Author, Chuck Frank

While the world stood still and the human race took one giant last breath through their Corona-virus face mask, those key players of the world’s corrupt oligarchical elite began driving their final nails into the coffin while adding the the last touches to their New World Order.  And if a person might have missed some of the action that transpired under the radar, let us connect more of the dots which may be helpful, while I lay out in short order a discourse that should shed more light upon a worldwide agenda that is meant to quickly take away Constitutional freedoms that was bravely fought for, but then turn it all over to a ruthless, New World Order-tyrannical elite.

Now then, to best understand what is  happening as of 2020 when it comes to the countries in the world, first look at sovereign nations that relish various freedoms and natural rights which have been around ever since serfdom ended in England centuries ago. By 1992 it was unfortunate that many of those countries signed on to the European Union and a treaty which was, in a nutshell, a suicide agreement meant to end national state sovereignty while the Brussels, Belgium bankers and other major world players, then threw a party.

Since then, what transpired was the ongoing collapse of one country after another because of economic woes and the breakdown of cultural norms along with mandated policies brought on by the EU agreement by allowing refugees and aliens into Great Britain and other European nations, via open borders, to where many of these rebellious and unruly people played havoc upon these countries and their cultural  and religious norms. So much so, that even the Pope suggested that all faiths need to come together into one world church and a treasonous New World Order.  Unbelievable! Yet, this concept would only bring about the result of a divide and conquer scenario bringing all EU counties under the total control of an un-elected cartel, so to speak.  This would become the greatest swindle ever under the sun.  And if the purposeful chaos created  wasn’t enough, then usher in part two of the  pre-planned staged exercise with a worldwide Chinese virus creating even more chaos and more control while freedoms and Constitutional protections vanish at light speed in name of safety, but all secretly by design.

And finally, don’t stop here, just usher in the Real ID Card along with an implanted Corona-virus vaccine, which is by the way, still under development, and will also have a personal marker with information that makes the person traceable and controlled, forever and a day.  But only because the worlds people have lost control of their own destiny by  an elite faction that  is ready to rule the world.  While there is still time, we must come out of the tentacles of this monster and refuse the coming tyrannical order and their demands and plans for our slavery and the destruction of our freedom and a lot more.