Web: Wrestling Online Privacy

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The Frugaldad comes though again with an eye popping chart on just how vulnerable we have become on the web.

Last week we debuted an infographic on the SOPA blackout, showing how the internet has become a powerful tool for activism. But the spread of social media also has its risks. Those same sites that we use to connect to family, friends and our community can also compromise sensitive information. According to Carnegie Mellon researchers, information listed on social media may be enough to guess a social security number, the key to identity theft. And with mobile banking apps, more and more people are logging sensitive information from their smart phones. Add confusing Terms of Service agreements into the mix (they take an average of 10 minutes each to read!), and it’s easy to see why online privacy can feel mystifying.

The following infographic helps explain some of the biggest issues in web safety and gives tips on how to keep yourself protected, from passwords to privacy policies. With a few steps, you can be confident that you control what you share online. Click here to view graphic! More

Agenda 21 attack on property rights: California ONE BAY AREA


Marti Oakley

Did you know that if you oppose Agenda 21 stack & pack housing, the loss of private property rights, and if you think that forcing the population into sequestered high density population centers and limiting your right to travel freely….you must be Tea Party’er. Apparently, this is a bad, bad thing according to some.

Even if you attend and oppose this UN agenda implementation, and are not affiliated with the Tea Party, you must be a rabble rouser of some kind.  It couldn’t possibly be that you understand what is actually happening and object.

The biggest problem the public faces in these rigged meetings, is that the meetings are ADD meetings.  Already Done Deals.

Each of these meetings is filled with Agenda 21 supporters who shill for the meeting leaders.  You aren’t supposed to know that the “public” sector of these meetings is chock full of these shills in an effort to try and make it appear that the public overwhelmingly supports the efforts to establish ONE BAY AREA…a new United Nations region.

In what has to be the largest series of public meetings in various towns and counties in California, residents are again Delphi’d as they are divided into groups headed by facilitators of Delphi control techniques and herded into “stations”. “Stations” is the new buzzword for breaking the public group into smaller more manageable groups sequestered in individual rooms.  This makes the job of the facilitator in steering the group towards predetermined “solutions” while at the same time convincing the group that it was their idea, far easier.

Transportation is one of the pivotal points in establishing stack & pack housing under UN Agenda 21  and limiting freedom to travel is key.  About 51:51 minutes into this  fiasco, we are treated to the visual aids in the transportation station.  Please note in the first video the subliminal graphics at this juncture.  The graphic shows two hands: one holding a gas pump and the other a map of the world.  Did you get the message?

It gets even more nauseating as these rigged meetings progress.

Every effort is made to intimidate the public including having attendees stalked by police..  Time limits on speaking to make sure no one gets to say too much in opposition.  Forcing those who wish to speak to sign up…….they want these people identified.

The transportation commission has unilaterally made the decision to move ahead with ONE BAY AREA affecting 9 million people.




John W. Wallace/ PPJ Contributor


Another case of Judicial Tyranny in America. Disregarding all of the evidence that President Barack Obama is not a natural born citizen and is not eligible to be a candidate for President of the United States, a George judge for the State Office of Administrative Hearings, ruled that Barack Obama ’s name will remain on the Georgia primary ballot anyway.

Who got to him? Who threatened this judge or paid him off?

Judge Michael Malihi dismissed the following:

1. the charge that Barack Obama has a computer-generated fraudelent Hawaiian birth certificate,

2. possesses a fraudulent Social Security number and other invalid U.S. identification papers and

3. the charge that Mr. Obama is ineligible to be a candidate because his father was not a U.S. citizen at the time of Obama’s birth.

Judge Malihi’s decision will now go to Secretary of State Brian Kemp, who will make the final determination. Last month, at a hearing boycotted by Obama’s lawyer, Malihi considered complaints brought by citizens of Georgia.

With regard to the challenge that Obama does not have legitimate birth and identification papers, Malihi said he found the evidence “unsatisfactory” and “insufficient to support plaintiffs’ allegations” even though a number of the witnesses who testified about the alleged fraud in birth records, forged documents and document manipulation. He said that “none … provided persuasive testimony” More

Attending the Nevada Caucus


Gary Jacobucci/ PPJ Contributor


Before attending our precinct caucus on Saturday, I reflected on what had changed since we last met four years earlier. There were several things that came to mind. One was the further outsourcing of our decision making to foreign authority. This was emphasized when the war was expanded into Libya and the executive branch effectively turned our military over to the direction of NATO.

Another reflection of this was the Federal Reserve finally complying to the first time ever audit that Ron Paul and a couple of other Congressman were able to get placed on the banker bailout agreement.

It turned out to be a partial audit, but even this revealed that the privately owned Federal Reserve has created 16 trillion dollars that Congress and the American people were not aware of. This money was laundered through multinational banks and corporations and used for who know what end?

I mentioned this at our caucus meeting. A youngish looking highway patrolman was in the room with his wife and said he agreed with what I said, but he was speaking for Mitt Romney because he believed in a strong military and mentioned that his son would soon be entering the armed forces. He also believed that Romney success in business would give him the knowledge needed to turn the economy around. More

“Good Grief, What Has America Spawned?”


from – The Parallax Prophecies

By Ron Ewart, President

National Association of Rural Landowners

and nationally recognized author on freedom and property rights issues.
We are helping to spread freedom and liberty around the globe.
© Copyright Sunday, February 5, 2012 – All Rights Reserved


Klamath Basin Crisis: Feds set to seize 241,438 acres and 274 stream miles


IMPORTANT: sucker comments due tomorrow feb 6.


Attached are my comments on proposed sucker critical habitat. At the public meeting we were told the designation would not affect us. However, if you read the proposed critical habitat, it not only designated most of our water, it talks about displacing resource users, mandating lake levels and stream flows… targeting logging, agriculture, grazing, sediment! IF they were to mandate that much water for the hundreds of thousands of suckers, there would be nothing left. Check out those who sued to enforce the habitat.
I hope you will write something, even if it’s short.  I spent hours on writing comments and the ‘submit’ button didn’t work. I have until tomorrow to hopefully get it to work since they do not accept email. Let me know if you can make the ‘submit’ button work
See attached comments. Below is the press release:
Revised Critical Habitat Proposed for Lost River and Shortnose Suckers,“The proposal includes two critical habitat units totaling 241,438 acres and 274 stream miles in southern Oregon and northern California.” Meeting Jan 19. Comments due Feb. 6
HERE is where to find the document 
An interesting read of KWUA comments on the draft recovery plan: f  They feel the KBRA folks want to participate in that! Those NGO’s are in the coalitions to mandate the removal of resource users.


Open Letter to Senator Franken Re: S:968


Marti Oakley


Dear Senator Franken:

I received your reply to my objection to SOPA and PIPA, and have noted that either you have been totally misled about online piracy, or have intentionally misrepresented the issue at hand.

Contrary to your letter, something has already been done to protect copyright infringement.  They call it the TRIPS agreement.  There are 185 member states.  I think that’s just about everyone. 

This agreement is used by corporations and individuals worldwide to protect every thing from fictitious patents from Monsanto and other bio-pirates that claim a new life form has been created, to musical compositions, literary works, creative arts, traditional knowledge, inventions of all kinds, seeds, gene splicing, hybridization of animals, scientific papers and dissertations and theory, mechanical design, fluid designs, poetry, books, surveillance methodologies, movies and other theatrical creations, etc..

You get the picture.  Everything that SOPA and PIPA claim they would cover is already covered in the TRIPS agreement, including trademarks, with the appropriate enforcement included.

From your letter:

“Right now, a company has no way to enforce its rights if it finds that its products are being pirated or counterfeited on a website hosted overseas. The PROTECT IP Act was designed to give the Attorney General and private companies a way to cut off the flow of money to these foreign sites. We can’t force those sites to stop infringing our copyrights and trademarks because they’re not subject to our courts, but we can make sure they don’t make money in the process.” [end quote]

Wrong  Senator!  They have the TRIPS agreement and god only knows how many other agreements, rules, regulations, harmonization agreements, etc., that we don’t even know about….yet.   Surely we have some economy killing trade agreement with these countries that allow the infringing that could be used for leverage. More

TS Radio with guest Ron Ewart of National Association of Rural Landowners

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                     Join us Friday morning at 11:00 a.m CST!

                       This is the rescheduled broadcast with Ron Ewart

9:00 PST a.m.

11:00 CST a.m.

12:00 noon EST 

Ron Ewart, president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) joins the show to discuss the theft of rural lands. 

Call-in Number: (917) 388-4520 Listen Live HERE!

Give us a call on SKYPE: 320-281-0585 or email us at truthsquadradio@gmail.



Biography of Ron Ewart, President

National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO)

And NARLO’s history and accomplishments

www.narlo.org More

The Ruthie Report with guest Rusty Fleming

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Join Ruthie Thursday evenings at 8:00 CST!

6:00 pm PST8:00 pm CST9:00 pm EST

Call-in Number: 1-917-388-4520

Click here and then on The Ruthie Report

URL: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/marti-oakley

Rusty Fleming Feb 2nd 2012
“Rusty told me we have much to discuss this week and that he
has new information that we should know.
We will also be discussing Texas Ranchers now using AK47’s to
protect themselves and their land”

Gary A. “Rusty” Fleming Jr.

Public Information Officer

Hudspeth County Sheriff’s Office

Gary A. “Rusty” Fleming Jr.–
Award winning producer, director, author and consultant for 25 years, Rusty started his multi-media company to produce corporate industrial films, commercials and news segments. More

MITRE, Belfer Center, ICLEI (Manned Trilateralists, Bilderbergers, and Members of the CFR)


Reprinted with permission from the author.

Intelligence Memo

Gary Richard Arnold

Those implementing the  Final Solution Must be Named
There has been enough victims … to grab attention.
    Enough of the Walling Wall!
Time to name where this evil is emanating from, the participants and their purpose.
#1   The Ford Financed Belfer Center
John P. Holdren (population reduction mad man) advocated forced sterilization of women and adding sterilants to food and water in his book Ecoscience.
The Ford Foundation financed John P. Holdren’s Belfer Center located at Harvard. Investment banker Rowan Gaither headed the Ford Foundation and said their purpose was to “so alter the U.S. that it could comfortably merged with the Soviet Union“. (He also helped found the Rand Corporation)
Conspirators are satisfied with assaulting the former independence thinking of the American people. A large segment has now accepted themselves as “global citizens”.  The insiders have accelerated their dirty business of extermination.
American’s have been anesthetized ready for their killing.  The concerns for environment has been the perfect shield to hide the implementation of a “world tyranny.”
Listed participants running the Belfer Center include John P. Holdren, two ex-heads of the CIA, John Deutch, and James Schlesinger (CFR/T) plus Nathan Rothschild and central banker Paul Volcker (T/B).
John P  Holdren (CFR) is an advisor to the president.
#2 James Schlesinger runs MITRE out of McLean Virginia (CIA) .
MITRE does systems and procedures for FAA, DOD, and Homeland Security.  The coordination of these three groups are required for Operation Cloverleaf.
  Operation Cloverleaf (Evergreen/Air America /CIA) More

A community betrayed: San Carlos city council votes for ECLEI and against their community



Marti Oakley


On January 23, 2012 the San Carlos, California city council voted on whether to continue its involvement and membership in ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives).  Of course, this council with the exception of the Vice Mayor, Matt Grocott, voted to reaffirm its membership in the UN Agenda 21 program which is focused on ending private property rights; declaring these rights to property to be a “social injustice”.   Using terms such as “green initiatives, carbon reduction, energy conservation, biodiversity,” and tons of other sustainable and smart growth catch phrases taken directly from UN Agenda 21 all of which are meant to hide the real intent of ICLEI, the Council sat quietly, looking somehow bored.

At no time did the Council members debate or discuss the merits of the information from either side with the exception of the Vice Mayor’s comments.

On a personal note:  It seemed quite apparent to me after viewing the video and watching the facial expressions of the council members and the ICLEI promoters, that at best they were all bored and at times they were amused at the objections and evidence presented to them by community members.  The public meeting was just a formality they were required to conduct, obviously having made their decisions prior to the meeting and regardless of any factual evidence.

Even though the representative for ICLEI, Brian Moura was shown to have given fraudulent information to the Council regarding ICLEI’s connection to UN Agenda 21 and even after the Vice Mayor documented the false answers produced by the research department and presented by Moura to the Council, the Mayor and his good buddies took a quick vote and then exited the hall even quicker.  I assume its one thing to betray your community in such a manner, but quite another to stand and face the people you just betrayed. 

The lack of concern regarding the false statements made to them by Mr. Moura  appeared to be an accepted practice by this council.  As quickly as Grocott finished his presentation documenting the false statements and fictionalized research, the remaining council members couldn’t move fast enough to vote against their community.  Not one of them acknowledged or addressed the documentation produced by the Vice Mayor. 


Use these time frames to highlight specific speeches:

00:18 ICLEI Description – Brian Moura
01:59 Agenda 21 Description – Brian Moura
02:56 Brian Moura answers Council Questions
06:14 Public Comments
06:31 – Rosa Koire
09:13 – George
09:36 – Nina
09:56 – Kaye
10:33 – Mario
10:50 – Dee
11:01 – Scott
11:24 – Glenn
11:44 – Mike
12:00 – Jim
12:17 – Debbie
13:45 – Leslie
13:53 – Mario
14:12 Vice Mayor – Matt Grocott
21:48 Vote on ICLEI