
Vaccination: What’s Trust Got to Do With It?



Analysis by Barbara Loe Fisher

Story at-a-glance

  • The orchestrated actions by governments around the world to restrict or eliminate civil liberties in response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been unprecedented, and has had profound effects on the global economy and on the physical, mental and emotional health of billions of people
  • By mid-September 2020, the U.S. had recorded over 7 million cases and 198,000 deaths, with an estimated 598 deaths per million people — a higher death rate per million people than Sweden, where health officials refused to order masking or to lock down the country and allowed the population to acquire natural herd immunity
  • According to the World Health Organization, the overall infection mortality rate for COVID-19 is about 0.6%
  • The CDC recently reported that only 6% of COVID-19-related deaths were solely due to coronavirus infection and 94% of the people who died also had influenza or pneumonia; heart, lung or kidney disease; high blood pressure; diabetes; or another underlying poor health condition
  • Governments have given pharmaceutical companies a liability shield from lawsuits when COVID-19 vaccines injure or kill people. Every poll taken this year has revealed that between 40% and 70% of people living in the U.S. and Europe do not plan to get a COVID-19 vaccine when it is licensed  READ MORE

Trump to Declare a State of Emergency? Goodbye America!



By Marti Oakley


What does this mean to us?

State of emergency

Legal declaration by a government allowing assumption of extraordinary powers

A state of emergency (also known as a state of calamity in the Philippines) is a situation in which a government is empowered to perform actions that it would normally not be permitted. A government can declare such state during a disaster, civil unrest, or armed conflict. Such declaration alerts citizens to change their normal behavior and orders government agencies to implement emergency plans. Justitium is its equivalent in Roman law—a concept in which the senate could put forward a final decree (senatus consultum ultimum) that was not subject to dispute.

States of emergency can also be used as a rationale or pretext for suspending rights and freedoms guaranteed under a country’s constitution or basic law.

At the edge of the proverbial cliff

Here we are facing the final stage of the destruction of our country as a sovereign nation.  We, as a supposedly free people, are about to face a national Armaghedon.  Under an emergency declaration, our constitution, or what is left of our rights and protections, are cast aside to make way for the reorganizing of the worlds economies and the subjugation of all populations.  All of this achieved by the hyping up of a virus that does not meet any standard for being declared an epidemic or pandemic.

Just to make sure you reach the proper level of fear, university’s, college’s and public schools are closed in numerous locations across the country.  The common connection in each of these instances is their tie to federal funding.  Want to keep your funding?  CLOSE YOUR DOORS!  That will scare them!


Mission Control


Chuck Frank


While nearly everyone in the world is either on a cellphone, watching TV, going to a movie, jet setting or working for a living, how many are prepared for a time that is coming when the elites will be dictating to the masses everything under the sun which will sadly mirror the totalitarian society of China?  And while the masses are distracted but content with their many gadgets, the end of the free world draws near.  Does anybody know what time it is?  I have asked this question before.  Just ask the lady with the diamond watch which just stopped cold dead!

For the record, history has just caught up to 2019 and you may ask what am I talking about. 

Just “follow the money” which has been issued by the Brussels, Belgium,  bankers and then come to the revelation of who the woman is, that is riding on the beast on the Euro coin above.  She is historically, the mythological goddess Europa, from which Europe has evolved from.  It is a Babylonian reference to the “mother of harlots” and other abominations which were then, and now, and alas, includes the great seduction of all nations while encouraging immorality, and lawlessness, yet, at the same time these players create a political smokescreen of a  “non-voting”  European Union type, made up of their own dictatorial elite,  promising “peace and brotherhood” on a global scale that will band together the rest of the nations into a single sinister web of bondage, the loss of precious sovereignty, and  a New World Order.

Things Finally On The Upswing In Battle Against NWO

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by James Hufferd, PhD, Coordinator

911 Truth Grassroots Organization




“And yet, even if he really is a genuine sleaze-ball, I believe he’s trying his best to preserve and defend some semblance of the country all of us want.”


A number of recent developments have seemed to favor progress for those of us who deplore globalism and its strengthening rule by obscured and now unsheathed lightning bolt from a largely hidden elite with a generally ruinous agenda, and champion instead universal human freedom, benefit, and self-determination.

One such favorable development, of course, concerns the granting on legal grounds of an impaneled federal grand jury to hear and rule on the evidence than an explosive device or devices were used to destroy the three World Trade Center buildings principally affected on 9/11/01. Meddling or deception of some sort very well might be introduced to prevent the truth from emerging therefrom going forward, but at least, we haven’t been derailed on this leg of our quest yet and may not. Hopefully, we have at last encountered the circumstances of fairness and opportunity we’ve sought diligently for so long.

Meanwhile, the French seem to have already had it with aspects of encroaching globalist rule affecting them (as the Brits did in voting down incipient globalism a couple of years ago, though they find themselves still entangled in it), and they have (the French) taken matters entirely into their own hands, choosing to throw the whole thing over, the Belgians following suit close behind. More

Food Crisis In The Making: Farm Bankruptcies Reach Horrifying Levels

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By Mac Slavo

We are amidst a food crisis.  Farms in the United States Midwest are filing for chapter 12 bankruptcy at an alarming rate.  And many are saying president Donald Trump’s trade war is taking the most blame.

We hate to say we told you so, but we told you so. The trade war was a bad idea and everyday average Americans are footing the bill for this asinine policy of tariffs.  Now, the food supply could be in jeopardy because of political posturing and that will not bode well for already cash-strapped American families.

A total of 84 farms in the upper Midwest filed for bankruptcy between July 2017 and June 2018, according to the Minneapolis Star Tribune. That’s more than double the number of Chapter 12 filings during the same period in 2013 and 2014 in Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Montana, reported Vox.

Farms that produce corn, soybeans, milk, and beef were all suffering due to low global demand and low prices before the trade war, according to economists, but president Trump’s trade war is making the problem even worse by exacerbating the weaknesses in the American economy. China has retaliated against the tariffs by slapping billions of dollars worth of tariffs on United States agriculture exports in response to Trump’s tariffs on Chinese products. Other countries, including Canada, have also added duties to US agriculture products in response to Trump’s tariffs on all imported steel and aluminum.


Why aren’t we trying to bust corporations?


Marti Oakley (c) copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved


I’ll make you a deal……I’ll agree to union busting if you agree to help end corporations.


For all those out there cheering the union busting, where was your bravado, your passion, when Wall Street and the gangster banksters were robbing the American taxpayer and bringing the country to the edge of collapse with their corruption? I’ll tell you where you were…..you were sitting at home with your mouth shut. If you did speak it was to support the corporate overthrow of our government and our Republic. You are the same people who think a global economy is going to make you rich, and who parroted the neo-con mantra of “it ain’t fair to tax the rich” and how terrible it was to tax corporations who are registering the highest profits in recorded history while we foot the bill for subsidies, tax credits and the loss of wage protecting tariffs in all those unlawful trade agreements that serve to bankrupt economies around the world.

What we are witnessing is not only the wholesale deconstruction of our economy, but also the wage base that has secured a healthy middle class. Paramount to ending the middle class is to end workers rights. The right of workers to collectively bargain for benefits and wages helped maintain competitive wages across the board. Whether we belonged to a union or not, we benefited from them as businesses had to pay a fair wage in order to compete for the best workers.

Welcome to the new China! More

Too stupid to be allowed to vote?



 Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved 


Sometimes it is mind numbing to consider just how gullible and easily duped we can be.   Are we really just going to change the center stage actors and  believe that by doing so we will affect change? Or, that anything will actually change? Are we that stupid?  Is there really anyone out there who honestly believes that electing Republicans will change anything at all?_____________________________________


The last ten years have seen the most overt assaults on the constitution, our civil liberties and our right to be left alone by government.  In 2000, with a new president enthroned by the Supreme Court rather than by election, the faction of congress which calls itself [Republican] began the dismantling of our sovereignty and our constitution, in earnest.  By 2006, compassionate conservatism, a true oxymoron, had done as much damage as it could and over the next few years, the torch was passed to the other faction, the [Democrats]. Either way we got the same thing, the establishment of multi-national corporations as government, with congress simply acting as the facilitator for corporate takeover.    

2008 saw Democrats take control of both houses of congress and election of a new president.  And didn’t we all give a sigh of relief?  Didn’t most of us who had been waiting to exhale after eight years of near dictatorial rule by the Bush Administration, the absolute corruption of power and the open hostility of government towards the people, suddenly feel as if some burden had been lifted from us?  That somehow all the egregious assaults on America, perpetrated by its own government, would somehow be righted?  That our instinctive fear of this grossly expanding government that was intruding steadily into our lives, that viewed us as the enemy, would be subdued by voting into office anyone but more Republicans?  Didn’t we believe the Democrats would save the day?  More



Submitted by: James P. Harvey
By NWV News writer Jim Kouri
Posted 1:00 AM Eastern
February 10, 2010
An alleged intrusion into Google’s immense cyber system has provoked the Obama White House to accelerate in plans for government monitoring of the Internet, something that should be triggering alarms throughout the nation, according to security experts.
According to the Obama White House, Google will now work with the National Security Agency (NSA) to stem a “crisis.” However, more than a few Washington insiders are wary of such a partnership.
One political strategist points to a statement by President Barack Obama’s chief of staff Rahm Emanuel: “Never let a crisis go to waste.”
“Rahm Emanuel is a Chicago from-the-gut politician who is the last person you want having access to your personal information or monitoring your Internet activities,” said political strategist Mike Baker. “This is a crisis that will be used against Americans not the Chinese.” 
During a segment of Glenn Beck’s Fox News Channel show, the popular host declared that while the Chinese government and businesses pose a threat to U.S. economic stability, the Obama White House and government agencies are powerless to stop the enormous amount of espionage perpetrated by Chinese spies.  More

Global economy is a global disaster

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Global economy is a global disaster


As the information rolls in regarding the actual contents and costs of the bailout of Wall Street it becomes apparent that a global economy and deregulation, lack of oversight and greed just do not make for sound economic policy.  At some point, those claiming expertise in this area will be forced to admit, globalization is a recipe for global economic disaster.  Globalization of the economies of the world is nothing less than a global disaster.  It doesn’t work, it can’t work and the only people adversely affected are the middle class and the poor.  For those at the top its been a gold mine.


While many of us jumped on the neo-con bandwagon and threw our lot in with liars and thieves, others were not so impressed.  It would seem those who bought into this “get rich quick” scheme, were those who somehow thought a momentary spike in income and/or assets were an indication of greater riches to come.  These were the people who appeared at every opportunity, in any venue possible, proclaiming that free markets were going to be the end all, be all, of the economic world.  They were many times also the same people who exhibited an hysterical form of viciousness, an outright contempt and hatred of anyone who disagreed and who spent much of their time attacking and berating their perceived foes.  Their foes would be those people who dared to challenge their claims of globalization being the way to prosperity for all.


Those I knew personally who subscribed to this pseudo financial philosophy challenged me regularly with arguments that were so worn out from overuse I could barely stand it.  Always operating from the argument that if I didn’t support globalization and free markets I must be wanting the government to give everyone a handout.  I must be a commie, a socialist, a Democrat!!!  (I’m an Independent)


I was (and am) one of those people who thought the rich should pay a regressive tax, just like the rest of us do, and not be allowed loopholes, write-offs, hedges, deferments and other carefully crafted tax tools that exempted them from paying any taxes at all.  I also believe, if we have to see our Social Security investments raided to pay the costs of operating the federal government on a day to day basis just so the massive loss of revenues from the tax cuts to upper 3% aren’t realized, something is terribly wrong.


But this is where we are:


  • The rich are in line to get the greatest government handout in history.

You are going to finance this handout.


  • Wall Street fat cats will be dining on your money.

You will see your taxes go up regardless of who becomes president to make sure these same people can dine at the best restaurants via the handout.


  • No one involved in this crime of the century will be prosecuted and many will walk away with millions of investors and our tax money. This is fascism.

1.7 million homeowner’s go into foreclosure: they will be receiving no real help in the bailout.  That would be socialism.


  • Another 159,000 lose their jobs in September, 2008.

Virtually no CEO, or high level employee of these bankrupted financial institutions will, or have been, fired or otherwise penalized.


  • Investment retirement accounts were the first targets in the collapse.

Congress could have moved immediately to freeze those assets and make them temporarily secure from plunder.  They did nothing.


  • The same companies who now demand we finance them, forcibly, are many times the same who were involved in off shoring American jobs, closing American businesses and stashing their ill gotten gains in bogus off shore accounts to avoid any personal or business taxes.

The bailout bill includes increased IRS snooping on you and me to make sure WE aren’t hiding any income.


So….all you free market advocates who thought those of us who could see this storm coming were just trying to keep you from getting rich…..how do you feel today?


Your 401K is bust, your pension plan is broke, your house is worth only about 55% of your ARM, and its’ highly likely you could find yourself out of work, out of money and living in one of those tent cities cropping up all over the country. 


Remember the good ol’ days?  Remember when America was the worlds’ leader in manufacturing and everyone bought from us?  Less than 10% of manufacturing remains and millions are out of work.  The trade deficit with China alone is killing us a container at a time.


While the job market dries up, free market promoters are still advocating an increase in H1B visa’s, and the border is still wide open with a big welcome sign on it.  In fact, we put border patrol agents in prison for attempting to secure that border.


When we all come to understand that free trade in a regulated and efficient market is not the same as a free-for-all for those who have no allegiance or loyalty to our country, those who put their money ahead of anything and everyone else we will have made progress. 


As it is, our congress has officially declared a war against the people of the United States by virtue of voting in favor of financing the continuation of the same practices and people who are destroying us.  And to top it off……they’re going to make us pay for our own destruction.  Only in America!


© 2008 Marti Oakley


UN Millenium Goals/Global Poverty TAx

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 Congress Contemplates Giving Cash to Foreigners
By Phyllis Schlafly
Monday, February 25, 2008

“There is much more to the Millennium Goals than merely extorting more money from U.S. taxpayers. The goals set forth a comprehensive plan to put the United States under U.N. global governance.

These goals include a “standing peace force” (i.e., a U.N. standing army), a “U.N. Arms register” of all small arms and light weapons, “peace education” covering “all levels from preschool through university,” and “political control of the global economy.” The goals call for implementing all U.N. treaties that the United States has never ratified, all of which set up U.N. monitoring committees to compromise U.S. sovereignty.

To achieve this level of control over U.S. domestic law, the plan calls for “strengthening the United Nations for the 21st century” by “eliminating” the veto and permanent membership in the Security Council. The goal is to reduce U.S. influence to one out of 192 nations, so we would have merely the same vote as Cuba.

The Global Poverty Act would be a giant step toward the Millennium Goals of global governance and international taxes on Americans. Tell your senators to kill this un-American bill.”

Read the full article here:
