
Biosludge spread on food crops will soon contain dead human tissue as Washington legalizes “human composting”


Outrage Depot Com


The state of Washington is the first in the union to start “composting” dead human bodies as crop “fertilizer,” bringing to real life the fictitious scenario depicted in the famous dystopian film Soylent Green.

According to reports, Washington’s Senate and House of Representatives approved with strong bipartisan majorities Bill 5001, entitled, “Concerning human remains,” which was signed into law by Governor Jay Inslee, legalizing the “natural organic reduction” of human remains.

Bill 5001 will take effect on May 1, 2020, allowing for human corpses to undergo a process known as “liquid cremation,” whereby alkaline hydrolysis is used to turn rotting flesh and bones into an “organic fertilizer” sludge.

“I am very much in favor of the composting of human bodies!” declared Wes McMahan, a retired cardiovascular intensive-care nurse who recently testified in support of the bill.

“When I’m done with this body that served me very well for the past 64 years, do I want to poison it with formaldehyde and other embalming chemicals? No,” he added. “Burned? Not my first choice. But what about all the bacteria I’ve worked with so long in this body – do I want to give them a chance to do what they do naturally? I believe in doing things as naturally as possible.”

Katrina Spade, the founder and CEO of a company known as Recompose that aspires to be the first “natural organic reduction” funeral home in the United States, is also excited about the bill, which she says fulfills “a longtime hope” of hers to create “an urban, soil-based, ecologically friendly death-care option.” More

Food Crisis In The Making: Farm Bankruptcies Reach Horrifying Levels

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By Mac Slavo

We are amidst a food crisis.  Farms in the United States Midwest are filing for chapter 12 bankruptcy at an alarming rate.  And many are saying president Donald Trump’s trade war is taking the most blame.

We hate to say we told you so, but we told you so. The trade war was a bad idea and everyday average Americans are footing the bill for this asinine policy of tariffs.  Now, the food supply could be in jeopardy because of political posturing and that will not bode well for already cash-strapped American families.

A total of 84 farms in the upper Midwest filed for bankruptcy between July 2017 and June 2018, according to the Minneapolis Star Tribune. That’s more than double the number of Chapter 12 filings during the same period in 2013 and 2014 in Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Montana, reported Vox.

Farms that produce corn, soybeans, milk, and beef were all suffering due to low global demand and low prices before the trade war, according to economists, but president Trump’s trade war is making the problem even worse by exacerbating the weaknesses in the American economy. China has retaliated against the tariffs by slapping billions of dollars worth of tariffs on United States agriculture exports in response to Trump’s tariffs on Chinese products. Other countries, including Canada, have also added duties to US agriculture products in response to Trump’s tariffs on all imported steel and aluminum.


USDA: Looks like the “Last Plantation” is about to get worse


new-logo251_002img_20160423_144516-2Marti Oakley




1779142_741581802541570_1637925020_nLiving in a rural agricultural community, I have witnessed first hand the devastation to the land and water from industrialized agriculture.  The other thing I have noticed over the years, is the dwindling numbers and kinds of wildlife, both large and small.  It is not uncommon to see major fish kills in rivers, lakes and streams, dead birds and small animals in large numbers around the fields of gmo crops.  The continual spraying of toxic chemicals to grow what is widely recognized as crops not fit for human consumption, is not to be stopped.

It only gets worse from here

Having done several Whistleblower’s episodes on my blogtalk channel “TS Radio”, the news that Sonny Perdue will most likely be the new Secretary of Agriculture does not come as good news.  Perdue, who is funded and backed by major bio-piracy companies most notably Monsanto, and others who are in the process of overtaking agriculture for profit, should come as no surprise. More

Truth Squad Radio – Weekly Schedule!

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Join us Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday  evenings! More

Somebody save us! The USDA is partnering with DuPont!

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If the idea of DuPont and the USDA teaming up doesn’t send chills down your spine, I guess not much will.  But here in a nutshell, the global threat to the food supply…..in other words….the industrialization of food production…..is somehow now at risk from new and resistent strains of e-Coli.  Damn! wonder how that happened?  This is where the groundwork for more invasive and pointless regulations will begin.  First you create a crisis…..


The Dairy Reporter

DuPont and USDA team up to tackle emerging food safety threat

By Rory Harrington, 04-Aug-2010

A new joint project between DuPont Qualicon and the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) aims to develop testing to detect hard-to-identify strains of E.coli that are not regulated and have been causing increasing instances of food contamination.

The US-based company said tests have already been developed for E. coli O157:H7, the type of shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) most frequently associated with global food contamination outbreaks. But the company will partner the USDA after identifying a gap that currently exists in assays to detect other strains. DuPont characterised the non-0157 types as an “emerging threat to the food supply”. More

The Bankers Manifesto of 1892: We are the “lower order” of people


Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved


The plan for over taking agriculture has long been in progress.  Today, we see these plans culminating as one administration after another has attempted to seize agricultural lands, livestock and other property under various plans.  In fact, the last ten years have seen the greatest efforts to not only seize food production and supply, but also to regulate what we eat and our rights to choose what we consume.

In addition to this, those same bankers from so long ago determined that foreclosing on mortgages, collecting on created debt and driving the economy into the ground were imperative to their end goal.  The idea that once a person was deprived of their home they would go along with anything, appears to have become a reality. 

We are disposable; an unnecessary burden for the elite who view us as the “lower order” of people.   Marti



Revealed by US Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, SR from Minnesota before the US Congress sometime during his term of office between the years of 1907 and 1917 to warn the citizens.

“We (the bankers) must proceed with caution and guard every move made, for the lower order of people are already showing signs of restless commotion. Prudence will therefore show a policy of apparently yielding to the popular will until our plans are so far consummated that we can declare our designs without fear of any organized resistance. More

Mystery Crop Damage Threatens Hundreds Of Acres

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White dots appeared over all plants in a wide area of Tennessee….and baby birds were dead in their nests…..what could have done this??? Can you say CHEMTRAILS?  How else can this be accounted for?  Even the woman being interviewed alludes to the idea that it had to be “something in the air”. 

From:  WREG.com Channel 3 Memphis

  • Small dots appear to “burn” through leaves
  • Area affected is along Tipton and Shelby County line
  • Farmers afraid they may lose their entire crop

(Memphis 6/1/2010) A mystery is unfolding across MidSouth farms.

Something is killing crops, trees, even weeds and nobody can explain why.

Farmers are scratching their heads and some are worried their crops may be lost to the mysterious plague.


Dominance of Farm Seed Market is Dangerous

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Opinion Editorial: Dominance of Farm Seed Market Is Dangerous

Published: Saturday, April 17, 2010 12:24 AM CDT

The market for soybean and corn seed is increasingly dominated by Monsanto. More

Unleash Food Democracy: Taking on Corporate Power in our Food Supply

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Unleash Food Democracy:  Taking on Corporate Power in our Food Supply

Town Hall Meeting                                                         

Thursday, March 11, 7:00pm

Best Western Hotel, 133 SE Delaware Ave., Ankeny IA

Take I-35 to Exit 92, west on 1st St., south on Delaware  Ave.

Did you know that a handful of multinational corporations – corporate giants like Cargill, Dupont-Pioneer, Monsanto, Smithfield, Swift, Tyson, and Wal-Mart – control our food system and determine what kind of food you can buy and how farmers can produce it? It’s true. Decades of bad farm policy and unchecked corporate mergers have driven independent family farmers out of business and created powerful corporate factory farms and agribusiness giants that dominate the market.

How bad is it?

 –          More than 85 percent of U.S. beef cattle are slaughtered by just four companies.

–          Two companies control more than half of U.S. corn seed.

–          One company controls 40% of the U.S. fluid milk supply.

–          Five corporations dominate the grocery sector, ensuring that low prices paid to farmers aren’t passed along to consumers at the store.

This lack of competition in agricultural markets impacts farmers and consumers.  With fewer players involved at every step in the food chain, consumers pay more, farmers get paid less, and the corporate giants’ share of the retail dollar continues to climb.

Unleash food democracy and take on corporate power in our food system

On Friday, March 12, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) will hold an anti-trust hearing in Ankeny on corporate concentration and lack of competition in agriculture. While their panels seek “balance”, they will be hearing from too many corporate special interests and not enough independent family farmers. That’s why you should join us for the People’s Anti-trust Hearing on Thursday, March 11 at 7pm.

Join us to ensure the voices of family farmers and consumers are heard loud and clear!

Thursday, March 11 at 7 pm (the night before the USDA/DOJ hearing): 

–          Hear from farmers, leaders and experts in the national food democracy movement

–          Special  invited guests include top officials from the USDA and DOJ and Iowa’s Congressional delegation, including Senators Harkin and Grassley

–          Join us at this exciting meeting to demand that USDA and DOJ take immediate action to reduce corporate control of our food system and put people first 

Seating is limited! To reserve your space, follow this link:  http://www.capwiz.com/iowacci/issues/alert/?alertid=14728816  or call the CCI headquarters at 515-282-0484 or email iowacci@iowacci.org.

Unleash Food Democracy:  Taking on Corporate Power in our Food Supply

Town Hall Meeting

Thursday, March 11, 7:00pm

Best Western Hotel, 133 SE Delaware Ave., Ankeny IA

Take I-35 to Exit 92, west on 1st St., south on Delaware  Ave.


Dave Andrews

Senior Representative

Food & Water Watch

1616 P Street NW, Suite 300

Washington, DC 20036



Failure to yield: Evaluating the Performance of Genetically Engineered Crops

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The Union of Concerned Scientists pdf.

Driven by economic and political forces, food prices soared to record highs in 2007 and 2008, causing hardships around the world. Although a global food shortage was not a factor then or now—worldwide food production continues to exceed demand—those recent price spikes and localized scarcity, together with rising populations in many countries and individuals’ rising aspirations, have brought renewed attention to the need to increase food production in the coming decades. Many commentators and stakeholders have pointed to the alleged promise of genetic engineering (GE)—in which the crop DNA is changed using the gene-insertion techniques of molecular biology—for dramatically improving the yields of staple food crops. But a hard-nosed assessment of this expensive technology’s achievements to date gives little confidence that it will play a major role in helping the world feed itself in the foreseeable future.
This report is the first to evaluate in detail the overall, or aggregate, yield effect of GE after more than 20 years of research and 13 years of commercialization in the United States. Based on that record, we conclude that GE has done little to increase overall crop yields. Read More


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 Rome, 16 November 2009                      Tell a Friend 


 “The question we should be asking is not “How do we make these investments work?” It is “What farming and food systems will feed people without making them sick, keep farmers on the farm instead of the city slums, and allow communities to prosper and thrive?”

For over a year a half now, we have been watching carefully how investors are trying to take control of farmland in Asia, Africa and Latin America as a response to the food and financial crises. In the beginning, during the early months of 2008, they talked about getting these lands for “food security”, their food security. Gulf State officials began flying around the globe looking for large areas of cultivable land that they could acquire to grow rice to feed their burgeoning populations without relying on international trade. So too were Koreans, Libyans, Egyptians and others. In most of these talks, high-level government representatives were directly involved, peddling new packages of political, economic and financial cooperation with agricultural land transactions smack in the centre. More

The Festering Fraud behind Food Safety Reform

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By Nicole Johnson

Farm Wars

“The general public must recognize that only after the demystification of U.S. agriculture will family farmers, labor, and consumers see beyond corporate agribusiness’ manipulations to the point where they will recognize that both their mutual interests and the future of agriculture can be best decided through a system that not only practices political democracy, but economic democracy as well.” – Ingolf Voegler


Jackass Alert # 2: USDA welcomes Codex Committee

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This is akin to one of those nightmares you think will never end. After the blatant propaganda statement regarding the non-existent “substantial support” for the National Animal Identification System and Premises ID, I would have thought at least one person in the PR offices of the USDA would have had sense enough to keep this little ditty out of the news announcements, especially when it is widely known that Codex is the engine behind these assaults on family and independent farms and ranches on behalf of corporate Ag, and the United Nations.



The USDA has proudly announced its coming planned meetings, right here on U.S. sovereign soil, with The Codex Committee On Fresh Fruits And Vegetables.


WASHINGTON – Sept. 1, 2009 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Safety and Inspection Service and the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), Fruit and Vegetable Programs, today announced a public meeting to provide information and receive public comments on agenda items and draft U.S. positions that will be discussed at the 15th Session of the Codex Committee on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (CCFFV) of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. More

HR 2749: Our food supply seized by the Merchants of greed

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greedHR 2749, the “Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009” is the latest in a series of misguided “food safety” legislation that utilizes a failed “one-size-fits-all regulatory scheme”. The legislation is completely absent effective regulation for US food imports and corporate agribusiness behemoths such as Monsanto, ADM, Con Agra and Cargill (primary causes of food safety failures). HR 2749 clearly favors the increased greed of the corporate industrial food complex while shifting the cost to small, local farmers, local food producers. It must be stopped at once.
There’s more.
According to Farm to Consumer.org, a non-profit organization protecting the constitutional rights of small family farms and consumers, “this bill would be an “absolute disaster for small farms and artisan food production”.
Here is the skinny on the HR 2749:
HR 2749 gives FDA tremendous power while significantly diminishing existing judicial restraints on actions taken by the agency. Power to Quarantine a Geographic Area; the FDA can also Halt All Movement of All Food in a geographic area.
  • Random Warrantless Searches of Business Records
  • Establishing a Tracing System for Food
  • Severe Criminal and Civil Penalties.
  • Annual Registration Fee of $500
  • Regulation of How Crops Are Raised and Harvested More

A Beginner’s Guide to Food Storage

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Food Storage ShelvesBy Barbara H. Peterson

Courtesy of Total Health Breakthroughs


Have you ever been hungry? Not just “skipped a meal” hungry, but really hungry. I am talking about the kind of hunger that won’t go away because the cupboard is bare. If you have, you will understand the need to store food. If you haven’t, this is your chance to learn from the experience of others before it happens to you, because if you run into hard times, or the store shelves run dry, you will need to have a backup supply of tasty, nutritious food.  More

Monsanto’s Global Pollution Legacy

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Do we really want to eat food created by Monsanto and sprayed with Monsanto’s chemicals? Before we take another bite, a bit of research is in order.


This is the first sentence of the Monsanto Pledge, taken from http://www.monsanto.com:


“We want to make the world a better place for future generations.”


Really? This sounds so good. Environmentally responsible people looking out for the good of humanity. However, I believe that no matter what is said, we can judge the fruit of this company by its actions. Please read the following article from SourceWatch, and judge for yourself if Monsanto’s claim that “a healthy, sustainable environment is important to our business” is true, or just another Public Relations spin. READ MORE…

Chuck Baldwin: “Montana has it Right!” But, Do They?

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In an editorial former Presidential candidate (Constitution Party) Chuck Baldwin posted today on his website, he says that “Montana has it right,” referring to their declaration that, if the federal government continues to violate the Constitution, Montana will declare that its contract with the federal government is null and void.

However, when I consider several factors, I have to wonder about Montana’s sincerity in saying so. First of all, focusing on the Second Amendment alone, as Baldwin does in his article, I have to ask the glaring question, why has Montana waited until now to finally say something about this when both the federal government and nearly all fifty states – including Montana – have violated the Second Amendment repeatedly, passing law after law that abridges it – since 1934? Why, indeed, has Montana violated its own constitutional resolution concerning the Second Amendment, which Baldwin proudly states has not been changed since 1884?

If Montana was concerned about the Second Amendment at any time during the past seventy-five years, it certainly has remained mute on the subject until lately.

Even when Montana has made the pretense of concern over the Second Amendment it has been a hollow one, as in its recently much publicized HB246, which was boasted to “protect” Montana’s gun owners from federal infringement of their right to self-defense, while in fact only extending such protection to those few who own firearms made in Montana.

If the state of Montana is so uncomfortable with the federal government’s attempts to ban so-called assault weapons, where were they during the Clinton years, when that ban was actually in effect? In fact, where were any of these states, now declaring their supposed sovereignty, when this was happening?

Another question is, why are all these states doing this now, at a time when mainstream media talking heads are now admitting that martial law is coming and that FEMA camps do exist – something they heretofore denied? Complicit in all of this and more are the fifty states, which have gone along with the Federal government on everything from gun control to abortion and many other infringements upon human rights and decency, including recent attempts to corral and control our food supply.

Now that Glenn Beck and Fox News Channel have recently made media denial of the existence of FEMA camps impossible to get away with any longer, how does the “sovereign” state of Montana answer the charge that it has such a facility at Malmstrom Air Force Base? In fact, forty-six of the fifty states have such facilities and many of them have multiple facilities that are to be used for detaining American citizens in violation of their constitutional rights. The only reason it’s not all fifty states is because it hasn’t yet been verified as to whether some of them have such camps.

Can any of the several states be trusted to do what they are now claiming they will do in light of their long history of flirtation with not only federal controls, but with the several secret societies that have long ago invaded and subverted our nation at every level of government? It flies in the face of reason, in the first place, that the same states that have not only tolerated federal abuses for generations, but have, in fact, welcomed many of them in the name of getting federal handouts, are now all of a sudden making these hollow resolutions of sovereignty – none of which have been backed with anything other than hot air and paper, so far. I fear the majority of Americans will be, as after 9/11, fooled again into believing that, somehow, government has their best interests in mind.

No NBAF in Kansas!

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Or anywhere else, for that matter! The National Bio-and-Agro Defense Facility (NBAF) to be built in Kansas (and they are planning the same for Texas and other locations around the nation, as well) is “A facility where research on highly infectious diseases to food animals is conducted” that is to be constructed at the Kansas State University campus at Manhattan, Kansas. It’s mission is to study diseases like Foot & Mouth Disease (FMD), for which there are no vaccines or treatments.

According to No NBAF in Kansas, a group of concerned citizens who believe this facility would be too dangerous to have anywhere on the U.S. mainland, let alone in the heart of the nation’s food production areas, “We believe that the local media and the proponents of this plan have not given the public enough information to make an informed judgment. When the residents of this state understand the risks and uncertainties of this facility they will also say NO.”

According to the Government Accountability Office (GAO), FMD is “… a highly contagious animal disease … FMD virus is the most infectious animal disease-causing virus. It has been determined that for certain strains, the dose required to infect cattle or sheep through inhalation is about 10 organisms (10 1 TCID50).” Does this sound like something you want “tests” being done on anywhere near the nation’s food supply?

This is only one of several such facilities that are to be built right in the midst of our nation’s food production areas. The Plum Island Animal Disease Center, which has been located on an island off the northeast shore of Long Island, New York for years is about to be moved to the mainland by a directive of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Some experts, including the former director at the aging Plum Island facility, say research ought to be kept away from cattle populations – and, ideally, placed where the public already has accepted dangerous research.

The former head of the U.S. Agriculture Department’s Agricultural Research Service said Americans are not prepared for a foot-and-mouth outbreak that has been avoided on the mainland since 1929. According to a blog report posted on Infowars.com, “Foot-and-mouth virus can be carried on a worker’s breath or clothes, or vehicles leaving a lab, and is so contagious it has been confined to Plum Island, N.Y., for more than a half-century – far from commercial livestock. The existing lab is 100 miles northeast of New York City in the Long Island Sound, accessible only by ferry or helicopter. Researchers there who work with the live virus are not permitted to own animals at home that would be susceptible, and they must wait at least a week before attending outside events where such animals might perform, such as a circus.”

The locations selected for these facilities include Athens, Georgia; Butner, North Carolina; San Antonio, Texas; and Flora, Mississippi, all of which are home to the rasing of livestock for the nation’s food supply.

How Aspartame Became Legal – The Timeline


As the reports of Aspartame related diseases, malignancies and diabetes occurrence and/ or exacerbation mount, the patent by G.D. Searle is about to run out.  When it does, aspartame will be added to thousands of new products.  As it is, over 5,000 products now contain aspartame and many of them are not labeled as such. 


The following article from Rense, 2002, lays out an exacting timeline of how this poisonous substance was approved for human consumption in spite of all the evidence that it was lethal. 

How Aspartame Became Legal – The Timeline

From Rich Murray




March 8, 1977– G. D. Searle hires prominent Washington insider Donald Rumsfeld as the new CEO to try to turn the beleaguered company around. A former Member of Congress and Secretary of Defense in the Ford Administration, Rumsfeld brings in several of his Washington cronies as top management.





Sweet Misery….A Poisoned World


Sound and Fury Productions Inc.




This is a 1 hour and 30 minute free download or watch online.


Comment from the video page:


“Excellent documentary showing how dangerous artificial sweetener Aspartame is. From its history, to its effects this video is enough to shock anyone into really looking at there food labels next time they shop. Aspartame is a toxic food that came into the world as an investment By Donald Rumsfeld, while ignoring the deadly effects the tests showed. Take a good look at this video, it could save lives.”





Death of the Bees

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The following article is by Brit Amos, Global Research, March 25, 2008, reprinted with permission from CGR.

Death of the Bees

Commercial beehives pollinate over a third of [North}America’s crops and that web of nourishment encompasses everything from fruits like peaches, apples, cherries, strawberries and more, to nuts like California almonds, 90 percent of which are helped along by the honeybees. Without this pollination, you could kiss those crops goodbye, to say nothing of the honey bees produce or the flowers they also fertilize’.1

This essay will discuss the arguments and seriousness pertaining to the massive deaths and the decline of Bee colonies in North America. As well, it will shed light on a worldwide hunger issue that will have an economical and ecological impact in the very near future.

There are many reasons given to the decline in Bees, but one argument that matters most is the use of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) and “Terminator Seeds” that are presently being endorsed by governments and forcefully utilized as our primary agricultural needs of survival. I will argue what is publicized and covered by the media is in actuality masking the real forces at work, namely the impact of genetically modified seeds on the reproduction of bee colonies across North America Genetically modified seeds are produced and distributed by powerful biotech conglomerates. The latter manipulate government agricultural policy with a view to supporting their agenda of dominance in the agricultural industry. American conglomerates such as Monsanto, Pioneer HiBred and others, have created seeds that reproduce only under certain conditions, often linked to the use of their own brands of fertilizer and/or insecticide.

The genetic modification of the plant leads to the concurrent genetic modification of the flower pollen. When the flower pollen becomes genetically modified or sterile, the bees will potentially go malnourished and die of illness due to the lack of nutrients and the interruption of the digestive capacity of what they feed on through the summer and over the winter hibernation process.

I will argue that the media reports tend to distract public opinion from the true cause which underlies the destruction of bee colonies. As such, outlined are four major arguments which the biotech conglomerates (which produce and market GMO seeds) have used to mislead the public regarding the demise of the bees. These arguments include Varroa mites, parasites, cell phones, and terminator seeds.

Argument 1: Varroa mites2 Firstly, while there are some people who want to pin the blame on these mites, such views are unconvincing in that the argument does not make any sense because the main source of disease for these bees is intestinal disease. In fact, ‘many bee experts assumed Varroa mites were a major cause of the severe die-off in the winter of 2005. Yet when researchers from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Bee Research Laboratory in Beltsville, Maryland, traveled to Oakdale, California, where Anderson and a number of his fellow beekeepers spend winter and spring, they could find no correlation between the level of Varroa mite infestation and the health of bee colonies. ‘We couldn’t pin the blame for the die-off on any single cause,’ says Jeff Pettis, a research entomologist from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Bee Research Laboratory in Beltsville, Maryland,3 However, treatments against mites may be leaving hives open to the onslaught of powerful pathogens, much in the same way the overuse of antibiotics lead to super bugs in society today. What does that say about our future? We have learned that in the 1960’s and 1970’s, among other human ailments, DDT was a major cause of cancer in humans and animals; however, the substitution of such pesticides was a closely guarded secret. Unfortunately, the long term effects on the human population has yet to be understood as the compromise of the immune system may be happening quicker than we are ready to accept, even regarding the advent of super bugs. One can see that even this medical implication has severe economical implications.

Argument 2: Parasites Secondly; Crops and even hedges, verges, and woodlands, and even where bees remain are sprayed with pesticides or herbicides. These chemicals are the practical extension of an exasperating belief that nature is our enemy. Pouring poison on our food is a very simplistic way of dealing with our problems however it ignores the root causes. “New genetically modified crops, designed to be immune to certain pesticides and herbicides, have resulted in the increased usage of these chemicals. Pesticides, particularly Bayer’s imidacloprid, a nicotine-based product marketed under the names Admire, Provado, Merit, Marathon, and Gaucho have been concretely implicated4 in the destruction of bee populations before (see also)5. The fact that other bees and insects are not raiding deserted hives to feed on the honey as they normally would lends some credence to the theory of a toxic overload. The toxic overload is certainly a concern, but wouldn’t it also need to be considered that this is systematic in the degeneration of the digestive process, such as in humans inability to digest preservatives and not absorb the enzymes to break down the foods eaten for survival?

Argument 3: cell phones Thirdly, there was also a misconstrued study on cell phone radiation 6 and its effects on the bee’s ability to navigate which turned out to be an over-zealous unthinking reaction by an article in the Independent news. Some have also mentioned other navigational hindrances such as UV radiation, shifting magnetic fields and even quantum physics7 as a reason to the destruction of the bees.

There is certain implications to this theory, and it has been proven that electromagnetic radio wave lengths to affect the navigation of the bees. However the sun emits radiation spurts all the time, yet this has not offered a hindrance to the bees.

Argument 4: Terminator Seeds Lastly, ‘Leaked documents seen by the Guardian show that Canada wants all governments to accept the testing and commercialization of “Terminator” crop varieties. These seeds are genetically engineered to produce only infertile seeds, which farmers cannot replant, also to mention that the bees that are trying to collect pollen, found to have their digestive tract diseases, such as amoeba and nosema disease’8. These diseases are mainly located in the digestive tract system. After studies of the autopsy, the most alarming trait is that the lower intestine and stinger have discolored to black vs. the normal opaque color, Synominus with colon cancer in humans.

Figure 1: Extreme discoloration of intestinal tracts of bees.


‘When thoracic discs were cut from sample Georgia A-2 the musculature of bees was notably soft and discolored (A) when compared to healthy thoracic cuts (B). This discoloration suggests that the bees were dead upon collection. When questioned the beekeeper confirmed that the bees were alive at the time of collection. Further, the tracheal system of these bees did not show signs of desiccation usually associated with the collection of dead bees. Thoracic discs from this sample, after being placed in KOH for 24 hours, revealed peculiar white nodules”9 As seen above, it is certain that the digestive shutdown is due to hard material in the digestive tract that compromises the immune system. Circulatory problems would without doubt. Could it be that humans are going through the same process with the rise of Colon Cancer? As seen below in the comparison of the healthy Bee and the unhealthy bee, it is obvious that the bees that are ingesting GMO pollen are having severe digestive problems, so severe that the disease is terminal. 

Figure 2: Digestive shutdown of the Honey Bee

 Bee2A Bee2BBees2c

The rectal contents of Georgia bees (A) were distinctly different then the contents of Pasadena bees (B). The rectal walls of GA bees were notably transparent revealing contents that looked like small stone packets (C). While Fyg (1964) describes similar stone like contents in poorly laying queens, the stones observed in the GA bees were not attached to the epithelium layer as Fyg (1964) describes. When these packets were ground and mounted, some unidentified floating objects (UFO’s) were observed. A cubic particle that resembles the cubic bodies of polyhedrios viruses (this viruses attacks wax moths) excepting that the cube observed was ~10x too big for a virus particle. There were fragments of pollen grains husks in all samples examined. All PA samples were found to have nosema spores in their rectal contents while none of the GA samples did. In two samples, epithelial cells were packed with spores.10

The North American reliance on bees for pollination is at minimum from 30 to 40%. Does it not seem obvious that the digestion of foreign genetic agriculture directly affects the digestive process of the bees. Could it also be that there are similarities in the human population digestive process? It must also be noted that this increased epidemic of the bee colony collapse has risen significantly since the use of GMO agriculture in our foods. It is also suspect in the rise of new cases of medical ailments in humans such as colon cancer, obesity, heart disease, etc… In the writers’ opinion, the inability of the bees to pass matter digestively is quite similar to the present problems in the human digestive system.

Bees Table


The proof is obvious that one of the major reasons of the bees’ decline is by the ingestion of GMO proteins. This is problematic, as there is such an increase of indigestible foods in humans and bees. The situation of colon cancer in humans is somewhat similar in occurrence. This is only a theory but leaves one to wonder what are we eating en mass. The external or complementary good of the bee is obviously a rise for a global concern. The long-term economical and environmental impact has yet to be completely understood.

The Ecological Impact of horizontal gene transfer and increase of rampant disease is not fully examined and if so, is kept silent by these Conglomerates. The Economic Impact of the Colony collapse would mean higher inflation, scarcity of agricultural goods, and ultimately the collapse of North America Agriculture Business.

The Environmental Impact of scarcity and increased demand for resources, will beyond doubt have severe repercussions for our long-term food security. The bio-diversity of the bees causes positive economic and ecological externalities. The negative externalities have yet to be fully grasped or understood.

Organic crops: still relatively untouched The truth is that organic farming is relatively untouched as the bee crisis is concerned. Organic farming maintains the diversity of the eco-system and preserves the quality of the foods produced. The economic impact that the scarcity of bees will potentially have on our society as a whole is very worrisome. In the end, only our children will fully realize; that it was greed that destroyed our beautiful blue planet.


Thill, John. Colony Collapse: Do Massive Bee Die-Off Mean an End to Our Food System as We Know it? AlterNet <http://www.alternet.org/module&gt; (Accessed 7/9/2007 10:06 PM)

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Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD)

http://www.ento.psu.edu/MAAREC/pressReleases/FallDwindleUpdate0107.pdf <http://www.ento.psu.edu/MAAREC/pressReleases/FallDwindleUpdate0107.pdf&gt; (Accessed June 30, 2007)

CROP PROTECTION. Monthly 28 February 2001 – Issue No 135 Market Scope Europe Ltd.

<http://www.crop-protection-monthly.co.uk&gt; (Accessed July 10, 2007)

HONEY BEE Research Program. RIRDIC Honeybee Research Program Home Page. <http://rirdic&gt;. gov.au/program/hb.html#top, (Accessed July 7, 2007)

Ho, Dr. Mae-Wan. ‘Recent Evidence Confirms Risks of Horizontal Gene Transfer’. ISIS Contribution to ACNFP/Food Standards Agency Open Meeting 13 November 2002, Institute of Science in Society, PO Box 32097, London NW1 0XR (Accessed July 16, 2007)

ISIS Contribution. ‘Recent Evidence Confirms Risks of Horizontal Gene Transfer”. ISIS Contribution to ACNFP/Food Standards Agency Open Meeting 13 November 2002 (Accessed July 17, 2007)

Vidal, John. ‘Canada backs terminator seeds’, The Guardian. Wednesday, February 9, 2005.

<http://www.guardian.co.uk/gmdebate/Story/&gt; (Accessed July 17, 2007)

Wilson, Dan. Lost colonies: ‘Where have the bees gone’? Appelton Post-Crescent, 5/18/2007 (Accessed July 19, 2007)

What’s Causing the Mass Disappearance of Honeybees? ‘What is causing the Dramatic decline in Honeybee Populations in the U.S and Elsewhere in Recent years’? HealthNewsDigest.com – New York, NY, June 2, 2007 http:/www.emagazine.com/earthtalk/archives.php (Accessed July 10, 2007)


1 Hill, Scott. AlterNet, Posted on June 11, 2007, Printed on July 9, 2007 <http://www.alternet.org/story/53491/&gt;

2 <http://www.nrdc.org/onearth/06sum/bees2.asp&gt;

3 ‘The Vanishing’ <http://www.nrdc.org/onearth/06sum/bees2.asp&gt;

4 <http://www.newmediaexplorer.org/sepp/2003/11/26/millions_of_bees_dead_bayers_gaucho_blamed.htm&gt;

5 <http://www.valleyvoicenewspaper.com/vv/stories/beedeaths.htm&gt;

6 <http://independent.co.uk/environment/news/article2449968&gt;

7 <http://www.synchronizm.com/blog/index.php/2007/03/29/the-bees-who-flew-too-high/&gt;

8 Vidal, John. ‘Canada backs terminator seeds’ Wednesday February 9, 2005. The Gaurdian <http://www.guardian.co.uk/gmdebate/Story/&gt;

9 Fall Dwindle Disease: A preliminary report <http://www.ento.psu.edu/MAAREC/pressReleases/FallDwindleUpdate0107.pdf&gt; December 15, 2006

10 Fall Dwindle Disease: A preliminary report <http://www.ento.psu.edu/MAAREC/pressReleases/FallDwindleUpdate0107.pdf&gt; December 15, 2006


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