
“You Are Not Powerless!”



By Ron Ewart, President

National Association of Rural Landowners

and nationally recognized author on freedom and property rights issues.
We are helping to spread freedom and liberty around the globe.
© Copyright Sunday, January 29, 2012 – All Rights Reserved

“Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure… than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.”   Theodore Roosevelt

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In each of us there lies a gland (adrenal) that activates a fight-or-flight response, when we are confronted by danger, provided that is, if a person is cognizant of the danger in the first place.  When danger to our own life or a loved one is thrust upon us, this gland injects a hormone (adrenalin) into the blood stream that almost instantly increases the heart rate and breathing rhythm.  All of our senses become super charged.  In some, this surge of adrenalin triggers instant panic and the person becomes like a deer frozen in the headlights.  In others it prepares them to meet any threat with force and energy many times their normal strength.  Under these conditions, frail little women have been known to lift a car off a victim.

However, many dangers are so subtle they do not signal their presence until it is too late to retreat or charge.  The adrenal gland is never activated.  One of the most onerous of those subtle dangers is the slow rise of government tyranny. 

As an example of not recognizing a danger, many years ago we took a trip to a farm in Nodaway County,Missouri, located in the northwest corner of the state.  We stayed on the farm for about a week.  On one of those days the skies grew dark and ominous.  Strange colors crossed the sky between the dark clouds and the air grew suddenly quiet.  You could feel the electricity almost crackling in the space around you.   More

Google: Enough with the surveillance


Marti Oakley

Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved


Google has announced that as of March 1, 2012, they will have full integration of more than 60 Apps that cover all aspects of Google on the net. Marketing their email service as being more “intuitive” might give some of us the warm fuzzies but too many of us know that intuitive is simply another of those handy-dandy word swaps used to manipulate your thinking about an issue or item. “Intuitive” simply means that Google is surreptitiously scanning and recording your mail which turns out to be “surveillance” and not intuition.

To participate in a poll asking if you will cancel your google accounts conducted by the Washington Post go HERE!

Google is not the only internet service that is using or moving to these applications, but they are by far the most malignant. To deactivate any gmail accounts go HERE!

As it is, we do not use Google search or homepage. We will be shutting down all gmail accounts by the middle of February, 2012.

The intuitiveness that gmail refers to is the scanning of your incoming and outgoing communications to determine what your interests are, where you might be going, where you might be located, what your schedule might be and who all you are communicating with. This information is not only used to direct advertising to you whether you want it or not, (and who does?) but also is recorded and handed over to government spy agencies. Political interests and beliefs, religious interests, social groups you belong to, all of your contacts and of course all those “friends” on Facebook are handed over right along with your personal communications. More