
Backyard Chickens Must Be Registered in North Carolina for Your Own Safety





7-28-2015 10-19-30 AM

 By Daisy Luther

There isn’t much that feels more self-reliant than going out to your backyard hen house to get fresh eggs for breakfast.  There’s no need for USDA approval, you know what your hens have been eating, and you don’t have to pay a premium price and hope that the farm who raised the chickens that laid those grocery store eggs actually treated the hens humanely. Bonus points if the bacon you fry up comes from a local farm, and bonus BONUS points if you raised that little piggie yourself. Raising backyard chickens is incredibly rewarding.

It’s pure freedom, this control over your own food.

Of course, until you have to register your chickens. Then, as food freedom activist Joel Salatin says, “Everything I want to do is illegal.”

With so many people moving towards self-reliance, you had to know it was only a…

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National Animal Identification System: Let’s start with the horses!

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new-logo25Marti Oakley


unclesamwantyouAfter the massive backlash over the attempts to establish national, government owned herds of all kinds of livestock, which began in 2008, and raged on for several years, the USDA finally admitted defeat and backed off.  At least publicly.  Behind the scenes the efforts continued to find that one thing that would give them a foothold in establishing the National Animal Identification System. (NAIS )  Bingo!  We got your handy dandy horses that can be used to get the ball rolling!

I have waited for someone to come out and say that “only  the wild ones” will be tracked and tagged, and sure enough someone did.  The problem with this is that the Bureau of Land Management, the agency charged with caring for, managing and protecting the wild herds, has been responsible for the slaughter of  most of them.  Very few of our wild horses, and even burros are left. Yet to hear the BLM tell it, there are untold hundreds of thousands of them on the herd management areas (HMA), and they are throwing litters of foals every year!  That’s if you take the fabricated “scientific evidence” to heart and never ask why few of these animals can be located and when you can locate them they are on the back of a truck headed for slaughter plants in Mexico and Canada.

Clearly this effort to tag and track equines is a case of taking the path of least resistance.  Especially when the BLM has been so successful in convincing ranchers that if they just get on the band wagon demanding the slaughter of the wild horses…why…….there would be just that much more land available for welfare grazing permits!  With the cattlemen and the beef producers soundly behind the NAIS for horses, there should be little resistance from cattle producers, or at least not what it was when they were trying to steal their herds a few years back.

A word of caution:  IF USDA is successful in forcing tracking on equines, it will be small potatoes to establish NAIS for ALL livestock.  After all, equines are not even considered a food source in the US.  But those cattle are as are other livestock herds.

This will be like watching someone shooting themselves in the foot, over, and over, and over…………

Notice listed below: More

ANIMAL DISEASE TRACEABILITY final USDA rules for livestock moving interstate.


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Darol Dickinson,

Eye Witness ag.ed@nafaw.org

740 758 5050


EYE WITNESS REPORT October 29, Sugar Creek, Ohio ANIMAL DISEASE TRACEABILITY final USDA rules for livestock moving interstate.

Yoder, Apple Creek, Ohio, on the left. Veterinarians, state staff and ranchers were in attendance.

The Ohio State Veterinarian, Tony M. Forshey, officiated an ADT rule — cattle requirements overview meeting with producers on Oct 29. This was one of about a dozen in Ohio and similar to a few cow-smiling-e1270815298540hundred held in most states.

My appreciation of Dr. Forshey was increased as I watched him carefully articulate the maze of complicated and difficult federal rules for state veterinarians and animal producers. The tight rope he had to walk being forced to enforce federal rules and yet having “state rights” to tweak certain parts of the rule making process — his assistant called it “ability to relax” federal ADT rules.

If the Affordable Care Act is confusing, the facial expressions of Ohio farmers attending told the story. One major veal producer, RC Farms, said “I am not going to do it!” No reply was offered by Dr. Forshey as to the enforcements, fines or penalties for future non-compliance. (I sensed he did not want to go there in this crowd.)

New ADT changes and procedures defined include:

~ There are federal rules of ADT that are enforced federally and there are ways a state veterinarian can increase enforcements or “relax” these rules. Although the feds have a solid rule process, states can and may or may not relax or add to these rules. The state veterinarian has that authority. More

Austrailia: Banks to use NLIS to spy on cattle producers



Memo: Many of you joined together to oppose the USDA’s NAIS ploy. Prior to our USA battle with the federales the Australians  were fighting the same battle, but they lost the war bigger and faster than the US sisters.  The Australian government has always been the “view into the future” for us.  Their NAIS is NLIS – National Livestock Identification Scheme.  With hearings and political battles USDA realized that over 90% of livestock owners refused to sign up for NAIS so they threw up their hands and said — we give up — NAIS is dead, ended, over.  Yet, as most expected, it raised an ugly finger in the air and now we  have ADT.  ADT is following the same path as NAIS and NLIS, but  slower, one state at a time.  Texas, of all states is leading  the charge in animal ID compliances, testing, and enforcements.      

The fight is still on. Our unfriendly-bureaucratic-predator government is adding the control rules one at a time, one state  at a time — hammering away toward NAIS.  It now is still federal, working under the radar as quasi state rules.

Notice the Australian cattlemen’s plea (article below) to be free again from the ignorance of NLIS.  Once in the  government’s claws, seldom do they release the prey. Darol

NAIS:.. National Animal Identification System…U.S.

ADT:…Animal Disease Traceability

NLIS:.. National Livestock Identification Scheme… Austrailia


ABA Press Release

Banks to use NLIS to spy on cattle producers – ABA calls on Minister Joyce to intervene.

Meat and Livestock Australia has admitted it has commissioned consultants to develop a system that allows financial institutions to automatically access producers’, lot feeders’ and processors’ NLIS accounts to monitor livestock transactions.

The admission was made to former Australian Beef Association Director, John Carter.

It would seem MLA/NLIS is seeking to develop a user-pay system that automatically notifies a financial institution when stock are moved onto or off an NLIS Account/PIC – for purchase, sale or slaughter. Prospective users of the service are banks, stock and station agencies and any other party, such as an investor, prepared to pay for the service.

“This is an outrageous abuse of trust by MLA,” Australian Beef Association Director Brad Bellinger said.

“NLIS was imposed on cattle producers on the understanding it was needed for market access and bio-security. More

Rep. Collin Peterson: GMO’s are good for you!


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The letter below was received from Rep. Collin Peterson, 7th District, Minnesota.  Peterson’s 1267436152letter details his love of gmo’s and his belief that no science exist to substantiate the claims that gmo is harmful to human health.  With numerous countries around the world banning the use of gmo seeds, the importing of gmo products into their countries, and the massive number of scientific studies that were actually done to document the threat to the environment and public health that these frankenfood creations are causing, it appears Mr. Peterson is oblivious to all.  Makes you wonder what planet this guy is on. 

Mr. Peterson’s comments are in black.

My responses are in blue.


Dear Mr. Oakley:

Thank you for contacting my office about genetically engineered foods. I appreciate hearing from you.

Dear Mr. Peterson:  I doubt that you appreciate hearing from me or anyone else who isn’t on the bio-piracy wagon.  I am fully aware that this is a very lucrative association for you , not only politically, but personally as well.

Since the first genetically engineered crops became commercially available in the mid-1990s, U.S. soybean, cotton, and corn farmers have rapidly adopted them.

Farmers have not rapidly adopted genetically engineered crops unless you considered being coerced, bullied, terrorized, threatened with lawsuits or finding that bio-pirates such as Monsanto have monopolized the market and have the Supreme Court of The United States firmly in their pocket and also a cushy little seat in the White House to protect their interests, willing adoption of these crops.

Since that time there has been no scientific evidence suggesting that these crops are harmful. More

New Zealand still ticked about animal tags

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Note from Darol at http://www.NAISSTINKS.com  :

All nations are being squeezed by the WTO to ID all food animals. As this tax on farmers is being enforced it starts out as a simple economical process, all for the good of the farmer, either for disease tracing or export competition against other countries. This article shows how a greedy government will not stop choking their citizens. How would it feel to pay $43.63 per lamb in ID tag fees with ruthless corrupt government enforcements? Crazy you say — hello! Not just crazy, it is stealing all the profit farmers in New Zealand make, but the government feels no pain. Notice the last part — the government tells farmers “competing producers overseas already provide.” Not true. Not true at all! But each government is telling farmers that others are ahead so “pay-up now.”

This article is an example how government never stops inventing new fees. It will happen with ADT — if allowed.

Currently the USA is telling farmers Animal Disease Traceability (ADT) is imperative to compete in US beef exports, but facts are, the US beef producers has not fed the nation in 21 years and had to import 16% of the beef consumed last year. Why worry about exports? Is someone in government making some export/import bucks?

Still ticked about tags
Saturday, December 03, 2011 • Debbie Gregory — THE LISBORNE HERALD

A NEW levy to fund the National Animal Identification and Tracing (NAIT) scheme is unnecessary and yet another cost farmers have to bear, says Gisborne Wairoa Federated Farmers president Hamish Cave.

“It is just all too easy to keep asking farmers to pay,” he said.

Farmers are already paying a substantial amount on every cattle beast they send to the works.

“There is $11.40 to the Animal Health Board, $4.20 to Beef and Lamb and $20.70 for the Ministry of Agriculture inspection — That is $36.30 and then another $2.50 to NAIT as well as $4.83 for the new electronic tags is $43.63 — in my opinion that is far too much money to pay before we even get paid for the animal.”

The NAIT scheme is set to start on July 1 next year. More




“In Zanesville, Ohio, Sec. Vilsack held a political meeting and allowed questions. He was asked, “With over 90% of livestock producers opposed to NAIS in the listening sessions, how large would the percentage have to be to abandon the whole thing?” Answer political mumble, mumble……… Could it be 95% for ADT? Send in your opposition today and encourage others to quickly comment. Thanks for helping protect the US cattle producer from useless enforcements.”


On February 5, 2010, USDA Sec. of Agriculture Tom Vilsack announced that the opposition was so great, the ill-fated NAIS brain child of the US government was now ended. The cost, complications, record keeping time, and potential enforcement fines made the whole thing stink to ranchers of the USA. In listening sessions held to “hear the voice of the people” it had unearthed over 90% opposition to NAIS from cattle people.
For a period of time February, ranchers relaxed. Many were still skeptical, and rightfully so.
The battle was extremely lopsided. USDA had millions of dollars of taxpayer money — over $140 million to be precise — to develop and promote NAIS and to persuade state departments of agriculture and cattle industry trade associations to recruit as many independent cattle producers as possible into the unwanted NAIS program.
To not labor-on with this continuing burden of government versus people, NAIS is back, now called Animal Disease Traceability (ADT) and with the same diminutive text – government gobbledygook. With more federal and state veterinarians than any time in history and less livestock disease — those hired to terminate disease, have minimal disease to terminate. Cattle numbers are reducing and government employees are increasing.
The other talking point for ADT is US exports. Well, go jump in the lake! The USA hasn’t produced enough beef to feed the nation in 40 years and the amount being produced is declining. Yet, as the USA imported 16% of their beef last year, ADT, somehow needs to become mandatory to increase exports. It doesn’t take a Bernie Madoff to find a chuckle in that concept. More

USDA trying to push NAIS …AGAIN!



The Department of Agriculture has proposed costly regulations to force ranchers, related business, and livestock agencies to tag and track animals that cross state lines.

USDA’s animal traceability rule is a solution in search of a problem. USDA says the rule is to protect animal health. But, the rules don’t identify any specific problems or diseases of concern.

These regulations will harm rural businesses, waste taxpayer dollars, and do little to deal with animal disease, food security, and food safety

Send your comments today to make sure USDA’s final rule works for farmers and ranchers, and is paid for by the meatpackers that will benefit most.

At a time when farmers and ranchers face significant economic challenges, the last thing they need is more burdensome rules hindering their operations.

You can read more information about the proposed rule on WORC’s website.


Animal Identification : It’s Baaaaack


Lynn Swearingen (c) copyright 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


“One should not forget however that NAIS still exists, just with an exciting new name : Animal Disease Traceability Framework or whatever it is being called this week.”


In what has to be one of the most laughable complaints to emerge from the UK in the past month (besides the “hat wars” at the Royal Wedding of course Dahling), there is “dismay” from the National Farm Union over a program remarkably similar to the now defunct National Animal Identification System.

The British equivalent of The Farm Bureau here Stateside, not so long ago words emerged from the leadership as to the effect of EID on the Brit’s Livestock Industry. Livestock Board Chairman Mackintosh says:

 “As a sheep producer myself I fully understand the threat to our industry that EID poses. The Board and I will do everything within our powers to delay implementation of EID until a workable and crucially a cost effective solution can be found taking into account decisions already made at an EU level,” he said.

Oh complaints have been made over the years before the implementation, but the EU continued to “encourage” participation while ensuring that all the concerns would be taken into consideration. Of course small-scale livestock producers have been fighting since 2003 against this program (see here a short synopsis), but now the “Big Boys” are a bit miffed. One wonders why?

Well first look at the little list of what must be done to “comply”:

Tag facts

• All sheep born or first tagged from 1 January 2010 (new sheep) must be identified with two identifiers bearing the same number

• Sheep still do not have to be tagged until they are nine months old or until they are being moved off the holding, whichever is the sooner The colour of the new EID tags and the matching conventional tags is yellow, but sheep producers may choose a different colour for the matching conventional tag if useful for on-farm management purposes

• Older sheep don’t have to be upgraded to EID if they don’t leave the holding and carry at least one old green tag More

Wisconsin under Siege

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Paul Griepentrog ________________________________________________

Despite not being a Republican I am often invited to the functions, like the Price County Presidents Day Dinner.  I enjoy the opportunity to converse with elected officials, but the union reich was present with their protesters and attempted to violate my right to be secure in my person by taking my picture, my wife held her hand over the camera and the lady stated she had a right to take pictures, undoubtedly to use for future retaliation.  Four police officers were present to protect meeting attendees. 

I was disappointed that my state representative, Mary Williams, was told not to appear because of security issues regarding threats to her, her daughter, a teacher, and granddaughter in grade school.  The union storm troopers even protested at the restaurant owned by Mary and her husband Al, in Medford WI. 

My state senator Pam Galloway was in attendance and indicated she was going to initiate an investigation regarding the doctor at the capitol writing medical excuses for teachers missing school on national television, in conjunction with the Department of Justice and State Licensing Board.  Pam had to leave early under police escort for her protection. 

Keynote speaker was the congress member for this district, Sean Duffy having defeated Dave Obey in the fall election.  He proceeded to go into self praising diatribe about his votes regarding budget cuts.  I questioned him regarding why the USDA requested 14.2 million for the Animal Traceability Program which the USDA had rolled NAIS program into on the Federal Register by sleight of hand and that it had been defunded by the previous congress and ruled by the judiciary as having no benefit for animal disease control. He went blank and responded that it was good constituents brought these issues to his attention. DUH 

The attendance was bigger than ever with many non members present from even two counties away to show support for Governor Walker’s proposal despite the attempt by protesters to park all the stalls full. 

In my opinion the justification that union members are only doing what they have to doesn’t hold water, when they threaten legislators and their families they have gone too far.  There is no reason to tolerate this type of behavior or allow these people to continue, their arrogant kind simply need to go.  No foreign terrorist group would be tolerated if conducting this type of activity.

One more time: A citizens ‘Memorandum of Understanding’ #1(MOU) with the Federal Government


Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved

Originally published in August 2009


Consider this a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to all members of the Senate, all members of the House, and to President Obama.  I am sure you are fully aware of the intent and implications of MOUs, as each of you, in one way or another, uses them to establish the outlining of agreements between yourselves, collectively or individually, concerning the agreements you have made with individuals acting as state’s representatives or agencies; generally to avoid Constitutional prohibitions on your intended actions and in avoidance of the Constitution.  I am using it in quite another fashion as you will see in the following text. More

Truth Squad Radio Show this Sunday with Paul Griepentrog on NAIS and Premises ID!

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Join us Sunday evening at 8 CST on The Truth Squad Radio Show. More

NAIS: Still the greatest threat to family ranchers and herders

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Marti Oakley (c) copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved


In response to the refusal of so many agricultural land owners to enter into the contract with state agencies that had taken bribe money euphemistically referred to as “co-operative funding” from the USDA, the state agencies began a campaign of extortion and coercion against agricultural land owners, withholding licensing, conducting swat team raids and destroying family businesses and lives. 


The National Animal Identification System (NAIS) proposed by the USDA a few years back, resulted in a bitterly fought battle between government and livestock producers across the country. Most saw the hidden agenda for this theft of agricultural land and the attempts to also create “national herds”; depriving livestock owners of their property and relegating them to the status of “stakeholders”; meaning they owned nothing and only had an interest in, the livestock in question.  USDA, claiming the system was needed if they were to be able to quickly “trace back” the source of contaminated animal products versus, livestock producers who knew there was already a more than adequate system in place across the  country to do this very thing; one that had proven time again to be more than adequate.  It was this knowledge that an efficient system was already in place that tipped off the producers, and even those of us who aren’t producers, that something else was afoot.  Whatever that something was, we all knew that some other issue was at stake and there were those who were waiting in the wings to profit from it.  

Now, don’t get to thinking NAIS went away, because it didn’t.  As we reported last spring:

A March 2, 2010 Agriculture Committee hearing televised live on CSPAN gives a clear picture of what’s ahead for domestic farmers, ranchers and herders in the US..  Deputy Secretary Kathleen A. Merrigan cheerfully announced the “new age of enforcement” citing the intent to increase “risk assessment and better surveillance”.  In other words……based on only their assumption there might be a problem but with no real cause or evidence, the USDA in cooperation with bought and paid for state agriculture departments that took bribe money to implement the USDA business plans for creating a police state, USDA is stepping up its assault on domestic farming and ranching.” More

Vilsack announces new budget for 2011 for USDA…..and a new plan of assault on America’s farmers and herders:Part 1


by: Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Vilsack alludes to the fact that USDA will establish “partnerships” between state and federal government.  These partnerships are necessary as Title 7 of the US Code is non-positive law.  This means Title 7 Agriculture, has never been codified into law and is not enforceable on the federal level as agriculture is not in the enumerated powers of the federal government. 


A March 2, 2010 Agriculture Committee hearing televised live on CSPAN gives a clear picture of what’s ahead for domestic farmers, ranchers and herders in the US..  Deputy Secretary Kathleen A. Merrigan cheerfully announced the “new age of enforcement” citing the intent to increase “risk assessment and better surveillance”.  In other words……based on only their assumption there might be a problem but with no real cause or evidence, the USDA in cooperation with bought and paid for state agriculture departments that took bribe money to implement the USDA business plans for creating a police state, USDA is stepping up its assault on domestic farming and ranching. 

One way or another, the seizure of privately owned agricultural property is going to take place; the USDA will seize control of the US food supply. More

Wisconsin’s economy burns while politicians fiddle.

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Paul Griepentrog (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved
While listening to WPR’s broadcast debate between the candidates for the 87th district I couldn’t help but notice that jobs and the economy were the high point of debate.  Interestingly enough, I’ve tried to contact both Mary Williams (incumbent) and Dana Schultz for interviews regarding issues concerning non corporate farms; they haven’t had time to respond.  Or is it: they don’t want to face the music? 


Could it be that the legislature itself has failed to recognize that their onerous lawmaking and subsequent rulemaking by administrative agencies has been stifling our economy?


The legislature has declared the owning of property, in the form of livestock and land, to be a crime.  More

S.510: Manager’s Amended Version..The corporate “coop”…the chicken shit’s come home to roost.



Marti Oakley w/Paul Griepentrog (c)copyright 2010  All Rights Reserved

                                           ” What remains as a “bill” is the actual assault on domestic agriculture hidden behind euphemistic terms such as “food safety”, “food security” and other deceptive language meant to deceive the reader into thinking the safety of food in this country was at risk from family and independent producers   ”                                                                    


The fight to maintain control of our food production and supply must begin in the states.  Your governor, according to this bill, will appoint the agency that will contract with USDA/FDA for access to your state.  It is your governor who will make this federal theft of domestic agriculture possible; and it is your governor who must be pressured to refuse to negotiate with corporate federal agencies.  The betrayal of America’s farmers and ranchers will begin with each state governor granting corporate federal agencies access to your state and will be enforced by state agencies under the color of law.  These agents will be your friends, neighbors and maybe even family members who will put on an agency badge and suddenly forget the Constitution and individual rights. 

For years multi-national corporations have raided and plundered third-world countries, stealing land, raping the environment and causing the starvation and abject misery of untold millions of people.   The efforts to steal farmland, to grow gmo crops for biofuels while human beings starved next to fields full of grain, is nothing new.  The world wide efforts to seize control of the world’s food supply, dictating what people would eat and if they would eat, is coming full circle. The US along with Canada is now about to fall victim to the absolute takeover of food production and supply in both counties, by corporations who have orchestrated the greatest theft ever perpetrated.   They could not have done it without the corruption of career politicians who sold their integrity, honor and office for corporate favors and campaign donations, increasing their own personal wealth along the way, and selling out the very people they swore to represent. 

We are about to see congress come back into session; never have we as a country been in such danger from our own government.  Democrat or Republican, we have no support within our own congress. 

Below is a break down of S.510.  As pages 1 thru 104 were struck, the provisions contained in those pages were written into broad and vague language, open to interpretation and abuse by corporate federal agencies.  This was intentional.  What was taken out in one place was inserted elsewhere under ambiguous language.  What remains as a “bill” is the actual assault on domestic agriculture hidden behind euphemistic terms such as “food safety”, “food security” and other deceptive language meant to deceive the reader into thinking the safety of food in this country was at risk from family and independent producers.

Here are just some of the highlights of S.510.  There have been several versions of this bill, so for expediency, we have simply listed the sections by number.  More

The latest USDA dog and pony show for implementing NAIS.

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Paul Griepentrog (c)coyright 2010 All Rights Reserved

         He presented the various disease trace back situations that had occurred in WI in the past conveniently omitting the pseudo rabies outbreak that involved the Emanuel Miller case.”


Out with the old and in with the New

The latest USDA dog and pony show for implementing NAIS.

On August 18th in Madison WI the USDA presented its latest attempt to herd the producer masses down the squeeze chute to submission.  Although a show of hands revealed that less than 30% of attendees were in fact producers the audience other than USDA officials was rounded out by DATCP officials, tag company representatives, private vets, UW extension personnel, livestock market, and company reps. 

State and Federal personnel gave their individual spiels, WI state veterinarian Dr. Ehlenfeldt spoke about how the testimony he had given to the state legislature regarding how Wisconsin was going to lead the train in the traceability program and now it appears there is no train.   He presented the various disease trace back situations that had occurred in WI in the past conveniently omitting the pseudo rabies outbreak that involved the Emanuel Miller case.  Not surprising from a man who testified under oath in a Marquette Co. court room that there was no such thing as stray voltage at the outset of his career; a clear case of selective memory that has endured for some time.

Gary Tauchen, a state legislator spoke regarding how the latest traceability was needed to allow Wisconsin international access; as a long term band leader for Farm Bureau policy it was no surprise to find him playing the Codex tune.   More

Marti Oakley and Barb Peterson: The Truth Squad, with guest Paul Griepentrog

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Join us Sunday evening at 8 CST on The Truth Squad Radio Show.

Our guest this week is Paul Griepentrog. Paul is a Wisconsin farmer who has been involved in fighting back against corruption in the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) in Wisconsin.

Paul will be reporting on the current premises registration (NAIS) cases in Wisconsin involving NAIS and Raw Milk. He will also address the FDA’s move to enable rule-making regarding food safety without Congressional approval, and the Organic illusion. More

The Truth Squad with Marti Oakley and Barb Peterson Pilot Radio Show!

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Listen to Marti and Barb chat it up on where we are at, and where we are going as a nation with topics ranging from Codex to the increasing control grid being implemented over we the people by the psychopaths in control.

Listen to internet radio with Marti Oakley on Blog Talk Radio

Illegal Immigration and Animal Identification : Linked Through Policy If Not Practice

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Lynn Swearingen (c) copyright 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

One of the only consistent issues with the current Administration is that their inconsistency keeps one off balance. It is difficult to “know your enemy” if the Rules of Engagement keep migrating.

In line with the plot contained within George Orwell’s Animal Farm, a community is formed based on “freedom for all theory”. Slowly through manipulation of the rules by the “rulers”, enforcers bring to bear unendurable suffering to ensure the “good of all” through the protectionism of the ruling class. When said rulers make errors or mistakes in planning, either the previous rulers are blamed or a mystical outside force is pinpointed as the cause of the faulty administrations failure. In a twist of fate even more damming is the eventual piecing off (or actual sale) of the less powerful members of the ruling party to sustain the greed or power held by the despots. Sound familiar yet? More

Rosa Delauro cranks up her broom: The wicked witch of the North rides again!

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Marti Oakley(c) 2010 All Rights reserved

DeLauro (D) CT  http://delauro.house.gov 

From the statements by Rosa Delauro to the House committee:  While the administration asked for $14.2 million for this program, we do not feel it is a good use of resources to fund NAIS until the agency develops a clear plan for a mandatory system with measurable goals, long-term funding levels, and a plan for successful implementation. (emphasis mine)

Dear Ms DeLauro:

Your insistence on a mandatory system for the National Animal Identification System, one clearly rejected by the majority of the independent and family agricultural and livestock community across the nation, is not lawful.  You are a legislator and should be fully aware of this, and I believe you are.  More

NAIS, Codex Alimentarius, Bill S510 and Other Bedtime Stories to Guarantee Nightmares

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By: Tamrah Jo Ortiz

“Historically, outbreaks of disease occur in close population, improperly nourished animals. Farmer John who has 15 head of cattle and 160 acres of pasture does not face the same challenges as Mr. Beef, who has crammed 5,000 cows into a feedlot the size of a Wal-mart parking lot, where calves play on hills of cow patties and drink milk produced from the ingestion of soybean and corn meal (when cows have evolved to do just fine, thank you very much, on grass.)”


Thanks to my good friends on Facebook, I was alerted that the ugly head of the government is once again poking its’ large and obnoxious nose into places it doesn’t belong. Yes, I realize this is a inflammatory statement, hence, my writing here, instead of posting this as a comment at the http://www.opencongress.org website. (which, if you’d like, you can visit and look at the hoopla going on over various bills.)

So, let’s take a look at each of these and try to make sense of them. More

Not NAIS: USDA issues new Animal Traceability Framework

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February 16th, 2010 | Author: Amanda

The federal animal-tracking program NAIS would have been a disaster for small-scale farmers and homesteaders; the grassroots No-NAIS movement turned it into a PR nightmare for the USDA. Last week, Ag Sec’y Tom Vilsack proposed a new, more flexible program. Read on for details.

A NAIS history lesson

Way back in the day, some people at USDA dreamed up NAIS — a National Animal Identification System. While the intention — track disease, protect farms with good practices and hold others accountable– may have been noble, NAIS was the farming equivalent of “using a hatchet where you need a scalpel” (as a certain President might put it). NAIS would have required farmers, homesteaders and even pet owners to register their animals with the government, tag them, track and report their movements (across state borders, not around the farm), and submit yearly paperwork and fees. More

Candian livestock producers successfully lured into NAIS and RFID


It would appear that Canadian Cattle producers have been successfully led into the trap of RFID tagging for their livestock.  Using the same phony PR used by the USDA here in the states, a corporation which is also quite active in Canadian agriculture, NAIS is alive and well and headed our way.  And you thought this dog was run out!


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Farm Business Communications,  5/29/2010

Bar-coded cattle ID tags de-listed July 1

By Staff

Any bar-coded dangle tags still hanging from Canadian cattle’s ears will officially become plastic jewelry effective July 1.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency, which was previously expected to de-list bar code tags as of Jan. 1, 2010, said Friday that the bar code tags will be de-listed July 1 in favour of radio frequency identification (RFID) tags.

Starting July 1, all cattle must be tagged with approved RFID tags before they move from their current locations or leave their farms of origin.

“Although this change may be an additional one- time process for some producers, the ability to easily capture information from the RFID tags will help all producers in the long run,” said Darcy Eddleston, a Paradise Valley, Alta. producer and chairman of the Canadian Cattle Identification Agency (CCIA), in a joint CFIA/CCIA release.

“We have worked with government to move forward on traceability and we believe that de- listing the bar-coded tag will advance traceability initiatives.” More

NAIS has nothing to do with food safety for our benefit.

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R.W.McAfee (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved


Once this bureaucratic NAIS is in place in the U.S. it will enable BigAgra Corporations to control livestock production.  It was written and adopted several years ago by these corporations along with the one-worlders for their WTO organization which is designed to benefit them, not America’s independent livestock producers.

When the U.S. signed the WTO “treaty,” our laws and wishes as an agricultrual nation became subservient to the one-worlders whose hearty participants include BigAgra–those same wonderful folk who’re trying to shove dangerous genetically modified (GM) food down humanity’s throats–one-in-the-same as those who tried to scam humanity into believing they were responsible for global warming; now a thoroughly discredited hoax after their files were hacked and released online for the world to see.

Their end game with their global warming lie was to levy a global  “tax” on humanity for  “. . .polluting the planet with our billions of CO2 exhales that were causing global warming. To save us from ourselves. And use that tax to fund their one world government.

Global warming, like their NAIS pitch, was and is a lie.   

Our USDA was told by their “bosses” to have NAIS done and set in motion in the U.S.  by January 1st of this year.  But a fierce opposition to this heinous scheme by America’s independent livestock producers blind-sided them at their previous “listening” sessions around the nation.  In fact, it was so intense it set these bureaucratic mouthpieces back on their heels.

Their world “bosses” couldn’t have been very happy with them. So here they are again for another try at NAIS at the links below.

It appears the USDA representatives in D.C. who’re supposed to be looking out for America’s agriculture community have been purchased by BigAgra and the one worlders operating behind the curtain; and have now become little more than paid pimps and shills for those trying to force as many of America’s independent ranchers and farmers out of the livestock production business as they can.

NAIS has nothing to do with food safety for our benefit.


State of Wisconsin vs. Pat and Melissa Monchilovich


Paul Griepentrog (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved

In the matter of the State of Wisconsin vs. Pat and Melissa Monchilovich a motion hearing was held on the 18th of May.  Motion was granted for a new trial and relief from judgment. 

Motion for new trial was based on new evidence, as the Wisconsin Secretary of Agriculture’s, acting as agent for the state, application for grant pursuant to the implementation of the NAIS program required the state to adhere to the rules set forth in the final issue of the Federal Register which states that the state Will comply with all applicable requirements of all other Federal laws, executive orders, regulations, and policies governing this program.” Further the Federal Register clearly defines that “It is important to note that participation in the NAIS is voluntary.”  (emphasis added)

And “This rule: Preempts all State and local laws and regulations that are in conflict with this rule”.  (emphasis added)

Furthermore the rules of statutory construction prohibit an administrative agency from going beyond the intent of the legislature.  See prior post for complete motion.

  The new trial will be on the 24th of August in Balsam Lake Wisconsin.

Notes from wisconsin: something funny happened after court the other day.

Look what 1.5 million can buy you in Wisconsin

NAIS rises from the ashes! Vilsack to hold new meetings to form a new attack

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Public Meetings

On February 5, 2010, USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack announced that USDA will develop a new, flexible, yet coordinated framework for animal disease traceability in the United States. Under this new direction, States and Tribal Nations must establish the ability to trace, back to their State of origin, animals moving interstate. The new framework will embrace the strengths and expertise of States, Tribal Nations, and producers, and empower them to find and use the traceability approaches that work best for them. The Secretary has pledged to develop this new approach as transparently and collaboratively as possible.

USDA held an initial traceability forum with States and Tribes in March to discuss how to begin creating the framework and gather feedback on possible ways of achieving traceability. USDA is now hosting three public meetings to discuss animal disease traceability more fully and to share the information from the March State and Tribal meeting with industry representatives. Additionally, USDA hopes to obtain feedback on the approaches that were discussed regarding the regulatory framework. More

Wisconsin: A legal response to an illegal action

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by: Paul Griepentrog (c)copyright 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Testimony to the Assembly Committee on Agriculture regarding AB 279

Voluntary Premises Registration

Whereas this committee has deemed it prudent to hold hearing on this issue at such a late date is in and of itself questionable.  However the Judicial evolution of this issue has brought to light the immediate fact that the presumption of premises registration as a method of disease control to be false and misleading if not outright fraud.  More

KCA asks ag groups to band together against NAIS

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Kansas 4-23-10

With USDA agreeing to discard its policy on animal disease traceability and the National Animal Identification System, Kansas Cattlemen’s Association contacted several other Kansas animal agriculture groups and asked them to support state legislation that would oppose mandatory NAIS.

Kansas Cattlemen’s Association, through its membership policy, supports disease control and participation in a workable disease program. However, in the past several years, USDA has promoted a cost-prohibitive and ineffective NAIS that producers have adamantly opposed. With USDA shifting its focus to providing workable guidelines and allowing individual states to establish disease programs, KCA took the lead to encourage support for state legislation that would oppose mandatory NAIS.

KCA contacted Kansas Livestock Association, Kansas Farmers Union, Kansas Farm Bureau, and Kansas Rural Center asking for support as KCA addresses the Kansas legislature to encourage state lawmakers to pass legislation making mandatory NAIS illegal. KCA looks forward to each group’s response and working as a coalition to advocating for the interest of Kansas producers.

Animal ID, Another View


                                                                                                                                               Comments By James Clement, DVM, Cow-Calf Research & Consulting, regarding the Ron DeHaven / AVMA News Release on Animal ID





James Clement, DVM

3/9/2010 More

Sen. Johanns Speaks Out Against A Mandate On The National Animal Identification System (NAIS)

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NAIS Stinks

Editor’s Note: Past Sec. of Agriculture, now Senator Mike Johanns was the chief NAIS enforcer fighting for a mandatory NAIS just a couple years ago. He was charged with cutting the first deals with Farm Bureau, the Holstein Assn USA Inc, National Pork Producers Council, Indian tribes, the American Angus Assn and every state department of agriculture, providing “grants” to enroll their producer’s premises in NAIS — over one hundred million dollars.

His repentant pleadings and demands for the complete death of NAIS is clear. Seldom does a Senator define their views with this detail and clarity.

Now, for the first time, his presentation is the exact position of the US livestock producer. Finally, a clear defined true picture is offered by a USDA insider who promoted NAIS with his whole heart, then with no notice, resigned, realizing NAIS was devastating to USDA and the producer. This is the voice of experience.

We compliment Senator Johanns for his honesty, at this time.

Wisconsin: Amish win case against DATCP

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Information from: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

NEILLSVILLE, Wis. (AP) — An Amish livestock farmer who refused to follow a 2005 Wisconsin law requiring him to register his land and livestock has won a legal battle with state regulators.

Clark County Circuit Judge Jon Counsell on Tuesday ruled in favor of Emanuel Miller Jr., of Loyal, who was accused of violating the law meant to help regulators track animal diseases.

Some Amish say the tracking system would amount to the “mark of the beast” mentioned in the Bible as being related to Satan.

Counsell determined that the state did not show why alternatives that would not affect Miller’s religious freedom would not be just as effective.

Assistant state veterinarian Paul McGraw told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that he expects the state to appeal.

–Information from: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, http://www.jsonline.com

Wisconsin’s Raw Milk Bills, Food Freedom or Fascism?

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From: Slicker & Bibs
The bills require a Grade A license in order to sell raw milk. In order to obtain this or any other license from the Department of Ag Trade and Consumer Protection you must comply with all other provisions of administrative code.

What does this mean? Well with Dr. Paul McGraw’s statement to Central Wisconsin Broadcasting Network that Wisconsin will move forward with full NAIS compliance. Therefore supporting the raw milk bill requiring a Grade A license is a mandate for NAIS. Proof of this lies in the transcript from Emanuel Miller’s evidentiary hearing.

p.187 Dr. McGraw: starting at line 15 “What I am saying is that if someone applies for a dairy license and they said, I want to register, but I am not going to approve you to register the premises, then we can’t register the premises just so they can get the dairy license. They have to choose to if they want the dairy license, they need to register their premises.”

The NGO’s along with the LLCs actually end up working with DATCP through the raw milk bill, when corporations work with government it is fascism.

Old NAIS vs. New NAIS: No Way! No How!


by Marti Oakley (C) 2010 copyright ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 


The good news is the federal government has abandoned its original National Animal Identification System (NAIS).

The bad news is they just gave it a new alphabet name; National Institute for Animal Agriculture (NIAA).

Under US Code & Title, Agricultural dictates are listed as non-positive law, as is Commerce.  What this means is that although they have written corporate codes, statutes and regulations and they can site them as existing……these same codes, regulations and statutes are not enforceable by the federal government as they are not in the enumerated powers of the federal government.  This renders them “non-positive”.  And this is why government has created autonomous agencies which are incorporated and for-profit.  These corporations then write the necessary rules and regulations and buy access to the states via cooperative agreements with state agencies, also incorporated and operating for-profit.  Its corporate contract business. More

The National Institute for Animal Agriculture: The who’s who of animal tags and the biggest recipients of government $$

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The National Institute for Animal Agriculture is composed of all the leading tag manufacturers, plus a generous pile of USDA  and government dolers.  They are behind the leading old NAIS replacement
“One Health: Implications for Animal Agriculture.”




Note to horse lovers: No NAIS..not now..not ever!

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There are a few people left that don’t know how disliked a government enforced animal ID is.  The people at www.thehorse.com are using a poll to help them understand the appreciation, or lack of it, for old NAIS, or the “new NAIS.”
If you have an opinion go there, and down the left side of the page is the poll.  You can click on it to vote and you will see the results in about a minute.
The horse people have had consistent inducement from the thoroughbred assn and the American Horse Council who have both taken bribes from the USDA to sign up members.  As a result the horse people do not fear the “new NAIS” as much as other livestock owners.  Even though the computer requirements would drag people to the ground on continuous enforcements every time they loaded or unloaded a horse, the horse people still don’t understand how fast it would kill their equine events.
When I voted it was 59% No, 30% yes and 10% confused.  That was the highest yes poll in the history of NAIS and the highest confused.
Encourage others to vote.  They only had 1100 votes at 4:PM.  Thanks, Darol

Colorado ranchers cheer as feds back off on livestock ID system

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The Denver Post


Colorado farmers and ranchers are cheering a U.S. Department of Agriculture decision to back off plans for a controversial national animal identification system aimed at stemming livestock disease outbreaks.

Lee Swenson, executive director of the Rocky Mountain Farmers Union, which represents about 4,000 farmers and ranchers in Colorado, Wyoming and New Mexico, said many of the union’s members feared the National Animal Identification System would add to government waste, while doing little to prevent disease and ensure food safety. More

We told ya so! They are just going to rename and re-tool NAIS and keep right on rolling$$

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Opposition note~~~~

The writer does not understand the numbers, that $2 billion more beef is imported annually than is exported by the USA.  Beef exports are not a significant concern for any beef grower.    Also Hoof & Mouth does not affect the quality or safety of the gound beef or milk.  Get it together before you write.   It is totally understandable that bureaucrats in Wisconsin want NAIS —want it real bad.  (See attached) The Wisconsin Livestock Identification Consortium and Wisconsin Dept of Ag Trade & Consumer Protection love the NAIS bribe/grant funding and will fight to keep it.  So far USDA has doled out $12,181,982 to them.  Is there any reason on God’s snow covered earth that they want the funding to stop because some beef producers don’t like NAIS????  Does everyone understand who the players are and who wants what???   Darol Dickinson   Dairy Talk

USDA’s ID Decision Leaves U.S. Vulnerable


By Jim Dickrell

Critics of USDA’s National Animal Identification System (NAIS) were celebrating last week after the Ag Department announced that it was going back to square one on NAIS. But this may be a case of being careful what you wish for.

In its announcement Feb. 5, USDA says it wants to develop a new, more flexible framework for disease traceability incorporating the four following tenets:

• Federal animal ID rules will only apply to animals moving interstate.

• The program will be administered by states and Tribal Nations to provide flexibility.

• The program will encourage the use of lower cost technologies, including freeze and hot brands.

• The program will be implemented transparently through federal rulemaking. More


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By Darol Dickinson & Russ McAfee

Dr. W. Ron DeHaven is CEO of the American Veterinary Medical Assn.

 DeHaven’s Audio: “Click Here

USDA Sec. Vilsack announced during the morning of Feb. 5 that NAIS was over, ended, no more.

His customary emotionless announcement was fairly brief, but the detailed USDA Factsheet (Click here for factsheet) released simultaneously required seven pages of small print describing the animal ID “will do’s” and “won’t do’s”–all of which will be enforced at some future date in a to-be-determined manner.

The New York Times reported this based on information from an “unidentified USDA informant.”

At once thousands of emails flew from around the globe with nearly as much excitement outside the US as the home land.

Ranch and cattle producers smiled and nodded.

But it seems the victory may be short lived. More

USDA Signals NAIS is Dead

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While USDA and Vilsack claim this program is scrapped the truth is it will simply be renamed and trotted out as “new and improved” and the program will roll on.  There is no way USDA is going to forfeit the theft of agricultural lands and property on behalf of the coporate federal government.  Just my thoughts.  Marti
USDA Signals NAIS is Dead
“Independent cattle producers must remain directly involved in the development of this new program to ensure that it does not infringe upon their rights and privileges as did NAIS.” More

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