by W. R. McAfee, Sr. (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved


Recently I read an interview with an LBJ devotee who’d left Berkeley with a PhD in political science in 1964.  Then he heard Dean Rusk make the case (in 1965) for “deterrence” (aka The Domino Theory) and  “. . .with just a few of Rusk’s well-chosen sentences . . .realized with a slap to the forehead that I’d missed a whole issue in foreign policy.”

An epiphany.

I had an epiphany about Vietnam, too. Several of them, in fact. 

My first was an orientation film of Air Force tankers spraying agent orange on Vietnam’s jungles after LBJ demonized Goldwater for wanting to defoliate the same jungles. Lyndon won by a landslide.  My second was the human chain dangling from the last helicopter out. My third was the NVA machine gunners who covered the only land escape route by foot from the northern part of South Vietnam as the government collapsed and the U.S. pulled out. Many of the gunners went crazy—literally—killing so many people according to General Dung , commander of the NVA ground troops in his memoir, Certain Victory. Fourth was the refugee floatilla that followed. Fifth was when I ran into a buddy who’d been aboard the warship that a sampan or raft or Viet Cong surfer attacked in the Gulf of Tonkin; the raison d etra for Vietnam’s very own 50,000 troop ‘surge.’ 

The list goes on. 

The Berkley grad opined later that “. . .most wars are wars of miscalculation and that our action there (in Vietnam) lowered the probability of WW III. . .and  that the use of physical force. . . is [now] declining rapidly in modern times.”

Use of physical force is declining?  People are growing less violent?  Fortunately he didn’t retire in Mexico. Reporters who cover that nation point out that five mayors there have been killed within the last five weeks; ten thus far in 2010.  Thirty journalists have been killed since 2006. Seventy-two would-be (illegal) immigrants were gunned down just a hundred miles south of the Rio Grande in August because they wouldn’t either—what?—pay a tribute to the drug runners to pass through their territory, or join them?  More than 6,000 have been shot dead in Juarez across from El Paso over the last three years. (In August of  2010,  the city was averaging 10 homicides a day at one point;  up from four a day in February.)  Since the nineties, hundreds of young women have been kidnapped, raped, and killed there, too; many of  whom were later found disfigured and burned in the desert surrounding Juarez.  Others have never been found. Their disappearances  continue. Only about three percent of all homicides in Juarez get a cursory investigation according to a journalist who fled with his family.

In all of Mexico, estimates put the number killed since 2006 around 28,000, but no one knows for sure.

Ironically, Mexico is a poster child for the Second Amendment; a real life, real time made-for-you-eye-max documentary of what happens when only criminals have guns. My heart goes out to that nation’s good and decent and unarmed people who’re still there.  Those with enough money fled across the river to El Paso. (100,000 + by one count.) Another 100,000 +  have fled Juarez to points unknown. And no one knows how many have left throughout Mexico.  Those without money stay and either disappear, make their own laws in remote areas to survive, or join the cartels.

Epiphical point: turning private weapons over to any government is not a good idea; especially when killers and thieves are the de facto government as they are in Mexico.

Here are two first hand accounts.  One is  what it’s like trying to survive :in Juarez with a family. The other paints a broad-brush of Mexico’s dark age.

There are other nation-states not doing well either.

Opinion: The globalists would like those states on the ropes to fail tofacilitate a take over of their resources—food, fiber, water, minerals, timber, land, etc. It would appear they plan to do this with well-paid mercenaries (who have bases in the U.S. and  make up most of the boots on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan); all funded by the Wizards of Oz who, along with their international banking confederates, operate behind the curtain in Washington.  Once a country is ‘secured’  it would be easier to bring it into their “world government fold.”

Washington, in my opinion, no longer has a mind or intellect of its own. They’ve sold these to the marionettes who control America’s electeds during congressional sessions. Oz has the funds for The Big Mordida to enforce, ignore, or alter laws for either their benefit or the detriment of the public (usually both). Purchased governments, it seems, have now become defacto tools for these criminals to whom congress and government officials answer. Much of their financial support is associated with the Bank of England.

The Constitution has been a stumbling block that Oz couldn’t dismantle with a frontal assault. To get around it, they chipped away at the edges of the document with congressional laws that their paid stable of lawyers pre-wrote for congress to pass; most of which have been centered around false flag events and subsequent  “wars” or  wars on “terrorists” or boogeymen like a “flu pandemic” whereby their world health organization (WHO) could declare martial law in any country if a level six  pandemic warning were issued (via a binding world health “law” that supersedes U.S. and other nations’ laws).

The world made it all the way to a level six alert (without a pandemic), courtesy the Wizards’ confederate, Madam Chan, et al, head of  Oz’s hand-picked, crafted, and appointed world health organization (WHO). Seventy-two kilograms of vaccine sent to various European labs were “inadvertently contaminated” with H1N1 virus.  Fortunately, one of the labs tested it before they started giving shots and that vaccine batch was quietly withdrawn and the whole matter swept under the nearest rug.

They’ll be back to try again. 

Their end game is the martial law declaration; whereby they won’t have to write any more laws for congress to pass which, of late, have all been designed to gut the rights of the American people and shift power away from the Constitution that protects them.

Military Commissions Act.  Habeas Corpus.  “Patriot” Acts.   Kelo (abolition of property rights courtesy SCOTUS).  Posse Comitatus.  Home Grown Terrorist Act (“Homeland security” lumps anyone with a military, Ron Paul, or NRA sticker on their vehicles as a ‘possible.’).   Food Safety Act (gives control of all food to the government, including gardens).  Clean Water Restoration Act (gives government control of all public as well as private water, including wells, springs, and cow tanks).   The Model Emergency Health Powers Act (shows states how to organize their own legislation allowing them to force dangerous vaccines on populations that don’t want it).  FDA-approved GM food ( fed secretly to the public without labeling or safety tests).  Endangered Species Act (passed quietly in the seventies to gain government and NGO control over private property when the time was right for implementation).

The list goes on and includes presidential executive orders and ‘signing statements.’ 

No, the boys behind the curtain have been working toward this goal for more than 60 years—planning their strategy before that—all the while hiding behind the safety of the Constitution. Wars and 2,500 page “Patriot Acts” are pre-planned and written by these people, and are neither accidental nor a miscalculation. Are, rather, deliberate acts that, once energized with propaganda and boogeymen, play to Oz’s agenda and profit. 

Vietnam was no “war” and it wasn’t to deter communism, save a country, or for the good of the people. It was a no-lose slot machine for The Chosen that drug on until the Wizards began to feel uncomfortable about the people in the streets and the possibility of more Chicago’s and Kent State’s. 

One can easily contrast the strategy there by examining the First Gulf War (in the nineties); which was fought the way Vietnam would have been fought had the military been allowed to fight it. 

They weren’t. Oz made the calls in Vietnam. Pilots who flew there have pointed out that bombing corridors, for example, were set by politicians; easy pickings for anti-aircraft ordnance and missiles that stayed trained on the corridors. Longer is always better for people who sell war supplies to governments who pay for them with tax dollars.

The First Gulf War was over in a few days and anyone who had on a different uniform and weapon in their hand on the battlefield wound up dead. The rest surrendered so fast there was no place to put them. That’s how any modern military plans and fights a war; and how they wanted to do it in Vietnam but were not allowed to. But then, the world’s oil supply wasn’t at stake in Vietnam. And a Saddam Hussein hadn’t served notice he would no longer accept dollars (the world currency in which oil is traded); and that euros would be welcome in exchange for Iraqi oil. 

To segue into Iraq a second time Oz tried, right after the century turned, to hang 9/11 around the necks of 19 boogeymen with box cutters, but even this false flag dog quit hunting and 9/11 has quietly morphed into evidence compilation and documentation;  thanks to the Internet, professional organizations (architects and engineers), and experts like Dr. David Ray Griffin who has written and foot-noted more than ten books on the subject.  The one that sums up the evidence best is his tenth: The New Pearl Harbor Revisited.

Thus far, there have been no indictments or punishments for 9/11’s  perpetrators.

Hopefully this won’t become an epiphany.

Copyright © 2010 by W.R. McAfee, Sr.  All rights reserved.