
TS Radio Network: Newly created crypto currencies planned for our future

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Join us live Monday Oct 5th, 2020 at 7:00 pm CST!

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Hosted by Marti Oakley with John Leckrone


On tonight’s show Marti Oakley and John Leckrone will be discussing earths past economic systems as well as the newly created crypto currencies planned for our future. The global economic reset is being talked about by the movers and shakers to include the World Economic forum and politicians around the world to include former Vice President Al Gore. There are many dangers in pursuing this new economic agenda.

Once again Marti and John will be going down the rabbit hole to expose the hidden truth behind this dystopian plan. Join us tonight, Monday the 5th of October, 2020 at 8 p.m. Eastern, 7 p.m. Central, 6 p.m. Mountain or 5 p.m. Pacific time. The below link will also take you to the archive of the show should you miss the show live.

HUGE! Latest Study Finds False Coronavirus Mortality Numbers Have Risen to 29% of Total Reported Deaths in Last 8 Weeks

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Nwo Report

So let’s get this straight – based on the recommendation of doctors Fauci and Birx the US shut down the entire economy based on 9,000 American deaths due entirely to the China coronavirus?

We were first to report that the Director General of the WHO on March 3, 2020 created panic with his highly flawed statement that the coronavirus had a 3.4% mortality rate and he compared this to the seasonal flue estimates of less than 1% mortality.

This statement caused a global panic.  However, we knew this was inaccurate at the time and we wrote about it on March 17, 2020Here is the video of Dr. Ghebreyesus’s remarks.https://www.youtube.com/embed/-kk-DrTCRAY?start=393&feature=oembed

The WHO leader’s coronavirus death rate number of 3.4% was false and we proved this in our post at the time.

The Gateway Pundit reported, that the coronavirus fatality rate reported by the liberal mainstream media was completely inaccurate and the actual rate more typical to a seasonal flu – the media was lying again.

Doctors Fauci and Birx next pushed ridiculous and highly exaggerated mortality rates related to the coronavirus:

** Dr. Tony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx used the Imperial College Model to persuade President Trump to lock down the ENTIRE US ECONOMY.
** The fraudulent model predicted 2.2 million American deaths from the coronavirus pandemic
** The authors of the Imperial College Model shared their findings with the White House Coronavirus task force in early March
** Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx then met with President Trump privately and urged him to shut down the US economy and destroy the record Trump economy based on this model

But the Imperial College model Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx pushed was garbage and they recommended the destruction of the US economy using this completely flawed model.

Today we now have empirical evidence that the WHO, Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx were all wrong.  They were charlatans.  They lied to the American people.


THE-CORPUS-JURIS and the Magna Carta: Learn the difference!!

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Published on Jun 21, 2019



The real face of the European Union, a warning of what the Corpus Juris really is and the implications it has in relation to one’s common law rights and the protections of the Magna Carta… Link to the video: the Real face of the European Union: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZYcj…


Things Finally On The Upswing In Battle Against NWO

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by James Hufferd, PhD, Coordinator

911 Truth Grassroots Organization




“And yet, even if he really is a genuine sleaze-ball, I believe he’s trying his best to preserve and defend some semblance of the country all of us want.”


A number of recent developments have seemed to favor progress for those of us who deplore globalism and its strengthening rule by obscured and now unsheathed lightning bolt from a largely hidden elite with a generally ruinous agenda, and champion instead universal human freedom, benefit, and self-determination.

One such favorable development, of course, concerns the granting on legal grounds of an impaneled federal grand jury to hear and rule on the evidence than an explosive device or devices were used to destroy the three World Trade Center buildings principally affected on 9/11/01. Meddling or deception of some sort very well might be introduced to prevent the truth from emerging therefrom going forward, but at least, we haven’t been derailed on this leg of our quest yet and may not. Hopefully, we have at last encountered the circumstances of fairness and opportunity we’ve sought diligently for so long.

Meanwhile, the French seem to have already had it with aspects of encroaching globalist rule affecting them (as the Brits did in voting down incipient globalism a couple of years ago, though they find themselves still entangled in it), and they have (the French) taken matters entirely into their own hands, choosing to throw the whole thing over, the Belgians following suit close behind. More


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Chuck Frank

As an after thought to my previous article just posted on PPj I found it very necessary to add this next portion  into the mix. Sadly, in these chaotic times, certain government players and mainstream media outlets will use violent events to further a political agenda such as gun control.  So when an event becomes violent and uncontrollable and people are shot, look for the mainstream media to once again trumpet the call for gun control which
is the major goal of certain politico elite’s.  Why do I say this with no reservation?  It is no secret that for America to be disarmed, that this would be the icing on the cake for the New World Order.  This agenda has already taken over Europe and the banner has now been raised up by the tyrannical European Union where not one person that is part of the collection of those countries have a right to vote  for any of the policies that come out of the NWO and the great late state of Brussels, Belgium.

     As a footnote, there are only three countries in the world that protect the right to bear arms in their constitutions.  The U.S., Mexico, and Guatemala.  However, there is a lot of red tape in Mexico and Guatemala to obtain a gun.  So as one can see, there is a huge push to keep the world disarmed to the point that it would be unlikely that the people of any country that had already been disarmed would never be able to remove a dictator or a tyrannical oligarchy from power.  The guns of those governments would rule by suppressing any uprisings that would come from an oppressed or discontented people. When governments have the consent of the people to rule, the people are more likely to have freedom and justice.  Yet, when there is no consent and there is disarmament, the government will rule with force.

History is full of these instances and the answer my friend is blowin’ in the wind…Germany, China and Russia are examples. Should not America and the world take note of these previous atrocities while teachers need to relate these truths  in their classrooms.  By all means it is necessary because the time is now for the people to wake up to what is approaching.  Very recently, on July 22, 2015 the UN called for RFID Chips and Biometrics Tracking of Guns and Ammo but that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

“Is everything a conspiracy?”


(With thanks to Dr. Tony Hall for posing the question)

by James Hufferd, Ph.D.                                                                                                                                                           Coordinator, 911 Truth Grassroots Organization


  With so many abrasive strands apparent these days in the noose now synched around our neck, there is a rule of thumb I believe is true and applies: “If there is a noose around your neck, you can be sure it didn’t get there by itself.”

Recently, I got into what turned out to be an aborted debate online with a fellow named Brandon Smith, a sort of guru or online prophet of a New World Order to be sprung on us in due time. I responded to a warning he posted to that effect, characterizing the NWO as a “full-spectrum destabilization of old world economics and geopolitics.” I answered that the forces, major tendencies, and key players of the NWO are already here, and we have already started experiencing the dream, decidedly for the worse. In very many respects, the NWO is here and now.

His answer to this surprised me. Paraphrasing, he said “No, the New World Order will be incomparably worse than anything we’re experiencing now.”

To which I replied that the insults of the mailed fist could get much worse as the noose tightens (to mix metaphors) – or not. But the authors and the various strands of the wrongs to be endured were already largely set, and the applicable question might be whether a fetus (and I personally perceive we’re at least way past that stage) should be considered human and formative, even if not yet wholly developed.

And, to this, I didn’t get any answer. More

Modern “Progressivism”: The Globalists’ New Inquisition


by James Hufferd, Ph.D.                                                                                                                                                        

Coordinator, 911 Truth Grassroots Organization


To this world’s associated Globalists, NWO, Neocon warriors (with other people always doing the fighting, paying the bills, paying the ultimate price), pan-Middle East Zionist Supremacist iniquitous ubiquitous meddlers: Here’s a proposition for you. To wit: If you would like to legitimize your plan and global enterprise, to get us all on board and knowledgeably behind it, why not just spill it out honestly, ALL of it, so we can all of us either vote it up or down? More


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new-logo25Author, Chuck Frank

Anti-Trump protesters in major cities across America are still reflecting on Hillary’s loss and her grandiose desires and her vision of having more of the same; (i.e. federalized bureaucratic tyranny, destruction, eco-mania, plus the great divide and conquer formula, which also would have still included a United Nations-New World Order (NWO) agenda, plus more unemployment, ruined farmers, the continuance of factory closures while hundreds of FEMA Camps are put into place vs;

President elect, Donald Trump’s vision and plan for a healthier, more prosperous, peaceable, constitutional country and a desire for saving our economy and protecting national sovereignty, that would not be linked to out sourcing millions of American jobs or adding more people on the welfare lines, which in the end, would become a country subservient to big brother and the eco/banking dictatorship of the NWO. Did I forget something? Yes, the dead orchards and the purposeful government agenda of sending billions of gallons of water to the pacific ocean every week.

Donald Trump, in his travels, has promised to end the corruption in Washington D.C. and bring back jobs by renegotiating the international trade deals. And the protesters are up in arms over this? Have they even checked the statistics lately with regard to factory jobs lost? The government job total of those employed exceeds that of factory jobs at 22 million jobs vs. 12 million manufacturing jobs for those employed,

The latest U.S. Bureau of Labor data; here…

Yes, it is sadly true. The government takes care of their own while the mainstream media censors the truth.


Brussels and the French Disconnection


new-logo25Author, Chuck Frank


Think about this……

There is a master plan to take away every piece of liberty and unalienable right of the people which includes private property in every Nation State in the world. Yes, and America is included in this mix.


To better understand where the world is today, here is a historical perspective. Thomas Jefferson warned America of the Belgium Brussels Bankers 200 years ago. Now, let’s connect the dots. Besides creating enormous debt throughout the world, these slave masters of The Eiffel Tower Photo1Brussels, along with the Brussels “European Commission”, are now using the French/Muslim crises to kick start the disarming of private citizens in the entire Euro- Zone. This is the beginning of the not so new master plan which “just happened” to be ready when the right crises came along.

Brussels has but one agenda which is two fold. Create money out of thin air and charge interest thereby building a larger and more powerful elite kingdom, while disarmament then becomes the EU bankers, ace in the hole, disallowing the people’s ability to keep
Brussels and the European Union in check. More



new-logo25  Author, Chuck  Frank


Although,  there were a few UN goals at this September’s General Assembly Summit in New York that struck a lost chord but rang somewhat clear, I still did not hear the “ring” of the “liberty bell.” But that’s all well and good when it comes to globalism and the “good the whole” and especially so when it is no longer important to protect natural rights and individual freedoms.  What is strongly evident here is an international encroachment upon basic human unalienable rights, whereby total control is administered by the nationalistic demigods. Shall we invite North Korea and company to the party with a few other totalitarian states?

At the UN roundup, 196 countries voted in favor of going forward with 17 “major goals” and a UN worldwide agenda, which includes controlling CO2 levels to prevent the earth’s temperatures from rising.  But scientists are NOT addressing the potential of future natural climatic factors that would cause a true warming trend where the sun gets unusually hot. That would very well cloud the CO2 statistics while the people of the world would still be paying trillions in taxes to cool a planet that cannot be cooled whether CO2 levels are targeted or not.

Here’s a recap and more of what went on at the UN gathering. General Assembly President Mogens Lykketoft called the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development “ambitious” in confronting the injustices of poverty, marginalization and discrimination.  “We recognize the need to reduce inequalities and to protect our common home by changing unsustainable patterns of consumption and production. And, we identify the overwhelming need to address the politics of division, corruption and irresponsibility that fuel conflict and hold back development.” More

The World Summit & The Climate Changers

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new-logo25Chuck Frank

Website: lightofthenation.us



The sky is falling while the world is a-buzz with the effects of warming trends and climate change. A little hot air here, and a little CO2 there will bring about the best loan sharks along with the world banking elite who will gladly “lend” their billions and services “at interest” to any nation reeling from the greenhouse effect. But, how many “let it burn” forests do the climate changers need each year to accomplish their warming and trendy goals?

Now then, the world’s political leaders will gather in New York on the 23rd of September for a special summit. U.N. Climate Secretary Ed Davey was quoted as saying the following;

“I think there’s a lot of support for having something that is legally binding, it’s just the extent of what is covered by that, is where the negotiations will be.”

Legally binding? Now, doesn’t that kind of mean the world’s taxpayers will get hit when governments sustainable targets are NOT MET? I’m sure it does. Has anyone heard of the backdoor gas tax? It’s been
talked about.

Ok, so factories and automobiles have been targeted as those mighty greenhouse agents causing higher temperatures. And then there is the three year drought in California that is affecting the rain and snow. But does this theory truly prove that climate change will be here for a long, long time?

Interestingly enough, environmental science is suspiciously lacking in the auto/factory category, because when the dots are all connected we find that one of the largest contributors to CO2 (carbon dioxide) levels in the atmosphere happens to be wildfire smoke!

Hello! Why is this always missing in most of the “climate” studies? More

SMART Meters and the Gobal currency reset


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new-logo25  STOPTHECRIME.net


Lindsey Williams has had an insider connection for several decades . . . . REMOVE YOUR SMART METER FROM YOUR HOME. .

You have been prepared for about the last two to three years to NOT REVOLT or RIOT as financial markets incrementally collapse and conditions deteriorate . . Treason of the highest form is occurring and the dollar is going to be scuttled . . There will be a GLOBAL currency reset and the dollar will no longer be the reserve currency . . .

The smart meters that have been “deployed” on our houses – the electric smart meters have not been what we have been told . . Most people did not think anything about the meters and are not being told the facts by the utilities or the government.  All we were basically told is that the meter reader would not need to come and read the meters anymore and we would save money.

The federal government subsidized the utilities to the tune of billions of dollars to put in all the equipment necessary so that the smart electric meters could read your electric usage. This began two to three years ago and deployment is just about complete in the United States.

The electric meters were not installed for the purpose to read you electric usage. The meters were put on our homes for the purpose of dumbing us down.

The electric smart meters communicate with each other and every night between 3 and 4 AM in the morning they cause sleep disturbances, and create sounds in your ears also between 3 and 4 AM – do you hear pulsing?

Yes – WHY? More

The Pinata Planet Syndrome


Joseph A Olson, PE

The author is a retired engineer and lifelong student of science and history.  He is the researcher and author to over 100 web posted articles on these subjects and co-author of “Slaying the Sky Dragon”.  More of his work is posted at FauxScienceSlayer.com along with extended biography, television news coverage and talk radio interviews.


Thankfully, humanity is emerging from the second Medieval Period.  We are entering Le Renaissance Nouveau as the French would say.  This maturation process will free us from adolescent games, to pursue more thoughtful and productive pastimes.  When I was a child, I thought as a child.  It is time to put away those childish things.

No matter the complexity, there is always an analogy that can make the big into little, the complex into simple.  We are witnessing a tectonic shift in human conscience and organization.  We are now aware that there are those among us who have been playing games for their own evil ends.  The best way to expose the actions of the elite is to compare their games with the games of our youth.

              Playing Pinata Planet

In this game, the elite fashion the globe into a fragile, crepe-paper covered,  paper-mache container full of goodies and dangles it on a string above a blindfolded, dizzy child swinging a stick.  Simple analogies, though useful, need some clarifications.

The dizzy, blindfolded child in this case is a malicious, paternalistic human subset that has tormented the human family for centuries.  Always at war with their neighbors or themselves, this adolescent has been mired in their quest for a seventh century vision of perfection.  The Nouveau Renaissance will remove the blindfold and the dizzy, mad swinging of their religious stick.

Half of the population in this subset are women, subject to the most cruel and insufferable station of any group on this planet.  There is nothing divine about forced marriage, multiple wives or subjugation of the basic human rights to education, employment and property.  For generations these women have suffered from male ordered genital mutilation.  This barbarism against these women, their sisters and their mothers will no longer be passed on to their Renaissance daughters.  The victim of rape will no longer be stoned to death for having a force of attraction that can overcome the purity of their brother’s will power.

The piñata in this case is not the classic party model either.  This goodie stuffed gourd has a mighty stick of its own, but in this case the piñata is also blindfolded and spinning on its string.  The elite are heavily invested war profiteers and a meaningful counter strike would be a ‘game-ender’ and obstruction to the real game, world domination.

The piñata will end the media induced spinning and blindness.  The piñata will free itself from the elitist string and use its stick in a just and righteous way to provide opportunity for all humanity.  The piñata will then burst forth with goodies from this increased knowledge and productivity.      More



John Wallace/Oathkeeper


“Where is the so-called conservative Republican leadership on the issue? There doesn’t seem to be any outrage about the unconstitutional attack on another country or any demand that President Obama obey the Constitution. “

It seems that since the end of World War II, the United States has been in an almost continuous state of war without a formal Declaration of War having been passed by Congress. Our political leaders from both political parties have been using a loophole called the United Nations to circumvent our Constitution and send our young men and women into combat. Our current president, Barack Obama, has taken it a step further in disregarding the constitution by not even consulting with congress before he committed the American military to yet another unconstitutional attack on a foreign country. More

Joe Lieberman, MEK Murder in Iran, and the Mythology of a Righteous Almighty America

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Mark Dankof

Live Link: Mark Danof’s America


“The reason is as morally, theologically, and politically warped as it is transparently clear.  Dispensational premillennial eschatology, trans-national multinationals and central bankers, and black-operational state intelligence agencies, are now inexorably wedded to one another in the coalescence of the components of the New World Order.  The unfolding results are disastrous for both the United States and the planet.

     Nowhere is this unfolding disaster more tragically apparent than in Iran, where the December 20th Newsweek cover story all but concedes the American and Israeli intelligence community’s link to the recent assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists in Tehran, and the concurrent bombings in Diyala and Chabahar provinces in that country.  These recent premeditated murders, along with atrocities past in Iranian Azerbaijan, Khuzestan, and Balochistan, are all chiefly the on-site work of the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK), with occasional assists from the Kurdish PKK and Jundallah organizations.”  Read More here

The Truth Squad Radio Show: Government-Sponsored Eco Terrorism

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Join us Sunday evening at 8 CST on The Truth Squad Radio Show.


The Truth Squad Radio Show with Marti Oakley and Barb Peterson

Date / Time: 9/26/2010

6:00 pm PST

8:00 pm CST

9:00 pm EST

Call-in Number: (917) 388-4520

URL: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/marti-oakley

This week’s special guests are Wally Paul and Alex Heidebreicht of RepublicDefiance.com!


Our topic this Sunday is “Government Sponsored Eco Terror, and how the so-called green movement is being used to control us and implement the Global Mafia’s New World Order Agenda 21 program.

Wally Paul and Alex Heidebreicht host the Republic Defiance Radio Show which airs every Sunday night at 8:00pm Pacific  time. Wally Paul holds a Master’s degree in Education and a doctorate of jurisprudence from the Nashville School of Law. As writers and researchers, both Wally and Alex are dedicated to exposing the New World Order agenda and restoring the Republic our Founding Fathers envisioned.




 Is there news in your area no one is reporting? Want to be a guest?

Give us a call on SKYPE: 320-281-0585 or email us at truthsquadradio@gmail.com



CODEX ALIMENTARIUS: The Elephant in the room they don’t want you to see! Codex isn’t coming…its already here!

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By Barbara H. Peterson

Codex Isn’t Coming, It’s Here!

Why is there so much denial by consumer advocate groups such as the National Health Federation(1) (NHF) about Barry Soetoro implementing the U.S. Codex council via Executive Order(2)? What is it that they don’t want you to see? Just do the research, and you will discover that we have been up to our eyeballs in Codex since 1962 and don’t even know it.

Codex is a subsidiary body of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and the World Health Organization (WHO). Codex develops international food safety and quality standards, such as standards concerning the safety of food additives. Standards set by Codex traditionally served as a minimum floor for less developed countries. The U.S. has participated in Codex since its formation in 1962 and has shared its technical expertise in efforts to aid less developed countries.


We are being lulled into complacency with declarations that Codex isn’t here yet, not to worry, while the elephant in the room is getting bigger all the time. Here is a quote from an article posted on the NHF site:

While the Executive Order is real, it is not imposing Codex rules on the United States. As NHF lobbyist Lee Bechtel correctly points out, “There is no direct policy link between this Council and Codex, or with the way in which the FDA regulates food and food supplements More

The Truth Squad Radio Show with Guest John Ozberkmen

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Join us Sunday evening at 8 CST on The Truth Squad Radio Show.


The Truth Squad Radio Show with Marti Oakley and Barb Peterson

Date / Time: 9/12/2010

6:00 pm PST

8:00 pm CST

9:00 pm EST

Call-in Number: (917) 388-4520

URL: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/marti-oakley

This week’s special guest is John Ozberkmen from the website “The National Expositor”!

John  gives  a chilling look at how law enforcement agencies now seem to be focused on targeting non-criminals.

A recent case in Florida highlights the growing trend: A homeowner is
threatened by gang members outside his home…..he fires a gun to frighten them off…calls police for help…..and is himself, arrested. The gang members are never sought! In South Carolina, sheriff’s departments are demanding lists of individuals who have been prescribed painkillers so they can be targeted and ticketed: a real revenue raiser! John will be  discussing these and other issues this hour on “Truth Squad Radio.”


Is there news in your area no one is reporting? Want to be a guest?

Give us a call on SKYPE: 320-281-0585 or email us at truthsquadradio@gmail.com

German Troops and Martial Law USA

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The following newsbrief is important for America to understand the role of the FOREIGN/UN troops in AMERICA UNDER MARTIAL LAW, including GERMAN. It was made while living 6 months in Germany to explore the role of GERMANY in coming MARTIAL LAW in America, while investigating in 2001. The following information remains important, because this remains their NWO strategy to this day.

Pam Schuffert, radio journalist, reporting from Germany

I have been researching in Germany for 5 months now, and everything indicates rapid training of our troops to work side by side with cooperating foreign troops for the coming conquest of AMERICA UNDER MARTIAL LAW. As I read the European edition of STARS AND STRIPES almost daily, numerous military publications plus European news journals and newspapers, and interviewing actual military here, I am coming to realize the extent that THE AMERICAN PEOPLE HAVE BEEN DECEIVED AND BETRAYED INTO THE HANDS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER BY HER VERY OWN GOVERNMENT AND MILITARY!

One military publication shared about a major operation involving three branches of the US military in which they were learning to work intensely together IN A CONTINGENCY EXERCISE. CONTINGENCY means MARTIAL LAW. Here in Europe, Americans are being rapidly trained through the Balkan crisis to work side by side with Russians, Germans and other foreign troops ALL UNDER THE UN BLUE AND NATO. READ MORE…

The Purpose Behind Engineered Economic Collapse


The Purpose Behind Engineered Economic Collapse

Live Link: Neithercorp

By Giordano Bruno

Neithercorp Press – 08/17/2010      


 “This response often comes from people who make presumptions on economics, rather than actually educating themselves on how the system works. From the outside looking in, the world of finance appears chaotic; a mixture of mathematical and legal standards swirling in a void of mass psychology. Many Americans are either frightened off by the seemingly complicated field of study, or they find it rather boring and not worth their time. This, however, does not stop them from assuming that they know how money works.”


“From now on, depressions will be scientifically created.” — Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh Sr. , 1913

Everyone loves money. Even people like myself who abhor the abuse of money and commerce, who understand the fraudulent nature of the system we live in, still work hard and save so that we might attain a sense of stability within that system. Many people see money as a focal point to their existence. But is it really money that they are after, or is it something else entirely? In truth, money represents ‘security’ in the minds of the masses. Money affords us the ability to survive, and the more of it we have, the safer we all feel. Because we subconsciously associate the extension of our very life with the variable health of the economic structure in which we live, we tend to become unwitting devotees to its continued existence, even if it is corrupt and condemned to failure. We gullibly deny the system or the currency that supports it is doomed to the contrary of all evidence because, even though it has beaten us bloody, we have never known anything else. More

The Truth Squad Radio Show with Marti Oakley and Barb Peterson

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Join us Sunday evening at 8 CST on The Truth Squad Radio Show.


Our guest this week, Cassandra Anderson,is an independent researcher and investigative journalist.  Her work is frequently featured on InfoWars.  Cassandra’s primary focus is on Agenda 21 Sustainable Development which is the overarching blueprint for depopulation and total control through the United Nations.




The Truth Squad Radio Show with Marti Oakley and Barb Peterson

Date / Time: 8/22/2010

6:00 pm PST

8:00 pm CST

9:00 pm EST

Call-in Number: (917) 388-4520

URL: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/marti-oakley

Is there news in your area no one is reporting? Want to be a guest?  

Give us a call on SKYPE: 320-281-0585 or email us at truthsquadradio@gmail.com

How to Corral Sheep

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July 22, 2010

By Barbara H. Peterson

Farm Wars


The Big Experiment: West versus East

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Live Link:  Liberty Defense League

The Big Experiment: West versus East

David McElroy, Political Action, Political Philosophy

By David A. McElroy                      May 17, 2010

The CIA is the banksters’ intelligence agency…the tail wagging the federal dog in covert terror!___________________________________________

We are fast approaching the culmination of the “American Experiment”, and the “Hope and Change” elitists have long been planning for in their Hegelian efforts. They have tested the West against the East, the Carrot against the Stick. The best of both worlds is not what they have in mind for us. Don’t be snowed in a blizzard of smaller distractions….be aware of the big picture!

Changes are happening at breakneck speed now and even professional pundits and other buzzards feeding on the offal streaming from the District of Criminals cannot keep up with the oppressive flood. Multitudes of frightening bills, regulations, appointments, press releases, and court rulings emanating from the stench have motivated millions. Even many Obamatrons are waking from their trances to join TEA party protests.  But be aware that all of this “New World Order” activity was laid out long ago, even as America was being born.

Colonists in America were just starting to chafe under Britain’s king and contemplating their freedom when Adam Weishaupt in Bavaria was organizing lodges of Freemasonry to build a base for the Illuminati. Many colonial leaders, like George Washington, belonged to such lodges in America. Elites used the lodges to meet, discuss, and dispatch their plans across continents under cover of the fraternity‘s largely naïve lower ranks engaged in fellowship and charity.

With the Illuminati came the Age of Enlightenment and the modern scientific method, the quantification of all things studied, the basis of sound experiments. They expected to trump Faith with Reason, religion with science, and the foundations for Darwin, Marx and Engels, was laid.  The Old World was to be pitted against the New World in testing various facets of social engineering…government, economy, infrastructure, industry, and education. Bankers and scientists were fielded, protected, as elitist tools in both worlds. Often they were the sons of the elite, commissioned as the enumerators of things, the tallymen measuring the results of carrots and sticks applied. Quantitative analysis, statistics, is the basis of governing the modern state. More

Are You Ready America? ~ The Illusion of the Sustainable New World Order

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This is only one part of a series……but it should shake you up….maybe make you wake up. 

What do HAARP, Chemtrails, and Global Warming all have in common?


By Barbara H. Peterson

Farm Wars

Chemtrails are bad news. They contain barium and aluminum, which have the potential to destroy ecosystems around the world. But what if this destruction is merely an inevitable and acceptable consequence of a much larger program? A program intended to be part of an all-in-one solution to global control and manipulation?  READ MORE…

Iron Mountain Report: A world army? A loss of sovereingty?

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The Video that started it all – written about in the WALL STREET JOURNAL and the subject of an NBC DATELINE.
This is a 2:40 hour … all » documentary investigating the little known IRON MOUNTAIN REPORT, leaked to the press in 1967. Purports to be a top-secret government plan to bring in the New World Order and the ultimate plans for American citizens.
Declared a hoax, it was later verified by a top Pentagon official as real. The agenda is being carried out right under the noses of the American people. It is all about people control via deception and manipulation.
Deep into Eugenics, birth control and hideous plans for a tyrannical slave state. It is all coming true after OKC and 9-11 with the Patriot Act, Homeland Security and the military police operating in America. Airports first, railroads, then highways, and finally a complete LOCKDOWN under the pretense of “security”. A MUST SEE
the link to part 1 will give you the option to continue on through each consecutive part (1-14).  This video will explain all that is happening to our country and what is to come.

Death of Free Internet is Imminent: Canada Will Be Test Case

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Live Link: The National Expositor

Kevin Parkinson on 22 July, 2008 11:10:21


Reality Check – In the last 15 years or so, as a society we have had access to more information than ever before in modern history because of the Internet. There are approximately 1 billion Internet users in the world and any one of these users can theoretically communicate in real time with any other on the planet.

The Internet has been the greatest technological achievement of the 20th century by far, and has been recognized as such by the global community. The free transfer of information, uncensored, unlimited and untainted, still seems to be a dream when you think about it. Whatever field that is mentioned- education, commerce, government, news, entertainment, politics and countless other areas- have been radically affected by the introduction of the Internet.

And mostly, it’s good news, except when poor judgements are made and people are taken advantage of. Scrutiny and oversight are needed, especially where children are involved. However, when there are potential profits open to a corporation, the needs of society don’t count. More

HR 3200 Institutes a National Human Identification System – NHIS

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By Barbara H. Peterson

Farm Wars

Move over, NAIS, here comes NHIS – a National Human Identification System under the FDA. And you thought a tracking system was just for livestock. Well, you are right. To the ruling oligarchy, we the people are just that – livestock to be herded, tracked, culled, and medicated.

Take a look at the following section of HR 3200. READ MORE…

Democracy; Tool of Enslavement

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by: Alan Adaschik

“Remember, democracy never lasts long.  It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There was never a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.” – John Quincy Adams

Who among us can stand against democracy?  Isn’t it the most ideal form of government?  What better way is there to decide issues?  If a majority of the people want things to be a certain way, isn’t it right and proper that their preferences prevail especially when it affects their lives and how they live?  Surely the smaller number of people should not be allowed to dictate to the larger.  While all of this makes sense and is subscribed to by a majority of Americans, the simple truth of the matter is that such thinking, at best, is naïve and as stated by John Quincy Adams, a recipe for disaster.

Even a cursory analysis of the above kind of thinking reveals its inherent flaws.  For example, if the majority believe that it is okay to own slaves, should an issue of this nature be decided by a poplar vote?  Obviously no!  If the measure carried it would violate an individuals God given right to live free. 

Clearly, it is wrong for the majority to possess the means to infringe upon and take away the rights of others even when they believe it is in their best interest.  More

NSA Supercenters to Store Americans’ Private Data Permanently

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The New American Magazine    


By Thomas R. Eddlem

October 29, 2009 “New American —  The National Security Agency is building huge new storage facilities to store the unconstitutionally gained data on the American people’s telephone calls and Internet traffic permanently, including new buildings in suburban Salt Lake City, Utah, and San Antonio, Texas.

The NSA has been keeping permanent records of all American’s telephone call habits and Internet traffic since shortly after September 11, 2001, according to major news reports, without the constitutionally required warrants from a court. More

The Only Feasible Basis for Arab-Israeli Peace

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skulls_deesBy: Daniel Mandel

Source: Front Page Magazine

September 24, 2009

Time to end the fraud that the ball lies in Israel’s court.

One of the responses I sometimes receive after publishing articles and delivering speeches pouring cold water on the prospects of current diplomatic efforts to achieve an Arab-Israeli peace is: ‘What should Israel/the West be doing instead?’ READ MORE…

From Arbeit Macht Frei to Codex Alimentarius

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The following article excerpt is taken from “The History of the Business with Disease” (the pharmaceutical industry), which is located at the Dr. Rath Foundation website.

I highly recommend reading the whole thing, not just the excerpt. Codex Alimentarius was conceived and developed by the same people who were responsible for conceiving, developing, and implementing the human experiments at Auschwitz.

The video that follows gives an excellent overview of Codex Alimentarius – well worth the watch, although I do not agree with the speaker that the originators of Codex might have had benevolent motivations. There is simply too much evidence to the contrary.

Auschwitz GateFrom “Arbeit macht frei” to “Codex Alimentarius”

Just fifteen years after they were convicted in the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal, Bayer, BASF and Hoechst were again the architects of the next major human rights offences. In 1962, they established the Codex Alimentarius Commission. (Remark made by the Dr. Rath Health Foundation)

This dark period of German history is inextricably bound to one man, Fritz ter Meer:

  • He was a member of the Managing Board of IG Farben from its inception to its dissolution. As the Wartime Manager, he was responsible for IG Auschwitz.
  • In the Nuremberg Tribunal, ter Meer stated: “Forced labor did not inflict any remarkable injury, pain, or suffering on the detainees, particularly since the alternative for these workers would have been death.”
  • In 1948, ter Meer was sentenced by the Nuremberg Tribunal to seven years in prison for plundering and slavery.
  • In 1952, his sentence was commuted, due to the influence of powerful friends.
  • From 1956-1964, he was reinstated as a member of the Managing Board of Bayer AG.
  • In 1962, ter Meer was one of the architects of the “Codex Alimentarius – Commission” and one of the main designers of the schemes that would profit from human suffering. (Remark made by the Dr. Rath Health Foundation)

The deceptive title “Codex Alimentarius” is no accident. It was devised by the same companies and indeed the same individuals, who gave the Auschwitz concentration camp inmates the deceptive slogan “Arbeit mach frei” (“Work makes you free”). (Remark made by the Dr. Rath Health Foundation)

As long as the Nazi infection continues to work its influence and threaten the lives of untold millions, no German has the right to proclaim that the Nazi era is finished.

LINK to full article

Codex Alimentarius




The government plans to force vaccinations, cut off travel and permanently implant an RFID bracelet on your wrist have been exposed.  Oklahoman’s need to sue for impeachment of their legislators.  DO IT NOW!  Everyone else in every state….get moving..start the process wherever these bills have been passed.  17 states have recall provisions.  That’s an option but far too slow. 

Choose to vaccinate with poison, pay $1000 per day fine, or go to jail!

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immunity-final-75Please watch this news clip from Massachusetts about a bill designed to force people to comply with any and all instructions from emergency health care personnel including taking the vaccine, or face a $1000 per day penalty and/or jail time, and check your own state’s laws HERE.  Then read the excellent expose by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. regarding the Thimersol cover-up. READ MORE…

Depopulation by Inoculation


Vaccines BHP By Dave Hodges

The Common Sense Show

(Part 1): Motive and Intent

In September of 2007, I interviewed Dr. Lorraine Day, the former Orthopedic Chief of Staff at San Francisco General Hospital and the wife of retired Congressman Bill Dannemeyer, about the evils of the present medical system. The initial portion of the interview went as expected and was filled with scores of examples of pharmaceutical and medical insurance company greed and abuse which has resulted in the deaths of untold numbers of patients. Then Dr. Day dropped a bombshell when, at the conclusion of the interview, she unabashedly stated that the global elite want to murder 95% of the population. I was shocked and my personal reaction, at the time, was to reject her statement as a gross exaggeration. In April of 2009, I interviewed Dr. Rebecca Carley and medical researcher and author, Patrick Jordan, at the very beginning of the swine flu outbreak and both guests made very similar claims with regard to an intentional depopulation program by the global elite. In this particular instance, Dr. Carley and Mr. Jordan pointed to the, as of yet, undeveloped H1N1 flu vaccine from which they claimed would be the primary catalyst in depopulating world in a classic case of the cure being far worse than the disease. More

HAARP: Depopulation and Melting the Arctic for Fun and Profit


PolarBearMelt the Arctic, extract natural resources, use the media to blast people with pictures of Polar Bears losing their icy homes because of the melting, blame the melting on global warming, place that blame squarely on the backs of we the people and make us pay increased taxes to support government programs to supposedly correct the problem that the NWO thugs are creating, and you have created an ingenious program to rape the planet as well as the people on it before killing them.

Why? He who dies with the most toys wins.

Listen to Leuren Moret talk about HAARP, climate change, and depopulation here:

HAARP Interview with Leuren Moret

Now go here to get the entire Theory of the Leisure Class book online, for free:

The Theory of the Leisure Class by Thorstein Veblen


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by: Olddog at: wethepeople@mchsi.com


In the new and expanded edition of  Professor Michel Chossudovsky’s international bestseller, (The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order) the author outlines the contours of a new World Order which feeds on human poverty and the destruction of the environment, generates social apartheid, encourages ethnic strife, and undermines the rights of women. The result as, his examples from all parts of the world show so convincingly, is a globalization of poverty. More

A Gathering for Freedom and Liberty by John Wallace

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From Campaign for Liberty/Liberty news online

Speech: A Gathering for Freedom and Liberty
06-17-2009 7:31 pm – Wallace
Text of Speech by John Wallace – delivered at the Albany Tea Party’s “March on Albany” Rally, at the State Capitol in Albany, New York on June 16, 2009

I want to thank the members of the Albany Tea Party for giving me the opportunity to say a few words at this great gathering for Freedom and Liberty. Our country’s Founders told us that Governments get their just powers from the consent of the governed and whenever the government becomes destructive of these ends, it is not only the people’s Right, but it is their Sacred Duty to change the government, and that includes the dysfunctional New York State Government.

My fellow citizens, although some foreign countries and terrorists groups do indeed pose serious threats to our country and our state, in 2009 the greatest threats to our freedoms and liberties are not coming from them, but rather, they are coming from within our own country; from our federal government and from our New York State government, because they no longer represent us. That is why we have come here today from all parts of the state, from all walks of life and from all political parties and views: TO RECLAIM OUR FREEDOMS AND LIBERTIES.

The America people, including those of us who live here in New York State, are losing our freedoms and liberties because of corrupt politicians, political correctness, a lack of basic common sense by our leaders, as well as the negative influence of special interest groups who are pushing their questionable agendas upon New Yorkers and the rest of the American people from a hundred different directions at once.

In 1863, Abraham Lincoln, described our nation as “a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. I’m afraid that is no longer true. In 2009, we now have federal government and a New York State government of the special interest groups, by the special interests groups, and for the special interest groups.

To those New York State and federal elected officials who may be listening out there today, “We The People” have some demands to present to you today:

We demand FREEDOM FROM CORRUPT ELECTED OFFICIALS who accept millions of dollars in bribes from Special Interest groups every year. More

The Demoralization of America

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Brainwashing techniques are not unique to the Soviet Union. Compare what is said on this video and in this free PDF download provided by News with Views with our current situation.    READ MORE…


Obama: Trilateral Commission Endgame

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Barack Obama was groomed for the presidency by key members of the Trilateral Commission… The Trilateral Commission has engineered global economic, trade and financial chaos… so that a New World Order can finally and permanently be put into place…

Read more: LINK

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