
Food Safety Sneak Attack! Passed by Unanimous Consent


Barbara H. Peterson

Farm Wars

How many times does Congress have to stick it to us before we realize that this body politic has no other function than to obey its corporate masters? If you think that you are being represented by these crooks, liars and thieves, then think again. The “Food Safety” bill is alive and has taken so many twists and turns to end up on the verge of becoming law of the land that nobody in his or her right mind could possibly believe that they are not going to cram this garbage down our collective throat no matter what.

And if you thought that good old Sen. Tom Coburn, who had been blocking the legislation would ultimately hold onto what little integrity he could muster and save the day by rescuing us from impending Food Safety doom, think no more. “He lifted his objection at the final moment” (Alexander Bolton), and this travesty of justice was passed in the Senate by unanimous consent.

So, I present to you, unequivocally, the final straw that broke the camel’s back for any sane person relying on Congress to be anything other than what it is; and that is a reeking cesspool of corruption and deceit. It would seem that the only thing to do now is bend over and…well, you know the rest. The House will, quite possibly place the final nail in the coffin on Tuesday.

Food Safety Bill Lives

Jamie Dupree

December 19, 2010 8:39 PM [S.510] A major food safety bill that had almost been given up for dead was suddenly revived in the Senate late on Sunday evening, and may be ready for House approval as early as Tuesday.

In a parliamentary move laid out on the Senate floor by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid just after 7pm, the Senate took the food safety language that was passed as part of a stop-gap budget plan by the House, attached it to another House-passed bill and approved that by unanimous consent.  More

Bribery and Graft abound as Reid attaches S.510 to clunkers



Marti Oakley (c)coyright 2010 All Rights Reserved


The FDA and USDA have routinely used the Federal Register to “update” the food safety system, always granting themselves far reaching authority and empowering themselves far beyond the intent of the original legislation that created these blights on America.”


And the Republicans joined right in!

I can only imgaine that the halls of the Senate were virtually awash in  “funding” from lobbyists as Republicans joined Democrats in the greatest assault on agriculture ever launched by our own government.

It seems there is no stopping the nefarious Harry Reid (D) NV.  With the country screaming no to the ill conceived S.510 Fake Food safety bill, Reid was successful in attaching the agricultural police state bill to a non-related bill and rammed this piece of garbage through the senate once again. 

And where were those Republicans who got the message from voters that things needed to change?  Well…they were right in there voting yes along with the Democrats.  Even Senator Tom Coburn (R) OK., jumped on the band wagon and voted to pass this attack on food production and supply into law.  Its just amazing what bags of corporate lobbying money  can do to politicians. 

S.510 Fake Food Safety bill was passed quickly late Sunday afternoon; a vote taken when the Senate could be assured few were watching or even aware that the vote on the criminalization of independent and family agriculture was taking place.  Like rats scurrying across the deck of a sinking ship, senators lined up one by one to vote against the best interest of their districts and in favor of the industrialization of agriculture. And like rats, they hurriedly scurried away before their presence was detected.  Rats are like that.  More