
Wisconsin: Support Smart Meter Opt-out Bill


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Note:  There is NO federal mandate for Smart Meters.  The system is set up through PURPA, and is an OPT-IN system.  You must be offered and ACCEPT the meters, or request them.  There is no requirement for you to OPT-OUT.   Forced installation under threat of harsh punishment or extortion is malfeasance of office.  This means that your county commissioners, city councils, and public utility representatives have misused their office to cause you intentional harm under threat and coercion. 


Stop Smart Meters Wisconsin

Open letter to WI lawmakers from businessman:

Support Smart Meter OPT OUT bill August 16, 2013

August 6, 2013

Shaun A Kranish Owner, ElectraHealth.com (Stetzerizer-US.com)

1817 18th Avenue Rockford, IL  61104

Mr. Jeremy Thiesfeldt Room 16 West State Capitol

P.O. Box 8953 Madison, WI 53708


Dear Mr. Thiesfeldt:

I became aware of your bill – LRB-0644/2 to ensure that Wisconsin residents can opt-out of having a “smart meter” on their property.  I would very much like to see everyone in the state have the ability to opt out without risking the power/water/gas company shutting their service down, as it is right now.

I have many friends and contacts in Wisconsin, and we’re wondering what we can do to help.  I was also wondering where to see a status of the bill so we can monitor its progress.  I’m a little unfamiliar with how that works in Wisconsin.

In my business, the number one complain I hear from my customers is smart meters.  Not just from Wisconsin, but from all over North America.  Headaches, dizziness, “brain fog,” sleeping problems, trouble concentrating, chronic pain, heart palpitations, and ringing in the ears are some of the most common complaints I hear.  Many people had no idea a “smart meter” was placed on their house, and then only after suffering months and months or in some cases years, they found out they had a smart meter and that it was placed on their house the same time the symptoms started.

I’ve had customers who lost family members, and I’ve had customers who didn’t even complain about a digital meter, but while talking to them I could tell they seemed distracted/bothered – not fully attentive/present.  They couldn’t focus.  This has happened quite a few times.

This is my 6th year in business, and the smart meter complains have been steadily increasing every single year.  It greatly saddens me when I hear these stories, and my heart goes out to those suffering.  Sometimes they are so ill/debilitated that they feel helpless/powerless and don’t know what to do.  As for me, I’d rip that thing off my house immediately.  But some people are scared of the utilities or scared of the “authorities” in their area.  More

Minnesota DFL’er Alice Hausman: Busy Trashing the 2nd Amendment


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In my humble opinion, the failure of Representative Alice Hausman (DFL)MN, and other elected officials to honor their oaths of office, to defend the Constitutions, both state and federal, is grounds for recall from office.

Representative Hausman has helped author a bill which is a clear violation of the 2nd Amendment.  This bill also calls for the violation of due process and establishes police powers far beyond the scope of law.  The last thing any of our communities need is the aggrandizement of power in local law enforcement now that they are under Homeland Security control and exist as para-military organizations, and no longer exist to protect and serve their communities.

Ms Hausman, like so many others in the legislature, is apparently oblivious to standing laws, SCOTUS rulings and the Constitution.  Apparently believing that due to her office, these issues should not concern her, Hausman has authored one of the most egregious assaults on the 2nd Amendment.  Neither does Ms Hausman seem to understand that it is illegal to try to pass ex post facto laws and that just because she does not adhere to any sense of law, does not mean that the rest of us lose our rights.

What it should mean is that she automatically is unseated and removed from office for failing to act in defense of her district and for willingly and knowingly violating her oath of office.  At the very least, Hausman and others are guilty of malfeasance of office:


/mælˈfizəns/ Show Spelled [mal-fee-zuhns] Show IPA

noun Law.

the performance by a public official of an act that is legally unjustified, harmful, or contrary to law; wrongdoing (used especially of an act in violation of a public trust).


Authored by  anti-gun St. Paul State Representative Alice Hausman, H.F. 241  would:

*** Ban the sale, transfer, possession and  manufacturing of ALL semiautomatic firearms with a detachable magazine and at  least one “characteristic” — which means just about anything that makes a  gun “look scary.
(This includes rifles AND  pistols!) More

Panetta, Dempsey and treason: And Congress did nothing


 Marti Oakley Copyright 2012


The recent statements by Leon Panetta and joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey, to the effect that they are under no obligation to the Congress to seek their permission to start wars.  Both Panetta and Dempsey claim their authority comes from the United Nations and NATO.  These were clear and unambiguous declarations of submission to foreign governments, agencies and organizations and ended with the dismissing of the Constitution as not applicable to them or their decisions. I have to wonder why both men were not frog-marched out of the meeting and straight to jail.  But then, we are talking about the District of Criminals here and we know it is rare that anyone from the District ever goes to jail no matter how anti-American, unlawful or unconstitutional or treasonous their activities or views.

Both men did however, say they might inform congress

Panetta was asked by Senator Jeff Sessions, “We spend our time worrying about the U.N., the Arab League, NATO and too little time, in my opinion, worrying about the elected representatives of the United States. As you go forward, will you consult with the United States Congress?”

The Defense Secretary responded “You know, our goal would be to seek international permission. And we would come to the Congress and inform you and determine how best to approach this, whether or not we would want to get permission from the Congress.”

So, if I understand this correctly: They would seek permission from non-US entities and then if they thought it was any business of the United States as to how our military would be used…….they would make a decision as to whether or not they would “want” to get permission from Congress?  And these two are actually still walking around free?

Note:  My goal would be to see Panetta and Dempsey both tried for treason and publicly hung.  International permission be damned and congress along with it. 

I believe it was this moment in time that Senator Sessions and his companions in the meeting realized that they were being given notice that their services were no longer needed.  Panetta and Dempsey publicly, effectively declared that Congress was of no further use.  More

A community betrayed: San Carlos city council votes for ECLEI and against their community



Marti Oakley


On January 23, 2012 the San Carlos, California city council voted on whether to continue its involvement and membership in ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives).  Of course, this council with the exception of the Vice Mayor, Matt Grocott, voted to reaffirm its membership in the UN Agenda 21 program which is focused on ending private property rights; declaring these rights to property to be a “social injustice”.   Using terms such as “green initiatives, carbon reduction, energy conservation, biodiversity,” and tons of other sustainable and smart growth catch phrases taken directly from UN Agenda 21 all of which are meant to hide the real intent of ICLEI, the Council sat quietly, looking somehow bored.

At no time did the Council members debate or discuss the merits of the information from either side with the exception of the Vice Mayor’s comments.

On a personal note:  It seemed quite apparent to me after viewing the video and watching the facial expressions of the council members and the ICLEI promoters, that at best they were all bored and at times they were amused at the objections and evidence presented to them by community members.  The public meeting was just a formality they were required to conduct, obviously having made their decisions prior to the meeting and regardless of any factual evidence.

Even though the representative for ICLEI, Brian Moura was shown to have given fraudulent information to the Council regarding ICLEI’s connection to UN Agenda 21 and even after the Vice Mayor documented the false answers produced by the research department and presented by Moura to the Council, the Mayor and his good buddies took a quick vote and then exited the hall even quicker.  I assume its one thing to betray your community in such a manner, but quite another to stand and face the people you just betrayed. 

The lack of concern regarding the false statements made to them by Mr. Moura  appeared to be an accepted practice by this council.  As quickly as Grocott finished his presentation documenting the false statements and fictionalized research, the remaining council members couldn’t move fast enough to vote against their community.  Not one of them acknowledged or addressed the documentation produced by the Vice Mayor. 


Use these time frames to highlight specific speeches:

00:18 ICLEI Description – Brian Moura
01:59 Agenda 21 Description – Brian Moura
02:56 Brian Moura answers Council Questions
06:14 Public Comments
06:31 – Rosa Koire
09:13 – George
09:36 – Nina
09:56 – Kaye
10:33 – Mario
10:50 – Dee
11:01 – Scott
11:24 – Glenn
11:44 – Mike
12:00 – Jim
12:17 – Debbie
13:45 – Leslie
13:53 – Mario
14:12 Vice Mayor – Matt Grocott
21:48 Vote on ICLEI