Global economy is a global disaster


As the information rolls in regarding the actual contents and costs of the bailout of Wall Street it becomes apparent that a global economy and deregulation, lack of oversight and greed just do not make for sound economic policy.  At some point, those claiming expertise in this area will be forced to admit, globalization is a recipe for global economic disaster.  Globalization of the economies of the world is nothing less than a global disaster.  It doesn’t work, it can’t work and the only people adversely affected are the middle class and the poor.  For those at the top its been a gold mine.


While many of us jumped on the neo-con bandwagon and threw our lot in with liars and thieves, others were not so impressed.  It would seem those who bought into this “get rich quick” scheme, were those who somehow thought a momentary spike in income and/or assets were an indication of greater riches to come.  These were the people who appeared at every opportunity, in any venue possible, proclaiming that free markets were going to be the end all, be all, of the economic world.  They were many times also the same people who exhibited an hysterical form of viciousness, an outright contempt and hatred of anyone who disagreed and who spent much of their time attacking and berating their perceived foes.  Their foes would be those people who dared to challenge their claims of globalization being the way to prosperity for all.


Those I knew personally who subscribed to this pseudo financial philosophy challenged me regularly with arguments that were so worn out from overuse I could barely stand it.  Always operating from the argument that if I didn’t support globalization and free markets I must be wanting the government to give everyone a handout.  I must be a commie, a socialist, a Democrat!!!  (I’m an Independent)


I was (and am) one of those people who thought the rich should pay a regressive tax, just like the rest of us do, and not be allowed loopholes, write-offs, hedges, deferments and other carefully crafted tax tools that exempted them from paying any taxes at all.  I also believe, if we have to see our Social Security investments raided to pay the costs of operating the federal government on a day to day basis just so the massive loss of revenues from the tax cuts to upper 3% aren’t realized, something is terribly wrong.


But this is where we are:


  • The rich are in line to get the greatest government handout in history.

You are going to finance this handout.


  • Wall Street fat cats will be dining on your money.

You will see your taxes go up regardless of who becomes president to make sure these same people can dine at the best restaurants via the handout.


  • No one involved in this crime of the century will be prosecuted and many will walk away with millions of investors and our tax money. This is fascism.

1.7 million homeowner’s go into foreclosure: they will be receiving no real help in the bailout.  That would be socialism.


  • Another 159,000 lose their jobs in September, 2008.

Virtually no CEO, or high level employee of these bankrupted financial institutions will, or have been, fired or otherwise penalized.


  • Investment retirement accounts were the first targets in the collapse.

Congress could have moved immediately to freeze those assets and make them temporarily secure from plunder.  They did nothing.


  • The same companies who now demand we finance them, forcibly, are many times the same who were involved in off shoring American jobs, closing American businesses and stashing their ill gotten gains in bogus off shore accounts to avoid any personal or business taxes.

The bailout bill includes increased IRS snooping on you and me to make sure WE aren’t hiding any income.


So….all you free market advocates who thought those of us who could see this storm coming were just trying to keep you from getting rich… do you feel today?


Your 401K is bust, your pension plan is broke, your house is worth only about 55% of your ARM, and its’ highly likely you could find yourself out of work, out of money and living in one of those tent cities cropping up all over the country. 


Remember the good ol’ days?  Remember when America was the worlds’ leader in manufacturing and everyone bought from us?  Less than 10% of manufacturing remains and millions are out of work.  The trade deficit with China alone is killing us a container at a time.


While the job market dries up, free market promoters are still advocating an increase in H1B visa’s, and the border is still wide open with a big welcome sign on it.  In fact, we put border patrol agents in prison for attempting to secure that border.


When we all come to understand that free trade in a regulated and efficient market is not the same as a free-for-all for those who have no allegiance or loyalty to our country, those who put their money ahead of anything and everyone else we will have made progress. 


As it is, our congress has officially declared a war against the people of the United States by virtue of voting in favor of financing the continuation of the same practices and people who are destroying us.  And to top it off……they’re going to make us pay for our own destruction.  Only in America!


© 2008 Marti Oakley