
Mask Advice from The Good Fairy

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May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'YOU'VE HAD THE POWER TO TAKE THAT MASK OFF AND GO OUTSIDE ALL ALONG MY DEAR'

Twilight of the Courts: The Elusive Search for Justice in the American Police State



This commentary is also available at www.rutherford.org.

By John W. Whitehead
June 5, 2017

“As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there is a twilight when everything remains seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all must be most aware of change in the air – however slight – lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness.”—Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas We have entered a new regime and it’s called the American police state. More

All Our Children Are Now FBI Terrorism Suspects


Maybe we should report the FBI for domestic terrorism activities.

Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011′ HR. 347: “Our corruption has made us grossly paranoid”


Marti Oakley


I believe it is highly indicative of the level of corruption in our government when bills such as this piece of crap are passed with virtually every congressman/woman voting to pass it.  This is another of those bills for which their was no need.  Our government, now with the complicity and collusion of our local law enforcement domestic military units, routinely violates our rights and commit acts of aggression and violence against the public, without penalty or punishment.

In addition to making it illegal (not unlawful) to supposedly trespass the hallowed grounds of the White House lawn, it also means protesting such events such as the 2012 G8 and NATO summits could be a federal offense.

National Special Security Events

In what has clearly morphed into a full frontal assault on the First Amendment and the right to assemble, National Special Security Events (NSSA’s)created under Clinton,  are now the signature for squashing first amendment rights.  Anything can be deemed an NSSA.  Funerals, weddings, visits from the current dictators of foreign countries that we haven’t decided to blow off the global map yet.  This crap even applies to Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum because they have secret service protection (although I have no idea why we should be footing the bill for this).  I have no idea why they even need such protection when there are only a handful of people at their big fancy public meetings which is why the cameras are kept close in.  That way you won’t know there are only ten people there instead of the huge crowds you are led to believe are in attendance. More

Congress: We are insane to let these people even assemble


Marti Oakley

copyright 2012


The attempts to take over the net, regardless of what reasons they give are indicative of a government that has removed itself so far from the people it claims to represent that I believe we are insane to even let these people assemble. Its too much like watching an invading army that is fully determined to destroy us at any cost.

Just today, another of those staged “committee hearings” was taking place in the efforts to revive the federal governments intention to launch a full frontal attack on the first amendment and free speech.  Of course no one of any consequence appeared as a witness opposing this intent to take over the net, but we did have the usual line-up of the Permanent Political Class sitting front and center ready to deliver what could be nothing less than their own personal version of the dooms-day scenario they envision for us if we do not comply with their desire to throttle the net for political purposes.

Among these political hacks who are cheering on the assault on freedom of speech was Diane Feinstein, Jay Rockefeller, Susan Collins and of course our all-time despised political puppet, good ol’ Joe Lieberman.  These characters were accompanied by Tom Ridge, Janet Napolitano and whomever else Lieberman could drag in to this stage show, willing to do their part in attempting to terrify the nation into viewing an open and free internet as not only a threat to national security, but to economic security as well.  More

Minnesota Republicans join Iowa and other states colluding to protect Big AG donors

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Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved


Republicans in every state should just hang a big “FOR SALE” sign on the door to their offices.  Maybe they already did. “


  Minnesota Republicans join Iowa, Florida and a few other states colluding to protect big Ag producers from having the abuses and instances of animal cruelty, neglect, mistreatment and fetid conditions documented, especially in the media.

The Minnesota bills, S 1118 and H 1369 are almost a verbatim reproduction of the bills Republican’s introduced in Iowa just last week specifically criminalizing the photographing or video-taping of animal cruelty and abuse by industrialized corporate producers or anyone else for that matter.  But the intent of all these bills is to protect the top donors to election campaigns from negative exposure of the rampant abuse, unsanitary conditions and abject misery animals and poultry are subjected to under the corporate model. 

These new laws would be codified in Minnesota statutes Chapter 17. 

As these laws are a clear violation of the First Amendment and free speech, and would serve no other purpose than to protect corporations whose focus is on profits above anything else, I have to wonder where all that righteous, moral, “our values” crap went?  More

IOWA: Video cameras now lethal weapons: Republican’s launch another attack on your rights


Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved


This works out really well……this way, you are prevented from gathering the evidence, producing the evidence and forcing them to acknowledge the evidence. Perfect scenario: Plausible deniability.



Iowa is following in Florida’s footsteps and working on passing a bill making it a criminal offense to film or photograph the abuse of animals on farms or in commercial CAFO operations. Apparently it is ok to abuse your animals, to leave them in fetid conditions, or to treat them inhumanely…..Iowa just doesn’t want you documenting that abuse.

Nine House Democrats joined all of the Republicans present to pass the bill in a 66 to 27 vote on Iowa bill H.R. 589.

Turns out your video camera or camera are now considered lethal weapons…the stuff of terrorism!

In an effort to protect industrialized CAFO operations, and unscrupulous corporate growers, Iowa is standing up to those activist citizens who document the abhorrent conditions on industrialized farms and ranches and also in some privately owned operations, claiming this somehow interferes with, or tampers with the property of another.

11A. “Record” means any printed, inscribed,
visual, or audio information that is placed or stored on a
tangible medium, and that may be accessed in a perceivable
form, including but not limited to any paper or electronic
format. More

BLM Clobbered with Law Suit to Cease ALL Helicopter Stampedes

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 September 25, 2010 (The News as We See It) by R.T. Fitch

 GrassRootsHorse Sends BLM into Legal Tailspin

Photojournalist and videographer Laura Leigh, supported by GrassRootsHorse, filed a motion for a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) at 0500hrs PT, September 24th 2010.

Horseback Magazine Reporters R.T. Fitch and Laura Leigh at Twin Peaks Stampede ~ Photo by Terry Fitch

The motion names as defendants Ken Salazar, Bob Abbey, Ron Wenker and the BLM as it asks for an immediate cessation of all helicopter roundups and related activities regarding any and all aspects of actions related to wild horse movement, gathering or roundup as well as any actions involving all the horses in both short and long term holding.  The case has been assigned to the Honorable Judge Hicks who, likewise, is considering Ms. Leigh’s contempt complaint regarding the Tuscarora stampede.

This motion is all about accountability, access, transparency and the First Amendment rights granted to all U.S. citizens under the Constitution.

“This is about the horses, each and every horse. Every individual life that leaves the range matters and is important to the American public. This is not about some bulk inventory and it is about time that the government recognizes that fact. We are not going away. The wild horses and burros are living beings mandated to be managed humanely.” said Maureen VanDerStad of Grass Roots Horse, a nonprofit group based in grass roots activism.  More

BLM’s Wild Horse Stampede Contractor Exposed as Deceptive

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(The News as We See It) by R.T. Fitch

“Wild horses never made it through hundreds, thousands and millions of years until Dave and Sue Cattoor showed up to save them from their impending doom of living wild and free on the land that has been their homes for centuries.  What a tremendous burden the Cattoors bear by playing God to the publicly owned wild horses of the United States of America, I am in awe.”_____________________________

BLM’s David Cattoor Plots to Subvert First Amendment Rights, Again!

 Dave Cattoor, “I’m not going to give them the one shot that they want” ~ Photo by Jim Wilson/New York Times ___________________________

It was subtle, it was sweet and done with such professional flair that most people would have missed it on the first go around but a second viewing cements the words and causes the jaws to drop.  Clare Major, of the New York Times, caught on video BLM Wild Horse Stampede contractor Dave Cattoor discussing with his company and BLM personnel the process of killing a horse, that his firm would injure, and how to hide it and dispose of it in such a manner that the public and press would not see it or become aware of the incident.  How sweet is that? 

All the King’s horses and all the King’s men will never be able to put Cattoor’s words back in his mouth again.”

Sunk, doused and caught with his pants down all due to the desire to be “famous” and to appear in the New York Times.  The egos of Dave and Sue Cattoor have finally done them in.


Cointelpro, Provacateurs,Disinfo Agents.

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This video reveals some of the ongoing activities of the government spanning many years to disrupt peaceful rallies, blogging, and any other attempts to register dissent or to disseminate information.  Government agents, police personnel and hired provacatuers attempt to incite violence, change blog postings to discredit writers and otherwise work to discredit every day citizens exercizing their rights. 

Has anyone ever refused to answer a question from a federal inquisitor on Tenth Amendment grounds

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D o w n s i z e r – D i s p a t c h

Quote of the Day: “All substances are poisons: there is none which is not a poison. The right dose differentiates a poison and a remedy.” — Paracelsus (1493-1541)

The baseball pitcher, Roger Clemens, is in the news. He has been charged with the supposed crime of lying to the politicians in Congress about his use of steroids.

* How should we think about this?
* What are the Constitutional issues involved?

To answer these questions we offer you some imaginary testimony — things Roger Clemens could have said to Congress, instead of what he did say.

* You’ve heard of people “pleading the 5th” — invoking the 5th Amendment’s protection against self incrimination, but . . .
* James Wilson argues that Clemens should have “plead the 10th” — invoking the 10th Amendment’s limitation of federal power.
* You’ll see why when you read the imaginary testimony below.

An earlier version of this was published on Thursday, January 10, 2008, when Clemens was first called to testify before Congress. This slightly edited version makes points that are just as relevant now.


Has anyone ever refused to answer a question from a federal inquisitor on Tenth Amendment grounds? I don’t know, but I’d love to hear it from Roger Clemens when he testifies at a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee next month:

“Mr. Chairman, I have read the Constitution and it does not grant you authority to hold a hearing on steroid use. Therefore, I will exercise my rights as an American citizen under the Tenth Amendment, and my natural rights as a human being, by refusing to answer your questions.

“But let me clarify one thing: I do see under Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution that Congress has the authority to regulate commerce among the states and with foreign nations. It’s possible that this includes anything that relates to the selling of goods across state lines. I will therefore affirm that . . . More


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John Wallace
Liberty News Online
American Politics/blogtalk radio
It was a beautiful, rain free day on August 7th at the Capitol Steps in Albany where freedom loving New Yorkers gathered in support of the United States Constitution, focusing on the Amendment. The rally began as patriotic music, including songs by local bands the Ameros and American Spirit Unbroken, played while tables were set up by the speakers and candidates. Organizers, driven by the desire to spread the message of the importance of State’s Rights in restoring our Republic and individual liberty, coordinated this event in six weeks with minimal experience and funding.
John Wallace Comments at the Rally (Video):
Part I (4 minutes)
Part II (7 minutes)
The rally was mainly promoted via internet and some radio announcements from Hudson, NY where many of the organizers originate. Traditionally, New York is a left-wing state, but this is a spark that will set afire many more people in the state toward stopping the Federal Government’s intrusion on our liberties. More

States, Not Supreme Court, Must Decide Law And Protect Freedom

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By Chuck Baldwin August 13, 2010

This column is archived here. I am going to borrow heavily from two outstanding columns that appear on my son’s web site, LibertyDefenseLeague.com. One author, Russell Longcore, is a publisher; the other, Wilton Strickland, is an attorney. Both are avid proponents of State sovereignty and independence.

Longcore’s column is entitled “Edwin Vieira on Secession, New World Order and the American Republic.” See it at: 

Strickland’s column is entitled “Staying Away From The Federal Courthouse.” View here.

Both of these gentlemen share my conviction that the only chance we have to maintain and defend liberty in these United States is for free and independent states to rise in righteous indignation against the onslaught of federal tyranny that is rapidly destroying our republic. America–as one nation–is beyond redemption. The federal government is too arrogant, too malevolent, and too drunk with power to ever allow itself to be returned to the principles of federalism and constitutionalism. And this is true no matter which of the two political parties is in charge.

Fortunately, America’s founders did not create “one nation” with 13 (now 50) provinces. They created a confederated republic with 13 (now 50) “Free and Independent States.” (Declaration of Independence) This means that even after the US Constitution was ratified in 1787, the states maintained independent, nation-state status. Therefore, each State is duly authorized and charged with the responsibility of protecting the rights and liberties of its citizens–even if that means resisting (peaceably or otherwise) the federal government–including the right of states to secede, if need be, in order to protect their liberties. More

BLM Helicopter Stampede to put 50% of California’s Wild Horses and Burros behind Bars Forever

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Live Link:  Straight from the Horses Heart

HOUSTON – (SFTHH)  The BLM’s much contested Twin Peaks stampede began amidst a cloud of controversy on August 11th in Northeastern California.  The aerial assault is scheduled to last 6 weeks with a total of 2,000 wild horses and burros set to be placed behind bars to endure a lifetime of imprisonment and potential sterility.  Setting the stage paranoid BLM officials over reacted by calling in county Sheriff Deputies and Federal Rangers in the advent that a passive equine welfare advocate might “do something” to disrupt the roar of helicopter blades and stampeding horses.  Much to their chagrin, nothing happened.

Click (HERE) To See Hector Amezcua’s Complete Slide Show

BLM Helicopter stampede contractor David Cattoor, (“The United States of America vs David Cattoor” where Cattoor plead guilty to the count of “Conspiracy” and also a second count of “Using Aircraft to Capture Wild Horses, Aiding and Abetting”), had his pilot fire up the company helicopter at 0730 hrs and commence with the destruction of our native wild horse herds. More

The Newest Corporate-Friendly Supreme

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The Newest Corporate-Friendly Supreme

Help Move to Amend end corporate personhood!

Despite the confirmation of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court, questions relating to her ideology still exist. We know that Kagan is no liberal lion like Justice John Stevens, and her appointment alone has moved the court even further to the right.

We also know that as the court has moved right, corporations have gained more rights at the expense of “we the people,” especially under the Citizens United decision.

Help us end corporate personhood! More

Nevada Judge Refuses to Hear Contempt Charges Against BLM

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Live Link:  The Cloud Foundation

For Immediate Release
Nevada Judge Refuses to Hear Contempt Charges Against BLM
Advocates want transparency, full public access and their First Amendment rights upheld 
Reno NV (July 29, 2010)—Tuesday Judge Hicks refused to hear Laura Leigh’s motion for contempt against the BLM who denied her access to view the Owyhee/Tuscarora roundup that ended July 20th.  Earlier, on July 16, 2010, the court ruled to honor Leigh’s First Amendment rights, emphasizing her right to view the roundup in Elko Country, northeastern Nevada. 
“If the court refuses to listen to new arguments, then Secretary Salazar’s rogue agency—the BLM—is literally accountable to no one,” states Leigh, Director of Herd Watch, a Cloud Foundation program. More

A Working Man’s Perspective on the BLM BS


Live Link:  “Straight from the horses heart”

(In My Humble Opinion) by R.T. Fitch ~ author of Straight from the Horse’s Heart

A Working Man’s Perspective on the BLM BS

You see it on their website, you hear it in the mainstream press, you get slammed with it on social networks; the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is launching a professionally orchestrated propaganda campaign that is aimed at subverting the First Amendment while pumping John Q. Public’s mind full of misinformation and twisted facts.  “Well, if it comes from the government and you see it in print it has to be right, right?” – WRONG!

Recently Debbie Collins, spokesperson for the BLM, issued an email that simply makes you think that Rod Serling is going to walk around the corner at any moment and say, “Welcome to the Twilight Zone”, it’s just that bizarre.  The truth is a very bitter pill for the BLM to swallow and one of the biggest sources of truth on the internet are independent blogs and comments on social networks.  Some of the biggest customers to most of the “Bad Blogs”, as dubbed by the BLM in a secret report several months ago, are actual employees of the BLM themselves.  Most of these wanna be cowboys, or girls, don’t have enough computer savvy to realize that a lot of us know how to ping IP addresses and can easily see that a large majority of the hits have a very familiar “blm.gov” component in them.

So in a nutshell; the free and knowledgeable voice of the American public is a very scary force to those who know that they are operating outside of the spirit of the law. More

An Open Letter to Rep. John Shadegg

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Op-Ed/Open Letter  By James D. Best

James D. Best is the author of Tempest at Dawn, a novel about the 1787 Constitutional Convention.

Live Link:    Regular Folks United

As someone who respects and admires you, I’m hugely upset with your recent vote in the House Commerce Committee. In your letter to the Wall Street Journal on September 24th, you claimed that, “I registered the lone protest present vote” against the Henry Waxman’s Blowout Prevention Act of 2010. This bill is theft of state authority over drilling permits on land and sea. All of it! And this in the same week that the national government grabbed control of the finance industry. And you vote present? More

Comments? We don’t need no stinkin’ comments! “King” Salazar doesn’t really care what you think



Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved

A big Stinkfly award goes to Ken Salazar!

Ken Salazar, quite possibly one of the most insidious characters to occupy an appointed federal office since maybe, Donald Rumsfeld, has just topped his own high measure of malfeasance.  Heading up what has become notorious for being one of the most grossly mismanaged agencies of the federal government, the Department of the Interior (DoI), Salazar has set into motion some of the worst plans and policies ever implemented by the DoI.  Among these policies is the eradication and zeroing out of herds of wild horses and burros all supposedly protected under the 1976 Wild Horse & Burro act. 

Its unfortunate that the 1971 Act contained no provisions allowing for the protection of the herds from the BLM, itself.  The BLM represents the most formidable threat not only to the wild herds, but also to the environment and biodiversity as well.  More