Lynn Swearingen (c) copyright 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

So about now many of us realize that S&P has officially recognized that the American Government is stuuupppiiidd.

Downgrading our “Credit Limit” has happened regardless of the “emergency” reaction by those crazy Legislators who tried so very hard to scare the piss out of us. Now Boner is “pulling out” of the responsibility on his part, Tea-Party-wanna-be-Bachmann (who cannot even attend her own Iowa bus tour) trumpets the panic, and the Demon-crat Reid says that more taxes revenue would have prevented/cured the whole thing – I call Bull Shite.

Readers – take a look around you. If you are like me, the electricity is still on, a nice bottle of Vino resides next to the Roma’s in the ‘fridge, and not much has changed. True – I might raise my hand a few more times at Auction tomorrow to purchase some junk silver, but hey – I’d most likely do that anyway.  The truth is, Washington – You Lie!

The sun will still rise tomorrow, the almost defunct Postal Service will still deposit my mail in the Rural Post Office down the road a piece, and I’ll most likely still be considered a “terrorist” by the SPLC. Syria still is being largely ignored as it systematically butchers its own citizens (nothing “we” want),  Fannie Mae and Freddie are still lining up for their “fix” at the tune of ungodly amounts of useless printed dollars, and some dumb schmoe in Minnesota had the balls to feed hungry birds (according to stated regulations) which could lead to jail time.

The reality is this folks. Washington and the Legislative body are flailing around like a recently butchered meat bird headed for the pot. In some cases ya’ll hold on because you don’t want the breast bruised before you prepare it for dinner. In other cases you just watch the circling poultry finishing your cigarette because to retrieve it is too much effort. The American public does not care in large part because in the end, a meal is on  the table one way or another.

We’re fine because we don’t care what them yahoo’s do up in Washington. We’ll be fine and just keep on doing what works.

Let the Tigers eat each other. Smoke’ll clear, a few less predators about, and the whole damn red button will reset us on our travels through Fresno. I’m gonna’ grab a glass of Vino while ya’ll figure that one out.