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Author, Chuck Frank


If a person hasn’t realized it yet, it is incredibly obvious that todays Oval Office and all of those who are in favor of “open borders” and “canceling culture” are now on a mission to use thousands of immigrants coming across the U.S. Southern border as one more additional agenda in order to divide the American people, even while they have been suffering from 15 months of a pandemic that not only has taken many lives but has also closed down thousands of small businesses, churches and much much more, while big box stores remained open.  One must ask themselves, what kind of government would bring America to its knees with open borders while homelessness in border states and even non border states are already bursting at the seems when all of the people are experiencing one of the greatest pandemic trials ever?  If this act of open borders isn’t enough, just think about various  members of Congress that just sit back and plan their next trip, while flying high on the taxpayers dime as a frequent first class flyer chartering business jets and mapping out their next divide and conquer routine.  And you say, routine?

How the Marxist Agenda Is Taking Over America Today is shown here…

A decade ago, Curtis Bowers made the documentary film titled, “Agenda: Grinding America Down”, detailing a communist agenda to corrupt American institutions—from education to Hollywood to media—and subvert America and its values from within.

And lest we forget, the present administration is not only placing extraordinary burdens upon the American people by encouraging a renewal of open borders after the expensive closure that was paid for by taxpayers during the Trump era, but once again taxpayers pay with the new administration while Biden’s grand opening of the borders along with other dastardly deeds align themselves with what Obama had referred to as the “major transformation of America.”

So, as one can see, this phrase is still on the drawing board, all the while nearly every major university in America bought Obama’s revolutionary Marxist theory, hook line and sinker, far before the term “major transformation” was even used.

While Communist nations such as China cheer at the speed at which the far left’s accomplishments were launched in 2021, and in such a short time, the “great divide” and conquering machinery then began to kick into high gear while chaos and discord furthered the the progressive revolution and the mission so as to include the economic-meltdown caused by the pandemic which in turn also helped to fuel the divide and thus steer America into a conquering condition meant to weaken the foundation of the greatest country which was built upon a a rock and a constitutional framework like no other in the history of the world.

In closing, if this discourse which I have pieced together isn’t an eye opener, perhaps it will be more clear when it all comes down like a ton of bricks while the onlookers, high tech censorship and the MSM who were part of the destruction will continue the rest of their work. And if accomplished, sadly America will be lost in a freedom-less world while being controlled though various invasive means by complete surveillance 24/7. It will be business as usual.

Koch Network Lobbies White House to Keep Work Visas for Foreigners During Economic Recession

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SOURCE:  Big League Politics.com

The Koch network wants the flow of cheap labor.

Organizations funded by the Koch Network are lobbying the Trump administration to keep “temporary” work visas that will allow corporations to hire foreigners for low wages during a time when millions of Americans need jobs.

Organizations funded by the Koch Network are lobbying the Trump administration to keep “temporary” work visas that will allow corporations to hire foreigners for low wages during a time when millions of Americans need jobs.

Representatives from Koch-backed fronts Americans for Prosperity (AFP) and the Libre Initiative wrote a letter to senior White House advisor Jared Kushner and National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow requesting “that this administration refrain from imposing additional barriers on non-immigrant visas.”

AFP Chief Government Affairs Officer Brent Gardner and Libre Initiative President Daniel Garza signed the letter, which claims that economic recovery depends on third-world immigrants taking jobs from U.S. workers.

“Research has shown that most of America’s economic gains after the 2008 financial collapse would have been largely eliminated if not for the shared contributions of U.S. citizens and immigrants seeking new opportunities,” wrote Gardner and Garza.

“Additional research has also concluded that from 2006 to 2016, immigrants were responsible for nearly half of the U.S. labor force growth, a key component of economic growth,” they claimed.


California’s Open Borders: Plagues, Chaos and Anarchy


Chuck Frank

A legal immigrant who came to America many years ago from Lebanon that still resides in California shared back in 2018, why he left his own country which was because of lax border security, constant incursions by dangerous militants and others who robbed him and also his neighbors.  Then he went on to say the following after he had moved to California.

Four decades later, I find myself as mayor of Escondido, CA. Now, ironically, reminders of the chaos that drove me from my native homeland all those years ago have landed on my doorstep. The cause of this anarchy and loss of overall sense of public safety is due solely to the passage of S.B. 54, the law that now shields dangerous criminal aliens from being removed from my state — and increasingly — this nation.”

So, there it is in a nutshell.  This testimony, starkly reminds us of the chaos that is presently happening in much of Europe and those countries that are part of the European Union.  Because of the delicate balance of multiculturalism and Immigration, it must be done in such a manner that it becomes a process of not careless vetting, but careful background checks that will produce a healthy people who will assimilate, honor and accept the norms of whichever  state or country they will eventually reside in.  All of the organizations that do the vetting are paid money for this service but often do not either have the tools or the background checks to accurately assess an immigrants profile.  Thus, the entire system of immigration vetting needs to be revamped and then rebuilt from the ground up, lest the immigrants are not willing to assimilate and follow the rule of law.

     If not, in the case of America which is already having its own sociological meltdown from those years gone by, will it be steered even farther away from a quite and peaceful habitation and a moral essence that was envisioned by our founders such as Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Abraham Lincoln?  The final choice belongs to the people, not to those politicos and New World Order instigators who have an agenda that has already proven to be horribly dysfunctional and right out disastrous.  Cannot the people of America and the biased Mainstream Media see what open borders did in Europe?  Must they all hold on to their belief that open borders and sanctuary states and cities are the wave of the future and the best choice for a world that is becoming more chaotic everyday?  

    Where is the hard evidence that this insane and recent immigration agenda worked since being orchestrated by the Obama administration?  It’s not working and a person would have to be blind not to see it.  However, it is not the blind people who are leading the agenda, while there are the sheep who are being misled under the spell of a socialistic, Marxist movement meant to destroy a nation from the inside out and then rebuild it according to someone’s draconian-Utopian dream. 

To follow such a model would be the complete loss of freedom which would follow.

What to Do about a Caravan of Rag-tag Migrants

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October 30th, 2018

by: Jane M. Orient, M.D.


Where is the supply caravan? People are not carrying heavy back packs full of provisions. It is said that an army marches on its stomach. What about these people?

No sanitary facilities are visible. What does the trail look like after the crowd has passed?

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The narrative appears to be that thousands of oppressed peoples spontaneously decided, all at once, to flee a murderous, corrupt government in Central America, and walk to the U.S., in time for election day, to plead for asylum and begin to work hard for a better life in the U.S. (Take note: it is a “caravan” not an “army.”)

We see photos of a mass of walking people, including women, some carrying babies. There are photos of a resting crowd, some tending to infants.

Some are waving flags of the purportedly evil regimes they are fleeing—such as Honduras. Some are receiving cash from men in white T-shirts. Some are reportedly receiving gifts of sandals or food from charitable Mexicans.

But there are some questions that surely have occurred to the Trump Administration, and even to the mainstream media. More

Lawbreakers for Lawbreaking Work

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“American immigration policy is an amalgam of moral rot. Jailing two border patrol agents a dozen years for shooting a drug smuggler in the fanny tells us this government has forfeited its right to preach to anyone.”


September 3, 2015
When congress passed the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, promising to impose a $1,000 fine on anyone giving employment to an undocumented alien, we scolded them for lying to the American people. We said the federal government had no intention of enforcing immigration law and the proof of it was the millions of illegal aliens being granted amnesty.

We said their goal was to perpetuate the lie, not end it. We said at the time, “The next wave of 15 million illegal aliens will be granted amnesty too — and so on and so on and so on. And when they finally have the votes to take over this country, they can deport us.” We said their blood oath pledge to God Almighty to seal our borders forever “was a lie before it was evenscrewed-man-cartoon-screwed2_01-1500000-300w uttered.” They sing-song that like the lyrics to “Happy Birthday.”

As we warn constantly: never, never, never believe your government!   This border security charade has been going on for over 40 years.

One classic case surfaced when Mitt Romney was Governor of Massachusetts. For months he negotiated with Immigration and Customs Enforcement for permission to allow his state troopers to arrest illegal immigrants. It was like pulling teeth, but the feds got shamed into it and finally had to feign an interest in law enforcement.




new-logo25Author, Chuck Frank

See his website: lightofthenation.us


Sanctuary cities is a non legal term which is often used to refer to communities that provide a safe haven for undocumented or illegal immigrants of any nationality where police do not necessarily enforce federal immigration laws, whereby, these types of persons, are shielded, so to speak. The practice goes back to the 1980’s which in all probability was created mostly for Mexican nationals who traditionally worked the fields in California. Since then, much has changed dramatically.

Most recently, illegal immigrants are being offered the opportunity to go to college using government sponsored financial aid as part of California’s Dream Act signed by Jerry Brown. However, considering the massive unemployment numbers in California, how many of these college grads will eventually find work in their chosen fields? Besides the illegal drug trade which has plagued the state for years, medical marijuana, seems to be the grower’s choice that many illegals fall back on when there are scarce opportunities to be found, and especially so, when farmers are not hiring because Sancturary Cities map1their needed water allotments required for growing crops in the valley is not available.

Taking this a bit further, the connection between illegal drugs and illegal immigrants of any nationality has created a Pandora’s Box when considering that illegals, and even hardened violent criminals are shielded and catered to while being in the parameters of a Sanctuary City. Even when these persons are deported back to their own country, they often return. Thus, there is a massive circle of crime and corruption at the taxpayer’s expense which also includes an immense burden upon law enforcement. A report from the Center for Immigration Studies reveals more than 8,000 criminal illegal aliens have been released by hundreds of law-defying cities and counties over an eight-month period in 2014.

When considering the strict immigration policies of most of the other nations in the world, the implications of allowing massive numbers of
illegals to cross U.S. borders are very suspect. Besides giving them a social security number and a driver’s license, one must ask themselves, is there anything else that an illegal should be given?

The California Senate’s Appropriations Committee passed SB 4, giving health care to all illegal/undocumented aliens and costing an estimated $1 billion dollars. As yet, the bill has not been signed by the governor.

So, what’s behind all of the favoritism towards illegals while California’s working class and other taxpayers are paying billions to shore up a state and a national government that is laying a foundation for shielding corruption? Just follow the money.

Cities and counties are entitled to federal grants who choose to be a sanctuary haven. Also, the Democratic Party is very dependent upon using California’s 55 electoral votes (the most of any state) in every Presidential election.  The more illegals who receive free stuff from the party that is in office, the more they will vote for the same party at the voting booth. So open the gates to as many illegals as possible and win a Presidential election as well as the Gubernatorial election. Also, by connecting the dots it is only logical to assume that there is a purposeful policy of “shielding” hardened immigrant criminals in sanctuary cities that will most certainly not only breed unrest, it will also provide a climate that will eventually provoke riots that will spread from one burning city to another to where martial law will finally be implemented. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights will then be thrown out, guns will be collected, and the great American meltdown will begin.

This Pandora’s Box is now being fashioned from the top down and is on the order of a totalitarian regime coming from Washington D.C. Yet, will the
American people finally wake up and save the country? This is the realty and although we still have a country which has been crafted
as a government for and by the people, and one nation under God, we are now on the verge of losing it.

House of Lords: America in the Balance HouseOfLords
Charles W. Frank
Available at bookstores, amazon.com & Tate Publishing

The ‘Cross-Your-Fingers’ Public Health Strategy

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strip bannernew-logo25By Jane M. Orient, M.D.


Maybe the country that claims to have the “best healthcare system in the771f56fe-dbad-11e3-9707-22000a98b2af-medium world” can get away with ignoring basic public health strategies that have worked for centuries. Perhaps we can say, “It can’t happen here.” After all, Ebola seems to have gone away, as epidemics do—sooner or later.

Some apparently even think that we can save the rest of the world by providing a safety valve for hot zones, right into American airports and schools.

Yet we may not be all powerful. Here is the word from top public health officials about some 400,000 cases of chikungunya, which is sweeping through the Caribbean and Latin America: “We can only keep our fingers crossed—painful as that might be for many people infected with chikungunya—that the Caribbean epidemic will decline and the virus will depart from the Western Hemisphere.” So write David M. Morens, M.D., and Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., of the Arboviral Diseases Branch, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in the Sept 14, 2014, issue of The New England Journal of Medicine. Dr. Fauci’s name is familiar from his pronouncements on Ebola. More

Obama’s Unlawful Amnesty Actions – Unanswered Examples

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Obama’s Unlawful Amnesty Actions – It’s All A Smokescreen

Ruthie Hendrycks November 21, 2014

5aafc0a0-aeb0-11e3-93d2-12313b024af0-mediumObama NOW claims that he has the authority to override our immigration laws after repeatedly stating that he could not – not by Executive Order – but with a Presidential Memo (much like my grocery list memo on the fridge). Of course those of us paying attention realize and acknowledge the lawlessness taking place, but for those who so eagerly believe what the bias and selective mainstream media tells them – they are just uninformed of the travesty taking place – by Obama’s own admission.

Of course the Democrat’s are ‘All In’ on the lawlessness making claims such as “Gee, Obama had to … the House just would not suck it up and pass the treasonous Comprehensive Immigration Bill that WE created”. Of course, these very same Democrats are ever so silent on the fact that via Harry Reid – most of the compromising that the GOP did seek – went into a drawer in Reid’s office – never to be seen again. The Democrats only focus on this talking point because….well…. it’s all they have to try and persuade the American Citizenry that their aiding and abetting of this corruption is warranted.

One must wonder what other laws Obama feels he, his pen, phone and memo pad can simply ignore and I wonder…. if in 2016 a Republican is elected President, if the Dem’s will be so supportive of such ‘I Am King’ lawlessness? More

Illegal Immigration: What do you think should happen?


Lawsuit by Career ICE Attorney Exposes Obama Anti-Enforcement Campaign

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By Jessica Vaughan, November 11, 2014


“When a number of attorneys objected to a particular example of such a criminal alien, the supervisor said, “We [ICE leadership] don’t give a s*** about that. Let it go.”


Last week Patricia Vroom, an attorney with an exemplary 26-year career at ICE filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court of Arizona that depicts in shocking detail how a tightly-knit band of her superiors apparently bullied her and other career lawyers to force compliance with the Obama administration’s immigration enforcement suppression scheme. In addition to describing a hostile work environment spoiled by sexual harassment, threats, insults, and other deplorable behavior of these top managers, Vroom’s complaint provides alarming examples of how personnel were told to ignore the law and routinely release and dismiss charges on entire categories of criminal aliens, including certain convicted felons, drunk drivers, DACA applicants, and illegal juveniles from the border surge.

The complaint has enough juicy scenes for a night-time television drama, but what it reveals about the Obama administration’s reckless disdain for immigration enforcement is especially troubling. It is the latest in a series of lawsuits that demonstrate a disturbing pattern of abuse of authority among favored and ideologically driven senior staff in DHS agencies.Vroom describes some specific examples of how the so-called prosecutorial discretion policies have been implemented, and of the effort to destroy professional integrity in ICE’s legal division:

•Beginning in May 2009, this clique of top supervisors launched a “purge” of senior chief counsels, targeting them for “harassment, reassignment of duties to much less desirable ones, public humiliation, and brutal scapegoating” in order to place cronies in those key positions to carry out administration policy changes. Like other senior ICE attorneys, Vroom says she was targeted after the now-disgraced acting head of ICE, John Sandweg, “screamed” to her supervisor that the Phoenix office, which she ran, was “all f***ed up” for not implementing “prosecutorial discretion” to their satisfaction. More

2014 Midterm Elections… Re: Illegal Immigration

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strip bannernew-logo25 Ruthie Hendrycks

Host of “The Ruthie Report” on TS Radio


Opinion with Suggested Solutions

So the results are in and the Republican Party swept the evening …leaving one to ask if is this a positive triumph on the issue of illegal immigration or have we just elected an additional group to hold accountable to the American Citizenry? Some are predicting doom on the amnesty horizon where others are claiming an ‘no amnesty’ victory. Which is it – we will find out … it will be either that our Representatives will once again be a Pro American conference rather than an pandering illegal alien advocate.

Last night was a reflection on the Obama Administration’s agenda and whether the pundits agree or not…. illegal immigration is a part of the agenda. An Exit Poll from Fox News showed that the top three issues were the Economy, Obamacare and in third place… Illegal Immigration. It should be obvious then to all, that the Obama agenda is NOT the agenda of We The People. It is also important to note that the threats made by those who support another lawless amnesty – did not sway the outcome – their demands do not outweigh the anti amnesty sentiment and stance felt by the majority of Americans. More

UC Davis Professor Confirms New World Tyrannical Order


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new-logo25Author, Chuck Frank

Website: www.lightofthenation.us


Transamerica Pyramid 1What is it with the massive influx of illegal immigrants into the United States? There are no jobs. Shall we just open up our borders and our universities to every Tom, Dick, and Harry, and for what reason? One purpose is that the agenda has been engineered politically in order to win more elections, and statistics show that illegals tend to vote more for a party that offers them free stuff, such as cellphones, food stamps, welfare, affordable college, etc. It’s happening! More

Feds report Terrorist Attacks on the U.S. Mexican Border from Galveston to San Diego Imminent


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new-logo25Michael Webster: Syndicated Investigative reporter

The Laguna Journal


GetAttachmentEl Paso TX. Ft. Bliss military base that’s charged with the defense of our borders with Mexico is reported to be on alert. ISIS/ISIL and other related Islamic terrorist groups are operating in Mexico and are preparing attacks along the U.S. Mexican border from Galveston Texas to San Diego California. According to the Government the alarming terrorist plan is to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle born improvised explosive devices (VBIED).

Federal law enforcement have confirmed to The U.S. Border Fire report that an urgent warning bulletin to border city and county police warn of an imminent terrorist attack on the U.S. Mexican border. Based on other news reports, agents across a number of Homeland Security, Justice and Defense agencies have all been placed on alert and instructed to aggressively work all possible leads and sources concerning this imminent terrorist threat. More

The Costly Burden of Illegal Immigration

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new-logo25By: Shelley Kais

Ms. Kais is a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives in Arizona’s 2nd Congressional District.  http://www.shelleykaisforcongress.com/


What most Americans don’t yet understand is that the arrival of tens of thousands of Central Americans is no surprise: not to the President, not to the federal government’s Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), not to the many other federal agencies whose budgets have increased in recent years in preparation for it, and not to Congress, which approves those budgets.


Deadly Diseases Crossing Border With Illegal Immigrants


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new-logo25Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D.


A public health crisis, the likes of which I have not seen in my lifetime, is looming. Hardest hit by exposures to these difficult-to-treat diseases will be elderly, children, immunosuppressed cancer-patients, patients with chronic lung disease or congestive heart failure.


A flood of illegals has massively surged at our southwestern borders. The economic impact of medical care, education, and incarceration for illegals forced on taxpayers is bankrupting Arizona.

Why are such swarms entering the U.S. illegally NOW, particularly children? Newspapers in Mexico and Central and South America are actually describing U.S. “open borders,” encouraging people to come with promises of food stamps or “amnesty.” It is textbook Cloward-Piven strategy to overwhelm and collapse the economic and social systems, in order to replace them with a “new socialist order” under federal control.

Carried by this tsunami of illegals are the invisible “travelers” our politicians don’t like to mention: diseases the U.S. had controlled or virtually eradicated: tuberculosis (TB), Chagas disease, dengue fever, hepatitis, malaria, measles, plus more. I have been working on medical projects in Central and South America since 2009, so I am aware of problems these countries face from such diseases. More

Defeat of Comprehensive Immigration Reform Was a Hollow Victory

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By Michael Cutler/retired INS Senior Special Agent.


The Senate bill (S. 744) that would have created Comprehensive Immigration Reform was defeated in the last session of Congress. 

The media played up the fact that the Americans who opposed that disastrous legislation “won.”  Most so-called “journalists” noted that the “victory” belonged to the “Anti-Immigrant” groups.  Of course it is anything but “Anti-Immigrant” to oppose the implementation of a massive program that would provide unknown millions of illegal aliens with lawful status and the official identity documents that would attest to their having been provided with such status. 

The point is that the numbers of such aliens would be so huge that no in-person interviews would have been possible, nor would there have been any way to conduct field investigations into the truthfulness of the information contained in the applications.  Commonsense alone should have made it clear to all that this would undermine national security- however, there are two documents that provide additional support for these well-founded concerns, the “9/11 Commission Report” and the “9/11 Commission Staff Report on Terrorist Travel.” Remarkably, those important reports that were written in the wake of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 are never mentioned in the media and rarely by our politicians in Washington or elsewhere, for that matter. 

The immigration laws take a balanced approach to immigration- establishing the categories of aliens who should be denied entry into the United States because they would pose a threat to national security, public safety and/or the jobs of American workers.  Those laws also establish the basis by which aliens should be deported (removed) from the United States.  However, those laws also provide for the lawful immigration of aliens, as I noted above, and also permit tens of millions of nonimmigrant aliens to enter the United States for various lawful purposes.  In point of fact, those who favor the enforcement of the immigration laws understand that the laws take a balanced approach and far from being “Anti-Immigrant” are simply “Pro-Enforcement.” 

Obviously it was significant that the catastrophic legislation known as Comprehensive Immigration Reform was not enacted, however, once again, Obama has taken to using his phone and his pen to make certain that the immigration laws that are already on the books are ignored by the employees of the DHS (Department of Homeland Surrender) thereby creating opportunities for criminals and terrorists to enter the United States and embed themselves in towns and cities across the United States. More

Ruthie Report: Live at Border, Roberts Crooks, Canadian Camera Crew, Feds

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Join Ruthie tonight, March 13, 2014 at 8:00pm CST!


Calif. Candidate Rodney Conover on The Ruthie Report

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Please join Ruthie  this week for the FIRST CANDIDATE INTERVIEW of the upcoming elections Feb 27th,  2014 8-10 pm CST! More

The Ruthie Report: Susan Smith Nebraska The Vote on Res 399

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painyJoin Ruthie Thursday, February 13, 2014 at 8:00 CST! More

Senator Russell Pearce on The Ruthie Report

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Please join Ruthie  this week with special Guest: Senator Russell  Pearce
It is my honor to have  Senator Pearce on the Show once again – it has been sometime since
his last appearance as a Guest – he will be joining the show at the top of  the 9 O’clock hour
Ruthie and Russell will be discussing his new radio show The Russell Pearce Show 
(Phoenix, AZ)—The Russell Pearce Show  will officially launch on  960AM The Patriot, serving the Phoenix media  market and also available live online to a national audience.  960AM The Patriot is owned by Salem  Communications, a prominent national Christian and conservative media and  publishing company which 99 radio stations in 38 markets, and the conservative  blogs Townhall.com and Hotair.com.
The show will air live in prime time on  Saturdays from 7:00PM to 8:00PM
Ruthie and Russell  will also be discussing the political landscape of Illegal Immigration … not  only for Arizona but the nation as a whole.
“I will have a few pointed questions – such as what it is that we need to  do to wake up Washington to the current devastating push for CIR, what we can do, what his future plans are in the illegal immigration debate  and how he sees this evolving.
Minnesotans Seeking Immigration  Reform         

Website: www.mnsirproject.com    


Kent Terry – Brother of Slain Border Agent Brian Terry on The Ruthie Report

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The Ruthie Report this Thursday Nov  21st, 2013 – 8 to 10 pm CST
With GUEST:  KENT TERRY, brother of Slain Border Agent… Brian  Terry
Kent will join the show at 9 pm  CST
As we know Border Agent Brian  Terry gave the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty
in the defense of this Nation December 14th, 2010.
Please join Ruthie as she and Kent Terry – discuss this tragic  loss
They will discuss Brian Terry’s life, that fateful night, Fast and  Furious and where and what
is happening now – including the recent dismissal on a technicality  of the family’s lawsuit.
We Thank Kent Terry for sharing publicly the life and death of his  brother…… BRIAN TERRY More

Devvy Kidd on The Ruthie Report!

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The Ruthie Report: Rusty Fleming from the border

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Join Ruthie this evening, November 7th, 2013 at 8:00 CST~

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6:00 pm PST … 7:00pm MST … 8:00 pm CST … 9:00 pm EST More

Illegal immigration: The killing of U.S. citizens

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Join Ruthie this evening, August 22nd, 2013, at 8:00 pm CST! More

Terror Threats and UNsecured border Michael Cutler on The Ruthie Report

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Join Ruthie this evening August 8th, 2013 at 7:00 pm CST! More

The Ruthie Report with Rusty Fleming

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Please join Ruthie this week Thursday Aug 1st, 2013 More

The Ruthie Report: The Remembrance Project

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Join Ruthie tonight at 7:00 pm CST! More

Illegal Immigration: The coming march on D.C.

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The Ruthie Report More

The Ruthie Report: Texas Border Volunteers

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Please join Ruthie this Week May 30, 2013 at 8:00 pm CST!
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Listen Live HERE!
CAllin # 917-388-4520
Special Guest : Charles of the Texas Border Volunteers
8 pm Lead Stories…8:30 pm Criminally and or Insane…9 pm Guest
Want to know what is really happening on the border?
Want to know what the real numbers are of those crossing illegally
Want to hear the TRUTH not … DHS “Pit Bull” Napolitano’s  version
Join Ruthie with her guest Charles and find out !!!!!
Personal Note: Thank You to the Texas Border Volunteers for all they do!

Minnesotans Seeking Immigration Reform               

The Ruthie Report with guest Andy Ramirez

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Join Ruthie May 24th, 2013 at 8:00 pm CST!

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Please join Ruthie this week May  23, 2013 8-10 pm CST for an important informative show on what is       happening to those on the front lines of defending this nation.
Ruthie’s Guest will be  ANDY RAMIREZ       – (bio below)
President of the Law Enforcement Officers Advocates Council
Andy and Ruthie will at the top of the 9 O’clock hour discuss what is taking place for the Men and Women on the fronts lines combatting illegal immigration due to this Administrations directives, the increasing       prosecutions against cops for refusing to go along to get along and how it impacts and compromises national security, and the LEOs (Law Enforcement Officer’s) mission while endangering them directly and us further
Breaking: Coalition Against S-744 Letter re: Senate       Amnesty. Click HERE to read More

The Ruthie Report: They come to America II

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Join Ruthie May 16th, 2013 at 8:00 pm CST!

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CAllin # 917-388-4520



They Come To America II

Dennis and I will be discussing the explosive revelations that he exposed in this documentary – THIS IS A MUST TUNE IN!

IT’S THE FILM THAT COULD KILL THE IMMIGRATION BILL but you can’t see it in a theater because Hollywood and the mainstream media reject films made by Dennis Michael Lynch.


The Cost of Amnesty is the most action-packed, truth revealing, in your face documentary ever to be made about illegal immigration. With Congressman Peter King, Mayor Rudy Giuliani and AZ Attorney General Terry Goddard, the film provides the best argument for rejecting the current immigration bill.

In THEY COME TO AMERICA II there is a scene where I am working the borders in Texas and find a militia-style cap with Arabic writing on the tag. Attached is a link to the scene.

This is one of the most powerful scenes in the film. The number of Asian/Chinese coming across the border is rarely mentioned. But if you stop and consider the implications you will likely come to the same conclusion as many of us already have. An unsecured southern border presents a clear and present danger to all of us and this specific threat has little to do with cheap labor.


Minnesotans Seeking Immigration Reform               

Email:   minnsir@yahoo.com

The Ruthie Report: Rusty Fleming updates news from the border

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Join Ruthie May 9th, 2013 at 8:00pm CST! More

The Ruthie Report: Who has solen your identity?

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Join Ruthie April 25th, 2013 at 8:00pm CST!

This show will replace the show lost last week due to the DOS attack on blogtalk. More

The Ruthie Report: Who has stolen your identity?

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Due to major technical problems on Blogtalk, this program will air next week.


The Ruthie Report: Californians demanding border security

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Please join Ruthie this week April 11th, 2013! More

the Ruthie Report with guests Rusty Fleming and also Texas Border Volunteers

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Please join Ruthie this week at  8-10 pm CST April 4th, 2013 More

The Ruthie Report: Discarded– Homelessness in America

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Join Ruthie March 21, 2013 at 8:00pm CST!

big ruthie

6:00pm PST … 7:00pm MST … 8:00pm CST… 9:00pm EST

Listen Live HERE!

Callin # 917-388-4520


We will be discussing interviews from Americans of all ethnic backgrounds and ways of life on their thoughts and opinion on illegal immigration and the real results –

We will also discuss THE DISCARDED


The ICE release of 2,000+ IA’s has also impacted homeless shelters, many of which house homeless veterans.

America has long been the ultimate disposable society…that which we no longer have a use for, we simply throw away. So it is with the homeless.

Our country faces a disturbing and sobering choice: do we recognize and deal with this growing problem or continue doing our collective best to ignore it.

In choosing the topic of their next project, Stan Wald and Jerry Misner, producer and director of the acclaimed feature film “Southern Exposure” selected the broad issue of homelessness in America coupled with the more narrow plight of homeless veterans.

There are more than 1.6 million homeless citizens in the U.S. Of that number as many as 200,000 homeless vets are sleeping in alleys and under bridges. On any given day, a third of the people in homeless shelters are members of households with children, which represents an increase of 9% over the previous year, with casualties of the foreclosure crisis pushing numbers even higher.

The economic situation of most Americans is increasingly fragile. In one of our early interviews for the film, a Tucson Police Officer put it succinctly: “We’re all just one bad decision away from being right where they are, and if you think you’re not, you’re a pious SOB.”

While many believe that homelessness is simply a temporary condition that can be cured with money and care, others think it is what it is and the problem will always be with us. “Discarded” investigates the complexities and ambiguities of this socially polarizing issue.

The Ruthie Report: Rusty Fleming reports from the border

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Join Ruthie tonight, March 7th, 2013 at 8:00 pm CST!

big ruthie

6:00pm PST7:00pm MST8:00pm CST … 9:00pm EST

Listen Live HERE!

Callin # 917-388-4520


Lead Stories at 8 pm
Criminal and/or Insane 8:30 pm
Rusty at 9 pm
Rusty and Ruthie will be discussing the release of illegal alien by DHS and what they are seeing – if anything – in Texas on this. Plus Gov Perry’s remarks concerning this unbelievable action.
We will discuss how Hudspeth County will handle the situation
and cartel news updates
Rusty Fleming:  Bio………………………. More

The Ruthie Report: with James Johnson from NCFIRE

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Join Ruthie February 28th, 2013 at 8:00pm CST! More

The Ruthie Report with Susan Tully of FAIR

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painyJoin Ruthie January 17th, 2013 at 8:00 CST!

big ruthie

6:00 PST PM 7:00 MST PM 8:00 CST PM … 9:00 EST PM

The original air time for this show was 8:00 CST pm.  Due to major technical difficulties on Blogtalk it will not air until 9:00 CST pm. 

Listen Live HERE!

CAllin # 917-388-4520


Please join Ruthie this week, Thursday Jan 17th, 2013 at 8 pm CST with Guest: Susan Tully, FAIR

Susan and Ruthie will be discussed the financial impact of illegal immigration – this is a “must tune in” show!!!!!

As you know …. FAIR has been a leader in proving many educational aspects with regards to illegal immigration – information that the main street media and others refuse to report, discuss or share…. Susan and I will! With all the talk in Washington on how we must address and cut spending just why is it that the financial strains of illegal immigration are never included?

Susan’s Bio: More

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