
How the BLM is ruining America’s public lands

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SOURCE: counterpunch.org

Savagery in the Great Basin

The Bureau of Land Management has spent the pandemic churning out rapacious public land projects at breakneck speed. This includes egregious grazing decisions drastically increasing livestock numbers for powerful ranchers. After complaints, Idaho BLM Director John Ruhs responded that ranching was an essential service.

At the same time, an avalanche of BLM deforestation projects hit. Ely BLM’s Long and Ruby Valley Watershed Restoration EA decision arrived by certified mail, authorizing more grotesque pinyon-juniper carnage and smashed roller-beaten sagebrush across 136,000 acres of public land. That’s 213 square miles laid to waste within a nearly half million-acre landscape, plus blanket tree removal around all springs.

It’s the latest in a dismal series of cookie cutter projects tearing apart the Great Basin. BLM’s 2008 land use plan (the Ely RMP) is based on radical deforestation and sagebrush reduction. At that time, sage-grouse were not the primary excuse for these projects. Hazardous fuels reduction was all the rage. Nowadays, both are knotted together. The RMP has served as a springboard for watershed-by-watershed decimation of native forests and sage communities, and their migratory bird and other wildlife inhabitants across the District’s 12 million acres.

The Modeling Con: Restoration = Plant Community Destruction = Livestock Forage Grass

BLM concocts models of supposed historical plant communities using inputs that ignore actual historical accounts of sagebrush and pinyon-juniper occurrence and characteristics. The models are acronym laden, confusing, and help facilitate destruction of woody plants that ranchers don’t like. Short fire return intervals and sketchy fuels assumptions from the Landfire website are plugged in to the models.

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) has been deeply involved in pushing this dubious forest and sage dooming methodology. Once armed with voodoo vegetation models, BLM claims trees should not be growing where they are found across Nevada’s mountain ranges, because the models predict frequent fires would have kept forests from persisting. BLM also adds in a scheme based on arbitrary “phases” (amounts of canopy cover) to justify clearing away trees. Anything to keep a forest from being a forest. This has long been the playbook for obliterating trees in Nevada.


Katie Fite is a biologist and Public Lands Director with WildLands Defense.

The Rise of the Predator Class: Systemic Elder/Guardianship Abuse by Professional Predators

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By: Don Bowman
Are guardians, professionals in the legal system, and influential people in the political system stealing from wards (elderly and disabled individuals who have been placed in guardianships) and laundering the money through shell companies? Specifically, can shell companies be found by examining the April Lynn Parks court case and/or IKOR? In addition, is there a connection between the two? This document presents raw data about court-appointed guardian Parks and IKOR, an elder services franchise. Criminal wrongdoing in individual guardianship abuse cases is known. The criminal network, that runs from county courts and county Area Agencies on Aging (Adult Protective Services)
to high-level government offices, is not known. Shell companies may be one piece of the puzzle.
Facts About Shell Companies:
A shell corporation is a company with financial assets but no significant business activity.
Shell corporations don’t create products, hire employees, or generate revenue.  Rather, they store money and engage in financial transactions.  Shell corporations can be used for illegal purposes like money laundering or legitimate purposes like storing funds in the early stages of a startup. According to the research group Global Financial Integrity, the U.S. is the second easiest country to create a shell corporation in. Delaware, Nevada, and Wyoming are the most popular states for creating a shell company due to lax incorporation requirements and strict privacy laws.  Storing personal assets in a shell company makes sense for people with a large amount of wealth from investments.
The Panama Papers implicated a number of government officials and public figures in crimes ranging from tax evasion to money laundering. The investigation, which exposed the rogue offshore finance industry, showed that owners of shell companies can hide their identities from United States authorities This constitutes a “significant loophole” in the country’s ability to tackle money laundering and illicit financing. The Panama Papers may offer clues about how money is laundered after it is illegally obtained through guardianship scams.
Facts about Systemic Elder Abuse/Guardianship Abuse:


TS Radio: Abolishing Probate with Steve Miller

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Join us this evening March 26, 2018 at 7:00 pm CST!


BLM Ely District to “zero out” all wild horses on the Caliente Herd Area Complex

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by Debbie Coffey, V.P. & Dir. of Wild Horse Affairs, Wild Horse Freedom Federation
ACTION ALERT! Public comments are due Jan. 5, 2018.
In the BLM’s rush to drive wild horses to extinction, the BLM plans to remove ALL wild horses from the Caliente Herd Area Complex. The BLM claims that the Caliente Herd Area Complex has an estimated population of 1,744 wild horses (including the 2017 foal crop).
The Caliente Herd Complex Area consists of nine herd areas; Applewhite, Blue Nose Peak, Clover Creek, Clover Mountains, Delamar Mountains, Little Mountain, Meadow Valley Mountains, Miller Flat, and Mormon Mountains.
The 30-day public comment period concludes Jan. 5, 2018.

Please be sure to mail or email your written comments to:

Bureau of Land Management Ely District Office
Attention: Ben Noyes, Wild Horse and Burro Specialist
702 N. Industrial Way
Ely, NV 89301

Comments can also be submitted electronically at blm_nv_eydo_caliente_complex_ea@blm.gov.

E-mail messages should include “Caliente Herd Area Complex Wild Horse Gather” in the subject line.


The Perfect Crime Hundreds of millions of dollars legally stolen from wealthy Las Vegas retirees and disabled residents

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All Complaints Against Jared Shafer Dropped No Further Charges Pending – LVMPD

“Your case was concluded and closed last week with no criminal findings.” – Sgt. Troyce Krumme,10/31/2017
“This case has already been processed in criminal court.” – Sgt. Jerome Milton,11/7/2017

INSIDE VEGAS by Steve Miller
November 13, 2017

LAS VEGAS – “Its completely legal in Nevada.”  Those were the words of CBS Sixty Minutes senior producer Bob Anderson in September 2014, after spending the entire summer filming a comprehensive Sixty Minutes segment on guardianship fraud in Las Vegas.

Anderson came to Sin City in response to my November 13, 2013 AmericanMafia INSIDE VEGAS column “The Grave Robbers,” the story of the bilking of the estate of the late Leann Peccole:

Sixty Minutes reportedly followed private guardian Jared E. Shafer around town, took statements from several of his victims, and interviewed Shafer’s former assistant Patience Bristol in the Nevada State Prison. In the meantime, a cadre of CBS attorneys were researching NRS Chapter 159, the Guardianship Laws of Nevada, many authored or sponsored by Jared Shafer  – laws designed with no teeth or criminal penalties.


Get real, John Ruhs


  John Ruhs, BLM Nevada State Director


    Yosemite Sam, Ruhs’ doppelganger

Dadgummit!  After John Ruhs, Nevada’s BLM State Director, said that he wanted to round up 4,000 wild horses in Elko County last summer (supposedly in response to the continued lies blaming wild horses and burros for the “deterioration of drought-stricken rangeland”), we’re noting that many mines that will use billions of gallons of water are now on the verge of expanding in Nevada.

Ruhs recently spoke at the Elko Convention Center, and stated that “We are pretty proud of the fact that this last year we have worked with the Nevada Cattlemen’s Association, the Nevada Department of Agriculture, the Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife Service and NDOW to provide some public opportunities to talk about sage grouse land use amendments and what they mean to the grazing program. A lot of work still needs to be done.”

The BLM ALWAYS works with the Nevada Cattlemen’s Association.  And the National Cattlemen’s Association.  Actually, the BLM works FOR them.  Notice that the focus of talking about sage grouse land use amendments is all about what they mean to the grazing program?

Ruhs also lamented that wild horse and burro issues dominate a large part of the Nevada BLM and Ruhs went on to talk about the difficulties in wild horse management.

Wild horse and burro issues dominate?  Like, bigger than all of the mines and outnumbering all of the livestock?

And talk about difficulties?  How about all those abandoned mines in Nevada, John?

And management?  There is only wild horse and burro “MISmanagement.”

Ruhs then said “We are somewhere in excess of 37,000 horses on the rangeland that is a big priority for us and it’s one of the things that I hope in the new administration that we will see some changes that will finally allow us to get some work done on the ground.”

We hope that the work that Ruhs is referring to getting done “on the ground” will include getting an accurate count of the wild horses and burros, rescinding some livestock overgrazing permits and making sure the extractive industries don’t use every last drop of water.

Why even bother to imply that the BLM “manages” anything, except impending environmental damage from the “multiple uses” that make a buck?  Don’t stash the truth, John.

Threat to wild horses: Public comment needed on Nevada mine that will use over 2 billion gallons of water in 10 years



This map shows the Gold Bar Mine area, the approximate HMA (in solid red) and HA boundaries(in broken red lines), the approximate Mt. Hope Mine Project area and well field, and the approximate combined Gold Bar Mine and Mt. Hope Mine 10′ water drawdown area (in blue).  The 10′ water drawdown (in blue) effects almost the entire Roberts Mountain HMA.  The 1′ water drawdown will effect a much larger area.  (Streams can dry up with as little as a 1′ water drawdown.)
BE SURE TO LOOK AT ALL 8 MAPS AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS ARTICLE.It’s best to write comments in your own words so that the BLM counts each comment as one, instead of counting a thousand similar comments/form letter as only one.  You can read the joint comments submitted by Wild Horse Freedom Federation and The Cloud Foundation below, and a quick summary on pages 5-41 of the DEIS HERE.  Comments are due by April 17, 2017.Some suggested talking points are:

  1. Be sure to ask for the NO ACTION ALTERNATIVE.
  2. The Gold Bar mine project will use over 2 billion gallons of water in 10 years.  The BLM needs to take into consideration past (historic), current and likely future droughts and climate change when deciding if they will approve this DEIS.
  3. The Project will negatively impact the water, forage, safety, and “free-roaming” abilities of the Roberts Mountain wild horse herd on the Roberts Mountain HMA, as well as the nearby wild horse herds on Whistler Mountain and Fish Creek Herd Management Areas.
  4. The BLM is minimizing the area of impact by only indicating the 10′ water drawdown, and not the 5′ or 1′ water drawdown.  The 5′ and 1′ water drawdown will cover a much larger area of land.  A stream can dry up with as little as 1′ of water drawdown.
  5. When the nearby Mt. Hope mine becomes operational, it is proposed that it will use an additional 7,000 gallons per minute for the life of the mine (40-50 years).  Mt. Hope mine will use over 3 1/2 billion gallons of water per year and over 36 billion gallons of water in 10 years.
  6. The BLM refers to the Cyanide Management Plan (1992), (noted in Vol. 1A, 1.4.3) and the Solid Minerals Reclamation Handbook (1992), (noted in Vol. 1A, 1.4.4).  These are 25 years old and outdated.  Ask for updates of this Plan and Handbook for this DEIS.
  7. The area of Gold Bar Mine will be expanded by 40,000 acres or 62.5 square miles, creating more environmental degradation.

The DEIS is available online at HERE.   Interested individuals should address all written comments to Christine Gabriel, Project Manager, using any of the following ways:
Fax: (775) 635-4034

Email:  blm_nv_bmdo_mlfo_gold_bar_project_eis@blm.gov

Mail:  Bureau of Land Management

Mount Lewis Field Office

50 Bastian Road

Battle Mountain, NV 89820

Wild Horse Freedom Federation and The Cloud Foundation submitted these joint comments regarding the BLM’s Gold Bar Mine Project:



TS Radio: Domestic terrorism in Nevada guardianship w/Charles Pascal

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painyJoin us Sunday evening November 13, 2016 at 7:00 pm CST!

10308126_655703157817352_3150440186206186545_n5:00 pm PST … 6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST …8:00 pm EST

Listen Live HERE!

Call in # 917-388-4520

Hosted by Marti Oakley


Charles and Heidi Pascal join us from Nevada to report on the ongoing terrorism by professional guardians, especially the notoriously infamous Jared E. Shafer.  Elderly?  Disabled?  You are a prime target for a predatory guardianship.

Charles:  “My mother in-law was taken across state lines, which makes this a federal crime.  She was taken from Sunrise Senior Living in Playa Vista, California to Las Vegas Nevada where she didn’t want to go.”

The fact we live in California has caused little Jared lots of headaches as he has tried to shut us up.  Little Jared or Jerry, which is what he was called in high school thinks he elevated his status by changing his name from Jerry to Jared.  Different name same creep.

Charles tells the story of the kidnapping of his mother-in-law Marcy Dudeck and the subsequent theft of her estate by Jared Shafer.  He also discusses the ongoing corruption in guardianship cases in Nevada that appears to be unstoppable.  Jared Shafer claims to be the architect of this predatory system.

Here are links to previous reports on Nevada guardianship abuse:






To contact us:  tsrad1@outlook.com



TS Radio: Involuntary Guardianships and the Human Trafficking of America’s Elderly with Rick Black

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painyJoin us Sunday evening October 30th, 2016 at 6:00 pm CST!

dougGraphic courtesy of Doug Franks

4:00 pm PST… 5:00 pm MST … 6:00 pm CST … 7:00 pm EST

Listen Live HERE!

Call in #917-388-4520

Hosted by Marti Oakley


Rick Black joins us from Nevada to talk about the abuse of “wards of the state” across the country.  Targeted for exploitation by professional predators operating through probate tribunals, the trafficking of the elderly “with assets” is non-stop.  Millions upon millions of dollars and property is stolen from victims of the probate system, all of it enabled and facilitated not only by the administrative executives we laughingly call “judges”, but by state agencies and others who should intervene, but don’t.

No one who is said to be incapacitated and needing a guardian should be subject to being stripped of all their natural rights and liberties as guaranteed in the Constitution, yet this is exactly what happens across the country every day.

Join us as we discuss several aspects of this corrupt system of human trafficking for profit.




Day 60 of Dr. Lillie White’s abduction and isolation by professional guardian and attorney Sara Caldwell

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Florida elected leadership, elder protection advocates, Sara Caldwell, Tance Roberts, Sean Bogle, and the media,

dougToday I write with a heavy heart as it marks Day 60 of Dr. Lillie White’s abduction and isolation by professional guardian and attorney Sara Caldwell, her attorney Tance Roberts and the court’s investigative attorney Sean Bogle with the full endorsement of Flagler County FL Judge Margaret Hudson. I have come to anticipate predatory guardian’s actions and have learned how to pressure them. Exposure is often the innocent victim’s only ally. Dr. White had resided at her home at 22 Wellford Lane in Palm Coast, FL.

Sadly after two weeks of working the phone and email full time I have failed to find this 88 year old or any Florida authority who could or would intercede with Sara Caldwell to force her to reveal Lillie’s location to her family.

Democracies normally use a series of checks and balances to insure equal justice for all. Law enforcement investigate, district attorney’s prosecute, judges adjudicate, and juries determine guilt or innocence. However, in adult guardianships a single person, a judge, has sole responsibility for all four components, including immunity. As judges can be easily swayed, official law enforcement is your best ally when professional predatory guardians engage in blatant criminal activities, including human trafficking.

In Florida, I have found every criminal investigative entity defer to the judge’s orders when charges involve a guardian. Every entity, including the leadership, I have contacted have deferred to Judge Hudson to investigate Lillie’s abduction and insure her welfare. Those include:
– 7th District Chief Judge
– 7th District Clerk of Courts
– Florida Supreme Court Administrator of Courts
– Flagler County Sheriff
– Florida Adult Protective Services
– Florida Department of Elder Affairs
– Florida Office of Public and Professional Guardians
– Florida Department of Law Enforcement
– Florida Attorney General

No one should wonder why guardianship abuse in Florida is such a problem. By design the probate judge assumes control and authority over 10 government investigative bodies and all aspects of appointment, authority, and immunity for the actions of a guardian. If they are negligent or willfully engage in corrupt practices their damages go on unimpeded. Families entrapped in an involuntary and abusive guardianship have nowhere to turn but to the judge who is sponsoring it.

Would Judge Hudson, AG Pam Bondi, or Gov. Scott accept having a loved one isolated for 60 days and their estate confiscated with no way to see or speak to them?


Richard W. Black

The Vegas Voice

(804) 564-5330



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new-logo25Author, Chuck Frank

The sovereign states of the West are no more and States Rights are gone. They have been lost to a conniving and corrupt federal bureaucracy that is intent upon filescacoaali_002establishing their own land baron footprint through a maze of un-constitutional and environmental legalism that is meant to isolate western lands for the purpose of controlling people, water, precious minerals, oil and wood products.

And while livelihoods are destroyed, thriving communities become ghost towns and families relocate for the sake of their own survival. But, let’s not forget, it is being done by design, compliments of Washington D.C. which now lords their authority over the western states without listening to the voice of the people. Federal agency “hearings” are but superficial and are a staged formality that is only meant as a sideshow.

Now, let’s just look on the map at the State of Nevada which is right next to California and see how much “sovereignty” is left. The Bundy family and the rest of the other Nevadians know the score. It’s the same game plan that mother Russia and the Soviet Union used on the Ukraine in 1933 when 7 million men, women and children lost their livelihoods and were forced into starvation and died under the tyrannical rule of Joseph Stalin.

Rancher Kevin Borba & Eureka County Commissioners try to pull wool over public’s eyes



 Debbie Coffey, V.P. & Dir. of Wild Horse Affairs, Wild Horse Freedom Federation

CORRECTION:  When this article originally posted, the incorrect information that Kevin Borba owned 330,000 acres was quoted from the Elko Daily Free Press (Thomas Mitchell).  However, according to newly obtained information from the Eureka County Assessor, Kevin Borba owns 1,339.55 acres.  This article has been updated to include this correction. ____________________________________________________

Fish Creek HMA roundup (photo:  Bureau of Land Management)

Fish Creek HMA roundup (photo: Bureau of Land Management)

Rancher Kevin Borba and Eureka County Commissioners filed the appeal with the Interior Board of Land Appeals on Friday, opposing the return of any of the 424 wild horses recently rounded up to the Fish Creek Herd Management Area (HMA) near Eureka, Nevada.

The BLM planned to return 104 mares treated with fertility control (PZP) and 82 studs to the Fish Creek Herd Management Area (HMA) near Eureka on Friday. More

Good Wolves and Other Fables: Part 2

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strip bannernew-logo25W. R. McAfee



The Southwest is the area where Canadian and Mexican wolves mostly likely will meet and crossbreed. According to USFWS documents, the Mexican wolf’s inbreeding contributes to small litter sizes and low pup-survival rates. Cross-breeding with the non-native Canadian wolves would “solve” the Mexican wolf’s gene pool problem. Call it a “nonessential experimental Mexican wolf subspecies.” Or call it what it is—a bigger crossbred “Mexican” gray wolf.

Matt Cronin, a University of Alaska, Fairbanks and research professor of animal genetics, addressed USFWS officials at their Public Hearing Concerning Mexican Wolves in Arizona on December 3, 2013. He told the panel:

“. . . Mexican wolves went through a very large bottleneck. They don’t represent the original population. They came from a small Canis population. Assessing the subspecies is somewhat futile in that respect.

“. . . subspecies, in general, are basically a subjective category. They are not a hard scientifically blank category.

“. . . this phenomenon of naming species and subspecies has been termed by the broad scientific community as inflation, splitting things into groups with the intent of granting conservation, again. The entire scientific community outside of the wildlife is recognizing this. And it’s very important that we realize that subspecies as a scientific category is subjective. It’s not definitive. The scientific community agrees on it.

“ . . . I suggest you use the entire body of science and the recent discrediting of subspecies that have been listed and reconsider the science. . .”

Ninja Turtles Used To Evict Nevada Ranchers



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Copyright © 2014 by W. R. McAfee, Sr. All Rights Reserved.


UPDATED 4-26-14


“Bundy’s situation was analyzed “legally” and politically for propaganda value before orders were given to the BLM to set this giganticus raticus fornicus in motion. Long-term, there’s mind prep unfolding here similar to the staged city lock-down in Boston and Sandy Hoax.

The BLM was handed a plan.”


Rancher Cliven Bundy maintains Nevada, not the feds, owns the land where his cattle graze. Regardless of a lower federal court’s ruling against him ( and against this Nevada rancher, the BLM raid on his ranch and the killing of his cattle isn’t about fees—it’s about using turtles to put him out of business.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Endangered Species Act (ESA)” are blackjacks—along with the fed’s bait and switch “conservation easements” scam —that are used in tandem by government to either drive ranchers, farmers, and private property owners off their land, or to take control of their land with “model” conservation easements that leave government in charge of what they can or cannot do on a piece of property that might have been in their family for a century; driving its value through the floor in the process.

The feds have also attempted to add the Clean Water Act to their bag of unconstitutional thefts in the past, but the Supreme Court ruled against them twice. The first time in a 5-4 decision against the Corps of Engineers who, citing the Clean Water Act and the EPA’s Migratory Bird Rule as their authority, tried to stop a consortium of Chicago municipalities from using an abandoned sand and gravel pit for a solid waste disposal site by invoking the Commerce Clause that would have given the feds authority over such water; arguing that migratory birds needed the gravel pit water, and that protection of migratory birds was “…a national interest of very nearly the first magnitude…and millions of people spend over a billion dollars annually on recreational pursuits relating to migratory birds.”

The Court didn’t buy it, saying: “…we find nothing approaching a clear statement from Congress it intended the (sic, Clean Water Act) to reach an abandoned sand and gravel pit…to claim federal jurisdiction over ponds and mud flats falling within the “Migratory Bird Rule” would result in significant impingement of the state’s traditional and primary power over land and water use.”

In Rapanos v. United States , John A. Rapanos backfilled a portion of his 54 acres in Michigan prior to development. The nearest body of navigable water was 11 to 20 miles away. Government regulators informed Mr. Rapanos that his “. . .saturated fields were waters of the United States that could not be filled without a permit.”

The Supreme Court ruled against them again.

Now, the feds have ignored these two Supreme Court rulings and are trying to again take control of all waters in the U.S..

The BLM’s turtles—of which there are “only” about 100,00 left —have littered Nevada’s landscape with ranching casualties. Bundy’s ranch and lease—the only one left out of 50 in the area—are teetering at the edge of this bone pile. More

Cattle Battle



Funny, they said the same thing about the wild horses……they were harmful to the cattle…..

American v American: How to create a willing government thug


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  Marti Oakley


After the siege of the Bundy Ranch in Nevada, many Americans were asking one pivotal question: How could American’s turn on other American’s as they did in Nevada?

The obvious pleasure the BLM agents took in assembling a large contingency, armed to the teeth against one rancher and his family is disconcerting to most people.  It is the same pleasure the wild horse advocates have seen displayed at the illegal roundups of the wild horses as they are chased by helicopters and run to exhaustion into the traps.  The displays of pleasure are not only visible, but audible.

After the Stanford University experiment August 14 to 20,1971 by a team of researchers led by psychology professor Philip Zimbardo, it became readily apparent how government agency aggressors were created. More

Why the wild horses and the Bundy’s have to go….


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new-logo25Marti Oakley

Note:  This information was submitted to PPJ by Louie (the poster).  It shows clearly why the wild horses and the ranchers were eradicated in Nevada.  Bundy, the last holdout in the Gold Butte area of Clark County, Nevada, is holding up big plans made by “Dirty Harry” Reid (D) NV, his son Rory Reid, and his former staffer who now heads up the BLM.  This BLM generated list documents the theft and plunder of the land of the state of Nevada so that a few individuals and their associated corporations could rip & ship everything possible.

And you said good-bye to the wild horses for this………………….

NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act)

National NEPA Register Page *click here if you have problems loading this page*

Second Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Gold Rock Mine Project, White Pine County, NV
27 Ely 03/28/14
Notice of Temporary Closure on Public Lands in the Gold Butte, Mormom Mesa, and Bunderville Flats Areas in the Northeastern Portion of Clark County, NV
26 SNDO 03/27/14
Notice of Public Meetings: Northeastern Great Basin Resource Advisory Council, Nevada
25 Elko 03/26/14
Notice of Public Meetings: Sierra Front-Northwestern Great Basin Resource Advisory Council, Nevada
24 Elko 03/24/14
Notice of Availability of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Long Canyon Mine Project, Elko County, NV
23 Elko 03/21/14
Notice Seeking Public Interest for Solar Energy Development on Public Lands in the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone in Clark County, NV
22 SNDO 03/17/14
Notice of Availability of the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Arturo Mine Project, Elko County, NV
21 Elko 03/14/14
Notice of Public Meetings: Mojave-Southern Great Basin Resource Advisory Council, Nevada
20 SNDO 03/03/14
Notice of Availability of the Record of Decision for the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact tatement and the Proposed Resource Management Plan Amendment for the Silver State Solar South Project, Clark County, NV
19 SNDO 02/21/14
Final Supplementary Rules for Public Land in Water Canyon, Humboldt County, NV
18 WDO 02/18/14
Notice of Realty Action: Classification for Lease and/or Subsequent Conveyance for Recreation and Public Purposes of Public Land for a Park in Moapa, Clark County, NV
17 SNDO 02/18/14
Notice of Public Meeting: Resource Advisory Councils, NV (Correction)
16 NSO 01/31/14
Notice of Realty Action: Competitive Sale of 12 Parcels of Public Land in Clark County, NV
15 SNDO 01/29/14
Notice of Realty Action: Classification for Lease and/or Subsequent Conveyance for Recreation and Public Purposes of Public Land for a Park and Ride Facility (N-90846) in Clark County, NV
14 SNDO 01/21/14
Notice to Extend Mineral Segregation for the Searchlight Wind Energy Project, Clark County, NV
13 SNDO 01/17/14
Notice of Realty Action: Modified Competitive Sale (N–86209) of Public Land in Lincoln County, NV
(Correction) 12 Ely 01/16/14
Notice of Realty Action: Modified Competitive Salel (N-86209) of Public Land in Lincoln County (Medlin)
11 Ely 01/07/14
Notice of Public Meeting: Resource Advisory Councils, NV
10 NSO 01/03/14
Notice of Intent to Prepare an EIS for the Gemfield Mine Project, Esmeralda County, NV
9 BMDO 12/24/13
Notice of Availability Final EIS for the Proposed Pan Mine Project, White Pine County, NV
8 Ely 11/22/13
Notice of Availability of the Record of Decision and Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Ruby Pipeline Project in Oregon, Nevada, Utah, and Wyoming
7 NSO 11/21/13
Filing of Plats of Survey; NV
6 NSO 11/20/13
New Dates for Close of Public Comment and Protest Periods Due to Federal Government Shutdown (NOA FSEIS/Proposed RMP Silver State Solar, NOA DEIS 3 Bars Ecosystem, NOA FEIS/Proposed RMP Winnemucca) 5 WO 11/12/13
Notice of Availability of the Nevada and Northeastern California Greater Sage-Grouse Draft Land Use Plan Amendments and Draft Environmental Impact Statement
4 NSO 11/01/13
Notice of Realty Action: Modified Competitive Sealed-Bid Sale of Public Land at Schoolhouse Butte (N-85116) Humboldt County, NV (Correction)
3 WDO 10/30/13
Notice of Proposed Withdrawal Extension, Sacramento Pass Recreation Area; Nevada
2 Ely 10/29/13
Notice of Realty Action: Classification and Segregation for Conveyance for Recreation and Public Purposes; Partial Termination of Recreation and Public Purposes Classification of Public Lands in Storey County, Nevada
1 CCDO 10/25/13

Bundy Ranch – What You’re Not Being Told


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The video previously up here was found to have several discrepancy’s in it and was removed.

Protesters arrive to back Bundy in Nevada


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Marti Oakley   © copyright 2014 All rights reserved


“It appears the BLM had big plans for just how they were going to put Bundy out of business via cattle rustling and by presenting a military style assault on the ranch and its occupants.  As of this morning, Saturday, April 12th, 2014, the BLM said it would not steal any more of Bundy’s cattle. “


As hundreds of protesters from around the country arrived in Nevada to back the Clovin Bundy ranch, the BLM rethought its military stance and is packing up its AR-15’s, its military helicopters and snipers, and heading for the safety of Las Vegas.  The gambling odds in Vegas provide a better percentage of wins than the growing protest at the ranch.

The BLM claimed Bundy had not practiced beneficial use of the land and water in numerous court battles.  For this to be true, Bundy’s cattle would  have been doing little grazing or drinking water on public lands.

If it is true that his cattle did graze and drink, then the charge of failing to meet beneficial use guidelines turns out to be fraudulent.

Bundy stopped paying grazing fees in 1992 when BLM failed to meet its contractual obligation regarding water and land improvements.  Bundy did make the improvements with his own money.

(United States Revised Statutes section 2339, 2340: *234)When one has complied with the local laws for the appropriation of water, and has constructed upon vacant public lands of the United States the works for diversion of the water, he thereby acquires a vested and an accrued right within the meaning of said section the rights thus acquired are superior to the rights of a subsequent entryman [**1018] upon said lands. 

This means that Bundy had established vested water and land rights that trumped any subsequent federal land and water grabs using statute, code and internal mandates.

20 years later on a ranch far, far away in Nevada

The BLM first appeared at the Bundy ranch right after 1.27 million in fracking leases were handed out:

This document from the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology(1) shows significant exploratory drilling being conducted in precisely the same area where the Bundy family has been running cattle since the 1870′s. The “Gold Butte” area is indicated on the lower right corner of the document (see below), and it clearly shows numerous exploratory drilling operations have been conducted there.

What’s also clear is that oil has been found in nearby areas and possibly even within the Gold Butte area itself. (Natural News)


From ShaleReporter.com:

U.S. Bureau of Land Management geologist Lorenzo Trimble tells the Las Vegas Review-Journal the Elko County oil and gas leases sold Tuesday for $1.27 million to six different companies. The auction took place in Reno. The leases are near where Houston-based Noble Energy Inc. wants to drill for oil and natural gas on 40,000 acres of public and private land near the town of Wells. The Review-Journal reports the project would be the first in Nevada to use hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, to extract oil and gas from shale deposits. More

Nevada’s Waco: BLM more violent than the FBI?


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new-logo25Marti Oakley        © copyright 2014 All rights reserved


As “troops” are assembled against one lone rancher, the assault on private property rights and 1st Amendment rights are being ratcheted up at the Bundy Ranch in Nevada.


 From Ben Swann:

UPDATE: Strike teams of 15-20 agents are attempting to take the cattle and often in the process killing and burying the cattle in the desert. A group of roughly 100 peaceful protestors attempted to stop them and got in front of a convoy of agents in an attempt to call in the local sheriff as they perceived this as an illegal action. BLM agents began violently attacking the protestors, throwing women to the ground with a number of men being tazed. Agents ended up retreating after their initial attack. Protestors are awaiting and anticipating a more forceful response and requesting assistance from all freedom fighters/lovers in the SW U.S. and nationwide.”


Across the country, but most especially in the Western states, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has revealed itself to be nothing more than an uncontrollable and direct threat to the sovereignty and economic stability of the states. At issue currently, is the massive militarized preparation for the assault on the Clive Bundy ranch in Nevada, orchestrated by the BLM.

Having already illegally seized 277 of the Bundy’s 900 head of cattle, the BLM with the cooperation of so-called “professional cowboys” and with the willful blindness of Nevada’s governor, state representatives and senators, the Bundy’s stand prepared to defend themselves, their land and property rights, even to the point of death. The BLM has indicated it is more than willing to oblige the Bundy’s, setting an example to other ranchers or property rights activists that the BLM will do what it pleases and no one will stop them.

This is what the BLM and its agents are doing to other Americans.  Regardless of your  position on the Wild horse & Burro’s, or your position on cattle operations, your focus here should be the violent assault on a private property owner by agents employed by a federal corporation that routinely violates property rights, and rights of the individual to benefit the federal government.  If this man loses this battle, if we do not support him in his efforts to protect what is rightfully his, we all lose!

As the preparations by the BLM and its thugs continues, the level of testosterone oozing from every pore of agents dressed in military gear, flying military style helicopters overhead and brandishing weaponry and personal gear more suited for a military conflict, is literally dripping off the mesquite. Nothing is quite as invigorating as being part of a military style operation against one lone individual, knowing that that individual has little or no defense against the assault you are about to launch against them. And, also knowing that regardless of how unwarranted, illegal or heinous your actions are, you will never be held accountable. More

TS Radio: Siskiyou County Liberty & Property Rights Event

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Join us this evening as Ramona Hage Morrison from Nevada and Danny Martinez, from Arizona join us to discuss solutions for attacks on property rights. More


1 Comment

strip banner The Gov of Nevada has set up a hotline asking whether or not he should veto a proposed gun control bill….he has opened it up to out of state callers since it would impact everyone…

Mayor Bloomberg has asked his minions to call in supporting the legislation

we need to call in opposing it

775-684-5670 press #2 to ask for the veto…

it takes 15 seconds…

just make the call !! Please Share (seriousy, less than 15 second call — just press #2 and you’re done)

Fracked in Elko County, Nevada


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Gary  Jacobucci, Wells P&Z



Fracked in  Elko County

The open  communications forum on fracking hosted by the Bureau of Land Management at the  Red Lion March 14th proved to be a love fest between the BLM and  Nobel Energy.

Gary Johnson, the BLM Deputy State Director for Minerals, was there to tell us how  much money had beenbig-bucks-control brought in from fracking operations nationwide and to assure  us that the BLM was going to monitor surface disturbances. Jeff Schwarz was  there from Nobel Gas was there to tell us that we didn’t need to be concerned  about the contamination of our ground water and could go back to sleep. 

Schwarz  presented a list of chemicals they were going to be using in their hydraulic  fracturing operations along with a listing of how these chemicals were already  used in other household products; implying that because they are already in use,  that putting them into our drinking water was OK. Schwarz made reference to the  FracFocus website, saying that there was transparency in what chemicals they  were going to be using.

But when  asked if he could assure Elko County that BTEX compounds, and known carcinogens,  like known carcinogens were not going to be use in the drilling process,  Schwatz hesitantly responded yes, but quickly added that there are proprietary  chemicals that will be used. Proprietary, meaning secret.

This lack  of disclosure of what chemicals are actually going to be injected underground is  known as the Halliburton loophole and makes the listing of chemicals on the  FracFocus website both deceptive and meaningless. The Halliburton loophole  refers to the Halliburton legal team finding a loophole in the Safe Drinking  Water Act that exempts fracking operations from having to disclose what  chemicals they are injecting underground. More

Attending the Nevada Caucus


Gary Jacobucci/ PPJ Contributor


Before attending our precinct caucus on Saturday, I reflected on what had changed since we last met four years earlier. There were several things that came to mind. One was the further outsourcing of our decision making to foreign authority. This was emphasized when the war was expanded into Libya and the executive branch effectively turned our military over to the direction of NATO.

Another reflection of this was the Federal Reserve finally complying to the first time ever audit that Ron Paul and a couple of other Congressman were able to get placed on the banker bailout agreement.

It turned out to be a partial audit, but even this revealed that the privately owned Federal Reserve has created 16 trillion dollars that Congress and the American people were not aware of. This money was laundered through multinational banks and corporations and used for who know what end?

I mentioned this at our caucus meeting. A youngish looking highway patrolman was in the room with his wife and said he agreed with what I said, but he was speaking for Mitt Romney because he believed in a strong military and mentioned that his son would soon be entering the armed forces. He also believed that Romney success in business would give him the knowledge needed to turn the economy around. More

Comments to BLM on SNWA’s Nevada Water Grab


Debbie Coffey (c)copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

“8)  Glaringly omitted in this DEIS was the “NEED” for this GDP.  The “necessity” was not discribed.  Perhaps this water, which will be taken from farmers and ranchers, is to be used for Las Vegas’ many golf courses, fountains and new development projects, and Henderson’s need for watering grass in city parks, etc. “____________________________

The Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) wants the rights to pump billions of gallons of water annually from rural central Nevada and Utah toLas Vegas.  This will be catastrophic for farmers and ranchers in central Nevada and Utah.  SNWA would drain the groundwater below the existing vegetation of about 19,000 square miles (about the size of Vermont). More

Is the U.N. stealing control of our water (and Republic) right out from under us?


Debbie Coffey  Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved.

PPJ Investigative Reporter/Journalist


 “IWRM is the (planning) process which promotes the co-ordinated development and management of water, land and related resources, in order to maximize the resultant economic and social welfare in an equitable manner without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems.”


At water rights hearings at the Nevada Department of Water Resources, farmers and ranchers of Eureka, Nevada seem to be caught between a rock and a hard place.  Several articles have been written about their plight (links below).

But it seems like something “bigger” is happening.  It is, and it’s probably happening to you, too.

After the most recent hearing, I saw a flyer on a bulletin board in the hallway.  On it, the American Water Resources Association (AWRA) described a conference about Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM).  The flyer linked IWRM to the Global Water Partnership and the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg.  

Does this sound as “American” as apple pie to you?  Or does it sound multi-national and make you wonder how this might relate not only to our water rights, but to our constitutional rights here in the U.S.A.?   

The conference aims were to explore IWRM in detail from both “US and international perspectives” and ask questions like “Can the USA implement IWRM?” and “How can IWRM best be implemented?” 

However, the bigger question should be, do you want your property (and our United States) to be governed by  international laws?


On the AWRA website, it states “Participants in the national collaboration process spearheaded by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers defined IWRM in this manner: ‘IWRM aims to develop and manage water, land, and related resources, while considering multiple viewpoints of how water should be managed (i.e. planned, designed and constructed, managed, evaluated, and regulated). It is a goal-directed process for controlling the development and use of river, lake, ocean, wetland, and other water assets in ways that integrate and balance stakeholder interests, objectives, and desired outcomes across levels of governance and water sectors for the sustainable use of the earth’s resources’.” 

So, it’s also about managing the land and “related resources?”  Does this mean ALL land and ALL resources?  And who exactly will be offering the “multiple viewpoints” that IWRM aims to consider while CONTROLLING the development and use of river, lake, ocean, wetland and other water assets?  Who are the stakeholders?  Does the “stakeholder” group include PROPERTY OWNERS?  What exactly are the “desired outcomes” of earth’s resources and who is desiring these outcomes? 

Whatever it is, IWRM wants everybody to do it:  The American Water Resources Association calls on policy makers, planners and managers at national, tribal, interstate, state and local levels to encourage collaborations, policies, programs and plans that embrace Integrated Water Resources Management.” More

Wells, Nevada..A slice of life in our neck of the woods


 Gary Jacobucci / Guest Author 


This is a repsonse from a reader in Nevada who watches what is happening there and records his observations.  This letter was in response to the article: “Treasured Landscapes…An Act….to steal land from the states”. 


Re: ‘Treasured Landscapes: An Act…to steal land from the states’

As for the BLM… I live in rural NE Nevada – an area whose economy is anchored in ranching and mining. 

I sit on the Wells, Nevada planning and zoning committee and also represent Wells on the Elko County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC). Wells has a population of around 1,400. 

In the Wells P&Z, once a year we look out within a 30-miles circle surrounding us – called the ‘sphere of influence’ – on how we will impact the area and how it will impact us going into the future.

Economically, the housing bubble came and went without affecting us much here and people wondered when we were ever going to be affected by the economic boom taking place the rest of the country. 

That began to change a couple of years ago when gold was discovered in the Pequop Mountain Range 20 miles to our East and various exploratory companies began drilling to find that the mountain was one of the richest deposits of gold ever found in the U.S.. 

The primary companies doing the exploration were Frontier on the east and AuEx on the west side of the mountain. Frontier made a deal to buy the AuEx and recently sold their holdings to Newmont Gold. Frontier, like Barrack Gold – the largest gold mining corporation in the world – presents itself as a Canadian company. 

A few years back I heard someone say in a radio interview that Newmont Gold was owned by the Crown. I emailed him and asked him what his source of that statement was and he said that is what they told him when he took the executive tour.

Newmont and Barrack do the lion’s share of the gold mining in Nevada and own the entirety of the Carlin Gold Trend reserves.

In doing a search on Barrack, I found the corporation went to Canada, and that corporation – like Newmont – was owned by a parent corporation in South America – and that corporation was held by another entity called Crown Holdings

An insight into the crown is provided in this short (3:38) video…

‘World Economic Super Power’

“Contrary to popular belief, the Crown is not the Royal Family or the British Monarch – the Crown is the private City State of London. It has a council of 12 members who rule the corporation under a mayor called the Lord Mayor. The Lord Mayor and his 12-member council serve as proxies or representatives to sit in for 13 of the world’s wealthiest, most powerful banking families…”  More

Cruel Horse Tripping DOES Happen in Nevada


(The News As We See It) by R.T. Fitch ~ Author/Director of HfH Advisory Council


Warning: this video displays cruelty that will offend most if not everyone who views it


While the likes of Dave Duquette and Sue Wallis waved their out-of-state banners and declared that Horse Tripping does not exist in Nevada the cruel and inhumane practice was occurring right under their upturned, pig-like noses. More

Nevada SB 412 to make felons out of natural health practitioners


Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved


 “This bill, just as in  North Carolina and other states is the implementation of Codex Alimentarius guidelines criminalizing anything other than Codex approved healthcare.  And if the Codex committees hate anything more than natural health therapies, vitamins and supplements, we don’t know what it would be.  We do know they just love the Republican’s right now.”


Here’s another piece of the steamroller being perpetrated by those God-fearing, bible quoting, God is moving on my heart, Republican’s.   Another state under siege by Republican legislators as they do their part in the nationwide assault on natural healthcare practices and implement a backdoor Codex Alimentarius. 

“Dirty Harry” Reid(D) did his part by passing the fake food safety bill with one “unanimous” vote,  on the Federal level, accomplished with every Democrat and Republican Senator other than himself voluntarily exiting the Senate chamber before the vote.   That bill included the query of “How and whether to implement Codex Alimentarius”. 

Well, now we know how they will do it.

Not quite successful in handing our right to choose the healthcare of our choice over to international interests including Codex Alimentarius, “Dirty Harry” is now stepping aside in this assault on our rights and handing the next assault over to Republican’s who are happily complying.   (And you thought there were two political party’s!)

In virtually every state simultaneously, are bills criminalizing anything but state sanctioned and approved healthcare choices, brought to you by the Republican party with a few stray Democrats thrown in.  (Have to make it appear “bi-partisan, you know)

Of course, this bill in Nevada is a mirror of the bills in other states and requires “registering, licensing and FEES”.  These are not only revenue raisers, but this one establishes a committee to oversee the practitioners of natural therapies, manned by …you guessed it…. a Board of Complementary and Integrative Medicines; the same people who will hand you prescriptions for toxic medications that can kill you.  The same people who perform needless surgeries or just plain mess up thousands of them and who are held blameless for their missteps. 

 This bill, just as in  North Carolina and other states is the establishment of Codex Alimentarius guidelines criminalizing anything other than Codex approved healthcare.  And if the Codex committees hate anything more than natural health therapies, vitamins and supplements, we don’t know what it would be.  We do know they just love the Republican’s right now.

The bill does one other very important thing; it controls who can access the healthcare market, very successfully ending competition for anyone other than big medical campaign donors…like the AMA and local doctors who resent the competition.  More

Wild Horse Education.Org is Born


RT Fitch/Straight from the Horse’s Heart

Update from Wild Horse Education

Laura Leigh Launches New Wild Horse Endeavor

Today is the launch of www.WildHorseEducation.org  More

The BLM’s big “fire sale” of our land


 Debbie Coffey (c)copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved


 A Six-Point Plan to Avert a Global Crisis” and the 2010 National Geographic’s special issue cover story was “WATER: Our Thirsty World.”   Would it be too much to hope that Dept. of Interior Secretary Ken Salazar or BLM Director Bob Abbey might have read these and consider water issues?  (Oh wait a sec, the Gulf Oil Spill happened under their watchful eyes.)  Or that as leaders of U.S. land management agencies, they’d be concerned with vanishing supplies of uncontaminated water? 


The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is selling YOUR land right out from under you.  Concurrently, the BLM is blitzing the media with PR spin to justify removing all of our publicly owned wild horses off of our public lands.  If you want to see what has really been happening to our wild horses at recent roundups, go to http://blog.grassrootshorse.com/

Do you know how many acres of your public lands are being sold off in each state?  This is a policy being pushed by your President, your Congress, Ken Salazar (Secretary of the Dept. of the Interior) and Bob Abbey (BLM Director).  Your state and local governments have their hands out to receive part of the profits.  Your “public agencies” (like the Department of the Interior and the Bureau of Land Management) are actually corporations and their priority is to make money. 

Each BLM office is required to have quarterly “lease sales” of your public lands.  The BLM is making their money off of you and the remains of your United States of America. 

To keep this simple, we’ll just look at one state’s lease/sales of our public lands to oil and gas companies.

Wyoming, as it turns out, is going gung ho on oil and gas “leasing.”  The BLM calls giving the use of our public lands to extractive industries for as little as $2 an acre a “lease sale.”  These are 10 year leases and they can be renewed.  Oil and gas companies can ask for certain parcels of public property to be leased. 

However, unless you’ve ever heard of an oil pipeline being ripped out after it was installed, I’d call this a “permanent” use of our public lands.   An oil or gas (or mining) company will extract all of the oil/gas/ore.  They often contaminate water, land and air.  They use a LOT of our water from aquifers in their extracting process.  More

“Welfare” Ranching is the Great BLM Lie

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(In My Most Outraged Opinion) by R.T. Fitch ~ Author/Director of HfH Advisory Council

Live link:  Straight from the Horse’s Heart

Giant BLM Bovine Mowing Machine ~ photo by Terry Fitch

During the final days of the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) “scorched earth” wild horse eradication program on Northern Nevada’s public lands private cattle were being quickly herded onto the same range that native, wild horses were cruelly removed from just hours before.

On Thursday, Feb 25th, one day prior to the abrupt cessation of the BLM’s assault upon the Antelope Complex’s wild horses, my wife Terry, Laura Leigh and I had left the mean wild horse trap site in an effort to locate a cell signal suitable to call in, as journalists, to the disappointing press conference by the BLM’s Director, Bob Abbey.  As we raced across the HMA we crested a bluff only to run smack dab into one of the biggest cattle driving operation any of us had ever witnessed.  Only a few short days before we had stopped on this very same road to shoot photos of distant wild horses living out their lives on their rightful land only to find those same horses being rapidly replaced by environmentally damaging private cattle, while the roundup was STILL going on. More

AFTERWORD for “The Bone Trail” by Nell Walton



Debbie Coffey     Copyright  2011         All Rights Reserved.


“If indeed the pumping is draining the bedrock in the Cortez mountains, that means many springs and creeks are at risk and that their computer model was fatally flawed.  Of course this would be inconvenient information for Cortez so it is no surprise that they aren’t looking for the answers.” 


Mount Tenabo, is a sacred mountain for the Western Shoshone people.  It is located within the territory of the Western Shoshone Nation in Nevada, about  20 miles south and a little west of the city of Crescent Valley, NV. 

The Shoshone consider Mount Tenabo a source of power and life, and it is central in their stories of creation and world renewal.  The Shoshone use the top of the mountain for prayer and meditation, and they gather medicinal and food plants from the mountain.  These plants also feed the wildlife.  

In June, 2010, the Te-Moak tribe of the Shoshone, along with co-plaintiffs the Western Shoshone Defense Project (WSDP) and Great Basin Mine Watch, lost a legal battle that was waged for several years to stop the Department of Barrick Gold Mines

Interior, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and Barrick Gold (a Canadian mining company based in Toronto) from expanding Barrick’s Cortez Gold Mine at Mount Tenabo.   More

Chinese government money is buying one of U.S.A.’s biggest mines


Debbie Coffey Copyright 2010     All Rights Reserved


This small group of our farmers and ranchers didn’t sell out for money offered.  They’re standing strong.  They use words like “community” and “our future” when talking about this issue.  If you’d like to support them:

Attend a meeting on Dec. 9 and 10, 2010 (9 a.m. – 4 p.m.) at Nevada Dept. of Water Resources, 901 S. Stewart Street, room #2002, Carson City, NV 89701

“It’s ironic that this mining deal involves the words hope and liberty, because what this really represents is that we are losing both for our country.  You can see it on the faces of the farmers and ranchers at this meeting.” More

Nevada Wild Horse Court Case Still Alive and Kicking

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Live link:  Straight from the horses heart


Press Release from Grass Roots Horse

Seeking a court order to stop the already underway Silver King, Nevada wild horse roundup, at least until the court can hear the case, Laura Leigh filed an amended motion for a Temporary Restraining Order today, October 1, 2010 in Reno, NV. More

BLM Director Bob Abbey & making exposure to radioactive uranium contamination sound “friendly”


By Debbie Coffey   Copyright 2010       All Rights Reserved.


“Bob Abbey, for his efforts, was promoted in 2009 and became the national Director of the BLM.  The issue regarding Abbey firing a whistleblower was not raised during his confirmation hearing.  Then, Secretary Ken Salazar also named Abbey interim Director of the Minerals Management Service, “the scandal-ridden agency responsible for the oversight of offshore drilling,” to oversee the cleanup of BP’s Gulf oil spill. “___________________________________

Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, who has been called “the godfather of Nevada’s casino-real estate-development nexus and hard rock mining,” nominated Bob Abbey to be the Director of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

What did Bob Abbey do before he became Director of the BLM? 

Well for one thing, as the Nevada State Director of the BLM, Bob Abbey illegally fired Earle Dixon in 2004 for whistleblowing about radioactive uranium contamination from a mine in Nevada.

Earle Dixon, a mine hydrogeology specialist, was the Project Manager overseeing the cleanup of the Yerington Mine at the edge of Yerington in western Nevada.  The Anaconda Copper Co. had mined and processed copper ore at this 3,500 acre site for more than 25 years.  The site was bought by a subsidiary of BP (British Petroleum): ARCO (formerly called Atlantic Richfield).  The cleanup included contaminated groundwater, metal-contaminated mine tailings and radioactive evaporation ponds.   Dixon was trying to protect the health and safety of the cleanup workers and local residents, as well as make sure that the mine cleanup complied with the Toxic Substances Control Act, the Clean Water Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act, and other laws.  Bob Abbey wrote a letter firing Dixon because he “alienated many of the groups that we, as an agency responsible for managing public lands, need to deal with in accomplishing our mission in an efficient and effective manner.”  More

Senator Harry Reid is working hard – but for whom?


By Debbie Coffey 

Copyright 2010   All Rights Reserved. 

“Scientists warned that as the Great Basin’s groundwater is drained, desert springs and seeps will dry up, farms and ranches will wither away, and plants and wildlife will die off.  The aquifer, which took millennia to fill, will run out.”


If you read the article “The Mining of Our Aquifers” you may have wondered how the Mining Law of 1872 could be the most current law to regulate the mining industry and its disastrous effects on our aquifers and land. 

According to the article “Harry Reid, Gold Member: Is our Senator in bed with America’s worst polluter?” by Josh Harkinson, “Reid has been instrumental in blocking efforts to reform the archaic General Mining Law of 1872, a legal blank check that has allowed miners to take an estimated $408 billion worth of gold and other hard rock minerals from public lands without paying a single cent in royalties – ever.  More

Nevada Judge Refuses to Hear Contempt Charges Against BLM

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Live Link:  The Cloud Foundation

For Immediate Release
Nevada Judge Refuses to Hear Contempt Charges Against BLM
Advocates want transparency, full public access and their First Amendment rights upheld 
Reno NV (July 29, 2010)—Tuesday Judge Hicks refused to hear Laura Leigh’s motion for contempt against the BLM who denied her access to view the Owyhee/Tuscarora roundup that ended July 20th.  Earlier, on July 16, 2010, the court ruled to honor Leigh’s First Amendment rights, emphasizing her right to view the roundup in Elko Country, northeastern Nevada. 
“If the court refuses to listen to new arguments, then Secretary Salazar’s rogue agency—the BLM—is literally accountable to no one,” states Leigh, Director of Herd Watch, a Cloud Foundation program. More




By Debbie Coffey       Copyright 2010   All Rights Reserved.

“Meanwhile, the Department of Interior’s Bureau of Land Management is rounding up our wild horses with a vengeance because there’s “not enough water for them to drink.”  (A horse only drinks about 10-15 gallons of water a day.)  It seems that DOI Secretary Ken Salazar has spent all of his time envisioning the “new direction” with his Wild Horse and Burro Initiative, which will take our wild horses off their federally protected lands and use taxpayer money to put them on preserves.”


Just one mine in Nevada (Barrick Gold’s Goldstrike Mine) has pumped over 383 BILLION gallons of water from an aquifer.  (and that was a 2005 statistic, so it’s much more than that by now)  According to a New York Times article by Kirk Johnson, nearly 10 million gallons of water a day is draining away from the driest state in the nation. More

Comments? We don’t need no stinkin’ comments! “King” Salazar doesn’t really care what you think



Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved

A big Stinkfly award goes to Ken Salazar!

Ken Salazar, quite possibly one of the most insidious characters to occupy an appointed federal office since maybe, Donald Rumsfeld, has just topped his own high measure of malfeasance.  Heading up what has become notorious for being one of the most grossly mismanaged agencies of the federal government, the Department of the Interior (DoI), Salazar has set into motion some of the worst plans and policies ever implemented by the DoI.  Among these policies is the eradication and zeroing out of herds of wild horses and burros all supposedly protected under the 1976 Wild Horse & Burro act. 

Its unfortunate that the 1971 Act contained no provisions allowing for the protection of the herds from the BLM, itself.  The BLM represents the most formidable threat not only to the wild herds, but also to the environment and biodiversity as well.  More

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