
R.W.McAfee (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved


Once this bureaucratic NAIS is in place in the U.S. it will enable BigAgra Corporations to control livestock production.  It was written and adopted several years ago by these corporations along with the one-worlders for their WTO organization which is designed to benefit them, not America’s independent livestock producers.

When the U.S. signed the WTO “treaty,” our laws and wishes as an agricultrual nation became subservient to the one-worlders whose hearty participants include BigAgra–those same wonderful folk who’re trying to shove dangerous genetically modified (GM) food down humanity’s throats–one-in-the-same as those who tried to scam humanity into believing they were responsible for global warming; now a thoroughly discredited hoax after their files were hacked and released online for the world to see.

Their end game with their global warming lie was to levy a global  “tax” on humanity for  “. . .polluting the planet with our billions of CO2 exhales that were causing global warming. To save us from ourselves. And use that tax to fund their one world government.

Global warming, like their NAIS pitch, was and is a lie.   

Our USDA was told by their “bosses” to have NAIS done and set in motion in the U.S.  by January 1st of this year.  But a fierce opposition to this heinous scheme by America’s independent livestock producers blind-sided them at their previous “listening” sessions around the nation.  In fact, it was so intense it set these bureaucratic mouthpieces back on their heels.

Their world “bosses” couldn’t have been very happy with them. So here they are again for another try at NAIS at the links below.

It appears the USDA representatives in D.C. who’re supposed to be looking out for America’s agriculture community have been purchased by BigAgra and the one worlders operating behind the curtain; and have now become little more than paid pimps and shills for those trying to force as many of America’s independent ranchers and farmers out of the livestock production business as they can.

NAIS has nothing to do with food safety for our benefit.
