
a CONSENT/REFUSAL FORM for the COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS VACCINE: Hand your doctor YOUR CONSENT FORM, don’t sign theirs


Editors note!   These are must have documents.  Protect yourself and hold those that would do you harm for profit, liable.  Please follow the link below for full information and access.

Be informed. Don’t sign a consent form you are unfamiliar with.

Hand your doctor YOUR CONSENT FORM, don’t sign theirs, that waives your rights to confidentiality of your medical records, waives your right to make those who administer your vaccine legally accountable for any malpractice (vaccinating sick people or people who do not respond well to vaccines of any kind, like people with diabetes, high blood pressure, autoimmune disorders), and doesn’t disclose all of the adjuvants and ingredients in the vaccine (heavy metals).

Under Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations, INFORMED CONSENT should not be waived for vaccination of any kind.

In addition, INFORMED CONSENT should disclose the risk/benefit ratio (how many people have to be vaccinated for 1 person to avoid infection/death?).

INFORMED CONSENT should offer you the right to refuse vaccination if you choose, protect confidentiality of your medical records, offer alternatives to vaccination if there are

The INFORMED CONSENT form should list the vaccine you received, manufacturer and lot number. A copy of the CONSENT FORM should be provided to you to take home.

The 17-page CONSENT/REFUSAL FORM that includes a 2-page health assessment tool is provided for $12.95 (you will receive two printed copies of this form). The consent/refusal form has been evaluated by legal counsel for The National Health Federation (NHF), a health freedom organization.  The NHF has approved the form.  Proceeds from the sale of the consent form go to the NHF vaccine defense fund in anticipation of legal challenges that will likely arise from its use.

Covid scam: Contact tracers and tracking aps

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Here is what they are actually doing to us.  Unwarranted surveillance.  Tracking aps on your phone.  The “greater good”…you lose all your rights.  You can be forced medicated and vaccinated against your will.  This is a war on America and our lives.  This virus scam has been outed so thoroughly that I am have a hard time believing that they are still promoting this as a threat to anyone.  We have no privacy rights as a result of all of this.  We have no right to refuse unwanted medical treatment of any kind.  You cant go back to your life without having the tracking ap on your phone.


#ContactTracing tracking down Innocent American Citizens is 
Fascist Nazism This is the future of tyranny there gonna rollout in
the so called 2nd 3rd 4th phase of the Covidscam to harass terrorize
and subjugate the American people, this is the full rollout of the
New World Order Depopulation Agenda.