
10 Reasons Why Rick Perry and Michelle Bachmann Suck


Frank Veracity/PPJ Contributor

                                Who do these people work for??

(Author’s note: I am aware that this is an incomplete list, but I had to narrow it down to 10 points-please add to the list in the comments section)

Rick Perry:

• Perry mandated compulsory Gardasil vaccines for 6th grade girls, which was overturned by the state legislature (2007).

• As the Agriculture Commissioner of Texas, Perry ushered genetically engineered (GE) crops into the state. He used dirty tricks to defeat the former Commissioner, Jim Hightower, who instituted the organic farmers certification program and would have required GE food labeling.

• He is a supporter of the Texas Trans Corridor, the Agenda 21 NAFTA superhighway from Mexico to Canada designed to erase borders and sovereignty.

• Public buildings, schools, nursing homes, ports, mass transit, etc can be auctioned off for sweetheart private corporate leases under Perry’s regime. Reminds me of the successful austerity program in Greece.

• Perry supports illegal immigration and entitlements for illegal aliens.


Michelle Bachmann: More

Happy Memorial Day! From your Uncle… Sam


Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved


Enjoy your holiday everyone!  Take time to remember those who gave their lives and/or service in defense of your liberty.  

Those who fill the rows in Arlington National Cemetery and those who have been buried near their homes gave all they had to make sure you remained free.  Many suffer from lifelong disabilities as a result of their service in honor of your freedom.  To honor them and their sacrifices we, in the federal government, lovingly referred to as “Uncle Sam” have done everything we could to sustain the Constitution and your civil liberties and freedom.  More

79 Senators vote to trash the Constitution: The “War of Terror” on the US grows


Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved


Had the intent of the Patriot Act actually been to fight terrorism, the federal government would have had to turn its efforts inward and waged “war” on itself.  


If you haven’t received the memo yet, let me update you on your status as it pertains to the Constitution and your civil liberties; you have neither.  Today, 79 Senators who snickered as they swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, voted to render you guilty in advance, with no chance of proving your innocence.  The unlawful data mining and collection, the compilation of dossiers on virtually every person in the US, the unwarranted wire-tapping, the rifling through personal records of all kinds for no other reason than to collect information to be used at a later date if the government decides to prosecute you for whatever reasons, was extended.   More

Judical corruption: why are they immune from prosecution?


D. Ceived (c)copyright 2011


“This means they can lie, cheat and steal when functioning in their capacity as a judge and you cannot hold them accountable for their actions.  This, the courts have ruled, is necessary to insure an independent judiciary.”


Anyone who has taken the time and exerted the energy to read the Constitution and then compares that document to the conduct of the Federal Government quickly realizes that most of what the government does today is outside the powers granted to it by the Constitution.  The question is, what can be done about it?

Many talk about a political solution, asserting that the wrong people are elected to office and that the solution lies in electing the right people to office.  However, this solution is overly simplistic and in denial of some of the basic characteristics of human nature. 

Why should we believe that a different set of elected legislators would react or behave any differently when subjected to the same temptations and pressures of elected office? 

Being subject to temptations of the flesh, there are few among us who have not stepped beyond the bounds of accepted standards of morality and would thereby have compromised our integrity in the eyes of the general public.  Fear of this exposure coupled with rewards of monetary gain or increased positions of power become the proverbial carrot and stick used to control politicians and bend them to the will of those who would control the conduct of government and frustrate the will of the people.  Precious few politicians are allowed to rise to significant positions of power unless they have been compromised and have demonstrated a willingness to submit to demands.

Those who framed our Constitution were aware of the fact of human frailty and created mechanisms to compensate for and correct the unavoidable consequences of that frailty.  That mechanism is called the rule of law and due process of law.  The Constitution, being the highest law of the land, the organic law of this nation, takes precedence over all statutes, codes and regulations.   More

The US Congress: “misbranded and adulterated”


Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved


                                                     S.3767 (or is it S.3669? Has the number changed   yet again?)

In reading this “companion bill” to S.510, one has to wonder: 

Isn’t this Rosa Delauro’s HR 875 come to life?  Fines imprisonment and all?

Does this mean the FDA is actually going to force the labeling of genetically modified contaminated foods? 

Would not the inclusion of substantially altered food products, alterations which were so diverse a patent was issued on them…..wouldn’t these qualify as misbranded and adulterated if the label does not specify what genetic alterations had been made and how much of the product on the shelf was made up of unnatural food-like creations?

Would the selling of cloned meats also qualify for misbranded and adulterated if the label does not state the product is the result of cloning? That the meat does not come from natural processes?

Will labels on meat and dairy products now state that they contain the residuals from antibiotics, vaccines and hormones? What about the labels on grain products?  Will the labels now list the level of residual herbicides and pesticides present in the finished food-like product?

Will labels now include the information that eating genetically altered food could harm your health and that independent studies have shown damage to internal organs, fertility and DNA may result from consuming genetically altered food-like products?

Will gene slicing between plants and animals now be indicated on labels?  Will we know, for example, if the strawberry’s that look so appetizing are really just strawberry’s, or, are they a combination of strawberry and swine? Will the label now read “Pigberry’s”?  I’d like to know! More

S.510: The Making of America’s own “holodomor”


Marti Oakley w/ Paul Griepentrog  (c)copyright 2010


“A formal rebuttal was filed regarding FDA’s claim of intrastate authority on the Federal Register, wherein the FDA sought to gain authority for rulemaking and thereby having commenced an action.   Having failed to respond, the FDA is therefore in default pursuant to Federal Rule 36 and has acquiesced by silence to the fact that it has no authority over    intrastate  trade.”


Honorable Senators;?

The proposed bill S 510 leaves much to be desired in its application from a judicial aspect.  It voids due process of law and equal protection under the law by allowing the administrator to have only a “reason to believe” to initiate a takings against a food producer in the form of a recall.  These same applications conspicuously do not apply to corporate producers.  In the case of the individual, it is a clear abrogation of rights perpetrated by a political body which seems intent on depriving the people of their rights. 

We find it difficult to believe that you, as Senators, would not be aware of the fact that you are intentionally abrogating the rights of individuals and are actively promoting the idea that prohibiting access to the courts and subjecting individuals to police state provisions, intended only to make it impossible for family and independent producers to remain in agriculture, would somehow be lawful. We find it disgusting that you would, using the jingosims of “food safety and food security”, hand the control of food production and supply over to corporations and international interests who are interested only in profits and how to control profits even if it destroys clean, safe food. 

These bills effectively convert the right to produce and share food that has been enjoyed since agrarian societies emerged, into a criminal activity. If what you are contemplating can only be accomplished by violating the rights of the people….whose interests are you really serving?  More

Too stupid to be allowed to vote?



 Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved 


Sometimes it is mind numbing to consider just how gullible and easily duped we can be.   Are we really just going to change the center stage actors and  believe that by doing so we will affect change? Or, that anything will actually change? Are we that stupid?  Is there really anyone out there who honestly believes that electing Republicans will change anything at all?_____________________________________


The last ten years have seen the most overt assaults on the constitution, our civil liberties and our right to be left alone by government.  In 2000, with a new president enthroned by the Supreme Court rather than by election, the faction of congress which calls itself [Republican] began the dismantling of our sovereignty and our constitution, in earnest.  By 2006, compassionate conservatism, a true oxymoron, had done as much damage as it could and over the next few years, the torch was passed to the other faction, the [Democrats]. Either way we got the same thing, the establishment of multi-national corporations as government, with congress simply acting as the facilitator for corporate takeover.    

2008 saw Democrats take control of both houses of congress and election of a new president.  And didn’t we all give a sigh of relief?  Didn’t most of us who had been waiting to exhale after eight years of near dictatorial rule by the Bush Administration, the absolute corruption of power and the open hostility of government towards the people, suddenly feel as if some burden had been lifted from us?  That somehow all the egregious assaults on America, perpetrated by its own government, would somehow be righted?  That our instinctive fear of this grossly expanding government that was intruding steadily into our lives, that viewed us as the enemy, would be subdued by voting into office anyone but more Republicans?  Didn’t we believe the Democrats would save the day?  More

Could Obama Be America’s First Defacto President?

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Op-Ed by:  Ross Wolf   

To hear Obama proposing Indefinite Prolonged Detention without evidence, you may access the video-sound tape at the following two web addresses:

Innocent Americans increasingly are sent to prison based on false evidence manufactured by police forensic crime labs. Now President Obama wants the power to incarcerate U.S. Citizens not on evidence, but for what they might do.

Compare: Two days after the 1933 burning of Germany’s Parliament Building, blamed on communists, Hitler responded with a powerful speech before Parliament. Hitler asked Parliament to suspend sections of the Reich Constitution that protected Citizens’ Rights and Civil Liberties. Hitler said the suspension was necessary so government could protect the homeland from being destroyed by communists. Hitler promised Parliament the Constitution would later be restored. After Parliament passed Hitler’s Discriminatory Decrees and Hitler signed it February 28, 1933, Hitler immediately used the news laws to abolished Parliament. See Hitler’s 1933 Discriminatory Laws below: More

The rise of corporate federal agencies and the assumption of power


Marti Oakley (c)Copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved


“As with USDA and FDA, this presumption will target farms, small businesses and independents and drive them out of business while blithely ignoring the real cause of any threat of greenhouse gasses by multi-national corporate contractors who openly engage these corporate federal agencies and buy their way through the system.”


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is now using the same propaganda protocol as the USDA and FDA along with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and claiming a “presumption of authority”.  The idea here is to put the presumption claim into the public consciousness as “fact”.  That which is not rebutted, even if it is a fiction, stands as (fact) in the eyes of the law. 

When dealing with any presumptions of authority by any state or federal agency, look to the law that was the catalyst for either creating the agency, or directing its actions.  Neither state nor federal agency is allowed to act outside of the legislative intent.  And, even if they are acting within legislative intent, that intent cannot abrogate or violate your rights. To do so makes the creating law itself void on its inception.  More

Tell the Senate to restrain executive power

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Bill of Rights Defense Committee

Tell the Senate to restrain executive power


Next month, the U.S. Senate will begin hearings to examine, and potentially confirm, the nomination of Solicitor General Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. The nomination has raised concerns among some observers about whether the nominee will enforce appropriate limits on executive power, given that she has served in the Executive Branch under two administrations. More

Obama and the Global Police: More Friendly Fascism?

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The Rutherford Institute

contact: www.rutherford.org

Obama and the Global Police: More Friendly Fascism?

by John W. Whitehead
Recently by John W. Whitehead: America Under Barack Obama

 “The essence of Government is power; and power, lodged as it must be in human hands, will ever be liable to abuse.” ~ James Madison

Over the course of his first year in office, Barack Obama has shown himself to be a skillful and savvy politician, saying the things Americans want to hear while stealthily and inexorably moving forward the government’s agenda of centralized power. For example, in one breath, Obama pays lip service to the need for greater transparency in government, while in another; he issues an executive order that will result in even more government secrecy.

 He is aided in this Machiavellian mindset by a trusting populace inclined to take him at his word and a mainstream media seemingly loath to criticize him or scrutinize his actions too closely. A perfect example of this is the media’s relative lack of scrutiny over Obama’s recent transformation of Executive Order (EO) 12425 from a document that constitutionally limits the International Criminal Police Organization’s (Interpol) activities domestically to one that establishes it as an autonomous police agency within the U.S. READ MORE

Controlled opposition: How the private dairy industry is being coached to self destruct

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By: Marti Oakley (c)Copyright 2009 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

“In my considered opinion: Anyone telling you to sit down and shut up; anyone telling you they are “negotiating” your God-given right to conduct a lawful business: anyone using access to funds as leverage in an effort to control your response to these assaults, should be carefully considered.  You need to be asking yourself; “Who are these people really working for?”

A recent email I received from a gentleman in Wisconsin spoke of having to choose his alliances carefully.  Seems he had been admonished by someone in a group he was part of, to steer clear of other groups who might have the same goals in mind, but a different methodology of getting there.  Those who differed with his groups’ methodology should be avoided at all costs!  My new correspondent was taking this advice into consideration as he also considered the fact the person giving it was holding the purse strings on the account used to pay the lobbyist who supposedly was working on behalf of the group he belongs to. 

During this back and forth I was asked what I thought of selecting only a few individuals to go in front of the December 17th meeting on the two pending dietary licensing bills in Madison: SB115 AND AB440   as opposed to mobilizing a state wide effort and showing up en masse to confront the DATCP board so intent on stripping away their rights. 

My response was: More