
USDA has no authority to proceed under Title 5: Confidential Information Protection And Statistical Efficiency



Marti Oakley  © 2012 All Rights Reserved


 The agricultural survey sent out to glean voluntary information from unsuspecting small livestock owners and even smaller growers of personal use gardens contains a citation that is meant to imply that not only does USDA have the authority to conduct the survey, but also, that you are compelled to comply.  Relying on Title 5: Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act (CIPSEA) USDA is claiming this survey is compulsory.  Unfortunately for USDA, they do not qualify as a federal agency as the underlying authority they are claiming, Title 7, Agriculture is non-positive code and therefore their very existence is not only unconstitutional, but any edict or supposed “law” regulation or rule coming from them is unenforceable.  As there is no underlying provision in the Constitution for the USDA to even exist, it cannot claim some newer law or proviso as verification of its authority as these provisions and public laws can only be applied to lawfully constructed agencies. 

USC 44 Chapter 35 section 3502 (this section is relied on for assumed authority and is the result of writing EO # 13083 into public law)

3502. Definitions

As used in this chapter – More

The Problem With Patents (Infographic)

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Source: http://frugaldad.com

There’s no question that software and technology represent some of the fastest growing industries today. The internet has fundamentally changed the way we interact, do business, and spend money—without it, Frugaldad wouldn’t exist. That said, I always try and keep abreast of what’s happening in these sectors, and to be aware of how the online and tech industry makes its money.

I recently listened to an episode of This American Life called “When Patents Attack!”. Something that surprised me while listening was that while I think of patents as being mostly for gadgets and the kinds of products you see on infomercials, patents have become a huge factor in the software and online industries, to the tune of billions of dollars.

This infographic discusses some of the facts behind the patent industry and how it’s changed as software, technology, and the internet have developed at an incredible pace. I find the information to say a lot about the state of development and innovation; both how important it can be to everyday life, and the problems it can face on a larger scale. More