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Author, Chuck Frank


America.  We’ve got a problem.  In case somebody out there missed the boat, the Titanic’s blueprint was unsinkable.  It was a brand new ship but the blueprint didn’t allow for an iceberg that was a monster.

My friends I want you to take notice now and it may be hard to digest but here goes.  Our new nation was designed to be unsinkable.  With that said, a “type of democracy”, unlike mob rule, was then fashioned to be likened to a republic while still being for and by the people.  Within this framework, the people would have unalienable rights and freedom, while Congress and the courts would represent the voting electorate according to the Constitution. Yet, the founders saw that this system, in the long run, could only work if the government and its people had a righteous and moral denominator along with principles and major beliefs or tenets that were other directed and common to all.

Since the U.S. Constitution came into being, which also included the Bill of Rights that initially was the first 10 amendments to the Constitution, it was then, that the peoples initial ground breaking achievement and their safety net was securely established.  Yet today this very blueprint is at the crossroads when one considers what has transpired since the birth of our nation, and especially so has had rampant corruption, disinformation and a treasonous element that has transpired within the last 100 or so years starting with the Federal Reserve and right up to the late 1990’s where lobbyists and special interests took the place of “we the people”, the deregulation of the U.S.banking interests, fake news, the NAFTA debacle, the “let it burn” forest service policies, eco terrorism,
9/11, the 2008 housing crash, the further federalization of the nation, and finally, a confirmed treasonous plot to remove a sitting President by rogue government agencies connected to other major rouge players, confirmed by declassified information of the former CIA Director, John Brennan’s hand written notes released on October 8, 2020 which showed a devious plan to smear Donald Trump as a Russian agent and then remove him
from office.

This is not the tip of the iceberg but, in the end, it has the makings of the Titanic when one considers the immense-ness of the plot and an agenda to not only remove the President with a grand disinformation rant but the mainstream media followed suit and catered to this rogue element that has the Marxist makings of a “major transformation” of America, while at the same time allowing civil unrest.  If this isn’t a wake-up call to what is
transpiring within our government, then what is?  Let the truth be known, all the while, the President is now asking William Barr the question; “Why isn’t anyone in jail?”  It is obvious why no one is in jail because the corrupt “deep state”, which is very large and is finally being exposed, has many tentacles and there are many persons there that have been part of it for a very long time and this monster is rotten to the core and has
infiltrated the very essence of the people’s Republic for their own gain, while clinging to tremendous power, comfort, and mega wealth.

The Political Atheist #2: Political Theater & COVID

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Don Bowman


With much of the country still cringing, still embarrassed over the childish antics of the man-child we call president, something had to be done to divert the public’s attention. Apparently, a “hail Mary” was put into play: a last ditch effort to salvage the public’s perception of this amoral, pathological liar, who has no sense of decorum or presence.  Like magic, within 48 hours he and his wife tested positive for the fake COVID virus, but were asymptomatic.  Meaning they didn’t have the virus at all. .  48 hours after that he was in supposedly in Walter Reed Hospital being treated with Remdesivir and Regeneron. Both drugs known to cause kidney damage and to be ineffective at treating any virus. That’s if you actually have one.  48 hours after this, Trump walks out of Walter Reed and returns to the White House.  Shazaam~ abra-kadabra! Its a miracle!  Talk about political theater.

I suppose the country was to have reacted with terror and fear that the COVID fake pandemic had even affected the president and his wife.  Now of course the whole White House staff is supposedly infected.  All of this based on a notoriously worthless test that even the CDC has had to admit is useless for detecting viruses……especially one that they can not or will not identify.  Along with the fake viral infection, rumors were planted on the net saying that there was a possibility of assassination attempts.  That ought to put the fear in you!  I also noted that after many, many people had pointed out that it was odd politicians seemed immune to this fake virus, somehow now infected politicians are showing up everywhere.  Go figure.

I will never believe this was anything other than an attempt to divert attention away from the disaster that was the debate.  The lowest point in the debate was Trump denigrating Biden’s sons. To Biden’s credit, (if you can give him any) he did not attack Trump’s daughters or sons, all who exhibit the same lack of honor, the same lack of conscience and morals.  But the overall take from this debate was that we had two old men who just came short of calling each other “do-do head”, or, “poop face” or some other ridiculously childish names.

In the end, the entire country along with the rest of the world witnessed the real Trump: bullying, obnoxious, no morals, no sense of what is appropriate.  And like most lifelong bully’s, screeched like a girl for 90 minutes like most cowards do when confronted.


Covid-19: The Ridiculousness of the Official Narrative

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By Dr. John Reizer

On Sunday, October 4th, I forced myself to briefly watch the mainstream news coverage about the fake virus and the POTUS riding around in an armored SUV, wearing a face mask, and waving to supporters.

There were approximately ten medical geniuses, adorned in white doctors’ costumes reporting to the hypnotized audience about the POTUS’s progress.

The geniuses debated amongst themselves why The First Patient had had a low oxygen saturation level on a couple of occasions since he was hospitalized.

Perhaps, if the POTUS didn’t have a giant mask strapped to his face, he would have been able to receive the proper amount of oxygen his body required. (emphasis mine)

The experimental drugs the white coats are giving the POTUS are extremely toxic and dangerous. If he’s really receiving these products, his life may be in jeopardy.

According to the latest reports, the commander-in-chief could be heading back to the White House on Monday. Is he going to self-isolate and quarantine for 14 days like everyone else in the world after testing false-positive?

The NFL postponed a game yesterday because of several players testing positive. The game has been rescheduled for Monday, one day later? How can the deadly and contagious Covid-19 virus be mitigated so effectively in only 24 hours? It was a dire enough situation to postpone the contest on Sunday, but it’s okay to play the game at the same venue one day later? Come on, directors of the plandemic, get the plot flaws out of your script.

The official covid-19 narrative is filled with ridiculous concepts that make little or no sense. We have been lied to about an alleged virus that is as fake as Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny for ten months.

Why aren’t more people protesting against the ridiculousness taking place?


The Political Atheist : Because you can’t believe any of them #1


Marti Oakley


This is not for those of you who cling to the false left vs. right political paradigm. If you are one of those people who cannot grasp the fact that labeling yourself as either of these, is only a disservice to yourself, you probably aren’t going to like this a bit.

With that said………

We have a president who is openly attempting to rig or disrupt the coming election. So desperate to win, his efforts to collapse the US Postal service go unchallenged by Republicans across the board out of fear that mail in voting might cost him the election. Now he claims he should get an additional third term.

During a rally in Wisconsin, the president lied to a cheering crowd, telling them that he deserves eight additional years in office because, he falsely claimed, his campaign was spied on in 2016 — an assertion his own FBI refuted in a detailed report.

President Donald Trump refused to commit to accepting the results of the 2020 election and ensuring a peaceful transition of power in an interview with “Fox News Sunday” host Chris Wallace aired Sunday.

This man/child will never leave the office willingly. Having been caught in so many exaggerations and outright lies, you would think he would be grateful for the opportunity to exit gracefully. But there is nothing graceful or refined about this man. He is amoral, has no boundaries, is a pathological liar, is a serial adulterer, and refuses to take responsibility for anything. His own family says he has no principles, and cannot be trusted.

Maryanne Trump Barry, President Trump’s older sister, said her brother “has no principles” in secretly recorded audio obtained by The Washington Post.

Don’t take any of this as some kind of endorsement of Hillary Clinton. I can not begin to imagine the hell that would have rained down on us had she won the presidency. She is in my opinion, one of the most dangerous, deceitful, dishonest, manipulative politician’s out there.

But this is my point: When we accept these obvious duds, these unqualified, dishonorable, dishonest, individuals as the only possible options for the highest office in this country, who can we possibly blame but ourselves? These two were the best we had? This was the best of either wing of the vulture called government?

So many people are reporting that they are not voting this year. I suggest that this is the only possible way we can voice our rejection of two of the worst possible candidates. I personally refuse to be put in the position of having to choose between two old men, one of whom wants desperately to wear a crown, and the other not even sure of where he is.

We are played by either side alternately, in a good cop/bad cop routine. The joke is on us, the public. Especially those clinging to these fake ideologies that mean nothing in reality. We label ourselves, box our selves in and viciously, verbally assault anyone who dares to dispute our harbored beliefs. You may all do as you like, but I refuse to play along any longer.

Remember this: Patriotism is not the worship of a president or other politician. Patriotism is supporting, protecting and valuing our country.

I am a political atheist. My country comes first before any political posturing.

My vote is….No vote at all

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Opinion Guest post

By Rita Johns

Having voted all my life in absolutely every conceivable election, feeling it my duty as well as an honor, I can no longer participate in this system. The last presidential election saw the public faced with two of the most unqualified, undignified, and low level candidates ever presented to the American public as presidential options. Trump and Clinton were the best of the best? The best at what? Each of them only slightly worse than the other depending on the topic. Neither of them should ever have been anywhere close to the office, much less contenders for the highest office of the US government.

The coming presidential election, if it even takes place in fact, will see the public faced with Trump and Biden as the only potential candidates. Two fumbling old men: one a misogynistic, amoral, pathological liar who has no interest in, or knowledge of the Constitution for the United States and who sees himself as some sort of royal, and the other? Has never really accomplished anything, is rumored to be unable to keep his hands off young girls and women, and many times appears totally confused about where he is and what is currently taking place.

I refuse. If this is the best we have….count me out. That’s my vote! No vote at all. And please don’t tell me that if I don’t vote I have no right to complain. Of course I do! If you vote for one of these losers, I can start by blaming you for putting them in office to begin with.

And please don’t confuse politics with interest in the well being of our country. Politics and political party’s only matter to the commoners. None of those elected officials give a damn about any of us.

Pandemic or Scamdemic? The Overthrow of America


By Don Bowman



“And there you all are….still viciously attacking each other over this intellectually crippled, emotionally stunted, amoral buffoon we call president. Don’t think for a minute that Clinton would have been any different. They are both part of the same club and you can’t get a membership.”


In my opinion……

What we are witnessing is a coup against the people of the United States. Whenever and however we emerge from this contrived pandemic, we will not be what we started out as. The economic impact will leave hundreds of thousands, if not more, homeless, hungry and miserable. Once reduced to status of a third world nation, we will be held hostage to global interests and to uber wealthy individuals who will be able to buy the government they want. We all know D.C. is always for sale.

Did any of you true believers out there notice that while the public is restricted to meetings of ten or less, all 453 representatives continued to meet along with 100 senators (minus those who didn’t show up), their staff and others needed to maintain the royalty on Capitol Hill? Did you note that they huddled together in groups, sat next to each other, and not one of them seemed concerned about social distancing or some supposed virus.

But, Don! They all got tested!

Yes they did so they say about two weeks ago. What about everyday since then? They have commuted back and forth to Capitol Hill from their homes. They have met with each other and moved about in areas of the public. Are they immune from any such virus? Do they have a magic shield?

Did you realize that when the government ordered all non essential businesses to close down, they were actually declaring that YOU were not essential? You don’t have the money to be considered essential. Never mind that these businesses are the back bone of local economies. They broke us without ever firing a shot. And we folded like weak kneed little girls with big green bugs on our dresses. Why else would you close only those sections of the economy that directly benefit us commoners, locally? But big corporations and government can continue to operate because they are essential? Essential to what? Pulling off the biggest scam in history? More

Impeachment is only a planned diversion… But you aren’t smart enough to figure that out!


Don Bowman

In My Opinion……


Trump is not the best president we ever had. And Clinton would have been many times worse.

This phony impeachment situation is a bipartisan effort to divert the American public from the collapsing banking systems, and, more importantly….to keep us fighting amongst ourselves. If we were to stop attacking one another the planned and anticipated civil revolt might not happen. And, if the efforts to manipulate the public into rising up fail, all that military equipment that has been doled out to our former “peace officers” who now are called “law enforcement” officers, will sit idle. If the intended use for military equipment in the hands of civil authorities was anything but advanced preparation for what our own government intends to do to us, I don’t know what that reason would be.

There is absolutely NO intention of impeaching Trump. While this vote may have cleared the House, it will never clear the Senate which is controlled by Republicans. The Democrats knew this when they started the stage show and the Republicans played the wounded party. End of impeachment story. You got had America! And all those royal jackasses in D.C. were in on the joke.

Things could only have been worse if Hillary Clinton had been put in office. Maybe ask yourself why those in the House and Senate have not investigated her? Why is she not in prison? Where was the DOJ on that one?

Trump serves a purpose. Widely recognized as being a bully, amoral, childish in his temperament and possibly in the early stages of dementia, he is a useful tool for those who are seeking to overthrow our Constitution, and our representative republic. This man has no knowledge of history, of what life is like for us out here in no man’s land, of how government is supposed to work or what the limits on his office are. Worse, he doesn’t even care to know! And no one, not Republican or Democrat is about to tell him. Most likely because they are just as ignorant as he is of these things.

Demcocracy! Democracy! Who’s got your Democracy??

Screw your “democracy”…democracy is defined as mob rule. The mob in D.C. is ruling everyday against the people it was elected to represent. Personally, I believe the entire House and Senate needs to be impeached and removed from office. They do not listen to us, represent us or defend our Constitution. Why are we paying these people?? Why do we tolerate them and their chronic and ongoing corruption? What is wrong with us as a population that we accept these things and do not demand more, and better representation?

We are at a crossroads America. When the two least qualified individuals are all we had to choose from for president of these United States, we should have known the fix was in. We can do better than this.

Priming The Public for the 2020 Election


Don Bowman

In my Opinion…


Its scary folks! Why I tell you, if things get any scarier I don’t know what I will do. Over the last few days my email has been rife with dire warnings of impending doom and chaos, the likes of which we have never seen before. And the 2020 elections are still more than a year away. Pay attention here, because these are all serious, serious threats to our so-called “democracy, our religious piety, and of course our very way of life”. Thats just for starters. Anyway, here’s what I have been warned about over the last several days.


  1. According to Hillary Clinton, Tulsi Gabbard is being groomed by the Russians. I suppose Clinton would know, after all they groomed her to the tune of about 3 million in her Uranium 1 deal. And god only knows how much went into her foundation that no one even knows about.
  2. Trump has claimed that if they do impeach him, he will become even more powerful than he is now. He went on to say that he will become so powerful they won’t believe it. We don’t know who the “they” is he is referring to…but nonetheless ..they won’t believe it. This statement was reportedly followed with a major temper tantrum that included holding his breath for more than two minutes while stomping his feet furiously.
  3. Both major party’s have solicited funds from me. As I understand it, they can only beat their adversaries (which I am to view as my enemy) if I give them money. They cannot possibly win unless I personally send them as much as I can.
  4. After falling badly behind schedule in driving the entire country into unrepayable debt, the Senate is ready to begin passing their spending bills. Of course, they have no intentions of spending their own money. No. They are making plans on how to spend YOUR money, and your children’s and grandchildren’s.
  5. My email is loaded with dire warnings that the “commies” are coming….or is it the socialists? I can’t keep them straight. One such email had blazing headlines about how the Communist Party was supporting the Democrats. OMG!! Who even knew we had a communist party?? I am so scared now I think I peed a little!
  6. OH! And lest I forget! The end is near! All the signs are there! And you know that if you don’t give your church of choice as much of your money as you can they cannot possibly fight back the devil who is after you personally. But they can’t beat him unless you give til it hurts.
  7. Oh no! I just got an email reminding me that communism/socialism has failed in every country that has tried to implement it. That’s true. But have you ever noticed they never mention Italy and the hanging of Mussolini for implementing fascism ..,.. the corporate privatizing of everything, including the government, which devastated the Italian economy and its people? Fascism doesn’t work either, except for those at the top. Everyone else pays the bills. Sound familiar?
  8. But just when things seemed to be on a downward spiral I got an email that informed me that beautiful Ukraine women were wanting to meet me!! And another promising to give me the secret to making women scream with pleasure all night long! Oh wait a minute….I have to send them money before I meet any of these women or learn these secrets!

Damn…..I already spent all my money fighting the Democrats, the Republicans, the socialists, the communists, the fascists and the devil!

So you think you are a “liberal” or “conservative”?

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Don Bowman

In My Opinion….


I have watched the rolling battle between those on the so-called left, and those on the so-called right. I have also observed the efforts by those on either side of this fictional divide that is observed only out here in the public for what appears to be the amusement of those elected officials who see us as nothing more than a nuisance. But one thing is glaringly apparent to me; those in government are doing everything they can to incite a civil revolt. Our military is being stationed all around the country, along with tanks and other military war weapons. Who do you think those are intended for use on? Think about it!

The question many people are asking is: “Do you think our military would actually turn on us?”

Well….the majority of our law enforcement agencies who have been militarized sure have in many instances. What do you think?

Do you really believe there is any intent to impeach Trump? I don’t. Now then, it is possible that having pushed this bogus issue this far, they may be forced to actually proceed. But believe me there is no intention to take this emotionally immature, unstable and tactless man out of office. He is serving the purposes of too many people who have carefully cultivated his support having managed to not incur one of his temper tantrums. We have a president who spends his time tweeting while the country falls apart.

This is a dog and pony show put on to make sure this right v left thing continues. It is imperative that you view each other as an enemy to be defeated. If you don’t….well then, things might actually change. You might actually start paying attention to the fact that all the major banks are failing thanks to deregulation that allowed them to openly operate as criminal enterprises. The Fed is loaning them millions per day to keep them afloat. They are too big to fail, but you, the public, can lose your jobs, your homes, and anything else you might have but you dare not ask for help! Thats socialism! Thats communism! But fascism is destroying our country as you whine hysterically about these phantom ideologies that have been used for decades to con the public into accepting the unacceptable.

I believe everything will be done before the 2020 election to either prevent the election from taking place, or to stop it in its tracks midway. If the public doesn’t revolt on its own, I have no doubt something or someone will be used to incite riots as the catalyst to be used as the excuse to stop the election. The Antifa crowd (actually Anti Fascism in its origins) will kick things into high gear to make sure that civil unrest and possible revolt take place. Everyone has their part to play and the Antifa crowd as it exists today is rife with violent and low IQ individuals who seem not to be aware that they are simply fools to be used. The politicians in DC must be enjoying the hell out of this.

The hysteria across social platforms screeching about the socialists or the “commies” supposedly having taken over, or who are waiting in the wings to destroy us, are the fantasies of those who know nothing about what is actually taking place; just how far from freedom and security we really are. All of this coming from people who apparently have not got a clue that we are a fully fascist country. Socialism and communism stand not a chance in the face of powerful corporations who control everything, including every aspect of our lives.

Screw your MAGA hats and ideologies….lets make America FREE again! Greatness will follow all on its own.

President Pence (God Save us from this)

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Editors note:  Trump was never supposed to actually be president.  Pence, just as Cheney was in the Bush the Dolt administration, is an un-electable politician added to the ticket as the only means to put him into position for the presidency. .  Virulent, religiously rabid, viciously anti- anything the neocons don’t support….the US will be plunged into more wars of aggression on behalf of Israel. Pence’s allegiance and loyalty is to Israel, not to the Us which he has made abundantly clear. Always lurking in the back ground of photos of Trump, he has the appearance of a large serpent ready to strike.  I can only imagine the horrors this man would inflict on the nation.  It would be like electing Hillary….only with a better haircut.



President Pence

If you think the infestation of neocons within the Trump administration is worrisome, just wait until the president is impeached and Mike Pence takes the throne.

Pence is a born-again Christian Zionist. While Trump may indeed be muddleheaded, Pence is not. If the Stable and Wise Genius is deposed, Pence will open the floodgates and in will rush the neocons. It will be completely retro—harking back to the days of Bush the Lesser and his cabal of Israel-first neocons.

Democrats don’t like Pence—he’s a “conservative” Republican—but as far as they’re concerned, a short-term (until the election) neocon as president is preferable to leaving Trump in the White House.

Here’s what they’re missing—as soon as Trump gets on the helicopter and does a Nixonian farewell wave to his staff, the neocons will be taking up positions in the Pence administration and will work to wrap up the Zionist agenda in the Middle East, viz; unfinished business in Syria, Lebanon, and especially Iran.

Of course, establishment Democrats are not concerned about this prospect—they also believe in Israel’s wars fought at the expense of American blood and treasure. Democrats are simply more sneaky on foreign affairs and habitually disguise their warmongering psychopathy with insincere platitudes about democracy and humanitarianism.

Mike Pence will undoubtedly confront Iran militarily in the Persian Gulf. If Israel attacks Gaza or moves troops into Lebanon again, Pence will provide support and US troops. He told soldiers after Trump was elected they can expect to eventually be fed into a war, either in the Middle East, North Korea, and possibly the Western Hemisphere (that is, Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua).

If Pence moves to suck the US into a war Trump fears—for the sake of his legacy, not to spare the lives of Syrians and Iranians—the ensuing catastrophe will end up in the lap of whatever Democrat is elected next year, be that Elizabeth Warren or the predicted party crasher, Hillary Clinton.

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SOTU 2019 and American Medicine

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February 12th, 2019

SOTU 2019 and American Medicine

by: Jane M. Orient, M.D.

While President Trump called for unity and cooperation in his 2019 State of the Union address, the views of the audience showed a sharp and bitter divide, especially on issues affecting the health and medical care of Americans. Most striking was the solid bloc of Democrat “suffragettes” clad in white like Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

When the President congratulated women for their increased representation in Congress, this bloc rose to its feet to applaud uproariously, as if the home team had scored the winning touchdown in the high-school championship game.

Otherwise, the women mostly sat sullenly with arms crossed, or even displayed overt and in-your-face derision. They sat, as did Speaker Pelosi, while Sen. Bernie Sanders scowled eloquently, during the standing ovation for the President’s promise that America would never become a socialist country. The President had just observed that Venezuela, once the richest country in South America, had become a pit of abject poverty and despair under socialist rule. No sign of compassion have Democratic Socialists shown for women rooting through trash seeking food for their children, and no trace of concern about the refugees fleeing into Colombia and other neighboring countries.

These congresswomen in white are blind to the White Ladies of Havana, Cuba, who march in silence every Sunday after church to protest the communist regime on behalf of their fathers, brothers, and sons who were jailed and tortured by the Castro brothers’ totalitarian regime for their anti-communist beliefs. A naturalized American citizen (a legal immigrant) who grew up in Communist Romania, Ileana Johnson, is dismayed that Americans have elected socialists to rule over our lives. Bernie Sanders, Ocasio-Cortez’s mentor, has praised Fidel Castro for educating and bringing healthcare to Cuban children, and “totally transforming” society. More

Things Finally On The Upswing In Battle Against NWO

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by James Hufferd, PhD, Coordinator

911 Truth Grassroots Organization




“And yet, even if he really is a genuine sleaze-ball, I believe he’s trying his best to preserve and defend some semblance of the country all of us want.”


A number of recent developments have seemed to favor progress for those of us who deplore globalism and its strengthening rule by obscured and now unsheathed lightning bolt from a largely hidden elite with a generally ruinous agenda, and champion instead universal human freedom, benefit, and self-determination.

One such favorable development, of course, concerns the granting on legal grounds of an impaneled federal grand jury to hear and rule on the evidence than an explosive device or devices were used to destroy the three World Trade Center buildings principally affected on 9/11/01. Meddling or deception of some sort very well might be introduced to prevent the truth from emerging therefrom going forward, but at least, we haven’t been derailed on this leg of our quest yet and may not. Hopefully, we have at last encountered the circumstances of fairness and opportunity we’ve sought diligently for so long.

Meanwhile, the French seem to have already had it with aspects of encroaching globalist rule affecting them (as the Brits did in voting down incipient globalism a couple of years ago, though they find themselves still entangled in it), and they have (the French) taken matters entirely into their own hands, choosing to throw the whole thing over, the Belgians following suit close behind. More


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Chuck Frank

Attachment Photo taken from the International Space Station

Is the Mainstream Media now on a mission before November elections to blame President Trump for everything including Hurricane Florence?  The Washington Post just blamed President Trump for Florence.  This is truly the most hilarious news clip that I have ever laid eyes on.  With that said, I can see it is open season on Donald Trump, but why was Obama left out of the blame game when Hurricane Sandy slam dunked New Jersey and New York back in late October, 2012 and totally affected 24 states and caused 65 billion dollars in damage?  For its day, Sandy was the worst of the worst hurricanes, ever, with rivers of water that flooded tunnels and much more.   

   Insurance companies refer to these kinds of events as “acts of God”,  yet, the Washington Post fabricates a story that is an obvious departure from good journalism.  And after Florence and the floods are all over I would hope that the Washington Post will take it upon themselves to drain their own swamp before FEMA has to do it.  

  Natural fluctuations of solar activity with regard to more or less sun spots is the major prevailing factor when it comes to climate variations which would include either warming trends or cooling trends.  This is known as a scientific phenomenon that is cut in stone.

  This bit of fake news by the Washington Post surely misses the mark by a long shot.  Actually, it even missed the target by at least 100 miles.  Let us just call it a problem with left windage.

A) 10 Signs You’re Probably in a Cult (ME) and B) The Trump Republican Party Meets the Definition of a Cult

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Gary Kohls, MD


Recently I spent a couple of hours watching some of the videos that a lot of Trump supporters have been watching and have found myself agreeing with a lot of the critiques they have been making about the evils of the Deep State, the Multinationals/Financiers/Militarists/Multibillionaires/Intelligence Agencies (Globalists), the Democratic Party, the DNC but also the evils of the historic Republican Party (whose Deep State co-conspiratorial members are still in positions of power, perhaps even more deeply entrenched than the Democrats currently. I say a pox on both their corporate-controlled and corporate-contaminated parties, but one must consider the reality that the Trump corporate-controlled anomaly will just be a flash in the historic pan when all is said and done, no matter what happens in the next few years.

But I think acknowledging the cult-like characteristics of most of Trump’s blindered campaign-rally-type hero-worshippers (and he himself as the “cult leader”) are just too powerful and truthful to be dismissed, just as it would be foolish to overlook Trump’s anti-democratic tendencies, his racism, his anti-intellectualism, his uber-capitalism, his anti-environmentalism (cavalierly risking fatal global warming, et al) plus his obsessive belief in Obama’s foreign birth (!) can’t be denied.

Any anti-democratic reality, whether fascist, racist, nationalist, militarist, corporatist, libertarian or a cult is not good for America. Therefore I submit the following to add to the caution that Americans should be directing at current politics:

  1. 10 Signs You’re Probably in a Cult

Cults aren’t as easy to spot as you might think. Most cults don’t wear robes or live in communes. In fact, most cult members don’t even realize they’re in a cult.

During my 25 years as an unwitting cult member, I would often watch documentaries and read about other cults. As I researched, I noticed 10 specific patterns that helped me recognize that I myself was in a cult:

1. The leader is the ultimate authority More

In Unanimous Vote, House Says No Legal Right to Attack Iran

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Has congress finally gotten a spine???

Counter Information

By Marjorie Cohn

June 06, 2018 “Information Clearing House” –  In a little noticed but potentially monumental development, the House of Representatives voted unanimously for an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act of 2019 (H.R. 5515) that says no statute authorizes the use of military force against Iran.

The amendment, introduced by Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minnesota), states, “It is the sense of Congress that the use of the Armed Forces against Iran is not authorized by this Act or any other Act.”

A bipartisan majority of the House adopted the National Defense Authorization Act on May 24, with a vote of 351-66. The bill now moves to the Senate.

If the Senate version ultimately includes the Ellison amendment as well, Congress would send a clear message to Donald Trump that he has no statutory authority to militarily attack Iran.

This becomes particularly significant in light of Trump’s…

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Syria missile strikes: based on what evidence?


Jon Rappoport’s blog



Based on what constitutional authority?

“Let’s see, US Deep State actors from intelligence agencies, the Pentagon, and the Department of State, along with US allies, played a MAJOR role in creating, funding, supplying, and sustaining ISIS, while purportedly doing everything possible to destroy ISIS. No problem. Why should there be a problem?” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

Trump and the Pentagon claim the strikes were based on clear evidence President Assad’s forces used chemical weapons on their own civilian citizens.

The Russians point out that international inspectors were due to investigate the chemical-weapons claims on Saturday—and their findings would have denied Assad chemical attacks took place—therefore, to prevent this embarrassment, the US-led missile attacks were launched one day earlier.

Posted at Washingtonsblog.com:

FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity
SUBJECT: Evidence Required for Military Decision on Syria

Mr. President,



The non-news

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by James Hufferd, Ph.D., Coordinator 911 Truth Grassroots Organization


    ” Until then, or until they’re busted, expect every story corporately reported to be at best contorted and full of toxic gas. (Blame it on Zionists if you wish; the Nuremberg Final Compact says they can’t shirk blame onto a higher subspecies.)”


I’ve got to say it: I’m mad as hell. (No, I’m not admitting I’m insane – Angry!) Think about how much very many among the non-official and official powers-that-be despise people/underlings in general – supposing, I more than suppose, that they themselves are some somehow worthier elite subspecies well above the rest of us who are without recourse. And, really, in numerous cases, they are who and where they are because they are advantaged precisely by being unburdened by that morality/empathy gene we call “integrity” or “empathy”, which they might see as a handicap and probably mythical anyway, faked by natural-born squishes to hide their pathetic inability to figure it out or resist.

To assess the effect of such self-exalted subspecies members’ actions on us peasants’ lives, aided by many aspects of highly-potentiated technology, separately and across society, imagine a lowly, wretched scammer, his/her tool kit a telephone and a jaded conscience, bilking an elderly widow out of her husband’s lifetime pension. Now, multiply that wicked act or knack by millions, scorching everybody; if in a paid-off government regulations committee or agency, a mega-bank, insurance, or pharmaceutical board or top or division office, ratchet up a hundred times. It’s not the power, but disdain and greed in many instances. More

Nursing homes that harm seniors face fewer fines under Trump


Jordan Rau, Kaiser Health News


The Trump administration — reversing guidelines put in place under President Barack Obama — is scaling back the use of fines against nursing homes that harm residents or place them in grave risk of injury.

The shift in the Medicare program’s penalty protocols was requested by the nursing home industry. The American Health Care Association, the industry’s main trade group, has complained that under Obama inspectors focused excessively on catching wrongdoing rather than helping nursing homes improve.

“It is critical that we have relief,” Mark Parkinson, the group’s president, wrote in a letter to then-President-elect Donald Trump in December 2016.

Since 2013, nearly 6,500 nursing homes — 4 of every 10 — have been cited at least once for a serious violation, federal records show. Medicare has fined two-thirds of those homes. Common citations include failing to protect residents from avoidable accidents, neglect, mistreatment and bedsores.

FROM 2015: Look up nursing home ratings in your city

The new guidelines discourage regulators from levying fines in some situations, even when they have resulted in a resident’s death. The guidelines will also probably result in lower fines for many facilities.

The change in policy aligns with Trump’s promise to reduce bureaucracy, regulation and government intervention in business. READ MORE

Trump Good And Bad


by James Hufferd, Ph.D., Coordinator

911 Truth Grassroots Organization


There are famously two all-too-human superpowers in this world at this point: 1) the universally-recognized mighty United States, become the military and influence tool of the self-serving, grasping organized global elite, and 2) world public opinion, the potential basis for a much stronger power if it can ever be harnessed, jelled, and exerted in its own behalf.

Most people assume that world individual self-interest can’t be mobilized and directed into an all-conquering force to set the elite on its fat and technologically-super-enhanced ear. But, the other day, the UN delegates of the 95%+ of the world not directly controlled by the U.S. deep state or its powerful mascot, Israel, made it seem possible for the “deplorable” fully-human rest of the world to gloriously triumph by overwhelmingly rejecting the elite’s sanctification of Israel grinding the pre-established in the land Palestinians into the ground. More

Suppose Trump had Hillary’s incredible Russian connection?

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Jon Rappoport’s Blog


If Trump had Hillary’s Russian connection…

Trump would be curled up in a ball in a bunker a few hundred feet under the White House. And that’s on his best day.

The newspapers and television news would be citing nothing less than treason as the cause for his impeachment. They would claim he was, in fact, helping Putin win World War 3 against the US. A nuclear war.

Forget “Putin influenced the election on behalf of Trump.” Instead, mainstream attack dogs would be claiming Trump was a conscious agent who had been turned, years ago, against his home country. The dogs would be making up stories about how this happened.

“It was on a business trip that the world changed for a desperate real estate mogul named Donald Trump. Mr. Trump was on his way to Moscow, ostensibly to meet with several Russian oligarchs about a casino project he was hoping to launch. Instead, he huddled with a representative and close friend of Vladimir Putin at the Baltschug Kempinski Hotel, and that friend offered Mr. Trump a different kind of deal, one that would change his life forever and alter the future of America…”

This is what we would be seeing and hearing if Donald Trump had been involved in the 2013 Clinton business deal with Russia that everyone knows about—but no one is willing to prosecute or even cover (anymore) in the mainstream press.

I have written about the Clinton deal before, but it’s worth reviewing again, given the kind of heat Trump is dealing with for Phone Conversations. Conversations several of his people have had with Russians; even business deals that could have been consummated during those discussions.

So…here it is again. Imagine Hillary and Bill Clinton were not the wheelers and dealers. Imagine Trump was. Try to conceive what would be happening to him now vs. what is happening to Bill and Hillary: i.e., nothing.

I’ll go one step further. Wherever Bill or Hillary’s name, or the name of their Foundation, appears in the NY Times story I’m about to quote, I’ll substitute a Trump name (in CAPS), so you get the full effect:

Consider this plot line. Follow the bouncing ball.

Putin wants 20% of uranium on US soil. That 20% is owned by a Canadian mining company.

The Canadian executives want to sell it to Putin.

But because uranium is a US “national security” product, various US federal agencies have to OK the deal. One of those agencies is the US State Department.


How about a free, functional government?


by James Hufferd, Ph.D.

Coordinator, 911 Truth Grassroots Organization


Donald Trump was supposed to be the first president since JFK to be free of obligations to the high cabal usual funders and owners of American presidents. That’s how he was self-billed and that was his major selling point – that he had very largely funded his own campaign and, with a very successful businessman’s approach, would be more-knowledgeable and success-capable than his politician predecessors. So that he could get things Total Earth Science Skepticdone for and at the bidding of the people, rather than the multi-billionaire plutocrats who were accustomed to bribing and ruling.

And, perhaps strangely, if you google it, you can find purported background information both ways – that he paid for most of his rather sketchy campaign himself, or alternatively, that his elevation was heavily-financed by mega-rich interests primarily on Wall Street.

But, regardless, he is now, as a sudden recruit to the bomb-bomb, waw-waw persuasion, coming over from the presumed militarism-minimization philosophy of regime-change wars being too costly and unavailing. The neocons have got him now, apparently, however they did it, and here we go again – except more than ever.

One current theory, voiced in an online article apparently without an author a couple of days ago, entitled “Is Trump Really In Control?”, conjectures that the other members of the administration, mostly ex-generals, because they, not so much the president, have been mouthing threats in every direction lately, must, thus, be in control. While the president enjoys his golf and holds endless meetings and pep rallies – leaving war “to the generals”, mostly faceless. Whoever they are, all too casually assumed to be human or approximately so. More

Another Government Shutdown Shakedown? (Yawn!)

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Marti Oakley


It made absolutely no difference who won the 2016 presidential election. We can vote all we want, but the flight plan doesn’t change. We are being steered to a predetermined end with the only difference being which road we take to get there. This translates into …who will be allowed to profit most from the journey? We already know who will pay the bill.

Trump’s biggest problem was and is that he thought he was actually going to be running things…he’d be the “boss”. He’s obviously had his butt handed to him and now has back peddled on EVERY campaign promise he made. And we are just verging in the end of the first 100 days of his administration.


Here we go again. The threat of a so-called “government shutdown”. IF only that would happen on a level beneficial to the country. But it won’t. Nothing that affects the daily grinding of federal agencies as they mismanage employees, programs and massive amounts of money will be affected. Both houses of congress will continue to gather and to collect their pay checks, their golden fleece insurance perks and, bribery from special interests hand delivered by lobbyists. Of course, we don’t dare call it bribery; we call it “campaign donations”, “political contributions” and other euphemisms meant to disguise the pay-to-play business of government.


Checking a list of government agencies affected in 2013 and 2015, it is apparent that the only people and agencies affected to any degree, are low-level staffers and even lower level employees of agencies.

A sample from that list:

  • Vital services that ensure seniors and young children have access to healthy food and meals may not have sufficient Federal funds to serve all beneficiaries in an extended lapse.
  • Call centers, hotlines and regional offices that help veterans understand their benefits will close to the public.
  • And, veterans’ compensation, pension, education and other benefits could be cut off in the case of an extended shutdown.
  • Every one of America’s national parks and monuments, from Yosemite to the Smithsonian to the Statue of Liberty, will be immediately closed.
  • New applications for small business loans and loan guarantees will be immediately halted.
  • Research into life-threatening diseases and other areas will stop and new patients won’t be accepted into clinical trials at the National Institutes of Health.
  • Work to protect consumers, ranging from child product safety to financial security to the safety of hazardous waste facilities, will cease. The EPA will halt non-essential inspections of chemical facilities and drinking water systems.
  • Permits and reviews for planned energy and transportations projects will stop, preventing companies from working on these projects.
  • Loans to rural communities will be halted.
  • Hundreds of thousands of Federal employees including many charged with protecting us from terrorist threats, defending our borders, inspecting our food, and keeping our skies safe will work without pay until the shutdown ends.
  • Hundreds of thousands of additional Federal workers will be immediately and indefinitely furloughed without pay.

READ MORE>>>>>>>>>>>> More

What I Think Is Happening

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new-logo25by James Hufferd, Ph.D.                                                                                    

Coordinator, 911 Truth Grassroots Organization


“……Achilles-heel of international control in the US, which he recognized to be an enormous pedophilia ring, binding effectively the obedience of a crucial percentage of the government, including Congress members, recruited and run clandestinely out of inventive necessity by the Israeli Mossad (secret service)”


1920541_10152099827078863_1820056404_n1     How about a lollapalooza of a conspiracy theory – fueled by a little bit of evidence and more than a little bit of fairly-well-educated paranoia? With that all-too-rare admission gotten out of the way, here’s basically what I think is going on.

The world’s power elite – the really big banks, the Bilderberg, New World Order, the leading purveyors and masters of the Deep State – are more psychopathic, arrogant, and totally self-centered and unstoppably determined than anybody you would ever meet in a thousand years. More

President Trump: My Basic Scoresheet


new-logo251_002by James Hufferd, Ph.D.

Coordinator, 911 Truth Grassroots Organization


     Maybe like some of you, I have gotten to know myself better over the past several months. I have always considered myself anything but conservative. “Beyond liberal,” I have said when describing my basic orientation:  meaning liberal, only more so compared to the range of holes provided on a standard belt. Sort of a lone sentinel, out there when it came to equality, fairness, generosity, universal enablement, foolhardiness or moxie.

But then, people (the media, mostly) started referring to arch-globalist and militarist, mealy-mouthed, wicked old grandmotherly chiseler Hillary Clinton and her wacko, selectively-hateful, spoiled followers as “liberals”, and my idealist vocabulary started to curdle, fast. Because, all these schmucks the media calls “liberals” and even “leftists” are about as liberal as a toad. Liberalism is not boneheaded borderless-ness. Nor is it defamation and shrieking “treason” through your tears and trashing the Constitution’s election ground rules agreed on by all at the start because you didn’t win the race. More

What I Just Don’t Get

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by James Hufferd, Ph.D.                        new-logo251_002

Coordinator, 911 Truth Grassroots Organization



Policy specifics aside for a moment (although, as they say, the devil is in the details), the meme enunciated by the US Democratic Party under Obama has been best encapsulated in phalanx of single words, like Brotherhood and Inclusion. Party-line liberals (of which I could easily have been misconstrued as one myself until the Mafia-like character of the party apparatus fully materialized during the still-recent primaries) give every indication even now of continuing to believe themselves the unique bearers of sweetness and light to the world. But a simple look at the record of late has come to indicate the exact opposite. Acceptance? Forget it. If you, as a left-out working class person, or identifying with same, decided to spurn the conniving, greedy old woman installed as nominee over they party rank-and-file’s more promising, and therefore popular choice, then you don’t qualify for consideration. Because, thievery is no excuse for rejection. More

How absurd


new-logo251_002By James Hufferd, Ph.D.                                                                                      Coordinator, 911 Truth Grassroots Organization


cc43913c-e38e-47a0-98a4-1f2fd4b67dfd-medium   Why is the contemporary world so continuously roiled up and kept in perpetual high anxiety and loathing of others? Is it, as American and Western European exceptionalists and militarists have always insisted, that American and western “civilization” even before that are continually confronted by the latest designated diabolical enemy, always bent on destroying us good and peaceable folks and our kindly nation(s)? Such has been stoutly held and told us since at least the days of jolly old King Richard the Lionhearted, King Philip, the scourge of New England, on down through the Kaiser, Hitler and Stalin, Osama, and now Putin and ISIS (or is it ISIL after all?), Syria not being considered big enough for the role. Anybody, in other words, to keep the fear level and the “defense” levies high enough for us to “preemptively” terrorize the world and intimidate and harass our so-called friends, who surely know better. More

Mad Dog on the Prowl: the Blood-soaked Career of General James Mattis

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Editors note:  Before you think about rushing to support or defend Mattis, remember this…Mattis enjoys killing and he does not distinguish between imagined or real enemies.  The bragging and obvious pleasure this man takes in the slaughter of even children should be a warning to all.  IF you think this man would NOT turn on us and do the same to us that he has done to other people in foreign countries, you are sadly mistaken.  In any other social position he would be called what he is……a psychopathic serial killer.  That this man brags about the atrocities he commits or orders to be committed is exceeded only by his absolute pleasure in regaling others with his horrendous deeds.  MJO

Duty to Warn

new-logo251_002By Gary G. Kohls, MD


“One victim of the US military aggression after another was brought into the clinic, nearly all of them women and children, carried by weeping family members. Those who had not been hit by bombs from warplanes had been shot by US snipers…


(Should Unindicted, Potential International War Criminals be Disqualified for Serving as US Secretary of Defense?)

“It is clear that Trump’s secretary of defense selection of Mattis, an unprosecuted war criminal, is yet another egregious act against justice and the rule of international law. Mattis was a high-level marine commander overseeing both sieges of Fallujah who then played an active role in making sure eight marines involved in a massacre walked away from any appropriate punishment.” – Dahr Jamail (http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/38620-james-mattis-is-a-war-criminal-i-experienced-his-attack-on-fallujah-firsthand)

Donald Trump clearly meets most of the qualities of sociopathic personality disorder and his tactics and political belief system really can’t be distinguished from fascism. So it shouldn’t be surprising to recognize many of the same traits in his appointees. More

Of High Hypocrisy and Gross Disrespect


new-logo251_002by James Hufferd, Ph.D.                                                                                       Coordinator, 911 Truth Grassroots Organization


club   Those of you abroad may not realize that we North Americans, as irrationally devoted to our peculiar form of football as you are to yours, tend to be far more interested in this, our own much beloved blood sport than we are in politics, which we are repeatedly reminded matters a great deal more to the real ups and downs of life. That is, at least until Trump, love him or hate him.


Mark Dankof and Patrick Slattery: National Bugle Radio: Nov 17th, 2016

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Clinton may be the “death sentence” for America and Trump is 50/50


new-logo25Editorial response by:  Doug Kinan


Globe article: Wild presidential debates have proved pivotal in trajectory of campaign – The Boston Globe

Kinan’s Response:

Both candidates have acted inappropriately and both have history.

Private sector history and public sector history are different.

Trump’s alleged history has had no impact on the nation and the world.

Clinton has three decades of public service with little to show America what has been accomplished for America and Americans.

Essentially the government no longer represents the American taxpayers. Is the status quo what America needs or wants?

On one issue alone, “immigration”, the choice should be clear. More

Election 2016: Are we really going to let them get away with this?



Opinion, Marti Oakley


The view from a political atheist

To all of you whiners and criers out there who whimper or scream hysterically that if I don’t vote I have no right to complain……..the hell if I don’t. I have watched this cycle every four years devolve into some kind of sick comedy act, and this election has got to be the final insult to the American voters.

08-10-2015_IllusionOn the so-called “right” we have Trump. A misogynistic blowhard that has supposedly built a fortune by gaming the system, filing multiple bankruptcies on his businesses and walked away with the goods and left many holding the bag.

On the so-called “left” we have Clinton. A murderous, treacherous, deceitful, career politician whose history in government is littered with one sordid episode after another.

330 Million people estimated to be in the US and this is all we can come up with for presidential candidates? Really?

We seriously need a vote of [no confidence] on our ballots. I refuse to be backed into another corner and being forced to choose between two clearly unqualified, unworthy, unreliable, dishonest, lying, cheating, conniving, deceitful, manipulative, Trilateral, Council on Foreign Relations, central banking flunkies, as my only options for president. We don’t elect presidents anyway. More

Election 2016: Let’s Screw America Again!


new-logo25Marti Oakley


The idea that Clinton, whose hands could not have more blood on them, is going to stump for safer communities by disarming the public would almost be laughable if it were not for the bloody trail she has left in her wake”


thflbpyt2f_002Many people are refusing to vote this coming election. These refusals are met with the standard “if you don’t vote you have no right to complain”. I hold another line of thought…”If you vote for one of the unacceptable candidates presented to you, YOU are directly to blame for what they do”. We seriously need a “vote of no confidence” on our ballots.

Too many people are still caught up in the right/left, “as long as my party wins” mindset. Let me educate you…..there is a party…..a big one…….and you were not invited.

After watching some of the Republican convention and being brought dangerously close to blowing chunks, what caught my attention was the number of people who cheered wildly, jumping up and down as one speaker after another BS’d them with speeches that contained words that meant absolutely nothing to them.

I can only assume that somewhere there are those who were laughing hysterically at the sheer number of people who bought the whole show, hook, line and big sinker!

Having watched in disbelief as Trump made faces, gestured wildly, and acted at times as if he had actually lost his mind, I really didn’t think things could get much worse. In my opinion, Trump’s popularity is based upon his speaking out loud what many of us fine Christian people harbor in our private thoughts. Unfortunately, he is the lesser of two evils in this election. More

Disasters Much Bigger than San Bernardino: What Candidates Need to Talk about


new-logo25Jane M. Orient, M.D.

Some candidates including Trump and Cruz support the right of Americans to own effective tools of self defense. But none are talking about the long-standing official government stance of keeping Americans as vulnerable hostages to nuclear weapons.

It is terrible that Americans can get shot at a Christmas party, but much worse will happen if we don’t confront the problems beginning at the top.


After every shooting episode the response is the same formula: constant media coverage, much of it fact-free, and calls for thoughts, prayers—and still more gun control. It’s time to take a broader perspective than a focus on the dozens of individual tragedies.

Today, Americans are targets. Not just individual Americans, but also the United States of America. They are targeted by deranged individuals, by fanatical ideologues, by drug cartels, by terrorist organizations, and by foreign powers, some of whom have intercontinental ballistic missiles with multiple independently targeted nuclear warheads aimed at American cities.

Our thoughts need to turn to what is really going on, and our prayers need to include “God save the United States of America.”

We have pervasive surveillance of our financial transactions, our telephone and electronic communications, our medical records, and our movements. The government has enormous powers of search and seizure, many unthinkable to drafters of our Fourth Amendment, and these are used against Americans engaged in normal business that threatens no one. We already have lots of gun control laws.

So how were terrorists in San Bernadino able to accumulate bomb-making material, an arsenal of weapons both legal and illegal, and body armor, without spurring any action by the authorities?

Terrorists have also engaged in operations that don’t yet have any poster children but that are far more dangerous than shooting up a Christmas party, such as disabling a key electrical substation. This shows the capacity for coordinated, sophisticate operations that could cripple the electricity grid for a long time.

Candidates such as Donald Trump and Ted Cruz call for controlling illegal immigration—surely necessary, but insufficient. The San Bernardino terrorists were here legally.

Here are the real issues that we need to discuss:

Americans are mostly helpless victims. The government that is supposed to protect us, though awesomely powerful, appears to be incompetent, corrupt, or—dare we suggest it?—on the other side.Americans are divided by a culture of grievances.America is dangerously weak.Foreign policy is recklessly provocative. More

“Newty and The Donald”



John Boering (c)copyright 2011


So….I’m drinking my morning coffee and waiting for the cribbage games to start at my usual morning hangout and I’m watching some news channel that is trying to convince viewers that Gingrich is leading the GOP charge for the White house and I’m thinking to myself….. this is a set up. 

With most of the Republican party appalled at the thought of Gingrich as a candidate, and now with the addition of Donald Trump as his side kick, no one can take this seriously.  I’m also thinking we could turn this into a reality show series.  Forget Jersey Shore…..we got “Newty and The Donald” buffoon show.  More