
Counterculture Demi-gods Still On The Horizon

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Author, Chuck Frank


Freedom of speech and freedom of the press and the right to privacy are enshrined in the Bill of Rights which is meant to “protect the people” from former kingdoms and present day rogue governments fashioned to rule with an iron hand and monitor people through various means including invasive forms of surveillance, tapping phone lines, using satellites imagining and recording conversations on chipped cellphones, which is also being done by the corporate sector which uses cellphone notifications that are aligned with your conversation or your Internet search words.  Who’s watching and listening now, Google and Big Brother?

The Chinese people are already being monitored to the point that major privileges will be taken away if that person is not aligned with government rules and propaganda that seeks to make their rulers demi-gods and their rogue government their “safety net.”  Fat chance.  This is something that our founders were well aware of and that is why the Bill of Rights was born and fashioned to protect the people from their own government.

However, When ideological tyrants rule under the guise of democracy or a Republic, and for the “good of the whole”, checks and balances are ignored, censorship is born while disinformation reins, and thus, in this horrid state of affairs, it is inevitable that the socio-political-cultural and economic  needs of the people are sadly replaced by dreamers, idealists and corrupt special interests, which are inside and outside of the government.  This is what is now going on in America, plain and simple.  We can deny it and go on with our lives as if nothing is happening that could destroy the foundation of America but, lo and behold, America is now on the brink of falling away, but is there someone out there who will carry the torch of liberty before it is too late?  The flame is about ready to go out because the people are rapidly losing control of their country.

Finally,  these far reaching consequences within the state, which are treasonous and unconstitutional,  becomes tyranny when there is rampant corruption and  a total loss of the rule of law within and outside of government to where freedom is then destroyed either through anarchy or massive government control or though biased corporate entities such as Twitter, Facebook, Google and YouTube which regularly censor valuable knowledge which is necessary for making important choices.

Friends, this is America, plain and simple and it is now at the crossroads with an election that may make us or break us.  Choose wisely, lest the your basic freedoms and a country, which at one time focused on peace and
love, becomes run over by mob rule and civil unrest.  America, the beautiful, it is time for you to return to your roots lest you lose those very ideals that you cherish.  Love is the answer.

5G Critics Censored by Big Tech

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Source:  globalresearch.ca

5G wireless networks and some of the health and safety issues that are being swept under the rug

by Alliance for Natural Health

More and more concerned citizens are asking tough questions about the safety of 5G wireless networks. Are big tech companies trying to quash their dissent? Action Alert!

Over the last few months, we’ve been reporting on the planned deployment of 5G wireless networks and some of the health and safety issues that are being swept under the rug by telecom companies and their enthusiasts in the government. Some communities, like Sacramento, California, have already seen the installation of “small cell” towers near homes. When activists in Sacramento started speaking out, it appears as though YouTube and other sites have silenced their criticisms of 5G.

Noah Davidson, an activist in Sacramento, noticed his young nieces started experiencing health problems after Verizon installed a small cell just 45 feet from their home. Other members of the community also started experiencing adverse effects after small cells were installed. Davidson has worked to start a grassroots movement to raise awareness about 5G in the community and to work with telecom companies to establish an opt-out program for those who do not want 5G in their neighborhood.

In so doing, it appears as though Davidson has incurred the wrath of the Internet censors. His account was apparently suspended, without explanation, by YouTube. One of the two videos on his YouTube account was footage of Sacramento activists speaking at a city council meeting. This seems deeply suspicious. YouTube is owned by Google, a company that we know is aggressively censoring content on dubious grounds. It doesn’t seem outlandish to conclude that Google and YouTube are quashing dissent about a technology they want to see implemented across the United States.

Activists are not the only ones advising us to pump the breaks on 5G. A group of hundreds of scientists from around the world recently sent a letter to the United Nations and the World Health Organization warning of “serious concerns regarding the ubiquitous and increasing exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) generated by electric and wireless devices.” The scientists explain that EMF “affects living organisms at levels well below most international guidelines,” causing increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in free radicals, genetic damage, changes to the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, and neurological disorders.

We must keep speaking out about this crucial public health issue in defiance of the censors and the crony capitalists railroading us into accepting this technology with no questions asked.

Our previous articles have covered some of the other dangers associated with 5G networks. For example, 5G utilizes millimeter waves—a shorter wavelength than the current 4G networks in use. Millimeter wavelengths have been used in crowd control devices that shoot high-powered millimeter waves that make the target feel like their skin is burning. Other research has shown that our sweat ducts can act like antennas for the shorter millimeter waves, meaning we absorb more of this energy into our bodies.


Rep. Adam Schiff Sued by Physicians for Censoring Vaccine Debate




American Association of Physicians & Surgeons



“In February and March 2019, Rep. Schiff contacted Google, Facebook, and Amazon, to encourage them to de-platform or discredit what Schiff asserted to be inaccurate information on vaccines. He then posted the letters and press release on the House.gov website.”


On Jan 15, 2020, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, along with Katarina Verrelli, on behalf of herself and others who seek access to vaccine information, filed suit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Plaintiffs allege that Defendant Adam Schiff has abused government power and infringed on their free-speech rights.

“Who appointed Congressman Adam Schiff as Censor-in-Chief?” asks AAPS General Counsel.  “No one did, and he should not be misusing his position to censor speech on the internet.”

In February and March 2019, Rep. Schiff contacted Google, Facebook, and Amazon, to encourage them to de-platform or discredit what Schiff asserted to be inaccurate information on vaccines. He then posted the letters and press release on the House.gov website.

Within 24 hours of Schiff’s letter to Amazon dated Mar 1, 2019, Amazon removed the popular videos Vaxxed and Shoot ’Em Up: the Truth About Vaccines from its platform for streaming videos, depriving members of the public of convenient access.

Under a policy announced in May 2019, Twitter includes a pro-government disclaimer placed above search results for an AAPS article on vaccine mandates: “Know the Facts. To make sure you get the best information on vaccination, resources are available from the US Department of Health and Human Services.” The implication of this disclaimer is that if information is not on a government website, then it is somehow less credible.

On Facebook, a search for an AAPS article on vaccines, which previously would  lead directly to the AAPS article, now produces search results containing links to the World Health Organization (WHO), the National Institutes of Health, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Visits to the AAPS website have declined significantly since March 2019, both in absolute terms and relative to the decline that would result from a story’s losing its recency.

“The internet is supposed to provide free access to information to people of different opinions,” stated AAPS Executive Director, Jane Orient, M.D.

Dr. Orient continues, “AAPS is not ‘anti-vaccine,’ but rather supports informed consent, based on an understanding of the full range of medical, legal, and economic considerations relevant to vaccination and any other medical intervention, which inevitably involves risks as well as benefits.”

AAPS argues in the complaint against Rep. Schiff: “The First Amendment protects the rights of free speech and association. Included within the right of free speech is a right to receive information from willing speakers. Under the First Amendment, Americans have the right to hear all sides of every issue and to make their own judgments about those issues without government interference or limitations. Content-based restrictions on speech are presumptively unconstitutional, and courts analyze such restrictions under strict scrutiny.”

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) is a national organization representing physicians in all specialties since 1943.

Dragonfly: Google’s Censoring Program

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Author: Chuck Frank


     I think that it is generally common knowledge in America that great censorship exists in China and it is becoming ever so prominent since the new leader of China, the X-Man, was voted in for a lifetime term by the National “People’s Congress” who rubber stamped the tyrant and dictator, Xi Jinping.  When it is all said and done, will he receive the “Lifetime Achievement Award” for “Censorship?”

Most recently it is has been noted how Google has been part of an under the radar Chinese censorship machine meant to promote the “Ministry of Truth” and further the bondage’s of a people that is already experiencing a life without true freedom and expression.  Yet, what is so concerning is this;  Even though Facebook, Google, Twitter and Instagram are all banned in China, Google still has three offices in the country.

The online news site, the Intercept stated that Google has been secretly working on a project code-named Dragonfly that will block terms such as human rights and religion, a move sure to anger activists.  While the platform still requires Chinese government approval, Google workers are up in arms over the fact that, unknowingly, they have been working on the Dragonfly project which essentially censors free speech and of the press in the great late communist state of China, ruled by none other than the X-Man.

Thus, Google is not only being viewed as an instrument of vast censorship in America, the company, of all things, is placing even more bondage’s upon a people that have known nothing but bondage’s for centuries and now when the freedom of the internet is there to open the eyes of 1.4 billion people, Google is there to shut the door?

What kind of company would do this?

This is one of the most outrageous acts I have ever seen in my entire life.  I just wonder now what does the Statue of Liberty mean anymore to companies such as Google and Facebook and others who are part of the Silicon Valley cartel?  Will they replace Miss Liberty with a statue of Karl Marx or the X-Man?



The Wild, Wild Web: Wrestling Online Privacy

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The Frugaldad comes though again with an eye popping chart on just how vulnerable we have become on the web.

Last week we debuted an infographic on the SOPA blackout, showing how the internet has become a powerful tool for activism. But the spread of social media also has its risks. Those same sites that we use to connect to family, friends and our community can also compromise sensitive information. According to Carnegie Mellon researchers, information listed on social media may be enough to guess a social security number, the key to identity theft. And with mobile banking apps, more and more people are logging sensitive information from their smart phones. Add confusing Terms of Service agreements into the mix (they take an average of 10 minutes each to read!), and it’s easy to see why online privacy can feel mystifying.

The following infographic helps explain some of the biggest issues in web safety and gives tips on how to keep yourself protected, from passwords to privacy policies. With a few steps, you can be confident that you control what you share online. Click here to view graphic! More

Google: Enough with the surveillance


Marti Oakley

Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved


Google has announced that as of March 1, 2012, they will have full integration of more than 60 Apps that cover all aspects of Google on the net. Marketing their email service as being more “intuitive” might give some of us the warm fuzzies but too many of us know that intuitive is simply another of those handy-dandy word swaps used to manipulate your thinking about an issue or item. “Intuitive” simply means that Google is surreptitiously scanning and recording your mail which turns out to be “surveillance” and not intuition.

To participate in a poll asking if you will cancel your google accounts conducted by the Washington Post go HERE!

Google is not the only internet service that is using or moving to these applications, but they are by far the most malignant. To deactivate any gmail accounts go HERE!

As it is, we do not use Google search or homepage. We will be shutting down all gmail accounts by the middle of February, 2012.

The intuitiveness that gmail refers to is the scanning of your incoming and outgoing communications to determine what your interests are, where you might be going, where you might be located, what your schedule might be and who all you are communicating with. This information is not only used to direct advertising to you whether you want it or not, (and who does?) but also is recorded and handed over to government spy agencies. Political interests and beliefs, religious interests, social groups you belong to, all of your contacts and of course all those “friends” on Facebook are handed over right along with your personal communications. More

Google Seeks to Weaken Search Engine Ranking of “Content Farming” Websites

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Sunday, January 23, 2011


Alternative news sites beware, Google is changing their algorithm to reduce your status to a spammer in an attempt to control the flow of information on the Internet.

Eric Blair 
Activist Post

Google has announced that it is fixing flaws in its algorithm that allows search results to be spammed, while also planning to weaken the search-ability of websites referred to as “content farms.”  Matt Cutts, head of Google’s anti-spam team, writes:

As “pure webspam” has decreased over time, attention has shifted instead to “content farms,” which are sites with shallow or low-quality content. In 2010, we launched two major algorithmic changes focused on low-quality sites. Nonetheless, we hear the feedback from the web loud and clear: people are asking for even stronger action on content farms and sites that consist primarily of spammy or low-quality content. (my emphasis)

The only clear reference from Google about problems occurring from “content farms” in regards to spamming search results is from China: “Last year Google faced a rash of webspam on Chinese domains in our index. Some spammers were purchasing large amounts of cheap .cn domains and stuffing them with misspellings and porn phrases.”  They claim this scheme led to “irrelevant” search results.

Yet, their goal seems to be to weaken what has been referred to as “news aggregating” websites as “one change that primarily affects sites that copy others’ content and sites with low levels of original content.” This clearly describes many sites that present alternative news. However, plenty of alternative news sites and blogs have original material which they freely share, in part or in full, purely to support one another in disseminating the truth. This is of key importance to spread information in the absence of government or foundation funding, as enjoyed by much of the mainstream media. It is also a counter to censorship, so that a free market of ideas can flourish where people can investigate facts for themselves, rather than have opinions dictated from a limited number of sources. Continue Reading



Submitted by: James P. Harvey
By NWV News writer Jim Kouri
Posted 1:00 AM Eastern
February 10, 2010
An alleged intrusion into Google’s immense cyber system has provoked the Obama White House to accelerate in plans for government monitoring of the Internet, something that should be triggering alarms throughout the nation, according to security experts.
According to the Obama White House, Google will now work with the National Security Agency (NSA) to stem a “crisis.” However, more than a few Washington insiders are wary of such a partnership.
One political strategist points to a statement by President Barack Obama’s chief of staff Rahm Emanuel: “Never let a crisis go to waste.”
“Rahm Emanuel is a Chicago from-the-gut politician who is the last person you want having access to your personal information or monitoring your Internet activities,” said political strategist Mike Baker. “This is a crisis that will be used against Americans not the Chinese.” 
During a segment of Glenn Beck’s Fox News Channel show, the popular host declared that while the Chinese government and businesses pose a threat to U.S. economic stability, the Obama White House and government agencies are powerless to stop the enormous amount of espionage perpetrated by Chinese spies.  More

Scroogle scraper much better than using Google

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We all know Google is constantly data mining and selling information it gathers about online users to any one and everyone.  You can’t use Google and not expect to be inundated by adware, spyware and all sorts of uninvited and invisible guests while online with Google as your search engine.  Switching to stacked search engines that pull from various other sources will provide you no relief.  Here’s something you can do to seriously reduce online intrusions into your web browsing. 

Enter    http://www.scroogle.org/cgi-bin/scraper.htm   into your search…..then make this your home page.

The browsing and searching is far faster as this engine is not bogged down with hidden adware, spyware or data mining applications. 

no cookies   |   no search-term records   |   access log deleted within 48 hours

We highly recommend using scroogle for all your internet searches.


Google now wants to access all of your medical records and store the info on line in a so-called vault.  I guess it isn’t enough that they scan all your email before you get it, collect personal financial information whenever they can and sell every piece of info about you, where you went on line, who you talked to, what you said, what you may have written and were the most compliant in handing over mined personal information to the government, illegally violating the privacy of millions of people. 

We recommend dumping all gmail and google accounts as they are not secure. 

About Facebook, CAP, and violation of Canadian privacy laws

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About Facebook, CAP, and violation of Canadian privacy laws


This note was part of an email from the Canadian Action Party, in response to a question posed to them.  Americans should take note of this also.  As we have advised you in the past, google, gmail, facebook, myspace and other sites of this nature, routinely data mine all of your info and sell it to any of the 15 spy agencies working for the federal government, including Homeland Security.  We thought you might find this email interesting.



The commissioner has ruled amongst other things that facebook has violated our Canadian laws. You should be able to google that judgement.


The Patriot Act gives the US Government access to any data stored on servers in the US if they so desire. There is no requirement to reveal to individuals that their data has been accessed. When the Government of BC decided to out source the medical records of British Colombians to a US firm there was a brief bruhaha  which quickly was relegated to the back pages. Reality is, if you are HIV + or have Hep C there is absolutely no guarantee that the US can not access your records and use them against you.


In fact the servers don’t have to be in the US, if the company operating them is US owned they must divulge info on request, again without even reporting the access/breach.


In Canada if the security of your private info is breached the company or organization that is breached must divulge. I have been advised by both CIBC Visa and Credential Direct (Brokers) when my private info was breached. They provided syrupy “we’re sorry” letters.


IT trade journals routinely report the risks to Canadians.


If you wish specific examples and have no luck with the Privacy Commissioner’s site let me know and I will email examples. I routinely hand the references out to my students advising them that they should be fully aware of the risks of using facebook, myspace, and especially gmail and google applications.

For information on the Canadian Action Party (CAP):

Constance Fogal   conniefogal@telus.net


World Environmental Conference disappears from Google

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While searching out the reports of Aspartame I found this interesting site called http://dorway.com where this report by Dr. Betty Martini is posted.  The full article is well documented and resourced and worth taking the time to read.

From the article by Dr.Martini:

“I downloaded Andrea McCreery’s article just in time, because Google immediately deleted it, though they left it on the menu. Somebody at aspartame [Diet Coke, Equal, NutraSweet, E951, Ajinomoto, Merisant, or the other suspects] had the clout to kill the release to continue blinding consumers about their addictive
neurotoxic, carcinogenic junk. In this case what you don’t know can kill you.

B. Martini, D.Hum, Founder
Mission Possible International
9270 River Club Parkway
Duluth, Georgia 30097
770 242-2599
www.mpwhi.com, www.dorway.com
Aspartame Toxicity Center, www.holisticmed.com/aspartame
Aspartame Information List, www.mpwhi.com

ASPARTAME – “Don’t Even Consider It’ by Andrea McCreery (Roseville & Rocklin Today)

McCreerys article follows below my signature. For 16 years from the creation of aspartame our FDA denied approval of that chemical because it causes brain tumors. The agency even compiled a list of 92 symptoms of aspartame poisoning from over 10,000 volunteered consumer complaints. FDA now denies there ever was such a list but here it is on their stationery: http://www.mpwhi.com/92_aspartame_symptoms.pdf

It has been 12 years since I actually lectured for the World Environmental Conference when Dr. Clarice Gaylord of the EPA said: “We have an epidemic of MS and lupus and can’t identify the toxin”. I answered, “I’m here to lecture on MS and lupus and identify that toxin as NutraSweet(aspartame/E951/Equal/Canderel, etc.). Today it has been fully confirmed. Besides Dr. Roberts medical text, Dr. Russell Blaylock wrote “Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills on the subject”. www.russellblaylockmd.com His lecture “The Truth About Aspartame” discusses the famed Ramazzini Study.

sources from Dr. Martini’s article:

Multiple Sclerosis or Aspartame Disease, by H. J. Roberts, M.D., http://www.mpwhi.com/ms_or_aspartame_disease.htm

The MS and Aspartame Connection by Russell Blaylock, M.D., http://www.wnho.net/ms_and_aspartame.htm

13 new studies showing Aspartame Toxicity in 24 months: http://www.mpwhi.com/13_aspartame_research_studies.htm

Read the proof and my invitation to speak at the World Environmental Conference: www.dorway.com/nomarkle.html

Dr. Russell Blaylock’s article: “What To Do If You Have Used Aspartame” www.wnho.net/wtdaspartame.htm

Dr. Ralph Walton’s new article on psychiatric disorders and aspartame: http://www.mpwhi.com/aspartame_and_psychiatric_disorders.htm

The whole timeline on aspartame from the Ecologist: http://www.mpwhi.com/ecologist_september_2005.pdf

As I researched this information, I also checked SNOPES.  According to them these reports of aspartame poisoning and toxicity are FALSE.  Then I looked to see who they checked with to determine that it was false…….and sure enough, there’s the FDA,  The American Council on Science and Health http://www.cspinet.org/integrity/nonprofits/american_council_on_science_and_health.html  go here to see who funds this outfit.  You will find Monsanto among many others.

The FDA?  The same one http://www.mpwhi.com/92_aspartame_symptoms.pdf that produced this document they claim never existed?  The same FDA that kept aspartame out of the food supply for 16 years?

On an interesting note, Dr. Martini notes that Donald Rumsfeld was the head of Monsanto and that Aspartame was finally approved for use once he migrated to the Reagan administration, apparently using the new found political power as leverage.

Another site of interest is here:  http://www.iahf.com/quackbusters.html

Everyone needs to do their own research on this.  Of course you might want to use another search engine besides Google…..stuff disappears off there faster than most of us can download it.

Marti Oakely