
In memory of Rosa Koire

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We were sad to learn that our friend Rosa Koire passed away earlier this year. Rosa fought against the UN’s Agenda 21. Rosa was a powerful voice and will be greatly missed. The best way to honor Rosa is to share one of her last speeches. Here is an excerpt from the transcript:

My role today is to set the stage for the Greater Reset by looking at the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset, the 4th industrial revolution, UN Agenda 2030, and, of course, the larger plan within which this all revolves, which is
United Nations Agenda 21 / Sustainable Development.

We are witnessing the Great Purge,
the Great Concentration of Wealth and Power,
the Great Reveal of Willing Dictators,
the Great Reallocation of Resources,
The Great Digital Revolution of the Surveillance State.
The Agenda for the 21st Century and beyond.
It’s the Great Rehash of the Old Plan.

I’m going to start there.  

UN Agenda 21 / Sustainable Development is the comprehensive blueprint, the plan of action as the UN calls it,
to inventory and control all land, water, minerals, plants, animals, construction, means of production, energy, education, information, and all human beings in the world.  
This is the Agenda for the 21st century.  A blueprint for 100 years with milestones at 2020, 2030, 2035 and 2050.
Agenda 2030 is just a milestone within the main plan.

Agenda 21 / Sustainable Development is the global plan for inventory and control.  
It encompasses every aspect of your life and it is intended to be a wrenching transformation of your life,  
as Sen. Al Gore called it at the largest gathering of heads of state and national representatives ever convened to that time,
in Rio de Janeiro Brazil, in 1992.   
Representatives of one hundred and 78 nations plus the Vatican agreed to this action plan.
Although it is, as wikipedia states, a non-binding voluntary agreement, Agenda 21 is binding on you.  It has been written into the laws of your countries, including China & all western and middle eastern nations, through a collaboration of government, corporations, and organizations & foundations.

It’s a global plan but it’s not an international plan.  Inter-national means between nations, but this plan erases nations.  It’s GLOBAL.

It’s a global plan that’s implemented locally so it has a different name everywhere, but it’s the same plan.  
Every aspect of your life is affected, so it’s in your school curricula, in your planning & building department, in your court system, in your health care system, everywhere.  
But it’s never called Agenda 21.  

You’ll see it as regional plans called Plan Bay Area or 4 States One Vision, or Mexico2030 or Hanoi 2030, or
Horizon2050 in Canada for example.

They’re all the same plan.  They elevate Major economic power centers to a supra-governmental status,
outside of and above the traditional representative government model.

  These are the MEGAREGIONS.  They drive the economy and overpower the nationstate.  They combine parts of cities, states, and even combine nations—-destroying boundaries and ignoring the legal jurisdictions by creating new economic princedoms, new fiefdoms.  
Not govt but governance.

You can read the rest of this here: https://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/the-way-we-see-itour-blog/transcript-of-my-talk-at-thegreaterresetorg

You can watch youtube videos of some of Rosa’s speeches here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPUJcxSKTOKaz5tVGfqDmKQ

15 Mar What the Great Reset Will Really Do To You



The lines used to be so clear. On the one side were free markets, free societies, and openly-elected representative governments.

On the other, was the force of totalitarianism choking off individual initiative, private ownership of property, and providing a ballot box with but one choice, normally defined as communism.

The ideological lines were drawn as a titanic battle ensued across an iron curtain. The Western world united in a mixture of proud, independent, sovereign nations to fend off the creeping black plague that swallowed whole nations and erased their identities. In the end, the “Evil Empire” disintegrated under the weight of its own ignorance of human nature. Or did it?

Conservatives hailed the victory, dispatching communism to the “ash-heap of history.” Many Conservative leaders put forth the idea that we would now be living in a “Conservative era”. The demise of communism, some said, would allow a spirit of cooperation among nations, bringing the benefits of world-wide prosperity and a universal increase in the standard of living. Believing they had finally won the Cold War, many Conservatives went to sleep and left the world to a new threat that many old anti-communist warriors still haven’t recognized. More

West Coast Wildfires…things that make you go ..hmmmmm

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Whistleblower Reveals That A UN-Planned Invasion By Refugees Into The US Is Already Underway


Need To Know News

US: A Missouri woman is interviewed by radio-show host, Josh Tolley, and tells how she became involved in her state’s refugee-immigration program and how the program is far more extensive and advanced than most people realize. She describes how the UN, under the heading of Agenda 2030, is planning immigration into the US similar to what is happening in Europe. The goal is to create chaos and lay the foundation for breaking the US into smaller political units with equal UN representation – and the end of America as a sovereign nation. -GEG

Radio show host Josh Tolley interviewed an unidentified American woman from Missouri who learned about her state’s refugee immigration program by attending UN-sponsored meetings and participating in the programs.  She said that refugees are brought into the US in alliance with the UN Refugee Resettlement Organization Offices of Refugee Monitoring out of Washington, DC.  In her state, Missouri Social Services administers the refugee programs that provide welfare for housing, food stamps, and medicare, in addition to cash and jobs.

The refugees receive US passports and Social Security numbers so they can receive Social Security benefits.  They are screened and, where possible, encouraged to apply for lifetime disability benefits under Social Security.

Many refugees are allowed into the US who have communicable diseases such as tuberculosis, leprosy, and smallpox. More



Chuck Frank


There was a time when the general population was concerned about their individual freedom, constitutional issues, justice and unalienable rights (i.e. God given rights.) Yes, there are millions of us that remain in America who still desire this. However, there are numerous others that have been led down a worldly ivy covered path by sleazy educators, administrators, facilitators, BAR attorney’s, and basically traitors who have embraced an ideology of Marxism which is a system meant to change the economics of a society while also remaking the culture which will then produce a government from the top down instead of from the bottom up.

Following this model a bit farther and then watching its development, a child today experiences a top down system which begins in school and the classroom. Children learn very quickly how to submit to a system of staunch rules and then will bring that entire package with them into adulthood. That’s the plan.

It is the Marxist state of conformity which is the end game while freedom to deviate from the pack is discouraged. Creativeness and individuality is replaced by collective thought to where the ability to think freely is lost. Thus comes the danger and the loss of critical thinking which is accompanied by force-able indoctrination while inducing someone to give up basic political, social, or religious beliefs and attitudes thereby accepting contrasting regimented ideas through persuasion by propaganda and mainstream media news that favors a specific top down goal.

This agenda is masked within the realm of the “intelligentsia” that ushers in their own set of beliefs while also forming a politically correct standard which furthers the tyrannical foundational order of Marxism. The Communist Manifesto published in London by Karl Marx in 1848 emphasizes some of these main points.

  • Abolition of private property in land and application of all rents of and to public purpose.
  • A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
  • Abolition of all rights of inheritance
  • Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
  • Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a
    national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.
  • Centralization of the means of communication and transportation
    in the hands of the state.
  • Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by
    the state.
  • Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries
  • Free education for all children in government schools.
  • Combination of education with industrial production.

    See…”The Communist Manifesto”

What is missing in the above points? It is my own newest addition to the list which is called the “Environmentalist Order”, yet soon to be dismantled by President Trump & Company.

Yes, we are looking forward to the funeral.



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On Thursday, August 27, the Nevada County, CA., Planning Kingdom played host to a packed house of a very concerned crowd who’s 95% majority explained why they were not at all interested in a state mandated stack n’ pack, high density housing element with no discretionary action attached.  With the exception of one of four persons on the panel, the Planning Commission, who is appointed by the county, took on their usual stance of filescacoaali“formality” while reluctantly listening to a truck load of persons who voiced their total dissatisfaction with a not so smart city agenda that, in theory, was previously cut in stone
and decided before hand.  And yes, the Planning Commission, despite a train load of objections, voted three out of four to go forward with a yes vote and rubber stamp the housing blanket proposal, sending it to the supervisors for the next vote.    

What was the main beef of the people?  It was a 699 unit “housing element” fiasco with no “human element” considered except that the people would be “close to stores, fire protection, a hospital and services.” 

Welcome to “Detroit” and another mega meltdown loaded with the usual turmoil, drugs and crime. 

And when the question came addressing who might be living in these high density arrangements, in the end, planning had no answer.  This calls for a further investigation and here is something that just might stir up your senses.     

The federal government and the White House has a “diversification blueprint” for affirmative and alternative living.  The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is ready to “re-engineer” your neighborhood, but remember, it’s for the “good of the whole.”   In other words, the feds are on a manifesto mission to collectivize and micromanage public housing and zoning and change the socioeconomic, racial, religious and ethnic mixture of nearly every American neighborhood, regardless of sexual orientation, public input or individual rights.  And this is the grand wisdom offered for a smart city.  But don’t forget, before these units are built, there are project impacts, studies, environmental concerns, air quality analysis, greenhouse gas, complicated mitigation aspects and more.

And who’s paying for all of this? 

The head planner explained that it will be none other than the taxpayers.  Welcome to the green $$ zone.

But there’s more.    

1,250 municipalities across the land of the of the “free”, will be asked to “diversify” their neighborhoods or risk losing HUD’s housing manna.  Well, doesn’t that just take all.  Karl Marx would be thrilled beyond measure with this angle.  But, you say that you are
opposed to mixing good ole suburbia and rural America with a notorious urban living arrangement which is mostly consistent in larger cities?  Yes, that is all well and good, however, Washington D.C. and the State of California is not interested in your opinion
and they are already embarking upon a general plan using more of your “grant money”  to mix and transform America’s neighborhoods.  Now, take note of this next statement.

“Putting decisions about how local communities are run in the hands of federal bureaucrats is an assault on freedom. Local autonomy is essential to liberty.”   Marc A.
Thiessen; Washington Post, 6/7/15    

So, this calls for wisdom. 

Don’t wait for HUD, the state, or our elected county supervisors and community development planners to redesign a neighborhood that may be mostly free from drugs and crime.  Just make sure the idea never gets off the ground.  Begin to educate administrators about the dangers of in-culturating unstable, hostile and rebellious people into an already stable and peaceful environment, because in the end, HUD and/or the state with their mandates, will destroy a stable community to where it will become infected with the same mega problems that already plague major cities.  If we recall, the same people who came to us with the “let it burn” forestry mismanagement polices and the thousands of factory closures are also the very same people who will bring us a re-engineered neighborhood that will destroy itself quite rapidly.

We are no longer talking about the “housing element.”  We are quite  frankly talking about the “human element.”

House of Lords: America in the Balance
Charles W. Frank
Tate Publishing



new logoAuthor, Chuck Frank



Over 200 hundred years ago Thomas Jefferson who penned the Declaration of Independence believed that America would be far better off in a rural setting than urbanization. He also warned us against building large cities such as the likes of London as they would breed demoralization, crime, corruption, violence, racism, growing poverty, drug abuse, house to house and apartment living, stress and unrest and no hope for the future.

Yes, our country would have been far better off if we had followed the words of Jefferson for we could had avoided the urban fallout and the likes of Detroit where “Urban Renewal” imploded like so many other far fetched ideas that dealt with high rise apartment buildings which would end up being destroyed one way or another, and also by their own occupants in places such as New York City. Yet, with big city planners it was business as usual. They were shooting blanks on the range with not even a target in sight. However, the offspring of these same city planners have bungled once again and have not learned from the devastating inner city experiment. The latest blueprint on the drawing board is still for high rise centers while showcasing Agenda 21 micro-apartments nationwide where the people will be stacked n’ packed as rats while using a bicycle for their journey to the nearest rec. center where they will be able to trim themselves down on a tread mill. And that will be the American Dream? Spare me.

Pulp fiction is a way better term to explain sustainable living in a not so brave, New World Order. It’s about as entertaining as a clown on a unicycle in a three ring circus. Cities are becoming infested with gangs while frustrated people cannot find peace and harmony or the meaning of life. The truth of the matter is that America is imploding. Overpopulated cities do not offer enough freedom, activity or recreation such as hiking, fishing, hunting and camping , or hitting the trail on a horse which allows the individual to experience a natural and quiet environment vs. an unnatural and chaotic urban world. Also see ”Implosion” here…

Now then, white mice or rats are a unique measure that might be used in explaining the social failures of stacking n’ packing people. It was Dr. John B. Calhoun from the National Institute of Health in Washington D.C. who spearheaded an extremely important study with 3,000 mice living in an overpopulated condition and close quarters. However, no matter how ideal the circumstances were, they could not adapt to their environment.

The mouse utopia began to break down and after about a year, violence began to surface and the mice were losing their ability to function in a normal manner. They started to die in great numbers as they could not adjust to their “utopia” type surroundings. Eventually, the entire mouse population perished while living in their multi-level home. The experiment offers serious reservations and revelations when considering a comparative analysis with regard to human behavior and one’s own social adaptation in an overcrowded environment.


Comparatively, Japan, a very overcrowded country, gives us a glimpse of city living along with one of the world’s highest suicide rates which is the leading cause of death for people under 30. Factors in suicides in the country include social pressure, depression and unemployment. Crime is another growing problem.

Although Japan is one of the safest countries in the world, the Japanese are greatly concerned about recent increases in violent crime and crimes against property. There is a suicide in Japan every 15 minutes including close to 33,000 reported in 2009. A loss for the meaning of life, also enters into this equation, but all the while “sustainable” social engineers in America are planning mega-city apartments while flushing people out of rural and mountainous areas by not allowing more job creation and closing down access to the public forest lands.

Also, planners and environmental agencies purposely limit growth by turning down companies who wish to relocate in rural areas. It is all part of the U.N. Agenda 21 model and also Big Brother’s idea of controlling the masses worldwide. And with prisons in America already being maxed out, an RFID ankle bracelet might suffice in a stack n’ pak world.

There are real solutions for America and the world but is anyone listening?

House of Lords: America in the Balance
Author: Charles W. Frank
Tate Publishing, local bookstores, and amazon.com

Proposed Collection of Information on Wild Horses & Burros; BLM Requests Comments


The BLM is now planning to do a “knowledge and values study” on wild horses & burros using focus groups.  The focus groups are to include the usual special interest groups (the same ones that are so vocal against wild horses & burros on the BLM Resource Advisory Councils/RACs).

Most of us aren’t perusing the Federal Register on a daily basis, but an advocate alerted us to the notice below.  We should all ask WHO will APPOINT/SELECT the people who will take part in these focus groups.  The BLM proposes to have “guides” (a prepared agenda) for the groups, presumably to limit the topics you can talk about.  The questions/discussions will then likely be designed to lead you to whatever predetermined outcome the BLM wants.  Read HERE about the BLM and use of the Delphi Technique.

This is not free speech.  Will the topics include the delay of the issuance of the investigation report of the 1,700 wild horses Tom Davis bought?  Will the focus groups be updated on the current number of deaths of wild horses at the BLM’s Scott City, Kansas feedlot?  Will the participants be able to review any vet reports or necropsy reports from the Scott City feedlot?

This undemocratic process seems to be a way for the BLM to feign interest in listening to the public,  while in reality, it continues its efforts to contrive what could seem to the public to be some sort of a consensus.

I wonder if the BLM will ever have focus groups or advisory councils on wild horse & burro issues that are composed ONLY of real wild horse & burro advocates, who all care about the welfare of the wild horses and burros (instead of special interest “stakeholders” who focus on how to get rid of them).  The comment period for this proposed focus group farce ends May 11, 2015.  This is destined to be another unscientific “study” as the BLM continues to operate like a dog chasing its tail.  –  Debbie Coffey

This document has a comment period that ends in 58 days (05/11/2015) How To Comment


The “Endangered” Frog and Toad-Revisited

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Chuck Frank

Recently, the US Fish and Wildlife issued their biological opinion regarding how the nine Sierra Nevada National Forests in California must address the endangered yellow-legged frog and the Yosemite toad. If 197 pages is too much for you to read then here is a snapshot.mountain frog

Now, perhaps many of you out there recall the many public hearings on whether to list the yellow-legged frog and the Yosemite Toad as a threatened or endangered species.

Most of the people that went to these hearings, Congressman, Tom McClintock for one, and thousands of others were strongly opposed to the listing. I too showed up for the grand occasion.

With as many people who went as the “anti-listers”, I coined a word, you would have thought that the Fish and Wildlife agency would have listened.

Well, as it turned out, the public hearings were just a formality, an exercise, a procedure that was meant to give the public input while the Feds, all along, had no intention of doing what the majority of the public wanted. Fish and Wildlife is sadly tuned into the Enviro-Times, and that is our latest environmentalist radio show streaming from the planet Mars. So I dialed in on K-ECO and low and behold the Sierra National Forest Service Management is “very concerned” about the immense  impact of protecting frog and toad together.

Unless we forget, we were told that the identification of these species as endangered would not have ANY significant impact on Sierra National Forest or public access. Sure. Well, well, well, think again.  It is all by design and deception. We were not told the truth and the lies of Fish and Wildlife have now been exposed. What we had feared is now coming upon us.

And here is the rest of the story.

No permits are being issued at this time until these rules are clarified for summer grazing in the Sierra National Forest. This ruling could and is already adversely affecting recreation, along with All-Terrain-Vehicles, firewood cutting, fishing, hunting, and logging, because it delineates that no wheeled vehicles may be used in the forest that “may be” a habitat for the Yosemite frog. This would also effect mechanical thinning, which is one way of reducing ladder fuels, which contribute to high intensity uncharacteristic wildfires.

For the Forest Service management to protect what the US Fish and Wildlife life is requiring, it will take away significant resources from areas like forest restoration to prevent uncharacteristic wildfires, as well as many other areas. These rules represent another Agenda 21 unfunded nightmare mandate.

In a nutshell, if our Congressmen, Sheriffs and County Supervisors do not stop the encroachment of our National Forests and the public right to use them, we the people will be left in the dust and radical environmentalism will continue to chip away at our God given land rights to where millions will bow to the new enviro-gods of the Fish and Wildlife Agency.

And, by the way, don’t include me in any of the Sunday morning worship services honoring the czars of Fish and Wildlife.

Ref: Parts taken from The Jackson Press;

The Fractured American Family

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Historically, for nearly 400 years the American family which began with native Americans and European roots became an integral foundational part of the country that we now know.  Though many trials were encountered along the way the traditional family weathered the storms of life and not only built a country that became like no other, the people held on to cultural and moral values that were enshrined in one Judeo-Christian nation, under God, which also included holy matrimony between a man and a woman. But where are we today?

Here is a not so golden snapshot.

Since 2005, the majority of U.S. households have not been headed by married couples. The number of non-married-couple households continues to grow (ACS 2005-2007). There are more than 51 million households headed by unmarried Americans, representing roughly 44% of all households and the majority of households in 23 states, plus the District of Columbia (CPS, 2007). More

The World Summit & The Climate Changers

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Website: lightofthenation.us



The sky is falling while the world is a-buzz with the effects of warming trends and climate change. A little hot air here, and a little CO2 there will bring about the best loan sharks along with the world banking elite who will gladly “lend” their billions and services “at interest” to any nation reeling from the greenhouse effect. But, how many “let it burn” forests do the climate changers need each year to accomplish their warming and trendy goals?

Now then, the world’s political leaders will gather in New York on the 23rd of September for a special summit. U.N. Climate Secretary Ed Davey was quoted as saying the following;

“I think there’s a lot of support for having something that is legally binding, it’s just the extent of what is covered by that, is where the negotiations will be.”

Legally binding? Now, doesn’t that kind of mean the world’s taxpayers will get hit when governments sustainable targets are NOT MET? I’m sure it does. Has anyone heard of the backdoor gas tax? It’s been
talked about.

Ok, so factories and automobiles have been targeted as those mighty greenhouse agents causing higher temperatures. And then there is the three year drought in California that is affecting the rain and snow. But does this theory truly prove that climate change will be here for a long, long time?

Interestingly enough, environmental science is suspiciously lacking in the auto/factory category, because when the dots are all connected we find that one of the largest contributors to CO2 (carbon dioxide) levels in the atmosphere happens to be wildfire smoke!

Hello! Why is this always missing in most of the “climate” studies? More

Ninja Turtles Used To Evict Nevada Ranchers



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Copyright © 2014 by W. R. McAfee, Sr. All Rights Reserved.


UPDATED 4-26-14


“Bundy’s situation was analyzed “legally” and politically for propaganda value before orders were given to the BLM to set this giganticus raticus fornicus in motion. Long-term, there’s mind prep unfolding here similar to the staged city lock-down in Boston and Sandy Hoax.

The BLM was handed a plan.”


Rancher Cliven Bundy maintains Nevada, not the feds, owns the land where his cattle graze. Regardless of a lower federal court’s ruling against him ( and against this Nevada rancher, the BLM raid on his ranch and the killing of his cattle isn’t about fees—it’s about using turtles to put him out of business.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Endangered Species Act (ESA)” are blackjacks—along with the fed’s bait and switch “conservation easements” scam —that are used in tandem by government to either drive ranchers, farmers, and private property owners off their land, or to take control of their land with “model” conservation easements that leave government in charge of what they can or cannot do on a piece of property that might have been in their family for a century; driving its value through the floor in the process.

The feds have also attempted to add the Clean Water Act to their bag of unconstitutional thefts in the past, but the Supreme Court ruled against them twice. The first time in a 5-4 decision against the Corps of Engineers who, citing the Clean Water Act and the EPA’s Migratory Bird Rule as their authority, tried to stop a consortium of Chicago municipalities from using an abandoned sand and gravel pit for a solid waste disposal site by invoking the Commerce Clause that would have given the feds authority over such water; arguing that migratory birds needed the gravel pit water, and that protection of migratory birds was “…a national interest of very nearly the first magnitude…and millions of people spend over a billion dollars annually on recreational pursuits relating to migratory birds.”

The Court didn’t buy it, saying: “…we find nothing approaching a clear statement from Congress it intended the (sic, Clean Water Act) to reach an abandoned sand and gravel pit…to claim federal jurisdiction over ponds and mud flats falling within the “Migratory Bird Rule” would result in significant impingement of the state’s traditional and primary power over land and water use.”

In Rapanos v. United States , John A. Rapanos backfilled a portion of his 54 acres in Michigan prior to development. The nearest body of navigable water was 11 to 20 miles away. Government regulators informed Mr. Rapanos that his “. . .saturated fields were waters of the United States that could not be filled without a permit.”

The Supreme Court ruled against them again.

Now, the feds have ignored these two Supreme Court rulings and are trying to again take control of all waters in the U.S..

The BLM’s turtles—of which there are “only” about 100,00 left —have littered Nevada’s landscape with ranching casualties. Bundy’s ranch and lease—the only one left out of 50 in the area—are teetering at the edge of this bone pile. More

Property Rights At Stake in the Florida Senate

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 The latest threat to property rights, not to mention just bad government policy, is
SB 1576 entitled, “An act relating to springs.”

It is scheduled to be heard in the Senate Committee on Environmental Protection and Conservation Thursday, March 20, at 8 AM. You can see the bill by going to

www.flsenate.gov and inserting the bill number in the search engine.

Many, if not most, Floridians recognize the need to protect water quantity and quality. And, that certainly means protecting Florida’s springs and aquifer. Politicians know this and some want to join the stampede to pass “something” to “protect” springs. But, don’t be fooled…SB 1576 will not do that. Here’s why

SB 1576 needlessly targets septic systems as a significant contributor to nitrogen pollution. More

May 3rd conference on Treasure Island – “The Globalization of California”

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Rosa Koire

Democrats Against UN Agenda 21




In late January, 2014, CSPAN aired a Columbia University School of Journalism panel discussion entitled Journalism After Snowden.  It was re-aired a couple of nights ago and I watched it, spellbound.  Notably, the panel included the editor in chief of The Guardian Newspaper (USA branch) Janine Gibson; the executive editor of the New York Times, Jill Abramson; Cass Sunstein, Obama’s former head of Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs and Harvard Law professor who was recently appointed by the President to an NSA review panel.  
4854113The Guardian-USA was the first newspaper to be contacted by Snowden and broke the story.  Janine Gibson, editor in chief, stated that had the information been given to the Guardian in England it would never have reached the public.  The newspaper’s hard drives were destroyed under pressure from the British government.  If she had not collaborated with the New York Times, said Gibson, the information would have been lost.  
New York Times executive editor Jill Abramson stated in as intense a way as possible that journalists are under threat of prosecution if they publish a story because THE GOVERNMENT HAS CHANGED THE RULES FOR A FREE EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION.   In our free society a journalist had been willing to go to jail to protect the identity of a source.  This dedication to a free press has been a vital part of our republic.  More

“The Globalization of California” conference in LA


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To Register for the West Coast Globalization Conference on January 12th in Los Angeles contact:

American Freedom Alliance office at 310-444-3085

Featured Speakers: 

  • Patrick Wood,
  • Debbie Baccigalupi,
  • Heather Gass,
  • Michael Shaw,
  • Matt Grocott,
  • Mike Munzing

Website with location is: http://www.americanfreedomalliance.org/afaconference-theglobalizationofcalifornia.jsp

The hotel is at the 405 and Sunset Blvd. It will be a good venue

Admission is $60 for the whole day conference


Blaze TV airs “The Agenda” on Oct. 30th



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A note from Rosa Koire (author of “Behind the Green Mask”):

On October 30, at 8:30 p.m. (Eastern Time), “For The Record,” a 60-Minutes-style news program on Blaze TV, will air “The Agenda” a documentary on UN Agenda 21 and regional planning.  This excellent, well-produced program examines the impacts of Smart Growth and regional over-reach on the San Francisco Bay Area, Detroit, and Portland.  I was pleased to be featured in the show and hope that you’ll be able to watch and share it with your fellow activists and friends.

To watch for free, click here.

We are fighting to stop the worst regional plan in the United States here in the San Francisco Bay Area–its impacts will be felt all across the nation.  We believe it will be the template for the rest of the country and have launched a legal challenge to stop it.  Will you help us defeat this UN Agenda 21 plan by making a donation to the legal fund?

Thank you for your commitment to exposing and fighting UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development.  Awareness is the first step in the Resistance.

Thank you,

Rosa Koire, ASA
Executive Director
Post Sustainability Institute

California Bill #1: includes Infrastructure Financing Districts

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new-logo25 Heather Gass


Senate Bill #1 (Steinberg and DeSaulnier)  is one of the most dangerous bills and must be stopped!

Please read this and forward to all your email lists. We need to stop this bill. It has already passed the Senate and is going to Assembly! Call your state Assembly member and ask them to oppose this bill!  Here’s the full text of the bill


Contact Info for Gov. Brown’s office: Ask him to VETO

California Governor Jerry Brown State Capitol, 1st Fl., Sacramento, CA 95814 Fax:(916)558-3160 Tel:(916)445-2841 email: governor@governor.ca.gov

Complete list of all Assembly Members and their contact info here:  Ask them to vote NO



If Steinberg’s SB 1 (Steinberg’s Sustainable Communities Investment Authority) becomes law, what will the cost be to you and each and everyone of us who own private property parcels? I believe this is one of the most dangerous bills and will be the worst abuse of power in California’s history, if the Governor doesn’t Veto this bill.  Danger here is the Democrats may have super majority over the Governor’s Veto Power.  (SB 1 was Steinberg’s SB 1156 last year and the resurrection of Statewide Redevelopment Agencies, but with a new credit card);

SB 1 includes Infrastructure Financing Districts (Senator Lois Wolk SB 33) and Transit Districts (Assemblywoman Ma or other authors).  Are you 1/2 mile from a bus or transit stop?  SB 1 allows high density 1/2 mile from a bus or transit stop:

No blight findings are required to take private property parcels by Eminent Domain, so the State is saying our private property parcels of all kinds belong to them:

Property Tax Increments like Redevelopment Agencies would divert property taxes from within project area boundaries directly into the general fund of the new “Authority”, “Agency”, or government entity that’s created, which means property taxes would not go to the City or County general funds to pay for public services, but would go directly to the new Authority or Agency and away from special districts like fire and police protection, parks, and libraries (schools would be exempt);

Projects would have to comply with Steinberg’s SB 375, which connects land use to AB 32 Global Warming/Climate Change Implementation – (My older neighborhood with large lots does not comply with SB 375, so does that mean my neighborhood is not sustainable and blighted?);

The Governors’s High Speed Rail is protected in this bill;

No Voter Approval to create more debt and to create new project boundaries, which could force residents to continually pay for new projects and improvements:

Only Union workers  are hired, which would eliminate jobs to those who are not union paying members (Only Project Labor Agreements):

Cities, Counties, and Special Districts can create Joint Powers Agreements/Agencies/Authorities (JPA) and elect a Board that would consist of elected officials, who would than appoint a JPA Director.   How many JPA’s do you have in your City and/or County?  Power would be power to a Director/Chair of a new Board, who is not elected by the people:

Doesn’t it appear that this bill would give unknown power to schools, police, fire, libraries, parks, etc. and allow them to borrow money to pay for unfunded pensions and private property parcel owners would be forced to pay for this new debt, but  not be allowed to cast our vote in opposition or support?

Please contact your representative in the State Legislature, including Senator Pro tem Darrell Steinberg and the Governor showing your opposition.  It’s time for tax increment financing to be eliminated or reformed so only those who pay property taxes can vote in support or opposition to an increase of higher property taxes on our property tax bill.


Sustaining treason: Blueprint for restructuring our government


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new-logo25Marti Oakley ©Copyright 2013 All rights reserved


“Why is it, every time the jackasses in the District of Criminals have run some program into the ground, squandered massive amounts of dollars while letting corporations write bills that benefit them and rape and rob the states, they always come out and say; “The system is broken”. “We’ve got to fix the system, it is broken”. It’s an emergency! We have to do something right now! And that is all quickly followed by one phony “crisis” after another as they try to scare the public into believing the “crisis” just magically and mysteriously appeared.”


Recent news reports highlighted the announcement of a proposed restructuring of the United States government (USA.Inc.).  The collusion of privately owned federal corporations that operate under fraud, color of “law”, and fictions of law, are now openly conspiring with other Non-governmental agencies in an effort to by-pass any remaining restrictions on their plundering and theft of the states assets and adherence to UN Agenda 21, Chapter 8  The conversion to a one-world government where the individual governmentnot only will not be able to own anything, but can be found at any time to have violated some or all of the 23 million fictionally created rules, regulations, statutes or codes, issued by government and private corporations against the people, will be expanded.

An overt act of treason against the people of the sovereign states, is underway.  Un-elected bureaucracies,  created for no other reason than to by-pass Constitutional provisions and prohibitions against a centralized all-controlling government have been published in a study called    Sustainability For the Nation: Resource connections and government linkages.  This is a blueprint for finalizing the destruction of our Constitutional Republic, centralizing all power in one branch and totally dis-empowering the people then rendering the Constitution dead once and for all, and structuring the foundations for one world government.

Should the provisions in this study be implemented to any degree, pink slips should be sent to every member of Congress, in both houses, terminating their cushy and highly protected jobs for allowing this to transpire.  This study represents a bold-faced attack on the Constitution, the rule of law and the people of the states.  What this study details is the establishment of a Homeland Security Terrorism type behemoth federal monstrosity which will quickly show itself to be a threat to the nation, just as Homeland Security Terrorism has done.

Remember when we were all fighting back against the National Animal Identification System and subsequently, the fake food safety bill?  I noted at the time that Dick Durbin, IL, pondered the idea of creating one huge behemoth agency akin to HSD:

I find it less than coincidental that Senator Durbin, in his dramatic speech on the floor of the Senate, proposed to Senator Coborn, who objected to S.510, that maybe what was needed was just one big agency to cover everything. Wonder where he came up with that idea? Just a notion; top of his head suggestion.

When those who subscribe to the phony “sustainability” plan describe what they think it entails, always it is some sense of environmental protection, some social equalization or some possible greening up of the planet for the sake of humanity.  The word “sustainability” is another of what we like to call “weasel word swaps”. (think corporate government trade agreements (contracts) as opposed to Constitutionally approved treaties.  Two entirely different concepts one binding and the other simply complied with. More

Wildlands MAP for California


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new-logo25 Heather Gass


The One Bay Area PCAs are tied to this report! This just came out a little over a week ago. This is the information the ABAG/MTC folks were using in their presentation of PCAs the other day.  Several of their maps came from this site.

The SCWildlands organization is responsible for creating the Wildlands MAP for California. This latest pdf is 612 pages and is shows the wildlands corridors for the Bay Area and the missing linkages. This identifies all the private land they will be targeting for taking in the future!

Land owners had better beware! More

California: UN Agenda 21 at work


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new-logo25 By Heather Gass


The One Bay Area PCA meeting was filmed. If you have been in the fight against regionalism you should watch this video. The Williamson Act is being phased out so that conservation easements and multi-level unaccountable bureaucracies can take over land rights.

Watch a small group of citizens ask the tough questions!

The One Bay Area plan has two components;

  1. PDAs (Priority Development Areas) and,
  2. PCAs (Priority Conservation Areas).

The PDAs are the areas within the existing Urban Growth Boundaries where they will be building Stack and Pack housing. All other areas will be targeted for conservation!

Priority Conservation Area (PCA) Meeting, Oakland, Ca, 5/23/2013

The PCAs are the first areas that will be targeted. This meeting was filled with stakeholders, public agencies planners, land trusts, etc. All waiting to make deals.

MTC will be working with the SCC (State Coastal Conservancy) to dole out $10 million of our Tax Payer Transportation funds to UN-elected, UN-accountable groups (like Greenbelt Alliance, Sierra Club) etc. These agencies will then go target private property owners into signing conservation easements. The easement holders will be in control of the land. Not the land owner.

The beneficiary of the carbon credit windfall will be the easement holder (land trusts). These easements will have completely different management plans depending on who holds the easement. The end goal is to form the California Essential Habitat Corridor System, which will create a wildlife corridor system throughout California.

CalTrans and DOT are the fed and state agencies that are also involved. The ONLY way MTC is getting away with spending transportation funds on conservation instead of highways is because they are going to find “Conservation” projects that need some type of transportation related infrastructure and then they can divert funds to these projects.

This is NOTHING about conservation. This is about diverting funds from roads to pet projects with special interest groups

Is this really the America we wanted?


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new-logo25John Boering


In my opinion……

As someone long ago said, “If God wanted us to vote, He would have given us candidates worth voting for”.  I have no idea who might have originally said that, but I have concluded they were absolutely right.  I find dyingfreedom1myself wondering if God is not up in heaven somewhere laughing his holy behind off over the joke that is our political system.  Could be God is just so tired of us!

As a gentleman in the midst of his senior years, I find myself somewhat thankful for my advanced age.  I most likely will not live to see the end results of the traitorous conduct by all factions of the political system and, the absolute ruination of this once great country.  I do not believe my soul could stand it.  I did not serve my country to see her end this way; but end she will if we do not stop the cancer that is [federal government] from eating away at the core of our nation.

Watching the successive efforts by both Democrats and Republicans to deconstruct, to disassemble, to destroy, to bastardize, the very things that made us great, is heartbreaking to watch.  We elected these people in good faith and they have returned that good faith by being the most worthless, greedy and horrible people imaginable.  There is not, in my opinion, even one of the lot them worth another day in office.

What happened to you?

It is astonishing to me to see my own countrymen turning on one another.  It seems these days that all that is necessary to become a traitor to our country, to our communities, is to don a government uniform, or carry a government badge and set about terrorizing and harassing our fellow Americans.  There is no honor in what these men and women do; they have simply become drunk on the unfettered power, the ability to torment, torture, harass and terrorize their fellow citizens.  We can see that they enjoy what they are doing and for most of us the site is enough to sicken even the most hardened among us.

But we, as a country, go even further than this.  More

TS Radio….Guest: Rebecca Campbell–Police surveillance, false flags



mad as hell

Join us April 21st, 2013, at 7:00pm CST! More

Heather Gass: Organizing Agenda 21 resistance in California


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Heather Gass

Make Northern California and the East Bay better!

  • We’re here to help.
    • America is changing and you will have questions
    • We’re here to answer those questions.
  • We need your help
    • We need you to talk to your friends and tell them to look at this website
  • Although we focus on Northern California issues, these restrictions are coming to you where ever you are.
    • Get involved with the good people in your community!

Agenda 21 – The United Nations controlling your property

  • The United Nations Agenda for the 21st Century is a global plan for inventory and control of all resources, private property and humans. Congress, both Democrats and Republicans have endorsed this agenda that will ultimately lead to the eradication of private property rights and the sovereignty of the United States to the United Nations. Read more...

One Bay Area – Bureaucracies overruling your town, city and county

  • In 2008,  SB375 “The Sustainable Communities Strategy Bill” was passed.  This bill mandates that unelected “Councils of Government” and “Transit Authorities” create a regional land use and transportation plan that will if adopted negatively impact your local town, city or county.  Under the slogan, “Save the Planet”, these authorities will take your civil liberties and freedom to live where you want and force future generations to live in subsidized “stack and pack” crowded apartments near bus stops and train stations Read more…

Health Care – Government control of your life

  • The “Affordable Care and Patient Production Act” is law, verified by the Supreme Court, with more enforcement by the IRS each day.  Complex and costly, you already see it’s effects on your paycheck and on the notices that your employer has provided you. You will have your picture taken and your social security number recorded by you doctor and your Medical Records are now being sent to Washington. First, you must understand what it is and then what to do. Read More….

What is happening to your Health Care? More

Granite County Montana residents battle their own county government over implementation of Agenda 21


Abuse of Power Granite County part 1 and 2

A little background to understand as to what’s happening. The man putting the commission on the spot was in essence punished by these commissioners for questioning the process they used to implement district zoning, affecting his property. Basically not in accordance the wishes of the people per the Growth Policy that they voted for in 2006. As a result they SLAPP‘d him and seized his property. See The View From Montana.org for more info.

What is SLAPP?

A strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP) is a lawsuit that is intended to censor, intimidate, and silence critics by burdening them with the cost of a legal defense until they abandon their criticism or opposition.[1]

The typical SLAPP plaintiff does not normally expect to win the lawsuit. The plaintiff’s goals are accomplished if the defendant succumbs to fear, intimidation, mounting legal costs or simple exhaustion and abandons the criticism. A SLAPP may also intimidate others from participating in the debate. A SLAPP is often preceded by a legal threat. The difficulty, of course, is that plaintiffs do not present themselves to the Court admitting that their intent is to censor, intimidate or silence their critics. Hence, the difficulty in drafting SLAPP legislation, and in applying it, is to craft an approach which affords an early termination to invalid abusive suits, without denying a legitimate day in court to valid good faith claims.   More

On the front lines in California: The fight against Agenda 21


 Heather Gass


Here’s a bit of hope for those who are on the front lines here in California.  We may not be able to save our own state, but the rest of the country is watching us and hopefully they will save themselves.

A few weeks ago I was asked to brief a handful of legislators from another state about Agenda21 and what is happening here in California. I won’t mention which one because I don’t want to compromise their efforts to fight this cancer from taking over their own state. They asked me to brief them so that they could be prepared for what might be coming their way. The fact that another state is interested in learning about this issue and how it is being implemented in California gives me hope. They were so blown away by what they heard that they scheduled another briefing. The second briefing was given by me, Sheriff Lopey from Siskiyou and Ken Delfino a City Council member from Colfax.  The briefing was attended by almost 60 state legislators, city and county officials as well as sheriffs.   This gives me hope that our fight here in California will not be in vain. This gives me more reasons to fight to expose Agenda21.

Ken Delfino, City Councilman from Colfax kicked off the briefing. He discussed how he learned about Agenda21 in his community and how he and his fellow Council members refused to go along with the regional communitarian plan being pushed by SACOG (Sacramento Council of Governments).  His town also passed an anti-Agenda21 resolution and continues to oppose it and any other attacks on private property rights and individual liberties. More

The View From Montana: Agenda 21 at work!



Join us Wednesday, November 14th, 2012 at 7:00 CST! More

Rosa Koire “Behind the Green Mask of UN Agenda 21”


     Please join us Monday, October 15th, 2012 at 12:00 CST! More

No debate in the presidential debates


 Marti Oakley


About those scripted presidential debates

Is there anyone out there who is actually anticipating the presidential debates? I am at a loss to find more than a handful of people who even express any interest in the upcoming election. In fact, I ran an in house poll asking people to answer this question, which at this point, 315 people have responded to.

Will you vote in the presidential election?

* Yes, I always vote! 10.48 % (33 votes)

* No, I can’t support any of these candidates. 33.33% (105 votes)

* Yes, I always vote to support my party. 2.54% (8 votes)

* No, I won’t support either of these partys. 37.48 % (118 votes)

* What’s the point? An illegal will probably vote using my identity. 10.16% (32 votes)

* Other 6.03% (19 votes)

I believe my poll is most likely more reflective of the common mind-set. I didn’t ask skewed questions. I didn’t ask only those who are registered in my party (because I don’t have a party affiliation). I just asked anyone who took the time to answer the poll the simple question posed above.

About those debates……. More

Larimer County, CO. Agenda 21 Advocates “Steal” Protestor’s Child


The Common Sense Show

Dave Hodges   DCH    MC    NCC
The Common Sense Show airing on The Republic Broadcasting Network
Sunday’s 9PM-Midnight    Central
Live streamed at http://www.republicbroadcasting.org/index.php?cmd=listenlive
Email: thecommonsenseshow@yahoo.com
Web: http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/
Call in number: 1-800-313-9443

Dave Hodges

September 28, 2012


“…current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work-place air-conditioning, and suburban housing – are not sustainable. A shift is necessary which will require a vast strengthening of the multilateral system, including the United Nations…”

Maurice Strong: Opening speech at the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development

Bad things happen when Agenda 21/ICLEI advocates come to your hometown. Most aware people know that the Agenda 21 advocates are dedicated to the demise of the family and in Larimer County, Colorado, this philosophy is being lived out. Therefore, should it be any surprise that when fully implemented, ICLEI regulations will not only severely limit access to electricity and transportation, deny the common citizenry noninvasive access to beautiful wilderness areas, destroy private business, impose unsustainable tax rates, will arbitrarily seize private property for personal gain, will promote corruption at the highest levels of industry and government, have endorsed and implemented extreme population reduction methods and now ICLEI advocates have added child theft to their list of heinous crimes against humanity which is perpetrated against those who would dare to oppose the fascist, anti-humanity policies.

For the past four years, Stacy Lynne of Larimer County (Ft. Collins), Colorado, through a series of public presentations, has been desperately alerting her community to the Agenda 21/ICLEI form of totalitarianism which has been systematically invading her community for the past 17 years. Now, she finds herself the victim of political retaliation in which her child has been stolen from her for daring to reveal the truth.

As Stacy Lynne began making public presentations regarding the dangers of Agenda/ICLEI, she garnered much public support. For example, Lynne opposed the insane plan of “the greening” of downtown Ft. Collins, CO. in which only “eco friendly cars” would be permitted to park in downtown parking spaces. Local businesses estimated that each parking spot was worth $300,000 per year. This reckless Agenda/ICLEI proposal would have bankrupted several local small business owners. However, Lynne was successful in harnessing community opposition and defeated the proposal. Lynne also fought against her local government’s attempt to only employ Waste Management, a financial contributor to ICLEI, which would have bankrupted two locally owned trash businesses.  Lynne was somewhat successful in defeating this measure as well.

Despite her successes, Lynne was making very powerful enemies including the Colorado “poster child” of Agenda 21/ICLEI, Pat Stryker, whose business interests were intertwined with a group of Agenda 21 engineers, The Brendle Group, as well as Waste Management. This placed Lynne in the crosshairs of Stryker’s ICLEI allies, and they came after Lynne with a vengeance. More

No real debates from “Obomney”


Marti Oakley



No real debates from “Obomney”

How many times are we going to have to hear the pointless arguments about which faction of the one party presidential race is going to create jobs (we know they can’t) or which has a better economic plan (they don’t’) or who has a better foreign policy (who are we going to attack next)?  Not one of these issues is important as not one  addresses the actual concerns of the American public which is being asked to cast their vote for one of two political con artists whose personal agenda, private allegiances and alliances, and political monetary obligations likely has nothing to do with what the country needs.  Either way, the subjugation to the UN, the reducing of the US to third world status and the headlong stampede into fascism as corporations wrench final control of the US government away from the country, will continue as planned.

We are a country in the midst of a nearly complete transformation that will render us anything but a free people.  The US corporation that operates as the federal government in the District of Criminals determined that we, the people, were the greatest enemy they faced.  The false flag attacks on 9/11 were what Dick Cheney and his PNAC conspirators hoped it would be, the New Pearl Harbor…..the needed excuse that would be used to bring to an end, finally, to our Constitution including its bill of rights and to our freedom.

Any hopes that any one might have had that the Obama administration was going to repeal, correct and mend the damage done by the Bush/Cheney crime administration were quickly dashed as Obama showed himself to despise and hate us just as much as the neo-cons did and still do. More

TS Radio: Rosa Koire- Behind the Green Mask of environmentalism


Rosa Koire was unavoidably detained this morning and unable to appear as our guest. She has graciously rescheduled for September 25th, 2012 at 12:00 CST!  Thanks to  the “View From Montana” group who jumped in to save the day! More



Rosa Koire/PPJ contributor

July 29, 2012



As I travel around the country I’m asked the same question: What can we do—is there a chance of winning?

I’m asked this question by women and men, by Republicans and Democrats, by Libertarians and Tea Party members, by young and old, by rural and urban residents. My answer is always the same. We can do a lot and yes, we will win.

Now, that’s a powerful statement and has to be backed up with tactics or it’s just empty rhetoric.

In this gathering today, in addressing you who are in leadership and organizing positions, it’s necessary to discuss strategy. A good idea acted on at the wrong time is wasted. An action with no follow-up is lost. An assertion without a solid grounding in facts destroys credibility.

The shocking truth that we all deal with on a daily basis is that UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is the action plan to inventory and control all resources, both human and natural, all means of production, and all information in the world. Twenty years ago the Agenda for the 21st Century was agreed to by our government and then implemented through executive order in 1993. It hides in plain sight—masquerading as regional plans, climate action plans, as scenic byways, as smart meters, as domestic surveillance, as land trusts, as Outcome Based Education, as sustainable communities strategies, as public/private partnerships, as comprehensive or master or general plans. Because it is a stealth plan we are at a tremendous disadvantage in bringing it to the public’s awareness. We are smeared in the media and in our neighborhoods, called conspiracy theorists, and disregarded. We’re subjected to a disinformation campaign that is Delphi’ing the entire world.

What you and I know is that it takes courage to fight this, and that is against us, too. Because most people are afraid. We live in a culture of fear. Global warming, terrorism, food shortages, economic collapse—these are all part of UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development. More

TS Radio: Rosa Koire on the fight against Agenda 21


Join us Tuesday morning, July 31 at 10:00 CST! More

Richard Rothschild Battles Local Agenda 21



By Cassandra Anderson
July 23. 2012

Richard Rothschild was the first county commissioner to officially oppose the United Nations’ International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), also known as Local Governments for Sustainability.  In fact, Mr. Rothschild won the November 2010 election in Carroll County, Maryland based on his opposition to ICLEI, which is the local UN Agenda 21 Sustainable Development action plan that attacks property and Constitutional rights.

Find out why Rothschild is opposed to Agenda 21 and ICLEI:


DHS Local Emergency Planning Authority: national versus international


Gary Jacobucci/ppj contributor


The following is the report given by Gary Jacobucci to the Elko County Commissioners on July 12, 2012 as an agenda item. The focus of the report is identifying the problem with the DHS Local Emergency planning Committee charter (LEPC); defining the problem; suggestions for solving the problem.

Description of Agenda Item: (need detailed information)

It’s been an interesting experience participating in the Elko County Local Emergency Planning Committee the last three years; an attendance inspired by going through the emergency response experience in the aftermath of the 6.0 earthquake just outside of Wells.

I recently participated in a ‘Shelter in Place’ training that was given by Betsy Morse, the head of training for the Northern Nevada Red Cross. In a phone conversation with her a few days later, I mentioned that the Elko County Local Emergency Planning Committee refuses to discuss the needs of food, power and water in the meetings; saying that the Elko County Commissioners have only chartered LEPC to look at HAZMAT issues.

She hesitated for a few seconds and then blurted out… “THAT’S CRAZY!”

As this pretty much summarized my experience in LEPC the last three years, I said… “Thank you, I thought I was the only one that recognized this.”

The last three years have been an exercise in trying to sort out what LEPC is, who created it, and why won’t they deal with needs other than HAZMAT.

After attending the meetings for three years there, are some things that need sorting out…

1) Food, power and water are not allowed discussion. The reason given is that these do not relate to HAZMAT and yet the DHS runs various exercises through LEPC which are often discussed in the following meeting; urban warfare / special weapons and tactical training where the various members of law enforcement dress in camo-gear, mass-vaccination exercises, school shooting exercises, weapons of mass destruction exercises, etc. More

Utah Garden Challenge for Suckers



By Cassandra Anderson
July 5, 2012

The Utah Department of Agriculture and Food is promoting the Utah Garden Challenge in order to collect information about independent food production for the USDA.

The Utah Garden Challenge is a voluntary contest to register 10,000 gardens.  The data mining project has a broad interest in any “resource” who is growing food:

“Whether you grow a tomato in a pot, a row in a community garden, have backyard gardens, a CSA or working fruit and vegetable farm, we want to hear from you because you are an important resource as a food producer.”

While the contest paints a proud face on independent food production, it is important to remember that registering with the government sets up a system to track, tax, permit or confiscate the registered item.  Gun ownership is a good example of this scheme.

According to a pop-up window on the official website, participants’ gardens will be registered with the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS):

“We need to know how much food is being produced in Utah.  The Census of Agriculture is done every 5 years.  Every agricultural operation in Utah, regardless of size, is vital to this question.  If you produce $1000 of agricultural products, you can influence economic development and decision making by filling out a NASS survey.  We will only share your information with NASS by your permission.  Your response to the census of agriculture is protected by law.  For more information, you can go to http://www.agcensus.gov

In other words, people who produce $1000 or more worth of food have an impact on the food market, and the USDA wants to know about what you are doing in your backyard.  The USDA is notorious for its corrupt partnerships and revolving door business relationships with big commercial agriculture.

Government Crackdowns & Food Control

Food is under attack because if you can grow your own food, have access to water and shelter, then what use do you have for a government master? More

Democrats Against UN Agenda 21


PPJ Note:  While many like to insist that the only people fighting Agenda 21 are Tea Party’iers, the fact is, a massive number of Democrats are opposed to it also.  Agenda 21 is the foundational plan for ending property rights and ownership and for far more than this.  One of the premiere speakers exposing this insidious plan is Rosa Koire.  Rosa authored the book “Behind the Green Mask” and travels across the country speaking in her efforts to expose Agenda 21 for the threat that it is.  So for all you “lefties” out there, here is a place for you to express your disgust over UN Agenda 21. Please visit Democrats Against Agenda 21 for more information including tips on what you can do.


DemocratsAgainstUNAgenda 21.com


UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is implemented worldwide to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all information, and all human beings in the world. INVENTORY AND CONTROL.

Have you wondered where these terms ‘sustainability’ and ‘smart growth’ and ‘high density urban mixed use development’ came from? Doesn’t it seem like about 10 years ago you’d never heard of them and now everything seems to include these concepts? Is that just a coincidence? That every town and county and state and nation in the world would be changing their land use/planning codes and government policies to align themselves with…what?

First, before I get going, I want to say that yes, I know it’s a small world and it takes a village and we’re all one planet etc. I also know that we have a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, and that as cumbersome as that can be sometimes (Donald Rumsfeld said that the Chinese have it easy; they don’t have to ask their people if they agree. And Bush Junior said that it would be great to have a dictator as long as he was the dictator), we have a three branch government and the Bill of Rights, Constitution, and self-determination. This is one of the reasons why people want to come to the US, right? We don’t have Tiananmen Square here, generally speaking (yes, I remember Kent State–not the same, and yes, an outrage.) So I’m not against making certain issues a priority, such as mindful energy use, alternative energy sponsorship, recycling/reuse, and sensitivity to all living creatures.

But then you have UN Agenda 21. What is it? See our videos and radio shows at the bottom of this page (or search YouTube for Rosa Koire) or buy BEHIND THE GREEN MASK: U.N. Agenda 21 by Rosa Koire click here

Considering its policies are woven into all the General Plans of the cities and counties, it’s important for people to know where these policies are coming from. While many people support the United Nations for its peacemaking efforts, hardly anyone knows that they have very specific land use policies that they would like to see implemented in every city, county, state and nation. The specific plan is called United Nations Agenda 21 Sustainable Development, which has its basis in Communitarianism. By now, most Americans have heard of sustainable development but are largely unaware of Agenda 21. More

UN Agenda 21, and who appointed YOU the NEW GODS??


  Miss American/PPJ Contributor



The very ‘humans’ who have gained their immense wealth and power through the centuries from the sweat and toil of others, and who have arranged the world to steal anything they want without lifting a finger, are the same ones who have appointed themselves as the new God’s of the universe.  These carnival barkers actually believe they have the final word on who, and how many humans belong on this planet!!  Of course, we have yet to see any of them step up and volunteer to be an example to the rest of us in their zealotry to demonize “the earth’s human plague”, and actually help reduce the world’s population!!

Any critically thinking person would be looking over their shoulder for the white coats to take us away in straightjackets if WE went around spouting the very same ludicrous nonsense they have come up with.  Global warming has turned into climate change??  Now there’s something you can’t argue with!!  It’s why weather reports were invented!  I suppose that the sky being blue will be the next ‘proof’ that ‘we’ are causing the moon to exit the universe.

The hysterical and rabid environmental ‘Gods’ seem to have been blessed with crystal balls and know exactly how the earth is going to behave, and what the weather will be 75 years from now.   What they’ve done is create a casino where they can take bets on what the temperature will be tomorrow, or on any given day in the year 2062, while they control the temperatures with their chemicals dispersed in the sky and electronic toys (HAARP).

One doesn’t even need to look beneath the surface or read between the lines, to see the gigantic lies, blatant deceptions, and the insanity of it all.  You have to think that trying to pull off this grand scheme, and how voraciously absurd it is, is part of the rush they are thoroughly enjoying, while they madly jerk on their multitude of puppet strings.  The mind drifts easily to the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain, after they’ve led the gullible masses down the green brick road. More

Federal Horse Rustlers & the Agenda 21 Hustle


Debbie Coffey   Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved.


To begin with, the National Association of Conservation Districts (the “mother” of all Conservation Districts) is partnering in a way that promotes IUCN and ICLEI USA, thus pushing Agenda 21, the UN’s action plan that will do away with your private property rights and Constitutional rights.

The Bureau of Land Management’s Wild Horse & Burro Advisory Board meeting (April 2012), was the first meeting including Sec. of Interior Ken Salazar’s new appointee, Callie Hendrickson. Hendrickson has served as an Executive Board member of the National Association of Conservation Districts, and works for the White River and Douglas Creek Conservation District in Colorado.

Several other representatives from state Associations of Conservation Districts were also at this meeting.
They looked like real Americans in their cowboy hats, but the influence they peddled was Agenda 21. Agenda 21 was disguised behind their words about rangeland health and pushing for the removal of, and for the unlimited sale (slaughter) of wild horses.

They were in Reno gambling with your Constitutional rights.

The National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD)
Mr. Chris Freeman was at this meeting representing the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD). NACD is actively partnering with the Forest Service, which is a member of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). On the IUCN website, it states: “IUCN links its Mission to the paramount goals of the international community on environment and sustainable development, in particular Agenda 21…
The objective of Agenda 21 is “communally and collectively owned and managed land.”

Neil Brennan and Gary Moyer, who work with Callie Hendrickson, were at the meeting representing the White River Conservation District in Colorado and pushing for the removal of wild horses. Gary Moyer is also listed as the Colorado Association of Conservation Districts’ representative to the NACD.

NACD publishes a newsletter “Forestry Notes,” funded by the Forest Service that contains stories supporting things like the Sustainable Urban Forestry Coalition, whose membership includes The Nature Conservancy and the International City/County Management Association.  I’m all for more trees in cities, but let’s take a closer look at this.

The Nature Conservancy

The Nature Conservancy (TNC), is also a member of IUCN and participates in and promotes many UN programs, which ALL promote Agenda 21. TNC is a “non-profit” that pulled in over $925 million in just one year (2010 tax form). Their contractors include Tetra Tech, the huge environmental company that prepares Resource Management Plans and Environmental Assessments for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). The public is led to believe that The Nature Conservancy buys land with private money and sets up nature reserves to help the environment. More

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