
Total surveillance: SMART grid, SMART homes, SMART healthcare and a camera on every corner


Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

While many of us wondered why the Federal government and numerous federal corporations operating in fraud, portraying themselves as “public service”, were so insistent on dispensing with anything other than all digital, all the time, we have enough experience to know that the Federal government while possessing the capability to actually do something to benefit the public at large, rarely ever does.  Good ideas quickly go bad as the policies, laws and regulations quickly convert to privileged deals, fictionally created science to facilitate global warming scams, economy killing agreements and special considerations for those extra-special campaign donors called, corporations, which the Supreme Court appears to be courting also. 

Because of long term planning and the stealth implementation of various aspects of most everything the Federal government engages in when attempting to invade privacy, violate civil rights or just plain trash the Constitution, the all digital system was sold to the American public as the best, most wonderful service possible for communications.  Of course it required that analog services be rendered virtually inoperable and it made each of us vulnerable to ongoing and incessant surveillance of various kinds. 

SMART Grid and SMART Healthcare (grid) More

Constitutional Land: Siskiyou County is ground zero


Siskiyou County in Northern California is said to be “ground zero” in the coming attempts to wipe out entire sections of the country as the move to UN Agenda 21 non-human habitat zones are established. Through a system of Federal government agencies and agents, entire communities have been economically devastated as mining, timber and other resources are regulated out of business through arbitrary zoning and land use mangement interference, set in motion specifically to retard economic and community growth. 

This short video shows highlights of the October 22, 2011 rally. 

G. Edward Griffin on Corporations and OWS



G. Edward Griffin explains that corporations are really people who make an agreement to engage in economic enterprise. And that the PEOPLE within corporations should be held accountable for criminal acts.

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