
An Open Letter to Minnesota AG:LPS/Black Knight consent judgement and to demand answers why LPS is not in compliance with the judgement


Editor’s note:  In reference to the letter below

Black Knight Financial Services is an American corporation that provides integrated technology, services, data and analytics solutions to the mortgage and real estate industries. On January 3, 2014, Fidelity National Financial acquired Lender Processing Services “LPS”, renaming it Black Knight. Wikipedia


MN Attorney General Lori Swanson

445 Minnesota Street
Suite 1400
St. Paul, MN 55101-2131


Under the Minnesota Data Practices Act § 13.01 et seq., I am requesting an opportunity to inspect or obtain copies of public records in order to obtain information about the LPS/Black Knight consent judgement and to demand answers why LPS is not in compliance with the judgement.

As you know, LPS/Black Knight was ordered to remediate forgeries and assignments and to notify people affected by the robo-signing of documents.  There is no indication this has been done.  There are approximately 2 million fraudulent documents in the public record that don’t appear to have been remediated by LPS.  Although LPS was to issue corrective assignments- there is no proof this was done.

If there are any fees for searching or copying these records, please inform me if the cost will exceed $_20.00. However, I would also like to request a waiver of all fees in that the disclosure of the requested information is in the public interest and will contribute significantly to the public’s understanding of the MN Attorney General’s public support in combating the still prevalent overabundance of mortgage servicing, foreclosure and securitization fraud. This information is not being sought for commercial purposes.

I am looking specifically for these answers:

  1. Has your office been receiving quarterly compliance reports as required in the consent judgement?
  2. How many people in the state were impacted by LPS’s illegal practices to include fabricated notes and assignments, forged documents or unreliable documents created for the purpose of foreclosing?
  3. What percentage of the funds the state received from the consent judgement have been used to help citizens of the state? Please provide a distribution report of the allocation of these funds.
  4. Will future homebuyers be vulnerable if they discover their title is clouded by a prior fraudulent note, assignment, endorsement or allonge that was not remediated? Plans to remediate? How?
  5. How did the individual servicers comply with the consent judgement? What were their duties to comply?
  6. If you accepted money from the settlement, why was no follow-up done on the consent judgement to confirm that servicers and their attorneys were in compliance?
  7. Why are these fabricated documents still polluting the public records of this state?
  8. I hereby request copies of all quarterly reports and correspondence.

I would request a prompt response to this request.  If you expect a significant delay in responding to or in fulfilling this request, please contact me with information about when I might expect copies or the ability to inspect the requested records.

If you deny any or all of this request, please site each specific exemption you feel justifies the refusal to release the information and notify me of the appeal procedures available to me under the law.

Thank you in advance.


Tom Kibler

Unholy Alliance: The Federal Reserve and the Treasury

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new-logo25By Cassandra Anderson
June 14, 2012


The Federal Reserve and the Treasury are running a scam that funnels freshly-printed money from the FedUnholyAlliance into the Treasury, using Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae as the pipeline.  Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae were taken over by the government and put into conservatorship in the 2008 bailout.  Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are companies that bundle mortgages and then sell them to investors.  At the end of 2012, the Federal Reserve committed to spending $40 billion per month on Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae mortgage backed securities, creating an artificial market.

This system is troubling for the following reasons:

  • Unchecked money-printing (quantitative easing) causes massive inflation
  • As the Federal Reserve buys more mortgages on people’s homes, it could eventually own the majority of the real estate market through mortgage purchases, and become America’s landlord
  • Real wealth (land ownership/mortgages) is being transferred into bankers’ hands in exchange for paper fiat money created from nothing
  • A new housing boom has been created that will end in a bust

The Treasury is using the $40 billion/month paychecks to bridge the federal debt and make Obama look good.

Shareholders in Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are suing the US government for bailing out and taking possession of the companies in 2008.  The shareholders are angry that the Treasury is pocketing all  of the “profits” that Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are generating.  But the profits are an illusion as the Federal Reserve is propping up the companies. More

Why aren’t we trying to bust corporations?


Marti Oakley (c) copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved


I’ll make you a deal……I’ll agree to union busting if you agree to help end corporations.


For all those out there cheering the union busting, where was your bravado, your passion, when Wall Street and the gangster banksters were robbing the American taxpayer and bringing the country to the edge of collapse with their corruption? I’ll tell you where you were…..you were sitting at home with your mouth shut. If you did speak it was to support the corporate overthrow of our government and our Republic. You are the same people who think a global economy is going to make you rich, and who parroted the neo-con mantra of “it ain’t fair to tax the rich” and how terrible it was to tax corporations who are registering the highest profits in recorded history while we foot the bill for subsidies, tax credits and the loss of wage protecting tariffs in all those unlawful trade agreements that serve to bankrupt economies around the world.

What we are witnessing is not only the wholesale deconstruction of our economy, but also the wage base that has secured a healthy middle class. Paramount to ending the middle class is to end workers rights. The right of workers to collectively bargain for benefits and wages helped maintain competitive wages across the board. Whether we belonged to a union or not, we benefited from them as businesses had to pay a fair wage in order to compete for the best workers.

Welcome to the new China! More

Mortgage fraud: Gangster /Bankster’s and their foreclosure mills

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Live Link:  Americans United For Justice

For Years the Banking cartels have been planning the greatest most massive Ponzi Scheme in the worlds history. Facilitated by the securitizations of mortgages, the creation of MERS and the intentional disablement of banking regulations, the banking cartels have finally obtained its objective of extracting all the wealth from Americas working middle class.

Today, these same Banksters and Fraudsters inundate our court rooms with fraudulent documents, most of these manufactured  “in house” by foreclosure mills with the full knowledge and intent of defrauding our courts in the process of stealing the homes of millions of Americans to which they have never owned legal title.

Should We Kill the Fed?

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I have my own observations about ending the FED.  Actually I think it has been in the plans all along and is being sold now as some saving act that will restore our country.  It will simply throw us totally under the World Bank bus…..which is right where they intended us to go to begin.  Still, this article lays out some of the lesser known facts about the Great Depression.    Marti


by Patrick J. Buchanan Posted 04/03/2009 ET
Updated 04/03/2009 ET


For the financial crisis that has wiped out trillions in wealth, many have felt the lash of public outrage.

Fannie and Freddie. The idiot-bankers. The AIG bonus babies. The Bush Republicans and Barney Frank Democrats who bullied banks into making mortgages to minorities who could not afford the houses they were moving into.

But the Big Kahuna has escaped.

The Federal Reserve.

“(T)he very people who devised the policies that produced the mess are now posing as the wise public servants who will show us the way out,” writes Thomas Woods in “Meltdown.”

Already in its sixth week on the New York Times best-seller list, this eminently readable book traces the Fed’s role in every financial crisis since this creature was spawned on Jekyl Island in 1913.

The “forgotten depression” of 1920-21 was caused by a huge increase in the money supply for President Wilson’s war. When the Fed started to tighten at war’s end, production fell 20 percent from mid-1920 to mid-1921, far more than today.

Why did we not read about that depression?

Because the much-maligned Warren Harding refused to intervene. He let businesses and banks fail and prices fall. Hence, the fever quickly broke, and we were off into “the Roaring Twenties.”

But, the Fed reverted, expanding the money supply by 55 percent, an average of 7.3 percent a year, not through an expansion of the currency, but through loans to businesses.

Thus, when the Fed tightened in the overheated economy, the Crash came, as the stock market bubble the Fed had created burst.

Herbert Hoover, contrary to the myth that he was a small-government conservative, renounced laissez-faire, raised taxes, launched public works projects, extended emergency loans to failing businesses and lent money to the states for relief programs.

Hoover did what Obama is doing.

Indeed, in 1932, FDR lacerated Hoover for having presided over the “greatest spending administration in peacetime in all of history.” His running mate, John Nance Garner, accused Hoover of “leading the country down the path to socialism.” And “Cactus Jack” was right.

Terrified of the bogeyman that causes Ben Bernanke sleepless nights — deflation, falling prices — FDR ordered crops destroyed, pigs slaughtered, and business cartels to cut production and fix prices.

FDR mistook the consequences of the Depression — falling prices — for the cause of the depression. But prices were simply returning to where they belonged in a free market, the first step in any cure.

Obama is repeating the failed policies of Hoover and FDR, by refusing to let prices fall. Obama, with his intervention to prop up housing prices and Bernanke with his gushers of money to bail out bankrupt banks and businesses are creating a new bubble that will burst even more spectacularly.

The biggest myth, writes Woods, is that it was World War II that ended the Great Depression. He quotes Paul Krugman:

“What saved the economy and the New Deal was the enormous public works project known as World War II, which finally provided a fiscal stimulus adequate to the economy’s needs.”

This Nobel Prize winner’s analysis, writes Woods, is a “stupefying and bizarre misunderstanding of what actually happened,”

Undoubtedly, with 29 percent of the labor force conscripted at one time or another into the armed forces, and their jobs taken by elderly men, women and teenagers with little work experience, unemployment will fall.

But how can an economy be truly growing 13 percent a year, as the economists claim, when there is rationing, shortages everywhere, declining product quality, an inability to buy homes and cars, and a longer work week? When the cream of the labor force is in boot camps or military bases, or storming beaches, sailing ships, flying planes and marching with rifles, how can your real economy be booming?

It was 1946, a year economists predicted would result in a postwar depression because government spending fell by two-thirds, that proved the biggest boom year in all of American history.

Why? Because the real economy was producing what people wanted: cars, TVs, homes. Businesses were responding to consumers, not the clamor of a government run by dollar-a-year men who wanted planes, tanks, guns and ships to blow things up.

“The Fed was the greatest single contributor to the crisis that unfolds before us,” Woods writes of today, and “more dollars were created between 2000 and 2007 than in the rest of the republic’s history.”

After 9-11, the Fed kept interest rates low — in one year as low as 1 percent. That money flooded into the housing and stock markets. And in 2008, as the Fed tightened, the bubble burst.

Now the money supply is again expanding, to rescue us from a crisis created by the previous expansion. Of Nicholas Biddle’s Bank of the United States, the great Andrew Jackson was eloquent.

“It has tried to kill me,” he said. “But I will kill it.” And he did.

Should not this creature from Jekyl Island, for all its manifold crimes and sins against the republic, also be summarily put to death?


Brasscheck TV: The financial meltdown explained

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Without this article, you’ll still get value from the video, but with it, you’ll REALLY know what’s going on better than most people on earth…including financial news reporters.

I encourage you to invest the five minutes it will take to read this. If not, you can skip to the link at the bottom.

– Brasscheck


*** A short explanation of how we got to where we are

Today’s banking crisis is the THIRD trillion dollar plus US-caused financial meltdown in the last twenty years.

Each one of these crises came into being through the same basic mechanism…the fraudulent over-valuing of financial assets by Wall Street – with a “wink and a nod” (and sometimes a lot more) from the White House and Congress.

The fraudulently valued assets stimulate the economy, impart the illusion of health and then, inevitably, the fraud goes too far and the whole house of card comes painfully crashing back to earth.

The three trillion dollar plus frauds were:

Fraud #1: The so-called “Savings and Loan Crisis” of the late 80s

Fraud #2: The so-called “Tech Bubble” of the late 90s

Fraud #3: The so-called “Credit Crisis” of today

*** How the scam works

The mechanism of these frauds is simplicity itself…

…Take a shaky financial asset and blow up its value and then sell as much of it as you can.

In the “Savings and Loan Crisis,” the instrument was junk bonds.

In the “Tech Bubble” it was Internet stocks.

In the “Credit Crisis” it was individual mortgages collected into pools and then re-sold to investors.

In each case, normal, well established “bread and butter” financial principles were consciously thrown away by Wall Street with no hint of protest from federal regulators.

***The “Savings and Loan Crisis” dissected

Junk bonds caused the Saving and Loan crisis which resulted in the US taking over the assets of hundreds of banks and selling them back over time to the marketplace at fire sale prices.  Junk bonds, which caused the “Savings and Loan Crisis” were shaky bonds that were pumped up by deliberate misrepresentation and what I call “staged dealing.”

Bonds get their value from two things: the amount of interest they pay and how safe they are.

“Junk” bonds have to pay higher interest because they are less safe. Therefore, until the “Savings and Loan Crisis,” savings and loan banks banks were not allowed by law to buy them and call them assets. Reagan/Bush changed all this and then a group of Wall Street fraudsters used the new loophole to kick off an orgy of junk bond creation and junk bond selling to banks and insurance companies.

The crooks would deal the junk bonds back and forth amongst themselves thereby establishing their “value” and then they’d sell them to outsiders. The bonds then became “assets” which could be borrowed against and leveraged to buy even more bonds.  When the bonds failed, the banks failed and in stepped the US government to “fix” the problem that it created at the cost of at least one trillion dollars to US tax payers.

Deja vu, eh?

***The “Tech Bubble” dissected:

The instrument of fraud in the “Tech Bubble” was Internet stocks, start ups in particular.  A stock gets its value from the underlying company’s sales, its growth and its overall prospects for the future.

Pre-tech bubble, companies used to have to prove themselves by being in existence for several years before they could be sold on major exchanges. That standard was thrown away during the tech bubble.

To pump of their values, the companies engaged in “staged dealing” just like the junk bond crooks.

Company #1 would “sell” 20 million dollars in banner ads to Company #2 which would in turn “sell” 20 million in banner ads to Company #1.

In fact, nobody sold anybody anything. Company #2 ran ads for Company #1 and billed it for them. Company #1 ran ads for Company #2 and billed for an equal amount.

These should have been called media trades not sales, but Wall Street was happy to claim them as legitimate cash sales and then use the sales numbers to fraudulently value these companies – many of them totally worthless – in the hundreds of millions and sometimes even the billions.

***The “Credit Crisis” dissected

By now, you see how the scheme works. It’s not complicated at all.  You take near worthless pieces of paper (junk bonds, stock of start up Internet companies, etc.) and declare them to be good as gold. Then you create as many junk bonds and Internet start up stocks as you get and sell them as fast as you can.

In the case of our current crisis, the instrument of fraud was so-called sub-prime mortgages.  Previously, sub-prime mortgages had very little trading value.  Only people in the sub-prime industry itself dealt in them and for good reason. They’re tricky to value and packed with financial peril.

But Wall Street changed all that.  Wall Street said: “If we take LOTS of these mortgages and assemble them into large pools and then slice and dice the pools in various ways, we can sell the slices to banks and other investors as AAA paper.”

It sounds crazy, doesn’t it?  If the underlying pieces of paper are garbage, how does assembling a whole bunch of garbage into one place make it “better?”

It doesn’t, of course, and this is a principle even a three year old child can understand.

But greed and the need to pump up a shaky economy for propaganda purposes are two very strong motivators. Banks created these mortgage pools, sold them to each other, and they by virtue of these “staged sales” declared them valuable.

Do you recognize the pattern now?

If you do, then you are now smarter than all the assembled j@ck@sses who do financial reporting because they apparently can’t – or won’t.

This is the THIRD trillion-dollar plus fraud driven financial meltdown in twenty years and apparently no one in the financial news media can see how it happened.

***But there’s more…

Junk bonds were mass manufactured as fast as the crooks could invent them. Ditto for Internet stocks.

But how did hundreds of billions of dollars worth of “toxic” mortgages suddenly come into being?

Why did the mortgage industry change its lending standards so radically and so suddenly to make their creation possible?

And why did real estate lending regulators in all 50 states – because real estate lending is a STATE-level issue not a federal- go along with it?

Here’s where it gets very interesting…

The fact is state-level lending regulators were VERY concerned about what was going on. They have been for years.  And they not only expressed their concern clearly, they also took SERIOUS concerted legal action to stop lenders from making bad real estate loans to their citizens.

(Most of the sub-prime loans in the news so much today were designed to screw the people who borrowed the money and can rightly be called “predatory” loans.)

Guess who stopped the states from enforcing their own time-proven real estate lending laws and thus created the raw material that made the current “Credit Crisis” possible?

*** The trillion dollar plus question:

If you’re a US taxpayer, you’re going to pay for this fraud so you might as well know who did it to you.

His initials are GB. You know him well. But perhaps more interesting is the name of the person who single-handedly rallied first state attorneys general and then fellow governors to fight the creation of these loans and who in the process became Public Enemy #1 to the Bush Administration…

His initials are ES. If you follow “silly” US political scandals, you’ll recognize his name instantly when you hear it.  And you will *finally* understand why he was quickly and permanently assassinated politically earlier this year.

Had ES been allowed to “live,” he would have been in position to remind everyone every day of who made the current meltdown possible. Instead, he was silenced very effectively. Not with a bullet in the back of the head, but the net effect was just the same. So effective was his assassination that no one can even mention his name in connection with today’s crisis without risking ridicule, or worse.

Last note:

The crisis this fraud has created is *exponentially* bigger than the S & L and Tech Bubble combined.   It’s not going to be resolved by a quick “patch up” and will likely have the same impact on the current generation that the depression of the 1930s had on its parents, grandparents and great grandparents.

On that cheerful note, here’s the big story everyone missed this year and now you’ll finally know what REALLY happened and why:


http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/291.html– Brasscheck

US Homeowners Soon To Be Evicted By Chinese Police Under New Law


US Homeowners Soon To Be Evicted By Chinese Police Under New Law

Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Sept. 29, 2008


Russian economists are expressing shock today over a new United States law that will allow for the first time in that nation’s history the police forces of a foreign Nation to have law enforcement powers over their citizens.

These powers are specifically being granted to China’s State Security Police who operate under the Ministry of State Security for the Peoples Republic of China by the United States as a precondition for the Chinese Governments continued purchasing of US debt as the Americans continue their desperate actions to avert their total economic collapse.

China had previously ordered its banks to halt all lending to the United States, an action that would totally cripple the American banking system, and as we can read as reported by the Reuters News Service:

Chinese regulators have told domestic banks to stop interbank lending to U.S. financial institutions to prevent possible losses during the financial crisis, the South China Morning Post reported on Thursday.

The Hong Kong newspaper cited unidentified industry sources as saying the instruction from the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) applied to interbank lending of all currencies to U.S. banks but not to banks from other countries.

“The decree appears to be Beijing’s first attempt to erect defences against the deepening U.S. financial meltdown after the mainland’s major lenders reported billions of U.S. dollars in exposure to the credit crisis,” the SCMP said.”

Not being understood by the American people is that China is the holder of over $1.4 Trillion of US debt backed by the mortgages on the homes and property of tens of millions these people which, in essence, makes the Chinese one of the largest holders of land in the United States, and which the Chinese government has stated they will protect ‘at all costs’.

In rapid response to China’s demands that they be granted immediate access to their American properties to protect their ‘investments’, the United States is enacting a new law titled the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, and which in Section 101, Paragraph 7:3 chillingly states:

 Designating financial institutions as financial agents of the Federal Government, and such institutions shall perform all such reasonable duties related to this Act as financial agents of the Federal Government as may be required.”

The United States Federal Reserve has further notified the China Development Bank, the second largest bank in Asia and the main holder of US mortgage debt instruments, that they will be designated by the US Secretary of the Treasury as one of the financial institutions protected by this extraordinary new law, and which, according  to these reports, will empower Chinese policing authorities the right to act as law enforcement officers in the United States including granting them the right to evict American citizens from homes whose mortgage debt is held by China.

Unfortunately for these American people, their own public officials have totally abandoned them as the American Center for Responsive Politics has reported that the staggering amount of $2 Billion has been paid by the perpetrators of this Global financial crisis to US Lawmakers, of both political parties, to sell out their fellow countrymen as virtual economic slaves to the all powerful International corporate cartels who now rule over them.

Even worse for these people is that the plan instituted and carried out over these past 40 years to erase their true history leaves virtually none of them today with the full, and monstrous, century old plan to destroy their Nation, and which began with almost the exact same economic crisis they are experiencing today, and was called the Panic of 1907, and of which we can read:

The Panic of 1907, also known as the 1907 Bankers’ Panic, was a financial crisis which occurred in the United States when the stock market fell close to 50% from its peak in the previous year. At the time the economy was in recession and there were numerous runs on banks and trust companies. The panic’s primary cause was a retraction of loans by a number of banks in New York City, and the sentiment quickly spread across the nation leading to the closures of both state and local banks and businesses.”

So shocked were the American people by the Panic of 1907 that they allowed for the first time since their Nations founding, their lawmakers to begin the process of establishing a Central Banking System, and of which one of their founding fathers, and writer of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, warned all future generations of Americans:

“The central bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the Principles and form of our Constitution. I am an Enemy to all banks discounting bills or notes for anything but Coin. If the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the People of all their Property until their Children will wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.”

Today, and sadly, the World is now witnessing these prophetic words of Thomas Jefferson coming true. 

Even worse, these American people, whose ancestors laid the foundation for what was once the greatest and freest Nation on Earth, have now been reduced to what is now commonly referred to as “sheeple”,  “a term of disparagement, a portmanteau created by combining the words “sheep” and “people.” It is often used to denote persons who acquiesce to authority, and thus undermine their own human individuality. The implication of sheeple is that as a collective, people believe whatever they are told, especially if told so by authority figures, without processing it to be sure that it is an accurate representation of the real world around them.”

It goes without saying, of course, that these Americans do not see themselves in this most truest of lights as they continue living their lives in near total ignorance of the greater catastrophes soon to befall them, all of which they have been, and are continued to be, warned about. But, they continue to laugh off, and spurn, these warnings as they continue to believe the lies being fed them by their propaganda media organs they never seem to realize are nothing but the mouthpieces for the fascist corporate forces delivering them to the slaughterhouses they will come to know all too soon.

[Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the United States except those coming from authorized government and/or affiliated sources, of which we are not one.  No interviews are granted and very little personal information is given about our contributors, or their sources, to protect their safety.]


Civil War is avoidable ONLY BY WE the people,VOTING these criminals OUT of OFFICE NOW



by Andrew C. Wallace

 “For the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country”-men for becoming a little aware of how badly they are being screwed. Officials in government, corporations and media, along with illegals, who caused this destruction, should plan on running for their very lives. Government officials who refuse to comply with the Constitution and desires of the People have no legitimate power, they are Criminals, Rogues, Usurpers and Traitors.


It is now urgent that we vote politicians out of office who ignore demands of more than 75% to 90% of the people by unconstitutionally giving hundreds of billions of dollars to their corporate paymasters as follows:

1.       Unconstitutionally allowing illegals to invade and remain for corporate profits, but at great cost to Americans in lost jobs, blood and treasure.

2.       Unconstitutionally voting for so called Free Trade deals like NAFTA to eliminate American jobs for corporate profits.

3.        Voting for 10 visa and other immigration programs to replace American workers.

4.       Now voting for a 700 billion dollar bailout for both foreign and domestic corporations responsible for the meltdown. This is in addition to a much larger amount of credit being given by the Private Federal Reserve Bank without fanfare. All of this without Constitutional authority, while ignoring the demands and welfare of almost 100% of the people. Hundreds of Economists say this cash infusion will reward the greedy who caused and profited from the meltdown while prolonging it with additional losses for the people. The Senate in its arrogance just added another 150 billion dollars to the bailout bill which included a lot of pork.

5.       The only possible result is massive inflation resulting in worthless money, economic collapse and extreme suffering by the people. This is a perfect plan for the left, leading to a communist takeover.

6.       This could not occur without the treasonous exercise of unconstitutional authority and expenditures by government officials.


This is the end game, where traitors take what they have not already stolen using the privately owned and unconstitutional Federal Reserve Bank, with support of corrupt rogue officials in Judicial, Legislative, and Executive branches at all levels of government who refuse to obey our constitution and laws. A few specifics of this Tyranny and high Treason are as follows:


·     Without actions by the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Bank this meltdown would have been impossible; it is privately owned by corporate elites using unconstitutional Federal Reserve Notes as currency to steal our assets and impoverish us.

·      The unconstitutional Federal Reserve Bank enabled and extended the Great Depression using deflation and their private owners bought what they wanted for next to nothing, and they are doing it again, but now they are using inflation.

·     This Criminal Conspiracy (RICO) of government, corporate and media has reduced the value of our unconstitutional money to the point where it now requires more than three times as many dollars to buy constitutional gold currency as it did in 2000, which effectively raised our cost of living and is reducing value of our pensions, savings and investments to zero.

·     Our Military and Police must refuse any orders from the rogue officials to deny citizens their Constitutional Rights or they may provoke a civil war and be tried as war criminals.

·     This destruction of our economy is caused by unconstitutional actions by government and the private Federal Reserve Bank. It is a failure of unconstitutional government socialism (fascism and communism), not free enterprise and capitalism.

·     Bailout of corrupt bankers and investors will be at great cost, unconstitutional and devastating to the people. A bailout would do nothing either for Money and Interbank Markets that are close to a systemic meltdown. Again, corporate elites take the profits and their employees in Congress shift losses to the people. Read Nouriel Roubini.


·     Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and everyone in real estate caused the meltdown and made millions. They were empowered by the private Federal Reserve Bank and unconstitutional laws to fund toxic mortgages and to donate millions to politicians. Banks were forced to accept a large percentage of unqualified loans. Our government paid ACORN and others millions to teach unqualified people, including illegals, how to game the system for mortgages and to commit massive voter fraud. This was not Capitalism, it was fraud, and another example of the failure of Socialism.

·     Stockholders in Fannie and Freddie lost everything, but our government protected the 376 Billion Dollar investment by China, with our money.


·     Ron Paul, the only one in congress who understands Economics said; Congress should reject this bailout because it is an immoral theft from taxpayers, it is unconstitutional and bad Economic policy. It is also money down a rat hole and will only make the dollar crisis that much worse The true crisis is the pending collapse of the fiat dollar system. Ron Paul’s comments appear to be shared by every Economist in the country who is not associated with the criminals.


·     Much of what the Federal Government does is simply unconstitutional and the average citizen has no access to justice, none. We must regain control of Congress so we can impeach and prosecute the criminals in all branches and levels of government.


·     The wealthy, everywhere in the world know what is going on and they are buying gold and silver bars and coins so fast that there is a serious shortage.


Millions of Americans have been unconstitutionally allowed to be either murdered, killed, raped, robbed or molested by illegals so corporations could profit from cheap labor, mortgage scams and theft. The obvious objective is the continuing reduction in our standard of living to the point where Americans live and die homeless, hungry and in pain as slaves in the North American Union ruled by a Corporate New World Order.


The traitors can only take my country over my dead body, and the bodies of millions of other patriots, our people are the most heavily armed and trained in the world. Our objective is to defeat the traitors with the rule of law as long as we have sovereignty, before the people really feel the pain from the loss of everything and react with uncontrolled rage and bloodshed.


Our own history and experience is proof that the solution to our problems is simple; comply with dictates of our Constitution.


After reading this, if you think my use of “Criminal, Usurper, Rogue and Traitor” are not proper descriptive terms for most politicians, then you are a brainwashed fool.


This was only meant as an outline so you could see the big picture, those who desire the brutal truth in great documented detail should go to:  http://www.newswithviews.com  and read recent articles by these experts: Alan Stang, Devvy Kidd, David Stoddard, John Slagel, Michael Cutler, Greg Evensen, Jim Schwiesow, Dennis Cuddy, Frosty Wooldridge, Dave Daubenmire, Tom DeWeese, Jon Ryter, Deanna Springola, Lynn Stuter, Berit Kjos, Betty Freauf, Cliff Kincaid, Chuck Baldwin, Edwin Vieira, CJ Graham, Joan Veon, Patrick Wood, Laurie Roth, Michael Shaw, Niki Raapana, Dennis Cuddy, et al.




Update on bailout funding for LaRaza and others…..MINSIR

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 Great News –


This afternoon I spoke with Oberstar’s (D) Minnesota, aide. I called to say no bailout for supplements to special interest groups that fund, lobby or advocate for sub prime mortgage loans to illegal aliens.


We had a brief discussion on the issue and then he said…

“Well then this news should interesting for you”


“All provisions that deal with mortgage funding to special interest groups

has been removed from the current solutions”


This is great news as long as it holds true.  I will keep you updated with new information as it comes in



Minnesotans Seeking Immigration Reform

Independent Minnesota Minutemen
FIRE Coalition State

A bailout plan that will really jumpstart the economy!! The “WE Deserve It Dividend”


This was sent to PPJ by several people and after reading it over, I came to the conclusion that this guy is right.  “Birk”….whoever you are, many thanks.  If we are going to blow 700 billion on a bailout…lets bail out American citizens!  Let those markets “work”, and if they fold….tough crunchies!  They have only themselves to blame!    Marti Oakley

PS: this was obviously written during the bailout of AIG, before Paulson demanded that the people’s money be confiscated and used to bailout an additional 700 billion in bad debt.

 This idea sounds just crazy enough to possibly work, so naturally it won’t be given serious consideration.  How great is our bureaucracy!!

Hi Pals,

I’m against the $85,000,000,000.00 bailout of AIG.

Instead, I’m in favor of giving $85,000,000,000 to America in a “We Deserve It” Dividend.

To make the math simple, let’s assume there are 200,000,000 bona-fide U.S. Citizens 18+.

Our population is about 301,000,000 +/- counting every man, woman and child. So 200,000,000 might be a fair stab at adults 18 and up..

So divide 200 million adults 18+ into $85 billion that equals $425,000.00.

My plan is to give $425,000 to every person 18+ as a We Deserve It Dividend.

Of course, it would NOT be tax free.

So let’s assume a tax rate of 30%.

Every individual 18+ has to pay $127,500.00 in taxes.

That sends $25,500,000,000 right back to Uncle Sam.

But it means that every adult 18+ has $297,500.00 in their pocket.

A husband and wife has $595,000.00.

What would you do with $297,500.00 to $595,000.00 in your family?

Pay off your mortgage –housing crisis solved.

Repay college loans – what a great boost to new grads

Put away money for college – it’ll be there

Save in a bank – create money to loan to entrepreneurs.

Buy a new car – create jobs

Invest in the market – capital drives growth

Pay for your parent’s medical insurance – health care improves

Enable Deadbeat Dads to come clean – or else

Remember this is for every adult U S Citizen 18+ including the folks who lost their jobs at Lehman Brothers and every other company that is cutting back, and of course, for those serving in our Armed Forces.

If we’re going to re-distribute wealth let’s really do it…instead of trickling out a puny $1000.00 economic incentive that is being proposed by one candidate.

If we’re going to do an $85 billion bailout, let’s bail out every adult U S Citizen 18+!

As for AIG – liquidate it.

Sell off its parts.

Let American General go back to being American General.

Sell off the real estate.

Let the private sector bargain hunters cut it up and clean it up.

Here’s my rationale. We deserve it and AIG doesn’t.

Sure it’s a crazy idea that can ‘never work.’

But can you imagine the Coast-To-Coast Block Party!

How do you spell Economic Boom?

I trust my fellow adult Americans to know how to use the $85 Billion
We Deserve It Dividend more than I do the geniuses at AIG or in
Washington DC

And remember, The Birk plan only really costs $59.5 Billion because $25.5 Billion is returned instantly in taxes to Uncle Sam.

Ahhh…I feel so much better getting that off my chest.

Kindest personal regards,


T. J . Birkenmeier, A Creative Guy & Citizen of the Republic

PS: Feel free to pass this along to your pals as it’s either good for a laugh or a tear or a very sobering thought on how to best use $85 Billion!!



No oversight on Bailout plan

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If we have learned one thing over the past seven years, it is this:  Do not EVER trust the Bush administration when the question of executive power is at issue! From the Patriot Act to the authority to use force in Iraq to the need to pass a new FISA law, the Bush administration is always saying some kind of crisis necessitates urgent action, which inevitably leads to the administration being given — and abusing — unprecedented power.

This week, the Bush administration is at it again.  With the specter of a complete Wall Street collapse hanging over our heads, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson is seeking 700 billion taxpayer dollars to bail out the financial industry.  While the American Freedom Campaign is not taking a position on the financial details contained in the Bush administration legislative proposal, we are outraged by one specific section related to executive branch accountability.

Section 8 of the legislation provides, “Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.”

Yes, the Bush administration is asking Congress to give the Secretary of the Treasury the authority to spend $700 billion as he wishes, without any real oversight or accountability.  With respect to Congress, the proposed legislation requires the Secretary to merely submit reports about his activities starting three months after the first purchase of mortgage-related assets and semi-annually thereafter.  That’s like giving a gambling addict your life savings and asking him to send you a postcard from Las Vegas every once in a while.

If you believe, as we do, that it is time for Congress to actually serve its constitutional function and guide and oversee the activities of the executive branch*, please click on the following link to send an email to your members of Congress.



After you send your email to Congress, please be sure to forward this email along to friends and family or use the Tell-A-Friend option on our site.  It is critical that members of Congress hear from their constituents before they adopt any legislation related to this crisis.

Thanks for taking action.


Steve Fox
Campaign Director
American Freedom Campaign Action Fund

* None other than former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich made a similar statement regarding the responsibilities of Congress earlier today.  This is what he posted on the Web site of the American Enterprise Institute:

“Congress has an obligation to protect the taxpayer.

“Congress has an obligation to limit the executive branch to the rule of law.

“Congress has an obligation to perform oversight.

“Congress was designed by the Founding Fathers to move slowly, precisely to avoid the sudden panic of a one-week solution that becomes a 20-year mess.”

We couldn’t agree more.
