Marti Oakley (c) copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved


I’ll make you a deal……I’ll agree to union busting if you agree to help end corporations.


For all those out there cheering the union busting, where was your bravado, your passion, when Wall Street and the gangster banksters were robbing the American taxpayer and bringing the country to the edge of collapse with their corruption? I’ll tell you where you were… were sitting at home with your mouth shut. If you did speak it was to support the corporate overthrow of our government and our Republic. You are the same people who think a global economy is going to make you rich, and who parroted the neo-con mantra of “it ain’t fair to tax the rich” and how terrible it was to tax corporations who are registering the highest profits in recorded history while we foot the bill for subsidies, tax credits and the loss of wage protecting tariffs in all those unlawful trade agreements that serve to bankrupt economies around the world.

What we are witnessing is not only the wholesale deconstruction of our economy, but also the wage base that has secured a healthy middle class. Paramount to ending the middle class is to end workers rights. The right of workers to collectively bargain for benefits and wages helped maintain competitive wages across the board. Whether we belonged to a union or not, we benefited from them as businesses had to pay a fair wage in order to compete for the best workers.

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