
Changing the Corporate Guard: I am so excited about the midterm election I could just spit!



 Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2010  All Rights Reserved


Vote Republican!  No!  Vote Democrat! …How  many times do we have to get taken to the cleaners before we realize its all a joke?


Well!  Here we go again!  The Republican faction of the one party system that has a death grip on the District of Criminals, is poised to take control again. It’s gonna be a bloodbath as the Republicans sweep back into power to save the day!  

What does that mean to you and me?

If you believe the phony hype……. We’re gonna take back our government!  Pull Obamacare out by the roots!  Why! We’re going to reduce the size of government and stop all this spending!  We’re gonna have government for the people!  Not corporations! 

And not one bit of this is about to happen.  

We can expect more bible waving, invoking the name of God, quoting scripture to make the evil deeds about to befall us sound like they were sanctioned by God, and faux patriotism all wrapped up in a neat little package called “fascism”!

So desperate is the Republican faction to stand guard for their corporate benefactors that another effort to resurrect Newt (I can’t help it, I’m a philanderer) Gingrich was attempted.  Newty, has apparently lost most of his appeal with the voters. Even after his third marriage (or was it fourth? I can’t keep track) and his subsequent book about how he “rediscovered God” (I had no idea he was missing) the resurrection of Newt was met with less enthusiasm than was hoped for.  Trot out the bimbo’s and the buffoons.


Truth Squad Radio Show this Sunday with Paul Griepentrog on NAIS and Premises ID!

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Join us Sunday evening at 8 CST on The Truth Squad Radio Show. More

What Sesame Street Could Teach a Judge In ATF Murder Trial.



Lynn Swearingen (c) copyright 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

In 2008 ATF Special Agent William Clark shot and killed a man.

The DOJ says he’s a hero, a Representative wrote him up a fancy resolution of hero-ness-ness and there was a rally last week with ATF biggies showing their support.

The U.S. Virgin Islands judicial system charged him with second-degree murder, voluntary manslaughter and using a dangerous weapon.

The question was posed, and apparently resolved, on the Constitutionality of the Trial

The Prosecution shows that the female (threatened or not) involved in the situation was safely in a running car with Clark:

“Yes, he was drunk. The evidence will show there were many options available to deal with the situation. To shoot Marcus or to even show the gun was uncalled for,” Walker said. “The defendant is in his car with the ability to drive off or back away, but he intentionally uses unreasonable force. I submit to you that when you get this case, you’ll find the defendant guilty of murder. No one is above the law in the Virgin Islands, no matter who you are,” Walker said.

An eyewitness, in fact a Security Guard at the complex, testified on Wednesday that:


European Milk Quotas and United States Trial By Public Opinion

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Lynn Swearingen (c) copyright 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Today we have two completely different stories. While not connected – the irony in both of these is priceless.

First of all you have the heinous act of producing too much food product in a world where apparently no one ever goes hungry.

Three EU member states have been ordered to pay a total of €19m in fines for exceeding milk quotas in 2009/2010, according to provisional figures published by the Commission. More

American politics with John Wallace: blogtalk

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 NEXT SHOW – (THIS FRIDAY) Oct 29th at 5:00PM  EST

TOPIC:  ELECTION 2010 – What’s Going to Happen on November 2nd? More

Snakes On Our Plane: The US Intelligence Services



 J.Speer -Williams (c)copyright 2010  All Rights Reserved


The hundreds of thousands of pages of outrageous governmental orders, directives, laws, and judicial interpretations forced on the US government by intelligence services, have made America no better than any other Banana Republic in history.


Here is a haunting tale of intrigue and horror, a tale of monstrous snakes with fangs that would sear my words from your brain and burn theirs into your mind, their venom meant to poison your soul.

These are stimulus/response creatures without souls, all hiding under the cover name of US Intelligence Services.

These sickening vile snakes have infested our physical plane, and are trying to swarm over us spiritually, with their drugs, poisons, and behavioral modification programs

They ship in street drugs from Afghanistan and Mexico; they manage the chemtrails that poison us from the skies; and they steer corporate television with deception, lies and threats. 

Intelligence agencies are used by the International Monetary/Banking Cartel to enforce their various agendas on the American government, then on the American people, and ultimately on the entire world.

The usual tools of enforcement used by intelligence agents are various, depending on what’s needed: fixing elections, bribes, blackmail, and assassinations are their usual instruments of ensuring compliance from “our” national leaders.

A mere sampling of this den of snakes – called US Intelligence Services –  are the CIA, AIA, DIA, NGA, NBO, FBI, NSA, NCIS, ONI, DEA, CID, with its hierarchical pyramid of control kept secret.   More

The New Land Rush: The selling out of America’s farmers


 Judy Palmer (c)copyright 2010


If the Chinese acquire large tracts of land here in the United States, food grown will be for import.  This will threaten not only our own independence, but will cause distortions in our food supply and put an end to the local food movement as well. 


The New Land Rush

The economy continues its slide.  Unemployment remains high, more manufacturing moves overseas with each passing day, the rate of home foreclosures makes the news every hour.  But there is a seemingly bright spot—farm land values have increased 58 percent from their 2000 levels on both a national and global scale.  Because of this, arable land is attracting wealthy investors all over the world.  They hope to profit by either producing crops or leasing the land to farmers.  Mutual funds specializing in the acquisition of agricultural land have been formed to capitalize on the rapidly rising land values, allowing even small investors to reap a share of the rising land values.  In one way, and one way only, this is a good thing.  Beleaguered farmers have ready buyers if they must sell out and may actually realize a profit from the sale of their farms.  But the problems this will cause to society far outweigh any benefits.

Absentee Owners  More

No Longer Will We Stand Idly By

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by Andrew Nappi, Florida Tenth Amendment Center 

The following is based off a speech given at Nullify Now! Orlando on 10-10-10

Isn’t it incredible that, despite all the historical evidence to the contrary, that anyone can still believe that the founders would’ve fought a long, cruel, bloody war just to exchange one central, overpowering government for another? And yet, these guys sitting on the courts want to define the limits of our freedom for the extension of greater government control. That is not the founders’ legacy. That’s not why we’re here today.

For these out of touch elitists, the Bill of Rights is just a historical curiosity – it’s quaint and doesn’t mean anything. But we know that the Bill of Rights is the very essence of state sovereignty. That’s why it was created, and that wasn’t lost on the founders.

In fact, at the North Carolina ratifying convention Samuel Spencer said, “It appears to me that the state governments are not sufficiently secured and that they may be swallowed up by the great mass of powers given to congress.” Was that prophetic? Just look what we have today… More

The Dangers of Whole Body Scanners


Here is a video with G. Edward Griffin about the dangers of whole-body scanners (G. Edward wrote a book about cancer) and Idaho State Legislator Phil Hart who has written legislation to get rid of the machines and to test their safety (if proven safe, then they could only be used as a secondary screening devices).
This video is important because it pinpoints the jurisdiction over the scanners (the States, when health or safety is an issue) and there is a link for Hart’s model legislation.

HB573 – Whole-Body Scanner Legislation

Adds to existing law relating to homeland security to provide for limitations on whole-body imaging; to provide for findings and reporting by the Chief of the Bureau of Homeland Security for the state of Idaho.

Download HB 573 (PDF)

What If Disney Didn’t Want TSA To Touch Your Child?


Lynn Swearingen (c) copyright 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

What drives public policy in this Nation is profit. Business cannot tolerate, nay will not tolerate, consumers who say “Thanks, but no thanks.” to a product which they do not support.

Recently Claire Wolfe, a Freedom writer of note, had a blip over at Backwoods Homes concerning a discussion with a pal who thought that TSA screeners were just “Doing their job” for the Homeland. Apparently the conversation actually came up with a valid way to put pressure in a non-aggressive way on TSA to back off from their escalating intrusive policies. By applying pressure to those who rely on air flight to have their product consumed (in this case Disney), each individual can actually have the opportunity to influence a policy in a constructive, versus a combative, manner. More



Live Link: Lost Liberty blogspot

By: Phreedomphan

Regardless of any connection that may have had with events today, it is clear that the underlying motive of the present drive for regional government is the consolidation of state and local governments into regional units under total federal control. The people will be excluded from the political and governmental processes.”

“If the day should ever arrive, (which God forbid!), when the people of the different parts of our country shall allow their local affairs to be administered by prefects sent from Washington, and when the self-government of the states shall have been so far lost as that of the departments of France, or even so far as that of the counties of England–on that day the progressive political career of the American people will have come to an end, and the hopes that have been built upon it for the future happiness and prosperity of mankind will be wrecked forever.” – John Fiske, historian, quoted in “Our Changing Constitution” by Charles W. Pierson, Doubleday, Page & Company, 1922.Unfortunately, God did not forbid it, and the day of control of local affairs by Washington is here. It comes in the form of “regionalism” and the weapon for imposing it is federal “revenue-sharing”.

Regionalism is the consolidation of local and state governments into large regional units and the centralization of power in bureaucratic authorities, boards, and commissions whose primary function will be to administer plans and programs dictated by Washington.

We’ve found traces of Regionalism as far back as the 1920’s, in fact, the 1922 book mentioned above dealt with the federal incursions into state and local affairs and the Constitutional perversions used to justify it. More

The Social Security Scam – Why all taxpayers must file income tax returns


Live Link: Llstuler.wordpress.com

Reprinted with permission

 This site will forever end the conflict between the various “tax honesty movement” groups and the enforcement of the internal revenue laws.  First of all, when dealing with the federal government of the United States, one must learn the definitions of the government’s legal “terms”.  So let’s start with the definition of the term “taxpayer”.


The Social Security Scam – Why all taxpayers must file income tax returns

          You have been told that Social Security is an insurance program run by the federal government.  You were led to believe that your income would be taxed at a certain rate for the cost of the program.  Then in times of medical emergency or upon retirement you would be eligible for Social Security benefits.  On the surface, this would seem to be an equitable arrangement.  

          But the federal government failed to fully inform you as to all of the other ramifications of applying for a Social Security number.  For instance, did you know that you became a federal employee?  Well, you did – specifically you became a member of the Merchant Marine.  You also became an employee of a corporation that is involved with importing to and from the U.S. possessions.  Another consideration is that if FICA is based upon a percentage of your earnings, then the government has somehow been granted the right to know the amount of your income and the sources of your income – this is not a hallmark of freedom.  These statements and more will be evidenced by the actual federal statutes and regulations further on this page.

          Like all great magicians, the federal government has you looking at the obvious while hiding the basis of the trick that the magician is performing right in front of your eyes.

          Lots of Americans have questioned the legitimacy of the personal income tax, but it seems that everyone just loves the Social Security program.  Social Security is the sacred cow that no one is ever supposed to criticize.  Oh, sure, some claimants of Social Security find fault with what claims are denied or only partially funded.  And lots of people are now pointing out that Social Security is not going to be solvent in the near future.  But up till now no one has questioned the legitimacy of the Social Security program.  Well, that time has come. More

Middle-class? Entrepreneurs? Long Gone!


J. Speer-Williams (c)copyright 2010


With the US family farmer, the Banking Cartel called in their equipment loans and farm mortgages, while they had their Dept. of Agriculture pull their price supports on commodities, like milk. I know how this scam was pulled off, as I owned a small dairy farm at that time.


Like swans of legend, our once esteemed American entrepreneurs sing their final, beautiful Swan Song before they just fade away, thus tearing open the heart of our country.

Our unsung entrepreneurial heroes of America are no longer part of the national discourse, even though they were the ones who built our affluent middle-class, and helped so many of us to achieve the great American Dream.

Without a return of our small business owners and family farmers, the American Dream will be forever lost.

Entrepreneurs started and finished things, things that built an affluent and viable middle-class society, something the world has seen very little of.

The small businesses and family farms that made America the envy of the world, were largely made up of a dynamic, rugged, bright, hard-working lot of entrepreneurs, who fought for the common hope of us all: the American Dream. More

Animal Welfare Groups Respond to Federal Ruling that Fails to Protect Colorado Wild Horse Herd

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Media Contacts:

Rebecca McNeill
Tel: 646-291-4582

Anne Novak

Tel: 415-531-8454
For Immediate Release

October 22, 2010                                                                                    

 NEW YORKThe ASPCA(The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), along with Habitat for Horses, the Cloud Foundation, and Dr. Don and Toni Moore, today responded to a federal judge’s ruling that declined to issue an injunction preventing the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) from continuing its inhumane and illegal roundup of wild horses from Colorado’s North Piceance herd area. The case, brought against U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar in New York, charged that the BLMs ongoing treatment of Americas federally protected wild horse herds violates the National Environmental Protection Act, as well as the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971.


The BLM had dropped its immediate attempt to relocate the case from New York to Colorado or Washington D.C., making this the first case against the BLM to be heard in New York. While we are disappointed by yesterdays ruling, we are encouraged by the courts acknowledgment that the removal of these iconic horses impacts all Americans,said Matt Bershadker, senior vice president of ASPCA Anti-Cruelty. The ASPCA is committed to protecting our nations wild horses.


U.S. District Judge William H. Pauley acknowledged that the plaintiffs would undoubtedly suffer irreparable harm from the roundup of the wild horse herd. The court further acknowledged the permanent injury caused to Dr. Don Moore, a Colorado veterinarian who has personally known the Piceance-North Douglas Herd for decades. “Although we did not get the win that we were aiming for,” stated Jerry Finch, founder and president of Habitat for Horses, we stood fast in a contested venue and got the court to agree to the damage done to American citizens when the BLM pulls our wild mustangs from their rightful land. That in its own right is huge More

Wisconsin DATCP: A rogue agency and its war on Wisconsins’ farmers


While Wisconsin politicians turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to the police state actions being carried out by the rogue Department of Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) agents for DATCP kick the efforts to eradicate family and independent farmers into high gear. 

 In an effort to force compliance to the Premises ID program, designed to convey title of property through the use of deception and coercion, to the federal government, agents arrived this morning on the private property of Paul Griepentrog, without warrant or complaint.  The agent for DATCP handed Paul several papers most of which were not applicable under the law, and several of which were in direct violation of Supreme Court rulings.  

DATCP, a rogue agency which has been challenged multiple times for its harassment of Wisconsin farmers and most especially dairy farmers, interfering in the lawful conduct of business, seizing and destroying personal property without cause or authority to do so, have  just met their match.  

A message from Paul Griepentrog:


It has come to my attention that DATCP has ramped up enforcement of premises registration.  I received a visit from Randy Niederkorn this morning accompanied by a sheriff’s deputy, informing me that I would have to register in ten days or face prosecution.  I also received a call from Mark Brothen of Viroqua yesterday morning that he had received summons and complaint for failing to register. 

In Mark’s case DATCP refused to grant an administrative hearing twice.  DATCP is entering private property without warrant and complaint as required in the 1967 Supreme Court decision Camara v. Municipal Court were it states “Entry onto property by Public officials unconstitutional without warrant and complaint.” 

 The harassment of the states farmers by DATCP is in clear defiance of legislative intent as exemptions were written into statute however Dr. Ehlenfeldt refused to grant them.  There are others who have been notified of prosecution however have requested I not use their names. 

I personally cannot go against the Word of my God and will endure all, even death, rather than comply. 

Paul M. Griepentrog

W2402 Shady Knoll Rd.

Park Falls, Wisc. [54552]



NAIS: Still the greatest threat to family ranchers and herders

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Marti Oakley (c) copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved


In response to the refusal of so many agricultural land owners to enter into the contract with state agencies that had taken bribe money euphemistically referred to as “co-operative funding” from the USDA, the state agencies began a campaign of extortion and coercion against agricultural land owners, withholding licensing, conducting swat team raids and destroying family businesses and lives. 


The National Animal Identification System (NAIS) proposed by the USDA a few years back, resulted in a bitterly fought battle between government and livestock producers across the country. Most saw the hidden agenda for this theft of agricultural land and the attempts to also create “national herds”; depriving livestock owners of their property and relegating them to the status of “stakeholders”; meaning they owned nothing and only had an interest in, the livestock in question.  USDA, claiming the system was needed if they were to be able to quickly “trace back” the source of contaminated animal products versus, livestock producers who knew there was already a more than adequate system in place across the  country to do this very thing; one that had proven time again to be more than adequate.  It was this knowledge that an efficient system was already in place that tipped off the producers, and even those of us who aren’t producers, that something else was afoot.  Whatever that something was, we all knew that some other issue was at stake and there were those who were waiting in the wings to profit from it.  

Now, don’t get to thinking NAIS went away, because it didn’t.  As we reported last spring:

A March 2, 2010 Agriculture Committee hearing televised live on CSPAN gives a clear picture of what’s ahead for domestic farmers, ranchers and herders in the US..  Deputy Secretary Kathleen A. Merrigan cheerfully announced the “new age of enforcement” citing the intent to increase “risk assessment and better surveillance”.  In other words……based on only their assumption there might be a problem but with no real cause or evidence, the USDA in cooperation with bought and paid for state agriculture departments that took bribe money to implement the USDA business plans for creating a police state, USDA is stepping up its assault on domestic farming and ranching.” More


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 (THIS FRIDAY) Oct 22th at 5:00PM  EST


Truth Squad Radio Show this Sunday with Author RT Fitch!

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Join us Sunday evening at 8 CST on The Truth Squad Radio Show. More

Vilsack announces new budget for 2011 for USDA…..and a new plan of assault on America’s farmers and herders:Part 1


by: Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Vilsack alludes to the fact that USDA will establish “partnerships” between state and federal government.  These partnerships are necessary as Title 7 of the US Code is non-positive law.  This means Title 7 Agriculture, has never been codified into law and is not enforceable on the federal level as agriculture is not in the enumerated powers of the federal government. 


A March 2, 2010 Agriculture Committee hearing televised live on CSPAN gives a clear picture of what’s ahead for domestic farmers, ranchers and herders in the US..  Deputy Secretary Kathleen A. Merrigan cheerfully announced the “new age of enforcement” citing the intent to increase “risk assessment and better surveillance”.  In other words……based on only their assumption there might be a problem but with no real cause or evidence, the USDA in cooperation with bought and paid for state agriculture departments that took bribe money to implement the USDA business plans for creating a police state, USDA is stepping up its assault on domestic farming and ranching. 

One way or another, the seizure of privately owned agricultural property is going to take place; the USDA will seize control of the US food supply. More

Education – Will Derail Comprehensive Immigration Reform

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How Many More – The Theory

By Ruthie Hendrycks

October, 2010


As I have stated many times in the past “Education” is a very strong tool, and I believe it is just that, educating the public and our Legislators, that will bring the demise of H. 4321 presented by House Members Ortiz and Gutierrez and/or S. 3932 presented by Menendez.

But, one of the provisions not being discussed, that will have devastating effects to our nations sovereignty, safety, sustainability, population concerns and almost every aspect of citizenship is “The Family Unification Plan” referred to as Promoting Family Unity.

Let me say first and foremost, there should be absolutely no discussion of a Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CIR) until our borders and ports are secured, primarily our southern border with military and/or a wall. We will not be fooled by the empty promises and lies, once again. I also believe these bills further erode the “Rule of Law” via amnesty. More

States of Emergency

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Live Link:  MorphCity.com

By Cassandra Anderson
October 21, 2010

“There are 37 Governors’ seats available in the upcoming November election.  The Governor of each of the 32 states that is a member or observer of any of the regional alliances must be pressured to opt out of the unconstitutional alliances or replaced with a candidate who will opt out of the alliance (all but 5 allied states’ governors seats are available in the November elections).”


Thirty-two states are on the path to UN-inspired carbon reduction, Cap-and-Trade schemes and unconstitutional alliances; the supporting Governors must be held accountable.  Carbon reduction and population reduction go hand in hand.  The United Nations failed to impose their treaties from the top down (the Kyoto and Copenhagen Accords) and the federal government has abandoned its unpopular national Cap-and-Trade scheme for now.  Cap-and-Trade is being pursued on the state level, and one region has even raised over $700 million in carbon auctions.


The thirty-two states have been divided into three regions; regionalism is a trick that uses re-zoning to establish new jurisdictional authority.  State compacts and agreements, in addition to state treaties with foreign governments, are unconstitutional.  While these regional programs have avoided mention of United Nations Agenda 21, the blueprint for depopulation total control, evidence supports that this is an Agenda 21 Sustainable Development program for the following reasons:

•  Man made global warming deception, based on discredited science from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UN IPCC), is a primary excuse used to implement Agenda 21 Sustainable Development.

•  California’s AB 32 Global Warming Solutions Act  is committed to achieving the targets of the UN Kyoto Protocol (a treaty with mandatory rules to limit carbon).

RGGI (Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative of the Northeastern states) is similar to the UN Kyoto treaty with mandated regulations and a Cap-and-Trade scheme.


Because global warming has been discredited, it is now referred to as climate change, climate disruption and the greenhouse effect.  More

Commission proposes temporary ban on cloned food

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LIVE LINK:  Dairy Reporter

By Caroline Scott-Thomas, 20-Oct-2010

The European Commission has proposed a temporary ban on animal cloning for food production in the European Union, at a meeting of the European Commission, Council and Parliament held in Strasbourg on Monday. More

Three Hots and A Cot for D.C. Tots


Warning: The first link in this OpEd has a D.C. Weather Loop. Like most items in D.C. it operates slow and will eat up your time with waiting. If you must verify the source – ensure you grab something to drink first. I provide it for verification that yes indeed the information is true.

Washington D.C. schools, you know the ones that are not good enough for POTUS and FLOTUS offspring, have a new plan for the most economically challenged residents. Jobs? No. Less Governmental interference? No.  “Free” food – in fact 3 meals a day formulated by a chef for their delicate little palates: More

NYC Court May Open Door for Wild Horse Release

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 LIVE LINK:  Straight from the Horses Heart

October 20, 2010 R.T.

(The News as We See It) by R.T. Fitch

Judge to Render Ruling Tomorrow, Oct 21, 2010

Today, lead counsel Bruce Wagman, of the Schiff Hardin law firm, reported that the TRO hearing for the Habitat for Horses, ASPCA, Cloud Foundation, Toni and Dr. Don Moore suit against the BLM for rounding up wild horses in the Colorado North Piceance area has netted several positive results for both the horses and the American public. More


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  Canada is now under threat of the government, using international treaty and agreement, ending the right of the people to use, own, save or otherwise select, reuse or exchange or sell seeds without government control.  At stake  also is the “with only a reasonable belief” reflected in S.510 here in the US…..allowing seizure of crops, farms, equipment or other assets at government will.  

Please note, this petition is posted on the NFU website in pdf format, at the following link: http://www.nfu.ca/petitions/CETA.pdf More

HR 5088: Minnesota gears up to fight land and water theft

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St. Paul, Minnesota – Vancouver, Washington


St. Paul, Minnesota
October 6, 2010
(612) 558-2859     

A Clean Water Fallacy
Don Parmeter

(498 words)

     There are several disturbing aspects about H.R. 5088, America’s Commitment to Clean Water Act, authored by Minnesota Congressman James Oberstar and introduced in April.
There’s the bill itself, arguably the biggest federal power grab in American history, given the proposed change in language to the 1972 federal Clean Water Act.  Mr. Oberstar’s bill would replace the term ‘Navigable’ with ‘Waters of the U.S.,’ which would include: all waters currently used, used in the past, or susceptible to use in future commerce; all interstate and international waters; and all other waters and their tributaries, including intrastate lakes, rivers, streams, mudflats, sandflats, wetlands, ponds, meadows and sloughs. More

The War On Terror

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Live Link: Global Research, October 16, 2010

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts


Does anyone remember the “cakewalk war” that would last six weeks, cost $50-$60 billion, and be paid for out of Iraqi oil revenues? 

Does anyone remember that White House economist Lawrence Lindsey was fired by Dubya because Lindsey estimated that the Iraq war could cost as much as $200 billion? 

Lindsey was fired for over-estimating the cost of a war that, according to Joseph Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes, has cost 15 times more than Lindsey estimated. And the US still has 50,000 troops in Iraq. More

UN Tricks and Treaties

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By Cassandra Anderson
October 19, 2010

Global-Warming-Pumpkin--24105The United Nations has ensnared the world in voluntary treaties intended to become mandatory later, tricking politicians and the public.  The treaties may be vague and open to interpretation over time, using a tactic known as ‘incrementalism’.  These treaties affect many branches of government.  The treaties are designed to deindustrialize and economically break nations, restrict energy resources (especially for electricity and transportation) and implement taxation schemes based on manipulated science from the UN (the EPA has authority to implement Cap-and-Trade).  More

GM Food Minutia From Around The Globe : The Saga Continues


Lynn Swearingen (c) copyright 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

With the recent decision to temporarily hold off on GM Salmon production, I thought it might be time again to visit the GM Minutia from around the globe.

Attention Monsanto : You may save the fraction of several hundred thousand dollars paid to Blackwater, now known as Xe, that might be wasted by “monitoring activities”  here at The PPJ Gazette’s. One understands that the corporation is attempting to find the keywords, taglines and tricky phrases used to identify those of us who find the production of GMO’s offensive to nature and mankind – there – saved you a few bucks.

For readers who are curious, apparently Monsanto is concerned enough about “those type of people” (wink, wink) that they have now made counter- ops part of their “generous protection budget”” More

THE BLM’s Multiple (R)USE Mandate


By Debbie Coffey: PPJ Investigative Journalist                                       
Copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved.

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) empowers itself to do pretty much whatever it wants with its interpretation of the “Multiple Use Mandate” from the The Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (FLPMA).  This should really be called the BLM’s Multiple RUSE Mandate.  More

The Truth About Oppression

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Political Opinion

James D. Best

Americans never used to worry about tyranny. Fear of oppression is a twenty-first century phenomenon. Before the millennium, we felt comfortable that we would be protected by our system and heritage. Sure, the government might misstep, and the United States Constitution had been eroded, but few believed that the people in power actually intended to harm us. More

Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura Season 2: the Plum Island biological warfare center

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The government is planning on moving this biological weapon center into the heartland of the US.  Makes you wonder what they have in store for us.

View parts 2,3,4  More

Truthsquad Radio: Knowing what you have the right to know

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Join us Sunday evening at 8 CST on The Truth Squad Radio Show. More

Scientific Consensus: MSG, GMO’s, and Aspartame are Good for Your Health



By Wally Paul

October 16, 2010


As human beings, we’re the only species stupid enough to actually poison ourselves. As part of modern living, we create a wide variety of chemical toxins that go into the ecosystem through rivers and streams, the air, the soil and so on.

 MSG — is one thing we humans are very fond of adding to our foods. Monosodium glutamate is a widely used food additive. It is the sodium salt of glutamic acid. MSG is a form of glutamate, a carefully regulated neurotransmitter. This food additive is produced by fermenting sugar beet molasses, and the overly processed form is a fine white crystal that resembles salt or sugar.

MSG doesn’t really have a taste of its own but is used to enhance the flavor of other ingredients. It is put in nearly every canned, packaged, or otherwise processed food out on the market. MSG fools the brain into thinking that something tastes better than it actually does, so it may be used in place of quality ingredients. We humans love that snack aisle.

Even though the Food and Drug Administration has received many anecdotal reports of adverse reactions to foods containing MSG over the years, they still classify MSG as an ingredient that is “generally recognized as safe”. Some common symptoms include headaches, sweating, flushing, weakness, nausea, chest pain, rapid heartbeat, facial tightness and tingling and burning of the face or neck. To we humans these symptoms mean we are eating right well.

MSG is an excitotoxin which means that it reacts with certain specialized receptors in the brain in such a way as to lead to destruction of certain types of brain cells. With above normal levels the neurons begin to fire abnormally. At higher concentrations, the cells undergo a specialized process of cell death. There is a special gate-keeper that protects the brain from most harmful substances in the blood, called the blood-brain barrier. With high consumption of MSG, the free glutamate in the blood can gradually seep into the brain and wreak havoc. More

Environmentalism: Once a good cause, now just Agenda 21


Marti Oakley (c) copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved


The idea behind the “Best Practices” barrage is to end the knowledge that has been passed from one generation to the next about how to manage lands, crops and animals and/or how to harvest, store and preserve food supplies.  This is a collective knowledge, the possession of which is invaluable if we are to survive. Our farmers and ranchers know far better how to manage their land, crops and animals than some desk jockey in the UN or in Washington D.C.


Environmentalists, the Green movement, and various other groups dedicated to protecting and preserving the earth and its inhabitants, was, initially begun as a result of the plunder and destruction resulting from the willingness of governments around the world to allow the decimation of the environment for corporate profits.  The environmentalist movement has been virtually taken over.  What it represents now in many areas is the facilitation of the decimation of our rural communities and is the UN Agenda 21 plan for seizing all lands, water and food production to be owned and operated by the corporate state.  

While those involved in this movement believe they are working to protect the earth, the environment and its wildlife, the catalyst behind the movement has become Agenda 21 from the UN. This Agenda specifically sites land ownership as a source of wealth and one that should be held only by the state.  The rationale for this is that land ownership signifies wealth of some level, and this level can vary radically from one individual to the next and that is, for some reason, not fair……so the state should own everything and that way no one but the state has any wealth.  One of the cleverest and most successful coup’s ever implemented was the co-opting of true environmentalists into the “sustainability/Smart growth” Agenda 21 program.

While I do believe that we should take care of our environment, our wildlife and our waterways; handing these assets over to the government to sell off to corporations to plunder and abuse while simultaneously and falsely claiming they are protecting the environment, will produce nothing but devastation.  All across our country we can see the rapid deterioration of land under government control now exploited and plundered; the water systems polluted beyond reclamation from endless strip mining, gas and oil drilling and rendered unfit for any further use.  More

BLM Loses Bid to Stampede Wild Horse Law Suit Out of New York

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 LIVE LINK:  Straight From The Horses Heart

The News as We See It) by R.T. Fitch


BLM Loses Bid to Move Law Suit

HOUSTON (SFTHH) – The Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) attempt to strong arm a Federal judge into moving a wild horse related law suit out of the New York Court system, prior to a hearing, has failed.  In a detailed letter submitted to the Honorable Judge William Pauley on October 12th, the BLM struggled to support a case for “change of venue” to move a suit filed by Habitat for Horses (HfH), the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) and The Cloud Foundation (TCF) to a more BLM friendly court in either Colorado or Washington D.C..  Today, a Temporary Restraining Order was filed by the case’s plaintiffs against the BLM in the United States District Court, Southern District of New York and a hearing has been ordered in the same venue for October 20th.  The BLM will be forced to defend it’s illegal wild horse roundups in New York City.

The well researched suit contends that the BLM uses faulty and out dated data in determining which wild horse herds on U.S. public lands will be completely and totally removed from their lawful homes (zeroing out).  This suit focus on the illegal roundup of the Colorado Piceance-North Douglas Herd, one of America’s federally protected wild horse herds. Likewise the finely crafted suit brings to light a variety of federal laws that the BLM knowingly and willing violates as it unleashes it’s “Wild Horse Harvesting Machine” on the tens of millions of public acres in the U.S. western states. More

Throwing off the tyrants:Three Different Street Corners


Same Accident Viewed From Three Different Street Corners 

 J. Speer-Williams (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved


Dear Fellow Truthseekers,

One of the limitations of three-dimensional life is everyone views life and its events from different viewpoints, prospectives, and experiences. Each viewpoint is likely to be correct as far as it goes, but is limited and therefore could be called a relative truth.

After viewing an accident from three different street corners, each viewpoint will have a slightly different tale to tell, each tale being relatively true. Absolute truth would encompass all actual and potential viewpoints, past-present- and-future; something not possible, while in our three-dimensional world. 

So, in our world there are arguments and upsets amongst good men, each telling the truth, as far as they know from their own limited viewpoint. 

The patriotic truth movement is not yet strong or numerous enough for a peaceful and successful counter-revolution, throwing off the tyrants of both the Shadow and sitting governments. 

The secret Shadow government, far stronger than our bought and paid for government; and it is intent on bringing about a One-World government, with no country having an economy strong enough to support itself. That is the reason, shadow puppet Bill Clinton signed the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, and the NAFTA and GATT trade agreements, which not only brought down our economy, but also all the others of the world.  More

New York Federal Court to Hear Wild Horse Case


Media Contacts:                
Makendra Silverman 
Tel: 719-351-8187
Anne Novak
Tel: 415-531-8454  
For Immediate Release
Mare roped, drug into trailer and later shot in contested BLM Colorado roundup

New York, NY (October 15, 2010)—A New York Federal District Court Judge will consider a request on October 20 to stop the federal government’s roundup and removal of Colorado’s North Piceance wild horse herd. Second-string contractors, hired by the BLM, already have killed one mare who attempted to escape with her baby. They roped her, choked her down, kicked her and then dragged her into the trailer. Yesterday the mare was shot. An application for a Temporary Restraining Order/Preliminary Injunction was filed yesterday by the plaintiffs, Habitat for Horses, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), The Cloud Foundation, Toni and Don Moore, DVM in order to stop the roundup. This legal action is co-funded by Habitat for Horses Advisory Council and the ASPCA. 

“The wild horses already rounded up need to be returned to the range now. The BLM must take responsibility for the violent treatment and death of the Colorado mare and the hundreds of mustang deaths this year alone,” asserts Cloud Foundation Director, Ginger Kathrens. 

A hearing has been scheduled in the U.S. District Court in New York City for October 20th where the BLM will be required to defend its North Piceance roundup which is in violation of multiple federal laws .

Wild horses and burros are now mismanaged at levels far below genetic viability across the West, contrary to the guidelines in BLM’s own management handbook. The BLM selectively uses and repeatedly distorts the actual number of wild horses and burros on the range while dismissing their most effective natural predator—the mountain lion—as non-existent. Wild horses are a return-native species to North America and add to the biodiversity of our public lands, improving their ecosystem. There are currently more than 40,000 wild horses and burros in government holding and BLM continues with plans to roundup and remove more than 11,000 this fiscal year. The herds are often replaced with energy development and welfare cattle. More than 100 herds have been completely eliminated since the passage of the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971, along with the theft of more than 24 million acres of land designated for their use. 

54 members of Congress asked the BLM to cease roundups in July, joining the call for an immediate moratorium on roundups. A congressionally-requested National Academy of Sciences investigation will begin early in 2011 but will come too late for thousands of wild horses and burros without an immediate halt to the taxpayer-funded roundups.

Kathrens continues, “In my opinion the BLM has lost the privilege of managing America’s wild horses and burros. It is time to create a new Bureau that works to sustain and protect our celebrated herds—not eradicate them.” More



Posted by: Anonymous

The debt created by usury based sovereign debt is perpetual; it can never be paid off. The contract cannot be culminated. Any contract that cannot be culminated is an act of fraud. A contract based upon fraud is invalid from its inception. It would appear the national debt is not legally enforceable. (A debt incurred by a state or municipality is not a sovereign debt as used in this analysis. Such a debt is akin to a commercial loan and is completely repayable.)”


The Federal Reserve uses euphemistic smoke and mirrors to obscure their operations. With full knowledge the following is not the way the Fed/government describes the system, allow me to offer a different analysis of their mathematical operation.

Congress can pay for federal expenses with funds collected from taxes, but Congress is never satisfied with this amount. The desire to buy votes/campaign contributions from special interest groups induces congress-critters to spend more, and this is identified as deficit spending. To create this make-believe money requires the assistance of the Federal Reserve. Approximately 45% of the 2009 budget was paid by new fiat money.

Congress will give the Fed a security (bill, bond, or note) and the Fed will accept the document as an asset of one of the twelve FR Banks. The Fed will then establish a line of credit for the U.S. government for the same amount and list the liability as Federal Reserve Notes. Voila !! Fiat money has just been created for Congress to spend. Ref: 2009 Annual Report to Congress by the Board of Governors, page 448. More

Worth a second look: Silver Shines as an Economic Solution

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Live Link: Morphcity.com

By Cassandra Anderson
September 28, 2010

Idaho State Representative Phil Hart authored the Idaho State Silver Gem Act earlier this year which allows for the Idaho State Treasurer to issue silver medallions and make them available to the public; people may use them for any purpose they want and will have the option of paying their State taxes with the silver.  The benefits of the Silver Gem Act are:

• Silver can be used as an alternative currency, outside of the banking system

• Jobs will be created in the metal refining industry in Idaho

• Silver- and gold- are a protection against inflation for both the public and Idaho State 

The Idaho Silver Gem Act serves as a model that other states and local governments can use.  If the bill passes, people can use silver with confidence because the government of Idaho will accept it, too.   The Idaho Silver gem Act will also help to prevent possible federal precious metal confiscation. More

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