
How They Will Steal the 2008 Presidential Election

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October 23, 2008 at 20:20:34

How They Will Steal the 2008 Presidential Election

by oekoman

Excerpted from the article at www.opednews.com


“On September 17, 2008, Stephen Spoonamore filed a sworn affidavit in a Ohio RICOH lawsuit, detailing the exact method the Republican operatives will use to steal the 2008 vote using computer vote tabluation fraud.  This is a MUST READ for all who love democracy.  The affidavit:

1 Declaration of Stephen Spoonamore

740 Quinby Ave.

Wooster OH 44691

  1. 1.

I am a recognized expert in the field of electronic data security and digital network architecture.

  1. 2.

I have agreed to serve as an expert witness for the plaintiffs in the case of King Lincoln Bronzeville Neighborhood Association before the United States District Court in Columbus, Ohio.

  1. 3.

I have served as the CEO and/or CTO of companies engaged in the design and development of digital systems. Including: CPR Group Inc., Cybrinth LLC, DuosTech Inc., SWN Communications, FreePlay Inc. and GSP inc.

  1. 4.

I have served in industry leadership positions in a number of professional organizations in the field of electronic data security and commerce, including but not limited to: Board Member of the AFEI (Association For Enterprise Integration) and Task Force Chairman, NECCC (National Electronic Commerce Coordination Commission) to establish digital identity rules for State Government Systems.

  1. 5.

Digital Systems I have designed or consulted upon are currently serving to secure elements of: MasterCard, American Express, Chubb insurance, Bloomberg, Boeing, NBC-GE, NewsCorp, the US Department of Energy, The US Navy, The US Department of State and Other Government Agencies.

  1. 6.

Because of my interest in data security and in democracy, I have followed with interest the security issues involved with electronic voting in United States. My understanding of the vulnerabilities of American elections to fraudulent manipulation is based upon conversations with professionals in election administration working within state governmental structures as well as information technology specialists working in private industry on a contract basis for state governments.

  1. 7.

I have agreed to function as an expert resource and witness for plaintiffs’ counsel and the King Lincoln case in federal court in Ohio.

  1. 8.

The opinions expressed below are held by me to a reasonable degree of certainty as understood within my professional area of expertise in the detection and prevention of fraud in data processing systems.

In regard to the system set up to tabulate the vote in Ohio in 2004. 1) The vote tabulation and reporting system, as initially designed, was supposed to allow each

Case 2:06-cv-00745-ALM-TPK Document 62-2 Filed 09/17/2008 Page 1 of 4 2 “

Read full article here:



Oekoman is an economist of thirty-two years. He has spent his entire career in the building industry working in a capacity that allows him to witness daily the inner workings of the so-called ‘free’ market. Oekoman studied at US and French universties earning his Economics degree in 1976. He is bi-lingual. He supports and promotes green building and tries to incorporate green principles in every project on which he is assigned. He has built high rises in the US and Africa. He is a committed to left wing policies and strongly believes in a regulated market with emphasis on equalizing income distribution and strong social programs. Oekoman believes that Friedman’s economic philospophy is a scam and that Friedman was chosen by the right wingers as their mouthpiece simply because he equated democratic freedoms with market freedoms, a fallacious argument that has misled America into a blind faith in a deregulated ‘free’ market that has in turn led to oligoply and monopoly, the very antithesis of the free market as envisioned by Adam Smith.

Preparing the Cover Story for the Theft of the Election

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October 22, 2008 at 23:36:52

Headlined on 10/22/08:

by Anthony Wade     Page 1 of 1 page(s)


October 23, 2008


Two weeks to go and the machine is starting to prepare the narrative for how it is possible that John McCain won the 2008 Presidential election. With every poll showing an Obama lead of anywhere from 10-14 points for the past few weeks, suddenly today the Associated Press announced a new poll that shows the race in a dead heat. Nonsense. With the backdrop of the Kennedy-Palast reporting on how the GOP has already started the systematic theft of the election this poll today is just the coverage they need to pretend that the results of a McCain victory will be legitimate. If McCain does indeed go on to steal the election, no doubt his supporters will point to this bogus poll to refute the other polls.


The talking points have been as inane as the alleged poll results. Primarily, the talking points are that the bump is due to the “strong” showing of McCain in the last debate and the “Joe the Plumber” nonsense has “struck a chord.” You have got to be kidding me. Every post debate poll clearly showed that Barack Obama once again dominated John McCain in the last debate. This was even stronger among undecided voters and independents. There was no strong showing by McCain; he lost and everyone saw him lose. By every count, including Fox News, he lost. Not only that, but he lost all three debates as well as the Vice Presidential debate. Throw in the fact that his recent Ayers attack line and socialist charges were also polled to be losers, the new AP poll simply defies logic.


And Joe the Plumber? C’mon guys; you have to do better than this. It has now been revealed that Joe was probably a plant by the McCain camp, which seemed obvious when he approached Obama with stock GOP talking points and has now been exposed as a McCain campaign donor. Even the argument fell apart – that an average American making over $250,000 per year is somehow being cast as being poor or a victim of Obama policy. The realities are that Joe could possibly even do better under Obama than McCain. But moving past the failed realities of Joe the Plumber, the notion that this ridiculous ploy somehow moved a national poll 10-14 points in one day, or one week is patently absurd.


A key “finding” is that the lead Obama had with voters making under $50,000 has shrunk from 24% to just 4%. Really? How in the world is that explained? People making under 50K now like the idea of not getting a targeted tax cut and feel bad for millionaires? Once again, absurd. Not to mention that this week saw the incredibly strong endorsement for Obama by Colin Powell on national television on Sunday. We are supposed to believe that this had a negative effect?

Let’s look at this against the backdrop of every other poll out today. The Washington Post-ABC News poll showed Obama up by 9 percentage points, while a poll by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center had Obama leading by 14. A Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, among the broader category of people registered to vote, found Obama ahead by 10 points. So we have 9, 10, and 14; numbers consistent with what has been the norm for a few weeks now and this one rogue poll which says “no no, it is a statistical dead heat.” Please, let’s be real.  

This is all about the backdrop for the theft of the election. Already states such as New Jersey are refusing to allow election experts to monitor voting because they claim it is “too important” and election. The crafted talking points on exit polling is that people will be “too embarrassed” to admit they did not vote for Obama. Exit polling is not some haphazard venture. We use it to challenge the elections in other countries as proof when election results have been tampered with. We only had problems with exit polling when the Bush Administration came into power. Suddenly the data collected is not reliable and silly rationales are generated to explain away how someone like John Kerry can win amongst men and women in Ohio, yet still lose the overall count. Is there a third unknown gender demographic? Instead of properly questioning why the vote totals do not match the exit polling and we are talking by wide margins, the exit polling is “adjusted” to reflect the vote tallies.  

Then with the exit polling dismissed, election experts banned from observing, shenanigans like in Colorado where minority ballots are targeted for removal at a rate of at least 1 in every 6, and the bogus “dead heat” poll in hand, the backdrop is set. The machine’s media minions rush out to comment on how legitimate everything was and next thing you know we are in a McCain Administration with Obama and the democrats again wondering what happened? What happened is the lazy democratic congress did nothing about HAVA for the past two years and are doing even less about the daily reporting of voter fraud. I mean real voter fraud, not the silly ACORN nonsense that is being thrown around. Now we see the bending of reality to absurd levels. John McCain’s campaign has been nothing short of an implosion every day. His Vice Presidential pick has been an unmitigated disaster as brilliantly pointed out by Colin Powel this past Sunday. His presentation on the economy has been soundly rejected by the electorate. His dirty politicking has been soundly rejected by the electorate. He is up to double digits in verbal gaffes and bizarre comments. There are reasons why Obama has had a consistent double digit leads. Yet amidst all of this obviousness, the Associated Press wants us to believe that up is down and the election is tied.  

When recently asked about the lead Obama was enjoying, John McCain smiled and responded, “We have him right where we want him.” With the cover story being crafted now, maybe he was right.


Anthony Wade, a contributing writer to opednews.com, is dedicated to educating the populace to the lies and abuses of the government. He is a 41-year-old independent writer from New York with political commentary articles seen on multiple websites. A Christian progressive and professional Rehabilitation Counselor working with the poor and disabled, Mr. Wade believes that you can have faith and hold elected officials accountable for lies and excess.