
TS Radio Network: Dirty Money series exposes guardianship

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Join us live Friday March 13, 2020 at 7:00 pm CST!

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST…7:00 pm CST…8:00 pm EST

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Call in number 917-388-4520

Press #1 immediately when Blogtalk answers to speak to the host!

All shows will be archived and available 24/7 so you can listen at your convenience.

Hosted by Marti Oakley & Coz Whitten-Skaife


Join us this evening as Lisa Belanger joins the show to talk about the Netflix series “Dirty Money-#5” Guardians Inc.  This episode features Lisa and exposes the ongoing targeting, isolation, and theft of estates from vulnerable seniors and the disabled.

Guardianship has become nothing more than a government sanctioned and facilitated system of human trafficking for profit.  One of the most insidious parts of this disgusting system is the forcing of the victim to pay all of the expenses of those involved in the predatory guardianship.  Doing so makes the theft of estates so much easier and more efficient.

Estates are stolen, homes are sold, trusts are broken into, wills are discarded, bank accounts raided, and personal items and family memorabilia are disposed of.  Everything that defined that elder’s life is wiped out, thrown away, discarded.  They have been effectively erased.

While we are encouraged to regard lawyers, doctors, guardians, attorney’s and others as somehow deserving of respect, this issue has clearly exposed the fact that many of these people are the worst among us.  For those in any one of these professions who have enough integrity, sense of honor and morals, attempting to defend a victim from these predators can be career suicide.

As despicable as many of these professionals are, that individual sitting on the bench is the worst of them all.  Everything revolves around the cooperation of this individual to make sure the system runs smoothly.

TS Radio Network: Ottholes on Parade! with Coz & Marti

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Join us live Friday November 15, 2019 at 7:00 pm CST!

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST…7:00 pm CST…8:00 pm EST

Listen Live HERE!

Call in number 917-388-4520

Press #1 immediately when Blogtalk answers to speak to the host!

All shows will be archived and available 24/7 so you can listen at your convenience.

Hosted by Marti Oakley & Coz Whitten-Skaife


Join Coz & Marti tonight as we highlight more of the “Ottholes on Parade”. Joining us will be Elaine Mickman and “Rebecca”.

Thanks to Judge Stanley Ott, some of the Ottholes have 100’s of “wards of the state”.  Individuals who have been targeted, kidnapped, isolated and now are subjected to trauma based bonding.  No one can visit them.  No one can talk to them.  No one can know what condition their health is in.  The predators assure them that only THEY care….after all….no one else is visiting them.  Of course they don’t tell the victim that they won;t allow anyone else to visit them.  And could someone please explain to us how one guardian can possibly manage all the life decisions, medical care and financial decisions for hundreds of people that they themselves rarely if ever see or communicate with?

We will also be discussing the coming Montgomery County,Pennsylvania elections and the attacks coming from the courts on women involved in divorce.

TS Radio Network: Coz & Marti …Pennsylvania Ottholes & the attack on Kathleen Kane

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Join us Friday evening September 6. 2019 at 7:00 pm CST!

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST…7:00 pm CST…8:00 pm EST

Listen live (HERE)

Call in # 917-388-4520

Hosted by Marti Oakley with Coz Whitten-Skaife


Whistleblower’s is presented in coordination with Marcel Reid and the Annual Whistleblower’s Summit  in Washington D.C.



After successfully taking down members of the judicial and legal community, assisting in the prosecution of more than 300 Catholic priests, Kathleen Kane was incessantly attacked with the intention of destroying her career for daring to do her job.  Possessing emails from judges who had engaged in sending discriminatory emails based on race and gender, along with pornographic materials, Kane became Judicial Enemy #1 in Pennsylvania.  Vowing she would take down the “good-ol’-boys” network that has turned the legal and judicial system in Pennsylvania into a modern day version of Capone’s Mafia….Kane was eventually imprisoned by one of the same judges she had been exposing.  Does anyone besides us see a conflict of interest here??

We will be updating on the progress made in Alaska and also on a couple of Wisconsin cases that we are involved in and any other news that pops up today.

And thank you to all of you who have reached out in support of these shows!  Thank you for taking the time to send us your thoughts and support!



TS Radio Network: The Aftermath of Predatory Guardianships..Who Really Pays the Price?

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Join us this evening July 12, 2019 at 7:00 pm CST
