
Peaceful Politics


Jan 21, 2012 by

by J.G. Vibes
(Contributing Author)


(NWR) – This article is the beginning of a series where I will point out some of the problems in modern political philosophy and shed light on some possible solutions that can help us reverse the ominous path that our species is walking.  In today’s selection we are going to discuss the brutal nature of republics and democracies, and consider how both are varying forms of slavery, which have clung to the human psyche as remnants from our mundane past.

If the primary goal within a society is to achieve happiness, safety, freedom and peace then we can surely say that there is not a place on earth where this has been accomplished.

Coincidentally, almost every chartable geographical area on the planet is micro managed by organizations who claim responsibility for ensuring the happiness and safety of the people.  These organizations call themselves “governments” and it is fairly obvious by now that they are absolutely horrible at their jobs and are actually responsible for the majority of the world’s suffering.  It doesn’t matter if it’s an open dictatorship, a democracy, a republic, a communist state or a system of mercantilism, they have all failed miserably in creating a free society. More

Mainstream Media To Bully Bloggers Out Of ‘Fair Use’


Jan 28, 2012 by

Mainstream Media To Bully Bloggers Out Of ‘Fair Use’

(NWR) – The Associated Press, The New York Times, The Washington Post, along with 28 other news organizations, are launching a company which hopes to further profit on their news reporting, by seeking to make paying customers out of websites or blogs which reproduce their content, either in full or in part.

The new company will go by the ridiculous name of ‘NewsRight’, to make it better appear to the general public that these mainstream media outlets have some kind of exclusivity over the very flow of human existence of any significance (or as equally likely, insignificance) taking place anywhere in the world.

With technology available to the media organizations which I have  mentioned to clandestinely encode news stories or articles with the writer’s name and date published, NewsRight, will not only know when content under their watchful eye, has been copied and pasted elsewhere on the Internet, but also the privacy infringing details of just who may be viewing it. More

H.R. 3778: More crap from CRAPitol Hill



Marti Oakley     

Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved


In what is clearly another of those actions meant to deceive the public into thinking someone in the District of Criminals is actually trying to accomplish something meaningful, comes this bill regarding raising the debt ceiling.  A cursory read may make you think the intent is to prevent raising the ceiling, thereby preventing an increase in the overall national debt.  We could only hope!  Unfortunately, this bill H.R. 3778, is simply a tactic used to make it appear that (in this particular case) the Republicans are really, really serious about stopping the mindless spending that they themselves have contributed to right along with the Democrats.

Take a closer look.  You’ll see this bill has nothing to do with limiting federal spending.

Washington, D.C. newspaper The Hill is reporting:

“Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.) on Wednesday introduced a bill that would prevent Congress from considering an increase in the debt ceiling unless both the House and Senate have approved a concurrent budget resolution, something the Senate has not done in nearly three years.”

Lamborn said his bill would at least require a budget to be in place before these debt ceiling increases can occur.

“Today I have introduced a bill to stop this madness,” he said on the floor. “The Budget Before Borrowing Act,” H.R. 3778, is a straightforward, no-gimmicks approach to spending money. It very simply says that the nation cannot raise the debt ceiling limit unless the House and the Senate have agreed on a budget resolution.” 

Did you catch the “approach to spending money” comment? More