
America hates the professional politicians. Help us impose Term Limits on Congress!

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Here is the link: Term Limits Petition

It’s critical that everyone in America who supports Term Limits signs this petition and DEMANDS that his or her state join the call for the Term Limits Convention.

Thirty-four states can bypass Congress and impose Term Limits through a Term Limits Convention.  There simply is no other way to rein in the crooks in Congress and impose term limits on the House and Senate.

So, now that you’ve signed the national Term Limits petition, will you please forward this email to everyone you know who might support term limits for Congress?  And ask them to sign petition, too?

We need your help to gather more signatures to pressure more state legislatures to pass our Term Limits Convention bill.

Please help.  Forward this email.  Like us on Facebook or spread the word on Twitter —  anything you can to help get more patriotic Americans involved in this citizen movement.

Here is the link: Term Limits Petition

America hates the professional politicians.  Help us impose Term Limits on Congress!
Nick Toumboulides
U.S. Term Limits

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Corruption of congress continues: S.510/HR2749 loaded into a dead bill

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DownsizeDC.org, Inc.

D o w n s i z e r – D i s p a t c h

Quotes of the Day:

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” — attributed to Edmund Burke

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do the wrong thing.” — Michael Cloud

The so-called food safety bill passed. It took corrupt procedural tricks to do it.

We told you last week that the Senate made a mistake when they passed their version of the Food Safety Bill (S.510). Under the Constitution only the House can introduce revenue measures. The Senate trampled on this prerogative, and the House leadership wouldn’t stand for it.

Because of this . . .

We thought the so-called food safety bill was dead, and that we had won. Not so. Instead, we lost. Badly.

I’ll tell you how this happened, and what we can do about it. You’ll need to be motivated, smart, and intuitive to understand what’s been done to you, and that there IS a way to defeat these bastards.

So . . .

The “food safety” bill did NOT die as it should have because House leaders used what I’ll call a “Dead Shell Bill” to trick their way past their Constitutional and procedural problems. This “Dead Shell Bill,” HR 3082, was . . .

* Dead in the sense that it was a numbered bill that was never going to reach a final vote.
* An empty Shell because the Congressional leadership removed its original contents. More

Betrayed again: S.510 fake food safety loaded into government funding resolution


Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2010  All rights reserved


“The intent is to derail the conversation from one of actual food safety, to one of “that’s not fair!”.

The argument is being put forward that it is not fair to exempt small farmers and ranchers from the corporate machine that would wipe them out.  I find it strange to hear the word “fair” applied to this obviously staged conversation.”  More

Senator Bennett says vote on S.510 was rigged!


Please note the correction:  It was not Lieberman who made these comments and they were regarding the Coburn Amendments, not the final vote on S.510

Senator Bennett (D)  bemoans the fact that it is all rigged!   17 seconds into this clip, Senator Joe Lieberman is heard as he remarks on the vote for S.510 the fake food safety bill…..It’s rigged!  It’s rigged!  It’s all rigged!   Well Senator, we all feel the same way! 

In the wake of S.510 Fake food safety….it won’t be a matter of what’s for dinner….but will we have dinner?


Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved


 Why is “free trade at any expense” reserved only for multi-national corporations?  Why is every other sector of the economy supposed to be allowed to engage in a free-for-all at the entire countries expense, but when it comes to family and independent agriculture there are literally hundreds of thousands of regulations, limitations, rules, and requirements, licensing, and forfeiture of rights,  spanning multiple agencies who spend the bulk of their funding on “enforcement” of what usually amounts to nothing less than an interference in trade, profit and viability and which many times constitute an open assault on Constitutionally protected property and individual rights. 


I can only imagine the salivating occurring behind the scenes in the District of Criminals, as the corporations and interested parties including the World Trade Organization, Codex Committees and other vested stakeholders anticipate the passage of S.510, the fake food safety bill.  Should this bill pass, we as a country will be officially divested not only of our sovereignty but of our independence.  No country in the history of the world has survived for long without a strong and independent agricultural sector.  Take that away, and the fall of the country soon follows.  No nation that cannot, or will not, feed its own people, ever survives.  Independent agriculture is and always has been the backbone and the underlying support for economic stability and security.  It is this support and security that S.510 seeks to destroy. 

S.510 is not about food safety; it is however the last lynchpin in the seizure of food production and supply that was begun under Bush the Lesser.  Control the food; control the people.  

This same model envisioned in S.510 was used in recent years in Poland.  An estimated 60% of Polish farms are now gone.  In India, more than 8 million farmers have left their farms as a result of similar systems implemented by the World Trade Organization on behalf of bio-pirates of all kinds.  Here in the US an estimated 1/3 of all farms that existed in 2000, have now vanished.  We are, according to farmaid.org , losing 3-500 farms and ranches every week as the industrialized corporate machine being driven by congress and its agencies rolls across our land.  Food safety never was the issue.  Food as a Weapon is another story. More

Dear Senators’ Levin and Stabenow: Did you even read S.510 The fake food Safety Bill


Letter By: Randy Cook

Nov. 8, 2010

Honorable Senators Stabenow and Levin:

The interest of this message concerns S.510, “FDA Food Safety Modernization Act.” Mr. Levin, I note your affirmative vote for cloture although I am ignorant of your reasons for limiting debate. Perhaps your vote was to simply expedite disposition of this bill. If so, my prayer is that each of you meet your obligation to fully investigate, on the record, the intention of this legislation and its potential impact on the primary producers of the wealth of this nation. More

Prepare for the Most Dangerous Session in Congress

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Live Link: Liberty Matters



    Liberty Matters | Sept 1, 2010 –

    The final weeks of the 2010 second session of the 111th Congress could be the most dangerous in our history.  In view of the current outlook for mid-term elections, this may be the last chance Senator Reid has to push through Cap ‘n Trade, the Clean Water Restoration Act, the Wildlife Corridors Act, the CLEAR Act, and Food Health bills that will strangle the farming industry. 

    The Senate will reconvene September 13th and adjourn October 8th.  They return after the election recess on November 15th and work until the week of Thanksgiving.  Then work continues in December.  While these bills can be brought up any time during the critical days ahead, our property rights and interests are most vulnerable during the sessions following election. 

    This issue of Liberty Matters has been prepared to give you a heads up on the key anti-private property bills we expect to come up for passage during the final quarter of this critical year.

Read the list of the most threatening bills including the CLEAR Act and the Fake Food Safety bill, S.510 here…. More

Too stupid to be allowed to vote?



 Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved 


Sometimes it is mind numbing to consider just how gullible and easily duped we can be.   Are we really just going to change the center stage actors and  believe that by doing so we will affect change? Or, that anything will actually change? Are we that stupid?  Is there really anyone out there who honestly believes that electing Republicans will change anything at all?_____________________________________


The last ten years have seen the most overt assaults on the constitution, our civil liberties and our right to be left alone by government.  In 2000, with a new president enthroned by the Supreme Court rather than by election, the faction of congress which calls itself [Republican] began the dismantling of our sovereignty and our constitution, in earnest.  By 2006, compassionate conservatism, a true oxymoron, had done as much damage as it could and over the next few years, the torch was passed to the other faction, the [Democrats]. Either way we got the same thing, the establishment of multi-national corporations as government, with congress simply acting as the facilitator for corporate takeover.    

2008 saw Democrats take control of both houses of congress and election of a new president.  And didn’t we all give a sigh of relief?  Didn’t most of us who had been waiting to exhale after eight years of near dictatorial rule by the Bush Administration, the absolute corruption of power and the open hostility of government towards the people, suddenly feel as if some burden had been lifted from us?  That somehow all the egregious assaults on America, perpetrated by its own government, would somehow be righted?  That our instinctive fear of this grossly expanding government that was intruding steadily into our lives, that viewed us as the enemy, would be subdued by voting into office anyone but more Republicans?  Didn’t we believe the Democrats would save the day?  More