
From Soft to Hard Fascism: “Get In Your House Right Now!”


Another Day in the Empire

America is now a full-blown fascist state.

Kurt Nimmo


There can no longer be any doubt—America is now a full-blown fascist state. In the past, authoritarian fascism was kept reserved in the shadows, largely out of the public eye, but in a remarkably short period of time it has emerged from the darkness to show its fangs and snarl menacingly at the people, many of them cowed and dutifully following irrational orders from on high. 

As the following video demonstrates, state violence is not directed exclusively at rioters and Antifa goons pretending to be anarchists (most would be unable to define the term) as they loot, burn, and attack the media and innocent bystanders. Violence is used to frighten and intimidate the real enemies of the state—the American people, or those who casually and defy the COVID lockdown and others peacefully protesting murder at the hand of a psychopathic cop.

Minneapolis under curfew pic.twitter.com/rYQYug6M5f

Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) May 31, 2020

Fortunately, the woman in the video was not seriously injured. She wasn’t looting Target or burning down Walmart. The woman made the mistake of venturing out on the porch of her home, her private property, and for this crime, she was shot with a paintball by a member of a “state militia” (now federalized). 

The social fabric is coming apart at the seams. First mandatory lockdowns, state-imposed impoverishment, followed by an unfolding Greatest Depression as a result of a shutdown economy, and now social unrest, violence, theft, and arson in two dozen large cities across the country. 

If this degree of violence and destruction is possible centered around the death of a single man, imagine what will happen when millions of people are in desperate straits, unemployed, many evicted, and homeless. It will not be simply police stations that go up in flames. It will be statehouses.   

However, the American people have demonstrated repeatedly they are gullible and easily steered into dead-end diversions pumped up and hyped 24/7 by a corporate propaganda media. The Trump hatefest and political polarization—worse than any in recent memory—will no doubt go by the wayside as millions of Americans face the “new normal” envisioned by their masters—a standard of living in rapid freefall, soon to crash on the rocks. None of this is happenstance or coincidental. 

Most Americans may not have protested the endless wars and criminal economic scams of the ruling elite (mostly due to decades of incessant propaganda), but they will raise their voices and fists when they are unemployed for months on end, evicted from homes and apartments, have their cars repossessed, and are confronted with hunger, want, and homelessness.

In order to enforce the latest manifestation of psychopathic neoliberalism and predatory crony capitalism, the state will depend on steroid-headed soldiers and cops to frighten and intimidate the people. 

It may be paintballs today, but tomorrow it might be live ammo. 


Disaster Capitalism is the Real Pandemic


Marti Oakley


While politicians and MSM cry hysterically about socialism and communism in order to strike fear in the public, the real danger we face is fascism; the corporate control of everything, including our daily lives. Unfortunately too many members of the public drank the kool aid on this one, refusing to accept the true state of affairs that has decimated our economy and is in the process of destroying the lives of everyday Americans.. As corporations that have been determined to be “too big to fail” are bailed out for the second time since 2008, you’d think we would get the message. We, the public, are expendable. We are not “essential”.

Even with the ongoing attempts to censor anything not in line with the government propaganda, the information about the virus continues to surface. Doctors, scientists, microbiologists and many other qualified individuals continue to sound the alarm to convey to the public that they are being set up and lied to. Even so, those who are firmly rooted in the political divides; those who haven’t figured out the biggest conspiracy theory’s ever presented to the public originate from government, and those who just blindly accept whatever they are told hold firm to the biggest conspiracy theory of our lifetimes, if you discount 9/11.

The real reason for social distancing

It seems to me that if this so-called deadly virus spread as quickly and easily as is claimed, standing six feet apart would be of no benefit. The idea that it would borders the ridiculous. Everyone would have to stand perfectly still inside a plastic bubble in order for this to be of any reasonable use.

Keeping us separated has one very distinct purpose. This is a psychological maneuver intended to isolate us and to embed into our minds a sense of isolation. Isolation is a well known form of psychological torture and has a deleterious effect on the mental state of human beings. We are herd creatures and being separated from one another is not a natural state for us. But as long as they can keep us separated, it makes us far easier to manipulate and control.

If there was any real possibility of this virus spreading the way it is claimed, absolutely everything would have been shut down, including large corporate stores and businesses.

Can someone please explain why the majority of local businesses had to close down because of this non-pandemic virus, but huge corporations can continue to operate; the House and Senate can continue to assemble. For God’s sake Home Depot and Walmart are still operating among other like businesses. More

Republicans Are Now Good for Exactly…….. Nothing!


Republicans Are Now Good for Exactly…….. Nothing!

“In less than a month, they have passed the $8.3 billion vaccine bill, the $100 billion relief and paid leave package and the $2.2 trillion Everything Bailout, and are now racing toward another $1.0 trillion interim CARES 2 funding bill to essentially double-down on all the outrageous pork and Free Stuff that was contained in CARES 1, which the House did not bother to even debate or approve by recorded vote.

And, alas, all of this is preliminary to the impending “stimulus/infrastructure” bill where the bidding starts at $2 trillion, meaning that the Imperial City is in the throes of a fiscal bacchanalia that defies imagination. It will leave America with unspeakable debts, political dysfunction and economic debilitation for years, if not decades, to come.”



COVID-19: Martial Law, Digital Currency, and World Government

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Another Day in the Empire

By Kurt Nimmo


Is the corporate media-generated hysteria over what appears to be a normal influenza virus happenstance?

“The real destroyers and psychopathic misanthropes, however, are in high places. They are cynically and criminally exploiting the coronavirus—so far no more dangerous than seasonal flu—to shove their one-world agenda down our throats as easily frightened Americans run around like Chicken Little, begging the state to take care of us before the sky falls.”


I certainly don’t claim to be a financial wizard. In fact, at best, I have a rudimentary understanding of how the convoluted funny money economy works. However, you don’t need to fully comprehend the ins-and-outs of rigged monetary system to understand we’re in for big trouble and the coronavirus “pandemic” is not only accelerating the fall but will make the outcome far, far worse.

For more detail on the financial end of this disaster, read Mike Whitney’s Why Washington’s COVID-19 Relief Package Must Be Stopped!

No chance, however. As I write this, Congress passed a pork-laden “stimulus” bill.

If we can believe numbers put out by the CDC, as of Friday, March 27 there were 1,246 deaths in the US attributed to the virus. Compare this with the 1968 H3N2 “Hong Kong Flu.” It reportedly killed 100,000 people in the US and around a million around the world.

At the time, the response was not to lock down the country and destroy the livelihood of millions of Americans and usher in the severe violations of the Constitution we are now witnessing. More

The Senate Corporate Bailout Package Is a ‘Robbery in Progress,’ Warn Critics

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Originally published by Jake Johnson for Common Dreams


As details of the Senate’s coronavirus stimulus plan slowly trickled in Wednesday, progressive critics characterized the sprawling legislative package as a brazen attempt by both political parties to use trillions of dollars in taxpayer money to bail out and further enrich large corporations while tossing mere crumbs to the most vulnerable.

“This is a robbery in progress,” wrote David Dayen, executive editor at The American Prospect. “And it’s not a bailout for the coronavirus. It’s a bailout for twelve years of corporate irresponsibility that made these companies so fragile that a few weeks of disruption would destroy them.”

“We can call it a bailout. But this is so big it is more like Congress is creating a new government for our economy, replacing our old government. And this one doesn’t have any meaningful democratic protections. A pandemic coup.”
—Zephyr Teachout, Fordham Law

While progressives applauded some provisions in the massive package—including the significant expansion of unemployment benefits and protections for airline workers—Dayen said the stimulus package as a whole is an “outrageous betrayal” of the U.S. public and “a rubber-stamp on an unequal system that has brought terrible hardship to the majority of America.”

“The people get a [one-time] $1,200 means-tested payment and a little wage insurance for four months,” Dayen wrote. “Corporations get a transformative amount of play money to sustain their system and wipe out the competition.”

A Senate vote on the stimulus plan is expected as early as Wednesday afternoon, even though the full legislative text has not yet been released to the public.

The bill would establish a $500 billion fund designed to bail out large corporations hit hard by the coronavirus crisis. Around $75 billion of the program, which would be controlled by the Trump Treasury Department, is earmarked for the airline industry.

But, Dayen wrote, the “enormity of this bailout is being under-reported.”

“The other $425 [billion] helps capitalize a $4.25 trillion, with a T, leveraged lending facility at the Federal Reserve,” Dayen said. “So it’s not a $2 trillion bill, it’s closer to $6 trillion, and $4.3 trillion of it comes in the form of a bazooka aimed at CEOs and shareholders, with almost no conditions attached.”

The Washington Post reported Wednesday that the stimulus package also includes a little-noticed $17 billion federal loan program that was inserted largely for the benefit of aerospace giant Boeing.

Dayen appeared on HillTV‘s “The Rising” Wednesday morning to discuss his thoughts on the Senate bill:


VOODOO ECONOMICS: ‘The Covid-19 Dominoes Fall’, The World Is Insolvent

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Of Two Minds

– By Charles Hugh Smith


Source – oftwominds.com

“…Everyone expecting the financial markets to magically return to January 2020 levels once the pandemic dies down is delusional. All the dominoes of crashing market valuations, crashing incomes, crashing profits and soaring defaults will take down all the fantasy-based valuations of bubblicious assets: stocks, bonds, real estate, bat guano, you name it….The global financial system has already lost $100 trillion in market value, and therefore it’s already insolvent”


Subtract their immense debts and they have negative net worth, and therefore the market value of their stock is zero.

To understand why the financial dominoes toppled by the Covid-19 pandemic lead to global insolvency, let’s start with a household example. The point of this exercise is to distinguish between the market value of assets and net worth, which is what’s left after debts are subtracted from the market value of assets.

Let’s say the household has done very well for itself and owns assets worth $1 million: a home, a family business, 401K retirement accounts and a portfolio of stocks and other investments.

The household also has $500,000 in debts: home mortgage, auto loans, student loans and credit card balances.

The household net worth is thus $1,000,000 minus $500,000 = $500,000.

Let’s say a typical financial crisis and recession occur, and the household’s assets fall 30%. 30% of $1 million is $300,000, so the the market value of the household’s assets falls to $700,000.

Deduct the $500,000 in debts and the household’s net worth has fallen to $200,000. The point here is debts remain regardless of what happens to the market value of assets owned by the household.


Trump to Declare a State of Emergency? Goodbye America!



By Marti Oakley


What does this mean to us?

State of emergency

Legal declaration by a government allowing assumption of extraordinary powers

A state of emergency (also known as a state of calamity in the Philippines) is a situation in which a government is empowered to perform actions that it would normally not be permitted. A government can declare such state during a disaster, civil unrest, or armed conflict. Such declaration alerts citizens to change their normal behavior and orders government agencies to implement emergency plans. Justitium is its equivalent in Roman law—a concept in which the senate could put forward a final decree (senatus consultum ultimum) that was not subject to dispute.

States of emergency can also be used as a rationale or pretext for suspending rights and freedoms guaranteed under a country’s constitution or basic law.

At the edge of the proverbial cliff

Here we are facing the final stage of the destruction of our country as a sovereign nation.  We, as a supposedly free people, are about to face a national Armaghedon.  Under an emergency declaration, our constitution, or what is left of our rights and protections, are cast aside to make way for the reorganizing of the worlds economies and the subjugation of all populations.  All of this achieved by the hyping up of a virus that does not meet any standard for being declared an epidemic or pandemic.

Just to make sure you reach the proper level of fear, university’s, college’s and public schools are closed in numerous locations across the country.  The common connection in each of these instances is their tie to federal funding.  Want to keep your funding?  CLOSE YOUR DOORS!  That will scare them!


Fed Has 10-Year Plan to Save Banks, But No Plan to Save Americans Devastated By Fallout, Admits Powell

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Is the Fed’s latest money funnel to unnamed trading houses on Wall Street part of the plan?

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens of Wall Street on Parade.

During his testimony to the Senate Banking Committee yesterday, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell let it slip out, for the first time, that the Federal Reserve has had a 10-year game plan to deal with the financial crisis. In response to a question on cyber threats from Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska, Powell stated the following:

“They kind of pay us to be awake at night worrying about things. I would say that if you look at what happened in the financial crisis, we had a game plan there. We implemented it over the course of 10 years. I won’t say that it’s perfect or anything like that, but we have a plan that is meant to address those kinds of things.”

“Those kinds of things?” The financial crisis, fueled by corruption and lax regulation of Wall Street banks, destroyed the housing market in the U.S. and left the U.S. economy in tatters. Millions of Americans lost their jobs and their homes to foreclosure. The New York Fed was the supervisor of key Wall Street banks that caused this problem – shouldn’t it have had a 10-year game plan to prevent “Those kinds of things” instead of creating the game plan after the damage had been done?


21 Trillion missing from US Government…no Accounting for it

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One comment that deserves special attention from one of our members:
The question to ask all those running for public office:
$21 Trillion dollars is missing from the US government. That is $65,000 per person – as much as the national debt!
“No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law; and a regular statement and account of receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time.” ~ Article I, Section 9, Clause 7, U.S. Constitution
What’s going on? Where is the money? How could this happen? How much has really gone missing? What would happen if a corporation failed to pass an audit like this? Or a taxpayer?
This means the Fed and their member banks are transacting government money outside the law. So are the corporate contractors that run the payment systems. So are the Wall Street firms who are selling government securities without full disclosure. Would your banks continue to handle your bank account if you behaved like this? Would your investors continue to buy your securities if you behaved like this? Would your accountant be silent?
This is the reason that there is such a strong push to change or tear up the US Constitution. This is why members of the establishment say it is “old,” “outdated!” This is why there is such a push for gun control. Don’t buy it! We can use the Constitution to get our money and our government back. It is time to enforce the US Constitution.
The Solari Report has been covering the missing money since 2000 when Catherine Austin Fitts began to to warn Americans and global investors about mortgage fraud at the US Department of Housing and Development (HUD), the engineering of the housing bubble that lead to trillions more dollars in bailouts and funds missing from the US government starting in fiscal 1998.
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Author: OldReb


Doom and gloom are appearing with increased frequency in U.S. and global financial writings but specific details of a potential economic catastrophe are never given. Let us speculate on what could happen in the United States.

Is a view into an economic catastrophe available ?

ANSWER: Sure, that is easy. Read what has happened to Greece and Argentina. William Blum, John Perkins, and Chossudovsky give many more examples. Bank deposits have been seized; pensions have been wiped out; jobs have been terminated; real estate and assets are selectively confiscated; the economy crashes; national assets are sold at fire-sale prices to financiers; financiers must approve every government action; etc. The same New York City parties, and their proxies, are repeatedly involved.

How might it be handled in the U.S. ?

ANSWER: The Federal Reserve Bank of New York City will handle it. They have exclusive handling of funds to redeem Treasury securities—as a fiscal agent for the government. They will select who gets funds which the government has available. Ref. 31 CFR 375.3.

Who will benefit from the crash?

ANSWER: Primary Dealers currently receive >$10 trillion annually for redeeming Treasury securities. Some of them were involved in creating the Federal Reserve. The concept that they hold ownership of the Board of Governors, in a closely held corporation that does not have to file with the SEC, should not be overlooked. Furtive acts abound in the creation of the Fed. Their derivatives creations have obtained super-priority status in bankruptcy. More



Author: oldreb



“What difference does an increase in the National Debt make? We owe it to ourselves.” virtually every congress-critter has declared. Such a paraphrased statement, reflecting on the exoskeleton structure of the Federal Reserve, ignores the inner historic mechanisms of Rothschild banking, the intense subterfuge and arm-twisting of the Fed’s creation, and the proven destructive forces inherent but hidden therein. 1

The medieval Rothschild Banks established a line of credit for the King provided the King issued a written promise to pay gold, with interest, to the bank at a time in the future. The book-entry Rothschild credit was used to pay for obligations incurred by the king. The credit continued to be circulated in the kingdom between merchants. The bankers sold the king’s interest bearing promise of gold to investors. The promise was renewed by the king on its maturing date and became perpetually rolled-over. 2

VOILA !!! The king made the suppliers of services happy with Rothschild credit; the bankers had the gold from investors; the investors had a promise the king would eventually pay them in gold—which would never happen. 3 Everything went smoothly as long as the bankers could sell the promise and the investors did not demand the gold. 4 As Benjamin Ginsburg has lamented in FATAL EMBRACE; (bankers) AND THE STATE 5, eventually the schemes, which stole the wealth from the people with book-entry fiat money, would come to a catastrophic climax. 6

The Federal Reserve system, claimed to be “staffed and run by Council on Foreign Relations members” 7 does the same thing for the U.S. government’s deficit spending. Their wizard is hiding behind Frank Baum’s curtain as obscurant to any public inquiry.8

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York will grant credit (not “create money”) in an account of the US government with an amount that the government will pledge. 9 The government will expend the book-entry-credit account (deficit spending) to pay for goods and services consumed by the government. The suppliers are content. Evidence that the supplier has received a credit voucher is obvious. [It is touted to the public as a loan.10] The heading of the currency given to the supplier by a local commercial bank is Federal Reserve Note; i.e., a debt obligation of the Federal Reserve also identified as a “tender” (substitute) required by law to be accepted for an imprinted number of dollars. 11 More


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new logoChuck Frank
On March 12, 2016 in one of my recent articles titled “Going Cashless”, I warned the public about a world that is about to fall off the deep end using digital currency in place of the traditional money system. Three days later a gigantic cyber theft took place and by May 1 , 2016 the New York Times dropped the bombshell stating that not only did the Federal 59203_518492681544067_1036204037_nReserve Bank of New York get hacked for millions by an anonymous group, but so did the Central Bank of Bangladesh which lost a cool $81 million. “The money was then transferred to accounts in the Philippines into the Philippine casino system, which is exempt from many of the country’s anti-money-laundering requirements.”

Now if that doesn’t take all, then I will pop the question. Seeing that sinister hacking can now be done by stealthy wizards who have sophisticated talents and skills, then where does that leave the rest of the world and us who may one day open up our online banking account to see that our digital currency has somehow magically disappeared into thin air? In today’s world, just how safe is our money? It’s not!

These anonymous money changers somehow gained access to a “super secure” international messaging system and a “highly trusted” international company called Swift which is a global financial behemoth servicing 11,000 users worldwide digitally, which includes banks and corporations.

The chairman of Swift, who is also a senior executive at Citigroup “declined to comment” on the recent financial fiasco. Take a bow Citibank AKA, Casino Royale which was partially bailed out during the 2008 financial meltdown with a “federal aid” rescue package, compliments of the taxpayers. How is it the the taxpayers and shareholders get tapped every time big banks gamble and lose?. Also, 2008 was an instant replay of the 1933 depression era when President Roosevelt closed down all of the reckless banks that gambled with the depositors money and used a “bank holiday” to extract all of their savings to shore up that present and corrupt system.

Besides the potential for hackers who can operate under the radar, the world financial community is already in dire straits when considering that banks are never too big to fail as was already witnessed back during the 2008 meltdown. Given that analysis, it is time to prepare for a world financial system that has the potential to fall apart because multi-billion dollar global banks are for the most part inter-connected with each other and if there is a crack in the dam an unstoppable flood will surely transpire.

An Oathkeeper’s question: Are you with me?


by John Wallace
America was founded by people who came to this land in search of Liberty and opportunity. When an oppressive government began to restrict their Liberty in the 1770s, they hardened their resolve, took an oath to stand together and risked everything for the cause of Liberty. They ultimately won their independence and succeeded in breaking the chains and shackles of servitude to the King of England. 
Those brave men and women understood that our rights come from our Creator, not from any government, and that our rights are UNALIENABLE – and cannot be taken away or diminished in any way by any government.
That’s why the constitution was written very carefully by the Founders who established a Republic to protect our UNALIENABLE RIGHTS. 
The United States Constitution doesn’t contain thousands of pages of meaningless legal jargon, like most of the federal legislation written today, but rather it was written so that every American could easily understand it.  It clearly limits the power of the federal government by only giving it very specific, enumerated powers.  All other powers are reserved to the States and to the People. 
Over the last 100 years or so, under both Republican and Democratic administrations, our federal government has gradually increased its powers beyond its Constitutional limitations, while our individual freedoms are gradually being lost to this ever growing and more intrusive government. More

Lending – Not Spending – The Problem?


Lynn Swearingen (c) copyright 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

In yet another round of finger-pointing, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act passed last year turned up this bit of information:

Audit: Fed gave $16 trillion in emergency loans

I spent mine already – how about you? Didn’t get it? That is because it wasn’t for the “little people”. Oh no. Just like the skinny new kid on the block gives his brought from home outlawed Twinkie to the big kids at school so they’ll play with him, the Administration(s) played nice with the very people who are now being condemned as the “causation” of various bubbles, CEO raises, and “unexpected Economic downturn”. Are we seeing a pattern here? More



Posted by: Anonymous

The debt created by usury based sovereign debt is perpetual; it can never be paid off. The contract cannot be culminated. Any contract that cannot be culminated is an act of fraud. A contract based upon fraud is invalid from its inception. It would appear the national debt is not legally enforceable. (A debt incurred by a state or municipality is not a sovereign debt as used in this analysis. Such a debt is akin to a commercial loan and is completely repayable.)”


The Federal Reserve uses euphemistic smoke and mirrors to obscure their operations. With full knowledge the following is not the way the Fed/government describes the system, allow me to offer a different analysis of their mathematical operation.

Congress can pay for federal expenses with funds collected from taxes, but Congress is never satisfied with this amount. The desire to buy votes/campaign contributions from special interest groups induces congress-critters to spend more, and this is identified as deficit spending. To create this make-believe money requires the assistance of the Federal Reserve. Approximately 45% of the 2009 budget was paid by new fiat money.

Congress will give the Fed a security (bill, bond, or note) and the Fed will accept the document as an asset of one of the twelve FR Banks. The Fed will then establish a line of credit for the U.S. government for the same amount and list the liability as Federal Reserve Notes. Voila !! Fiat money has just been created for Congress to spend. Ref: 2009 Annual Report to Congress by the Board of Governors, page 448. More

I Am A New World Order Minion

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We used the Hegelian Dialectic of problem, reaction, solution when we, acting as the controlled opposition, put out the very clever film “Food Inc”.

By: Wally Paul


Republic Defiance

You can be like me and others who love the New World Order. We have spent years and years watching television for our daily downloads. We enjoy the fluoride in our water and the mercury in our vaccines. We eat genetically modified food. Many of our kids have autism. This makes them very special.

We like to take our orders from the control freaks in Washington. They love us and just like parents, they always know what is best for their little sheep. We love our rulers who attend meetings at the Council on Foreign Relations and Bilderberg. We love being world citizens and worshiping the earth. Carbon Dioxide is very bad and must be destroyed. We love Al Gore. I call him Papa Gore. “Yes Carbon Dioxide is really bad for you son,” he said to me with a wise smile. I think he will be President of the new World Government.

We do not like anyone to protest our government authorities. Protesters should always be tased and arrested – or perhaps kidnapped by the military. Even our children should be policed. Learning what our rulers want us to say and repeating it, is our freedom of speech. You are not free to say hurtful things. Hate speech is a form of free speech and must be deterred in the New World Order.

We understand that for our safety and to protect mother earth from our wickedness we must have regular home inspections. Allowing others to control and tax you is freedom. 

Naked body scanners are also important for the safety of our proud nation and her proud people. Regular injections of mercury and cancer viruses are very unobtrusive and will lead us on our path of sustainability. Soon it will be our patriotic duty to implant the brain chip in all great Americans. The New World Order says the mark of the beast is good. More

New CCC – Didn’t Work Last Time Either.

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Vowing to find new ways to stimulate the sputtering economy, President Barack Obama will call for long-term investments in the nation’s roads, railways and runways that would cost at least $50 billion.

The infrastructure investments are one part of a package of targeted proposals the White House is expected to announce in hopes of jump-starting the economy ahead of the November election. Obama will outline the infrastructure proposal Monday at a Labor Day event in Milwaukee.

While the proposal calls for investments over six years, the White House said spending would be front-loaded with an initial $50 billion to help create jobs in the near future.

Funny how History rhymes when it is not repeating itself.  A “general” discussion on how the programs, edicts and Government measures did not work to pull the economy out of the Great Depression. A war was needed. Too bad we quit in Iraq and aren’t really at “war” in Afghanistan. More

HR 1586:One Subject At A Time Act (OSTA) would put an end to this nonsense

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NOTE:  Compose your own letter!  Remember that identical letters are discarded or treated as only (1) no matter how many come in. Also: multiple letters coming from the same fax or email addy, are also discarded or treated as (1):  just one of several ways congress uses to disregard voters.  …Marti_____________________________

“To make matters worse, the original, House-passed bill, which the Senate amended under the direction of the Senate Majority Leader, was originally the “FAA Air Transportation Modernization and Safety Improvement Act.” You know spending bills are constitutionally required to originate in the House of Representatives, yet this cheating is rewarded by the Speaker of the House. “

____________________________________________ More

Pennsylvanians…The Case For Secession

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Op-Ed:  Submitted by: James P. Harvey

July 10, 2010 by Joseph P. Schiaffino

(Note: How the mighty have fallen! Pennsylvania, the womb of secession, now cozies up to the DC criminals wantonly. The author makes some great points, and is at least thinking thoughts of true liberty. Some of his solutions for secession need a tune-up but one must start where one finds one’s self. Good work, Joseph.)


A majority of We the People appear to have finally reached the limits of our tolerance of the arrogance emanating from Washington and its elected servants of the People. Perpetual war, profligate spending, bailouts for irresponsible banks and Wall Street fat cats, the takeover of significant parts of our economy such as the auto and banking industries to name but two, and now the near certainty of a federal takeover of our health care system have pushed many of the People to the edge. How can the People fight back and reclaim their government? Let’s list possible options and then assess the prospects for success of each.

We can replace all elected officials; we can proclaim all unconstitutional statutes and mandates null and void in our particular state. We can amend the federal constitution, or we can secede from the union of united States and reclaim our sovereignty as an independent republic.

The first and theoretically easiest solution is to throw the bums out and replace them with new people who will then obey the constraints of the Constitution. The problem is that under our current electoral system which gives artificial entities that do not have the right to vote, like corporations, unlimited power to supply money to both major political parties; those entities exert inordinate power to influence elections. Those same political parties then lavish their money on candidates who will support the agenda of those corporate donors so as to guarantee the continued flow of money to the two major political parties. More

U S Austerity Necessary to Prevent Hyperinflation

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Submitted by: James P. Harvey 

Live Link:    The National Inflation Association

“However, rather than let Americans eat cheap food, our government compounded problems by enacting the Agricultural Adjustment Act, which paid farmers to destroy their crops in an attempt to artificially raise agriculture prices. This led to millions of Americans overpaying for food and nearly starving to death.”________________

 In NIA’s latest economic documentary ‘Meltup’, we said that the simple act of the U.S. government eliminating its $7.25 per hour minimum wage and implementing a new $7.25 per hour maximum wage for government employees, would go a long way in helping rebalance America’s unstable economy. NIA is very pleased that California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger appears to have watched Meltup. Schwarzenegger last week announced plans to cut pay for over 200,000 state employees down to the minimum wage of $7.25 per hour due to a budget impasse. More

No more “Too Big to Fail” bailouts

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Bet you didn’t see anything about this on MSM(for morons)

Citizen Petitioning for the Constitutional right of redress: If Only!!

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 by: Marti Oakley (c) 2010 All rights reserved

“You have condoned and encouraged the suppression of free speech, the right to bear arms, the right to peaceably assemble, the right to be secure in our papers, persons and property and these assaults on our freedom are non-stop.  From every corner, from every possible venue you attack us.  You create false crises’ and false remedies all the while threatening us with attacks from someone “over there” when it is you we need to fear. 


I would like to demand the presence of every senator, every representative so that I may enumerate my grievances while looking you in your faces, and for as much time as I may consume……and of course…… for other purposes.

Please be seated and end all your conversations; the doors are locked and you will not be allowed to meander outside chattering in your attempts to display your contempt for my presence here today.  Now sit down, shut your mouths and listen!

Now that all of you are seated I intend to bring to your attention many of the issues, the policies and laws that have been implemented by both your chambers, by both of the two major parties that have aggravated me greatly along with millions of other Americans.  You refused to listen when we called your offices; you cast aside without looking at, the petitions we heaped upon your desks with millions of signatures demanding that you not proceed with some piece of political quackery, and you proceeded to act as if you owed no amount of loyalty or concern to the people whose lives your actions were going to affect directly and immediately.  Today, I will attempt to highlight some of the most egregious actions having occurred in the last eight years and continuing into this new administration.  More

CONTINENTAL CONGRESS 2009 UPDATE:The People are Drawing a Line in the Sand for America

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We have just passed the half way mark for the Continental Congress of 2009.  Here is what’s happening:


Beyond Elections.
Beyond Petitions.
Beyond Tea Parties.

ST. CHARLES, IL – The first time free people assembled as a Congress of the People for such a critical point in the nation’s history was in 1774 in Philadelphia.  Over 230 years later 116 Delegates from 48 states have convened a modern day Continental Congress to exercise popular sovereignty and restore self-governance to the people of America.  from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CDT through Saturday Nov 22nd. More

Audit the Fed!

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D o w n s i z e r – D i s p a t c h

Share with your friends: http://www.downsizedc.org/blog/what-was-not-heard-at-the-quot-audit-the-fed-quot-hearing

Quote of the Day:

“It has been argued that full disclosure of details of funding facilities like TALF and PDCF, that enabled massive bailouts of Wall Street, would damage the financial position of those firms and destabilize the economy. In other words, if the American people knew how rotten the books were at those banks and how terribly they messed up, they would never willingly invest in them, and they would fail. Failure is not an option for friends of the Fed. Therefore, the funds must be stolen from the people in the dark of night. This is not how a free country works. This is not how free markets work. That is crony corporatism and instead of being a force for economic stabilization, it totally undermines it.” — Congressman Ron Paul


Bailouts for trucking companies?


D o w n s i z e r – D i s p a t c h

Quote of the Day: “Security is mostly superstition.” — Helen Keller (1880-1968)

Subject: Bailouts for trucking companies?!!!

When we predict bad results from new government programs some people tell us our fears are exaggerated, or misinformed. It happened when we opposed the Iraq war with our “Truth About War” website, and dared to claim that Hussein had NO weapons of mass destruction.

But we were right.

Recently, many said we were wrong to oppose the TARP bailouts. It was a crisis after all. Sadly, our fear that TARP would be the proverbial camel’s nose in the tent, seems also to be coming true. Get this…

A trucking firm, YRC Worldwide, has applied for a TARP bailout (see the third item in this linked blog post).  

Will they get the $1 billion they’re asking for? Many say no, but we’re not so sure. Here’s why…

YRC’s problem is its union pensions, not its trucking business. The Wall Street Journal says “roughly half of YRC’s contributions to a multi-employer union pension fund cover the costs of retirees who never worked for the Overland Park, Kan., company.” This matters because…

The Democrats, like the Republicans, work for big special interests. Unions are among the most important clients Democratic politicians have. So you can expect the Democrats to bailout unions, just as the Republicans wanted to bailout banks.

We’re not taking sides. Many bad decisions have been made by all the BIGS — big business, big labor, and big government, but . . .

YOU shouldn’t have to pay for any of those mistakes! Instead…

The politicians need to let the bankruptcy process do its curative work. This process wouldn’t necessarily . . .

* Close a company or a union, or . . .
* Leave anyone holding an empty bag

The bankruptcy process works because it restructures payments and/or distributes assets to creditors in a fair manner. It also gives people an incentive to be careful in the future. 

Businesses and/or whole industries routinely survive bankruptcy to become stronger than before. This happens because the bankrupt companies improve or get purchased by better firms. For instance, as Professor Mark J. Perry points out on his excellent Carpe Diem blog . . .

564 American car makers have either failed or been purchased by other companies over the past 100 years. This process of supposed destruction has been highly creative, making the auto industry stronger, not weaker. Imagine where we’d be if these companies had been bailed out, or allowed to use tax money to avoid being purchased.  

Failure, mediated by the bankruptcy process, is an ESSENTIAL part of a vibrant healthy economy. We need to purge the toxins from our economy, not perpetuate them. We need to end TARP, and all other bailouts. Let’s cut off this camel’s nose before the whole beast comes in and topples the tent.

Please use DownsizeDC.org’s quick and easy Educate the Powerful System to tell your Congressional employees to oppose bailouts.

Use your personal comments to specifically oppose applying the TARP program to YRC Worldwide, and for TARP to be repealed.

Our goal this month is to pound Congress with  more than 31,730 messages. That means we must hit Congress with x,xxx messages today.

Thank you for being a part of the growing Downsize DC Army. To see how much we’re growing please check out the Keeping Score report below my signature.

Jim Babka, President
DownsizeDC.org, Inc.

Keeping Score

We’ve grown again, by 59 net new members over the weekend, and by 991 net new members so far this year. The Downsize DC Army now stands at 25,340 — 34% of the way to 26,000!

YOU can make the army grow even faster by following our quick and easy instructions for personalized recruiting.

CITIBANK…Let’s see your credit “score”


Citibank is back asking for another 125 billion in taxpayer bailouts.  No one is even sure how many billions they have already availed themselves of, but we do know the mismanagement and corruption hasn’t slowed a bit. 


This week, I received two notices from Citibank on the two small accounts I have with them.  After about six years of making my payments on time, making far more than minimum monthly payments and never being late…not even once!….I was told that my interest rate of 10.19% was being jacked up to 29.99%.

I closed my accounts immediately and have decided that due to predatory lending practices exhibited by Citibank, which our illustrious congress failed to address, I am left with no choice but filing bankruptcy. 

According to my friend Dan Martin, one of the few people I know who understands how the financial system works, if I attempted to pay off a thousand dollar card using the minimum monthly payment the debt could never be repaid.  Dan says it goes like this:

 $20 per month will never pay off $1,000 at 29.99%.

 To retire this in 20 years would require a payment of $25.06.

 10 years, $26.36.

 5 years, $32.35

And about those fuzzy interest rates….

For example:  $1,000 paid down to zero in 12 equal monthly payments would require a payment of $97.48.  Total interest paid over the year would be $169.79.  As a percentage of the $1,000 this would be 16.979%.  As a percentage of the “average” outstanding balance (median is $536.96) this would be 31.62%.


The 31.62% figure is probably the closest to the APR (annual percentage rate.)

$2,162.53 interest would be paid over a ten year loan.  As a percentage of the $1,000 this would be 18.021%.  As a percentage of the “average” outstanding balance (median is $814.73) this would be 22.119%.

The 22.119% figure is probably the closest to the APR (annual percentage rate.)


Each day there are media spokespersons railing about our credit scores, how to increase them how to protect them and the travails which will accompany either no credit score, or a “bad” credit score.  We are encouraged through constant advertising to get copies of free credit reports and are cautioned about how really bad our lives will be if we don’t launch ourselves into predatory debt and have this number attached to our names supposedly defining who we are. 


Your credit score is an artificially created number, and only useful to the same companies who created it.  It has no relevant or evident meaning and is affected by information many times that is neither factual nor correct.  Why we have allowed ourselves to become enslaved to this fictitious number that represents nothing, is beyond me.


Here’s the problem:  The same companies many times, who generate these bogus numbers are the same ones who are in the tank and spending taxpayer money to cover the losses they themselves caused.  Did anyone bother to check their credit scores?


It seems obvious to me that a credit score isn’t as important as we were led to believe.  It surely has had no bearing on the ability of Citibank and other financial parasites to obtain massive loans based on the very criteria used to deny us common folk a loan, or a credit card or to charge predatory interest rates.


It seems bad judgment, failure to invest wisely or to save for future needs didn’t affect Citibank’s credit score or its ability to secure massive loans with toxic debts used as collateral.  Congress just couldn’t move fast enough to hand major wads of cash over to the same companies and individuals who had bankrupted their own companies and whose credit scores had to have been in the minus category.


I believe Citibank and others like them should be charged the same predatory rates of interest subject to [universal default] on all the TARP funds.  Once they miss a payment or are late on even one …..we’ll just raise the rate across the board on all the loans.


So Citibank……What’s in YOUR wallet……besides piles of taxpayers cash?  I bet you aren’t carrying your own card; you couldn’t afford to. 

© 2009 Marti Oakley


Washington, District of Criminals……your government at work

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As a country, as citizens of our respective states, nothing poses a greater threat to our existence than the assembly of congressmen/women residing in both houses, some for decades. 


For eight years we endured the arrogance, the outright fascist intents of the Bush Administration.  For six of those years we saw the wholesale selling off, selling out and undermining of the economy and infra-structure to corporate interests and illegal and unconstitutional trade agreements that forfeited our rights to regulate and legislate ourselves. 


We saw our rights vanish, our freedom compromised and realized that we had willingly allowed the “War of Terror”, causing the greatest series of human rights violations by any supposed civilized society in recent history.


We endured eight years of corruption and un-American activity at the hands of people calling themselves Christian conservatives that was so wide spread, so destructive and unimaginable, many of us are still reeling form the sheer scope of it all. Then came the 2008 election, a new president and Democrat controlled congress; and a country so battered and beaten down reached out for what seemed to be a ray of hope.


Since 2006 Democrats have had a simple majority in both houses.  That didn’t mean they could do whatever they wanted, contrary to popular belief.  Even when the Democrats seemed to be trying to do something positive, the Republicans threatened a filibuster; 98 times to be exact halting everything in its tracks. 


The 2008 election saw an increase in the numbers for the Democrats and with it more power to get things done.  And this bunch has been busy!  Immediately following the inauguration, a flurry of bills began appearing in both houses, and none of them were good news for America or her citizens. 


Instead of acting to protect America, the Democrats have flooded the House and Senate with bills designed to increase government regulation and control; to expand and increase the powers of two dysfunctional and mismanaged agencies, the FDA and USDA, to end the right to family and independent farming and ranching, to subject the citizens of the sovereign United States to trade agreements reducing the standards of production, harvest and processing of food, favoring industrialized corporately controlled factory farms. 


We have witnessed the greatest theft of wealth from the people in our history, as Democrats led the charge to save predatory lenders, parasitic and corrupt corporations who had mismanaged their businesses to such a degree they were in reality, not salvageable.  While middle and working class people lost their jobs, their homes and virtually everything they had, not one CEO, not one executive, forfeited either their freedom or any assets.  Not one was made to contribute a dime to the economic mess they had created.  In fact, they all profited handsomely.


Not one Democrat has stood up to demand the rights that were ripped away from us under the pretense of fighting terrorism, not one of the unconstitutional laws passed by those self-righteous fascists that called themselves Republicans, be repealed or restored.  In fact, the Democrats have picked up right where the Republicans left off and added a few more bricks in the wall.


From President Obama:

”Central to this plan will be a renewed commitment to honesty and transparency in government. Restoring our country’s economic health will only happen when ordinary citizens are given the opportunity to hold their representatives fully accountable for the decisions they make.”


Like this is ever going to happen.  We have a government that is not only detached from the people, but holds them in contempt.  On any given day, our own congress breaks more laws, commits more crimes and acts criminally against the very people it swore to protect and defend, than any common criminal out here in the streets. 


© 2009 Marti Oakley




Dear Sen. Klobuchar….Neil (the mad orator) has a few questions for you

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Should somebody lock me up soon?

Senator Klobuchar,                                                                                                                                                                                                                         2/11/09

I see that you voted for the monstrous spending bill “American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009” yesterday & it is my understanding that e-verify was not allowed to be added to the bill. I am very disappointed, both with the dollar amount & that e-verify was not part of this bill. I have 6 very serious questions to ask:

1)      Why did the Senate (you) not require that e-verify be part of the final Senate version of this Stimulus Bill, when saving & creating jobs is the #1 priority at the present time?

2)      What was magical to you about meeting the $800 billion dollar figure required for this bill (why not the $400 billion level proposed by Senator McCain or why not use a trillion dollar figure)?

3)      Is it your belief that our government can spend our way out of this major economic meltdown?

4)      Do you believe that it is the long term goal of the Federal government to have all the “responsible” people in our Country pay the way/reward the greedy & irresponsible living here (to make them whole again – with no debt or losses)? Where the Govt. guarantees in good times or bad, no business small or large will ever fail again. Where every responsible or irresponsible, legal or illegal citizen in this Country is entitled to anything they want & our Government should find somebody or some group of people to pay for it.

5)      Do you think there is a “point of no return” on taxpayer bailout & stimulus money that our Federal Government is willing to spend (where our credit dries up globally & the U.S. dollar becomes totally worthless)?

6)      Is there a point in time, or a dollar amount where you will personally say “enough is enough, we just can’t keep piling all this debt onto our kids & grandkids? Where you actually break ranks with the President & your party & say that all we are really doing here is creating another bubble down the road for someone else to deal with?

I thank you in advance for taking my questions seriously; I look forward to your responses.


The final phase before the emergence of the North American Union

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The coming collapse of our nation is no accident.


What is about to befall us is no accident.  The planning that has gone into the destruction of not only our economy, but our sovereignty as a nation has been carefully staged to make it appear almost accidental and will presented as the only way out.


The Security & Prosperity Partnership that erodes our sovereignty is not an accident and neither is the intent to merge the US, Canada and Mexico into one big corporately controlled region which recognizes neither sovereignty nor national identity.


To facilitate this coup, successive congresses have ceded their authority not only to the executive, but also to government agencies created for the sole purpose of implementing various aspects of this coup intended to dismantle individual pieces of the plan.  Then over the last eight years, our economy was intentionally brought to the edge of ruin;  an edge that will never see us returned to our former state.


The bailout bills, stimulus bills are all focused on maintaining the same institutions and agencies that have created the crisis.  All the admonishments we have been subjected to regarding globalization, free markets, free trade, capitalism and how necessary these things were to a thriving economy have shown themselves to be nothing more than the tools for destroying one economy after another while a select few benefited enormously at everyone else’s expense.  Again, this was no accident.


If any one of the arguments for the unmitigated greed that has taken place were actually true……why didn’t we, in a free capitalist, free market, free trading, no interference in corporate business……let these businesses go down just like we are letting homeowners and workers?  Just like we are allowing small businesses and enterprises to?


While we bail out one corrupt sector after another not one of those concerned politicians offered up the idea of borrowing a trillion dollars to bail out main street.  That would be unconscionable…that would be socialism! Or worse…communism!  But we have no problem with fascism.  We castigate homeowners who overextended themselves, but reward predatory lenders, mismanaged investment companies, banks and insurance companies.  We reward international corporations with multi-billion dollar subsidies and tax credits and breaks while they post billions in corporate profits and then we take part in the social disparaging of those who are on welfare. 


We are throwing what will amount to trillions of dollars into the coffers of businesses and individuals who should have been hung publicly for the damage they have done to our nation, but who were instead rewarded for their greed.  And, to add insult to injury….they expect us to finance this debt.  But I have these questions:


Why are these companies who got these funds not held liable for repaying them?  If throwing this money into them will make them profitable again….why can’t they repay these loans from their profits rather than taxpayers? 


Not one of those individuals who created this supposed crisis has had to give up anything….not assets, homes, cars, yachts, jets….nothing. 


On the other hand……how many of you got to keep your home, cars, or anything else you had when you realized you had hit bottom?  Did anyone offer to bail you out?  To borrow money and hold your neighbors responsible for paying it back?


Our government as a whole has acted not to protect us, but instead aligned itself with those who they believe will substantially reward them for their efforts.


In order for the North American Union to replace the sovereign United States, we had to be destroyed….otherwise we would never accept the conversion.  We have to lose our jobs, our homes, and soon our access to food.  We have to be humbled, made submissive and threatened with our very existence.  We have to have everything we have known, everything we believed in; even our freedom taken from us to make us quietly accept the conversion from free sovereign nation to one of corporate controlled region.


We are on the verge of collapse and life as we have known it is about to change radically.  At some point, when enough of us are hungry, homeless and without hope the political corporate monster that we have allowed the government to morph into will show itself.  Those who speak for this monster will start out by saying, ….”We have to act quickly to protect the American people…..at this point I would suggest you make the decision whether to try to run or to stand up and fight for what is rightfully yours.


© 2009 Marti Oakley




Capitalism’s Self-inflicted Apocalypse

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By Michael Parenti

February 10, 2009 “Information Clearinghouse” — After the overthrow of communist governments in Eastern Europe, capitalism was paraded as the indomitable system that brings prosperity and democracy, the system that would prevail unto the end of history.

The present economic crisis, however, has convinced even some prominent free-marketeers that something is gravely amiss. Truth be told, capitalism has yet to come to terms with several historical forces that cause it endless trouble: democracy, prosperity, and capitalism itself, the very entities that capitalist rulers claim to be fostering.

Plutocracy vs. Democracy

Let us consider democracy first. In the United States we hear that capitalism is wedded to democracy, hence the phrase, “capitalist democracies.” In fact, throughout our history there has been a largely antagonistic relationship between democracy and capital concentration. Some eighty years ago Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis commented, “We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can’t have both.” Moneyed interests have been opponents not proponents of democracy.

The Constitution itself was fashioned by affluent gentlemen who gathered in Philadelphia in 1787 to repeatedly warn of the baneful and dangerous leveling effects of democracy. The document they cobbled together was far from democratic, being shackled with checks, vetoes, and requirements for artificial super majorities, a system designed to blunt the impact of popular demands.


Mark Dankof on Obama, the Gaza Holocaust, and “The Absurdity of Hope”

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  Mark Dankof’s America

Republic national Broadcasting (RBN)



Excerpted from the full article here:


” All the unmistakable signs are there: the continued death of an American manufacturing economy which lost 3 million jobs in the Bush years alone; the first of a series of trillion dollar budget deficits in 2009; the continuation of unwinnable wars of colonialism and counterinsurgency in Iraq and Afghanistan that Mr. Stieglitz of the World Bank calculates will cost 3 trillion dollars at the unseen end of the tunnel; a prime-the-pump response to economic catastrophe that involves both the $750 billion bank bailout and Mr. Obama’s $800 billion in “stimulus”; an ongoing reliance upon foreign international borrowing and the printing of fiat money by the Fed to finance this smoke-and-mirrors game; the continued Balkanization of the United States courtesy of 20 million illegal aliens; and further cultural and moral malignancy metastasis, courtesy of the Jewish-dominated gay, abortion, and Hollywood constituencies presently infatuated with the Man from Kenya and Cook County.

     Ex-KGB analyst and Russian foreign ministry instructor, Igor Panarin, has painted his own prophetic picture of coming “change” in America by the year 2010, in an article posted recently in the Wall Street Journal. He predicts the coming breakup of the United States into four sectors, each dominated by a foreign power. Panarin’s thesis involves the same moral, political, and military analysis of the United States that I have proffered as an American paleoconservative. Even more ominously, the suggestion that 2010 is the year of prophetic fulfillment suggests that the good Russian professor has been reading Daniel’s account of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, or the Judean prophet’s proclamation of the end of Belshazzar’s reign and the Babylonian Empire.

     My prediction: some version of Igor Panarin’s portrait is about to be painted, and very soon.” (end excerpt)

Leveraging the auto industry bailout……or, How to use corruption to break the unions





The auto industry just like the financial industry is rife with corruption, greed and high paid executives who long ago forfeited any allegiance to their own country.  The auto industry, just like the financial industry, is bloated with global elitists who despise our country.  Money, power, absolute greed and control have replaced allegiance, loyalty or any sense of obligation. 

The demand from auto industry executives (and it was a demand) that they be bailed out was an outright attempt at black mail.  Having failed to keep up with competing foreign producers and having continued to produce gas guzzling monster trucks and cars rather than lead in any innovation, the execs made plain that if they are not handed a big wad of cash…immediately….we’re all going down the tubes.  All…meaning you and me…but not them.

I had assumed this corporate entity that masquerades as our government at all levels would have simply acquiesced and doled out billions more in debt money leaving taxpayers once again holding the bag.  For some strange reason this time they want a [plan].  This time, they weren’t so sure that a bailout was the answer and they cited the lack of critical information from the auto makers as to why they needed the money and what they would do to correct this failing industry.  I was totally shocked!  Then reality set in……..

Why would congress,… after handing out what will amount to trillions upon trillions of debt dollars, tax dollars, to corrupt financial institutions while failing to demand any oversight, any regulation on how this money was to be portioned,… suddenly be wanting a plan from another group of very rich executives who have caused another industry to fail? 

The answer came today as the flood of emails into my box piled up.  It isn’t the executives who failed to keep up with environmental concerns and innovations in technologies; it wasn’t that these companies had failed to keep themselves competitive by continuing to produce inefficient auto’s;  it wasn’t the millions and millions of dollars they took in pay and bonuses all the while knowing their respective companies were failing.  It wasn’t even their arrival on horrendously expensive private corporate jets (can’t have this kind of royalty flying with the common folks!)…….It is the UNION.  That’s what did it!

We have had eight years of hard core union busting and now the Democrats, once champions of unions, have jumped on the free market, free ride for the big guys, band wagon.  This is it in a nutshell.  The auto workers union is one of the largest, if not the largest in the country and they are going to bust this union or leave these workers high and dry and living in a box on a street in Detroit.

I knew this sudden sense of critical thinking, of rational planning had to have some other purpose.  Once this union is taken down the money will flow from congress like water over Niagra Falls.  Competitiveness will translate into low wages and no benefits.  Another sector of well paid workers will fall into the “barely above the poverty line” class, and the auto industry will continue to produce the same things it does now; only they will have our money and the prices of their outdated auto’s will remain too high. 

Unions formed in response to businesses forming trade associations that actively worked to keep wages low and hours long while profiting from what amounted to human slavery.  It was unions that forced companies to pay better wages, to limit working hours to less than 12 or 15 hours a day, every day of the week.  It was unions that made workplace safety a priority.  And it was the unions that caused the rise in wages across the country bringing many out of poverty. 

I realize that unions have also suffered from their fair share of corruption.  But here again, it has been the leaders of the unions, just as it is the leaders of predatory lending institutions who committed the crimes.  Union leaders who are corrupt are no different than corrupt CEO’s, yet we will disparage the one group and watch the other pamper themselves at a spa.

This latest bailout demand is less a financial need than it is an overt attempt to bust the union.  It was just too much to hope for that congress would do the right thing simply because it was the right thing.  And this time, its only a few hundred thousand American workers that will be directly affected by these companies folding.  And these aren’t those all important Wall Street workers either.  These people are blue collar workers and surely not worthy of any special treatment…..at least not the kind the Wall Street crooks and thieves got.

The whole intent of the “free-market, no regulation, no oversight, job off-shoring, tax dodging, don’t tax us we’re a corporation” crowd, is to dismantle the job market, break the economy and kill off the jobs.  That way when they come back around offering to pay you one dollar for the job that previously paid you ten dollars…you’ll take it.  By then you’ll be hungry enough, cold enough and desperate enough to think its a good deal. 

(C) 2008 Marti Oakley

Congress Must Demand Bush and Cheney Resign

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Congress Must Demand Bush and Cheney Resign


George Bush wants taxpayers to pay $700 billion to bail out Wall Street for its reckless investments in mortgage-backed securities. That’s on top of $800 billion for other recent bailouts, including A.I.G., Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Bear Stearns. 

The current financial disaster is the direct result of the Bush-Cheney Administration’s 8-year policy of deregulation, corruption, and greed. 

The Bush-Cheney Administration cannot be trusted to solve the massive problems they created. Before Congress gives the Bush Administration one dime of taxpayer money for financial bailouts, Congress must demand the immediate resignation of George Bush, Dick Cheney, and Henry Paulson and the appointment of Speaker Nancy Pelosi as President until our next President is sworn in on January 20, 2009.  

Email your Senators and Representative and spread the word:

Ron Paul on the bailouts…

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Ron Paul tells it like it is!  NO BAILOUT!