
S.510: Manager’s Amended Version..The corporate “coop”…the chicken shit’s come home to roost.



Marti Oakley w/Paul Griepentrog (c)copyright 2010  All Rights Reserved

                                           ” What remains as a “bill” is the actual assault on domestic agriculture hidden behind euphemistic terms such as “food safety”, “food security” and other deceptive language meant to deceive the reader into thinking the safety of food in this country was at risk from family and independent producers   ”                                                                    


The fight to maintain control of our food production and supply must begin in the states.  Your governor, according to this bill, will appoint the agency that will contract with USDA/FDA for access to your state.  It is your governor who will make this federal theft of domestic agriculture possible; and it is your governor who must be pressured to refuse to negotiate with corporate federal agencies.  The betrayal of America’s farmers and ranchers will begin with each state governor granting corporate federal agencies access to your state and will be enforced by state agencies under the color of law.  These agents will be your friends, neighbors and maybe even family members who will put on an agency badge and suddenly forget the Constitution and individual rights. 

For years multi-national corporations have raided and plundered third-world countries, stealing land, raping the environment and causing the starvation and abject misery of untold millions of people.   The efforts to steal farmland, to grow gmo crops for biofuels while human beings starved next to fields full of grain, is nothing new.  The world wide efforts to seize control of the world’s food supply, dictating what people would eat and if they would eat, is coming full circle. The US along with Canada is now about to fall victim to the absolute takeover of food production and supply in both counties, by corporations who have orchestrated the greatest theft ever perpetrated.   They could not have done it without the corruption of career politicians who sold their integrity, honor and office for corporate favors and campaign donations, increasing their own personal wealth along the way, and selling out the very people they swore to represent. 

We are about to see congress come back into session; never have we as a country been in such danger from our own government.  Democrat or Republican, we have no support within our own congress. 

Below is a break down of S.510.  As pages 1 thru 104 were struck, the provisions contained in those pages were written into broad and vague language, open to interpretation and abuse by corporate federal agencies.  This was intentional.  What was taken out in one place was inserted elsewhere under ambiguous language.  What remains as a “bill” is the actual assault on domestic agriculture hidden behind euphemistic terms such as “food safety”, “food security” and other deceptive language meant to deceive the reader into thinking the safety of food in this country was at risk from family and independent producers.

Here are just some of the highlights of S.510.  There have been several versions of this bill, so for expediency, we have simply listed the sections by number.  More

CODEX in S510: Congress continues to ignore the people

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Marti Oakley (c) coyright 2010 All Rights Reserved


How” would more likely be, how to bring the US into full compliance with CODEX when we the people are fully aware that this system is intended to reduce standards and regulations in every country unfortunate enough to have adopted this plan for global control of the food supply by multi-national corporations. “


It appears obvious that the massive public backlash against Codex Alimentarius, has not only fallen on the deaf ears of congress, but is set to be ignored.  Apparently, hundreds of thousands letters of objection, hundreds of thousands of phone calls, and communications of all types demanding that CODEX be rejected as harmful to the economic growth, the freedom to determine how we will produce food and how we will market it and the right to be free of devastating international agreements that do not have the force of law in the United States……have been rejected in favor of unconstitutional agreements of all kinds, most especially the CODEX Alimentarius.

Now then; If we the people understand that these agreements are harmful and not in the best interest of moving the nation forward…if we the people know that these agreements are in direct violation of our laws and constitution……


S.510 Sect. 306 Building Capacity Of Foreign Governments with Respect to Food 

(c) Plan—-The plan developed under subsection (a) shall include, as appropriate, the following:

(5) Recommendations on whether and how to harmonize requirements under CODEX ALIMENTARIUS. More

New Zealand gets a pass on dairy testing for growth hormones: It isn’t necessary?

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Almost as a portend of what is to come should the attempts to pass S510 succeed, New Zealand AG is spared any testing for growth hormones in milk…..because they have strict laws concerning the use of hormones in milking cows.  That’s really nice, but th ebulk of their milk products come from Fonterra, a Canadian based corporation who supplies dried milk products to NewZealand……so it would appear that the milk cows and subsequent laws governing them, are of no consequence.

Fonterra, which sells dried milk powder to China under the brand name Synutra, denies there is any link between their product, growth hormones and the developement of breasts in infants fed these products.  China sells the milk product to New Zealand. 

See how easy that all is?  Fonterra says there is no threat; China says its product is not at fault and  New Zealand says their milk cows don’t need to be tested, and babies are sprouting boobies all over the place.  A cosmic mystery for sure!  Marti_____________________________________

Synutra defends products in light of hormone scare

By Guy Montague-Jones, 13-Aug-2010

Related topics: Regulation & Safety

Chinese dairy Synutra International has affirmed its belief that its products are safe and in no way linked to recent allegations of premature breast development in infant girls.

Media reports earlier in the week said that medical tests had found excessive levels of hormones in three young girls who had allegedly consumed milk powder made by Synutra. Parents of the children and doctors in the Hebei province had expressed concern that the products caused the girls, aged four- to 15 months, to prematurely develop breasts.


Synutra has now responded to these allegations. In a statement, Liang Zhang, chairman and CEO of Synutra, said: “We are seeing many industry experts speak out about the lack of scientific evidence between infant formula and these claims. More

Senate food safety bill edges toward vote

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Even as the public continues its fight to prevent this takeover of  food production and supply for the benefit of   multi-national corporations and to imlement CODEX, congress moves ahead with plans to vote on this corporate takeover of agriculture. 


S510 is the greatest threat to the food security of the US all for the benefit of corporations. 


We have no voice in congress; they have no intentions of listening to the people.  I still maintain, every representative and senator should be called home, relieved of their office, and charged for crimes against the states and the people.


Senate food safety bill edges toward vote

By Caroline Scott-Thomas, 13-Aug-2010

Related topics: Food safety, Legislation, Food safety and labeling

Lawmakers released a bipartisan agreement on the Senate’s food safety bill on Thursday, signaling that it is likely to be debated in the Senate when it reconvenes in September.

The Food Safety Modernization Act has been stalled in the Senate since it was passed unanimously by the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee in November, and a companion bill – the Food Safety Enhancement Act – passed the House more than a year ago, last July. Now Senate leaders have collaborated to release a manager’s package and Congressional Budget Office analysis.

The six Senators involved are HELP Committee Chairman Tom Harkin (D-IA), Ranking Member Mike Enzi (R-WY), authors of the Food Safety Modernization Act Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Judd Gregg (R-NH) and lead cosponsors Chris Dodd (D-CT) and Richard Burr (R-NC).

They said in a joint statement: “Any 100-year-old plus structure – like our nation’s food safety system – needs improvements. With this announcement today, we aim to not just patch and mend our fragmented food safety system, we hope to reinforce the infrastructure, close the gaps and create a systematic, risk-based and balanced approach to food safety in the United States.

“The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act will place more emphasis on prevention of food borne illness and will provide new tools to respond to food safety problems.”

The amendment is available online here .

Two major issues remain unresolved in the manager’s package: Senator Jon Tester’s to exempt smaller businesses from some of the bill’s requirements and Senator Dianne Feinstein’s to restrict use of bisphenol A. More

Comments? We don’t need no stinkin’ comments! “King” Salazar doesn’t really care what you think



Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved

A big Stinkfly award goes to Ken Salazar!

Ken Salazar, quite possibly one of the most insidious characters to occupy an appointed federal office since maybe, Donald Rumsfeld, has just topped his own high measure of malfeasance.  Heading up what has become notorious for being one of the most grossly mismanaged agencies of the federal government, the Department of the Interior (DoI), Salazar has set into motion some of the worst plans and policies ever implemented by the DoI.  Among these policies is the eradication and zeroing out of herds of wild horses and burros all supposedly protected under the 1976 Wild Horse & Burro act. 

Its unfortunate that the 1971 Act contained no provisions allowing for the protection of the herds from the BLM, itself.  The BLM represents the most formidable threat not only to the wild herds, but also to the environment and biodiversity as well.  More