
The Lights Are Still On Washington! You Lie

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Lynn Swearingen (c) copyright 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

So about now many of us realize that S&P has officially recognized that the American Government is stuuupppiiidd.

Downgrading our “Credit Limit” has happened regardless of the “emergency” reaction by those crazy Legislators who tried so very hard to scare the piss out of us. Now Boner is “pulling out” of the responsibility on his part, Tea-Party-wanna-be-Bachmann (who cannot even attend her own Iowa bus tour) trumpets the panic, and the Demon-crat Reid says that more taxes revenue would have prevented/cured the whole thing – I call Bull Shite.

Readers – take a look around you. If you are like me, the electricity is still on, a nice bottle of Vino resides next to the Roma’s in the ‘fridge, and not much has changed. True – I might raise my hand a few more times at Auction tomorrow to purchase some junk silver, but hey – I’d most likely do that anyway.  The truth is, Washington – You Lie!

The sun will still rise tomorrow, the almost defunct Postal Service will still deposit my mail in the Rural Post Office down the road a piece, and I’ll most likely still be considered a “terrorist” by the SPLC. Syria still is being largely ignored as it systematically butchers its own citizens (nothing “we” want),  Fannie Mae and Freddie are still lining up for their “fix” at the tune of ungodly amounts of useless printed dollars, and some dumb schmoe in Minnesota had the balls to feed hungry birds (according to stated regulations) which could lead to jail time.

The reality is this folks. Washington and the Legislative body are flailing around like a recently butchered meat bird headed for the pot. In some cases ya’ll hold on because you don’t want the breast bruised before you prepare it for dinner. In other cases you just watch the circling poultry finishing your cigarette because to retrieve it is too much effort. The American public does not care in large part because in the end, a meal is on  the table one way or another.

We’re fine because we don’t care what them yahoo’s do up in Washington. We’ll be fine and just keep on doing what works.

Let the Tigers eat each other. Smoke’ll clear, a few less predators about, and the whole damn red button will reset us on our travels through Fresno. I’m gonna’ grab a glass of Vino while ya’ll figure that one out.

What Stimulus Money Did For Caterpiller- But at What Cost to The American Taxpayer?




Lynn Swearingen (c) copyright 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Picture this.

A blustery day in  February 2009.

A President poised gracefully behind a podium, teleprompter at the ready, speaking to Americans about how one of the Nations top manufacturers had explained that because of the proposed Stimulus Package, Caterpillar would be re-hiring some of those 22,000 employees recently laid off.

“Yesterday, Jim, the head of Caterpillar, said that if Congress passes our plan, this company will be able to rehire some of the folks who were just laid off,” Obama said today in Peoria.” More

New CCC – Didn’t Work Last Time Either.

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Vowing to find new ways to stimulate the sputtering economy, President Barack Obama will call for long-term investments in the nation’s roads, railways and runways that would cost at least $50 billion.

The infrastructure investments are one part of a package of targeted proposals the White House is expected to announce in hopes of jump-starting the economy ahead of the November election. Obama will outline the infrastructure proposal Monday at a Labor Day event in Milwaukee.

While the proposal calls for investments over six years, the White House said spending would be front-loaded with an initial $50 billion to help create jobs in the near future.

Funny how History rhymes when it is not repeating itself.  A “general” discussion on how the programs, edicts and Government measures did not work to pull the economy out of the Great Depression. A war was needed. Too bad we quit in Iraq and aren’t really at “war” in Afghanistan. More

Please Mr. President. Please STOP “Helping” The U.S. Economy



Lynn Swearingen (c) copyright 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

For those of us who have been waiting for the “train” to leave the station on the United States Economy, I’ve got news for you. There is nothing barreling down the tracks waiting to hit the proverbial blockage on the tracks and explode our Economy into the largest Depression ever. Instead, QE2 is waiting at the docks “ready to sail”.

“Quantitative Easing” part deux (QE2) was first publicly bandied about in debate last month spurred by St. Louis Fed President James Bullard’s comments:

…who suggested the Fed may have to buy more Treasurys as he warned about Japan-style deflation. The idea gained momentum, but expectations for a quantitative easing move at this Fed meeting really took off after Friday’s surprisingly weak July employment report.

Actually the debates have been spurred by a paper written by Mr. Bullard titled Seven Faces of “The Peril” in which his comparison of the United States and Japanese economic “similarities and differences” dance around one another in squares and circles with fancy charts, analysis of Seven Case Studies and numerous esoteric comparisons which fill 24 pages of the pdf in a mind-numbing conflagration of confusion. The opening paragraph should advise one of this reality: More

NSA Supercenters to Store Americans’ Private Data Permanently

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The New American Magazine    


By Thomas R. Eddlem

October 29, 2009 “New American —  The National Security Agency is building huge new storage facilities to store the unconstitutionally gained data on the American people’s telephone calls and Internet traffic permanently, including new buildings in suburban Salt Lake City, Utah, and San Antonio, Texas.

The NSA has been keeping permanent records of all American’s telephone call habits and Internet traffic since shortly after September 11, 2001, according to major news reports, without the constitutionally required warrants from a court. More

NAIS……the lastest attempt to steal your land



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With any governmental agency, the words used in any law, regulation, rule or other declaration by the government or its agencies must be carefully scrutinized. What may seem to be nothing more than a simple word-swap may actually be a new legal definition and one that may come back to haunt you. Under NAIS the term [property] is swapped for Premises.

Property is the term used to indicate private ownership of a thing such as land or animals and is protected by rights in the Constitution. It does signify legal ownership, and who is the legal owner and allows you access to a Civil Court and protection under the Constitution.

Premises is a term derived from the International Law of Contracts which are the international rules, for conducting business, usually corporate, whereby [non-human entities] are declared to be [persons]. Agreeing to the redefining of [property] and to the conversion to premises, eliminates civil protections and redefines you as an [legal entity] who may or may not own the thing in question. This also subjects you to Administrative Courts using statute and codes which are derived from the International Law of Contracts (ILC) and prohibits any use of rights enumerated or otherwise within the constitution.

NAIS is a contract!

Any time you sign your name to any government program you have effectively entered into a contract. NAIS is a contractual agreement between you, the individual land owner/livestock owner, and the USDA acting as agent for the federal government, or your state agriculture department acting as agent. Using the ILC’s own rules, no contract is valid unless all parties are fully apprised of ALL provisions and terms of the contract.

NAIS has intentionally not revealed ALL aspects of the contract, or the real intent of the program. This renders any attempts to mandate compliance as null and void.

Neither the government nor its agencies or agents have listed any limits with regard to any authority any or all of them may now assume or implement as a result of rule making or changes to policies, mandates and regulations. This means you do NOT know all the terms of the contract.

Neither is NAIS an [adhesion contract] wherein the terms and conditions of the contract never, ever change because USDA or even Congress can change the rules and regulations at any time.

Since the USDA is a self regulating and rule making agency, in effect making its own laws and enforcing them at will, rules could be changed at a later date drastically affecting everyone who has entered into this contract.

When those of you who [voluntarily] signed up for Premises ID and animal registration signed your name to what is a contract between you and the Federal government, did you not notice the contract provided no limitations or restrictions regarding the authority you just conveyed to the Federal government?

Did you notice not one word was said about limiting the actions of agencies such as the USDA and no protections against unwarranted search and seizure or other legal actions were afforded to you?

So what did you actually sign up for?

Voluntarily or even by forced mandate, you have given up your rights to your own property and, in exchange, you got what? Were you compensated? Is there any intent to compensate you? The answers are no. In fact the cost of NAIS is being passed on to the people being victimized by yet another Federal program, the intent of which is to seize all farm and ranch lands and all livestock, putting all of it under Federal control.

In the end, we need to understand that property has a far different meaning under the laws than the word [premises]. Had there not been an intention to render a change in the status of property ownership and control there would have been no need to use the word Premises. Rep Colin Peterson (D) MN and Sen. Tom Harkin (D) IA, didn’t slip this word in there accidentally.

In fact, there are a few things neither of them ever mentioned. Most specifically neither mentions the fact that all the lands being consigned to the control of the USDA will be added to the US Lands Preservation Act, now before congress. Supposedly more than 150 various bills from nearly every state just showed up at once and were rolled into one omnibus land package. Go figure. What a coincidence.

Why is this important?

All heritage lands including national parks and reserves, wetlands preserves, forests, waterways and wildlife preserves and other non-specific land holdings are owned by the federal government, although the government is prohibited from owning any land other than what is needed to operate, within the Constitution. Now they intend to seize control of your farm or ranch land.

All of the land being claimed by the federal government including the lands being seized under the National Animal Identification System are being used to collateralize the funds borrowed to bail out Wall Street.

The US Lands Preservation Act is nothing more than the official collecting and cataloguing of all federally held lands which will now be used to swap debt for assets. Your land, once registered for NAIS will also be listed as an asset in this debt.

And you thought this was about national security, export development, disease and food safety.

© 2009 Marti Oakley

The Truth behind the Citigroup Bank “Nationalization”

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Colossal Financial Collapse

The Truth behind the Citigroup Bank “Nationalization”

By F. William Engdahl  (excerpted from the article)

On Friday November 21, the world came within a hair’s breadth of the most colossal financial collapse in history according to bankers on the inside of events with whom we have contact. The trigger was the bank which only two years ago was America’s largest, Citigroup. The size of the US Government de facto nationalization of the $2 trillion banking institution is an indication of shocks yet to come in other major US and perhaps European banks thought to be ‘too big to fail.’

November 25, 2008 “Global Research” — The clumsy way in which US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, himself not a banker but a Wall Street ‘investment banker’, whose experience has been in the quite different world of buying and selling stocks or bonds or underwriting and selling same, has handled the unfolding crisis has been worse than incompetent. It has made a grave situation into a globally alarming one.

‘Spitting into the wind’

A case in point is the secretive manner in which Paulson has used the $700 billion in taxpayer funds voted him by a labile Congress in September. Early on, Paulson put $125 billion in the nine largest banks, including $10 billion for his old firm, Goldman Sachs. However, if we compare the value of the equity share that $125 billion bought with the market price of those banks’ stock, US taxpayers have paid $125 billion for bank stock that a private investor could have bought for $62.5 billion, according to a detailed analysis from Ron W. Bloom, economist with the US United Steelworkers union, whose members as well as pension fund face devastating losses were GM to fail.

That means half of the public’s money was a gift to Paulson’s Wall Street cronies. Now, only weeks later, the Treasury is forced to intervene to de facto nationalize Citigroup. It won’t be the last.

Paulson demanded, and got from a labile US Congress, Democrat as well as Republican, sole discretion over how and where he can invest the $700 billion, to date with no effective oversight. It amounts to the Treasury Secretary in effect ‘spitting into the wind’ in terms of resolving the fundamental crisis.(end excerpt)



Also: William Engdahl’s book “Seeds of Destruction” is available under [Recommended Reading] in our links.

opencongress.org launches “My political notebook”

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As Congress returns today for its last session of the year, we are excited to announce my Political Notebook.

It’s a new way to save and share your favorite political content, from OpenCongress and around the web.”My Political Notebook” allows you to create a personal page of everything you’re following in politics: news articles, blog posts, web videos, important files, and more. You can add content with one click using a handy bookmarklet for your web browser, or directly from pages on OpenCongress.

For example, one of the biggest issues in the news is whether Congress will include a bailout of the Big Three Automakers in a new economic stimulus package. “My Political Notebook” gives you a way to collect the best info about this developing story in one place, add your own notes & tags, and share it all with your friends.

To read more about “My Political Notebook”, visit our blog announcement today ::

To jump right in and see it in action, check out the notebook of our lead blogger, Donny Shaw ::

Finally, our friends Jay & Ryanne of RyanIsHungry.com recently made a great video tutorial on how to use OpenCongress to track all the bills and issues you care about ::
This week is Congress’ last chance until January to take action on the economy, so there’s a lot at stake. On this story and others, “My Political Notebook” gives you a new place to save and share what’s really happening in Congress. Let us know what you think!


-David + the OC Tea





DownsizeDC.org…..Should you pay autoworkers to do nothing?

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D o w n s i z e r – D i s p a t c h

Quote of the Day: “The Constitution poses no serious threat to our form of government.” — Joseph Sobran

Subject: Should you pay autoworkers to do nothing?

If the history of the current era is ever written properly it may be called “The Age of the Government Sponsored Scam.” The examples are piling up. Here’s the latest . . .

Did you know that GM and other automakers with UAW contracts have to pay many of their employees to do nothing! It’s called a Job Bank. Laid-off workers at Ford, GM, and Chrysler are paid 90% of their previous wages to sit in a room at the factory doing nothing! 

Think of what this will mean if the politicians pass a bill to bailout GM, or Chrysler, or Ford. When you go to work you’ll be laboring part of the day to pay some members of the United Auto Workers union to sit and produce nothing.

Doesn’t that sound like a scam to you, and wouldn’t a bailout represent government sponsorship of this scam?

Do you think, perhaps, the Detroit automakers might not need a bailout if they didn’t sign such stupid contracts with the UAW union?

Do you think, perhaps, that no bailout should even be considered as long as such contracts are in place?

Do you think, perhaps, that the Democrats may ignore this problem unless they hear outrage about it from their constituents?

If you have Democratic representatives you may want to ponder whether they represent the unions, or you. Shouldn’t you ask them where their loyalties lie?

Or, if you have Republican representatives, do you think they might make an issue of this if you inform them of it?

And what about your friends, families, and neighbors? Shouldn’t they hear about this too?

Fortunately, the UAW contracts with the Detroit automakers are up for re-negotiation right now.

This is the ideal time to shout this story far and wide. Either . . .

* The UAW will have to give-up their do-nothing Job Banks, and perhaps save the Detroit automakers without the need for a bailout, or . . .
* The proposed bailout will fail in Congress if the Job Banks are still in place

Please do four things . . .

* Forward this message to your friends
* Open a Digg account and Digg this message on our blog, so more people will see it
* Use our
“No Bailouts” campaign to tell Congress that the UAW Job Banks provision makes the idea of a tax-funded bailout completely intolerable
* Use your personal comments to ask Democratic representatives whether they represent you, or the unions, and ask Republican representatives to make a major issue of this

Close the Gap Progress Report
(feel free to remove this section if you’re forwarding this message to others, or re-posting it on your blog)

Two major donors have promised to give Downsize DC $50,000 if we could raise another $39,000 from people on this list.As soon as we’ve reached the goal we’ll have next year’s entire operating budget covered.

We’ll use most of any additional money we raise to . . .

* Rent lists of politically engaged people
* Send them a letter describing RTBA and OSTA  
* Ask them to join Downsize DC for free, by subscribing to the Downsizer Dispatch
* Make a pitch for funds so we can send more RTBA/OSTA letters to more potential recruits

The Downsize DC Army will start to grow at a rapid rate.

Jim Babka
DownsizeDC.org, Inc.

D o w n s i z e r – D i s p a t c h
is the official email list of
DownsizeDC.org, Inc. & Downsize DC Foundation

CONTRIBUTE to the Electronic Lobbyist project

http://www.DownsizeDC.org is sponsored by DownsizeDC.org, Inc. — a non-profit educational organization promoting the ideas of individual liberty, personal responsibility, free markets, and small government.


Taxpayer money isn’t ours?

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Congressman Joe Knollenberg states emphatically that taxpayer money is not OUR money while trying to rationalize the next round of bailouts, this time for auto-makers.  Well if it isn’t OUR money…then whose is it?   Knollenberg seems not be aware the federal government has no money of its own….it only has tax revenues from taxpayers, or money it borrows that must be repaid by taxpayers.  Liken this to your neighbor taking your paycheck and giving it to his friends who make their living as con men….then taking out a loan and putting your name down as the borrower and holding you responsible for the debt.



Watch this video and ask yourself why this man is still in office?


Bailout Loot distribution is kept secret! BRASSCHECK TV/video

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Back to the market…

Remember the 750 billion that ex-Goldman Sachs CEO/ Us Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson said we needed to give to…Goldman Sachs and other banks to save the markets?

That worked well, didn’t it?

Where did the money go?

Hard to tell because parts of the minutes of the meetings set up to distribute the loot…I mean bail out funds…have been blacked out.

True story.

You couldn’t make this stuff up if you tried.

No one would believe it.



The “Dirty Little Secret” Of the US Bank Bailout

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By Barry Grey

Excerpts from the full article located at: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article21116.htm


WSWS” — In an unusually frank article published in Saturday’s New York Times, the newspaper’s economic columnist, Joe Nocera, reveals what he calls “the dirty little secret of the banking industry”–namely, that “it has no intention of using the [government bailout] money to make new loans.” 

”27 October 2008 “

Early this month, he explains, “in a nearly unnoticed move,” Paulson, the former CEO of Goldman Sachs, put in place a new tax break worth billions of dollars that is designed to encourage bank mergers. It allows the acquiring bank to immediately deduct any losses on the books of the acquired bank.

Paulson and other Treasury officials have made public statements calling on the banks that receive public funds to use them to increase their lending activities. That, however, is for public consumption. The bailout program imposes no lending requirements on the banks in return for government cash.”

President Bush on “stealing the people’s money’

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President George Bush met with President Fernando Lugo of Paraguay at the White House today, October 27, 2008. The meeting was televised on CSPAN and was nothing short of boring and unimportant right up until Bush made a comment that almost made me choke.  In the middle of stuttering and stammering, in the middle of trying to sound as if he was remotely aware of anything coming out of his mouth, Mr. Bush actually said….



“There is nothing more discouraging than for a government of the people to steal their money”. George W. Bush 10-27-08 (end quote)


Say what???  He didn’t really say that, did he?  Yes he did!


How could this comment come out of the mouth of this man after the biggest theft of taxpayer’s funds ever to have occurred in the history of the United States in the form of the bailout of Wall Street crooks and thieves?


Discouraging?  I don’t think that term quite describes what the everyday American is feeling right at this moment.  Anger, immense frustration, thoroughly betrayed, disenfranchised, incredulous and for many of us…..dead broke might be better descriptions.


And stealing is exactly what Bush & Co. did.   Our congress voted against the massive public opposition to the bailout, then proceeded to hand Wall Street criminals what does amount to a blank check.  It wasn’t the blank check Bush had demanded, but close enough.


While corrupt CEO’s continue to walk away with more than 70 billion in stolen taxpayer funds, and AIG rips through 75 billion of the original 85 billion they were given before the big crisis, the middle class loses its retirement investments, have their homes foreclosed, lose their health insurance, lose their jobs, can’t get extended unemployment benefits, and are discounted totally by their elected representatives and senators.


Discouraged?  How about monumentally pissed off?  How about;   I can’t wait for you and your crooked administration to get out of town?  How about this….I hope every incumbent is voted out of office and that the new congress has enough sense and conscience to cut any retirement benefits payments, and health care payments, and benefits whatsoever you decided you were somehow entitled to while in office. 


Don’t let the door hit ya on the way out…..


© 2008  Marti Oakley


The real unfunded liability…..the federal government.



Most people are not aware that when the budget from the federal government is made public, what they are seeing is the [simplified budget]; otherwise known as the [cash] budget.  There are actually two budgets prepared: 


  • The simplified budget is a trimmed up version of the budget using only selected sources of income, and selected liabilities and is presented publicly, giving a false picture of the financial state of our country. 

Using the simplified budget causes a massive disparity in the actual representation of income into the treasury and conversely, a gross misrepresentation of liabilities.  The result is a skewed picture of the income vs. debt and expenditures and should never be used as the example for the actual state of affairs.  It is presented to the public with the intent of manipulating public opinion and creating false financial pictures.


The [unified budget] includes all income from all sources, and all debts of any kind, including:


  • the hidden costs of interest payments to the federal reserve,

(Absolutely every dime paid in individual taxes annually, goes to pay the service debt to the Federal Reserve, and cannot pay it in full)

  • the costs of the wars,
  • the service debt on all the money borrowed from other countries and private industries such as mega insurance companies.
  • Monies lost or disappeared through the use of undocumented entries into the books of various agencies, costing the country trillions each year.

[11 out of 15 federal agencies cannot balance their books without using unsupported documentation entries…meaning stuff they made up for which there is no evidence]


  • The cost of illegal alien residents paid by the federal government.
  • The cost of the FBI, CIA, and eleven other spy agencies for daily operations, surveillance of the population,
  • Special operations by the military which may violate international laws and treaties.

        (No one…is allowed to know how much money Black Ops gets, or what is done with it, except for a  few high level officials)

  • The cost of past military operations we are still paying for.
  • The two trillion + taken from Social Security and replaced with I.O.U.’s that are absolutely worthless but now listed as an [unfunded liability].

The unified budget also includes the expenses related to the day to day operation of the federal government including the bloated White House staff which is costing us millions each year. [1]   We are also paying for a fleet of private jets, maintenance and crews to fly the royalty in Washington DC around the country.  We are paying for limo service, personal services of all kinds, and overstaffing of personnel whose only function is to wait hand and foot on the politicians.


The unified budget includes all the surpluses from Social Security and any other program or agency which has operated efficiently enough to generate a surplus.  Also, unused authorized funds, taxes, fines, fees, sales of military equipment to countries said to be our enemies.


When presented with the [simplified budget] it appears as though social programs are eating away nearly 30% of the annual budget.  This slight of hand presentation is intentional.  It helps keep the socialism/communism fires stoked, and provides those who subscribe to this fear mongering with what they believe is a valid argument.


The site listed below has the actual chart prepared by the Congressional Budget Office for 2008 using the simplified cash budget, then goes on to show the true cost of all sectors of spending by the Federal government.

Going here, you’ll note in the chart Medicaid is lumped in with Medicare, inflating the actual costs of Medicare drastically.  [Other mandatory] is not explained, so we have no idea what that really is but likely includes totally non-related expenditures that needed to be attached somewhere.

http://www.warresisters.org/pages/piechart.htm [2]

Total Outlays (Federal Funds): $2,650 billion
MILITARY: 54% and $1,449 billion
NON-MILITARY: 46% and $1,210 billion

The fact is, the true unfunded liability is our federal government.  Another fact is, we cannot possibly produce enough taxable income to provide the funds necessary to even make a small dent in the snowballing debt generated by an out of control government. 

Government as we now know it is a huge and growing liability, financially a burden to all of us.  Money is spent that we don’t have and in amounts so vast and incomprehensible to the ordinary person, it numbs the mind. 

The week before the theft of taxpayer’s funds to bailout the elite and corrupt, congress approved another 600 billion in funding for the wars.  600 billion?  For wars we didn’t need to fight?  Then added what will amount to at least 2 trillion over the next five years to bailout Wall Street.  This in addition to an already admitted 10 trillion + in debt, although many claim it is most likely more than 70 trillion in actual debt. 

To top it off, earlier this year congress voted itself another raise.  This while more than 1.4 million of us lost our homes, our jobs, our health care; everything we had.  This while another 460,000 lost their jobs just in September alone. 

The only true unfunded liability we face is the federal government. 

© 2008 Marti Oakley

[1]  The total cost for a year of all of this “help” is $34,839,864.78



[2]  Total Outlays (Federal Funds): $2,650 billion



Brasscheck TV: The financial meltdown explained

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Without this article, you’ll still get value from the video, but with it, you’ll REALLY know what’s going on better than most people on earth…including financial news reporters.

I encourage you to invest the five minutes it will take to read this. If not, you can skip to the link at the bottom.

– Brasscheck


*** A short explanation of how we got to where we are

Today’s banking crisis is the THIRD trillion dollar plus US-caused financial meltdown in the last twenty years.

Each one of these crises came into being through the same basic mechanism…the fraudulent over-valuing of financial assets by Wall Street – with a “wink and a nod” (and sometimes a lot more) from the White House and Congress.

The fraudulently valued assets stimulate the economy, impart the illusion of health and then, inevitably, the fraud goes too far and the whole house of card comes painfully crashing back to earth.

The three trillion dollar plus frauds were:

Fraud #1: The so-called “Savings and Loan Crisis” of the late 80s

Fraud #2: The so-called “Tech Bubble” of the late 90s

Fraud #3: The so-called “Credit Crisis” of today

*** How the scam works

The mechanism of these frauds is simplicity itself…

…Take a shaky financial asset and blow up its value and then sell as much of it as you can.

In the “Savings and Loan Crisis,” the instrument was junk bonds.

In the “Tech Bubble” it was Internet stocks.

In the “Credit Crisis” it was individual mortgages collected into pools and then re-sold to investors.

In each case, normal, well established “bread and butter” financial principles were consciously thrown away by Wall Street with no hint of protest from federal regulators.

***The “Savings and Loan Crisis” dissected

Junk bonds caused the Saving and Loan crisis which resulted in the US taking over the assets of hundreds of banks and selling them back over time to the marketplace at fire sale prices.  Junk bonds, which caused the “Savings and Loan Crisis” were shaky bonds that were pumped up by deliberate misrepresentation and what I call “staged dealing.”

Bonds get their value from two things: the amount of interest they pay and how safe they are.

“Junk” bonds have to pay higher interest because they are less safe. Therefore, until the “Savings and Loan Crisis,” savings and loan banks banks were not allowed by law to buy them and call them assets. Reagan/Bush changed all this and then a group of Wall Street fraudsters used the new loophole to kick off an orgy of junk bond creation and junk bond selling to banks and insurance companies.

The crooks would deal the junk bonds back and forth amongst themselves thereby establishing their “value” and then they’d sell them to outsiders. The bonds then became “assets” which could be borrowed against and leveraged to buy even more bonds.  When the bonds failed, the banks failed and in stepped the US government to “fix” the problem that it created at the cost of at least one trillion dollars to US tax payers.

Deja vu, eh?

***The “Tech Bubble” dissected:

The instrument of fraud in the “Tech Bubble” was Internet stocks, start ups in particular.  A stock gets its value from the underlying company’s sales, its growth and its overall prospects for the future.

Pre-tech bubble, companies used to have to prove themselves by being in existence for several years before they could be sold on major exchanges. That standard was thrown away during the tech bubble.

To pump of their values, the companies engaged in “staged dealing” just like the junk bond crooks.

Company #1 would “sell” 20 million dollars in banner ads to Company #2 which would in turn “sell” 20 million in banner ads to Company #1.

In fact, nobody sold anybody anything. Company #2 ran ads for Company #1 and billed it for them. Company #1 ran ads for Company #2 and billed for an equal amount.

These should have been called media trades not sales, but Wall Street was happy to claim them as legitimate cash sales and then use the sales numbers to fraudulently value these companies – many of them totally worthless – in the hundreds of millions and sometimes even the billions.

***The “Credit Crisis” dissected

By now, you see how the scheme works. It’s not complicated at all.  You take near worthless pieces of paper (junk bonds, stock of start up Internet companies, etc.) and declare them to be good as gold. Then you create as many junk bonds and Internet start up stocks as you get and sell them as fast as you can.

In the case of our current crisis, the instrument of fraud was so-called sub-prime mortgages.  Previously, sub-prime mortgages had very little trading value.  Only people in the sub-prime industry itself dealt in them and for good reason. They’re tricky to value and packed with financial peril.

But Wall Street changed all that.  Wall Street said: “If we take LOTS of these mortgages and assemble them into large pools and then slice and dice the pools in various ways, we can sell the slices to banks and other investors as AAA paper.”

It sounds crazy, doesn’t it?  If the underlying pieces of paper are garbage, how does assembling a whole bunch of garbage into one place make it “better?”

It doesn’t, of course, and this is a principle even a three year old child can understand.

But greed and the need to pump up a shaky economy for propaganda purposes are two very strong motivators. Banks created these mortgage pools, sold them to each other, and they by virtue of these “staged sales” declared them valuable.

Do you recognize the pattern now?

If you do, then you are now smarter than all the assembled j@ck@sses who do financial reporting because they apparently can’t – or won’t.

This is the THIRD trillion-dollar plus fraud driven financial meltdown in twenty years and apparently no one in the financial news media can see how it happened.

***But there’s more…

Junk bonds were mass manufactured as fast as the crooks could invent them. Ditto for Internet stocks.

But how did hundreds of billions of dollars worth of “toxic” mortgages suddenly come into being?

Why did the mortgage industry change its lending standards so radically and so suddenly to make their creation possible?

And why did real estate lending regulators in all 50 states – because real estate lending is a STATE-level issue not a federal- go along with it?

Here’s where it gets very interesting…

The fact is state-level lending regulators were VERY concerned about what was going on. They have been for years.  And they not only expressed their concern clearly, they also took SERIOUS concerted legal action to stop lenders from making bad real estate loans to their citizens.

(Most of the sub-prime loans in the news so much today were designed to screw the people who borrowed the money and can rightly be called “predatory” loans.)

Guess who stopped the states from enforcing their own time-proven real estate lending laws and thus created the raw material that made the current “Credit Crisis” possible?

*** The trillion dollar plus question:

If you’re a US taxpayer, you’re going to pay for this fraud so you might as well know who did it to you.

His initials are GB. You know him well. But perhaps more interesting is the name of the person who single-handedly rallied first state attorneys general and then fellow governors to fight the creation of these loans and who in the process became Public Enemy #1 to the Bush Administration…

His initials are ES. If you follow “silly” US political scandals, you’ll recognize his name instantly when you hear it.  And you will *finally* understand why he was quickly and permanently assassinated politically earlier this year.

Had ES been allowed to “live,” he would have been in position to remind everyone every day of who made the current meltdown possible. Instead, he was silenced very effectively. Not with a bullet in the back of the head, but the net effect was just the same. So effective was his assassination that no one can even mention his name in connection with today’s crisis without risking ridicule, or worse.

Last note:

The crisis this fraud has created is *exponentially* bigger than the S & L and Tech Bubble combined.   It’s not going to be resolved by a quick “patch up” and will likely have the same impact on the current generation that the depression of the 1930s had on its parents, grandparents and great grandparents.

On that cheerful note, here’s the big story everyone missed this year and now you’ll finally know what REALLY happened and why:


http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/291.html– Brasscheck

Veterans must fight, or die homeless, hungry and in pain.

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Andrew C. Wallace


Man your canes, walkers and wheel chairs. We defeated the communists and fascists once, now we must do it again by voting them out of our own government. These socialist ghouls infiltrated everything, and are usurping our government while stealing the assets that we earned to finance benefits for our final days. While physical activity now may be painful, contemplate your agony with no benefits, if you don’t do something on November fourth to prevent a communist takeover.


Demand that your family and friends go to the polls with you and defeat the traitors who voted for the Bailouts, Amnesty and Free Trade. You can overcome resistance from your socialist indoctrinated children or grandchildren by telling them you will lose all your benefits and have to move in with them if the criminals are not defeated.


We must honor the solemn oath we took long ago, and answer this final call to defend our country by defeating the traitors at the ballot box. We cannot die, and surrender our country to a ruthless Communist-Fascist government. A criminal cabal of government and corporate officials of both parties has usurped our government, passing countless unconstitutional laws allowing them to enrich themselves and to destroy us. Phony Free Trade Laws, exploited illegals, and ten different worker Visa programs took our jobs. Using the private Federal Reserve Bank, owned by private banks gave them ability to cause the Great Depression, and now this Greatest of all Depressions when they reduce us to poverty and slavery. with the bailouts.


The American People objected to the unconstitutional bailouts by a ratio of about 95 to 1, as did hundreds of independent Economists, but legislators ignored the people and gave the money to their corporate benefactors who caused the Meltdown with their criminal greed. These traitors must be defeated.


We allowed this to happen by permitting our schools, institutions and government to be taken over and run by greedy power mad Socialists (communists and fascists) who were too good to work, and too cowardly to serve their country as we did, they chose instead to undermine it. Our Constitution describes the actions of Leaders of both political parties, a majority of congress and many government officials as Treason, pure and simple.


Those of us who now fight for our country are in an untenable position because most people resent those who deliver bad news, even if true, and the traitors would like to do us harm for telling the documented truth. You are as uninformed as a box of rocks because the mainstream media is controlled, and refuses to report anything that would reduce the greedy profits of their fascist owners and the power of communist traitors in government.


As an Economist, I can tell you that if we can defeat the criminal socialists in government, terminate the unconstitutional private Federal Reserve bank, institute a constitutional currency, end Free Trade deals and other treaties that limit our sovereignty that there is a chance for our Republic. It will require a long difficult and painful period of rebuilding, but if we fail to defeat the communists on November fourth, our people’s pain will be so great that a bloody civil war will result in the near future.


I am already a more or less infamous writer, so it will cause me little additional harm to tell you to obtain some gold and silver coins, guns, and ammunition, long term food supplies and related items. Gold Currency now costs three times as much as it did in 2000 and is very difficult to buy. Our media does not report it, but we have active war zones all over this country because of illegals and ongoing treason by government officials in all levels and branches of government. I can’t tell you when all paper money will be worthless, just that it absolutely must occur. This can happen in a day, or in several years, but I think sooner rather than later. You cannot issue endless quantities of money with no backing and expect your currency to retain any value. Those of you with stock have noticed that you have been, and will continue to be sacrificed by communists in government to protect their fascist elite benefactors who control the corporations.


Your physical freedom is at risk; look at those who have been framed. Government ignores the Constitution that is the basis for their authority to govern. The result is unconstitutional laws, loss of the Rule of Law, and your God given, and Constitutional Rights. Our government is being usurped by Communists in partnership with Fascists because the controlled media keeps the people ignorant.


Bob Schultz, a noted attorney and patriot has a long history of trying to protect our rights in the courts. http://www.wethepeoplefoundation.org. Some of his important quotes are:

  1. United States v We The People is yet another example of the power of the merchants of debt and the corruption of the Judiciary
  2. My argument is the People never gave that power to the Government and the Government has taken another step outside the boundaries We the People have drawn around its limited, enumerated powers. 
  3. The Constitution is all that stands between the People and total tyranny and despotism. However, the Constitution can’t defend itself. That responsibility rests with the People
  4. A free People should always ask, after each impasse, “What is the appropriate next step, given the Government’s violation of the Constitution, and its refusal to respond to legitimate Petitions for Redress?”
  5. The time has come to more openly question and explain why I, or anyone else, should continue to engage our corrupt judiciary in a seemingly losing effort to hold the Government accountable to the restrictions, prohibitions and limited powers set forth in our Constitution
  6. We the People do not draw near our servant Government as aggressors. Our war is not a war of conquest or overthrow. We fight solely in the defense of our Constitution, our Liberty, our Freedom, our unalienable Rights, and our homes, families, and posterity. The record is clear and unambiguous. We the People have repeatedly Petitioned, humbly and in good faith. Our Petitions have been met with scorn. We have entreated, and our entreaties have been disregarded. We have begged, and they have mocked, even now as our financial calamity falls upon us – a bastard born of excessive government force and constitutional abuse
  7. If we have evidence of violations of the Constitution, we have the unalienable Right of Redress – to Petition the Government for Redress of these violations.  If the Government refuses to respond we have the inherent Right to withdraw our allegiance and support


 In light of the preceding statements that our government officials are not functioning under full authority of the constitution; you should advise your family and friends who are in the Armed Forces or the Police to refuse to deprive citizens of their God given and Constitutional Rights; because in so doing they are violating the Constitution; and may be supporting a coup causing a bloody Civil War; that an unconstitutional government cannot win with odds of more than 300 to 1.


The presidential campaign with Obama and McCain is a total fraud, both are controlled by the same people who are out to impoverish and enslave us. Both of them announced they support amnesty, free trade and the bailouts which gives everything we have to the corporate elites. I like Obama the least because I am a Christian redneck who clings to his religion and guns and cannot support abortion. But, whoever is elected should be impeached.


Please take this link to my last article that has a list of the criminals in congress who voted for the bailout and must be defeated.. http://www.newswithviews.com/Wallace/andrew115.htm

“The New Kleptocracy”

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“The largest financial theft in American history”
Must Listen Interview  – – By Guns & Butter

Economist Dr. Michael Hudson on Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson’s “Plan” passed by Congress on October 3, 2008. We discuss what is being purchased, the congressional vote, what this means for the oligarchs, and what this means for the rest of us.


This is a stunning interview that exposes the facts that the bailout will help no one but Wall Street fat cats, all friends of Henry Paulson.  The lies we were told about the bailout include the “screw the investors program”.  

Why Wont The Bail Out Work?

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Information Clearing House Newsletter

News You  Won’t Find On CNN
October 21, 2008

Why Wont The Bail Out Work?

This is a MUST SEE 7 Minute Video


Voters are rightly furious at the proposal to spend $700,000,000,000 that the government doesn’t have to bail out Wall Street bankers who created the current economic crisis in the first place. But why then aren’t we concerned about the trillions of dollars the Federal Reserve is pumping into the system? Or the trillions missing from the Pentagon? Or the quadrillion dollar derivatives bubble.

Iceland says NO! to bailing out banks!

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Thursday evening update on the global financial collapse

Excerpted from the article:
“The Prime Minister of Iceland, Geir Haarde, sent shivers through the global financial system when he asserted that Iceland can not, and will not pay the foreign liabilities of its banking sector and that the interests of Iceland will have first priority.
Yesterday, Haarde told a press conference: “The point is this. The total indebtedness is such that there is no way that the Icelandic population can take responsibility for the debt these private companies have incurred. It happens everyday in bankruptcies, that some are burnt.”
British PM Gordon Brown calls Iceland’s behavior “totally unacceptable” and warned of legal action to recover the US $ 1.74 billion loss in Iceland, especially after the Icelandic government this week passed this week emergency legislation to deal with the banking collapse. Unlike the British or U.S. plans, this was not a bank “rescue” plan but legislation that gave the government the authority to seize any bank or financial company, put it through a bankruptcy or other procedure that would put the interests of the Icelandic nation over that of the banks.
Next door to us, Mexico’s peso lost 24% of its value against the US dollar, making its imports of wheat, corn, beans, milk, and rice 24% more expensive. The Peasant Association reported yesterday that remittances for the month of September fell 29.6%, causing panic in Mexico. Remittances from the U.S. are Mexico’s second highest earner of foreign exchange.” (end excerpt)
Read full article here:

Michele Bachmann Asked To Use The Correct Numbers


October 15, 2008

Michele Bachmann, Member of Congress

P O  Box 25950

Woodbury, MN  55125-5950

Dear Ms. Bachmann:

Thank you for your vote against the bailout proposal, and for sharing my concerns about the effectiveness of that approach.  The bill should have been defeated, if for no other reason, when it ballooned from three pages of an Administration effort to forestall collapse to 451 pages of fear mongering and earmarks.

And, thank you for responding to my communications with your letter of October 6, 2008.

Unfortunately, since the events of 9/11, postal mail sent to Congressional offices undergoes a lengthy screening process which results in delayed delivery.  The most efficient method of communicating with a Member of Congress is via Email, and I will be Emailing a copy of this letter to you for timely delivery.


Your letter includes the following statement:


            “… every American household is already saddled with a $455,000 debt.”


This would presume our National Debt to be $43.1 trillion.  Our National Debt, at this writing, is $10.307 trillion, give or take a billion dollars.  Every American household shares $108,809 of this burden, less than 25% of the figure you used.  Your number is more than four times higher than it should be.


How does the old saying go?  “A billion here and a billion there and pretty soon you’re talking real money.”


My point is that politicians, newscasters, and political pundits – if they are going to use numbers to reinforce their points – should use the real ones.


Again, thanks for your NO vote, and for being in touch.




Dan Martin

Grandfather Economic Report series

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Federal Government Debt ending fiscal year 2008 was $10 trillion and climbing
That’s about a Trillion dollars higher than last year.

In the 1990s $2.8 trillion of new debt was created;
more than created in the nation’s entire history prior to 1990

In the 4 years 1997-2001 total federal debt increased $438 billion,
a period when politicians bragged about a $557 billion surplus.
That’s a $1 Trillion creditability gap.
(Some might suggest Enron and others learned reporting gimmickry from government practices)

An additional $4 trillion of debt was added in 2002-2008

FEDERAL GOVERNMENT DEBT of $10 TRILLION = $32,716 per PERSON, and rising Fast !!

If  we divide fiscal year 2008 ending debt of $10 trillion by the population of 304 million we have debt per person.

                                                                                                At the left is a chart showing the rapid build-up of federal debt per man, woman and child to $32,716.

This means a family of four (4) shares $130,864 in federal debt responsibility – – including those still in diapers – $11,572 more than last year. And, that’s not all they owe.

Our nation’s founders were against debt. At the writing of the Constitution they were concerned about debt incurred to finance the Revolutionary War, and it was their intention to promptly pay it off. Alexander Hamilton (federalist paper #7) called for the “extinguishment of all debt.” Thomas Jefferson later wrote, “I place economy among the first and most important of republican virtues, and public debt as the greatest of dangers to be feared.”

If today’s debt ratio to national income were the same as in the early 1970s (40%), today’s debt would be a whopping $3.6 trillion ($12,000 per person) less than it is.

Is the debt going down? Nope!! In fiscal year 2008 (ending 9/30/08) federal debt rose to $10 trillion –  $1 Trillion more than the prior year, which is a one-year increase of $2,893 per man, woman and child – or $11,572 more per family of 4 – – another in a long string of new records.

During the period since the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attack, federal government debt increased $4.3 trillion.Some might say, “But isn’t more debt OK to fight the ‘war on terror’?” My response: did they reduce non-defense spending to fund our protection, since the major reason our founders formed a federal government was for national security? Answer: Nope!! They increased non-defense spending, too. How many senators and congressmen can you name who proposed serious legislation to significantly reduce non-defense spending in that period?

Question: Subterfuge continues, such as how could officials claim budget surpluses in the late 1990s, and that they paid down debt, when total debt increased to a new record high each and every year?

Answer: the general federal government did not have a surplus in any year in the past 20.  For example > During the 4-year period FY 1998-2001 politicians claimed a $557 billion surplus, yet total debt increased $438 billion in that period – – meaning the actual situation was nearly $1 trillion over-stated, which makes such ‘hide-the-debt’ scandals like Enron look like child’s play.

The Deficit-Trust Report shows the general government spent more than its general revenues every year, and covered up over-spending deficit by siphoning-off all $ 3.3 trillion cash surpluses incoming to trust funds, including spending every penny remaining in the social security trust fund on non-pension items – – creating even more non-marketable debt IOUs to ‘paper-over’ their actions – – while claiming they want to ‘save social security’. (If a private firm did that to its employee pension fund its officers would go to jail – a law in every state).

This site can also be accessed by clicking the “national debt clock’ in the links section.  This is an extensive site loaded with links to government debt and its source. 



What a full blown financial collapse looks like… Brasscheck TV/video

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Out of control foreign debt..enriched bankers and big business…made it easy to loot the country…and turned a rich country into a poor, one wiping out its middle class in the process.

Sound familiar?

Here’s what a full blown financial collapse looks like.

This may explain why Bush has ordered an active unit of combat troops to be stationed inside the US to serve as an “‘on call’ federal response in times of emergency,” specifically for use in case of “civil unrest” and for “crowd control.”

This is a first in American history.

The unit chosen for this task is the Army’s Third Infantry Division’s First Brigade Combat Team which has spent thirty-five of the last sixty months in Iraq.

They’re here now and training for “domestic operations.”



Congressman intimidated into voting yes on bailout..BRASSCHECK TV/video

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Tuesday we reported that individual Congressmen were intimidated into voting “Yes” on the $700 billion Wall Street rip off.

(There are a lot of *other* things in that bill that are much worse than the money being stolen…

more on that later.)

Yesterday, Wednesday, we heard from a man whose career was based on arranging for massive loans to governments and institutions that couldn’t possibly pay them back in order to gain control over them.

He described his role as government-sponsored and corporate-employed economic “hitman.”

Today we hear from the former governor of Minnesota about how the CIA has its own permanent office in the governor’s office.





How did Israeli markets escape

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Has anyone else noticed that Israel for some reason was not affected by the global market crash? 

Do you wonder if we will still continue to give them 8 billion a year in foriegn aid?

Something to think about.

Bush’s Iraq Madness…BRASSCHECK TV/video

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Another Bush administration accomplishment.


Joseph Stiglitz won the Noble Prize and he was president of the World Bank.

He has two simple messages:

1. The Iraq War will cost the US $3 TRILLION (minimum)

2. The war is one of the chief causes behind the destruction of the US (and the world’s) banking system.

This interview was recorded back in April, long before the seriousness of the banking problems were apparent and long before the multi-trillion dollar bailouts


The US put – and kept – a venal moron in the White House for eight years.


Using fraud, he launched a war that will cost US taxpayers at least $3 trillion.


As if that weren’t enough, the “creative financing”

he employed to pay for the war now threatens to destroy the US financial system.


Not just cause a recession, but destroy the US financial system.


This is not my opinion…it’s the opinion of the former president of the World Bank and a Nobel Prize winner in economics…


This was recorded over six months ago.




– Brasscheck

The corporate UNITED STATES

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Should we have bailed out the few who don’t deserve it which will only help those same people?  Or, should we have bailed out the many; the people who drive the economy helping everyone from one end to the other?  Neither scenario is realistic, which may be why so many of us find ourselves stunned by the unconscionable lack of judgment in congress. 


Do you wonder what might have happened if our congress had acted in our best interest rather than that of Wall Street?  What if that 850 billion they are borrowing, which is likely to balloon to trillions was instead equally distributed among all legal households in the US?


  • Most mortgages could have been paid off even those which are fraudulently inflated.
  • Every credit card in the country could have been paid off except those held by the upper 3% which have no limits.
  • Every car loan could have been paid and new vehicles purchased.
  • Every school loan could have been paid and education paid for in cash.
  • Nearly every medical bill could have been paid.
  • Social programs based on income would be virtually non-existent.
  • New businesses hiring new employees could be started.
  • Existing small businesses could have been expanded and a new manufacturing base could have been started here at home.


If congress and this president were so eager to stabilize the economy and believed they could borrow us out of debt…..why didn’t they spend it where it would have mattered?  Why didn’t they spend that money in a way that would have caused an immediate expansion of our economic base and benefited millions instead of just a few?


Here’s why:  In every situation listed above, it would have meant smaller government, less taxes, less unemployment, and expansion of the business base and less government intervention and intrusion into our lives. 


We have been duped into thinking that for some reason we should be using credit and that this artificial number used to define us by credit reporting agencies is in some way significant.  It isn’t.  And the reason I know it isn’t is that our government is in the process of delivering a few trillion dollars to agencies and institutions whose credit ratings have to be in the toilet.  Your credit rating is simply a number generated by the same people who ran their businesses into the ground.  Do as our government did and just disregard it. 


What we have witnessed in the last two weeks is the greatest redistribution of wealth…redistributed to those already obscenely wealthy… ever witnessed at one time in our history.  The corporation operating as the UNITED STATES government just came out of the closet and established itself not as a constitutional government of the people, but rather, as the corporate entity as it has been since 1871. 


It is only going to go downhill from here. 


© Marti Oakley

A Look At The Real Numbers

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A critical element that has been roundly ignored in all the rhetoric of the past two weeks is an appreciation for the Time Value Of Money.


Our present and would-be political leaders, the news media, and most of the rest of us share this void in our understanding.


Some are not aware and have only their pathetic educations to blame:


“The fundamentals of our economy are sound.”  They’re not!


Others are fully aware, and keep this knowledge to themselves, using it to their own advantage:


“The markets will recover in three to four years.”  Not likely!


What we are talking about here is familiar to any adult.  The older you are, the more examples you can cite from your own experience.  Here are two of mine.


In the spring of 1973, groceries for my family of six, including four children from age 9 to 3, came from three sources.  Milk was delivered twice a week (remember the good old days), meat was purchased monthly from a Mom and Pop butcher shop, and the rest were bought, also monthly, at a large, no-frills, grocery outlet.  $55 was spent every month at the grocery outlet.  A babysitter was hired, because if we took the children along there was not enough room in our full sized sedan for all the groceries.  In today’s dollars, that $55 would be $282.07.


The year I was born, my Father, who’d spent his teen years bartering his way through the Great Depression, landed one of the best jobs available at the time:  an appointment at the Post Office.  His rate of pay was 65 cents per hour.  In today’s dollars, that would be $10.42 per hour.


Think about that the next time you read that the Model T Ford sold for a paltry $300, ($5,045).  The men on the assembly line were paid an annual salary of around $1,485, ($24,971).


Back to the future.  Yesterday, the Dow Jones indicator closed at 8,579.19.  The high water mark for this indicator was reached on January 14, 2000, at 11,722.98.  That would be 14,928.57 in today’s numbers.  That is 42.532% short of the all-time high.  That is 6,349.38 points that would need to be restored TODAY to achieve the same level as January of 2000.


Those are the REAL numbers.

Peter Schiff – Ron Paul Advisor – Collapse of the Dollar

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Here’s some real ideas!  Why didn’t congress think of this?

Cutting the size of government for starters.

Get rid of the Federal Reserve, and put America back on the gold standard.

Very interesting interview.

US Homeowners Soon To Be Evicted By Chinese Police Under New Law


US Homeowners Soon To Be Evicted By Chinese Police Under New Law

Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Sept. 29, 2008


Russian economists are expressing shock today over a new United States law that will allow for the first time in that nation’s history the police forces of a foreign Nation to have law enforcement powers over their citizens.

These powers are specifically being granted to China’s State Security Police who operate under the Ministry of State Security for the Peoples Republic of China by the United States as a precondition for the Chinese Governments continued purchasing of US debt as the Americans continue their desperate actions to avert their total economic collapse.

China had previously ordered its banks to halt all lending to the United States, an action that would totally cripple the American banking system, and as we can read as reported by the Reuters News Service:

Chinese regulators have told domestic banks to stop interbank lending to U.S. financial institutions to prevent possible losses during the financial crisis, the South China Morning Post reported on Thursday.

The Hong Kong newspaper cited unidentified industry sources as saying the instruction from the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) applied to interbank lending of all currencies to U.S. banks but not to banks from other countries.

“The decree appears to be Beijing’s first attempt to erect defences against the deepening U.S. financial meltdown after the mainland’s major lenders reported billions of U.S. dollars in exposure to the credit crisis,” the SCMP said.”

Not being understood by the American people is that China is the holder of over $1.4 Trillion of US debt backed by the mortgages on the homes and property of tens of millions these people which, in essence, makes the Chinese one of the largest holders of land in the United States, and which the Chinese government has stated they will protect ‘at all costs’.

In rapid response to China’s demands that they be granted immediate access to their American properties to protect their ‘investments’, the United States is enacting a new law titled the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, and which in Section 101, Paragraph 7:3 chillingly states:

 Designating financial institutions as financial agents of the Federal Government, and such institutions shall perform all such reasonable duties related to this Act as financial agents of the Federal Government as may be required.”

The United States Federal Reserve has further notified the China Development Bank, the second largest bank in Asia and the main holder of US mortgage debt instruments, that they will be designated by the US Secretary of the Treasury as one of the financial institutions protected by this extraordinary new law, and which, according  to these reports, will empower Chinese policing authorities the right to act as law enforcement officers in the United States including granting them the right to evict American citizens from homes whose mortgage debt is held by China.

Unfortunately for these American people, their own public officials have totally abandoned them as the American Center for Responsive Politics has reported that the staggering amount of $2 Billion has been paid by the perpetrators of this Global financial crisis to US Lawmakers, of both political parties, to sell out their fellow countrymen as virtual economic slaves to the all powerful International corporate cartels who now rule over them.

Even worse for these people is that the plan instituted and carried out over these past 40 years to erase their true history leaves virtually none of them today with the full, and monstrous, century old plan to destroy their Nation, and which began with almost the exact same economic crisis they are experiencing today, and was called the Panic of 1907, and of which we can read:

The Panic of 1907, also known as the 1907 Bankers’ Panic, was a financial crisis which occurred in the United States when the stock market fell close to 50% from its peak in the previous year. At the time the economy was in recession and there were numerous runs on banks and trust companies. The panic’s primary cause was a retraction of loans by a number of banks in New York City, and the sentiment quickly spread across the nation leading to the closures of both state and local banks and businesses.”

So shocked were the American people by the Panic of 1907 that they allowed for the first time since their Nations founding, their lawmakers to begin the process of establishing a Central Banking System, and of which one of their founding fathers, and writer of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, warned all future generations of Americans:

“The central bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the Principles and form of our Constitution. I am an Enemy to all banks discounting bills or notes for anything but Coin. If the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the People of all their Property until their Children will wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.”

Today, and sadly, the World is now witnessing these prophetic words of Thomas Jefferson coming true. 

Even worse, these American people, whose ancestors laid the foundation for what was once the greatest and freest Nation on Earth, have now been reduced to what is now commonly referred to as “sheeple”,  “a term of disparagement, a portmanteau created by combining the words “sheep” and “people.” It is often used to denote persons who acquiesce to authority, and thus undermine their own human individuality. The implication of sheeple is that as a collective, people believe whatever they are told, especially if told so by authority figures, without processing it to be sure that it is an accurate representation of the real world around them.”

It goes without saying, of course, that these Americans do not see themselves in this most truest of lights as they continue living their lives in near total ignorance of the greater catastrophes soon to befall them, all of which they have been, and are continued to be, warned about. But, they continue to laugh off, and spurn, these warnings as they continue to believe the lies being fed them by their propaganda media organs they never seem to realize are nothing but the mouthpieces for the fascist corporate forces delivering them to the slaughterhouses they will come to know all too soon.

[Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the United States except those coming from authorized government and/or affiliated sources, of which we are not one.  No interviews are granted and very little personal information is given about our contributors, or their sources, to protect their safety.]


Congress Has Betrayed Us Yet AGAIN!! (www.usalone.com)

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Congress Has Betrayed Us Yet AGAIN!!

Hundreds of billions more in the last 2 years for a senseless military occupation, the FISA outrage, paralysis on impeachment or even enforcing subpoenas, and now a total surrender of the future of our treasury in an 850 billion dollar bailout of Wall Street fat cats. Congress has done worse than do nothing, they have done categorically the WRONG thing, and the whole rest of the world knows it, and THAT is why the stock market has been dropping like a rock ever since the Senate stampeded through this bailout monstrosity.

What Are We Going To Do About It?!

TV Spot Action Page:



And as if all this weren’t galling enough. How do you like how Bush came out in the Rose Garden after signing the “Fox In Charge Of The Hen House Bill” to basically say, “Thanks, chumps.”?

How dare they call themselves “Representatives”? How dare they! With their phones flooded a hundred to one shouting down this massive theft from the American taxpayer, with such an avalanche of emails coming the House email servers almost crashed, how dare they?! And guess what, the people were right. The hundreds of top economists pleading for sanity and a hearing were right.

Pelosi, the queen of the cave-ins must be defeated. There can be no honor in allowing her to remain in office. Shame on us if we don’t do everything we could have done to remove her. Then and only then can all the other things that need to be done to fix this disaster be implemented.

Global economy is a global disaster

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Global economy is a global disaster


As the information rolls in regarding the actual contents and costs of the bailout of Wall Street it becomes apparent that a global economy and deregulation, lack of oversight and greed just do not make for sound economic policy.  At some point, those claiming expertise in this area will be forced to admit, globalization is a recipe for global economic disaster.  Globalization of the economies of the world is nothing less than a global disaster.  It doesn’t work, it can’t work and the only people adversely affected are the middle class and the poor.  For those at the top its been a gold mine.


While many of us jumped on the neo-con bandwagon and threw our lot in with liars and thieves, others were not so impressed.  It would seem those who bought into this “get rich quick” scheme, were those who somehow thought a momentary spike in income and/or assets were an indication of greater riches to come.  These were the people who appeared at every opportunity, in any venue possible, proclaiming that free markets were going to be the end all, be all, of the economic world.  They were many times also the same people who exhibited an hysterical form of viciousness, an outright contempt and hatred of anyone who disagreed and who spent much of their time attacking and berating their perceived foes.  Their foes would be those people who dared to challenge their claims of globalization being the way to prosperity for all.


Those I knew personally who subscribed to this pseudo financial philosophy challenged me regularly with arguments that were so worn out from overuse I could barely stand it.  Always operating from the argument that if I didn’t support globalization and free markets I must be wanting the government to give everyone a handout.  I must be a commie, a socialist, a Democrat!!!  (I’m an Independent)


I was (and am) one of those people who thought the rich should pay a regressive tax, just like the rest of us do, and not be allowed loopholes, write-offs, hedges, deferments and other carefully crafted tax tools that exempted them from paying any taxes at all.  I also believe, if we have to see our Social Security investments raided to pay the costs of operating the federal government on a day to day basis just so the massive loss of revenues from the tax cuts to upper 3% aren’t realized, something is terribly wrong.


But this is where we are:


  • The rich are in line to get the greatest government handout in history.

You are going to finance this handout.


  • Wall Street fat cats will be dining on your money.

You will see your taxes go up regardless of who becomes president to make sure these same people can dine at the best restaurants via the handout.


  • No one involved in this crime of the century will be prosecuted and many will walk away with millions of investors and our tax money. This is fascism.

1.7 million homeowner’s go into foreclosure: they will be receiving no real help in the bailout.  That would be socialism.


  • Another 159,000 lose their jobs in September, 2008.

Virtually no CEO, or high level employee of these bankrupted financial institutions will, or have been, fired or otherwise penalized.


  • Investment retirement accounts were the first targets in the collapse.

Congress could have moved immediately to freeze those assets and make them temporarily secure from plunder.  They did nothing.


  • The same companies who now demand we finance them, forcibly, are many times the same who were involved in off shoring American jobs, closing American businesses and stashing their ill gotten gains in bogus off shore accounts to avoid any personal or business taxes.

The bailout bill includes increased IRS snooping on you and me to make sure WE aren’t hiding any income.


So….all you free market advocates who thought those of us who could see this storm coming were just trying to keep you from getting rich…..how do you feel today?


Your 401K is bust, your pension plan is broke, your house is worth only about 55% of your ARM, and its’ highly likely you could find yourself out of work, out of money and living in one of those tent cities cropping up all over the country. 


Remember the good ol’ days?  Remember when America was the worlds’ leader in manufacturing and everyone bought from us?  Less than 10% of manufacturing remains and millions are out of work.  The trade deficit with China alone is killing us a container at a time.


While the job market dries up, free market promoters are still advocating an increase in H1B visa’s, and the border is still wide open with a big welcome sign on it.  In fact, we put border patrol agents in prison for attempting to secure that border.


When we all come to understand that free trade in a regulated and efficient market is not the same as a free-for-all for those who have no allegiance or loyalty to our country, those who put their money ahead of anything and everyone else we will have made progress. 


As it is, our congress has officially declared a war against the people of the United States by virtue of voting in favor of financing the continuation of the same practices and people who are destroying us.  And to top it off……they’re going to make us pay for our own destruction.  Only in America!


© 2008 Marti Oakley


No Constitution here!

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A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within.
— Cicero

And did we not see treason abounding today?  As congress completed the act of disregarding the will of the people, voting against them, against their best interests and instead throwing its support behind corrupted and unethical corporate fat cats.


Destroying the US dollar….BRASSCHECK TV/video

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If you watch the financial news, occasionally you’ll hear Jim Rogers explain why Fed bailouts of investment banks and others is a terrible idea for the country.


It’s amazing to hear his comments from March and July of this year.


He really nailed it.


Is anyone listening?


Maybe Bush & Co. actually want to destroy the US dollar and tank the world economy.


If so, they’re doing a great job.



Goldman Sachs Bribed Senate To Pass Bailout Bill

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Goldman Sachs Bribed Senate To Pass Bailout Bill
Watch this and if it doesn’t make you scream “I’m mad as hell!  And I’m not going to take it anymore!” nothing will.
We have been sold out and raped economically and financially and our own congress is the rapist.
Bill Staussen

The Bailout…..Lipstick on a pig!

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The Senate’s 74-25 vote for Paulson’s Plunder came as no surprise, since the Senate is run by and for millionaires. So now it’s back to the House of Representatives, where we shocked those millionaires on Monday by defeating their bailout bill by 228-205.

A terrified army of corporate lobbyists is working around the clock to switch 13 votes, but only 7 have switched so far – Jim Ramstad (R-MN), John Shadegg (R-AZ), Zach Wamp (R-TN), Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), Shelley Berkley (D-NV), Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO) and John Lewis (D- GA). Other possible switches include Pat Tiberi (R-OH), Pete Hoekstra (R-MI), John Yarmouth (D-KY), Brian Bilbray (R-CA), Steve Rothman  (D-NJ), Lee Terry (R-NE), Jim Gerlach (R-PA), Tim Murphy (R-PA), Jason Altmire (D-PA), and Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ). But others may switch from Yes to No, including Ed Markey (D-MA), Charlie Melancon (D-LA), and Spencer Bachus (R-AL).

Bush’s first Treasury Secretary, Paul O’Neill, called Paulson’s plan “crazy” and “lunacy” with potentially “awful” consequences for the world’s largest economy. Many of the best economists agree with O’Neill. Paulson’s strongest supporters – including panicked CNBC hosts – now admit it will not raise stock prices or boost the economy as it falls into recession. Then why on earth should we give $700 $850 billion of our tax dollars to Wall Street??? Joe Lieberman gave away the real game when he told FOX ” it will be good for John McCain.”

With so much at stake, Congress should  stay in session for another week (or two) to pass a much better (and cheaper!) plan proposed by Pete DeFazio (D-OR). But Congress desperately wants to go home so Friday may be our last chance to stop this $850 billion disaster .

(1) Call your Representative today!
First check how your Representative voted on Monday (and note switches above):
If (s)he voted NO, say “Thank you for helping stop the Bailout on Monday. Don’t betray us now by voting YES on Friday, or I will vote NO against you on Election Day.”
If (s)he voted YES, say “I’m outraged that you supported the Bailout on Monday, and I will remember on Election Day. If you want my vote on Election Day, you must vote NO on Friday.”

(2) Join or organize a street protest against the bailout:

(3) We’re also partnering with Progressive Democrats of America and USAction/TrueMajority to schedule local meetings with our Representatives to demand a Fair Deal for Main St . If you’d like to help,

For inspiration, watch this great video from Agit-Pop:

Find more information and comment here:

Thanks for all you do!


Republicans Blame OBAMA for Wall Street Meltdown – Help Us Fight Back!

Even before the House voted on Monday, the Republican National Committee broadcast an outrageous TV ad blaming Barack Obama for the Wall Street Meltdown:

Our friends at Agit-Pop produced a rapid response 30-second ad that places blame for the meltdown exactly where it belongs, namely  Bush-McCain economics :

We don’t have Wall Street millions to put this ad on the air, but we have you so please forward this 30-second ad to everyone you know!

Find more info and comment here:


Election Day Countdown: 39 Days

If you want a real scare, watch this video nightmare about Election Night 2008:

If you don’t want that nightmare to come true, visit:


Ten Reasons Not To Bail Out Wall Street

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Ten Reasons Not To Bail Out Wall Street

Catherine, Geopolitical, Life and News & Commentary,

October 1, 2008 at 6:10 pm

by Catherine Austin Fitts and Carolyn Betts, Esq.

(1) Crime that pays is crime that stays.

There is reason to believe that Wall Street and those they represent are holding loans without collateral, multiple loans secured by the same properties, and other fraudulent instruments among the “troubled assets.” Based on the secret “Treasury Conference Call” with 800 Wall Street insiders, we know the deal proposed to be passed by Congress isn’t the real deal promised to Wall Street.

(2) This smells like obstruction of justice.

Bail-out without due diligence of so called “troubled assets” is a perfect way to hide documentation of financial crimes. It is also a perfect means to launder both the past ill-gotten gains and new federal money spent recklessly and without necessary safeguards and oversight mechanisms. Be very suspicious when they tell you “we just can’t tell what’s in these troubled assets.” We can assure you that the federal government has field offices all across the country that deal with significant amounts of real estate and mortgage assets on a dailyl basis. If Treasury refuses for more than a decade to comply with the laws, with approximately $4 trillion missing (and counting), it is not competent to manage $700 billion of taxpayer money while its arm is twisted by Wall Street.

(3) Wall Street owes the federal government money.

We need to get stolen money back from the banks that served as depositories for the US government (including trillions for which the Pentagon and HUD could not account) and punish them, not create another opportunity for them to game the system and engage in criminal enterprises to rob consumers. To the extent there has been regulatory wrong-doing, let’s not let the miscreants leave town with the evidence.

(4) Good guys are shut out.

A bail-out provides no way for honest leaders to come to the fore and use their creativity and expertise to restore balance and integrity to the system or for unproductive and poorly-managed banks that contribute to current over-capacity in the banking system to die a dignified death.

(5) This results in more investment in the “bubble economy.”

Spending massive amounts on non-productive uses (“buying” worthless credit default swaps, mortgages with no collateral and derivatives, which could even include the derivatives used to manipulate the precious metals markets) as opposed to productive uses (repairing infrastructure, creating alternative energy systems, supporting inventing and production of “green” products) is inflationary.

This bail-out will drive prices of food, water and energy up for the people who can least afford it.

(6) Bail-out does not result in capital circulating in healthy ways.

The bail-out of Wall Street and too-big-to-fail banks and insurance companies that are getting bigger by the minute by swallowing up other failing financial institutions (and creating more institutions that are “too big to fail”) does not result in trickle-down to those whose money was stolen in recent swindles (S&L, dot.com, current housing crisis), i.e., the taxpayers/middle class and working poor.

(7) These arrangements will result in more corruption.

Centralized “fixes” are sure to result in black holes, no-bid contracts and other scandals.

(8) The bail-out drains the real economy, rather than invests in the real economy.

The US economy can’t be productive or grow if consumers don’t have jobs and can’t afford to purchase goods and services. Real stimulation of Main Street is accomplished through productive investment, not bail-outs that shift money to unproductive sectors. We should use all of our precious resources to reinvest in our people in the real economy.

(9) It props up sectors that need to downsize and consolidate.

There is significant overcapacity in the financial and banking sectors. Brainpower and talent needs to stop blowing financial bubbles and shift to economic activities that create real value.

(10) It is a temporary “fix” to keep Wall Street afloat until after the election.

Our resources are better invested in permanent, long-term solutions. This bail-out will not fix anything. Rather, it will help the perpetrators get away and ensure that the ultimate day of reckoning is worse.

The Administration wants to drain the real economy to bail out Wall Street. It seems to us that the more appropriate plan would be to require Wall Street to return the $4 trillion plus that is missing and use that to rebuild the real economy.

We think the time has come to reverse the flow. Go to any business school in the country. That is what they teach. Money should move out of unproductive sectors into productive sectors. The bail-out does just the opposite.

“Just say NO!”

Source: http://solari.com/blog/?p=1646

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Civil War is avoidable ONLY BY WE the people,VOTING these criminals OUT of OFFICE NOW



by Andrew C. Wallace

 “For the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country”-men for becoming a little aware of how badly they are being screwed. Officials in government, corporations and media, along with illegals, who caused this destruction, should plan on running for their very lives. Government officials who refuse to comply with the Constitution and desires of the People have no legitimate power, they are Criminals, Rogues, Usurpers and Traitors.


It is now urgent that we vote politicians out of office who ignore demands of more than 75% to 90% of the people by unconstitutionally giving hundreds of billions of dollars to their corporate paymasters as follows:

1.       Unconstitutionally allowing illegals to invade and remain for corporate profits, but at great cost to Americans in lost jobs, blood and treasure.

2.       Unconstitutionally voting for so called Free Trade deals like NAFTA to eliminate American jobs for corporate profits.

3.        Voting for 10 visa and other immigration programs to replace American workers.

4.       Now voting for a 700 billion dollar bailout for both foreign and domestic corporations responsible for the meltdown. This is in addition to a much larger amount of credit being given by the Private Federal Reserve Bank without fanfare. All of this without Constitutional authority, while ignoring the demands and welfare of almost 100% of the people. Hundreds of Economists say this cash infusion will reward the greedy who caused and profited from the meltdown while prolonging it with additional losses for the people. The Senate in its arrogance just added another 150 billion dollars to the bailout bill which included a lot of pork.

5.       The only possible result is massive inflation resulting in worthless money, economic collapse and extreme suffering by the people. This is a perfect plan for the left, leading to a communist takeover.

6.       This could not occur without the treasonous exercise of unconstitutional authority and expenditures by government officials.


This is the end game, where traitors take what they have not already stolen using the privately owned and unconstitutional Federal Reserve Bank, with support of corrupt rogue officials in Judicial, Legislative, and Executive branches at all levels of government who refuse to obey our constitution and laws. A few specifics of this Tyranny and high Treason are as follows:


·     Without actions by the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Bank this meltdown would have been impossible; it is privately owned by corporate elites using unconstitutional Federal Reserve Notes as currency to steal our assets and impoverish us.

·      The unconstitutional Federal Reserve Bank enabled and extended the Great Depression using deflation and their private owners bought what they wanted for next to nothing, and they are doing it again, but now they are using inflation.

·     This Criminal Conspiracy (RICO) of government, corporate and media has reduced the value of our unconstitutional money to the point where it now requires more than three times as many dollars to buy constitutional gold currency as it did in 2000, which effectively raised our cost of living and is reducing value of our pensions, savings and investments to zero.

·     Our Military and Police must refuse any orders from the rogue officials to deny citizens their Constitutional Rights or they may provoke a civil war and be tried as war criminals.

·     This destruction of our economy is caused by unconstitutional actions by government and the private Federal Reserve Bank. It is a failure of unconstitutional government socialism (fascism and communism), not free enterprise and capitalism.

·     Bailout of corrupt bankers and investors will be at great cost, unconstitutional and devastating to the people. A bailout would do nothing either for Money and Interbank Markets that are close to a systemic meltdown. Again, corporate elites take the profits and their employees in Congress shift losses to the people. Read Nouriel Roubini.


·     Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and everyone in real estate caused the meltdown and made millions. They were empowered by the private Federal Reserve Bank and unconstitutional laws to fund toxic mortgages and to donate millions to politicians. Banks were forced to accept a large percentage of unqualified loans. Our government paid ACORN and others millions to teach unqualified people, including illegals, how to game the system for mortgages and to commit massive voter fraud. This was not Capitalism, it was fraud, and another example of the failure of Socialism.

·     Stockholders in Fannie and Freddie lost everything, but our government protected the 376 Billion Dollar investment by China, with our money.


·     Ron Paul, the only one in congress who understands Economics said; Congress should reject this bailout because it is an immoral theft from taxpayers, it is unconstitutional and bad Economic policy. It is also money down a rat hole and will only make the dollar crisis that much worse The true crisis is the pending collapse of the fiat dollar system. Ron Paul’s comments appear to be shared by every Economist in the country who is not associated with the criminals.


·     Much of what the Federal Government does is simply unconstitutional and the average citizen has no access to justice, none. We must regain control of Congress so we can impeach and prosecute the criminals in all branches and levels of government.


·     The wealthy, everywhere in the world know what is going on and they are buying gold and silver bars and coins so fast that there is a serious shortage.


Millions of Americans have been unconstitutionally allowed to be either murdered, killed, raped, robbed or molested by illegals so corporations could profit from cheap labor, mortgage scams and theft. The obvious objective is the continuing reduction in our standard of living to the point where Americans live and die homeless, hungry and in pain as slaves in the North American Union ruled by a Corporate New World Order.


The traitors can only take my country over my dead body, and the bodies of millions of other patriots, our people are the most heavily armed and trained in the world. Our objective is to defeat the traitors with the rule of law as long as we have sovereignty, before the people really feel the pain from the loss of everything and react with uncontrolled rage and bloodshed.


Our own history and experience is proof that the solution to our problems is simple; comply with dictates of our Constitution.


After reading this, if you think my use of “Criminal, Usurper, Rogue and Traitor” are not proper descriptive terms for most politicians, then you are a brainwashed fool.


This was only meant as an outline so you could see the big picture, those who desire the brutal truth in great documented detail should go to:  http://www.newswithviews.com  and read recent articles by these experts: Alan Stang, Devvy Kidd, David Stoddard, John Slagel, Michael Cutler, Greg Evensen, Jim Schwiesow, Dennis Cuddy, Frosty Wooldridge, Dave Daubenmire, Tom DeWeese, Jon Ryter, Deanna Springola, Lynn Stuter, Berit Kjos, Betty Freauf, Cliff Kincaid, Chuck Baldwin, Edwin Vieira, CJ Graham, Joan Veon, Patrick Wood, Laurie Roth, Michael Shaw, Niki Raapana, Dennis Cuddy, et al.




The inevitable collapse of the dollar….BRASSCHECK TV/video

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There will be consequences

What goes up will come down

“The path that we’re on right now is not sustainable.”

“The portfolio adjustments will be swift and severe.”

“There’s going to be a major realignment of global living standard.”

“Every knows the dollar could collapse, but nobody knows where it will start.”



Nobody in the US wants to talk about it, but it’s pretty easy to see when you’re viewing things from outside of the fish bowl.


Ten years from now, it’s going to be a radically different world, and the changes are starting right now.




– Brasscheck


Bailout Scare Tactics….lies and more lies

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The Big Lie is promoting the Big Scare.


There is not going to be any Depression. What there will be if this trillion dollar bailout is massive inflation caused by the government paying this bailout by printing money.


These obligations are owned by private companies, they should stay there, the companies can go bankrupt or not, but they can be liquidated at whatever the market value is.  The loss will fall on the private companies, their shareholders and their bond holders, not on the American people.


If you have the number of your Congressman or Senator, give him or her a call. This is welfare for the rich.


Paul Streitz




The collapse of the US dollar: Controlled demolition?

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Commentary before the bailouts

Jim Rogers has made hundreds of millions of dollars from his investments over the years.

Last year, he made the decision to leave the US and take his money out of the US dollar.

At the time, it seemed like an extreme position to take.

Now, months later, it’s starting to make sense.

Max Keiser holds an even more extreme position, that what’s taking place is a controlled demolition of the US dollar. It’s hard to argue with his logic.

After all, these are the same people who brought us 9/11 and the Iraq War. What’s a multi-trillion dollar scam compared to those twin disasters?


If you watch the financial news, occasionally you’ll hear Jim Rogers explain why Fed bailouts of investment banks and others is a terrible idea for the country.


It’s amazing to hear his comments from March and July of this year.


He really nailed it.


Is anyone listening?


Maybe Bush & Co. actually want to destroy the US dollar and tank the world economy.


If so, they’re doing a great job.




– Brasscheck


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