
EMF Hazards Summit 2023 (February 2 – 5) — FREE Registration – Awesome Learning Opportunity!

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February 2nd – 5th

Register Now for FREE
Want to learn more about EMF pollution, its dangerous effects, and steps you can take to protect yourself? Check out the upcoming EMF Hazards Summit 2023 (February 2nd – 5th).Greenwave is very excited to be sponsoring this important EMF educational event being hosted by our friend Nicolas Pineault, passionate advocate for safe technologies and author of The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs. This brand new 4-day virtual summit will feature powerful EMF talks by 18 leading scientists, researchers, doctors, and health experts from around the world, including…

  • Dr. Martin Pall
  • Professor Olle Johansson, PhD
  • Dr. Stephanie McCarter
  • Dr. Marco Ruggiero
  • Dr. Beverly Rubik
  • And so many more!!

Registration for the summit is currently FREE. Registered participants will receive access links via email each day of the summit for the training sessions going live that day. Each training session will remain available for 24 hours from 9am – 9am EST the following day.

Concerned you won’t have time to watch all sessions during the allotted 24-hour periods? DON’T WORRY!! For $37, you can purchase an EMF Hazards Summit VIP All-Access Pass, which will give you immediate “lifetime” access to recordings of all 18 summit sessions plus notes, special summit bonuses, and more! (The opportunity to purchase the VIP All-Access Pass is presented immediately AFTER you register for your FREE summit pass.)

Check out this awesome EMF educational event!

February 2nd – 5th

Learn More & Reserve Your FREE Spot Now

Stop The Amendments to the International Health Regulations

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Ashley Hayes

Researcher James Roguski, who discovered the World Health Organization’s proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations that, if passed in May, will be the end of all freedoms, has provided links with which to reach your Representatives and Senators, along with two separate letter templates (a long form and a short one).

The short-form template is below, and the long-form template can be found at his substack: https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/an-open-letter-to-the-united-states

Please copy the open letter below and share it far and wide. Send it to every member of the United States House of Representatives and the Senate A.S.A.P.

CLICK HERE TO TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTIONAlso contact your Congressional Representative, and Senators via phone. Call their Washington Office and each of their local offices too!https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials




If you receive email replies from your Congressional Representative and/or Senators, please forward a copy of their reply email to James.Roguski@gmail.com

EMAIL TEMPLATE (Short Version)Dear Representative/Senator____________

This email is to alert you to secret negotiations that are ongoing regarding proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations.

This is NOT in regards to the proposed “Pandemic Treaty.”

The Senate will NOT be asked to give its “advice and consent.”

These proposed amendments seek an international agreement that would dissolve national sovereignty and replace it with a global medical and financial dictatorship, which would take away the United States’ sovereign authority, individual State authority under the 10th Amendment as well as the people’s unalienable right to privacy regarding health matters and freedom to travel.

I demand that you actually read the official documents below and publicly state your position in regards to the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations.

Official Documents from the World Health Organization:



Please click the links and send the urgent emails today — and every day, until you receive a reply.  James also provides sample responses to dismissive replies you may receive to your emails.  So be sure to visit his substack for those.

This is your chance to be genuinely proactive in protecting your freedoms, human rights and human dignity, as well as those of your children and grandchildren.  So, please make this a priority in your life.  Share this article with friends, family, neighbors, local schools, churches, social media, etc.  Send the letters and emails.  Make the calls.

Make sure that, come May 21, 2023, you can honestly say, “I did everything I could.”


Ashley Hayes is a former business entrepreneur, patented inventor, researcher, and writer seeking to bring attention to the clearly-organized crimes of unlawful and corrupt law enforcement and fusion center personnel against innocent Americans and citizens worldwide, as well as crimes committed by military contractors via 21st century technology, and to the pandemic of child trafficking by those in power.

How US hospitals are murdering patients for profit

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BrasscheckTV Report
How US hospitals are murdering patients for profit. Yes, I said it. Unfortunately, there is not only ample
evidence that this is true, there’s also evidence that it’s going on on a massive scale.

At last, the truth about vast damage the COVID vaccines have done

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“Sold” with fraud and coercion

The vicious cover up

Click here to support Brasscheck

Brasscheck’s new book “The Nuremberg Code”You can order the book here

It took a while, but we finally have a film that tells the whole story of the Magic V.

The fraud and coercion that brought it into being, the vast damage it’s done to so many, and the vicious cover up.

In case Google has censored the video, click here

Weather as A Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather 2025 (4th printing)

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 Marti Oakley (C) 2017  All Rights Reserved

Update from original article of 2008 and 2011

 Update from article posted 2011 and,

Updated from original article in 2008……

The Air Force document “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather 2025” has been scrubbed from the net. 

** Since first publishing this article in 2008, much of what the Air Force claimed to have under their control in the way of weather modification has been used on us in a massive environmental experiment.  When you combine deadly “vaccines”, fluoridated water, gmo foods, herbicides, pesticides, lethal medications, and then top it off with creating bizarre weather episodes, it is clear we are expendable and disposable.  While the HAARP station in Alaska is said to be closed down, they did not close down the 17 mini HAARP stations floating at sea in the Northern hemisphere alone.  In my opinion, we are being intentionally made sick as a result of all the experimentation done us through various means.

“Believe what you will.”


_“It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes. The ability to generate precipitation, fog and storms on earth or to modify space weather… and the production of artificial weather all are a part of an integrated set of [military]technologies.”_


Even if you don’t read this article, which is surely just my opinion, at least take the time to read this report prepared for the Air Force in 1996 and ask yourself if you can honestly conclude that the bizarre weather that has struck in all parts of the U.S in the last four to five years might not really be the result of intentional weather disruption and creation.

The experimentation with the HAARP program emanating from Alaska has gone on unabated and largely ignored by the MSM for at least 15 years.  Ice sheets melting at an alarmingly fast rate in the Arctic seem not to be newsworthy, as are the deaths of indigenous animals and marine life in that area.  Just call it global warming and let the war of words and theories begin.  But!  Whatever you do, never, ever mention HAARP. 

Centralized in Gokona, Alaska, HAARP became functional in 1992 using high powered transmission antenna’s that blast enormous waves of electrical energy into our outer atmosphere called the ionosphere.  These blasts will and do cause changes in the temperature of the ionosphere, at times heating it to extreme temperatures which directly affects changes in temperatures on earth.  If reflected back to earth, these same energy bursts can disrupt the rhythm of internal organs not only of animals but also of humans. 

Excerpted from the original document:

Weather As A Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025 

“It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes. The ability to generate precipitation, fog and storms on earth or to modify space weather… and the production of artificial weather all are a part of an integrated set of [military] technologies.” (end excerpt)

Our DoD in collusion with military sponsored scientists have acquired the ability to alter weather patterns, at will.  The Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is connected to the “Star Wars” Strategic Defense Initiative.  Raytheon Corporation owns the HAARP patents along with the US Air Force and British Aerospace Systems (BAES) and as of 2004 Raytheon has received the contracts to construct more advanced antenna’s capable of producing even more devastation around the globe not only causing great segments of populations to die from famine, but also from thirst, flood, tsunami’s, tornado’s, hurricanes and even earthquakes.

Mentioned in the report is the use of nano-technology, a virtually new and experimental technology in 1996.  Today in 2008, nano-technology is common knowledge. 


“Nanotechnology also offers possibilities for creating simulated weather. A cloud, or several clouds, of microscopic computer particles, all communicating with each other and with a larger control system could provide tremendous capability. Interconnected, atmospherically buoyant, and having navigation capability in three dimensions, such clouds could be designed to have a wide-range of properties. They might exclusively block optical sensors or could adjust to become impermeable to other surveillance methods. They could also provide an atmospheric electrical potential difference, which otherwise might not exist, to achieve precisely aimed and timed lightning strikes. Even if power levels achieved were insufficient to be an effective strike weapon, the potential for psychological operations in many situations could be fantastic. (end excerpt)

Artificial Weather

“While most weather-modification efforts rely on the existence of certain preexisting conditions, it may be possible to produce some weather effects artificially, regardless of preexisting conditions. For instance, virtual weather could be created by influencing the weather information received by an end user. Their perception of parameter values or images from global or local meteorological information systems would differ from reality. This difference in perception would lead the end user to make degraded operational decisions.

One major advantage of using simulated weather to achieve a desired effect is that unlike other approaches, it makes what are otherwise the results of deliberate actions appear to be the consequences of natural weather phenomena. In addition, it is potentially relatively inexpensive to do. According to J. Storrs Hall, a scientist at Rutgers University conducting research on nanotechnology, production costs of these nano-particles could be about the same price per pound as potatoes.52 This of course discounts research and development costs, which will be primarily borne by the private sector and be considered a sunk cost by 2025 and probably earlier. “ (end excerpt)  

When I consider the bizarre and cataclysmic weather events that have happened in just the last three years all around the globe, I can’t really come to the conclusion that “global warming” caused by human activity as told to us, is the cause.  The conclusion I am coming to is that what is being warmed is the ionosphere, and that is being done intentionally by humans wearing military uniforms and those in our government who seek world domination and want to begin that domination right here at home.  What better way to make the rest of the world beg for mercy and submit voluntarily, than to destroy the population of the once greatest and most prosperous society and nation on earth?  If we fall, it will have a domino affect. 

If this report does nothing else, it should wake you up to the reality that the government of the United States is the greatest enemy of the people.  Gone is the time when we could afford ourselves the romantic notion that our government existed only to benefit and to defend us; that this nation was comprised of honorable individuals in our government who loved our country as much as we, the common citizens, do. Our government is comprised of narcissistic monsters who believe only a few are qualified to occupy space on this planet and that those who are allowed to exist outside of this closed club of megalomaniacs should exist only in a state of controlled servitude.

The closer I come to this conclusion I have to ask:  When the majority of us are gone, dead from your experiments, your bio-weapons, electromagnetic weapons, your lab created infections and disease, your contamination and destruction of food and water, your wars of greed and your active efforts to commit genocide where ever and whenever possible……what will be left for you to own and control?  And when this end comes…..at what point will you turn on each other? 

Marti Oakley (c)2008/2010/2022

Owning the Weather in 2025


Nanotechnology http://www.fas.org/spp/military/docops/usaf/2025/v3c15/v3c15-1.htm


TS Radio Network: Betrayed by Hospice with Marsha Joiner – September 28, 2022 #69

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Join us Wednesday, September 28, 2022 at 7:00 pm CST!

Listen Live →HERE!←

917-388-4520 or listen live on the internet.

Hosted by Marsha Joiner


Guest: Suzette Husted Heathcote

No one will argue that being a care provider is tough. Sometimes family members may become tired of caring for their loved one when that person requires more assistance or maybe they are worth more dead than alive. Sound sick, sinister or cruel? You bet it does, but the fact is that it is important to pick someone you trust to be your Medical Power of Attorney (MPOA) and Financial Power of Attorney (FPOA). It may or may not be the same person but you want someone who you trust and who loves you and has your best interest at heart. You should always talk about what your wishes are in the event you cannot speak for yourself. None of us know when we may draw our last breath and while these conversations are sad and depressing they are necessary and may save your life!

We are here to help answer questions.,hospice,

Join us Wednesday, September 28, 2022 and hear Suzette Husted Heathcote share the tragic stories about losing both of her parents within 18 months. Her Dad, George Husted was 81 when he passed on January 12, 2021 and her Mom, Annette Husted was 80 when she passed on July 6, 2022. Another tragic story of a sick individual not being treasured and cared for properly by medical professions who pass the buck to hospice when it costs too much money and after all they were old so why not? And hospice is an expert at hastening death as per the book Killing for Profit – The Dark Side of Hospice by Michelle Young Doers.

Hospice counts on our ignorance so let’s turn the story around and start being smarter than the death staff are and let’s save our loved ones! These are our people and they deserve the finest treatment and are not to be ignored, harmed, tortured and murdered.

Always Remember Knowledge is Power!

917-388-4520 or listen live on the internet. 5 p.m. Pacific, 6 p.m. Mountain, 7 p.m. Central, 8 p.m. Eastern Time Zone

TS Radio Network: Whistleblower Life with guest Marlena Fearing

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Join us September 22, 2022 at 7:00 pm CST!

Call in number 917-388-4520 Select #1 to speak to the host

Guest: Marlena Fearing

Listen Live HERE!

Hosted by Marti Oakley

Brought to you in coordination with Marcel Reid and Whistleblower Life.com


Marlena Fearing is a whistleblower from the public sector. She is the author of “Silenced”, a book documenting her 20 year journey through America’s corrupt systems. My Truth – “Silenced” is one of those stories, but this story will be told, come hell or high water. The complexity and frightening aspects of my story will make your skin crawl. You want to tell yourself that this simply can’t be true. It is true, every word. Every allegation is grounded in fact and evidence.

“I was a real estate broker, developer and builder. As a licensed broker l needed to uphold fair housing laws. The problem was this all white community in Minnesota did not want any minorities. I said that is against the law and refused to evict a family of black folks. They put me in jail and forcefully removed the blacks using a crooked racist judge in Washington County who ruled against me.”

It was this incidence that set everything done to me in these 20 years, into motion. If you wish to contact Marlena: Operbro@aol.com

The mountainous pile of evidence Marlena has meticulously assembled over these past 20 years is astounding. Please join us for what is sure to be a riveting show.

TS Radio Network: New Mexico Supreme Court Commission studying Guardianship Reform

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Friday August 9th, 2022 at 7:00pmCST

Callin number is 917-388-4520  Hit #1 to speak to the host

Listen Live →HERE!←

Hosted by Marti Oakley & Coz Skaife

In May of 2017, the New Mexico Supreme Court Commission studying Guardianship Reform heard testimony from an expert who spoke on behalf of professional guardians throughout the state.
Sharon Moore explained that her company, Ayudando Guardians  (the word means “helping” in Spanish)  adhered to “a model code of ethics” and had the trust of district judges. She said that the company accounts were audited once a year.   Both Sharon and her partner Susan Harris were also certified by the National Center for Certification of Guardians
Approximately 2 months later,  Sharon  and her partner, Susan Harris, were charged with a decade-long sophisticated scheme to embezzle funds from client trust accounts.  It was eventually discovered that 11 million in clients funds had been stolen.
How can such a thief be brazen enough to testify before the Supreme Court on behalf of the industry? And what does this say about the profession?    Tonight we’ll discuss this case, its outcome, and efforts in New Mexico to reform the Guardianship system.

Smart Consumers vs. Conspiracy theorists

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May be an image of one or more people and text that says 'When people do their own research before buying a car or house, they're considered a SMART CONSUMER When you do your own research before putting something in your body, you're called a 'Conspiracy Theorist''

TS Radio Network: Dr. John Reizer Returns!

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Listen Live HERE!

Join us Monday evening, August 8 at 8:00 Eastern Time for an informative conversation and update on the world pandemic and what might be happening in the weeks and months ahead regarding future planned medical psyops. 

What if the virus (which has never been isolated) was simply the cover story, the diversion, something to distract you and keep you occupied so you don’t look for the real threat. 

The push for vaccinations is in high gear.  But what are they actually injecting into willing recipients? So much to talk about tonight!

TS Radio Network: Pennsylvania & The failure to protect the elderly

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Tonight August 5, 2022 at 7:00 pm CST

CAll in number is 917-399-4520 Hit #1 to speak to the hosts

Listen live HERE!

TS Radio Network is sponsored by Shenanigans in Montgomery Cty. Pennsylvania Courthouse on facebook

Our guest tonight is Arlene Sandra. She and Reverend Ralph will be talking about the numerous BS  bills in Pennsylvania each of them an underhanded protection of the predators.. Two are listed below…there’s MORE!

HB 422 (Hickernell) Creates a database for tracking and criminal or civil  convictions for abuse, neglect and exploitation in care facilities..  (but does not mention professional predators or attorneys)

HB 1430 (Day) specifically expands the ability for dept. of aging, an adult protective services to civilly prosecute family members for accused criminal activity and allows the state to assume the estate and the ward in adult guardianships. Specifically to increase Medicaid pay for “professional” guardians to $300 a month per ward.

These are just two of the upcoming bills that target family members and conveniently overlooks the predators.  the 2nd bill is an obvious money maker that will be paid through taxes to the predators.  I suppose stealing an estate, selling other peoples homes, collecting the social security and/or military retirement, and/or railroad retirement wasn’t enough.

Welcome to Pennsylvania!  We take human trafficking for profit very seriously!

TS Radio Network: Oklahoma man faces prison for defending his family PT2

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TS Radio Network


Tonight! July 31, 2022 at 7:00 pm CST!

Call in number is 917-388-4520 Hit #1 to speak to the host.

Listen LIVE here!


An Oklahoma man faces life in prison for defending his family. Dean Black-his wife, and pregnant daughter were terrorized by a man who was shooting up their home and stalking them for many hours due to a domestic dispute with the daughter’s ex- boyfriend. Dean Black is being charged with Assault & Battery for shooting a police officer who was allegedly trying to help them. But what’s the real truth will have you reeling and wondering if calling the police for help in Broken Arrow Oklahoma only caused more chaos and is now a set up to protect themselves. When victims are treated like criminals- where do you turn?

Tune in for Part 2 of this series tonight where Dean and Kymberli Black are fighting for their lives and refuse a plea to set this aside and move on with their lives. “I’m innocent” Dean Black

Listen to Part 1 here:

For questions or comments call (917) 388-4520 #1.

“The fight against justice against corruption is never easy. It never has been and it never will be. It exacts a toll on our self, our families, our friends, and especially our children. In the end, I believe, as in my case, the price we pay is well worth holding on to our dignity. “ Frank Serpico Contact host, Tanya Hathaway at injusticeinoklahoma@gmail.com or journeystojustice@outlook.com

TS Radio Network: Montgomery Cty PA overflowing with predators

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LISTEN LIVE HERE! Tonight June 17, 2022 at 7:00 pm CST! Call in number is 917-388-4520

On tonight’s show we introduce you to…Reverend Ralph, a minister out of Montgomery co Pennsylvania. He is very concerned about the abuses he is hearing about in his hometown. He will be reviewing with us the constitutional right to freedom of religion. That the ward has a right to clergy visits. Anyone can become a clergy member online. Reverend Ralph will educate us on how to do it.

Listen Live HERE!

Also: What to expect from healthcare providers if you won’t play the covid game, especially if you are over 60.

We will preview a huge story we hope to debut next week and of course no show is complete without a hog report!

The HOG Report is sponsored by Shenanigans in Montgomery County on Facebook.

Who Defines Disinformation?

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by: Jane M. Orient, M.D.

Contributor & author: Jane M. Orient, M.D., Executive Director of Association of American Physicians and Surgeons  janeorientmd@gmail.com


  • Americans believe they have freedom, but freedom to seek knowledge is increasingly constrained. Combining government enforcement powers with private corporations’ wealth and immunity from Constitutional protections, the “public-private partnership” is a formula for medical tyranny.
  • What would happen if Twitter allowed compare-and-contrast information for Paxlovid vs. ivermectin, which share a common mechanism of action? Number of studies: 3 for Paxlovid, 82 for ivermectin; number of patients studied, about 5,000 vs. more than 129,000; duration of experience with use, months vs. decades (approved in 1987); number of patients who have taken drug, thousands vs. billions.


May 11th, 2022

by Jane M. Orient, M.D.

Just after Elon Musk bought Twitter, promising more freedom, the Biden administration announces a new government agency to “protect” Americans and the world from harmful disinformation, especially about the COVID pandemic.

It is called the Disinformation Governance Board, although some would call it the Minitrue, short for Ministry of Truth, the ministry of propaganda in George Orwell’s novel 1984. The abbreviation differs from KGB by only one letter.

There is the First Amendment, of course, but there is precedent for disregarding it, especially in war. Newspapers were shut down and editors arrested for expressing anti-war views, at the time of the Civil War by Abraham Lincoln and World War I by Woodrow Wilson. President Wilson even suppressed information about the raging 1918 influenza pandemic so as not to interfere with the war effort. The U.S. Supreme Court upheld Wilson’s Espionage Act and its 20-year prison terms. Wilson even demanded that the Librarian of Congress report the names of those who ordered certain books! Today’s technology permits government to find out if you even looked at a book or article online. More


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new-logo251_002Author, Chuck Frank
When it comes to honesty, truth, integrity, righteousness and much more, one day, which may be very soon, various countries in the world and the people therein will be weighed in the balances with regard to their selfish motives, acts of murder, lust for power and money, while including ruthlessness and treason which for the moment goes far beyond government and includes the corporate sector, the schools, the courts, government agencies and finally a ticking time bomb of civil unrest, to where even the family units are being torn apart by disinformation, censorship, rebellion, and also various ideological covert themes which are used as pure indoctrination and beyond.

While looking at America, at this very moment in time, I am not the only one that sees the chaotic condition of the country and the unbelievable manufactured direction it is going.  It’s condition and other nations included, are promoting many valueless ideals, that has reached the tipping point to where the youth are fully unable to adjust to what I have stated before which is America’s great falling away and culture shock! Clearly, this fact has also affected all ages as well.  Presently, there is a cold and heartless condition that goes far beyond the pandemic to where the people are sadly living in another space in time, all the while, there seems to be no hope and no light at the end of the tunnel. Now then, let us take this discourse a bit further to where the very eyes of the soul shall be opened.

Friends,  presently, there is a war going on for your minds and has been purposely orchestrated by those powers that be who are dead set on not solving major problems that they created, yet they will increase the problems while rebellion and chaos goes along with their ultra sick formula. For now, let us take this far beyond the “deep state” to where our eyes may be opened.

Amazon has just unveiled their plans for their new corporate headquarters that will stand in Arlington, Virginia, directly across the Potomac River from Washington DC.  The new building will be built in the likeness of the Tower of Babylon! What country am I in anyway?  How far has America fallen?  Somebody out there pinch me.  So, this is the brainstorming being done during the “Plandemic” while all the eyes were on vaccines and social distancing?  One does not have to go to school to understand where we are now in 2022 and clearly   the “State Of The Nation” along with the “great reset” and the destruction of America’s foundational value system is presently being broken into a thousand pieces.  Are you still with me on this?

So, it is quite plain to see that there are rebels who are on a mission to bring an evil agenda not only to America but to the world which is sadly rooted in historical documents and even biblical accounts that point to the warrior Nimrod who chose to lead and build the city of Babylon along with the Tower of Babel which would then reach the heavens in an act of direct defiance towards God.

Historically, Nimrod, was one of the great grandsons of Noah who had gone his own way, and after he had completed the task of building the Tower of Babel, it did not turn out very well.  This defiant rebellion caused a stir in the heavens and the spoken language that was familiar at the time was suddenly changed to where the people could no longer understand one another as the languages were then made all different to where the people could not even communicate with one another. Yes, there are consequences when one chooses to depart from foundational values and standards that are meant for the people’s own good and their prosperity.

Now then, I will close with this.  If our leaders and the people rebel, there surely will be consequences that will not only affect those who work towards the greater good, but also for those who are young and seeking better guidance and encouragement, which in the end, will enable them and society to build a better life and a future for themselves, their family, and their friends.  The American Dream is still in our reach and it is not measured in how many cruise ships you own, nor is it measured in one’s earthly achievements or bank accounts.  The measure you give will be the measure you get.  Let genuine love for one another be our guide to where the next generations will once again be blessed beyond measure.

Things that bug me


new-logo251_002Marti Oakley  2022


After many, many years of writing, almost 1800 radio shows, interviews on other stations, public speaking and assorted other things..I needed a break. Actually I was questioning whether I wanted to continue or just walk away from all of it and call it done. I decided to stick around a little longer. but several things still bug me.

1. Why do people still cling to this right v left thing? I still maintain that it is in reality a system of us against them….and us is losing. This whole system has devolved into nothing more than a means to divide the public and keep them fighting amongst themselves. It appears quite effective in diverting your attention from things that actually matter. Like, what is congress actually doing? As a political atheist I am wary of either party.

2. How did gmo crops, severely lacking in nutritional value suddenly become “bio-fortified”? So…have herbides and pesticides now become added nutritional value? Who let them get away with this obvious attempt to rebrand these worthless gmo crops? All gmo crops are about is seizing agricultural products for profit. You change the dna of the plant by adding something to it and declare you have created a whole new, non naturally occuring plant just so you can patent it and control the market? And the USDA cheered them on!

3. Thousands of families continue to expose the human trafficking and estate theft through specially created tribunals which operate outside of the law and constitutions. Children are stolen through corrupted social service agencies who profit from increasing the number of children snatched by them. The absolute silence from congress and other political factions is deafening except for the occasional bill that surfaces supposedly to exert some control over this trafficking. Bills that turn out to be endless pages of absolutely nothing beneficial. The elderly are particularly vulnerable and preyed upon by the predator class but as long as those big campaign “contributions” continue to mysteriously appear in the accounts of politicians nothing is about to change.

4. What are these political jackasses doing to avert the impending food shortage? Have they made or attempted to make any effort to ward this off? No? Why would they. After all they will still eat quite well while you don’t. And what better way to control a nation than to starve them into submission to global plans.

5. God is neither right or left. Get over it.

This is just my short list of stuff that bugs me. I would like to hear from you what bugs you? Please be civil.


Real Americans and the American Oligarchy

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 Contributor & author:  Marilyn M. Singleton, MD, JD, (California) board-certified anesthesiologist, professor and Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Board of Directors member (see bio at bottom of release)

  • Preview: This political and powerful class of people want to change the way we live and think—whether we like it or not. We will never have as much money to buy political influence as do the American oligarchs. But we do have our voices. Parents are speaking up about their schools’ curricula and toxic overtly racist policies that perversely segregate students by skin color and laws that bypass parental input into their children’s medical decisions. Physician office practices are changing to meet the needs of patients, not insurance and pharmaceutical companies. Physicians who have fought for open medical discussion about vaccine safety and efficacy are leaving their mark. CDC Director Walensky finally publicly admitted that the Covid vaccines do not stop transmission of the virus. Many physicians have gone from looking at their unvaccinated patients in horror to “I respect your choice.”The oligarchs do not represent the real America. It’s up to us to carry on the legacy of American heroes who thought for themselves and bucked the system. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

March 16, 2022

by Marilyn M. Singleton, M.D., J.D.

Driving across our country makes one appreciate this glorious and (dare I say) exceptional country. The diverse landscapes are a feast for the eyes. Food for the soul is the affirmation that most Americans love their families, treasure America, and enjoy their fellow Americans whether they be white, black, or somewhere in between.

Daily, the media dutifully inform us coastal and urban residents about gender fluidity, diversity training, and decarbonizing energy systems to avert the coming environmental Armageddon. When the media could not flog us with a juicy Covid-19 tragedy, they resurrect a tired but effective angst-inducing headline about the imminent big earthquake. More


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new-logo251_002Author, Chuck Frank


What would be the most recent assessment of America’s greatest threat with regard to the present day, whether it be World War III and multiple nuclear exchanges between various nations or an untrusted and broken election system, or those rogue executive orders and tyrannical policies coming down from the federal and state levels, or school assignments loaded with disinformation and indoctrination, or defunding the police, or lost rights, and open borders or the billionaire elite steering committee or all of the above.

In order to choose just one of these prospective threats has anyone taken a survey lately or a poll to find out what is America’s greatest number 1 threat today?  If I was only given one choice I would have to choose open borders, but why?

Today there is an open border agenda being used by the present administration and once again it is being used to “fundamentally transform the United States of America.”  Doesn’t that phrase ring a bell?  So, why were the gates opened once again on our Southern border? It was done to continue a rouge mission to “fundamentally transform the United States of America” but not for the “greater good.” This total mission, while the pandemic was also going on has yet to be completed, however “open borders” is  meant to sever those long held beliefs and mores that have been accepted as tradition by various social and religious groups.  The long story short here is “cancel culture.”  America, have you awakened yet while the main stream news media remains silent.  Remember, they just “report” the news.  Newscasters are not paid to investigate and form opinions. So while America sinks to its lowest point since its initial founding, political correctness and chaos remains the language and the mission of a vast number of politicos, school teachers, professors, and authors who remain silent during the ongoing chaotic times, while cities burn and homelessness continues to grow partly because of open borders and driven by those carefully planned rogue elites. Here below is an eye opener!

One must reflect upon the book written many years ago titled “Planned Chaos” by the Austrian author Ludwig von Misses. The title comes from Misses’s description of the reality of central planning and socialism, whether of the national variety (Nazism) or the international variety (communism). Rather than creating an orderly society, attempts at central planning have precisely the opposite effect. By short-circuiting the price mechanism and forcing people into economic lives contrary to their own choosing, central planning destroys the capital base and creates economic randomness that eventually ends by killing prosperity.

With that said, there is presently a chaotic attack upon America’s foundational norms as well as America’s Christian base by using a politically charged assault upon America’s traditional and core values that generally promotes good will, freedom, family, truth, peace and love,  It is true that this fact has sustained America through the centuries and has been the very key that unlocks the door for a better, fulfilling and lasting life.  As for the darkness that has come over America in the last few decades,, there is a light that shines through darkness and it is there for those who are hopeless and heavy laden and they shall find rest.

Copyright Your DNA

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new-logo251_002© Marti Oakley 2008

I originally wrote this in 2008.  At the time, I was attacked as a fear monger, a conspiracy theorist, just another person who was crying wolf over a seemingly innocuous issue.  So…what do you think now?  We are being systematically referred to as commodities, bought sold and traded as if we were merchandise.  Within our DNA lies the keys to the kingdom.  Proceed with caution: the enemy is inside the gates.


The Genetic Nondiscrimination Act of 2003 (S. 1053) was passed unanimously by the senate supposedly prohibiting discrimination in employment or job promotion on the basis of genetic information and/or family history.  Exempted was the right of employers test for work associated hazards.  In addition it prohibits insurance companies from using genetic information or family history in determining who it will insure or what rates an individual or family will pay for coverage.

The fact that insurance companies were specifically identified as potential abusers of genetic information is clearly a statement that, attempts to abuse the information or to gain access to it was already being done. 

The newborn DNA databases in all 50 states is used in medical and research applications and experiments and can and usually do, include links to medical records of the entire family history of the tested individual. Blood and tissue specimens can be preserved for infinity and re-tested multiple times.  Even though parents or individuals can request destruction of the samples, you have no guarantee that the samples were destroyed, and regardless, the information that was gleaned from the samples remains on record…..meaning you have in essence destroyed nothing. 

Data mining, now done routinely on multiple levels by our state and federal governments, is providing information that has been gathered by ChoicePoint of Georgia, along with other companies who make a business out of gathering and selling your personal information to the FBI, and any other intelligence or government agency.  In the specific case of the FBI, there are still a few restrictions in place that disallow information gathering on US Citizens without probable cause.  With companies such as ChoicePoint, ethical or moral questions never apply to the more than one billion dollars they have been paid by the federal government to data mine your personal information. 

ChoicePoint has made clear its intent to construct a data base on every individual in the US and to include everything from genetic information, medical records, credit history, family history, spending habits, voting records, and every other type of information it can find on you and to compile it into billions of files that are for sale to insurance companies, researchers and experimenters, and to the government.  Companies such as ChoicePoint provide the end-run around the law by compiling and then selling as a commodity, information to agencies like the FBI, or huge insurance companies who might otherwise be prevented from having or gathering the information.

The attempts to track us and use the information about our genetic history don’t stop here.  The US military now has made it mandatory that military personnel be DNA tested.  The reason given is that it will make battlefield identification easier.  And it would.  But that isn’t why they are doing it and it doesn’t explain why DNA data is being stored for 75 years and subjected to massive testing and experimentation. More

TS Radio Network: Contracts and consent with John Leckrone

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February 1, 2022 at 7:00 pm CST!

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST …8:00pm EST

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CAll in number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 when Blogtalk answers if you wish to comment

Hosted by Marti Oakley with John Leckrone


Marti Oakley and John Leckrone will be discussing the nature of contracts and consent. They will also discuss how to exercise our individual power and to stand against the tyranny using peaceful means of resistance. Lastly they will also discuss what people need to know to help each other during this time of significant change. This is open warfare that has been declared on the people of this planet by corporations. We need to stand against it.

John Leckrone and Marti Oakley are investigative journalists who expose the new world order agenda for what it is and shine the light of truth on the tyrant’s criminal agenda.

TS Radio Network: DCF a threat to family’s

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Tuesday January 18, 2022 at 7:00 pm CST!

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST …8:00pm EST

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CAll in number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 when Blogtalk answers if you wish to comment

Hosted by Marti Oakley


Peggy Dupree and Betty Gosnell host Paris Golec whose child was targeted by DCF.

When Florida placed her child (Child Doe) in a fraudulent guardianship, Paris fought back.  For her child Paris won the case upon the finding that the investigator from DCF did not have probable cause.  Florida came after her and her child again, this time in an effort to take control of the monetary settlement from the first case.  The policies and mandates under Chapter 39 Proceedings are used when the Department Of Child protective services attempts to remove a child from an unsafe home.

Paris and the girls will discuss how these mandates and policies in Florida are being violated under Chapter 39, and how these things were used to harm her child.  Peggy and Betty working within the USA Guardianship Task Force will expose through their investigations the policies being violated by the Department of Children and family services.

USA Citizens Guardianship Task Force LLC

Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)

TS Radio Network: The Courts misuse of “jurisdiction” with John Leckrone

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Monday January 17, 2022 at 7:00 pm CST!

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST …8:00pm EST

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All shows are archived so you can listen at your convenience.

CAll in number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 when Blogtalk answers if you wish to comment

Hosted by Marti Oakley with John Leckrone


On Monday night, 17 January 2022, Marti Oakley and John Leckrone will be discussing jurisdiction, what it is, how it is given or taken and how it is used to extort and enslave people. John will also discuss how the kangaroo courts use a foreign language and fraud to get “jurisdiction” for their criminal conspiracy. John Leckrone and Marti Oakley are investigative journalists who expose the new world order agenda for what it is and shine the light of truth on the tyrant’s criminal agenda. The show begins at 8 p.m. Eastern Time, 7 p.m. Central, 6 p.m. Mountain and 5 p.m. PacifHit #1 if you wish to speak to the host.

TS Radio Network: Tanya TalkS Part 3 – PROGRESS IN THE BOWLES CASE

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Sunday January 16, 2022 at 7:00 CST

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST …8:00 pm EST

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All shows are archived so you can listen at your convenience.

CAll in number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 if you wish to speak to the host.

Hosted by Tanya Hathaway



DHS sometimes kidnaps kids. Why? For profit. The nightmare , crushing and current dilemma that husband and wife Reggie and Tamsen Bowles and their young sons are going through.

Doctors and DHS pushed for vaccinations that these parents chose not to participate in for their children. This homeschooling family feels they have been targeted and lost their kids over perjured information knowing shots are not enforceable under these circumstances. So they decided the children were malnourished and neglected.

This will be a series to tell the story. Please share this with others as we are spreading this far and wide on behalf of this family that belongs together.

The fight for justice is never easy. It never has been, and it never will be. It exacts a toll on our self, our families, our friends and especially our children. In the end, I believe, as in my case, the price we pay is well worth holding on to our dignity. –Frank Serpico

Do you have a story that you would like to share that involves public wrongdoing? Would you like to volunteer or contribute to Journeys To Justice, Inc.? If you would, please reach out to Tanya Hathaway at journeystojustice@outlook.com or injusticeinoklahoma@gmail.com

Part 1: TS Radio Network: Tanya TalkS.. DHS kidnapping kids over vaccine status

Part 2: TS Radio Network: Tanya TalkS..DHS kidnapping kids for profits

TS Radio Network: Where is David Italiano? Guardianship victim.

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Friday January 14, 2022 at 7:00 pm CST!

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST …8:00pm EST

Listen live →HERE!←

All shows are archived so you can listen at your convenience.

CAll in number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 if you wish to speak to the host.

Hosted by Marti Oakley with Coz Skaife


Tonight on TS Radio we are asking that anyone who may have information on the whereabouts of David Italiano, resident of Pennsylvania, who has been seized in an unnecessary guardianship and disappeared in the system, please contact us. David has been isolated in an undisclosed location for unknown reasons. Send info to tsrad1@outlook.com

From Karen Koch...https://www.cilncp.org/.

  • PA, like many states, is quick to rush to guardianship vs. less restrictive ways to support a person. We have worked with many groups to find assistance to help David Italiano.
  • We reached out to the local Ombudsman for help but were told that there was a guardian and there was little that the Ombudsman could do. They were helpful when David requested his medical records. David wanted to know what evidence would be submitted to the court to support the need for a guardian. Sadly, this took close to 9 weeks and David received his records after the court hearing.
  • We escalated our conversation to Margaret Barajas, the PA State Long Term Care Ombudsman.
  • We had multiple meetings with her that went nowhere. We met with her supervisor, PA Sec. of Aging, Mr. Robert Torres, to request his office facilitate a meeting with the guardian.
  • I have attached communication from the Pennsylvania Council on Independent Living and the reply from the PA Dept of Aging regarding the request to meet.
  • We filed complaints with the PA Office of Civil Rights but with no signed release from David, they would not act.
  • We had the same response from the Federal Office of Civil Rights, they wanted a release to follow up on the allegation of an abusive/unnecessary guardian.
  • We had a meeting with staff from ACL to discuss the conflict of interest with the Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) serving in the role of guardian. As we discussed today the AAA is his guardian, provider, Rep Payee in addition to serving as the Ombudsman and the Adult Protective Services agency for Huntingdon County.
  • At one point the AAA/Guardian told us that they would not facilitate a care plan meeting for David as it was a duplication of services to have both agencies working to help David. We explained that there is no duplication of services as we are federally funded and mandated to provide Transition Services.
  • We have reached out to PA State Rep Jeff Wheeland for help. Like many of the others, he would not get involved due to their being a guardian.
  • We contacted Senator Robert Casey’s office to request help. Both Senator Casey and his policy person for the Elderly and Disabled population, Michael Gamel-McCormick agree that the guardianship system is badly broken, there was nothing that they could offer in the way of help. Senator Casey is drafting legislation to be introduced to the 118th congress to address systemic changes that are needed to protect people from unnecessary guardianship.
  • We spoke with the Community Legal Aid office in Philadelphia, but they would not commit to helping David.
  • We filed a complaint with the PA Dept of Health that went nowhere. We were in touch with an advocate, Dr. Janet Parker. Dr. Parker is with an organization called Medical Whistle Blowers. She was very interested in helping us but without a signed release of information from David, she was not able to bring this to the attention of the United Nations.
  • We also reached out to some local press. No one would get involved due to the guardian.
  • We facilitated a meeting with David and Joe Shapiro from NPR. Again, the guardian was the reason that Mr. Shapiro would not get involved.

    I think that sums up our efforts to find David.

  • There are two things that really strike me about this situation. First is that prior to the AAA becoming his guardian, both the facility and the initial guardian, Jim Malee, were supportive of David not needing this level of care.
  • The second is that the initial guardianship was put in place “to protect him from his wife.” His wife is now deceased, she is clearly no longer a threat to David.

TS Radio Network: John Leckrone ..the Global Reset

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Monday January 10, 2022 at 7:00 pm CST!

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST …8:00pm EST

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All shows are archived so you can listen at your convenience.

CAll in number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 if you wish to speak to the host.

Hosted by Marti Oakley with John Leckrone


On Monday night, 10 January 2022, Marti Oakley and John Leckrone will be discussing surviving the global economic reset and how best to be prepared for the change in the economic model the bankers have planned for us. John will go into great details how vulture capitalism has been used to pillage the resources of this abundant planet for profit and the end goals of the criminal class to fully enslave us. Using history John will also remind people that this is a normal thing yet this will be the first time that it is global in nature. This show promises to be a very important journey for those who are still wondering how to survive this transition phase. John will articulate the tie in with global banking, history, government and courts as well as the role of those serving these fascist corporate enterprises. You won’t want to miss this show as we will be going deep down the rabbit hole.

John Leckrone and Marti Oakley are investigative journalists who expose the new world order agenda for what it is and shine the light of truth on their criminal plans. The show begins at 8 p.m. Eastern Time, 7 p.m. Central, 6 p.m. Mountain and 5 p.m. Pacific.

TS Radio Network: Tanya TalkS..DHS kidnapping kids over vaccine status

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Sunday January 9, 2021 at 7:30 CST

5:30 pm PST…6:30 pm MST … 7:30 pm CST …8:30 pm EST

Listen live →HERE!←

All shows are archived so you can listen at your convenience.

CAll in number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 if you wish to speak to the host.

Hosted by Tanya Hathaway


Part 2
DHS sometimes kidnaps kids. Why? For profit.   The nightmare, crushing and current dilemma that husband and wife Reggie and Tamsen Bowles and their young sons are going through.  

Doctors and DHS pushed for vaccinations that these parents chose not to participate in for their children.  This homeschooling family has been targeted and lost their kids over perjured information knowing shots are not enforceable under these circumstances. So they decided the children were malnourished and neglected.  
This will be a series to tell the story.

Please share this with others as we are spreading this far and wide on behalf of this family that belongs together.

“The fight for justice is never easy. It never has been, and it never will be.  It exacts a toll on our self, our families, our friends and especially our children.  In the end, I believe, as in my case, the price we pay is well worth holding on to our dignity. -Frank Serpico

Do you have a story that you would like to share that involves public wrongdoing? Would you like to volunteer or contribute to Journeys To Justice, Inc.?  If you would, please reach out to Tanya Hathaway at journeystojustice@outlook.com or injusticeinoklahoma@gmail.com

Part 1:


The Anti-Vaccine Movement


Dr. John Reizer

Anti-vaxxer terminology – a creation of the pharmaceutical industry that has been used to identify and discredit any persons or groups that are in opposition to the current vaccine paradigm.

Anti-vaxxer – a person who refuses to vaccinate his or her children because he or she believes the medications are more dangerous than the benefits they allegedly offer.

Are anti-vaxxers crazy, paranoid conspiracy theorists? More important, are anti-vaxxers causing the members of society to become more at risk from dangerous and contagious diseases than they should be? These are both fair questions to explore because a lot of medical experts have been bringing up these questions on national television programs as well as other mainstream media forums.

According to some mainstream medical sources, many diseases are currently returning or making a comeback due to anti-vaxxers who refuse to vaccinate their children.

First of all let, me preface my little article by writing that if vaccines truly conferred immunity to the people receiving them, there would be absolutely no need for the vaccinated patients to fear outbreaks of certain diseases coming from the unvaccinated folks. The only people at risk, theoretically speaking, should be those individuals not vaccinated. More

US hospitals: fraud, murder, cash; federal assassination-for-hire program

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Jon Rappoport’s Blog

“Attorney Thomas Renz and CMS [Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services] whistleblowers have calculated a total [federal] payment [to hospitals] of at least $100,000 per [COVID] patient.”

by Jon Rappoport

December 14, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, a private medical organization founded in 1943, has the story — “Biden’s Bounty on Your Life: Hospitals’ Incentive Payments for COVID-19” (11/17/21), authored by Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D. and Ali Shultz, J.D.

Here are stunning excerpts:

“Upon admission to a once-trusted hospital, American patients with COVID-19 become virtual prisoners, subjected to a rigid treatment protocol…for rationing medical care in those over age 50. They have a shockingly high mortality rate…”

“As exposed in audio recordings, hospital executives in Arizona admitted meeting several times a week to lower standards of care, with coordinated restrictions on visitation rights. Most COVID-19 patients’ families are deliberately kept in the dark about what is really being done to their loved ones.”

“The combination that enables this tragic and avoidable loss of hundreds of thousands of lives includes (1) The CARES Act, which provides hospitals with bonus incentive payments for all things related to COVID-19 (testing, diagnosing, admitting to hospital, use of remdesivir and ventilators, reporting COVID-19 deaths, and vaccinations) and (2) waivers of customary and long-standing patient rights by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

“In 2020, the Texas Hospital Association submitted requests for waivers to CMS. According to Texas attorney Jerri Ward, ‘CMS has granted “waivers” of federal law regarding patient rights. Specifically, CMS purports to allow hospitals to violate the rights of patients or their surrogates with regard to medical record access, to have patient visitation, and to be free from seclusion.’…The purported waivers are meant to isolate and gain total control over the patient and to deny patient and patient’s decision-maker the ability to exercise informed consent.”

“Creating a ‘National Pandemic Emergency’ provided justification for such sweeping actions that override individual physician medical decision-making and patients’ rights. The CARES Act provides incentives for hospitals to use treatments dictated solely by the federal government under the auspices of the NIH. These ‘bounties’ must paid back if not ‘earned’ by making the COVID-19 diagnosis and following the COVID-19 protocol.”

“The hospital payments include:

* A ‘free’ required PCR test in the Emergency Room or upon admission for every patient, with government-paid fee to hospital.

* Added bonus payment for each positive COVID-19 diagnosis.

* Another bonus for a COVID-19 admission to the hospital.

* A 20 percent ‘boost’ bonus payment from Medicare on the entire hospital bill for use of remdesivir instead of medicines such as Ivermectin.

* Another and larger bonus payment to the hospital if a COVID-19 patient is mechanically ventilated.

* More money to the hospital if cause of death is listed as COVID-19, even if patient did not die directly of COVID-19.

* A COVID-19 diagnosis also provides extra payments to coroners.”

“CMS implemented ‘value-based’ payment programs that track data such as how many workers at a healthcare facility receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Now we see why many hospitals implemented COVID-19 vaccine mandates. They are paid more.”

“Outside hospitals, physician MIPS [Merit-based Incentive Payment System] quality metrics link doctors’ income to performance-based pay for treating patients with COVID-19 EUA drugs. Failure to report information to CMS can cost the physician 4% of reimbursement.”

“Because of obfuscation with medical coding and legal jargon, we cannot be certain of the actual amount each hospital receives per COVID-19 patient. But Attorney Thomas Renz and CMS whistleblowers have calculated a total payment of at least $100,000 per patient.”

“There are deaths from the government-directed COVID treatments. For remdesivir, studies show that 71–75 percent of patients suffer an adverse effect, and the drug often had to be stopped after five to ten days because of these effects, such as kidney and liver damage, and death. Remdesivir trials during the 2018 West African Ebola outbreak had to be discontinued because death rate exceeded 50%. Yet, in 2020, Anthony Fauci directed that remdesivir was to be the drug hospitals use to treat COVID-19, even when the COVID clinical trials of remdesivir showed similar adverse effects. In ventilated patients, the death toll is staggering. A National Library of Medicine January 2021 report of 69 studies involving more than 57,000 patients concluded that fatality rates were 45 percent in COVID-19 patients receiving invasive mechanical ventilation, increasing to 84 percent in older patients. Renz announced at a Truth for Health Foundation Press Conference that CMS data showed that in Texas hospitals, 84.9% percent of all patients died after more than 96 hours on a ventilator.”

“Then there are deaths from restrictions on effective treatments for hospitalized patients. Renz and a team of data analysts have estimated that more than 800,000 deaths in America’s hospitals, in COVID-19 and other patients, have been caused by approaches restricting fluids, nutrition, antibiotics, effective antivirals, anti-inflammatories, and therapeutic doses of anti-coagulants.”

—end of article excerpt—

This is basically a federally incentivized protocol for murder.

To say it violates every code of medical ethics would be a vast understatement.

Cash for death.

There are MANY doctors and nurses who work in these hospitals who know what they’re doing, who know they’re following orders that result in the deaths of their patients; but they keep doing it.

They would rather murder their patients than lose their jobs.

And there are MANY employees at the FDA, NIH, and other public health agencies who also know the score, keep their heads down, and facilitate murder.

There are MANY so-called journalists who work at mainstream outlets who know what’s going on and say nothing.

Mass murder is central to the overall COVID program. But feel free to think that the vaccine, on the other hand, is pure and safe and essential. The people running the show just want to kill some and save others. Sure, that makes perfect sense.

If they’re all schizophrenic messiahs-and-killers and you’re schizophrenic for believing in them.

power outside the matrix

(To read about Jon’s collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.


No news on MSM

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May be an image of text that says 'If liars pants really did catch on fire, watching the news would be a lot more fun!'

In memory of Rosa Koire

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We were sad to learn that our friend Rosa Koire passed away earlier this year. Rosa fought against the UN’s Agenda 21. Rosa was a powerful voice and will be greatly missed. The best way to honor Rosa is to share one of her last speeches. Here is an excerpt from the transcript:

My role today is to set the stage for the Greater Reset by looking at the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset, the 4th industrial revolution, UN Agenda 2030, and, of course, the larger plan within which this all revolves, which is
United Nations Agenda 21 / Sustainable Development.

We are witnessing the Great Purge,
the Great Concentration of Wealth and Power,
the Great Reveal of Willing Dictators,
the Great Reallocation of Resources,
The Great Digital Revolution of the Surveillance State.
The Agenda for the 21st Century and beyond.
It’s the Great Rehash of the Old Plan.

I’m going to start there.  

UN Agenda 21 / Sustainable Development is the comprehensive blueprint, the plan of action as the UN calls it,
to inventory and control all land, water, minerals, plants, animals, construction, means of production, energy, education, information, and all human beings in the world.  
This is the Agenda for the 21st century.  A blueprint for 100 years with milestones at 2020, 2030, 2035 and 2050.
Agenda 2030 is just a milestone within the main plan.

Agenda 21 / Sustainable Development is the global plan for inventory and control.  
It encompasses every aspect of your life and it is intended to be a wrenching transformation of your life,  
as Sen. Al Gore called it at the largest gathering of heads of state and national representatives ever convened to that time,
in Rio de Janeiro Brazil, in 1992.   
Representatives of one hundred and 78 nations plus the Vatican agreed to this action plan.
Although it is, as wikipedia states, a non-binding voluntary agreement, Agenda 21 is binding on you.  It has been written into the laws of your countries, including China & all western and middle eastern nations, through a collaboration of government, corporations, and organizations & foundations.

It’s a global plan but it’s not an international plan.  Inter-national means between nations, but this plan erases nations.  It’s GLOBAL.

It’s a global plan that’s implemented locally so it has a different name everywhere, but it’s the same plan.  
Every aspect of your life is affected, so it’s in your school curricula, in your planning & building department, in your court system, in your health care system, everywhere.  
But it’s never called Agenda 21.  

You’ll see it as regional plans called Plan Bay Area or 4 States One Vision, or Mexico2030 or Hanoi 2030, or
Horizon2050 in Canada for example.

They’re all the same plan.  They elevate Major economic power centers to a supra-governmental status,
outside of and above the traditional representative government model.

  These are the MEGAREGIONS.  They drive the economy and overpower the nationstate.  They combine parts of cities, states, and even combine nations—-destroying boundaries and ignoring the legal jurisdictions by creating new economic princedoms, new fiefdoms.  
Not govt but governance.

You can read the rest of this here: https://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/the-way-we-see-itour-blog/transcript-of-my-talk-at-thegreaterresetorg

You can watch youtube videos of some of Rosa’s speeches here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPUJcxSKTOKaz5tVGfqDmKQ

TS Radio Network: Tanya TalkS..DHS kidnapping kids for profits

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Sunday December 12, 2021 at 7:00 CST

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST …8:00 pm EST

Listen live →HERE!←

All shows are archived so you can listen at your convenience.

CAll in number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 if you wish to speak to the host.

Hosted by Tanya Hathaway


Join host Tanya Hathaway as she begins a series on the kidnapping of children from families for profit.

DHS sometimes kidnaps kids. Why? For profit.  This is the crushing nightmare, and current dilemma that husband and wife Reggie and Tamsen Bowles and their young sons  are going through in Oklahoma. 

Doctors and DHS pushed for vaccinations that these parents chose not to participate in for their children.  This homeschooling family has been targeted and lost their kids over perjured information knowing shots are not enforceable under these circumstances. So they decided the children were malnourished and neglected.  
This will be a series to tell the story. Please share this with others as we are spreading this far and wide on behalf of this family that belongs together.

“The fight for justice is never easy. It never has been, and it never will be.  It exacts a toll on our self, our families, our friends and especially our children.  In the end, I believe, as in my case, the price we pay is well worth holding on to our dignity. -Frank Serpico
Do you have a story that you would like to share that involves public wrongdoing? Would you like to volunteer or contribute to Journeys To Justice, Inc.?  If you would, please reach out to Tanya Hathaway at journeystojustice@outlook.com or injusticeinoklahoma@gmail.com

TS Radio Network: Probate Tribunals..The corruption is rampant

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Friday, December 3, 2021 at 7:00 CST

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST …8:00pm EST

Listen live  →Here←

All shows are archived so you can listen at your convenience.

CAll in ;number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 if you wish to speak to the host.

Hosted by Marti Oakley with Coz Skaife


Tonight on TS Radio Network with  Coz and Marti

We are nearing the end of the year and its just about break time.  We have a lot to cover and will wind down for the break on the 17th.  We will cram in as much as we can before then.

Also joining us is Elaine Mickman, Author of  “Court-Gate…the Courts “Divorced from the Law” : Without Liberty or Justice at all” This book written from personal experience in the family court system where corruption is business as usual. 

Coz will give us this weeks Hog Report.  The Hog Report has become one of the most popular segments of the shows.  Seems everybody has encountered them!

The Hog Report is sponsored by Shenanigans in Montgomery Cty on Facebook


TS Radio Network: Tanya TalkS When no one else will

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November 30, 2021 at 7:30 CST

5:30 pm PST…6:30 pm MST … 7:30 pm CST …8:30 pm EST

Listen live →HERE!←

All shows are archived so you can listen at your convenience.

CAll in number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 if you wish to speak to the host.

Hosted by Tanya Hathaway


More on OMICRON- are we following the science?

What’s the real agenda for the new TETNUS SHOT

GHISLAiNE MAXWELL- on trial for her part on child – sex trafficking

Compared to a year ago where are the FEMA CAMPS at now?


Join Marti Oakley, Stephen Burke, and James Treat along with your host, Tanya Hathaway.

Do you have an opinion or a talking point? We will be taking calls tonight. (917) 388-4520 press #1 when the system picks up.

The fight for justice is never easy. It never has been, and it never will be. It exacts a toll on our self, our families, our friends and especially our children. In the end, I believe, as in my case, the price we pay is well worth holding on to our dignity. –Frank Serpico

Do you have a story that you would like to share that involves public wrongdoing? Would you like to volunteer or contribute to Journeys To Justice, Inc.? If you would, please reach out to Tanya Hathaway at journeystojustice@outlook.com or injusticeinoklahoma@gmail.com

TS Radio Network: Tanya TalkS Results of a corrupt government or pure stupidity? Both?

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 Sunday November 28, 2021 at 7:00 CST

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST …8:00 pm EST

Listen live →HERE!←

All shows are archived so you can listen at your convenience.

CAll in number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 if you wish to speak to the host.

Hosted by Tanya Hathaway







Results of a corrupt government or pure stupidity? Both?

Do you have an opinion or a talking point? We will be taking calls tonight. (917) 388-4520 press #1 when the system picks up.

The fight for justice is never easy. It never has been, and it never will be. It exacts a toll on our self, our families, our friends and especially our children. In the end, I believe, as in my case, the price we pay is well worth holding on to our dignity. –Frank Serpico

Do you have a story that you would like to share that involves public wrongdoing? Would you like to volunteer or contribute to Journeys To Justice, Inc.? If you would, please reach out to Tanya Hathaway at journeystojustice@outlook.com or injusticeinoklahoma@gmail.com

Human Trafficking: Hunting the elderly, children and disabled for profit in America (updated)


Marti Oakley

Originally posted in 2016.  Nothing has changed.


“It is disingenuous to say that judges, lawyers or politicians don’t know about the trafficking of human beings through this arbitrary system of tribunals called , “family court, divorce court, probate court or any of the other unconstitutional constructs used to prey on the public at large.. They all know, whether they feign ignorance of these issues or not.”


uncle-samWhat is euphemistically called our “judicial system” has become the weapon of choice for estate theft, child trafficking, and the destruction of the family unit. The creation of administrative tribunals no longer alluded to as a system of laws applied equally to everyone, has been twisted into an ugly and dangerous system of corruption, persecution and prosecution of those who refuse to submit to organized and criminal government organizations, agencies and political interests. Money talks in this system, even if it is stolen from the estate of a targeted elder victim, received as a result of child trafficking through CPS, or, from the disabled who might have a trust account or who could be used as an Medicare/Medicaid ATM..

Across the country families are fighting one of the most insidious and corrupt systems ever devised; a system of human trafficking under the guise of protection and care. If you have ever wondered who really is destroying the family unit in this country, you need look no further than the agencies and tribunals that work daily to kidnap and isolate the elderly with the intent of stealing their assets under the guise of guardianship. And when it comes to our children, Child Protective Services is predicated upon wrenching as many children as possible away from their families with or without cause. Children are worth an absolute fortune in the CPS system. The disabled are equally vulnerable to this system.

We have been battling this legalized racketeering for several years. The entire system was set up intentionally to allow for the wholesale theft of estates under the protection of a probate tribunal. These are NOT courts of law. If in fact a person does need a guardian, being deemed a “ward of the state” should not mean being stripped of all your rights and liberties. If a person is actually so vulnerable that they need a protector, would their rights not also need to be reinforced and protected to secure their safety and equal protection under the law?

Causing the civil death via probate, of a living human being needs to be called what it is. Modern day slavery……and the new slave owner now possesses everything the new age slave acquired over a lifetime. Taking their possessions is bad enough, but when you deprive them of their life, their families, their religion and most especially their freedom, you have created a new class of slaves.

This is human trafficking for profit. We just haven’t gotten to the point where we openly auction them off to the highest bidder, although in some instances we have found one state “loaning” another state wards to ensure they fill their targeted quotas for the quarter. More

Biderman’s Chart of Coercion: The template for guardian abuse

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new-logo251_002Marti Oakley

1497521_599650293422639_929738102_nAs often happens when I am researching one thing, I stumble across something totally unrelated, but valuable. This happened recently when I stumbled across Biderman’s Chart of Coercion. The chart lists eight progressive steps of torture to break an individual down. What caught my attention was that I was reading the exact method of operation used by professional predatory guardians once they target a victim and take them prisoner. And this is a hostage situation.

Because this is a tribunal setting, set up specifically to avoid the law and any Constitutional protections, the rules of evidence and the code of civil procedure are not required. Basically a probate predators ball!

Vulnerable adults along with those with handicaps and children are seized by the state and declared a “ward” of the state. Essentially this designation redefines the individual as property of the state, no longer recognizable as a living, breathing human being, as legal capacity and legal agency are immediately removed along with the right to use their own name.

As probate is only suppose to come into play upon presentation of the death certificate, the “ward of the state” designation signifies a civil death that the tribunal relies on to proceed, even though it is this same tribunal who declared the living individual a ward.

As a ward, these civil deaths prevent them from accessing state courts which are based in the law, as they no longer are recognized as having any rights whatsoever. After all a probate examiner essentially declared them dead in the law. This designation (ward of the state) is used by the Supreme Court in its refusal to hear any of these cases. Their refusal is based upon the idea that these cases are the property and control of the state.

How to destroy a “ward of the state” with judicial approval

I had noted a long time back that the actions of the predators seemed to follow a distinct pattern in their application. After reviewing the chart below, I now realize that they are using a tried and true method of psychological torture, brainwashing and terror to overtake the victim. The chart lists eight chronological general methods of torture that will psychologically break an individual. It has also been applied to the psychological abuse used by perpetrators of domestic violence. The psychological and physical methods used by abusive guardians are virtually identical to those of the chart. These methods are actually used by our government and military on prisoners of war.  This system deprives the victim of all social support and makes the victim dependent upon the abuser.

The chart includes the following coercion methods:

  1. Isolation
  2. Monopolization of perception
  3. Induced debilitation and exhaustion
  4. Threats
  5. Occasional indulgences
  6. Demonstrating “omnipotence” and “omniscience”
  7. Degradation
  8. Enforcing trivial demands

Even armed with this little bit of information, do not expect any politician to intervene and actually try to end this. Too much money gets dumped into their campaign funds from BAR Associations, guardianship associations and others who have a vested interest in allowing the system to run unimpeded. Money talks even if it’s money stolen stolen from an estate at the expense of a captive elderly individual.

Human bondage

A so called “guardian” is given title to the person as if they were an object or thing, and to the estate of the individual with little to no oversight. The abuse, neglect and trauma are standard procedure in these cases. And the very first thing the predator does, is to isolate the individual. Virtually every state has statutes prohibiting isolation yet it is the first action taken. The predators make spurious claims as to why isolation should happen, but provide little to no evidence to support their claims.

The effect, especially on the elderly is terror that results from the sudden and terrifying separation from everyone and everything known to them. And politicians and so-called “judges” turn a blind eye and yawn. They pen fluff and buff bills that have no teeth in them and do not address any of the serious human rights violations, violations of due process, or the obvious intent to access assets for personal gain.

While our elected officials concoct one useless bill after another supposedly to address the abuses in the probate system, not one will even say the word isolation much less address it head on. Not one of them will sight as criminal the abuses of probate tribunals and their guardians whose lives are predicated upon a parasitic existence at the expense of the vulnerable. Instead we get one bill after another that creates more agencies, delivers more funding to the very system we fight, and which will produce nothing other than another obstacle to those trying to escape this system of government sanctioned human trafficking.

And where were all your elected officials while this system of human trafficking operates in full view of the public?

Well! They were pretending it was an isolated incident. Not that? Oh! Well they never heard of such a thing. That didn’t work? Ok…how about this one: Let me look into this and I’ll get back to you. (Please don’t sit by the phone and wait for that return call…it isn’t coming.) the excuses elected people come up with are staggering in not only the dishonesty, but also in it’s blatant disregard for human life.

Guardianship never had a noble purpose. It has always been about capturing the vulnerable and taking whatever property or assets they had. It was and is a system populated by otherwise socially unacceptable people from the hearing examiners and guardians and on to the politicians who protect and facilitate this system. This system of human trafficking has always been corrupt and cannot be repaired. There is no “fixing” the probate system. It must be abolished in total. In its place, supported decision making is a viable and worthwhile effort and I am sure we can devise a system that functions far better and equitably than so-called “probate”.

These are just a few of the suggestions I received concerning what needs to occur:

  • Isolation must never be tolerated, allowed, or otherwise used to torture and torment a vulnerable individual.
  • The guardians and attorneys must be prohibited from using the intended victims own funds to attack them.
  • A cap in place on fees and other charges.
  • Petitions for guardianship must be heard in civil courts outside of probate tribunals and a trial by jury allowed
  • Verifiable evidence must be presented for any charges levied.
  • The hearing examiner must not dismiss personal attorneys or medical providers.
  • Guardians should be prosecuted and jailed for human rights abuses and numerous other violations of law and rights.
  • Probate examiners (mistakenly called “judge”in most cases) MUST NOT discard standing POA’s, Trusts, Wills or other legal instruments in order to allow the predator guardian full access to the estate.
  • No one associated with probate has immunity from prosecution for rights violations, estate theft, elder abuse, elder isolation, absence of due process, or other violations of law and rights. They must be prosecuted as any other person.

There is much more that needs to be added. Please send along any items you believe should be added to this list of demands to reign in the corrupt probate system.

In the meantime, review Biderman’s list of techniques and compare it to your case. Let us know what you find.



Vaccinated Doctors are Dying and Unvaccinated Doctors are Quitting or Being Fired: Who will Run the Hospitals?

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by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News


Since the roll out of the experimental COVID-19 shots began we have reported many sad stories of medical professionals dying or being crippled by the experimental shots. Healthy, young people deaths have also soared in recent weeks.

The corporate media tries to hide these stories because it is bad business for their main sponsors—large pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer—who take out ads in publications of pointless value for them in order to control what that publication or station can or can’t say. Corporate media usually blames the deaths of doctors on the COVID virus itself, not the shot that killed them.

Above is a sampling of medical doctors who have died suddenly or unexpectedly after receiving a COVID-19 shot whose vaccination status went unmentioned. If this is just a sampling from hospitals who’ve required staff members to take the Covid shot, then those hospitals could be in trouble personnel wise, given that unvaccinated medical doctors and staffs who’ve refused to take the jab and have been fired or quit due to the hospitals mandatory COVID-19 vaccine shot. More

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense) Hardcover – November 16,

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Available HERE

TS Radio Network: John Leckrone crypto currencies, central bank digital currency

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5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST …8:00pm EST

Listen live →HERE!←

All shows are archived so you can listen at your convenience.

CAll in number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 if you wish to speak to the host.

Hosted by Marti Oakley with John Leckrone


On Monday night, 15 November 2021, Marti Oakley and John Leckrone will be discussing occult (hidden) knowledge.  Messages are being sent to all of us every day.  If you know how to read the daily headlines you can actually see what is really going on.  It is a ritualistic mocking of the intended victims.  John will be discussing the Astroworld fiasco, crypto currencies and central bank digital currencies, propaganda and trauma based mind control, the sacrificing of people as well as hope for our future.  The battle is raging but the tyrants are fast losing their momentum.  The push back has been fierce and people are finally awakening to the global tyranny of this slave based system. By preparing we can help each other through this and rebuild a much better world on the other side of this global economic reset and totalitarian new world order agenda.   Knowledge is power so you won’t want to miss this show.

John Leckrone and Marti Oakley are investigative journalists who expose the new world order agenda for what it is and shine the light of truth on their criminal plans.  The show begins at 8 p.m. Eastern Time, 7 p.m. Central, 6 p.m. Mountain and 5 p.m.

Sometimes It Takes a Puppy


November 9th, 2021

by Marilyn M. Singleton, MD, JD

A few years back I returned from setting up our make-shift medical clinic in El Salvador after braving washed out roads and trying to stay on the right side of MS-13 to an “incident.” I had stored a banana in my purse to enjoy on the airplane. Upon arrival in San Francisco, I was approached by a Customs agent and his cute little beagle who had alerted him to the smell of contraband—my now-consumed banana.

I only hope the beagles who gave their lives for a perverted science experiment will similarly “bust” Dr. Fauci. We all know he has done much worse: suppressed possible life-saving treatment to AIDS patients, funded dangerous “gain of function” studies making viruses more deadly, suppressed early treatment of COVID-19, promoted ineffective, toxic remdesivir to treat hospitalized COVID-19 patients, and fanatically pushed for experimental mRNA “vaccines.”

Sometimes it takes a puppy.

But sometimes it takes all of us to turn back the clock from 1984. This story of a society held together by “thoughtcrimes” and “Newspeak” was supposed to be a cautionary tale to alert us to the insidious rise of totalitarianism. Sadly, apathy was the would-be overlords’ ally. Civil debate with exchange of facts and opinions based on those facts has all but disappeared. Many Americans became all too comfortable with silencing of views with which certain corners of society disagree.

Science was supposed to be the pursuit of knowledge through uncensored factual experimental or observable data. Now well-researched medical articles that challenge the party line have been “removed” from public view for unstated reasons.

The silver lining of COVID-19 is that the unscientific responses and public policies have exposed breaches of scientific integrity. It has also brought to light the assault on the patient-centered practice of medicine. This assault has been years in the making. First, the insurers called us providers. What a degrading term! We didn’t object. No matter what one’s health care skill is, we are healers, not mere service providers. Once we accepted being mere cogs, the insurers and Medicare could more easily insinuate themselves into the patient-physician relationship. Play by our rules or you don’t get paid. Purchase of physician practices by private equity firms, regulation of formularies, factory-like working conditions with patient over-bookings, and dehumanizing electronic medical records have become routine rather than a source of outrage. More

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