John Boering /PPJ Contributor


It was bound to happen.  A gathering of family for a holiday feast and hours of good natured banter and conservation turned deadly ugly about halfway through the first round of turkey, stuffing, home-made breads and assorted delicious offerings prepared especially, just for this day.  I had just bitten into a juicy turkey leg when someone asked the most disgusting question…”Did you see Newt Gingrich is probably going to win the primary in Iowa?”.  I choked.  The piece of turkey I had bitten off lodged itself in my throat. I was speechless…..mostly because my windpipe was seriously compromised.  

Noting my inability to respond, my relative (who is now banned from any further attendance at my home during the holidays, in perpetuity,) continued on as if she had not noticed that I was turning various shades of blue and took the opportunity to quote some inane, baseless comment from one of Ann Coulter’s articles.   It was too much.  My meal was ruined, my holiday in shambles, my love for family gatherings dissipating precipitously. Gingrich and Coulter?  The food now all seemed to have been contaminated and rendered unfit. Gingrich and Coulter?  At my table on Thanksgiving?  Nooooo!!!  More