
The Covid-19 Craziness Proves That Einstein Was Right

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Contributor & author:  Marilyn M. Singleton, MD, JD, (Oakland-California) board-certified anesthesiologist and immediate past President of Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (see bio at bottom of release)


  • Wall Street predicts that in 2021 Pfizer and Moderna will generate $32 billion in Covid-19 vaccine revenue. Thanks to vaccines, Moderna’s stock soared 700 percent in 2020. And Pfizer plans for vaccines to be a long-term business plan by roping children into the vaccine corral.
  • Was the drug and health product manufacturers’ $92 million to lobbyists in the last 3 months intended to ensure the federal government’s cooperation?


May 25th, 2021

The Covid-19 Craziness Proves That Einstein Was Right

by Marilyn M. Singleton, MD, JD

One of Albert Einstein’s many aphorisms, “three great forces rule the world: stupidity, fear and greed,” is particularly apt in the Covid era.

Our government’s duty is to warn the public of a possible pandemic and recommend precautions. However, the initial Covid tactic was to strike fear into our hearts and minds. The constant display of Covid “cases” on the nightly news suggested certain death awaited those who ventured out of their homes.

During the Diamond Princess cruise ship’s outbreak in early February 2020, we had a real world demonstration of the behavior of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Trapped in a floating Petri dish, the crew performed their duties and passengers were quarantined in their rooms. With a ventilation system without special high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters, only 17 percent of the 3,711 occupants became infected with SARS-CoV-2—only half of whom had symptoms. Because 80 percent of those infected were in cabins that didn’t have a previous confirmed case, the likely mode of infection was transmission of aerosols (in contrast to large droplets that quickly fall to the ground) through the ventilation system. Locking people in proved counterproductive.

We also learned from the Diamond Princess episode that the median age of symptomatic folks was 68 years—50 percent of whom had underlying medical conditions, and the deaths were in those over 70 years of age. More

Vaccination: What’s Trust Got to Do With It?



Analysis by Barbara Loe Fisher

Story at-a-glance

  • The orchestrated actions by governments around the world to restrict or eliminate civil liberties in response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been unprecedented, and has had profound effects on the global economy and on the physical, mental and emotional health of billions of people
  • By mid-September 2020, the U.S. had recorded over 7 million cases and 198,000 deaths, with an estimated 598 deaths per million people — a higher death rate per million people than Sweden, where health officials refused to order masking or to lock down the country and allowed the population to acquire natural herd immunity
  • According to the World Health Organization, the overall infection mortality rate for COVID-19 is about 0.6%
  • The CDC recently reported that only 6% of COVID-19-related deaths were solely due to coronavirus infection and 94% of the people who died also had influenza or pneumonia; heart, lung or kidney disease; high blood pressure; diabetes; or another underlying poor health condition
  • Governments have given pharmaceutical companies a liability shield from lawsuits when COVID-19 vaccines injure or kill people. Every poll taken this year has revealed that between 40% and 70% of people living in the U.S. and Europe do not plan to get a COVID-19 vaccine when it is licensed  READ MORE

Lessons from the 9-Month COVID ‘Emergency’

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September 22nd, 2020 For Immediate Release!

Contributor & author: Jane M. Orient, M.D., Executive Director of Association of American Physicians and Surgeons


  • There are many promising approaches to COVID-19 and other viral diseases, aside from Fauci’s favorite—Gilead’s remdesivir—and Bill Gates’s genetically engineered vaccines. You probably haven’t seen them in the media.
  • The technocracy is heavily invested in vaccines and expensive drugs like remdesivir and monoclonal antibodies developed through advanced biotechnology. While waiting for miraculous advances, patients are dying. And many more may suffer long-term chronic illness that might have been prevented by early treatment.


September 22nd, 2020

Lessons from the 9-Month COVID ‘Emergency’

by Dr Jane Orient

The exciting medical lesson that we should learn is that viral diseases are treatable.

The political lessons are that the government takeover of healthcare persists long after the 15-days-to-flatten-the-curve emergency is over, and that the medical technocracy is disastrous to both health and freedom. It is blocking the use of the methods used in countries that have had a 75 percent lower mortality rate.

Doctors have been telling their patients for decades: you have a virus, antibiotics don’t help, just “tough it out.”

With COVID-19, most doctors are telling patients to go home, isolate themselves, possibly report on their contacts, and go to the emergency room if they are otherwise sick enough to be admitted to hospital (extremely sick, these days). If asked, most doctors will refuse point blank to prescribe the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). They “know” it doesn’t work, based on the authorities’ pronouncements, even if they have zero experience themselves.

There is no home treatment that is recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), the American Medical Association (AMA), or your managed care plan.

In their view, “following The Science” means denying treatment. Doctors who defy this diktat may get fired, like Dr. Simone Gold, founder of America’s Frontline Doctors, or face an investigation and possible delicensure by government agencies.

FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn states that physicians have the legal right to prescribe approved drugs for off-label uses. HCQ has been approved since 1955 and has been safely used by hundreds of millions of patients for malaria, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis. It will probably never be approved specifically for COVID-19. It generally takes years and costs millions to add an official indication. Who will go through that just so they can advertise a cheap, off-patent drug for an additional use? At least 20 percent of prescriptions are off-label—but HCQ for COVID-19 is the only one that could subject a physician or pharmacy to the threat of a professional death sentence.

Epidemiologist Harvey Risch of Yale University estimates that 100,000 people may have lost their lives needlessly because of governmental agencies obstructing the use of HCQ.

The pretext for government prohibitions is always to protect public safety. Former AMA president Patrice Harris, M.D., in response to resident Donald Trump’s question “What have you got to lose?” said “possibly your life.” Millions of Americans are terrified of the threatened heart effects, which are exceedingly rare—in fact, HCQ probably protects the heart.

But what is really being protected is the medical technocracy, the medical-industrial-regulatory complex, dominated by bureaucrats inside important agencies such as the CDC, which have deep ties to extremely profitable industries.

The technocracy is heavily invested in vaccines and expensive drugs like remdesivir and monoclonal antibodies developed through advanced biotechnology. While waiting for miraculous advances, patients are dying. And many more may suffer long-term chronic illness that might have been prevented by early treatment.

Moreover, the country’s economy and freedom are dying as health authorities hold people hostage to results of their constant PCR testing that may be wildly inaccurate.

What if the authorities’ cherished dogmas about viral diseases in general are wrong?

In studying the response of COVID-19 to HCQ, Dr. Lee Merritt found that this treatment was not a new idea. Many scientific papers have been written in the past 40 years about the antiviral effects of many antimicrobials—antimalarials, antiparasitics such as ivermectin, and antibiotics such as azithromycin—on a number of viruses. “Like Rip Van Winkle, I suddenly awoke, after decades, to a completely new medical reality,” Dr. Merritt writes.

During the deadly “Spanish flu” pandemic in 1918-1920, patients were successfully treated with injections of quinine, a precursor to HCQ. How many people die of influenza every year because of failure to follow up on this lead?

We are also learning that the risk of COVID-19 is strongly correlated with vitamin D and zinc deficiency—although Big Tech censors may keep you from learning of this by calling it “harmful misinformation.”

There are many promising approaches to COVID-19 and other viral diseases, aside from Fauci’s favorite—Gilead’s remdesivir—and Bill Gates’s genetically engineered vaccines. You probably haven’t seen them in the media.

Let us hope that the shock of COVID-19 and the freedom-crushing response will awaken Americans to the danger of trusting our lives and liberty to the government-anointed experts of the medical-industrial-regulatory complex. If the remnant of independent physicians and institutions is destroyed with single payer or “Medicare for all,” we will have a COVID-19-like regime without end.


 Jane M. Orient, M.D. obtained her undergraduate degrees in chemistry and mathematics from the University of Arizona in Tucson, and her M.D. from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1974. She completed an internal medicine residency at Parkland Memorial Hospital and University of Arizona Affiliated Hospitals and then became an Instructor at the University of Arizona College of Medicine and a staff physician at the Tucson Veterans Administration Hospital. She has been in solo private practice since 1981 and has served as Executive Director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) since 1989. She is currently president of Doctors for Disaster Preparedness. She is the author of YOUR Doctor Is Not In: Healthy Skepticism about National Healthcare, and the second through fifth editions of Sapira’s Art and Science of Bedside Diagnosis published by Wolters Kluwer. She authored books for schoolchildren, Professor Klugimkopf’s Old-Fashioned English Grammar and Professor Klugimkopf’s Spelling Method, published by Robinson Books, and coauthored two novels published as Kindle books, Neomorts and Moonshine. More than 100 of her papers have been published in the scientific and popular literature on a variety of subjects including risk assessment, natural and technological hazards and nonhazards, and medical economics and ethics. She is the editor of AAPS News, the Doctors for Disaster Preparedness Newsletter, and Civil Defense Perspectives, and is the managing editor of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons.

‘OK, Boomer’ mentality: Academics want to label old age a disease, in case you had any respect left for the elderly

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Frank Furedi:  is an author and social commentator is an emeritus professor of sociology at the University of Kent in Canterbury. Author of How Fear Works: The Culture of Fear in the 21st Century. Follow him on Twitter @Furedibyte
“The scapegoating of the elderly amounts to a form of gerontophobia, which dehumanises the old. Unfortunately, this unflattering representation of the elderly has become normalised to the point that many old people feel culturally isolated and constantly devalued. In my own research of the process of ageing I was struck by the profound sense of alienation and estrangement that many of my elderly respondents communicated to me. In particular they expressed a deep sense of cultural distance from the young.”


‘OK, Boomer’ mentality: Academics want to label old age a disease, in case you had any respect left for the elderly


Prominent academics are pushing for the World Health Organization (WHO) to include old age on its list of diseases. They say it will improve old people’s lives – but in reality, it will give everyone the excuse to write them off.

In their wisdom, 30 experts – from prestigious universities like Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Cambridge Imperial and UCL – have decided that ageing is no longer a normal feature of life. They want the World Health Organization to classify ageing as a disease. This diseasing of old age represents another blow to the moral status of the elderly.

The experts claim that the transformation of ageing from being a natural part of the cycle of life into a protracted phase of illness will ensure that the medical treatment that the elderly receive will improve. No doubt these medics actually believe that they have the best interest of the elderly at heart. But by rebranding the process of ageing as a form of illness these experts unwittingly contribute to the weakening of the moral status of the old and contribute to the ongoing erosion of the authority of adulthood.

Being old is already considered to be an unattractive and undesirable stage of life. The call to diagnose ageing as a form of illness will merely enhance its negative image.


The Corona Virus—1918 All Over Again?

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January 28th, 2020

by Jane M. Orient, M.D.


Clusters of a dozen or so deaths may get nonstop “if-it-bleeds-it-leads” press coverage. But the lack of preparedness for the really, really big threats may be met with virtual radio silence—until panic breaks out.

The worst, possibly existential, threat is the stealthy, invisible one that multiplies exponentially—in the accurate sense of the term: 400 cases today, 800 tomorrow, then 1600, 3200, 6400, 128000, 256000, 512000, and 1.024 million after only eight doubling times. Biological threats proliferate—until they run out of susceptible victims.

In 1918, the great influenza pandemic killed as many people in 11 months as the medieval Black Death did in 4 years. Ultimately, at least 50 million may have perished. Young healthy people, especially young soldiers headed off to the front in World War I, succumbed quickly. To avoid interfering with the war effort, the U.S. government denied and covered up the threat, preventing the implementation of public health measures.

Since then, the world has gotten smaller. A virus that jumps the species barrier from animals to humans in a meat market in China can cross the Pacific in hours. And despite the expenditure of $80 billion on a National Biologic Defense, the U.S. is arguably no better prepared than it was in 1918, state Steven Hatfill, M.D., and coauthors in their new book Three Seconds until Midnight.

As in1918, we lack a vaccine or wonder drugs, but must rely on non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI), and on public health authorities to track and try to contain the spread of infection. More

Big Pharma Doesn’t Want Healthy People

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Dr. John L. Reizer

Author of The Target List novel

Like any business, drug companies want more customers. Unlike any other business, these multinational corporations have the means to create lifelong customers because they can get their prospects chemically addicted to dangerous, synthetic compounds that have been specifically designed for that purpose.

Think about the people in your life that take prescription medicines. You probably know an aunt or uncle that takes a pill to control hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol, or some other chronic condition. Maybe the person you know taking a prescribed drug is a parent or a sibling. Maybe you’re the person addicted to a prescription drug. How long have you been taking the same pill for a medically diagnosed condition? Has it been days, weeks, months or years? Chances are good that the people you know taking prescription drugs have been doing so for an extended period of time. Chances are equally good that the people you know taking medications aren’t planning on kicking their habits anytime soon.

The drug companies are in business to create and sell addictive, chemical products perceived by the members of society to be necessary in order to create a healthy, functioning body. People actually believe, in today’s world, the only way to control diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol is through prescription drugs. The average person doesn’t give much consideration to the idea of getting off the sofa to partake in an exercise program. Most people want instant gratification. They want to be healthy without having to put serious effort into their campaigns. They’d rather take a prescription drug than walk a few miles everyday to improve some flagged chemistry profile that was discovered in a lab test ordered by a physician.


New Hepatitis B Vaccine Studies Show Disastrous Results from Vaccinating All Newborns

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Read the full article at WorldMercuryProject.org.


                               “An earlier study by some of the same authors found that in the decade from 1991–2001, exposure to thimerosal- containing HepB vaccines in the first six months of life resulted in an estimated 0.5–1 million US children being diagnosed with learning disabilities, representing lifetime costs in excess of $1 trillion.”


The Vaccine Program’s Unintended Consequences: A Tale of Two Hepatitis B Studies

by the World Mercury Project Team

In 1991, US public health authorities began recommending that all infants get the hepatitis B (HepB) vaccine, stipulating that they receive three doses within the first six months of life, starting at birth.

The World Health Organization (WHO) followed suit with its own recommendation in 1992, instructing countries to vaccinate from birth even where hepatitis B virus was uncommon.

Two 2018 studies (one in the US and one in India) take a closer look at the outcomes and implications of these blanket prescriptions.

Although the studies focus on different aspects of their countries’ respective vaccine programs, both are cautionary tales, highlighting the fact that one-size-fits-all vaccine recommendations frequently steamroll over important biological risks and immune system subtleties, thereby introducing troublesome unintended consequences.

 U.S. children and taxpayers on the hook

Until the early 2000s, the HepB vaccine in the US contained organic ethylmercury in the form of the preservative thimerosal—totaling 37.5 micrograms across the three doses. More



new-logo25Rebecca Em Campbell


On December 1, 2015, Mike Adams principal of the well-known alternative news website NaturalNews.com, just published a lengthy article touting Seattle-area Attorney James Robert Deal for proposing a lawsuit against forced vaccinations in America. Embedded in Adams’ article is a link to another article published by another well-known alternative news website StateoftheNation.net writing about the same thing on February 26, 2015. The more than nine-month lapse between these articles indicates that Deal Esq. is being praised by Adams for being a lawyer thinking about doing something to stop forced vaccinations, rather than for this lawyer actually doing what he says he is contemplating.

What seems to be glaringly missing from either of these well-known alternative news sites’ reports about Deal Esq.’s proposal for a forced vaccination lawsuit in America is, that this was already done six years ago concerning the most dangerous of these threats: the fraudulent H1N1 influenza pandemic emergency declared by the World Health Organization and the US government in 2009 under the blatantly fascist Bush II administration. That lawsuit was Campbell vs. the United States: Comprehensive Federal Case Against Forced H1N1 Influenza Vaccinations/Medical Martial Law.
Further, the pro se plaintiff of Campbell vs. the United States several times attempted to contact alleged health freedom advocates Mike Adams — to get at least some announcement of this public interest case on his well-known website , and Deal Esq. — for some pro bono help if this federal case to protect the American people and the people of the world ever came to court, she received no acknowledgement from either of them whatsoever – and obviously still does not.
Even further, Adams maintains that Deal Esq. is equally enthusiastic about taking legal action against fluoridation, GMOs and “smart” utility meters. In June 2015, this writer attended an activist meeting to which Deal Esq. came late and left early. He left early when a discussion began about a so-far successful alternative pro se legal action actually being taken to prevent the Seattle city corporate government and its city owned utility from imposing “smart” utility meters on the people of Seattle.
So it would seem that Deal Esq.’s interest in stopping forced vaccinations, fluoridation, GMOs and “smart” utility meters is actually located somewhere in the future, and may be rather selective and superficial in nature. As is Mike Adams’ and the alleged alternative news media’s reporting on pro se legal actions by Americans to stop forced vaccinations/medical law and “smart” utility meters, conveniently omitting any acknowledgement of what so far has been accomplished others on their and others’ behalf, both in the present, and in the recent past.
Campbell vs. the United States: Comprehensive Federal Case Against Forced H1N1 Influenza Vaccinations/Medical Martial-2009
Unpromoted Blog Detailing Exensive Legal and Other Work to Expose/Stop Forced Vaccinations at State/National Level-2009-2011